North County Leader 13th May 2013

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14th May 2013 • Volume 20, Issue 18 • Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin. • Tel: 8•400•200 •

Selfless Act By Swords Girl

County Leader



n extraordinarily generous gesture by a young Swords girl has captured the hearts of many people. Ten year old Emma Wren, who has never had her hair cut, has decided to finally have it cut off and donated to a wig company for use by children affected by cancer. In an exclusive interview with the County Leader, Emma, from Bride’s Glen in Swords, spoke about how the idea came about in the first place. “I go to school at Swords Educate Together National School, and we have a ‘Run for the Cure’ event for cancer every year. I began to understand about the effects of cancer and what it can do.” Then her grand-uncle died from cancer and her nana lost her hair through chemotherapy. “When I saw my nana without her hair, I was very sorry and sad for her. Then I saw a young girl on facebook without any hair, who was suffering from cancer, just like my nana and I felt really sad,” she said. It was then that big hearted Emma decided that she wanted to donate her hair, so that it could

By Patrick Finnegan be used as a wig for children suffering from cancer, who need it. Her mother, Helen advised her to wait a while, as Emma was only ten years old and her hair had never been cut before. Her beautiful long hair is her pride and joy, but her resolve was strong. “After a few weeks, Emma had not changed her mind, so her father, Karl and I agreed to let her go ahead. We then looked into the Rapunzel Foundation and found out how to proceed. A child’s hair is perfect for a child’s wig, as the texture is perfect, unlike adult hair, which is much coarser,” said Helen. Emma will have her hair cut specially by a hairdresser in Raheny. It takes 15 to 20 full pony tails to make a wig for a girl. The cutting will take place in the next few weeks and the hair will be sent to the Rapunzel Foundation in Wexford. This is a charitable organisation, where people commit to growing their hair to help make much needed wigs to improve the lives of those living with the hair loss.

Lusk Residents Still Suffering Last year, an apparent stand-off between the County Council and a property developer caused huge concern for residents in a Lusk estate. Hundreds of residents in the Dun Emer estate were hugely upset that their grass had not been cut for months. Now, almost a year later, the situation remains virtually the same. According to residents the situation has become a matter of “huge frustration” and locals are at their wits end. In July last year, when this matter was originally brought to the County Leader’s attention, Property developer O’Dwyer Nolan was given a list of snags, which when we contacted them, were told they would be taken

care of “as a matter of priority.” However, an email from a very concerned resident informs us that these matters are no nearer to being solved than they were all those months ago. Part of the condition of the council taking over the estate, is that the grass is cut and maintained, and a Deed of Dedication is signed between the council and the developer. This involves the legal transfer of maps from the developer to the local authority and also ensures that there will never be any development on the open spaces. Local man, Gavin Dunleavy says that he thinks O’Dwyer Nolan is purposely blocking this process as they are now

By Jennifer McShane in NAMA and the substantial bond that he would have received from the Council upon completing the take over of the estate will go to NAMA, not him. “I have been told by the local authority that they are awaiting maps from the developer and as soon

Cllr. Ken Farrell

as they receive these maps, the taking in charge process will be

From there, the hair will be transported to New Zealand to be made into the precious wigs, which are really expensive to make, as they don’t come off. In the meantime, Emma is involved with fundraising for cancer through the ‘Run for the Cure’ and “Bun for the Cure’ initiatives. She also has a sponsorship card drawn up for her hair donation and has already collected €500 to be donated to various cancer charities. Emma is understandably Young Emma Wren shows off her beautiful long hair in the company of her apprehensive about it. “I feel mother, Helen. very excited, yet nervous, but I know my hair will be going to a great cause and will help some child who needs it more than me,” said a caring Emma. Her parents, Karl and Helen and her family and friends are rightly very proud of this kind hearted young girl, whose only thoughts are for those worse off than herself. complete. The situation is so frustrating.” Local councillor, Ken Farrell (Lab), who set out to get this matter resolved last year, fully agrees that this delay tactic seems entirely plausible. “This would explain the developer’s delay in allowing the Council to take over the estate and meanwhile it is still the residents who suffer. The Council are more than happy to take

over the public maintenance of the estate, but the deed must be signed by the developer first.” “The grass was cut once last year, but hasn’t been cut or maintained at all in the meantime, which is just unacceptable and such a threat to health and safety,” Farrell continued. “It’s not right that Lusk residents should be the ones to suffer because the developer will not act.”

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