North County Leader 18th December 2012

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18th December 2012 • Volume 19, Issue 41 • Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin. • Tel: 8•400•200 •

Christmas Magic Fills The Air Over Ardgillan

Last week in the County Leader, we received many excited phone calls from local residents who spotted what looked like strange, exotic animals at Ardgillan Demesne outside Skerries. Some said that they looked like Highland Cattle, whilst others were adamant they were deer. Naturally, we were very intrigued by this and sent our reporter, Patrick out to investigate further.

By Jennifer McShane When he arrived, it was very difficult to see anything, such was the dense fog that surrounded the area. It was dusk and he knew it wouldn’t be too long before the darkness made it impossible to see anything. He was numb with the cold and was just about to give up, when suddenly, he saw a bright red light seemingly floating through the fog. As he strained his eyes and walked closer to get a better look, he suddenly realised that this ‘red light’ was in fact a large nose and that it belonged to Santa Claus’s beloved reindeer, Rudolph! As he looked on in awe and disbelief, the six other reindeer slowly emerged from the fading light. Nibbling on carrots and frolicking to and fro, they seemed at ease and there was no doubt of the magic that filled the air around them. “It is well and truly Christmas time,” he thought happily. Our very wise reporter knew that this could only mean one thing: surely Santa himself had to be very close by. After all, the North County is not famous for its reindeer, so they must surely have

been there for the sole reason of assisting Santa on Christmas Eve. Patrick frantically called us here in our offices in Swords and asked us to do more research on this. We know that Santa has many helpers that assist him around the North County, so we wanted to be sure if the jolly man himself was here or was it possibly one of his helpers? We couldn’t be certain, so it was time to make a special phone call. After a few attempts, we managed to get in touch with our contact in the North Pole, who confirmed that yes, it was Santa himself! We were told that Santa was doing his rounds before setting off on Christmas Eve, and checking on the behaviour of all the boys and girls around the North County. All the children will be thrilled to know that Santa was delighted with all of them; he knew that they have been on their best behaviour all year, and will be in for a surprise or two on Christmas morning. We were also left with very specific instructions to pass on to all the good boys and girls in the North County: he wants you to be in bed nice and early on Christmas Eve and continue to be on your best behaviour right up to Christmas Day. He has received all your letters, and is currently looking over all the lists. Mrs Claus and all the elves are very busy, working to make all the toys and placing all the presents into his special sack. He also reminded us that his reindeer love carrots, and if they can have one or two throughout the night, it keeps them wide

awake and full of energy. Back at Ardgillan, Patrick was eager to try and get a glimpse of the white bearded man in the famous red suit, and after taking a quick snap of his Reindeer helpers, he set about looking for Santa’s sleigh. After searching, without any luck, he figured that Santa had cleverly hidden it away so as to keep it safe - he simply couldn’t be without it on Christmas Eve! He was just about to give up and go home, when he noticed something he hadn’t seen before. On the door of the castle, there was a message written especially for the children of the North County from Santa himself! Here’s what it said: “Ho Ho Ho! I just wanted to write a little message to all the wonderful children in the North County, before I set off on my trip around the world to deliver all the presents. Myself and all my talented elves have been preparing all year for the special night and are busy putting the final touches to all the toys. My lists have

been checked twice and I hope you are all going to continue to be on your best behaviour for your parents. All you have to do is go to bed early and I would be so happy if something tasty was left out as the reindeers and I love treats! Merry Christmas!! Ho Ho Ho” .... Love Santa. As our intrepid reporter left the castle grounds, he heard some distant bells and turned around only to see Santa’s sleigh silhouetted in the night sky. What a sight it was, as the reindeer danced through the dark sky bringing Santa back to the North Pole, to get the presents ready for all of our well behaved children. Here in the County Leader, we were thrilled to pass on Santa’s message to all our readers and wish you all a very Happy Christmas. And remember children: Santa has his eyes and ears open and will be watching all over Christmas. Be sure to be on your best behaviour and be in bed early on Christmas Eve.

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