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26th March 2013 • Volume 20, Issue 11 • Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin. • Tel: 8•400•200 • acquire the services of a dedicated nurse, who is now in training for the job. She’ll be on the road taking calls. Ger told the County Leader, “We need to raise €90,000 this year to retain the services of the nurse and if we had 750 ladies to run for us, we could raise that amount. I know there are ladies, who may not have a charity to support, but if they supported us, it would be incredible, Without funding, we will lose the services of the nurse, which would be devastating.”. A courageous Swords woman is getting ready to By Patrick Finnegan “The girls are in pain every day and it’s hard for me, as participate in this year’s Ladies Flora minia mother, to endure this. Alison wonders why marathon in June, so that her two young she has such delicate skin and we try to let girls can have a dedicated nurse to help them both go out to play, as normal, but they them live as normal a life as possible. suffer the consequences. Even the slightest Ger Hyland and her husband, Mark live in rub against any objects can cause pain and Ridgewood with their two beautiful girls, blistering. That evening is spent bandaging Alison, aged nine and four year old Erica. the wounds and puncturing the blisters. We Both girls suffer from Epidermolysis have to put them in antiseptic baths. In the Bullosa (EB), which is a rare genetic skin morning time, we assess them and dress them disease that causes the skin to be so with special clothing. I get special non-adhefragile that the slightest friction can cause sive dressing from the Health Centre in severe blistering-inside and outside the Swords, as ordinary bandages would cut body. Children born with EB have little or them,” she said. no collagen, so their skin internally and “When I was told that Alison would lead a very externally tears and blisters at the sedentary life, I was devastated. She would slightest touch. They are born into a often tell me that the pain is too great to world of pain and as they grow and participate in sports like gymnastics. She has develop, the condition and the devastaPictured at their home in Ridgewood, Swords are Mark and Ger Hyland, with their already had two bone density scans, because tion it causes worsen. For Ger and Mark, daughters Alison and Erica osteoporosis is a highly likely outcome with their world revolves around keeping their there is no cure. Severe forms of EB cause patients to this condition. The children often wonder why I am children healthy and managing daily bandage live with constant pain and scarring. The only treatputting them through such pain when I’m bandaging changes, which cause huge trauma and pain. EB ment for EB is daily wound care and bandaging. Ger them each morning and that can affect relationships. patients are dubbed “Butterfly Children”, because and Mark have found great support from Debra You get used to seeing bandages, but you never get their skin is as sensitive and thin as a butterfly’s wings. Ireland, who have been in a position to provide them used to seeing them in pain,” said a distraught Ger. On the outside, physical wounds prevent them from with a dedicated EB nurse, as a result of fundraising in This will be Ger’s eighth time to run in the mininormal daily activities enjoyed by other children. On last year’s mini-marathon. Now, they can call her marathon and she describes it as a wonderful thing to the inside, their dreams are the same as any child who whenever they have a problem with bandaging and participate in, even though her own lovely girls will loves, plays, learns and grows despite the pain and the likes. “Last year’s minimarathon helped us to never be able to do so. impediment caused by their disease. Unfortunately
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Balbriggan’s Mark Urgently Needs Your Votes
Sunday, when I will be performing next. I’m delighted with the interest in me locally and the number of people who come up and ask for autographs is amazing. Singing is everything to me and I’d love to make it my career. This is a great launch pad to put me in a great position, where people will take me more seriously. But I really need your votes,” he pleaded. From Easter Sunday, the lowest voted competitor from each team Balbriggan man, Mark Guildea is certainly creating goes home, so votes are really important. Mark also quite a stir in the locality, with his excellent perforpointed out that the public can vote more than mance on the popular RTE programme, once, which many people may not be aware ‘The Voice of Ireland’ Last week on the live of. Mark says that people will see a different show, Mark survived a nail biting finale in side to him on Easter Sunday, when he will his sing-off against two other members of sing a different type of song, which will show Sharon Corr’s team. Only one person can another side to his voice, which he is confibe saved by the public vote from each dent will surprise a lot of people. He spoke team, and the other by the mentor. Mark, about how he managed to suppress his who was not saved by the public vote, was nerves last Sunday. “Because I was on last, I saved by his mentor, Sharon Corr. He decided to treat the other acts as support acts explained to the County Leader, the impor- Mark Guildea to me, and the lights and the dancers were all tance of the public vote. “I really need for the main act, me. That’s how I coped,” he said. people in the North County to vote for me on Easter
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