North County Leader 18th October 2011

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Triumph For People Power T

he nine possible locations of the “Super Sewage Plant” have been identified. Of the nine locations, three are in the Ballyboughal area and three in the Lusk and Rush areas. Residents of these areas could learn a lot from the residents of Donabate and Portrane.

By Patrick Finnegan

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18th October 2011 • Volume 18, Issue 30 • Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin. • ISDN 8139966 • Tel: 8•400•200



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Originally, Donabate/Portrane had been earmarked as the likely location for the plant. However, a very vigourous and determined protest campaign by members of the community, including current Mayor, Gerry McGuire, ultimately meant that Donabate was removed from the local authority’s radar for the site. This was a tremendous victory for people power. Many believe the residents of Donabate need to be congratulated for steadfastly resisting attempts to locate the proposed sewage plant on the peninsula. It appears odd that a location that was once deemed suitable, was suddenly discarded in favour of somewhere else. What a victory for People Power! The campaign group Fairshare, which has battled for six years against plans to dump a “Super Sewage Plant” on Donabate/Portrane, has expressed relief that the peninsula is not to County Council.” The campaign group also said be the location for this facility. But the group it would seek to ensure that the marine outfall said, “it was saddened that other locations in pipe for the “Super Sewage Plant” is not the North County are to be saddled with a located at sensitive areas of the North County massive, “Super Sewage Plant” and a huge coastline. orbital sewer. Fairshare has consistently argued County Mayor, Gerry McGuire, a resident of against the concept of one large sewage treat- Donabate was equally stringent in his views ment plant, even taking this argument to the EU when he told the County Leader, “I am opposed to super plants in any location and it makes no Parliament.”. Spokesman, Charlie Weston told the County sense to pump sewage to super dumps. The Leader, “Fairshare has never raised any objec- authorities underestimated the resistance of tion to the smaller plant being built at the the people of Donabate and Portrane and there was a collective sigh of moment in Portrane to relief from the service Donabate, “We object in the strongest Fairshare group in the Portrane, Rush and when Lusk. Every community way to importing sewage from community should treat its own other areas. You’ll be dumped Donabate was taken off the list. To give an waste. But no commuon unless you stand up to the idea of scale, the new nity should be plant will be four times local authority” expected to bear the the size of the existing burden of treating the waste of the population of the entire east coast one in Portrane. I think the entire project could of the country. The name Fairshare comes from have been done in a smaller plant.” everyone doing their fair share. “We object in As a result of this successful campaign, the strongest way to importing sewage from Ballyboughal, Rush and Lusk are now firmly in other areas. You’ll be dumped on unless you the local authority’s firing line. This is certain to stand up to the local authority and the purpose have a massive impact on the local of the campaign was to put backbone into the environment, as sludge which will be treated and ultimately be used for agricultural use has community,” he said. He went on to show his solidarity with areas to be transported elsewhere. Heavy trucks that may now be affected. “Fairshare will aid require large roads, which alone will have a any community that seeks its support to be rid significant impact of this outrageous imposition from Fingal Continued on page 12

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Balbriggan Man Goes Pink For Charity

Lusk School Raises Money For Charity The children of Lusk National School raised over €2,000 for two very worthy causes. Through their summer concert, non-uniform day and cake sales. The money was raised by the 6th class student council, some of whom are now in secondary school. The beneficiaries of the money were Crumlin Hospital and Special Olympics Ireland.

By Peter Kearney Crumlin Hospital was chosen as past pupil, Declan Smyth, was looked after by the hospital until he passed away in April of this year. His father Declan came to the presentation last Wednesday. Sinead Hickey, who is a teacher at the school, said that Crumlin Hospital was chosen

Pictured here are L-R: Rebecca Daly, Roisin Bentley, Daniel Mc Cann, Jonathan Niall and teacher Sinead Hickey from Lusk National School with the funds raised for Crumlin Pic: PK Hospital and Special Olympics Ireland.

by the students themselves after speaking to Declan’s family. She said that they ‘wanted to do something for Declan’ so

after speaking with the Smyth family, the hospital was chosen. Gerry Cully of Crumlin hospital was also present.



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A volunteer in Balbriggan decided to go all colourful and donned a pink wig to gain as much support for charity as possible. Shane Dullaghan was one of the thousands of volunteers supporting the Irish Cancer Society, while raising funds for the “Relay for Life” campaign recently in Balbriggan. “I hadn’t intended to wear the wig originally but now I’m glad I did as I seem to be attracting much more people,” said Shane. It seems it was a winning idea as almost all drivers stopped and made a donation. “I definitely stand out anyway!” he said. Relay for Life is a 24-hour community event which honours all those who are affected Shane Dullaghan by cancer. The Irish Cancer Society hope to bring Relay for Life all around the North County and beyond. As well as raising vital funds to support the Irish Cancer Society’s work, Relay is held to increase cancer awareness, celebrate the lives of survivors and unite communities in the fight against cancer.

Sports Day In Skerries The first weekend of October began with kids sports days in Skerries. The two most notable of these took part at the Skerries Harps GAA Club and the Skerries Community Centre. The Skerries Community Centre hosted an indoor soccer tournament organised by the Scoil Réalt na Mara Parents’ Council. It was the second such day that they have organised and they now hope to make it an annual event. Complete with face-painting and

refreshments for all, the day was held as a fundraiser for the resurfacing of the rear playground. The front playground was resurfaced after last year’s sports day. 150 excited kids took part with their parents willing them on from the sidelines. Undeterred by the weather Skerries Harps GAA club hosted Creachmhaoil hurling club from outdoors. It was a wonderful afternoon of hurling with several under 8 hurling teams taking part and also notable was the number of parents and families involved in the day making it the success it was. Pictured here is mentor Keith Gibney with the Skerries Hurling Club at the recent Sports Day in Skerries. Pic: PK




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Contact Us: North County Leader Leader House, North Street, Swords Tel: 8 400 200

Wacky World

USA Woman Gives Birth After Running Marathon A Chicago woman achieved an amazing double by running a marathon and giving birth on the same day. She went into labour shortly after crossing the finishing line and gave birth to a daughter, June, later that night.

Rush Youth Club Still Going Strong The Forogie Youth Club In Rush continues to go from strength to strength, having just been open for four years. Membership has increased to 70 members all aged between 12 and 18. The club provides a valuable outlet for the community and was also recently involved with the Tidy Towns committee in developing a four metre flower bed for the town. We have no doubt the club will continue its success in the future.

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Advertising ...............................Marian Charles Kristina Beljakova Adrienne Powell Jason Brennan Editorial ....................................Patrick Finnegan Jennifer McShane Printers.....................................MCP - Navan Published by ............................Seel Publishing Ltd.



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North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

Call For Changing Facility At Portmarnock Beach


Inside the issue

Do You Want To Become A Transport Manager?

By Patrick Finnegan

We tell you exactly how to go about it.

All year round swimmers at Portmarnock’s Velvet Strand have called for a small changing room facility in the seafront area. The matter was brought before Howth-Malahide Area Committee meeting recently by local Labour Councillor, Peter Coyle. It was considered that a facility could easily be constructed adjacent to the main steps going down to the beach. There is already existing walls on two sides and a concrete seating arrangement. Coyle brought the situation up at a recent Council meeting and was told, “The Council is aware of the request by local swimmers for changing facilities beside the steps at Portmarnock beach. While the Council is disposed towards providing such a facility,

See story on page 6 >

Portmarnock Lighting Vandalised Low level coastal lighting has been vandalised in Portmarnock. See story on page 9 >

Patronage For New Lusk School To Be Decided Next Year The Minister for Education and Science, Ruairí Quinn, wrote to the council to confirm that a site has been acquired for the Secondary School. See story on page 6 >

Special Recognition For Balbriggan Student A student from Loreto Secondary School, Balbriggan was one of the big winners at the National Career Skills competition held recently. See story on page 12 >


it is estimated that the work required to include block work, roof and door would cost in the region of €10,000 for which no financial provision has been made”. There is a hardcore of around 25 swimmers, mainly women, who swim here all year round. Swimmer and Portmarnock resident, Betty Ennis told the County Leader, “We are coming here for the last 30 years and have nowhere to change and leave our clothes in a safe place. All we are looking for is a secure changing area. Hopefully the council will look favourably on our request,” she said. During the discussion, Coyle queried where the cost figure came from, as there was no breakdown provided. He asked that the Council’s Architect’s Department look at the project and bring forward an appropriate design. The construction and source of funding could be sought at that stage. This was agreed at the meeting. Pictured are Marie Ryan, Berne Hynes, Betty Ennis and Catherine McMahon, members of the determined Portmarnock lady swimmers, who are looking for the County Council to provide them with a shelter at the steps on Portmarnock beach.

has 62 volunteers with 10 volunteers with 20 years or more service. Nationwide there are 1,175 volunteers Volunteers of the Fingal Citizens service to their respective centres. The working. This is one of a number of Information Service who have given over Fingal Citizens Information Service now events due to take place around the country to mark the contri20 years of service to their bution of volunteers to the community have been Citizens Information Service. honoured at a special cereAndrew McCann, mony recently. Each volunDevelopment Manager of teer received a certificate and the Fingal service noted “I a commemorative bowl at am delighted with the recogthe event which was hosted nition of the extensive by the Citizens Information commitment volunteers Board (CIB). The occasion have given to their local was marked by the attencentre. This is the second dance of Minister of State for year of the national volunEuropean Affairs, Lucinda teer awards programme, in Creighton T.D. addition to our local Marie Roche (Skerries), programme, that recognises Maureen Hickey (Swords) and Eileen Allman (Malahide) Pictured at the Volunteer of the Year Awards ceremony are, Maureen Hickey from volunteers who have been all celebrated their awards Swords, Minister Lucinda Creighton and Marie Roche from Skerries. Eileen Allman with the service for 5 years or more.” and recognition of their from Malahide was another local winner, but is absent from the photo.

Wacky World

Local Volunteers Recognised


Wig Maker Caters For Canines A former make-up artist is carving out an unusual new career - as a wig maker for dogs. Ruth Regina is marketing her range of canine hairpieces on her website, Wiggles Dog Wigs.The company's biggest bestsellers are celebrity dog wigs with Lady GaGa the biggest hit with owners.

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North County Living by Caroline Heffernan

Leading The Way For ICS As reported in last week’s edition of the County Leader, River Valley resident, Margaret Harris organised her fifth successful Valley Walk in aid of cancer research. There was a turnout of 68 people despite torrential rain. With October being Breast Cancer Awareness week across Ireland, North County Living felt it was an ideal time to meet Margaret and learn some more about her and the annual event she’s so passionate about. In 2003 aged 49, Margaret decided to go for a health check at the Mater Hospital. “I wasn’t feeling sick or anything I just went along. A lump was found on my breast that needed further investigation and a fortnight later I was told it was cancerous. I was in work that night nursing in St. Brendan’s Hospital, Grangegorman and couldn’t bring myself to tell anyone. I had to get my own head around it first.” Ironically, a few days later, Margaret flew on a preplanned trip to Cyprus on her first walk with the Irish Cancer Society to raise funds for research. Her father was extremely ill at the time and she describes the entire period as ‘horrendous.’ “When I came back from Cyprus I had my surgery, which was followed with chemo and radium, the whole lot!” Margaret’s treatment lasted a year and at the end of it she decided to go on the Irish Cancer Society’s walk in Portugal. “I felt it was closure. I got strength from some place, because I completed the walk. The medical staff in the support jeep would say ‘jump in anytime you want’ and I’d tell them if I had to crawl I was finishing every inch of the 100km,” Margaret laughs. In 2006 she decided to organise a local walk in River Valley to raise funds for breast cancer research. “I’m particularly interested in cancer research. When I had my chemo and radium, a new tablet had just come along called Arimidex and I was really lucky because Tamoxifen, the drug that had been used up to then wouldn’t have suited me.” “People come from as far away as Wicklow Town and Co. Meath to take part in the walk, and we’ve been building on our numbers every year. Despite the torrential rain, we’d close to seventy walkers on 1st October, which was absolutely amazing. The route is short and safe taking just over an hour, but there’s a great sense of occasion. We begin in Peacock’s car park and walk through the valley, which gave River Valley its name and it’s really beautiful.” Walkers of all ages take part and Margaret tells me her granddaughter, Isabelle, who’s almost three, had her wellies on and jumped in every puddle along the way. “Kathleen Hanley, my friend who’s 93 had a sore leg and couldn’t do it this year, but still had a sponsorship card for us. People are amazingly generous, those who couldn’t make it sent money anyway. The generosity of young children of the area is

particularly striking. Luke and Lucy Murphy donated their pocket money, instead of spending it on treats as did their friend P.J. Harris. Two other children, Adam and Sam Linehan also put their own money into the fund and Sam turned down a party invitation to come on the walk instead.” “My own granddaughters, Lauren, Chloe and Isabelle love helping too. Chloe has a whistle and starts off the walk and this year they also helped with the raffle and called the prizes out over the microphone.” Margaret is overwhelmed by the generosity of local businesses. “You wouldn’t want to be coming on the walk hoping to lose weight, as lots of food is donated to sustain us,” she says. “Last year we’d forty raffle prizes provided by local businesses and when I announced in Peacocks they were for sale, two queues formed stretching right across the dance floor to buy them from myself and my husband, Dominick. We’d an amazing response!” After the event, Fiona Peacock provides tea, coffee, cocktail sausages and sandwiches for all the walkers which go down a treat. Margaret credits the great team around her with the success of the occasion. “Kathleen and Anne register walkers on the day and this year, Ellen and John Madden from Drogheda came on board. My neighbour Paul provided a speaker system and Peter Brennan donated facial products for all the walkers. We have other fundraising events too like table quizzes and bucket collections and are planning a Golf Classic for next year. People are so generous,” she exclaims. Margaret is shortly travelling to Beijing with Dominick and thirty other volunteers from across Ireland to take part in the Irish Cancer Society’s Trek4Life walk in aid of their cancer research programme. “We’ve done lots of training and have been up many mountains and hills including the Sugarloaf, the Spink in Glendalough and the hills of Howth. We do the difficult ones, there’s no point doing the easy ones, that’s not training! On our first day in China we walk for seven hours, the second day for six, on day three, it’s five before going back to seven… I didn’t really look after that, I’m in denial,’ she laughs. The 32 walkers have come together through the shared negative experience of cancer, but through adversity have raised vital funds, had fun and met new people. “In 2009, the walkers of Ireland raised close to a quarter of a million euro for cancer research. Research to improve treatment is so important,” she concludes. Margaret will be organising her Valley Walk again next October as part of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and urges anybody interested in getting involved to keep an eye in the local papers or contact her at or (087) 2213605

“A lump was found and I was told it was cancerous. I was in work that night and couldn't bring myself to tell anyone. I had to get my own head around it first.”

Name: Location: Newsworthiness:

Margaret Harris Swords An energetic and enthusiastic driver of the Irish Cancer Society’s message, particularly during Cancer Awareness Week.

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North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

Fears Of Disruption At Dublin Airport

WIN WIN WIN! We have 10 pairs of tickets with the TOP Ideal Home Show and the North County Leader to giveaway!

There are fears of industrial action at Dublin Airport in the coming days, as issues relating to the Aer Lingus and Dublin Airport Authority pension funds come to a head. Airport trade union SIPTU, is threatening to call a mass meeting of all its members, which is bound to cause severe disruption to

services at the airport. Shannon and Cork airports will be similarly affected. A series of coordinated one hour stoppages is planned, which will be designed to cause the maximum disruption. As previously reported in the County Leader, a deficit of €344 million was identified in the pension fund

The North County Leader has teamed up with the Ideal Home Show to offer readers the chance to win one of 10 pairs of tickets to the Show.

Now in its 15th year at the RDS, Ireland's largest home and lifestyle show, The Ideal Home Show takes place this October Bank Holiday Weekend, 28th to 31st. The County Leader has 10 free pairs of tickets to give away. This year's show promises an even better experience for visitors with new areas dedicated to enjoyment and improvement within the home. The Show introduces two new areas dedicated to lifestyle; the Ideal Woman Zone and the Ideal Dinner Parties Zone. The highlight of the Ideal Home Show is always the purpose built Showhouse. This year the Luxaflex® Showhouse will feature products all sourced from Irish companies, so visitors can see what can be achieved on a budget. Opening hours for the show are: Friday, 28th October from 2- 9.30pm, Saturday, 29th October: 10.30am6pm, Sunday, 30th October: 10.30am-6pm and Monday, 31st October: 11am-6pm.

Wacky World


Woman Punches Bear In Nose

To be in with a chance to win simply answer the questions and return this form to North County Leader, Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin. Alternatively email your answer to or log onto Question: What is always the highlight of the Ideal Home Show? Answer: ________________________________________________________________________ Name:_________________________________________________________________________ Phone:_________________________________________________________________________ Home Address: ___________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Closing date for entries: 25th October 2011 Winners must be willing to have their photograph published in North County Leader

An Alaskan woman punched a bear in the nose when it tried to make off with her pet dogs. Brook Collins had let her two dogs, Fudge and Toki, out in her backyard when she saw the bear snatch up Fudge. Acting on instinct, she rushed to punch the bear in the face.

Dublin Fingal Rotary Club held a collection for the Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind at Superquinn in the Pavilions Shopping Centre last Friday and Saturday. Vice President of Dublin Fingal Rotary, Dave Murray said that this was the second time the Charity has held collections in the Pavilions and praised the generosity of shoppers who contributed to the charity. Pictured at Superquinn are Rotary members, Dave Murray, Gerry McInerney and Robert Sinnott.

last March. Union officials fear that this figure is now over €600 million. Merrion Stockbrokers have suggested that if Aer Lingus were to inject a further xxx100 million into the fund, as well as staff members accepting benefit cuts, this may solve the problem. DAA would also need to contribute to the fund. They also suggest that €100 million would approximately equate to the amount that a three month industrial action would cost. Union sources say that €100 million is insufficient. Meanwhile DAA CEO, Declan Collier said the company was “open to exploring potential solutions that may include alternative options for pension arrangements for the future.” This would entail DAA withdrawing from the Irish Aviation Superannuation Scheme and transferring member pensions to a new scheme. They have agreed to a request from the trade unions to examine this alternative.

Christ Embassy Drogheda Women’s Fellowship Presents

ENTHRONED Date: 29th October 2011 Time: 16:00 to 18:00 Venue: Christ Embassy, Drogheda Blindgate House, Bachelor’s Lane, Drogheda. sky channel 588 RSVP: 0870620982 0876611035, 0877792328


IT DOESN’T MATTER, ANYONE CAN BE A WINNER!!! We are offering two great chances to win €50 in cash! There are 2 categories: Children and Adults. One lucky winner will be chosen from each category. 1. Take a picture of who you think has the best Halloween costume! 2. Post it on our Facebook wall ( 3. Email us the original of the picture to with your contact phone number and the location of your picture. Terms & Conditions: You must “like” North County Leader’s Facebook page and post your picture on our wall. You must email your picture with the name of the location to Winners must be willing to be photographed receiving their prize. North County Leader reserve the right to publish your picture in the Newspaper, online or in ancillary publications. Entrants to the childrens leg of the competition must have their picture posted by a parent or guardian.


North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper




North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

Balbriggan Town Council Annual Awards At the Bracken Court Hotel

The Cathaoirleach's Special Award went to "Balbriggan Town Centre Commercial and Retail Chamber Sub Committee"

Balbriggan Brass and Reed Band were presented with a Certificate in recognition of their contribution to the town.

Balbriggan Town Council "Special Awards" went to The Reach Group pictured here with Ray Nugent and Cathaoirleach, Grainne Maguire.

Winners of the Sports Persons of The Year, Aoife Curran and Francesca Balsio are pictured with County Mayor, Gerry McGuire and Cllr's, Peadar O'Kelly and Grainne Maguire.

Community Awards winners, Balbriggan Cancer Support Group.

Pictured are Best Presented Large Housing Estate contenders, 2nd place, Joe Kelly of The Chantries, winners Tom and Peg Fletcher of Tara Court and Anthony Murphy of Flemington Park in 3rd place, with Cllrs. Grainne Maguire and Terry Kelleher.

Mairead McEvoy of "Maireads" winner of "Best Presented Retail Outlet" with Cllr Grainne Maguire at the Balbriggan Town Council Annual Awards.

Pics: Tony Healy

The Balbriggan Formula Fun Committee received an award at the Balbriggan Town Council Annual Awards.

The Community Award for Bravery went to Jesse Cunningham pictured here with Monica Harford.

Íde de Bairtiséil (Balbriggan Town Manager) and Brian Murray (Balbriggan Town Clerk).

Art and Culture Achievement Awards Winners were Balbriggan Community Show Choir, pictured here with Cathaoirleach, Grainne Maguire and Cllr Grainne Kilmurry.

The Franny Hogan Memorial Youth Sport Award went to Adam Foley pictured here with Mayor Gerry McGuire, Eamonn Hogan and Cllr Peadar O'Kelly and Cathaoirleach, Grainne Maguire.

Pictured are Best Presented New Housing Developments winners, Castlelands Court represented by Zoe Nelson, also Jennifer Peters, Liam Deering, Haley Johnson, Paul McGuinness of Clonuske, Chloe Dunne and Cllr. Terry Kelleher.

Maureen McGrady of "McGrady Sweeney Solicitors", winners of "Best Presented Commercial Premises" with Joe Costello and Cll. Grainne Maguire.

Best Presented Small Housing Estate Winner, Chapel Crescent represented by Melissa Sweeney and 2nd place, Market Green represented by Al Fanning.

A Tidy Towns Presentation was made by Joe Troy to the Drama Department of Balbriggan Community College.

Amy McGovern of "Wishes Gifts" winner of The Best Presented Traditional Outlet, presented by Sean Crosson.

Joe English is pictured receiving the award on behalf of AIB, winners of "Best Presented Public Building" from Cllr Larry Dunne at the Balbriggan Town Council Annual Awards.


North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

Portmarnock Coastal Lighting Vandalised

Snippet Knitting Balbriggan Have you ever wanted to master the skills of knitting and crochet. If so, then help may be at hand. Adult knitting and crochet class are being held every Tuesday at Balbriggan Library at 7.30pm.

Cllr. Peter Coyle is pictured with one of the many lights that have been vandalised.

The low-level bollard lights on the popular Coastal Walk between Portmarnock and Malahide were extensively damaged by vandals, according to Cllr Peter Coyle (Lab). He raised the matter at a Council meeting and asked

By Jennifer McShane what action was being taken to restore and improve the lighting. Speaking to the County Leader, Coyle said that for safety reasons the lighting needs to be repaired

as soon as possible: “The lighting needs to be repaired, especially as we are coming into winter. Any walkers who may be out in the dark early mornings will need adequate lighting, its not safe without it,” he said. Lighting along the walkway behind the Martello Tower in Portmarnock needs to be repaired, as street

lighting fails to light up this area. The local authority has instructed its contractor to order and fit new light heads on the unlit bollards on both sections of walkway, but according to Coyle, the lighting should have been fixed long before now. “I first brought

Play in your own Cillian Retains His All Ireland Title Starting from €50 per week

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It may have taken the Dubs 16 years to win back the Sam Maguire, but for Cillian Harford, a young piper with the St.

€599 Let your child be the envy of their friends! The Best Christmas Present Ever - max weight 100kilos - Children aged 3-7 must be supervised

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Rush piper, Cillian Harford is pictured with the Norman McCutcheon Cup.

State of the art Dental Treatment in a relaxed environment Balbriggan Dental Clinic

• Free exam for PRSI patients • Dental Cleaning from €30 • Hygienist appointments • Medical Card patients welcome • Emergency/ Evening appointments • Nervous patients welcome • Full price list on website

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w w w. b a l b r i g g a n d e n t a l . c o m

Maur’s Pipe Band from Rush, it just took him just one year to retain his title as All Ireland Champion. Cillian has won his second consecutive All Ireland solo title, which was held in Dublin recently. Cillian played in the under 16 category and gave an outstanding performance to take the Norman McCutcheon Cup and gold medal. St Maur’s were well represented at these competitions and sterling performances were given by Jack Cummins and Darragh Bollard in the solo piping. The band had a great year, with five new pipers and drummers having competed in competitions for the first time. The future looks really good for the band who will also be celebrating 80 years in existence next year. The winter practices have started, with practice chanter and drum pads on Monday nights with full

Wacky World


Russian Group Jumps On Bandwagon A three-piece Russian band has taken its act on the road - by performing on a motorbike. The Bremen Town Musicians were filmed performing while hurtling down a Russian highway on a bike fitted with a drum kit and guitar amp.

Rollers Verticals Venetians Roman Blinds Wood Slat Wood Shutters Velux


rt of comfon home ow your & FREE G FITTIN Old Blinds refurbished, reversed, rescalloped and repaired made like new. NEW fabric on existing vertical blinds.

Pictured here are: L-R Comedian Noelle Driver, Eric Lalor and Michelle Pic: PK McSweeney at the recent Hilarity for Charity event.

playground this Christmas

Swords Bible Talks The story of Jesus and teachings of God are to be told in a free group every Thursday, from 8pm, in Coláiste Choilm, Swords. The school, located on Dublin Road, is encouraging all to attend, nondenominational talks which will be hosted by speakers, Herbie Jennings and Stephen Landon.


Swords Lady Helps Charity With Hilarity Swords resident Michelle Mc Sweeney and Noelle Driver raised money for the ISPCC and Barnardos. The funds were raised at the Hilarity for Charity event recently. As well as raising money they raised a laugh or two thanks to the comedians who gave up their time for free. There was a host of spot prizes, a raffle, free entrance to the nightclub, face painting and even a Caricaturist! Spot prizes on the night were sponsored by Swords businesses which included a hamper and a €100 shopping voucher. There was also a very special spot prize of a free tarot card reading for the spiritual in the room. All in all, plenty of value for the €20 entrance fee. The money raised will be very much appreciated by the children in Barnardos and the ISPCC that it helps to protect.

the matter to the council’s attention in June and I expected the works to be completed by now. This walkway is extensively used both day and night and I can’t understand the reason for the delay. I will continue to press this matter with the council,” he concluded.



Santa Fe Plantation Shutters Now Available

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North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

Special Recognition For Balbriggan Student A student from Loreto Secondary School, Balbriggan was one of the big winners at the National Career Skills

competition held recently. Deirdre Harford won a prize in the Transition

Year category at the awards which recognised students for career inves-

tigations and displaying clear progress in the identification of careers skills.

Wacky World

USA Cops “Stop Chasing Me” A US man leading police on a high speed chase called 911 to tell pursuing officers they "needed to leave him alone". Deputy Sheriff said police gave chase after the driver refused to stop.

Student Deirdre Harford from Loreto Secondary School in Balbriggan is pictured here with Alison Hodgson, Junior Minister for Education and Skills Ciaran Cannon TD and Eimear Sinnott, Careers Portal, at the Department of Education. Deirdre received her award at the recent National Career Skills Competition.

Update For Swords And Balbriggan Welfare Offices New information has been announced regarding the issue of the planned full local Social Welfare offices for Swords and Balbriggan. Speaking to the County Leader, Cllr Brendan Ryan (LAB) said: “The requirement for space for a full social welfare office in Balbriggan has increased. This means the Department

and the OPW are seeking a new site in Balbriggan and once a new site is identified the process should take a further 12-18 months to complete. With regard to Swords, the Department have told me that the selection of a suitable site is being held up as the Developer has missed several deadlines. Should the Developer withdraw interest in devel-

oping the site, the Department will look for alternative premises in Swords.” “I have been assured by the Department that Balbriggan and Swords are national priorities for the provision of full social welfare offices. I will continue to work on behalf of the many people in the North County who desperately need adequate social welfare services to be provided locally,” he concluded.

Triumph For People Power Continued from page 1 on the rural aspect of the North County. This will just add to the already large volume of trucks rumbling along North County roads on their way to places like Nevitt, Tesco and now to the “Super Sewage Plant”. Mayor McGuire continued, “Already I have received irate messages from people in Ballyboughal, who are firmly against the building of the super plant there. Many are from farming backgrounds and their families have been farming for generations, who don’t want pipelines running through their land. There is definitely a momentum gathering against the plant in Ballyboughal,” he said. Meanwhile, Cllr Tom O’Leary (FG) who represents the Balbriggan Electoral Ward area, where three of the proposed sites are located said, “People from Rush and Lusk will need to

Wacky World

GERMANY Drinks Firm Trademarks F-word A German drinks company has won a court battle to register the F-word as a trademark. Liquor manufacturer EFAG will now enjoy legal protection of the brand name of its 'Ficken' schnapps. But the manufacturer can take solace in the fact that the brand name is now legally protected.

make their views known forcefully. The Department of the Environment, who will fund the project, have no money in the kitty and there must be a more cost

effective way to solve this problem. I don’t welcome the possibility of the plant being located particularly adjacent to either Rush or Lusk,” he said. Ballyboughal based coun-

Deirdre won for her project, using resources supplied on, into nutrition. Speaking to the County Leader, Eimear Sinnott from careersportal said: “Entry levels for the National Career Skills Awards rise year on year and the quality of entrants this year from across the North County and beyond has been of a very high standard. They have dedicated themselves to improving the transferable skills sought after by employers.” Careers Portal also announced the development of a ‘National Work Experience Portal’ which will facilitate students,

cillor, David O’Connor said he sees no sense in the sewage plant being located in the northern part of the county. He told the County Leader, “It should be located

between the flight paths at Dublin Airport, just like at Heathrow, in an area where there is no possibility of housing being built. Baskin would be the ideal location,” he said. The big fear is the odour that the plant will create and this is a big issue,” he said.


schools and employers across the North County to advertise and locate suitable work experiences. The portal is expected to be piloted online in early 2012.



Snippet Alzheimer Clubs The Alzheimer Society of Ireland is hosting new social clubs at Rivervalley Community Centre, Swords, on Mondays from 10.30am to 12.30pm. The clubs provides an informal, flexible and fun opportunity for people with dementia and their carer to meet with other carers in a supported environment. There is no charge to attend and tea and coffee are available.










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North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper


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summer, but they can feel downright uninviting in winter. Switch to area rugs to give toes a warmer feel underfoot. Though patterned area rugs can be purchased, regular carpeting can also be cut into custom size and the edges bound to make inexpensive area rugs in any size you desire.

• General Carpentry • Replacement stairs & handrails • Doors supplied & fitted with locks, standard handles & hinges • Timber Garage Doors • Side Gates supplied & fitted as required Replaced doors & frames taken away free of charge An exciting new all girl trio called Starlight made their first public appearance at Ring Commons Sports Centre recently. Pictured are singers, Jocelyn Moore from Naul, via Philippines, Mary Dunphy (daughter of the late Sean Dunphy) and Jennifer Fullam from Stamullen. The girls play a selection of C/W, folk and popular music and are sure to be a popular act.

Add A Glow Whether you light a fire in the fireplace or just set candles on the coffee table, this flickering light reflects intimacy and warmth. Though lighting a

Pop into our showroom to see our doors, floors & beds on display today or call 8836666

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brick, and rust will have a similar warming effect. Are you stuck with white walls? Go for warm tones in furniture, rugs, and accessories.


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Set cosy warm throws near chairs and sofas. These not only offer lovely colour or pattern, but they will be close at hand to snuggle around chilly knees and feet. Throws are also a wonderful addition to bedrooms.


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Bare hardwood or tile floors may be great for

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Insulate Against Chills Is your favourite reading chair next to a window? You may want to consider adding an insulated window treatment to keep chills at bay. Or, look for a way to move the chair to a warmer spot in the room.



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A Table Quiz will take place in in PSLC, Portmarnock on Friday next, 21st October at 8.00pm It is being organised by Transition year students in Portmarnock Community School who are trying everything to raise money for the charity Action Ireland Lesotho. This charity is set up by the school to help AIDS devastated areas in Lesotho. A group of students, teachers, parents, doctors and nurses are heading off on February 10th. The projects they are undertaking will include educational, medical, building, IT, horticultural, social

etc. The main targets of the aid are a school and a hospital outside Maseru, the capital. Since last July the group have worked hard to raise money, firstly to cover their own expenses and now to fund the project and donate to the cause. Parents, teachers and students have organised a wide variety of events including coffee mornings, bagpacking, fashion show, gala dinner, selling Christmas trees, sponsored walks /swims etc. A table of four costs €40, so make sure to support this very worthwhile cause. To book ring Liam at 087 2696260. Early booking is essential.

Accessorise For Winter Banish the silk floral arrangements of tulips and daffodils. Instead, put out big baskets of birch logs, pine cones, or cosy fleece pillows. Even these small touches will make a room feel season appropriate for winter.

Choose Warm Activities



fire requires basic safety precautions, you and your guests will appreciate the glow and ambience a fire provides.

Charity Table Quiz In Portmarnock

Dig out your family photo albums or play Monopoly by the fire. Roast marshmallows, pop popcorn. These activities are memory makers that the entire family can cosy up to.

The Scent Of Cinnamon Fill your home with the warm scents of winter – apple, cinnamon or pine. Candles, food, and scented sprays are a few of the many alternatives for adding soothing scents to your space and they will give your home a cosy Christmas feeling too.

SWORDS ROAD, BLAKES CROSS, LUSK, CO. DUBLIN T: (01) 895 4748 F: (01) 8954717 Email: Web:

MYLES COALS ORDER NOW BEFORE PRICES INCREASE Supplier of Top Quality Coal Polish Coal . . . . . . . . . . . .€17.00 per bag 3 Bags & 1 Log . . . . . . . . .€50.00 C.O.D 6 Bags & 2 Logs . . . . . . . . .€100.00 C.O.D 10 Bags & 2 Logs . . . . . . . .€160.00 C.O.D Smokeless Mix . . . . . . . . . . €18.00 per bag 3 Bags & 1 Log . . . . . . . . . €52.00 C.O.D 6 Bags & 2 Logs . . . . . . . . . €104.00 C.O.D 10 Bags & 2 Logs . . . . . . . . €170.00 C.O.D

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Tel: 041-9827626 Mob: 0872612048

Pictured here are Claire Lawless and Thomas McShane, both from Swords as they set out to attend their debs.

Wacky World

CHINA Gold Vending Machine Opens In Beijing Mega-wealthy Chinese investors are being given the chance to buy solid gold - from the country's first gold vending machine. The machine - guarded round the clock by security guards - can dispense everything from a two kilogram ingot to a medal or trinket weighing a few ounces.

Snippet Choir Seeks Members If you are from Ballyboughal or surronding area and you can sing or play an instrument, the Ballyboughal Church Choir could so with your services. The choir are resuming rehearsals in the Church of the Assumption, Ballyboughal. New members are very welcome, both singers and musicians.



North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

Malahide Man Wins Photography Contest Twenty year old James Leahy, a native of Malahide and a student at the DIT, has won 3rd prize in a prestigious international photography competition to

raise awareness or epilepsy. James’s photo entitled Fear Of It All finished ahead of over 300 entries from all corners of the world in the International

For Sale 23 Acre Farm Donabate, Co. Dublin

Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE) photo competition “Epilepsy Without Words”. Speaking to the County Leader, James said: “I have always been inter-

ested in design and photography. Since I was diagnosed with epilepsy at 13, it has helped me to express my feeling when I am angry or upset about having epilepsy”. “When I found out about the photo competition through Brainwave – The Irish Epilepsy Association, I knew that I had to enter. “I didn’t expect to win of course, so when I heard that I

had finished third, I was overjoyed,” said James. James’s photo was recently displayed at the International Epilepsy Congress in Rome, an event attended by over 4,500 doctors and epilepsy advocates from around the world. He now plans to continue with his studies in visual communications at DIT and hopes to become seizure free.

Calls For Brackenstown Centre Rejected By Kieran Dunne

Renewed calls to have a community centre facility delivered to the people in the Brackenstown area of Swords have gone unanswered with the Council highlighting the major obstacle of funding as the primary reason for its failure. Swords Manor R e s i d e n t s Association (SMRA), along with local Cllr

Darragh Butler (FF), had attempted to reinvigorate the failed 2009 proposal following the recent earmarking of funds for similar projects in Applewood and Kinsealy. According to the Council, the provision of a community centre for the Brackenstown area remains a priority project of the Community, Culture

and Sports Division despite the lack of funds. Speaking to the County Leader, SMRA chairperson, Joanne Mahon said: “It’s a real shame. It just seems so unfair that other areas seem to be receiving funds to go ahead. The youth in the area would benefit greatly from the centre, with it giving them something to do and focus on.” Local representatives and residents have highlighted their intention to monitor the situation on a continued basis.

Lusk Woman Raises Funds For Charity Pictured is the award winning photograph by James Leahy from Malahide, called "Fear of it All',

For Sale 55 Acres Land Garristown

LOOKING TO EARN EXTRA INCOME? Network Marketing Opportunity An International Wellness Company established over 25 years is currently looking to recruit people in Ireland to expand their business

eborah Sheeran would like to thank everybody in Lusk who contributed to the €725.18 that was raised for the charity Lámha Suas. The money was raised recently in a local supermarket. This charity raises money for school f e e d i n g programmes in Uganda in the Mubende


No risk involved. Don’t miss out.

Pictured here is Deborah Sheeran from Lusk who raised funds for the Pic: PK charity.

For details phone Joe today on 0872457729

9” Pizza + 2 Toppings + Garlic Bread or Potato Wedges or Fries + 1 can

region. The money is much needed in the area as young children walk a total of 18km to and from school every day. Most of them make this trip on an empty stomach.The money raised will go towards a school building project that will help feed the children, purchase cooking materials and start a school garden. There is still a target of €8,500 to be raised, to cover the entire costs of the project, so the building can commence in July of next year.

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16” Pizza + 3 Toppings + Box of Delicious Buffalo Wings, 1 Garlic Bread, 1 Wedges, 3 cans Soft Drink


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REBEL PIZZA, NORTH STREET, SWORDS Drop in and See Us Soon! (Opposite Swords Courthouse)


North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper


Awards Ceremony At Youthreach Balbriggan Youthreach Balbriggan held their first awards evening recently in the Bracken Court Hotel to recognise the achievements of their students. The students received certificates for

By Jennifer McShane courses they completed in FETAC, First Aid and with support agencies including Co. Dublin VEC’s Psychological Support Service, the Balbriggan Community Guards and Songschool. There was a great atmosphere on the night as 14 students accompanied by family and friends, fellow

students and centre staff, received certificates for their various achievements. Also in

attendance at the celebratory event was Dr. Dermot Stokes, National Co-ordinator of the Youthreach programme who spoke about the value of Youthreach and the impact it can have on changing young peoples’ lives. The Cathaoirleach of Balbriggan Town Council, Cllr Grainne Maguire also spoke at the event and warmly congratulated the students and their families and wished them well on their continuation in Youthreach. The students receiving awards at Pictured here are Back Row L-R: Andrew Bentley, Daniel Cudden, Walter the event will continue to attend Badurri, Richie Cunningham, Tyrone Mooney, Megan Kelly, Tahar Youthreach Balbriggan for a Ouchelouche, Christopher Lawrence, Shauna Marry, Marissa Byrne and second year where they will Stephen Lawrence. Front Row L-R: Glen Guildea, Imran Shabir and David progress on to studying for Mooney who all attended the Youthreach Balbriggan Awards recently. FETAC level 4 certification.

Dog Training & Kennelling Residential training in obedience and behaviour problems ie pulling on lead, housetraining, aggression, recall, chewing, jumping up etc also personal protection training. Over 20 years experience,having trained in the UK,USA and Germany. Quailfied master dog SECUTRAINED RITY DOGS trainer, veterinarian + dog shelter recommended. FOR SALE

It’s that time of year again and the office party is looming. But how do you make sure that one night letting loose with your work colleagues doesn’t mean disaster on the career front afterwards? Regardless of the fact that its a night that we can all let our hair down, the Christmas party is still a business event and we still have to watch our business manners. Follow our tips to make sure your the talk of the office for all the right reasons!

Make Sure You Show Up Many people dread the office party but Remember though it’s just one night and not turning up without a very good reason could have you labelled as uncommunicative and not a team player – certainly something you want to avoid being seen as and not too good for the office banter either.

Mind The Dress Code Make sure that you dress appropriately. The office party is not the time to wear an outrageous outfit – unless of course it is fancy dress. You don’t want to risk your professional reputation by your colleagues and bosses talking about what you didn’t wear!

Know The Format Some Christmas parties are also the time to mark key achievements in the year and you might even find there are speeches made and presentations given. Make sure that you are aware of this before the party so that if you are one of the people to be honoured, you have a brief thank you speech ready but remember to keep it brief as your colleagues will want to get back to partying.

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Requires a part-time cleaner for 12.5 hours a week Apply with a C.V. to Chairperson, B.O.M. at above address. Closing Date 28/10/11.

Pictured are the students from Loreto College in Swords who produced outstanding Junior Certificate results. Back row, Principal, Veronica McDermott, Aisling Dignam, Louise Byrne, Chloe Twyford, Caroline Gaul and Vice Principal, Michael Behan. Front row, Gemma O'Rourke, Chloe Quinn, Rebecca Hanlon and Cindy Lou.

Patronage For New Lusk School Patronage for the new secondary school in Lusk will be decided sometime next year, says Brian Arnold of the Lusk Community Council. The Minister for Education and Science, Ruairí Quinn, wrote to the council to confirm that a site has

been acquired for the Secondary School. A date for design and construction has yet to be confirmed but the target date of September 2013 has been set. Brian Arnold, Chairperson of the Lusk Community School, said he was absolutely delighted with the news: “it’s the best bit of news that the Lusk Community Council have receive sinced Lusk was first identified as a Secondary school area in 2006.” Brian Arnold has said that whoever the new

patrons will be, they need to serve the needs of all the parents and children of Lusk. Over the years parents have had to send their children elsewhere for secondary school education. He urged all parents in the area to use their voice in deciding the patronage of the new school. The voice and needs of the parents in the local area will play a significant role when the Minister for Education and Science decides the matter next year.

Become A Certified TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT CPC - WEEKEND COURSES Transport Manager Starts Saturday 5th November

Driver CPC - Special Offer €49

If you want to pursue a career in Transport, unlock your potential, enhance career advancement, up-skill and gain a recognised qualification for life then you should consider a Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) in Transport Management. This Certificate is awarded by the Chartered Institute of Logistics. Some of the topics covered include: Setting Up a Transport Business, Successful Management Techniques, Financial Management, Effective Human Resources Management, Marketing and Sales, Health and Safety Legislation and much more. Approved CPC courses are run at weekends by Tony Hynes who has successfully put thousands of students through the CPC exam and he is starting his next CPC Courses – in the Green Isle Hotel, Dublin on Saturday 5th November. If you wish to obtain further information you can contact Tony at 066-7185556.




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Friday 16th December



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North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

County Club bers Is

Now Online @ www.north countylead with Tony O’Keeffe

Louise Bridgette & Lorraine Markey

Ronan Doolin, Sarah Hagan.

Brian and Arlene Devine.

lona Rúse, Lauma Kantika.

ing party ed to a n i one s delight th i every With ubbers wa riggan. W ne l b o l y C a r , B e d moo Home in to get ev ed be in us music g, it seem ime. t io n infect and danci excellent mas o n p h a u h T ppy ad one h a to wis every ers want Craig a H ou y b e f b e i u p o l o C d A y. We h n a ht. y l g i Kea Birthda d your n e enjoy

Jo Lynch, Laura Lynch, Amy McCaffrey, Olivia Behan.

Kieran Boland, Damien Ruane.

Ciaran Murphy, Martin Taylor, Stephen O'Reilly.

Tara & Jamie Cawley

Des Cannon, Jamie Cawley.

Laura Eagers, Alan Morris, Adeie Warburton, Naomi Tyndall. Thomas Keally, Sean Murphy.

Paul White, Karen White, Samantha Gerrand.

Tracey Harford, Laura Cannon.

Fiona McNamara, Laura Ryan, Cathal Moore.

Sarah Malarkey, Ciara Dwyer, Rachel Goslin, Kathlyn Beatty, Holly Monks, Emma Reid.

James Lally and Edith Gallagher.

Darragh Roche, Darragh Quinn.

Damian Daly, Joe Brannigan, Mark Heffernan.



North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

The Tesco Pumpkin Harvest is now in full swing and this Halloween, Tesco expects to sell over 73,000 Irish pumpkins in its stores around Ireland, all of which have been grown near Dundalk by Van Dijk Nurseries. The Irish are becoming fonder of pumpkin soup, as almost half of the pumpkins Tesco sell will be culinary pumpkins! Pictured giving Bruce Bentley, from Van Dijk Nurseries, a helping hand at the annual Tesco pumpkin harvest are Danielle Evans (6) and Josh Holden (6).

Winter Warmer Deal The award-winning Courtyard Restaurant

2-Course Early Bird Offer Starter & Main Course only €13.95 Valid Mon-Thru 5.30-7.30pm till 30th Nov '11.

Meet with colleagues, friends or family for a long lunch or gourmet dinner over the festive season.

2-Course Lunch €15.95 3-Course Dinner €19.95 Booking essential

Carnegie Court Hotel, North St, Swords Ph: 01 8 404 384 Email:

Eagerly Awaited Play In Skerries Skerries Theatre Group presents “Doubt, a Parable” in the LittleTheatre, Skerries which runs until Saturday next, 22nd October at 8pm. This Pulitzer Prizewinning play by John Patrick Shanley is set in aschool in the Bronx in 1964. Sister Aloysius (Ethna McQuillan) learns from young Sister James (Noeleen Russell) that Father Flynn (Colin Grimes) may have given altar wine to one of the young boys. She confronts the chaplain on the matter, as well as summoning the boy’s mother (Yinka Parm). Her investigations lead to a dramatic, if unexpected conclusion Tickets from Skerries Bookshop are €12/€10 (including voucher for a glass of wine at the interval).


nights 2011 t .VMMFE XJOF PO BSSJWBM



Demonstration Night At Rush Karate Club


The newly established Rush and Lusk Karate Club, based at Rush FC Clubhouse, will be holding a special demonstration night for the visitng members of the Lusk Youth Club this Wednesday, 19th October at 8pm. Youth club members will be taught self defence and the club black belts will be demonstrating Karate techniques. All are welcome.



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Northwood Park, Santry Demesne, Santry, Dublin 9



North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

'Girls Night Out' In Malahide


Jan 20 - Feb 18

Problems relating to a financial issue or arrangement will surface early in the week, and you would be wise to let the matter simmer for a while longer before deciding what to do. Professional advice might be a good move.


Feb 19 - Mar 20

If criticism arises, view it as constructive and you will be in a stronger position to influence and impress later in the week. You are held in high regard, so do nothing rash to jeopardise your reputation.


Come see the Mums and Dads of Malahide strut their stuff on the catwalk! There will be a Girls Night Out with Giggles and Smiles Photography on Wednesday 19th October, from 8-10:30pm in The Grand Hotel in Malahide. There will be an exciting evening of fashion shows, mini treatments and demonstrations on how to look and feel absolutely fabulous! The event will raise funds for the

schools of Malahide. All profits from the event will be donated to their school of choice. Following the success of last year’s event, which raised over €4000 for local schools, Tanya Crosbie of Giggles and Smiles Photography said “After seeing the funds put to such immediate benefit for the students in the schools I am delighted to host the event again this year.”

Diabetes/Kidney Disease Volunteers Required A company called Human Care Systems is looking to conduct interviews with patients all over the North County and beyond who have Type 2 diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease during the first week of November. They are looking to find more

Mar 21 - Apr 20

With confrontation focusing on relationships you must avoid antagonising allies, rivals and opponents in the weeks ahead. The winds of change are blowing, but it is up to you to ensure they blow in your favour.


patients to volunteer and participate in the interviews. They are seeking volunteers with Type 2 Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease to participate in patient interviews and the Interviews will last three hours. The interviews will take place in patient's home, and all information shared will be completely confidential. Volunteers will receive €160 for participation. If interested call: 1-800-553549 or email:

Wacky World

SCOTLAND Curry Contest Puts Diners In Hospital A chilli eating challenge landed two people in hospital after competitors started writhing on the floor, vomiting and fainting. Emergency services had to be called to the curry-eating challenge at Edinburgh's Kismot Restaurant. One participant had to be taken by ambulance to the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary twice in a matter of hours.

Apr 21 - May 20

Don’t waste time on complex business plans, when the chances are that they will be overtaken by events shortly. Better to concentrate your energy on something less demanding but more immediately rewarding.


May 21 - Jun 20

A business associate or loved one could suggest that you are failing to live up to their own high standards this week. It is more likely to be their unrealistic expectations which are to blame.


Jun 21 - Jul 22

Given that certain people are relying on you to provide material, emotional or moral support, and that this is the perfect moment to provide it, do so now and you will feel better about having fun later.


Jul 23 - Aug 23

You will be tempted to share a secret with someone you believe you can trust. Whether the confidence is your own or someone else’s is immaterial: the fact is that once it is aired it is likely to become public knowledge.


Aug 24 - Sep 22

Relatives and loved ones are liable to be unforthcoming and uncooperative, and your natural reaction will be to give them short shrift. It would be a mistake to say anything which could bring regrets or recriminations.


Sep 23 - Oct 22

Suddenly, your confidence will soar, and you will take in your stride even those things which seemed impossible a short while ago. However, you must be careful not to undermine the efforts of those around you.


Oct 23 - Nov 22

Before you start sharpening your claws this week, spare a thought for someone who is still trying to come to terms with a recent disappointment or loss. A week to show some compassion to one in particular.


Get A Glow With Microdermabrasion According to local beauty business, “Oceana Health & Beauty”, Crystal Clear

Overseas Property Wanted *Bulgarian *Hungarian *Spanish *Turkish Properties Call 01 4847033

Microdermabrasion was conclusively proven to dramatically and visibly improve the texture and appearance of the skin, reducing and smoothing fine lines and wrinkles, producing smoother and more rejuvenated skin. Oceana Health & Beauty are the only salon in the North County that specialises in the celebrity-lauded Crystal Clear Microdermabrasion. Scientifically proven, microdermabrasion provides stimulation of

Health&Wealth Are you interested in: Maintaining a healthy body Using non-toxic cleaning products at home and/or Earning EXTRA monthly income If you have answered yes to any of the questions above, please contact Joe on:


Nov 23 - Dec 21

Although you are constantly on the go, your backlog appears to be growing, and with it your feelings of frustration and guilt. However, with a little patience you should be able to come to grips with most of your tasks.


Members of Rush Senior Citizens are pictured before they set off on their trip to Galway recently. The Kandy Kabin, newly opened shop provided bags of sweets to each of the group travelling on the bus before they left for Galway.

Dec 22 - Jan 19

It would be a mistake to take anything at face value this week - especially on the home front. It is what others do rather that what they say which will provide clues to their motives and intentions.

EXTRA INCOME FOR CHRISTMAS Become an Avon representative Free delivery Free training Earn 21.6% commission off everything you sell


Start today and earn for Christmas Call Laura on 085 1541885. Email:

fibroblasts for collagen reproduction and rejuvenation of the overall skin with improved tone, elastically and muscle tone. Microdermabrasion promotes youngerlooking, healthier skin and is effective on: minor surface scars, slight pigmentation, acne prone skin, sundamaged skin, the prevention of fine lines and wrinkles, congested skin with open pores and blackheads. The treatment is suit-

Charity Coffee Morning In Balbriggan St. George's Parish in Balbriggan are running a Coffee Morning and Raffle in order to raise funds for Balbriggan Meals on Wheels in the run up to the busy Christmas period. The coffee morning will take place on Wednesday, 26th October from 10.30 am until 12.30pm at St. George's Parish Hall (The Band Room), behind Old St.George's School on Hampton Street. All are welcome and a Raffle will be held also with the draw taking place at 12.30pm at the end of the event.

able for men and women; all skin colours and skin types in reducing moderate early aging signs of lines and wrinkles. Patch testing is required to insure no complications. Call Oceana Health and Beauty Spa on 018283901 for pricing and consultation.

My car is sitting at the office all day and it needs a service

I wish they would service my car between school runs

I have to take the day off work to get my car serviced




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Station Road, Lusk Tel: 01-8437085 *subject to terms & conditions


North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

North County


Classifieds For Sale

North County Leader - County Dublin’s biggest and best read newspaper, has the above vacancy in its Advertising Department. Ideally we are seeking a candidate with previous experience of advertising sales and have the ability to manage a territory. Candidates should be hard working, conscientious and have the ability to work well in a team environment. An attractive salary, together with a rewarding commission structure, and where relevant, a car allowance is on offer.

If you think you measure up, send your CV, for the attention of Gerry Fitzmaurice, North County Leader, Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin or email:

2 SEATER Setee + matching armchair as new high quality fabric mink colour, €300 for both. ph: 0876235076 / 8958944 FRIDGE, 55in x 22in. Good working order. €50 o.n.o. Balbriggan area. Ph: 0863140082 PINK ballet pumps size 10, €7. ph: 0863642742 PORTMARNOCK Community School jacket in good condition size 36, €10. ph: 0863774492 OAK STYLE farmhouse kitchen table. Plus 6 matching chairs. Good condition. Size 6ft by 3ft. Quick sale €80. Ph: 0872805648 WEDDING DRESS for sale.2010 collection, excellent condition €500. Ph: 0879003466


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AUDI A3 1.9TDI SPORTS-BACK Adjustable Steering Wheel, Air-Con, Alloys, CD Player, 2009 , 55,000, 1.9, €16,900

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BMW 5 SERIES 520d Adjustable Steering Wheel, AirCon, Alloys, CD Player, 2008, 90,000, 2.0, €17,950

FORD MONDEO TDI 125 bhp ZE- TEC Adjustable Steering Wheel, Air-Con, Alloys, CD Player, 2008, 55,000, 1.8, €12,900

FORD MONDEO 2.0 EDGE Adjustable Steering Wheel, AirCon, Alloys, CD Player, 2008, 75,000, 2.0, €9,900

AUDI A4 1.9 TDI 130 BHP Adjustable Steering Wheel, Air-Con, Alloys, CD Player, 2003, 111,000, 1.9, €5,500

BMW 5 SERIES 520 SE Adjustable Steering Wheel, AirCon, Alloys, CD Player, 2005, 105,633, 2.2, €8,500

CITROEN C4 1.4i Adjustable Steering Wheel, Air-Con, Alloys, CD Player, 2006, 58,409, 1.4, €4,500

FORD FOCUS 1.8 TD -CI Adjustable Steering Wheel, AirCon, Alloys, CD Player, 2008, 80,000, 1.8, €9,900

FORD GALAXY 1.8 TDCI Zetec Adjustable Steering Wheel, Air-Con, Alloys, CD Player, 2009, 65,000, 1.8, €19,900

FORD MONDEO GHIA Adjustable Steering Wheel, Air-Con, Alloys, CD Player, 2004, 100,000, 1.8, €3,500

FORD MONDEO LOOK!!!!!!!!!!!! Adjustable Steering Wheel, Air-Con, Alloys, CD Player, 2003, 95,000, 1.8, €2,500

HONDA FIT LOOK LOOK........ Adjustable Steering Wheel, Air-Con, Alloys, CD Player, 2003, 52,817, 1.3, €4,950

HONDA STREAM 1.7 7 SEATER Adjustable Steering Wheel, Air-Con, CD Player, 2003, 32,933, 1.7, €6,450

HYUNDAI SANTA FE 2.2 CRDi 2WD Adjustable Steering Wheel, Air-Con, Alloys, CD Player, 2007, 75,000, 2.2, €13,950

KIA CERATO 1.6 Adjustable Steering Wheel, CD Player, Drivers Air Bag, 2006, 80,778, 1.6, €3,950

LEXUS IS220 Diesel 175 BHP Saloon Adjustable Steering Wheel, Air-Con, Alloys, CD Player, 2007, 70,000, 2.2, €11,900

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PEUGEOT 307 1.6 CC Adjustable Steering Wheel, AirCon, Alloys, CD Player, 2005, 72,000, 1.6, €4,995

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RENAULT GRAND SCENIC 1.6 7 SEATER Adjustable Steering, Air-Con, Alloys, CD Player, 2006 , 60,894, 1.6, €5,900

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SUBARU IMPREZA 1.6 LOOKME Adjustable Steering Wheel, Alloys, CD Player, Drivers Air Bag, 2006, 34,797, 1.6, €5,995

SUZUKI LIANA 1.3 4 DR Adjustable Steering Wheel, Alloys, CD Player, Drivers Air Bag, 2006, 43,682, 1.3, €3,950,

SUZUKI VITARA 1.6 Adjustable Steering Wheel, Alloys, CD Player, Drivers Air Bag, 2005, Dealer, Dublin, 72,700, 1.6, €4,500

VW PASSAT 1.9 TDI 105 SE Adjustable Steering Wheel, Air-Con, Alloys, CD Player, 2008, 85,000, 1.9, €10,750

VOLVO V50 - D5 AUTO ESTATE Adjustable Steering Wheel, Air-Con, Alloys, CD Player, 2006, 64,001, 2.4, €8,950

RENAULT CLIO 1.2 Adjustable Steering Wheel, Alloys, CD Player, Drivers Air Bag, 2002, 100,000, 1.2, €1,500

HONDA FIT 1.3 AUTO Adjustable Steering Wheel, AirCon, CD Player, Drivers Air Bag, 2002, 57,788, 1.3, €4,500




North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

Charity Weight Loss Competition



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A charity weight loss competition was launched recently in Ring Commons Sports in Balbriggan. Over 50 people came along to support the Balbriggan Cancer Support Group. The competition was organised by Richard Finnegan, the manager of the football team in Ring Commons Sports. All funds raised on the night and from the overall competition will go to Balbriggan Cancer Support Group. The first weigh took place on the

Pictured here from L-R are: Robert Gorman from ProFitness Gym Balbriggan, Marie Dunne, Sandra Cannon, Carol Reilly, Ann Bissett and Tina Kelly who are taking part in the event to raise funds for Balbriggan Pic: RN Cancer Support.

night and the organisers will keep the record of the combined weight of each team during the

Family Notices

GRAY David Brian Gray Eldest son of Brian and Janet Gray (nee Bain) formerly of Hawick, Roxburghshire, Scotland currently Donabate and Patricia Veronica Gray (nee Keena) youngest daughter of Patrick and Maureen Keena (nee Weir) formerly of Clonshaugh. A daughter born on 22nd September, 2011 at the National Maternity Hospital, Holles Street, Dublin, Named ISLA CEITIDH KEENA GRAY.


Last Weeks published deaths from the North County ADAMS (Lusk) Ans (Ann); dearly beloved wife of Joe and dear mother of Nicole, Stephanie and Claire; remembered with love by her family and her beloved grandchildren Aaron and Amy, sons-in-law, family circle and many friends. MAYOCK (Lusk) Mary (Mollie); beloved wife of the late Patrick (Paddy) and dearest mother to Breda, Kathleen and the late Molly and Margaret, she will be very sadly missed by her daughters, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, son-in-law, nieces, nephews, relatives, friends and neighbours. WALL (Sutton) Kevin; beloved husband of Betty and treasured father of Lisa, Ken and Kathy and adored grandfather of Ryan, Zara, Lauren, Jack, Ella, Kian and Max; he will be sadly missed by his family, sons-in-law Brian and Justin, daughter-in-law Suzie, his nieces, nephews, extended family and a huge circle of friends.

competition. For the next 10 weeks, a weekly weigh will be organised every Thursday. Individual and team weight loss will be recorded and percentages weight loss will be calculated as well. The participants will receive nutritional advice and will also be trained by specialists. “It is a great opportunity to lose some weight for Christmas with the support of your team while making some much needed money for a wonderful local charity.” said the organiser Richard Finnegan. The team with the highest percentage of overall weight loss will win. The winning team will be announced on December 15th.

CURRAN (Balbriggan) Sean; husband of the late Veronica; deeply regretted by his loving son Roland, daughter Belinda, brother Jimmy, daughter-in-law, nieces, nephews, relatives and friends. KELLY (Rush) Frances; beloved wife of Jackie, loving mother of Roma, Pat, Sean and Martin and devoted nana to Stephen, Neil, Rachel, David, Robbie, Ned and Ali; deeply regretted by her loving family, sisters Rose and Agnes, daughters-inlaw, son-in-law, partners, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, nephews, nieces, extended family, neighbours and friends.

You who solved our problems light all rose for that I can attain my goals. You who give me the devine gift to forgive and forget all evil against me and in all incidents of my life you are with me. I want in the short prayer to thank you for all things as you confirm once again that I never want to be separated from you. In spite of all material illusions, I wish to be with you in eternal glory. Thank you for your mercy towards me and mine. This novena must be published after third day. Never fails. M.D

Prayer Publication To have a prayer published in North County Leader simply: (1) Go to our website: and click the Prayer Publication link (2) Call into our offices at: Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin and we will be happy to assist you (3) Phone us on: 01-8400200

No. 1 Local Newspaper


North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

PLANNING APPLICATIONS Fingal County Council Planning permission is sought by Norma Hogan at the Grange, Malahide, Co. Dublin for a two storey four bedroom dwelling, vehicular entrance, bio-cycle waste-water treatment unit and percolation area, landscaping and all associated site works. The planning application may be inspected or purchased a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority (County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Co. Dublin) during its public opening hours (9.30-16.30 Monday to Friday). A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the Planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee (€20) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application. Fingal County Council I Philip Tyrrell intend to make an application for planning permission for alterations to the previously approved parent permission F06A/1576 & subsequent permissions F08A/0313 & F11A/0206. The alteration consisted of the removal of a first floor window on the East elevation and the inclusion of an equally sized window on the first floor South (rear) elevation all on a 0.06 Ha site at Plot 4, Streamstown Wood, Streamstown Lane, Malahide, Co. Dublin. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices off the planning authority during the public opening hours of 9.30-16.30 Monday to Friday at Fingal County Council, Fingal County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Fingal, Co. Dublin. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of a fee of €20 within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by Fingal County Council of the application. Fingal County Council Jakobi Properties Ltd. intend to apply for planning permission on lands at Drogheda Street, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin. The development will consist of the construction of 4 no. two storey three bedroom semi detached houses, associated car parking spaces, new vehicular entrances from Drogheda Street, private rear gardens, all associated boundary treatments and ancillary site development works. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (20 Euros) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application. Fingal County Council Planning permission is sought to demolish existing single storey lean-to (utility room) to side comprising 26.1msq, and to build new single storey extension to side comprising 40.7msq with tiled roof over, 1 No. velux rooflight to front, 3 No. velux rooflights to side, and 1 No. velux rooflight to rear. Permission is also sought to extend existing hip roof over existing single storey to northern side of existing dwelling together with new timber shed (non-permanent structure) for storage to the front of the site, at Medino, North Beach, Rush, Co. Dublin for Dermot & Eithne Coakley. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of Fingal County Council, County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Co. Dublin. During it’s opening hours, Monday to Friday from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee of €20.00 within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application. Fingal County Council Permission is sought by Louise Bathe to expand the original extension at the rear of the property with a c21 sq mtr single story structure. To remove existing flat roof over previously extended kitchen area and incorporate pitched roof containing 4 No. skylights tied in at right angle to existing, at 98 Seaview, Portrane, Nth Co. Dublin. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the authority in writing on

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Tuesday, 25th October NING : 21ST O CT

payment of the prescribed fee (20Euros) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of this application. Fingal County Council Planning Permision is being sought for new signage at 4 Main Street, Malahide, Co. Dublin for Malahide Credit Union. The application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of Fingal County Council during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the Planning Authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the Planning Authority of the application. Fingal County Council Planning permission sought by Gillian Coleman at 22 Hoar Rock, Skerries, Co. Dublin to raise the existing ridge height and construct a first floor extension to the rear. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours and submission or observation may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (20Euros) within the period 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of this application. Fingal County Council Planning Permission is sought by Michael and Mary Whelan for alterations and extensions to side and rear of dwelling to include one and a half storey granny flat extension, and for waste water treatment system to replace septic tank at Tobersool, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin. This planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee 20 euro within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of this application. Fingal County Council Planning Permission is sought by P. O’Brien for alterations and extension to existing two storey house and change of use of part of ground floor to office at Main Street, Rush, Co. Dublin. This planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee 20 euro within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of this application. Fingal County Council We V & M Keating intend to apply for planning permission at Site 3, Long Acre, Church Road, Malahide, Co Dublin for 1 no. dormer/ 2 storey 4/5 bedroom house with detached garage located to rere/ east of Church Cottages with shared access from 1 Church Cottages, Church Road, Malahide. This application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of Fingal County Council Planning, Fingal County Hall, Main Street Swords (opening hours Monday to Friday, 9.30am 16.30pm - through lunch) and a submission or observation may be made to the Planning Authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application. Fingal County Council Planning Permission is requested for retention of elevational changes to existing dwellinghouse (permitted under reg. ref. no.F00A/0835). Changes include new front porch, revised location and dormer windows design to front elevation and new dormer window to rear elevation. At:- Newtown, Ringcommons, , Co. Dublin.. Signed:- Karen Domigan This planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of Fingal County Council, County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Co. Dublin between the hours of 9.30am – 15.30pm Monday-Friday. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to Fingal County Council on payment of a fee of €20 within the period of five weeks beginning on the date of receipt of the application by Fingal County Council.

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