North County Leader 21 May 2013

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21st May 2013 • Volume 20, Issue 18 • Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin. • Tel: 8•400•200 •

Call For Regulation Of Cash For Gold Shops Well known, popular Balbriggan jeweller, Anthony Murphy, whose jewellery shop, Goldsmith Jewellers on Drogheda Street in the town was robbed last Friday week, has lashed out at the lack of regulation related to Cash for Gold outlets. By Patrick Finnegan He spoke to the County Leader about the ease with which thieves can get rid of their illgotten gains through Cash for Gold shops and has called for legislation to regulate how these shops receive gold that has been stolen. “Up to now, thieves had been targeting laptops and computers, but found it difficult to get a ready made market for these. But with the jump in the price of gold, Cash for Gold shops have provided thieves with an opportunity to offload stolen gold. Indeed, some companies provide postal services for gold to be exported to the UK and other countries. The crux of the problem is that there are too many easy ways to offload gold. In the near future, if the price of gold returns to it’s original value, Cash for Gold shops will cease to exist.” he said. The County Leader spoke to the Secretary of Retail Jewellers Ireland, Damian Duggan, who fully supported the stance taken by Murphy, when he said, “I have a sign in my shop saying that I don’t buy gold. I’d feel very stupid if someone who robbed my home and then came into my shop to sell me my own jewellery back. The lack of regulation pertaining to Cash for Gold shops is the main reason I don’t buy gold from anyone. We have spoken to the government and proposed a very simple solution to the problem. They should replace Cash for Gold shops with Cheques for Gold ones, where they are paid by cheque. This would immediately solve the problem of thieves looking for immediate cash. They would need to have a bank account and wait until the cheque is cleared. That goes for all metals and all it needs is a stroke of a pen by Government,” he said. Another bone of contention for Murphy is the perception of how criminals are treated. He said, “This is the second time in eight weeks that I have been robbed and on both occasions

the robbers were caught, due in the main to about the generosity of the people of the great work of the gardai. I feel very vulner- Balbriggan in the aftermath of the robbery. able and am hard-pressed keeping my busi- “Both my wife, Geraldine and I have been ness open. I’m really annoyed that my taxes overwhelmed, but not surprised at the offers are being paid indirectly to pay for free legal of support and physical help and I’d like to take this opportunity aid for the very people to to thank the people that are putting my of Balbriggan for their business in jeopardy, wonderful kindness and more importantly, and support they have my family and staff in shown us,” he said. danger,” he said. Meanwhile, the “The thieves who County Leader spoke robbed my shop were with the proprietor of reprimanded by the a local Cash for Gold gardai soon after the shop, who was also robbery, but what irrianxious for regulation tates me most is that to be introduced. they will not be dealt Gavin Byrne, who with there and then. operates International The time gap between Gold Exchange in being caught and a Swords said, “We court hearing taking need proper regulaplace means that they tion from Government. will be out on bail for I run a legitimate busithat time, which could ness here and I list all be months, even of the gold I buy and more. In that time, sell and I have an they may commit expensive software further crimes and the system in the shop. If impression I have is Balbriggan jeweller, Anthony Murphy is pictured outside I’m not satisfied with a that they will get a his premises, where the robbery took place. client, I will refuse to concurrent sentence for their latest crimes, instead of a consecutive do business and turn them away. Proper legislation will clean up the business and put the one. This effectively gives them a clear run to commit offences, with no disincentive to think dodgy shops who give us a bad name out of twice about their actions,” he said. He spoke business,” he said.

SUMMER FASHION TO SUIT ALL TASTES The Heart Of Shopping In Balbriggan

Portmarnock Scouts Discover Love Message In Bottle

Pictured here are Aoife Whyte and Megan O’Connor from Portmarnock Scouts after discovering the message in a bottle.

Portmarnock scouts, Aoife Whyte and Megan O’Connor recently made a very exciting discovery on their camping trip. They found a bottle containing a message during a recent night-camp on Portmarnock beach. Unsure of what to do, they brought it to their scout leader, Peter O’Kelly who decided to open the bottle.

By Jennifer McShane It turned out it contained a photograph of an elderly couple, on the back of which was written a dedication of love and heartbreak. The man in the photo had dedicated the note to his departed wife. There was also a small, gold religious medal and another small note which spoke of his sadness and loss of his wife, Margaret who he referred to as his ‘Peggy-Sue and how he missed her so much. “Wherever you sail in the world my love, as promised, I will always be with you,” the note said. The note was dated 31/11/12 and the only indication of where it came from was the word “Liverpool.” Scout leader, Peter O’Kelly spoke to the County Leader about the mysterious discovery: “This is such a poignant story, so we thought it would be good to share it with others,” he said. “We were about to send the bottle on its way again, but we included details of where and when it was found, and urged whatever new finder came across it, to add their details too and send the message of love on its way again. We’d love to know where in the world it will end up next,” he said.

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