Balbriggan Safety Week Launched See Page 8
Welcome Home Sam. 8 Page Pull-Out See Pages 11-18
Chambers and Nifast Host Breakfast See Page 10
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Your Quality Local Newspaper We deliver A registered newspaper at the G.P.O.
Tuesday, 4th October
27th September 2011 • Volume 18, Issue 27 • Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin. • ISDN 8139966 • Tel: 8•400•200
Lisdeel Fostering are currently looking for Families living in the North Dublin/ Louth/ Meath or Kildare Area for teenage boys and girls who require- Long Term Foster Care. We welcome enquiries from families, couples, and single individuals David is a 12 year old boy who enjoys computer games, model making, creative writing, history, athletics and loves the outdoors. He is an energetic and active boy with an avid curiosity for life. Contact with his family is very important to him. David will need active, energised, patient foster carers, good communicators who are very flexible and have experience looking after other peoples children. He should be the youngest child in the family who fosters him. A spare room is essential. If you would like more information please contact Patrick on 01 8625195 or 086 0452990. To become a Lisdeel foster carer it is essential that: • You have a spare bedroom for the child • You live in North County area or counties Louth, Meath or Kildare • We provide comprehensive training and post training support • Carers receive a weekly fostering allowance
We would be delighted to hear from you!
Kennedy Slams Martin F
ormer local Fianna Fail TD, Michael Kennedy believes that the decision of party leader, Micheál Martin not to run a party candidate in the upcoming Presidential election will play right into the hands of Sinn Fein and cause the demotion of Fianna Fail from being the main opposition party. He told the County Leader, “Micheál Martin set up a Fianna Fail sub committee to consider the party’s position on the Presidential election in the knowledge that Brian Crowley had expressed a wish to be selected as a candidate.” Crowley is Ireland’s longest serving MEP and has served on the Council of State, which advises the President on issues of state. In spite of this, Martin approached a reluctant and hesitant, Gay Byrne with the offer of Fianna Fail signatures to ensure he would be a candidate. A furious Kennedy maintains that this was a wrong move by the party leader. “This is bad for party morale, when the leader can dismiss one of his own members without allowing the subcommittee or Parliamentary party to consider the issue. Brian Crowley is an articulate man and a proven poll topper and would do very well in the upcoming election ” he said. The action taken by Martin against Senator Labhrás O Murchú, which forced the senator to withdraw from the race is another bone of contention for Kennedy. “Are the 33 TDs and Senators not entitled to to voice an opinion which is contrary to the party leader without it being cited as an affront to the leader?,” he asks. Kennedy feels that Martin’s role in the whole affair is helping to promote Sinn Fein as the main opposition party. “Despite Sinn Fein having a lower percentage than Fianna Fail in the last general election, they have decided to run Martin McGuinness, a former IRA member as a candidate. If Fianna Fail considers itself to be a national party, it must act as one by contesting elections. Kennedy is disappointed that Fianna Fail does not see contesting this presidential election as important, bearing in mind that the new president will preside over the 100th anniversary of the 1916 rising.
It is quite possible that Sinn Fein could win this election by gaining the support of the traditional nationalist Fianna Fail voters and Micheál Martin must in that event, take responsibility for the demotion of Fianna Fail to fourth behind Sinn Fein. If Fianna Fail are running a candidate in the Dublin West by-election, despite poor opinion polls, then why not contest the Presidency?” asks Kennedy. “The view held by many members of the general public and other candidates, is that David Norris and Dana Rosemary Scallon should be given the opportunity to become candidates and is one Michael Kennedy that I personally support. I am equally disappointed that Micheál Martin denied Fianna Fail TDs and Senators a free vote to nominate other candidates, particularly when he was allowing his Councillors to back outside Continued on page 21
Cullen’s Rugby Move Will Not Affect GAA Having made history by becoming the first Dublin skipper in 16 years to lift Sam Maguire, Bryan Cullen’s next big tasks will be to help deliver success for Leinster rugby. The Dublin County Board has confirmed that Leinster Rugby has appointed Cullen as one of its new coaches. The Skerries Harps man answered
an advertisement some time ago and his wish was granted. The 27-year old will begin work with the European champions as a strength and conditioning coach with their academy in the coming weeks. The County Leader asked him about his future career with the Dublin team, and his answer will be sweet Continued on page 21
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North County Dublin’s
Oldtown Woman Encourages MS Walk Oldtown resident, Lorraine Rooney, is calling on North County locals to get
By Jennifer McShane involved with an upand-coming walk in Thailand as part of MS
cause in aid of raising million a year needed funds towards the €5 for MS Ireland to retain vital services for sufferers of multiple sclerosis, the most common disabling neurological condition in Ireland. The group consisted of 21 hard working volunteers who th0roughly enjoyed the trip. Speaking to the County Leader following her recent return, walk leader, Lorraine said: “The Pictured here during their recent trip to Thailand for the MS walk are L-R: Jean Maguire, trip went very well. Betty Tuite, Linda O'Connell and Lorainne Rooney who was the MS walk co-ordinator. The walks provide
The Plaza Barber
North County Leader 27th September 2011
Quality Newspaper
day walking trip to willing participants to Italy, is encouraging take part in the worthy
Ireland’s exciting new 2011 walk programme to raise funds. Lorraine, who has just returned from a five
Welcomes Ciaran Johnson to their team
Swords Residents Urged To Be Vigilant Swords Manor Resident’s Association (SMRA) are calling on local residents to remain vigilant, following an increase of the number of burglaries in the area
Snippet Photography Exhibition
Sutton Camera Club will hold a Photography exhibition called “Animals” from Monday 26th September until Saturday, 1st October at Baldoyle Library. The exhibition will take place during library opening hours.
Monday-Thursday €10
2 KIDS UNDER 10 Monday-Thursday €15
The Plaza, Main Street, Unit 3A, Swords. Opening hours: Mon - Fri 9:30am-6pm • Sat: 9am-5:30pm
recently. They believe, following contact from the Gardai, that the burglars are targeting items that are easy to carry and transport. The criminals, believed to be both opportunistic and organised, are targeting households during daytime and are thought to be
some of the much needed funds for MS Ireland. I got involved with my first walk in 1992 as a personal challenge and found the camaraderie and bonding with other walkers to be just great,” said the dedicated volunteer. The second walk, in Nothern Thailand, will take place between November 5th and 17th.To sign up for the next walk please contact Elle on: 01 678 1600.
after jewellery, cash, electronics and laptops. SMRA are calling on locals to ensure all windows and doors are locked, alarms activated, to notify neighbours if going on holidays, and to alert the authorities of any suspicious behaviour on 01-6664700.
Network Marketing Opportunity An International Wellness Company established over 25 years is currently looking to recruit people in Ireland to expand their business
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For details phone Joe today on 0872457729
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200 Classic cars expected for sale by their owners Free admission to display area for all Classic cars Classic car clubs welcome to display free Motoring related trade stands Model cars for sale Catering available all day Kids entertainment
For Autojumble bookings only please contact Mr Paul MacNaughton Ph 087 2230254 For general enquiries and entry forms please contact Dermot Flynn Ph: 01 6600622 Mob: 086 2405542 Email: Regular updates on
NUMBERS TO KNOW Swords Garda Station ................01 666 4700 Balbriggan Garda Station..........01 802 0510 Malahide Garda Station.............01 666 4600 Skerries Garda Station...............01 849 12 11 Lusk Garda Station.....................01 843 72 22 Rush Garda Station ....................01 843 72 02 MABS Money Advice ...................1890 283 438 Citizens Advice Centre ................01 840 68 77 D-Doc ..........................................1850 224 477 Crimestoppers ............................1800 250 025 Samaritans.................................1850 609090 Alcoholics Anonymous ................01 8420700 Childline .....................................1800 666 666 Aware (depression)....................1890 303 302 Dublin Rape Crisis Centre...........1800 778 888 Crisis Pregnancy- CURA ..............1850 622 626 Al-Anon Family Groups ..............01 8732699
Contact Us: North County Leader Leader House, North Street, Swords Tel: 8 400 200
Advertising ...............................Marian Charles Kristina Beljakova Adrienne Powell Jason Brennan Editorial ....................................Patrick Finnegan Jennifer McShane Printers.....................................MCP - Navan Published by ............................Seel Publishing Ltd.
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North County Leader 27th September 2011
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North County Newspaper
Doubts Over Malahide Shuttle There are renewed doubts about the prospects of the Malahide Shuttle bus service going ahead. Mark Hely Hutchinson of Malahide Shuttle Project Group told the County Leader, “We last contacted you about the Malahide Shuttle at the beginning of June, when we had to report to you that our licence application had been turned down, on appeal, by the National Transport Authority (NTA). We said then that we were considering our options.” The NTA analysis showed that there was very little requirement for the proposed new service. “We made contact with the NTA and had a meeting with them. While the meeting itself was not at all encouraging,
Skerries Duo ‘Run For A Life’ RTE journalists Vivienne Traynor and Justin Treacy from Skerries are encouraging residents from around the North County to take part in this year’s Irish Kidney Association’s ‘Run for a Life’ to highlight organ donor awareness on Sunday, October 23rd. They met athletes from the Irish Transplant Team at the ALSAA Sports Centre in Dublin Airport recently, where Justin hoped to pick up a few tips on training for the Run. Speaking to the County Leader about the event, Race organiser Colin White from Balbriggan, said, “the ‘Run for a Life’ is about celebrating organ donation, showcasing the success of transplantation and encouraging the public to play their part by carrying an organ
donor card. I would encourage everyone to join in making a commitment to make a difference.” To register and for further details log on to: All proceeds raised from this event will go to the Irish Kidney Association, the patients’ organisation charged with the promotion and distribution of the organ donor card in Ireland. Pictured here promoting ‘Run For A Life’ are members of Irish Transplant Team with RTE’s Vivienne Traynor and husband Justin Treacy from Skerries. LR: Lenny Ryan, Peter Heffernan, Ben Gaughran, Owen Kelleher, Vivienne Traynor and Justin Treacy, Race Organiser Colin White, Harry Ward, John Moran and Allsun Henderson.
Volunteers cycled from Edinburgh to Dublin via Belfast in aid of the Meningitis Research Foundation. On their way to Dublin, they stopped off in Swords and called in to the offices of the County Leader. Pictured are cyclists, Michael Boynton, Stepen Boakes, Clodagh Hegarty from Portmarnock (Meningitis Research Foundation, Gardiner St), William Campbell, Denise Bustany, Malcolm White and Chris Wilson.
Balbriggan Woman Continues Helpful Tradition
The service, founded in 1976, urgently need more volunteers to help them either one hour a week or whenever they can. They are looking for volunteer drivers to do the deliveries and to help in the kitchen. All support will be much appreciated. Sheila continued: “I’ve seen two people passing away since I started working with the organisation , so I consider it a part of my life, rather than a job.”
Week by week, Sheila Scanlan takes a few hours of her free time deliver some food to people who, for one reason or another, are unable to cook for themselves. Sheila continues what is a family tradition. “My mother used to cook here a long time ago. She passed away and I carry on, in a different way, her work and the tradition she started,” said Sheila Her mother, Una Scanlan, cooked the meals for Balbriggan Meals on Wheels for over seven years. “By working here and helping out, my mother felt that she was giving something back to the community and its the same for me. It is a small thing I’m giving back Pictured here is Sheila Scanlan, a volunteer driver to the community.” Pic: RN for Balbriggan Meals on Wheels.
they subsequently sent us details of the computer modelling exercise that they had carried out while examining our application. Their computer model showed that the Shuttle would win very few new travellers to public transport, since most of its passengers would be transfers from the Dublin Bus 102 service.” “This conclusion seemed to be totally at variance with our perceptions of the likely market for the Malahide Shuttle, so we have since been involved in an exchange of views about the way their computer model assessed our case. We are trying to understand how their model could reach the finding it did, and we will try to persuade them to look at Malahide Shuttle in a different way. This process is quite slow, and could go on for a few months yet. It is encouraging that the NTA is willing to take part in a dialogue in this way, but it is too early to say whether our approach will be successful,” he concluded.
North County Dublin’s
Charity Quiz Night In Balbriggan
who said :“I am honoured to be here tonight, to be part of Balbriggan Community Safety Week. Thank you to everyone for your generosity.” The event was run in conjunction with the National Garda Safety Week and its purpose is to involve, inform and promote the awareness of services in Balbriggan which assist in making communities safer.
A charity quiz night in aid of By Roxana Neag Skerries RNLI Lifeboat took place in O’Dwyers GAA Club in €260 was handed over by Balbriggan recently. The Louise Butler from Balbriggan fundraising event was organ- Policing Forum to Maureen the Community ised by Balbriggan Community Gill, Fundraising Manager of RNLI, Policing Forum. Over 50 residents came along to support the worthwhile cause. Each player had to pay a €5 fee for admission going towards Skerries RNLI. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes were donated by Tesco Extra Balbriggan and each of the lucky winners got a hamper to take home with them. All the funds raised from the admission fee to the Quiz Night went Pictured here L-R are: Louise Butler from Balbriggan Policing Forum handing over a to Skerries RNLI cheque to Maureen Gill, the Community Fundraising Manager of RNLI, funds were raised Pic: RN Lifeboat. A cheque of for the RNLI at the recent quiz night in Balbriggan.
Rush Youthreach Celebrates 20th Year Rush Youthreach had every reason for celebrating as they recently marked their 20th year in existence. Past and current students, along with other members of the community all came together to acknowledge the organisations’ achievement. Since RushYouthreach was established in 1991, it has developed a reputation for its
By Jennifer McShane innovative approach to the provision of education and training opportunities for early school leavers. For the past two decades, the organisation has been working to improve the quality and availability of education to early school leavers. Speaking to the County Leader, Deirdre Kinsella from
Launch Of Balbriggan Public Realm Plan
he long awaited Balbriggan Public Realm Plan is due to be officially launched on Monday, 3rd October at 6.30 pm in Balbriggan Town Hall. The launch will be performed by local resident and Minister for Health, Dr James Reilly.
This is one of the most eagerly anticipated events for many years in the town and is set to provide a massive boost to Balbriggan. One of its principal objectives was to try to enliven and reinvigorate the historic core town centre, which had suffered much over the preceding decade. This group reached out and joined forces with Balbriggan Town Council, the County Council and the Heritage Council. The Public Realm highlights the use of really successful.” she outdoor areas and concluded.
20% OFF ALL BABY PRODUCTS ON THE DAY (excluding baby food, medicines and already discounted products)
River Valley Cancer Society Walk The 5th Annual Irish Cancer Society Walk in River Valley, Swords will take place on Saturday, 1st October. Registration will take place at Peacock’s Car Park at 1.30 pm and the walk will commence at 2.30 pm. Sponsorship cards are available or donations can be made on the day. For more information, please contact organiser, Margaret Harris at 0872213605.
Hockey Season In Malahide Malahide Fingal Hockey Club has started training for the new season. It takes place every Monday and Thursday from 7.30pm to 9pm at the Broomfield all-weather training facility (opposite Malahide Community School). The club plans to field four teams this season in the Leinster League and welcomes all new members. If you have any queries email
Balbriggan Photographic Exhibition
MC CARTAN’S PHARMACY Unit 11, Block B, Castlemill S.C, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin Tel: 6904333 Opening Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-8pm • Sat 9am-6pm • Sun 11am-5pm *****DUE TO POPULAR DEMAND, OUR CHRISTMAS CLUB HAS OPENED EARLY THIS YEAR. PLEASE ASK IN STORE FOR DETAILS.******
the vibrancy and vitality of the town centre and also to developing community spirit. A public tendering process followed and resulted in excess of 30 expressions of interest from parties with regard to writing the plan. This reaction ensured that, though funding was not extensive, the town was going to get significant value for money. Ultimately a team headed by Loci was appointed. The team set about writing the public realm plan for Balbriggan, which
Swords Lions Club will launch its “Message in a Bottle” Project on Monday 3rd October at 7.30pm in the County Council Offices in Swords. Swords Lions Club is being assisted with this by Swords Community Gardai, the Fire and Ambulance Services and the county council. Approaches are being made to the local HSE, Doctors, Chemists, Senior Citizens Centres and others to support the project. Message in a Bottle is an Emergency Information Scheme. It Pictured here at the 20th celebration of Rush Youthreach is past student Amy Duffy wearing her Special Olympics Silver Medal with teacher Therese Connolly.
An Expert from Dr Browns will be in-store to give you all the advice you need. A Nutritionist will be here to tell you all you need to know about healthy eating for mother and baby. An Oilatum skincare specialist will explain how to keep baby’s skin perfect from head to toe.
spaces that are accessible to the public. This includes many familiar types of places. such as streetscapes, squares, parks, car parks and beaches, as well as the physical and visual connections between them and also the built environment. People choose to spend more time in high quality public spaces and streets, stopping to linger. The intention is that people will utilise streets and spaces, not just as thoroughfares, thereby contributing to both
Swords Lions Club Launches Innovative Project
Rush Youthreach said: “We really had a fabulous day. We’d been planning it since June so we were delighted to see such a great turnout. It was lovely to look back on the old memories.” Deirdre says the whole community got involved in the event: “It was a real community effort and thanks to everyone’s hard work the day was
Friday September 30th 2011 • 10 AM TO 2PM
North County Leader 27th September 2011
Quality Newspaper
Balbriggan Photographic Club are holding an exhibition in Balbriggan Library from now until September 30th. The photographs on display will be a selection from different members in the club and the exhibition will be on the ground floor in the Library. All are invited to drop in and view the photographs during the running weeks and admission is free.
included a Town Centre Health Check, Pedestrian Flow Analysis, Traffic Flow Monitoring, Public Workshops, stakeholders meetings etc. They also recognised the imperative to have feedback from younger people and though their budget was constrained in this regard, Aoife Banim (local architect) undertook to assist with the process and has engaged with all schools in the area and is feeding this information back to Loci. Aoife was subsequently co-opted onto the Council of the Chamber of Commerce. Talk of the plan has invigorated many people and projects, such as a painting scheme to tidy up the existing shopfronts in the town centre has already been evident.
simply directs the emergency services to information stored in a plastic bottle which is kept in the fridge. Ideally for vulnerable people or those with a medical condition, they simply enter their details on the form inside the bottle. It will include a photograph, health details and much more which will assist the Emergency Services. This scheme is free to the user. Swords Lions Club provides the bottles. As a minimum it will save the Emergency Services valuable time identifying you and your emergency contacts. It is a potential lifesaver and provides peace of mind to users and their friends and families. All interested are welcome to attend the launch.
Al-Anon Meeting In Balbriggan The devastating impact of alcoholism on the life of the alcoholic is obvious, however less known are the serious effects the disease has on friends and families. Al-anon is a mutual support group for people affected by the behaviour of their alcoholic loved ones. There are meetings held throughout the North County in Malahide, Swords and Balbriggan The Balbriggan Al-anon family group is holding an open public meeting in the Town Hall on Wednesday 12th October from 8-9pm. The aim of the meeting is to provide information on how Al-anon works. There will be Alanon speakers plus a Q&A session afterwards. Al-anon follows a twelve step programme and is non-religious, anonymous and self-supporting. Members use first names only at meetings and personal sharing is held in confidence. All are welcome to attend.
Snippet New Venue For Chess Club Portmarnock Chess Club’s new season has now commenced and they are now seeking new members (juniors 7.30pm and adults 8.30pm) on Thursdays. The club has now changed venues and the sessions will take place at Naomh Mearnog GAA Club on the 1st Floor. Please phone Bob on: 0879749876 for more information.
North County Leader 27th September 2011
The Biggest Circulation Of
North County Newspaper
Half Price
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Balbriggan Stock up for Halloween
Come join us at our Family Fun Day on Saturday 1st October from 1pm until 4pm There’s lots to see and do, including puppet show, magician, face painting, balloon sculpture & cartoon characters! Customer quotas apply. Maximum purchase 4 tins per customer per transaction. Reduction will be made at the bottom of your till receipt. Jamie Dodgers 300g, Maryland 3x200g, Tipperary Water 2ltr, Water, Ribena 1ltr, Lucozade 1ltr, Nestlé Golden Grahams 375g, Maltesers Pouch 135g, Minstrels Pouch 170g and Mars 5 Pack and Wine offers valid until 04/10/11. Celebrations Tub/Tin 855g, Cadbury Roses Tin 850g and Cadbury Heroes Tin 800g offer valid until 04/10/11. Prices and offers apply to selected Tesco stores, excludes Express stores. Register at to confirm coverage of your area for online deliveries. Charges may apply. Subject to availability, while stocks last.
Tesco Balbriggan, Millfield Shopping Centre. Open 24 hours 7 days a week, LoCall 1890928553. Opticians open Mon – Fri 9am-8pm, Saturday 9am-7pm and Sunday 12pm-6pm, LoCall 1890928566.
North County Dublin’s
North County Leader 27th September 2011
Quality Newspaper
Having a party?... Call Us Now On: 8•400•200 Don’t Forget To Tag Your Photo!
Patrick Darcy, pictured with family at his 21st in Swords, with family Elaine Darcy, Mary Darcy, PJ Gregan, Trisha Darcy, Tanya Darcy and Alan Darcy. ER
Visit our facebook page:
Mark Garbutt (third from left) celebrated his 30th birthday with Tracie and Sharon Garbutt, Michael McGrath, Kevin and Sarah Brogan in the Old Schoolhouse, Swords. ER
Rob Dwyer from Malahide is pictured at his 30th birthday in The Harp Bar in Swords with Amy Sheridan. JR Pictured are James Clark, Laura Dzentie, Andy Gibbons, Kadriya Siltavie, Simon Cummins, Brian Daly, Mark Sheerwin, Stephen Daly, Andy Lowlrey and Linda Godwin at Stephen's work Leaving Do in the Harp Bar in Swords. JR
Sisters, Margaret Smart, Alison Stacey and Martina Cooney are pictured at Margaret's 30th birthday celeJR brations in The Old Boro in Swords.
Michael and Debra Dunne are pictured enjoying their 23rd wedding anniversary in the Carnegie Court Hotel, Swords. ER
Kellie Costello and Amanda Russell are pictured at their joint birthday celebrations, 22nd and 23rd respectively in The Old Boro in Swords. JR
Brian Donnelly is pictured at his 30th birthday celebrations in The Harp Bar in JR Swords with Amy Hurst.
Antoinette Nolan, Joesephine Hales and Mary Keogh are pictured at Josephine's 50th birthday JR celebrations in The Harp Bar in Swords.
Lisa Downey is pictured at her 40th birthday celebrations with friend, Julie Ann Ennis, husband Niall Downey and friends, Catriona Steele and Paula Caulfield in The Harp Bar in Swords. JR
Philip Ahern (middle) is pictured at his 20th birthday celebrations in the Slaughtered Lamb with friends, Bren Rooney and Conor Duffy. JR
Pics: Eoin Ronayne and Jennifer Ryan
North County Leader 27th September 2011
The Biggest Circulation Of
Balbriggan Safety Week Launched Balbriggan Community Safety Week was officially launched by Superintendent Paul Moran. Community Safety Week had its first event on Thursday 22 September with a quiz night in O’ Dwyers GAA Club, and was officially launched in the main square on Friday 23rd. It was a fantastic community day with food and crafts on display, the Garda Band as well as singing from the pupils
By Peter Kearney from St. George’s Primary School Choir. Louise Butler, who is a Development Worker with Balbriggan Community Policing Forum, told the County Leader: “The week is all about bringing people closer to An Gardaí and the County Council and is run in conjunction with the National Garda Safety Week. We hope it will inform and promote
the awareness of services in Balbriggan who assist in making it a safer place to live.” Events over the week included a football league tournament , a Garda Family Open Day at Balbriggan Garda Station, Dublin Civil Defence displays and Dublin Fire Brigade rescue enactments. So as well as a great week and message on safety, there was plenty of fun for everybody of all ages. It is hoped that it will be a yearly event and that all local residents will become involved.
Pictured here from L-R are: Jeanne Deegan, Noreen Colgan, Louise Butler and Brian Pic: PK Murray at the launch of Balbriggan Safety Week.
Lusk Volunteers Raise Funds For Community The success of the Lusk Community Day last month was really brought home when the money raised was handed over to the two nominated community groups. These groups were the Lusk
Community Unit and Lusk Tidy Towns, bothreceiving just over €200 each. The Tidy Towns will be putting the money back into the village to maintain current high standards of tidiness, recently
recognised in the Tidy Towns competition. The Lusk Community Unit will use the funds to go towards the provision of entertainment and outings as well as other extra life comforts for the residents of the unit. The day itself was hosted by the Round Towers GAA club and
Pictured here with the cheque after the Community Fun Day in Lusk are L-R: Anthony Pic: PK Mason, Pat Kelly, Caroline Keane and Fergal Doran.
North County Newspaper
River Island Opens In Pavilions River Island opened its 24th store in Ireland in The Pavilions Shopping Centre in Swords to great excitement on Friday last, 23rd of September. This is an exciting step for River Island as it is the first newly designed concept store to open in Ireland. The store will stock women's, men's and kidswear clothing and accessories as well as the fantastic footwear range all within a contemporary fashion environment. Commenting on the new store, Ian Hunter, Centre Director told the
County Leader, “We are delighted about the arrival of River Island which brings an added dimension to the wide choice of fashion and other stores available to the consumer at Swords Pavilions. River Island is a strong retailer which consistently delivers the latest trends in fashion, great service and standards, and is constantly evolving its offer and look at the market place changes” With this opening, River Island has demonstrated its confidence in the Swords Pavilions location. A number of jobs have been
Advertising and Promotions Manager of the Pavilions Shopping Centre, Deirdre King is pictured outside the new River Island shop in the Pavilions.
created by River Island and this will add to the 100 new jobs already created in the last year within the centre. Swords Pavilions has
organised by Anthony Mason, the chairperson of Lusk Village Neighbourhood Watch. The day itself was made possible through the hard work and dedication of the volunteers who put it together and the Round Towers GAA club who hosted the event for the second year running. A big thank you must also go to the local businesses in Lusk who supported the day. The day was a massive success for the Lusk community in terms of developing a community spirit and raising money for local community groups. These days demonstrate the valuable contribution that volunteers make in a community and also what can be achieved when people work together, acting as positive role models for the whole community.
become one of Dublin's most successful shopping centres and has attracted over 11 million customers last year and
continues to show steady growth this year. Swords Pavilions employs approx. 1,600 staff across all retail units.
“Thanks to Motivation, I feel fantastic every day” It’s not what you eat but why you eat. Through private, individual consultations, we will help you to change your habits and behaviour so you can reach and maintain your desired weight, long-term.
Rush To Have Heritage Trail A committee is to be formed in Rush to develop a new heritage trail. This is sure to provide a tourism boost to the historic town. At the recent meeting of the Rush Area Liaison Committee, it was agreed that a motion for a heritage trail should be initated and there has been some progress reported on the issue since then. The local authority said: “it was agreed that a group would be established to develop a suitable proposal for the trail and since the group has yet to be formed, it is not possible yet to say when work on the trail can begin.” Cllr Ken Farrell (Lab) has said that the project would be brilliant for the area and that he “looked forward to realising the project in the very near future.”
Catherine who lost 7 stone
2nd Floor, Archway House The Plaza, Swords, Co Dublin
Tel: (01) 8956308 Damian Lynch was the lucky winner of two tickets to the GAA All Ireland Final. Damian’s name was picked out of a draw in SuperValu in Balbriggan recently and he couldn’t believe his luck when informed he has won what some were calling the golden tickets. Pictured here is Damian Lynch and his daughters with SuperValu Manager Brian Carrick.
BOOK A PRE-PROGRAMME OCTOBER Book an Assessment Consultation for only €ASSESSMENT 25 and get a secondTHIS one FREE for a friend! ONLY €25 (NORMALLY €50) Follow Follow us on us on Facebook Facebook
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North County Dublin’s
Flu Prevention Encouraged In Schools North County schools are advising children to take care and not to share as they return to
school in a bid to help prevent colds and flu ahead of the winter months.
Dog Training & Kennelling Residential training in obedience and behaviour problems ie pulling on lead, housetraining, aggression, recall, chewing, jumping up etc also personal protection training. Over 20 years experience,having trained in the UK,USA and Germany. Quailfied master dog SECUTRAINED RITY DOGS trainer, veterinarian + dog shelter recommended. FOR SALE
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As hundreds of children around the county return to school after the summer break some timely advice to parents is being offered to help keep their children healthy in the new school year. Thankfully, some sound advice is being offered up this year with hygiene and extra caution being encouraged amongst North County parents.
North County Leader 27th September 2011
Quality Newspaper
A number of preventative measures such as covering your cough are being encouraged. Teach children to cover their mouth and nose when they cough or sneeze. Another important message is that of hygiene. Washing your hands after toilet use and before breaks is essential. Other
methods being encouraged are the teaching of germ spreading prevention such as keeping hands and utensils away from their ears, nose and mouths so that they don’t help germs to get into their bodies. Finally, parents are advised to keep their children home from school if they are unwell to help prevent the spread of illness.
Pictured are members of Junior Chamber International at their beach clean up that took place on Saturday, 17th September in the Burrow Beach in Sutton as part of JCI Ireland Active Citizenship Week. JCI Fingal is a leadership development organisation for people in their 20s and 30s and meet every month in The Grand Hotel Malahide. Pictured are Back row: Katie Ryan, Aideen O' Rourke, Cormac Spencer, Eoghan Dockrell, Sinead Behan and Brian Smyth. Front row: Jessica Ferguson, Philip Farmer, Joanna Michalski (President), Lizanne Kelly and John Sheridan.
We have moved to modern customised facilities. 10 WELLINGTON QUAY, DROGHEDA. Tel: 041-9804799 (opposite Bru)
Kevin Kiernan and Mark Deegan (L-R) from Balbriggan Community College are pictured here just after receiving Pic: RN their Leaving Cert results.
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Free Senior Classes In Balbriggan A course of free computer classes for senior citizens in Balbriggan and surrounding areas organised by BEDG Ltd are now running. No previous computer experience is necessary and the courses are sure to be both informative and fun too. For more information please contact: 802 0417. All are welcome.
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To meet your educational needs in these challenging times, Dorset College courses reflect the current requirements of the workplace and provide excellent prospects and career development opportunities. Get the right qualifications and commence your career path with security, financial rewards and mobility. For a career in Business, Finance, HR, Information Technology or Law take the fulltime HETAC Higher Certificate in Business Level 6 course. Their full-time FETAC Level 5 Nursing Studies, Social Studies courses and Multimedia Production Courses provide an opportunity to acquire new skills, competencies and knowledge leading to a career path and/or progression on an academic route in that field. As an alternative to repeating the Leaving Certificate, these courses provide direct entry to third level Certificate and Degree programmes in the Institutes of Technology and Universities in Ireland. They offer a wide range of part-time courses. For further details call: 01 8309677 or logon to
North County Leader 27th September 2011
The Biggest Circulation Of
Rush Musical Society Workshops
Garda Band Comes To Rush National School There was great excitement at Rush National School last Wednesday morning when The Garda band were in town. They were entertaining the young pupils of the school, as well as their teachers, with music from their favourite songs and TV shows. Not content with music the Gardaí also brought along the Mounted Unit where all the pupils of the school got a chance
North County Newspaper
Are you passionate about drama and dance? If so, these upcoming workshops are perfect for you! Rush Musical Society present a series of six workshops in drama, dance and voice at St. Joseph’s Secondary School in Rush from 8pm – 10.30 p.m. on the 28th September and 5th and 12th October. For further details contact secretary@ All are welcome to attend.
By Peter Kearney to see, touch and get really really close to the Garda horses. Speaking to the County Leader, School Principal Margaret Dobinson said: “It was amazing for the children to see something they don’t see everyday.” The Garda band also helps to ‘enhance their music curriculum’ at the school. Conductor of the Garda
Lusk Parents Rally For New School A group of parents from Lusk have formed the Educate Together Second Level Lusk committee to advocate for
UNEMPLOYED?? DO YOU NEED TO UPSKILL?? Pictured here is teacher Ms Cusack with Principal Margaret Dobinson and her Junior Infant Class from Rush National Pic: PK School when the Garda Band paid a visit to the School.
band for the day, Sergeant Aiden Kavanagh also said: “It’s
important for the Gardaí to be among the community and visits such as
an Educate Together second level school in the town. The group has launched an information letter and expression of interest form which they are encouraging local parents to complete. In August, Minister Ruairí Quinn, Department of Education and Science, announced that Lusk will finally have a second-level school opening in 2013.’ A start-up
Students Warned About Meningitis Students in the North County have been given a stark warning regarding meningitis. National charity, the Meningitis Trust, is warning of the symptoms of meningitis as they start their new year at university. Students are an at risk group, with 30 percent of them carrying the
most common bacteria which causes meningitis, compared to 10 percent of the population as a whole. University students can be more vulnerable due to living in more cramped housing or halls of residence. In many cases young people come together from all over the country - and indeed world - to
live in one place and can be exposed to bacteria and viruses their bodies have not met before. As the early symptoms of meningitis can disguise themselves as other things, such as ‘fresher’s flu’, or maybe a hangover, it’s easy to mistake meningitis for something else.
these help foster good community relations and also assist in rebuilding
Avail of opportunities in the Pharmaceutical, Bio Pharma, Medical Devices and Food Industries
relations again among the local community again.”
group of parents have established the ET2LL (Educate Together Second-Level, Lusk) committee to campaign for an Educate Together second-level school for all of the children of Lusk. ET2LL have put together an information letter and expression of Interest form. Filling out the form gives parents in Lusk a chance for their views to be heard about what kind of second-level school they would like for their children. No decision on patronage will be made until parents have been consulted about what they want for their area. Speaking to the County Leader, Dr. John McKenna, chairperson of the group, said: “We’re looking forward to hearing your views and to working together to shape the kind of second-level school we want for all of our children here in Lusk,” he said.
FREE Online Upskilling Conversion Course To avail of this opportunity all you need is access to a computer and the internet This is a DIT & DPS part time, accredited course.
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North County Housebound Library Service The Fingal Housebound Library service was established to cater for those who for reasons of age, incapacity or illness are unable to leave home/hospital/other care facilities to access a public library in the North County. This service is for elderly home-bound or incapacitated individual. It is also for the long-term ill or incapacitated who may have difficulty accessing their local library branch. This service also operates to facilities such as nursing homes, hospitals, residential and non-residential care facilities as well as rehabilitation centres. There is a delivery service a number of times a week which means you can get your local library delivered to you. There is a wide selection of fiction and non-fiction available in large print or audio book format as well as cds and dvds. All residents who are interested in this service should email: for more information.
FETAC Level 5 Healthcare Support Training Nifast, Ireland’s leading organisation for Health and Safety Training Courses, are pleased to announce details of our schedule of FETAC Healthcare Training Courses, all leading to the FETAC Level 5 Major Award in Healthcare Support DHXSS. Enrolment for Healthcare modules September – December 2011 now commencing
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*only 3 elective modules required All modules are easily accessible with delivery 1 day per week. The above modules are also applicable to achieving major awards in Community & Health Services, Health Service Skills and Community Care, with subject matter experts delivering each module. Contact us today on Lo-Call 0818 333 009 or for more details.
North County Dublin’s
North County Leader 27th September 2011
Quality Newspaper
Breakfast Briefing Hosted by Fingal Dublin Chamber and D15 Chamber in association with Nifast
Ciaran Murphy (CPL) and Michael Kearney (CEO, Carlton Hotel Group),
Tony Lambert (CEO Fingal Dublin Chamber), Siobhan Moore (President Fingal Dublin Chamber), Martin Rankin (Quick Fit) and Siobhan Kinsella (Nifast)
Joe McPartlan (QBE Insurance), Siobhan Kinsella (Nifast), Kevin McDermott (Nifast) and Kevin Roche (MD, Flexsource Solutions)
ingal Dublin Chamber and D15 Chamber in association with Nifast Health and Safety Training and Consultancy, held a special Breakfast Briefing last Tuesday, 20th September. The briefing, called ‘Keep Your Business Moving This Winter’ was held at the Carlton Dublin Airport Hotel and was well attended by business people from all over the region. Following severe weather over the past two winters, attendees were given first hand expert advice on such topics as aquaplaning, skids and measures to prevent vehicle breakdown in such conditions. The briefing also outlined the up-to-date electronic safety features fitted to many modern vehicles, explaining their benefits and demonstrated the systems in operation. The briefing also addressed employers’ legal obligations and provided practical information and cost effective control measures on how employers and employees can continue to operate safely through the harsh winter ahead.
John Harrington and Barry Cronin, (both from Transpoco), with Alan Spain and Tom Lynch, (from S&S Office Interiors).
Kevin McDermott (Nifast), Siobhan Kinsella (Nifast), Siobhan Moore (President, Fingal Dublin Chamber), Tony Lambert (CEO, Fingal Dublin Chamber) and David Donnelly (D15 Chamber).
Lynn Cawley and Ena Richardson, both from Clarion Hotel Dublin Airport.
Cathal Boland (North County Leader), Martin Rankin (Quick Fit), Siobhan Kinsella (Nifast) and John Ruddy (Quick Fit)
Conor Loughran and Derek Donoghoe, both from Nifast.
Michelle Mann (DHL), Helen Devlin (Premier Inn, Airside) and Ailish Hatton (Flexsource Solutions).
Sheila Byrne, Cathal McGrattan and Siobhan Kinsella, all from Nifast.
Stephanie Garcia and Ann Marie Murray (Radisson Blu Hotel, Dublin Airport), and Joe McPartlan (QBE Insurance)
John Twomey (Flexsource) and Jason Coyle (DHL).
Cathal Boland (North County Leader), Tony Lambert (CEO, Fingal Dublin Chamber) and David Marshall (Respicare)
Shane Gleeson and Zanine Wyeth, both from Flexsource Solutions.
David Smyth (BMW Driver, Kevin McDermott (Nifast) and Siobhan Kinsella (Nifast).
North County Leader 27th September 2011
The Biggest Circulation Of
North County Newspaper
Special Report
ublin’s All-Ireland football success story has taken the entire North County by storm and has generated a wave of enthusiasm that is most welcome and, hopefully will sweep all before it. It provides a welcome diversion from mundane and depressing news items and gives a lift to all of our drooping spirits. The fact that four of our own North County heroes played such a crucial part in this victory is all the more special. Captain fantastic, Bryan Cullen is a proud member of Skerries Harps, while Paul Flynn is from Fingallians in Swords. Darren Daly who is part of the squad is from Fingal Ravens in Rolestown and Micheál McCarthy from St Sylvester’s in
Malahide is another squad member. The old adage that a successful team is only as good as the back up it has and Darren and Michéal can consider themselves unlucky not to have seen action on All-Ireland day. All four North County warriors played vital roles in the team’s success. Bryan has been rightly lauded for his leadership and organisational skills, as well as his
ability to score vital points when required, like the match winner against Donegal in the semi-final. Paul played a vital part and proved what a valuable player he is, with consistently top class performances all year. Indeed there was a collective sigh of relief when he was passed fit to play in the final, after an earlier injury scare. The Fingallians man has the ability to
win ‘dirty ball’, which he has done all year to set up crucial scores for the rest of the forwards, as well as contributing vital scores himself. It was truly heartening to see all of our towns and villages decked o u t i n blue a n d navy and the sense of carnival was everywhere to be found. After a famine of 16 years, a sense of tension and nervous anxiety was all about. We all remember the great scenes of 1995, when another great North County man,
John O’Leary from famed O’Dwyer’s In Balbriggan led the sky blues to the promised land. What is it about the North County that produces giants of sport, be it Bryan Cullen,
Local Dublin Heroes: Captain Bryan Cullen from Skerries with the Sam Maguire and Paul Flynn from Swords
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North County Dublin’s
North County Leader 27th September 2011
Quality Newspaper
Special Report
are truly blessed and privileged to have them in our midst and call them our own. Much of the success of the foot-
Pictured with the Sam Maguire Cup in Skerries on Monday night are, Megan Pic: PK Parker, Ciara Lynch and Emma Parker.
Kellihers Electrical Proud Supporters of the Dublin Team. Congratulations Lads on your All Ireland Victory 2011 Unit 3, Turvey Business Park, Turvey Avenue, Donabate (Behind McGowans Furniture)
Tel: 895 0014 Fax: 840 4825 Congratulations to Paul Flynn & the Dublin Team on bringing the Sam Home!! Well Done Lads!
J o h n O ’ L e a r y, Paul Flynn, Darren Daly and Micheál McCarthy, River Valley’s Liam Ryan from our wonderful hurlers or John Mooney from the cricket team?. Let’s not forget that tireless warrior from both football and hurling teams, Naomh Mearnóg’s own Shane Ryan. We
Pictured at the Dubs home coming to Skerries on Monday night are Eoin Lynch and Ciara Lynch, with Bryan Cullen.
An ecstatic Paul Flynn holds the Sam Maguire Cup aloft immediately after the Dubs' fantastic victory against Kerry.
Gas Services Limited
ball team is due to players like Shane, whose energy was a feature of his vast contribution over the past few years. Indeed there was a sense, leading up to the game, that the old tradition of 31 against one, which always applied when
Pic: PK
Dublin reached AllIreland finals, had shifted significantly. For the first time, this was reversed and there was a genuine feeling of goodwill towards Dublin from all corners of the country - with the obvious exception of the Kingdom.
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Congratulations to Paul Flynn and Bryan Cullen and the rest of the Dublin Team from Northside Gas Services Well Done Guys!!!
Congratulations to Paul, Bryan and the rest of the Dublin Team
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Congratulations to the Dublin Team on their Great Win from from
52A North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin Tel: 01 813 8733 • 0861715087 6 Malahide Road, Clontarf, Ph: 01 8186797
Paul Flynn surrounded by Kerry players.
Congratulations Paul, Bryan and the rest of the Dublin Team from everyone here at Roganstown Hotel & Country Club Congratulations to Paul Flynn, Bryan Cullen and the rest of the Dublin Team
Broadmeadow Hall,Applewood Village Swords, Co. Dublin, Ireland T: 01 890 9550 F: 01 840 8275 E: W:
Main Street, Swords, Co. Dublin Ph: 01 8957445
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Well done from all the team at O’Loughlin
Roganstown Hotel & Country Club, Naul Rd, Swords, Co Dublin Tel. 01-8433118 email:
North County Leader 27th September 2011
The Biggest Circulation Of
North County Newspaper
LUSK MOTOR GROUP *Just 5 minutes from Dublin Airport
Call: 01-8437085 email: Station Road, Lusk - Sales: 01-8437085 Michael: 086 6036758
North County Dublin’s
North County Leader 27th September 2011
Quality Newspaper
Special Report
Bryan Cullen is pictured with Rebecca Prendargast, Delores Hanley and Paul Zaki, aged 10 when the victirious Dubs visited Crumlin Children's Hospital.
The victorious Dublin team celebrate with the Sam Maguire Cup at Croke Park.
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North County Leader 27th September 2011
The Biggest Circulation Of
North County Newspaper
Special Report
Sam Maguire Cup The most famous trophy in Irish sport, the Sam Maguire Cup was first played for in 1928, with the first winners, Kildare beating Cavan in the final. Bill ‘Squires’ Gannon, captain of Kildare was the first man to hold it aloft . This year’s defeated finalists, Kerry have won it on the most occasions, 29 times in total, while Dublin’s victory marked their 9th time to hoist the trophy. Sam Maguire was from Dunmanway in West Cork and went to live in London, where he was a prominent member of the GAA there. Shortly after his death in 1927, a number of his former comrades and friends came together to decide how best his memory could be perpetuated. The Sam Maguire Cup was commissioned to the design of the Ardagh Chalice. The first Ulster County to win it was Cavan in 1933. Galway won it for Connacht in 1934. It was not until 1960 that Down became the first county to bring Sam across the border and create history in doing so. Kerry has the enviable record of winning the “Sam” on the most number of occasions. The GAA. authorities recalled the old trophy to Croke Park and replaced it with an identical replica in 1987. The last winners of the old cup were Meath, who by winning again in 1988, they became the first winners of the new Sam. The original trophy is on permanent display in the GAA Museum in Croke Park
MORGAN WHOLESALE & RETAIL TOOLS SCREWS & FIXING Full Range of: • Box Screws • Torx Drive Masonary Screws • Express Nails • TCT Saw Blades • Diamond Cutting Discs • Expanding Foam & Silicones • And much more… Congratulations to Bryan Cullen & the Dublin team on their great Success…Well Done Lads!!
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Swords Road, Blakes Cross, Lusk, Co. Dublin. T: (01) 895 4748 F: (01) 8954717 Email: Web:
North County Dublin’s
North County Leader 27th September 2011
Quality Newspaper
Special Report
Congratulations to Bryan Cullen & the Dublin Team…. Well done on their Great Success this year!! Opening Hours: • 9am-8pm Mon-Fri • 9am-6pm Sat • 12pm-3pm Sunday
Next Course
Unit 3, Skerries Point Centre, Kelly’s Bay, Skerries, Co. Dublin Tel: 01 8493017
Think Smart… Think…
Helping you to achieve your business Goals Proud sponsors of Fingallians U11 Girls Football Team Congratulates Paul Flynn & other Dublin Players on their fantastic win.
Dublin captain, Bryan Cullen is pictured with Eimear Daly, Ross Tolan and Ciaran Murphy
Everyone accepts that Dublin is the ‘cash cow’ of the GAA and that a successful Dublin team s good for everyone.
Pictured are Dublin players Darren Daly from Fingal Ravens, Bryan Cullen, Paul Casey, James McCarthy with Michaela Morley and Sophie Philips.
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Congratulations Boys, You Did Us Proud
Harbour Bar, Skerries 01 802 9593
Cllr. Peter
COYLE Congratulations to The Dubs!
Bryan Cullen is pictured with Michael Hogan from Lusk Motor Group.
This is a feeling that is hoped will progress further than just the sports fields. We all remember the
Cllr. Ciaran
BYRNE Congratulations to Bryan Cullen & the Dublin team on their great success in the All Ireland!!
Well done lads 8, Burrow Court, Portmarnock, 846 0327 • 087 2837160
E-Mail: Website:
Mob: 087 227 30 60 email:
tremendous, uplifting feeling that was generated by Jack Charlton and the great Irish soccer team in Italia 90. Everyone was in high spirits and, hopefully, the same
Cllr. Darragh
effects will be felt in the aftermath of Dublin’s great victory. The victory in 1995 went a long way to lifting people out of despair and now it is hoped that this can be repeated
BUTLER Swords Donabate & Portrane Rolestown & St. Margarets Santry - Meakstown Fingal - Dublin North and West
Please contact me if I can be of help on any issue Congratulations Dublin All-Ireland Football Champions and Hurling League Champions 2011
Home: 17 Highfield Close, Swords Mobile: 087 95 95 378 Email: web:
Supporting David McGuinness (Dublin West bye-election)
Paul Flynn in the thick of the action.
Congratulations to The Dubs, Great Job!
Cllr. Ken
FARRELL 4, The Drive, Orlynn Park, Lusk 8438311 - 0877551927
North County Leader 27th September 2011
The Biggest Circulation Of
North County Newspaper
Special Report
Rob O'Hanrahan, Katie Markham, Emma Hagan and Kevin O'Hanrahan celebrate outside the Skerries Harps GAA club after Skerries man Bryan Cullen leads the Dubs to victory in the All-Ireland Final.
and the North County will be inspired by the achievements of Bryan, Paul, Darren, Micheál and the lads. Both Bryan and Paul started their footballing careers with their
respective clubs as underage players. They worked their way up through the age levels and soon came to the attention of the county minor and under 21 selectors. Speaking to the County Leader, Brendan Cullen, Bryan’s father said that gaelic football was always the number one sport for the young Cullen. “He was always a talented sportsman and tried
his hand at them all, and was particularly good at tennis, but remained loyal to the GAA. To be made captain is a great honour, particularly after losing his place on the team
two years ago, due to a back injury, but he rose from the ashes like a phoenix,” said a proud Brendan. Chairman of Fingallians, John McGee was thrilled
by the contribution of local man, Paul Flynn. He told the County Leader, “Paul is a credit to the club and an inspiration to the young players. He is the ideal role model and is a tremendous
ambassador for the club and for young people everywhere,” said McGee. A huge crowd turned out for what was an emotional homecoming in Skerries on Monday last. Bryan brought Sam Maguire home and we were reminded that the last time Dublin won Sam, in 1995, it was brought back by another North County hero, goalkeeper John O’ Leary. The night started off as a mild evening just before 8pm, when the crowds starting arriving and slowly building. And build they did when every few minutes word came in that the team bus had left Merrion Square and was ‘on its way’. Soon afterwards, we heard that they were ‘almost here’ followed by ‘just 5 minutes away’ and
Skerries Harps GAA Club. Eventually, after several chants of ‘We Want Sam’ and a nice bit of rain, sometime between
Congratulations to Paul Flynn and the Dublin Team
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that was to be the word for the next hour and a half! The crowd were in great spirits, keen to see their heroes, and were entertained by live music put on by
Pictured during the Dublin team's visit to Crumlin Children's Hospital are captain, Bryan Cullen and Kevin Nolan with Andy and Mary Lowbridge with their son, Neil, 4 weeks old.
50 North St, Swords 01 8075147
FAIRWAYS, BALHEARY, SWORDS, CO. DUBLIN Tel/Fax: 01 840 7674 Mobile: 087 687 6143 Email:
Estuary Kennels Caring for your pet everyday Congratulations lads on a great win
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Congratulations to the Dublin Team on their great win
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Proud Supporters of Bryan Cullen & the Dublin team Congratulations to all involved in bringing the Sam home St Maurs GAA, Rush, Co Dublin 843 8233
St Maurs GAA
North County Dublin’s
North County Leader 27th September 2011
Quality Newspaper
Special Report
Cullen lead the 10 and 10:30pm, the victorious Dublin crowd finally got team onto the stage their wish as Bryan
BG BLINDS Congratulations to Bryan Cullen & the Dublin team on their great success in the All Ireland!! Well done lads UOTE FREEinQthe
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Dublin captain, Bryan Cullen is pictured with his father Brendan, mother Mary and sister Sinead and the Sam Maguire Cup at Lusk Motor Group, who sponsored him for the past six years.
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on the Skerries Harps pitch. The crowd, which must have numbered between 1,000 and 2,000, showed their appreciation for the team and Bryan himself. Despite leading the team through an epic season, he still found his voice to introduce the team to the crowd. It was a night that will go down in history in Skerries and the North County and is not likely to be forgotten any time soon, nor are we likely to see the end of the celebrations any time soon either. This is according to club chairman, and Kerryman, Niall
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PART – TIME STYLIST 2-3 years experience please contact Lorna or Sarah Jane on 849 5238 Congratulations to Bryan Cullen & the Dublin team on their great success this year. Well done lads!!
95 Strand Street, Skerries, Co Dublin
23 Years To Remember 1891 vs Cork
1922 vs Galway
1892 vs Roscommon
1923 vs Kerry
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1942 vs Galway
1897 vs Cork
1958 vs Derry
1898 vs Waterford
1963 vs Galway
1899 vs Cork
1974 vs Galway
1901 vs London
1976 vs Kerry
1902 vs London
1977 vs Armagh
1906 vs Cork
1983 vs Galway
1907 vs Cork
1995 vs Tyrone
1908 vs London
2011 vs Kerry
1921 vs Mayo
Dublin captain, Bryan Cullen is pictured with Lusk lad, Evan Kelly and the Sam Maguire Cup.
Murphy when he said that it was ‘the proudest day in the history of the club’ when Bryan Cullen brought Sam onto the steps of the clubhouse. Skerries
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Congratulations to Bryan Cullen & the Dublin Team.
Congratulations to Bryan Cullen & the Dublin Team from
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Telephone: 0879818427
Harps and the Dublin team were overcome by the huge crowds that turned out to greet them and would like
to sincerely thank them all. The organisation for the night itself is an absolute credit to all the volunteers from the Skerries Harps GAA club who only started organising it from 10am that morning. They worked all day to set up the stage, the tents, organise entertainment for the crowd, ensure their health and safety and arrange for clear and effective communications among the many stewards on the night at the club grounds and all around the town of Skerries. Special thanks must also go to local Gardaí, Declan Yates and John Mitchell. Local Dublin Bus co-ordinator, Mark Kelly also deserves great praise for organising two open top buses on this historic day for the North County and Skerries. Bryan Cullen and the Dublin team are sure to be busy over the coming days, weeks and months bringing the cup from place to place across the North County and beyond. So it is much appreciated that so many children in Skerries have already had this opportunity.
Call 01-8491510 Congratulations to Bryan Cullen & the Dublin team on their great success this year….
Ridgeway’s Barbers
Well done lads!! From everyone at DNG Skerries.
Congratulations to Bryan Cullen & the Dubs on Bringing the Sam home… Well Done Lads!!!! 37 Church Street Skerries 8494125
1 Thomas Hand Street, Skerries, Co. Dublin
North County Leader 27th September 2011
The Biggest Circulation Of
North County Newspaper
Signed, Sealed, Delivered
trip around Balbriggan and its environs with postman Ned Pyne, who has lived all his life in the town and spent 39 years working in the postal service, is a great way to spend a Monday morning.
The town of Balbriggan and the postal service across Ireland has changed dramatically since ‘the happy days’ of 1972 when Ned began his ciently. “The postman gets his bag ready at career in the sorting office in Sheriff Street. A the depot and a driver drops it off at the box year later, he transferred to Balbriggan to where the postman on his bike collects it. The work alongside his late father, Paddy and two postman then drops off his empty bag taking other postmen, Joe Keenan and James Cann, another full one out before heading off again.” delivering letters and parcels to Balbriggan With their distinctive green colour, “lots of and its environs. people think the drop off boxes are actually At this time Balbriggan post office was based post boxes and go mad because they can’t in Dublin Street and was run by postmistress, drop their letters in,” Ned says. Julia O’Connor. “Postmasters and post- As he drives me around I am in awe of his mistresses were an elite group of people and power of recall. “Basically you have to have a had their own set ideas; everything had to be good memory as a postman. I remember the done right. They actually gave us a great roads, the names and in the past I rememgrounding and great training but you didn’t bered the faces. That’s impossible now with dare step over the line,” Ned laughs. He the vastness of the area.” Indeed, I am struck describes working with his father Paddy as by the number of houses and apartments in “an honour because he was a gentleman, but Balbriggan but there are refreshingly few difficult at times for both of us. I wouldn’t be unfinished developments. Ned points out fine the most patient with authority, not like my green areas at Moylaragh and Ashfield where father’s generation where they just agreed children can play. While he feels Balbriggan with everything.” ‘was chopped up like a cake’, he believes you Ned’s reluctance to accept change for its own have to have progress and change. He is sake led to him becoming the CWU delighted to have his daughter Caitriona living (Communication in Mount Workers Union) Rochford, representative for across the An Post staff in road from Balbriggan. “No where he and one minds his wife change when it’s Brenda have constructive, but lived for 36 An Post didn’t go years in the down to the fella field he played on the ground to football in as a see what changes child. were needed, To cover the even to get an increase in input,” he says. population, He believes the there are now biggest mistake 45 postal made by An Post workers on the was the closure ground, in of many rural addition to post offices office staff and although he three or four accepts ‘there night staff. Ned Pyne, delivering the post for the past 39 years in Balbriggan. was a cost factor Ned’s son, Neil and some had to go which was fine.’ has spent the summer months delivering post The sorting office in Balbriggan now distrib- in the Balbriggan area but will shortly return utes post to Garristown, Oldtown, to college in Luton. It’s undoubtedly in the Ballyboughal, Naul, Stamullen, Gormanston, blood as Ned’s brother, Tony delivers in Lusk Rush, Lusk and Skerries in addition to and his cousin, George is due to retire shortly Balbriggan. Ned rues the fact that older from the route he serves in Bayside and people have to travel to the centre to collect Sutton. Postmen have an early start and Ned parcels that Ned and his staff are only allowed arrives at the ‘state of the art’ sorting office keep for three days before returning to where he describes the working conditions as sender. “To an extent we’ve lost the personal first class, at 6am and finishes up at 2.30pm. touch, the social contact the postman had “It’s never a problem apart from my day off with people. Years ago you could go into the when my body clock doesn’t allow me a lie country and a person might say, “Ned I won’t in,” he says. Ned is a fascinating tour guide be here tomorrow, if you have a parcel please and raconteur. His pleasure in his job as a put it in the shed or leave it at the door” but postman is palpable as is his admiration and you wouldn’t dream of doing that now.” frustration with An Post who have employed At that time, life was lived at a slower pace him for 39 years. “I enjoy the job, in fact I love and Ned reminisces calling to Mrs Sweetman it. It’s not about letters, it’s about people.” up at Knock Cross “who’d have a big mug of His deep connection with Balbriggan where he tea ready for me, and lots of brown bread. I’d has lived all his life is obvious and he has be falling asleep after she’d fed me,” he always fully engaged in local issues, being laughs. At that time, Ned travelled his route forthright in his opinions and ideas as Labour on a Honda 50 provided by An Post, but in the Councillor for 15 years and long- time Union early days he describes ‘flying around on a Representative for An Post staff in Balbriggan bike.’ and outlying areas, in addition to developing A bike alone would be impossible nowadays community facilities, such as Balscadden with Ireland’s burgeoning population and Ned Blues Soccer Club, Ned shows no desire to praises the practical initiative of An Post intro- slow down or retire any time soon ‘sure what ducing ‘drop off boxes’ to enable postmen would I do?’ he concludes. deliver ever increasing volumes of mail effi-
Unit 5 Newgrange Business Park, Donore Road, Drogheda Tel: 041 – 9843700 Fax: 041 – 9843745email: • Opening Hours: Mon - Friday 9am - 6pm Sat 10am - 5.30pm Sunday: 2pm - 6pm
North County Dublin’s
Shannon Forrester is pictured with Creona Kealy with their Junior Cert results JR at Loreto College in Swords.
North County Leader 27th September 2011
Quality Newspaper
Portmarnock Community School students, Sarah Grouse, T O’K Naoise Pepper and Emma Kelly. Mark Wright, Hugh Hayes, Ian Scalan, Patrick O' Neil, Michael Keating, JR Jordan Healy and Cian O'Hagan from Colaiste Choilm in Swords.
Happy students from St Finian's Community College Swords, Alan Byrne, Billy Ryan, Aaron Spratt and Luke Cudden.
Conor Kilbride, Mark Grogan and Jack Buckley from T O’K Malahide Community School.
Karen Sheehy, Sarah O'Dowd and Laura Graham from St Finian's Community College, Swords.
Jude Behan, Aisling Dennis and Kitana Doyle from St Mary's Secondary School, Baldoyle. St Joseph’s Secondary School, Rush students, Kirstie Vaughan, Aoife Jones, PK Emma Daly, Edel Doherty, Vicki Langan and Emma Reynolds.
Ashley Duff, Louise Burns and Joanne Cusack from Loreto College Swords. JR
Keith Heller, Gareth McCaffrey and Dominic Mahon from Colaiste Choilm in Swords. JR
Principal of St Mary's Secondary School, Baldoyle, Siobhan O' Connell with Emma Maguire, Niamh Whelan and Rebecca O' Dare.
Nathan Durkin, Ben Dillon, Luke Byrne and Mahdee Nokairi T O’K from Malahide Community School.
Ryan Doyle and Mark Langan from St PK Joseph’s Secondary School, Rush.
Niamh Kavanagh, Laura Lynch and Clodagh JR Manton from Loreto College in Swords.
Ashley Duff, Joy Heany and Grace Nolan from Loreto JR College in Swords.
North County Leader 27th September 2011
The Biggest Circulation Of
North County Newspaper
Kennedy Slams Martin Continued from page 1 persons. This decision is short sighted and contrary to his own decision to back Gay Byrne,” said a clearly angry Kennedy. Kennedy, who was a poll topper in the previous general election in
Dublin North is considered to have played a role in the election of Micheál Martin as party leader, prior to the last general election. He feels Martin is not the man that he helped get elected and is disappointed at his decision making. He is asking Micheál Martin in future to allow elected representatives to discuss policy matters in an open fashion in the interests of maintaining party morale. Kennedy was widely regarded as a hard working, honest politician who, along with others, lost his seat and considers that he and other backbenchers should have been more vocal at party meetings and is calling on Micheál Martin to change his Pictured here enjoying the fun with the help of a furry friend are L-R: Rose Lennon and Cliona Byrne at the attitude if Fianna Fail is Seeds of Advancment summer camp in Stamullen. Pic: RN to survive.
Cullen’s Rugby Move Will Not Affect GAA Contd. from page 1 music to the ears of thousands of supporters. “Of course I will be available to play for Dublin. This is only a job and does not affect my playing career in any way,” he said. The Skerries native will be overseeing the fitness programme of the province’s next generation of stars when he starts his new job as the sub-academy
fitness coach in the coming weeks. He is in the process of completing a PhD in exercise physiology at DCU where he has studied under sports science expert, Niall Moyna. He is believed to be keen to develop his skills in a fully professional environment. The job was advertised as an “exciting and challenging position,” and Cullen was required to
have an IRFU conditioning certificate, strength and fitness coaching experience, his educational qualifications and organisation and communication skills. Gaelic football is sure to have helped his cause, and it will be regarded as a notable coup for rugby to appoint such a high-profile GAA star. We wish him well in his new position.
The Autumn is well and truly here and the nights are starting to get shorter, as many of us are sad to see the summer gone. Autumn is still a great season of the year weatherwise. Autumn • Driveways Cleaned and Sealed means getting busier for many of us as we see the children returning to school and the evenings getting shorter, the trees • Patios Cleaned and Sealed losing their leaves and the feeling of fresh is all around. It’s • Block Paving Cleaned and Sealed time to pack more in to our days outside the home when it’s • Tarmac Restoration bright and now is the ideal time to prepare your home for the • Imprinted Concrete Restored autumn season. • Deck & Wood Cladding Cleaned many choose the autumn to start & Restored mixing things up colour wise to prepare for the upcoming winter season. If your looking to revive a Commercial and Residential Contracts Undertaken particular room with a dab of paint, Carrying out renova- richer colours like tions to your home brown, terracotta can be done at any a n d r e d a r e v e r y time but in the popular and will Autumn you still bring plenty of have the advantage w a r m t h i n t o y o u r of fairly l o n g home. You can also evenings and bright mix and match your mornings. Getting accessories around important renova- the house so that m a n y . M a k e s u r e your home is well insulated this year Supplier of Top Quality Coal and everything is in p r o p e r w o r k i n g Polish Coal . . . . . . . . . . . .€17.00 per bag o r d e r b e f o r e t h e 3 Bags & 1 Log . . . . . . . . .€50.00 C.O.D cold nights come 6 Bags & 2 Logs . . . . . . . . .€100.00 C.O.D and you can enjoy y o u r h o m e t o i t ’ s 10 Bags & 3 Logs . . . . . . . .€160.00 C.O.D f u l l w a r m t h a n d Smokeless Mix . . . . . . . . . . €18.00 per bag ambience. T h e 3 Bags & 1 Log . . . . . . . . . €52.00 C.O.D toughts of checking 6 Bags & 2 Logs . . . . . . . . . €104.00 C.O.D e v e r y t h i n g i s i n 10 Bags & 3 Logs . . . . . . . . €170.00 C.O.D working order can House Coal - €16 Per Bag be quite daunting Chippings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .€16.00 per bag and you may feel like it’s going to be Anthracite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .€18.00 per bag hard work. I t BALES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .€4.50 doesn't have to be BAG OF LOGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .€4.50 o n c e y o u d e c i d e 5 BAGS OF LOGS . . . . . . . . . . . .€20.00 what exactly your BOTTLED GAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . .€30.00 home needs to tions in your home everything is colour ensure the autumn are a job none of us coded accordingly. s e a s o n i s a c o s y look forward to but A few cushions, a one. sometimes they are new lamp or even inevitable and best n e w b l i n d s o r to get on with them c u r t a i n s will before winter limits instantly give your u s t o i n d o o r D I Y . home a new feel for P l a n y o u r j o b s the autumn season. carefully using & INTERIORS importance and cost as guidelines, this SPECIALISTS IN ROLLERS, VENETIANS, way you know they VERTICALS, ROMAN AND need your attention CONSERVATORY BLINDS and by acknowlOver 15 years experience edging this they are Free Quotation - No Obligation coming off the long We bring our showroom to finger.
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Swords based Gift Voucher Shop, the company behind the One4all brand, has been awarded top honours for their charity initiative Cyce4haiti at the 2011 Chambers Ireland Corporate Social Responsibility Awards. The awards, run by the Chambers Ireland, honour the work carried out by Irish and multinational companies to improve the lives of their employees and to enhance the civic environment in which they operate. Pictured at the awards are Phil Hogan, Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government, David Walsh (Gift Voucher Shop), Michael Dawson (CEO Gift Voucher Shop), Isolde Moylan (Programme Co-ordinator Soul of Haiti), Michael Fennelly (Gift Voucher Shop) and Ian Talbot (Chief Executive Chambers Ireland).
Swords And Balbriggan Stores In Line For Awards Swords and Balbriggan stores have made the top six finalists in this year’s Irish Retail Industry Awards. Moriarty’s SuperValu, Balbriggan is in the final six in the Best Superstore Category, while McCabe’s Pharmacy, Pavilions Shopping Centre, Swords is in the final six stores in the Best Extra Large Store Elaine O’Neill from McCabe’s Pharmacy, Swords is a finalist in the Manager of the Year 2011 Award and Joanne Dargle from the Carphone Warehouse in the Millfield Shopping Centre, Balbriggan is a finalist in the Rising Star of the Year Award 2011.
Commenting on the unveiling of the 2011 short-lists David Fitzsimons, Chief Executive, Retail Excellence Ireland told the County Leader, “This year’s finalists are the cream of the crop when it comes to Irish retailing. They are retail businesses that have responded to the challenges that they are currently facing by upping their game significantly. We were pleasantly surprised at the level of investment that retailers and their employees are putting into their businesses. The quality of this year’s finalists shows that, in spite of the unprecedented challenges facing Ireland’s retail industry, it is in good hands. “ The award winners will be announced at the Retail Excellence Ireland Awards on 5th November at the Radisson Hotel, Galway.
Cosy Nights in
Colour Change As we sadly say goodbye to the bright and airy season of summer,
Now is the perfect time of year to spend a cosy night or two indoors as we try and brace ourselves for the colder weather. Spending nights in front of the TV with an open fire or even just relaxing in bed watching your TV or on the internet is pure heaven to
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North County Dublin’s
North County Leader 27th September 2011
Quality Newspaper
County Club bers Is
Now O www.north countyleandline @ with Tony O’Keefe
Daragh Hanlon, Johnny Kennefich, Jerry Grimes.
Conor Clarke, Kev Kiernen, Paul Reed, Keith Coffey, Chris Hagan, Anto Whelan.
Emma Greene, Michelle Power, Dan Carpenter, Claire Eglington.
into local e dropped ds. We w k e e w is or Th elvet in Sw favourite, V arm welcome by the aw were given ho were delighted to w s r e b eat b clu re. The gr have us the ver looked like e ne atmospher the DJ bashing out ith dwindling w A special shout out to . hit after hit ond celebrating his m Daniel Red 18th. Hope it was an ight. excellent n
Ian O'Carolan, Emma Kelly, Eamon Connolly, Tracey Daniels.
Rebecca Lowndes, Mark Connelly, Emma O'Hare.
Peter Harford, Debbie Tyrell.
Dimitrij Harlanov, Kristina Juzbaseva.
Lynn Kiely, Roisin Cunningham.
Aaron Connolly, Sarah Beirnes.
Damien Markey, Warren Lynch, John Bell, Glen Lunney.
Neil Thompson, Ciara Maguire.
Rory Kirwin, Gary Redmond, Darragh Quinn.
Stephen Boyle, Danielle Andrews, Mary Coy, Dean Mills.
Shanice Mooney, Kasey Duggan.
Mark Spelman, Daniel Redmond, Keith Coffey.
Damian O'Reilly, Micka Fay.
North County Leader 27th September 2011
The Biggest Circulation Of
Drama Group Present Malahide’s Got Talent The X Factor may not be rolling into town any time soon but the Malahide Musical and Dramatic Society (M.M.D.S.) are convinced there is still a lot of talent in the area. Have you got what it takes to be Malahide’s next big thing? M.M.D.S. are delighted to announce that this November they will be holding a “Malahide’s Got Talent” competition. Any act over the age of 8 can participate. So whether its singing or dancing, baton twirling or juggling the society want to hear from you. The competition will comprise of three
Lusk Foróige Club
initial heats in Malahide Rugby Club on the 10th, 11th and 12th of November, with the top six acts from each night qualifying for the Grand Final which will take place on November 13th In The Grand Hotel in Malahide. The first heat will be for under 13 years, the second for 13-18 years and the grand final for adults of any age. The closing date for applications is 15th October 2011. The entry fee for is €10 per person. For more information and to register your interest in the competition please contact
Tunes For Charity!
Swords couple, Tracie Carey and James Kearney were married at St.Cronan's Church recently. The couple have been together for 14 years and have two children, Ben aged four years old and Sam who’s eight years old. Tracie and James met after James' Best Man, Kris Keogh set them up on a blind date. “She blew my mind,” says James Kearney. From Coolock originally, husband and wife now live in Swords. Best Man, Kris who owns Keoghs Irish Pub in Spain flew over for the wedding. The reception were held in the Castle Suite in the Carnegie Court Hotel. We wish Tracie and James health and happiness in Pic: JR their future together.
Material Arts Seminar In Swords
Swords resident and aspiring entrepreneur Rob Sullivan, who founded Gaffjam, organised a Tunes for Charity gig to raise money for the Breast Cancer Research Association in Ireland, which took place in The Slaughtered Lamb pub recently. All proceeds from the night will go towards Breast Cancer Ireland. The line up included bands such as Black Water Mist, Machine Gun Baby, Jones Apollo, Val Normal, Jones Apollo and musician Philip Ahern. “I wanted to create a night of fun, for a good cause,” says Rob, the organiser. “The Slaughtered Lamb in Swords is a great place for local gigs and the staff are very supportive.” Pictured here L-R are: organisers Rob Sullivan and Dave White, and members of the headlining band Val Normal; Watchy, Dara Walsh and Peter Lodge. Pic: JR
North County Newspaper
For those of you who want to learn or brush up on your Material Art skills, now is your chance. Their will be a Dynamic Defence seminar on Monday, October 17th from 7.30-9.30pm in Tigin Montessori School in Swords and is open to everyone, regardless of rank and style. Highly respected material arts instructor Marc Moore will be teaching and conducting the Seminar. Having began his study of Martial arts in 1965, he has been training ever since and formed Budo Warrior Schools in June 2000 after he worked as a personal bodyguard to one of the world’s wealthiest men and has also worked alongside and trained the special forces personnel and members of the royal protection squad. For more information contact: Alfred Reid at It's an event not to be missed!
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Lusk Foróige Club has reopened for the new term and new members are welcome to join the club. The club is for all young people aged 12 and over from the area. They meets on Wednesdays from 7.30 - 9.00pm in Lusk National School Hall and provide a social space for young people to meet with their peers and get involved in a variety of activities. Anyone interested in volunteering to help run the club are also encouraged to come along. Volunteering is a great way to get involved in your local community and to help young people in the area to develop their skills and talents. For further information please contact Bryan Gavin, Foróige Regional Youth Officer on 0868519630.
Snippet Quilters In Skerries Are you keen to start a new hobby? Then quilting could be just the thing for you. Beginners class in Patchwork and Quilting are running now for six weeks. The classes are on Friday mornings from 10.30am 12.30pm. Contact Breeda on 8354708 if interested. Get those knitting needles at the ready!
Music And Storytelling Returns To Ballyboughal The Fingal Folk club will resume their very popular music sessions after the summer break. They return on Friday night in St Patrick's Hall, Ballyboughal. The Fingal Folk Club was established to promote the talents of songwriters, musicians, singers and story tellers across all age, gender and nationality in the North County, ‘The Morning Dew’ one of the area’s finest ballad and folk song duos will host the sessions and extend an open invitation to musicians and singers to join them in the performances. Performers are invited to contact Ronnie 085-
1743748 or Ted 086-6992440 for more info. A feature spot will include a group, singer, and or songwriter storyteller from the North County area to give a performance of their favourite pieces of work. Performers and groups for the features must book in advance with details. Performances will commence at 8pm and will finish at approx 10pm on the night. Performers are requested to be at the venue for 7.30pm for preparation and tuning. Admission for adults is €5, musicians optional and children free. There will be a complementary mineral bar.
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North County Dublin’s
We’re flying high North County Leader, your No.1 local newspaper is now being delivered free of charge to an impressive 40,000 homes and businesses throughout North County Dublin. Your favourite local newspaper is proud to be the only local newspaper to have acheived the ISO 9001:2008 9001:2000 quality standard. This is at a time when for the period from January to June 2011 2007 the average weekly sales of the paid for regional press in the area have once again dropped and now are at 3,319. 5,705. These sales figures are confirmed by the Audit Bureau of Circulation (ABC) and are the most recent figures available. Our comprehensive mix of news, entertainment, leisure and information backed up by a wide range of specialist features and supplements are a most important part of the week for the residents of our distribution area.
North County Leader 27th September 2011
Quality Newspaper
Ballyboughal Pitch And Putt To Remember George This year, the Ballyboughal Pitch and Putt club have an additional competition to their calendar of events, which will become known as the George McDonnell memorial Cup. The McDonnell family, natives of Skidoo, Ballyboughal have been been members of the Pitch and Putt club for
over 35 years. Ann McDonnell who is a current member wanted to sponsor a tournament in memory of her brother, the late George. Having lived most of their lives in Swords, George was a huge supporter of gaelic football, the Dublin county team and Fingallians GAA club. Ann has specially commis-
sioned a fantastic Cup which will be contested over four games. Starting on Saturday 1st October in Ballyboughal, it will continue on 8th October in Laytown, then on to Trim on 15th October and the final game on 22nd October in Ring Commons Sports Centre. This will be a truly great competition for the members of Ballyboughal Pitch and Putt club to contest and will bring a great sense of community in remembering their friend, George.
Malahide Cricket Club Batting For Charity Malahide Cricket Club have just confirmed the designer line up for the fashion show element of their “Batting for Charity” lunch extravaganza, to be held on 30th September in Cruzzo's restaurant, Malahide Marina. This “fizz, fashion and fun” event is in aid of the Marie Keating Foundation and the cricket club's youth development fund. See the new season ranges up close and personal from top Irish designers, Eilis Boyle,
Pictured here L-R: Suzanne O’Toole and Nicola Ricourt from Beauty Acadamy in Drogheda.
Malahide Motors Gas Yard Lane, Malahide • Car Servicing • Pre NCT Preparation • Headlight Alignment • All Mechanical Works • Brakes • Clutches Ph: 01 845 2554 Mob: 086 1911 465
Aideen Bodkin, Unicorn, Emma Kate Manley, Heidi Higgins and Richard Lewis. This action packed event kicks off with a drinks reception at 12.30 pm, followed by a sumptuous three course lunch with wine at 1.30 pm. There will also be a live jazz band (Fusion Wave) to entertain the crowd for the remainder of the afternoon. Tickets are still available for the “Batting for Charity” event and are priced at €50 per ticket. Book your ticket or table by calling 086-1942865.
Fingal Probus Club Seeks Members The Probus Club, is a club specifically designed for retired professional and business people. The club are always keen to have new members join and all you have to do is come along to the meetings on the first or third Wednesday of the month to the Harp Lounge in the Carnegie Court Hotel in Swords at 11am. The club are very actively involved in
charity work for St Francis Hospice in Raheny and at their last coffee morning raised over €1000. A typical year’s programme involves talks on specialised subjects or matters of current interests and also visits to places of scenic and/or historic interest. The club provides the ideal platform for those who would appreciate and value
increased social contacts in their retirement and the opportunity of meeting others in similar circumstances.
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NCT/Warranty with all cars Congratulations to Bryan Cullen & the Dublin team on their Great Success!! Mary Scatizzi from South Africa is pictured outside the remains of her great grandfather, Christopher Maypother's home outside Balrothery. Mary was in the North County recently to retrace her Irish ancestry
Dublin Road, Lusk • Tel: 843 7276
North County Leader 27th September 2011
The Biggest Circulation Of Last Weeks published deaths from the North County
Family Notices
LATHAM (Portmarnock) Kathleen (Kay); beloved wife of the late Christopher, a loving mother to her sons Gerard, Kevin, Tommy, Terry, Frank, Gabriel and Norman, daughters Fionnula and Pauline, grandchildren, greatgrandchildren, sisters, brother-in-law and Anthony.
Enda McGuinness of Sherlock Park, Skerries 4th Anniversary on 29th September Time may have passed on But the ache is still the same They say that time is a helaler but this i do not believe Untill we meet again then i willl believe Love you always from your loving wife Sheila ~~~~~~~~ Our Father kept a garden, A garden of the heart; He planted all the good things, That gave our lives their start. He turned us to the sunshine, And encouraged us to dream: Fostering and nurturing The seeds of self-esteem. And when the winds and rain came, He protected us enough; But not too much because he knew We would stand up strong and tough. His constant good example, Always taught us right from wrong; Markers for our pathway that will last a lifetime long. We are our Fathers garden, We are his legacy. Thank you Dad we love you. In my thoughts every day. Miss you loads. Stephen and Deirdre, Wendy & Shaun ~~~~~~~~ The memories of you dad are still as vivid as ever You’re singing, banter and laughter Dad the pain has eased, As people say it does Because I know you walk with me everyday Loved & Remembered Always Marie & Family ~~~~~~~~ We soldiered on, The road was long Now that you are gone, I sing our song Now that the time has come All my love Don ~~~~~~~~ Life is tough without you Dad, I miss you everyday, But I know we’ll be together again, When we fly where eagles soar Stephen, Linda and Family ~~~~~~~~ Our years have passed since you went back home Resting in the arms of the father above, We miss you dad and we always will as you look down on us now and protect us still. our hearts were broke when you went away, when we meet again it will be a special day, Love and miss you always Stephanie, Brendan, Paul Alan and Brenda ~~~~~~~~ One of life’s true gentlemen Those we love don’t go away They walk beside us everyday Unseen, unheard but always near, So loved, so missed, so dear. Pascal, Sharon and kids
ADAMS (Raheny) Lucy; beloved wife of the late Pearse and loving mother of Mary, Therese, Anne, Lucy, Ruth, Pearse and the late James, Patrick and Deirdre; sadly missed by her family, sons-in-law Michael, Dave, Mick and Garry, daughter-in-law Karen, her beloved grandchildren and greatgrandchildren, sister-inlaw Kitty, nephews, nieces, relatives and a large circle of friends. HARTIN (Portmarnock) Philomena; beloved wife of PJ, greatly loved mother of Michelle and Gráinne and sister of Eamon; daughter of the late Packie and Peggie; sadly missed by her mother-in-law Kathleen, brother-in-law, sistersin-law, cousins, relatives and wide circle of friends.
Miracle Prayer Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked you for many favours. This time, I ask you for a very special one. Take it Dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your broken heart, where your father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. TMB
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North County Classifieds For Sale WHITE SATIN A&T Lotus Orient Corporation wedding dress for sale, size 10-12, in perfect condition, can email photos at anytime. €100. Ph: 0877558447 2 SEATER SETEE and armchair to match as new; mink colour. €350 for both. Also leather swivel chair and pouf €85. Ph: 0876235076. NATURAL HARDWOOD kitchen extendable table and 6 chairs, as new. €300. Ph: 0876235076. VOUCHER for Anne Rossi Clontarf, for choice of facial peels or dermagensis microdermabrasion deluxe. Value €135. Ph: 0860623280. UNWANTED gift valid until 10/12/11. Sell €30. Ph: 0860623280. NINTENDO WII, white console with 2 controllers. 1 with
Miracle Prayer Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked you for many favours. This time, I ask you for a very special one. Take it Dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your broken heart, where your father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. BN
Miracle Prayer Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked you for many favours. This time, I ask you for a very special one. Take it Dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your broken heart, where your father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. JRD
North County Newspaper
jelly cover and 1 nunchuck with Wii Sports and Wii Play. €115. Ph: 0860623280. DELL Optiflex Desktop 740 with 18.5 inch flat screen, monitor and Dell Photo Printer. Ideal for home office or family room. €320. Ph: 0860623280. PC CABINET 2 door Hideaway Cabinet with frosted glass doors 160x84x52 colour wenge. €150. Ph: 0860623280. DOUBLE MATTRESS as new comfort zone, memory foam spring mattress. €100. Ph: 0860623280. WHOLESALE – 30 plastic hand-painted rings for sale. Rings are brand new. Mixed colours and sizes. For 30 rings €10. Ph: 086 2300824 DOUBLE BUGGY. €100 Ph: 0879419899.
Property HOUSE SHARE Seeking two girls to share a house, with one other girl. May also very well suit a mother and child. Ph: 0872716578. SHARING with one other female, full use of a lovely quiet house. Beach to the back of house and own driveway. Preferable prof female. Ph: 0877754325.
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PLANNING APPLICATIONS Fingal County Council Application for Full Planning Permission for conversion of attic to non-habitable storage space with consequential alterations to existing hip roof to accommodate attic stairs at 39, The Priory, Donabate, Co. Dublin. Signed Pat O Keefe This application may be inspected/purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy between 9.30am3.30pm, monday-friday, at the offices of Fingal Co. Co., County Hall, Main St., Swords, Co. Dublin. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing on payment of the prescribed fee within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by Fingal Co.Co. of the application. Fingal County Council Application for full Planning Permission for alterations to previously approved F09A/0245, alterations to one of the house types to reduce existing two storey 4 bedroom house type to single storey 3 bedroom house with no changes proposed to site layout or ancillaries at Bettyville, Ballyboughal, Co. Dublin Signed Daniel Grogan This application may be inspected/purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy between 9.30am3.30pm, monday-friday, at the offices of Fingal Co. Co., County Hall, Main St., Swords, Co. Dublin. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing on payment of the prescribed fee within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by Fingal Co.Co. of the application. Fingal County Council We Mr. & Mrs. Jameson intend to apply for Retention Planning Permission at No. 68 Blackberry Rise Portmarnock Co. Dublin Retention Permission of garage converted to television room and shower room with pitched and hipped roof finish replacing flat roof to front of house and sun room attached to rear of house at ground floor level with pitched and hipped roof finish and sky lights in roof. This application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of Fingal County Council, County Hall, Main St. Swords Co. Dublin during the public opening hours 9-30am 1530pm Monday to Friday and a submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the planning authority in writing on payment of a fee of €20.00 within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by Fingal County Council of the application
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Next Issue:
Tuesday, 27th Septemer NING : 23RD S EPT
Fingal County Council Starbucks Coffee Company Ireland is applying for permission for the erection of a new awning at Unit 2, The Green, Malahide, Dublin. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (20Euros) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of this application. Fingal County Council Planning permission is sought for the demolition of existing shed to rear (approx. 2m2) and the construction of a single storey extension to rear (approx. 17m2) with roof terrace at first floor level and all associated site works at 53 Tower Street, Rush, Co. Dublin for Brian and Arlene Carpenter. The application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the Planning Authority during its' public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the Planning Authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application. Fingal County Council Planning permission consequent on the grant of outline planning permission (Reg. Ref. No. F09A/0583) is being sought on site ‘A’ of said permission for the construction of a single storey dwelling house with on-site biocycle waste water treatment unit and percolation area, vehicular entrance, landscaping and all associated site works at Baldwinstown, Garristown, County Dublin for H. Stafford. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the Planning Authority (County Hall, Main Street Swords) during it’s public opening hours 9.30am – 15.30pm Monday – Friday. A submission or observation in relation to the application maybe made in writing to the Planning Authority on payment of a fee of €20.00 within the period of five weeks beginning on the date of receipt of the application by Fingal County Council. Fingal County Council I, Richard Cronin, am applying for Planning Permission for the demolition of an existing domestic garage & utility and for the construction of a new two storey extension with single storey porch entrance all to the side (northfacing) elevation of existing dwelling, with all associated elevational changes and siteworks, all at St. Anthonys, Racecourse Commons, Lusk, Co. Dublin. This planning application may be inspected or purchased, at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the Planning Authority, during its public opening hours, and a submission or observation may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (€20) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of this application. Fingal County Council Planning permission is sought by Donal O’Flynn at Blackwood Lane, Malahide, Co. Dublin for a Part M compliant disabled friendly 3 no. bedroom single storey dwelling (including disabled toilet and hallway), waste-water treatment system, vehicular access from Blackwood Lane, landscaping and all associated site works. The planning application may be inspected or
North County Leader 27th September 2011
The Biggest Circulation Of
Please submit your planning notices to:
The Automated Gates People
Next Issue:
Tuesday, 27th Septemer NING : 23RD S EPT
before 5.30pm every Thursday, in order for the application to appear in the following issue of North County Leader. A receipt will be issued when your planning notice is received. Please retain this receipt as proof of submission.
purchased a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority (County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Co. Dublin) during its public opening hours (9.3016.30 Monday to Friday). A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the Planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee (€20) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application. Fingal County Council Planning permission is sought by Norma Hogan at the Grange, Malahide, Co. Dublin for a two storey four bedroom dwelling, vehicular entrance, bio-cycle waste-water treatment unit and percolation area, landscaping and all associated site works. The planning application may be inspected or purchased a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority (County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Co. Dublin) during its public opening hours (9.30-16.30 Monday to Friday). A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the Planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee (€20) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application. Fingal County Council Permission for new (hard & soft) landscaping works to the front of the existing Community Centre building including 3no. new flagpoles, new trees in planters, new access ramps, new steps and guarding rails, new paving to the existing forecourt area and all associated siteworks at Upper Main Street, Rush, Co. Dublin. Signed: A. McCrudden (Chair.) Rush Community Centre. This application can be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of Fingal County Council, County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Co. Dublin. Mon.-Fri. between 9.30-15.30 (Through Lunch) and a submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to Fingal County Council on payment of the prescribed fee within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application.
Fingal County Council Permission for new 2-storey dwelling (to replace existing mobile home and former single-storey dwelling) and detached garage and all associated siteworks at The Harbour, Loughshinny, Skerries, Co. Dublin. Signed: Hugo Gill. This application can be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of Fingal County Council, County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Co. Dublin. Mon.-Fri. between 9.30-15.30 (Through Lunch) and a submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to Fingal County Council on payment of the prescribed fee within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application. Fingal County Council Planning permission is sought for the modification to previously approved register reference F11B/0109 to include for terrace area over ground floor extension to rear with new handrails and access door to replace dormer window at first floor level, all to the rear at Inch Townland, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin. For MR & MRS C. HAND. This planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (20euros) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of this application.
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North County Leader, Your No.1 Local Newspaper are happy to announce that we are now accepting Planning Application Adverts for the following areas: Balbriggan, Balrothery, Skerries, Lusk, Rush, Loughshinny, Ballyboughal, Naul, Portrane, Donabate, Swords, Kinsealy, Malahide and Portmarnock
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Fingal County Council Retention planning permission is sought for new illuminated signage erected on the Northern & Southern facades of the existing structure at Drynam Road, Swords, Co. Dublin by Organon Ireland Ltd. This planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (20euros) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of this application.
Fingal County Council Planning Application Adverts are
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North County Leader 27th September 2011