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28th February 2012 • Volume 19, Issue 07 • Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin. • ISDN 8139966 • Tel: 8•400•200
Has Reilly’s Time Come? The decision of An Bord Pleanala not to grant planning By Patrick Finnegan permission for the new National Children’s Hospital at the Mater Hospital site, may well be a blessing in contrast to the original Mater Hospital site, where access was one of the main stumbling blocks, according disguise for the North County. The shock decision has caused a mini crisis in govern- to opponents of the hospital being located there. The use of the Port Tunnel to access a potenment, but Minister for Health and local tial Children’s Hospital here, within TD, Dr James Reilly may well be in a posiminutes must also be factored into the tion to turn this to his, and the North equation. County’s advantage. One of the alternaThe Government are committed to having tive measures being proposed is that of a this project ready for use by 2016, which Green Field site. There are many who means that a decision will have to be believe that such a site in the made very quickly. The job creation North County area would be both pracopportunities in the construction phase, tical and sensible. are incalculable. Local carpenters, There are lots of advantages to locating Dr. James Reilly TD plumbers, electricians, bricklayers and such a vital infrastructural project here. Firstly, the proximity of the area to the city centre stands other trades are being forced to make the short journey out as a compelling reason. The M50 and M1 routes to Dublin Airport to seek employment in far flung provide direct access to the area, from all locations in places, like Australia, New Zealand and Canada. What the Greater Dublin area and beyond. This is in stark an opportunity this would be for them!
Pictured enjoying Nicola Markey's 26th birthday at Wrights in Malahide are Carole Smilie, Linda Mc Guinness, Gillian Keogh, Thelma Stack, Deirdre McAndrew, Nicola Markey and Yvonne McGovern.
Prior to the last General Election, Dr Reilly, then in opposition, was adamant that a world class health facility, located in Swords, was one of his prime objectives to be met, once in government. Reilly’s idea of a potential hospital, university and medical school in the heart of the North County would bring the necessary growth required to get us back on our feet. Permanent positions, like nursing, porters, clerical assistants and general hospital workers, could also be filled from this area. The North County is full of highly qualified professionals, who are willing and ready for the call to employment. Is there any compelling reason why the North County should miss out on this golden opportunity to breath life into the local economy?
Local Fine Gael activists have made the point that their deputy leader would be well advised to examine the voracious work of his party colleague, Leo Varadkar in neighbouring Dublin West in bringing jobs and opportunities to his area. Some of these have included major road improvements and the proposed opening of a railway station. They now view the demise of the Children’s Hospital at the city centre site, as a ‘not to be missed’ opportunity for Minister Reilly to provide the hard pressed electorate in his own constituency with a chance to improve their lifestyles dramatically. A genuine effort by Dr Reilly to locate this massive project in the North County is bound to be viewed very sympathetically by our hard hitting electorate.
TRY SOMETHING NEW IN 2012 Balbriggan Will Miss Frank Carson
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The news of the death of two separate occasions. well known and loved “It’s my favourite place in comedian, Frank Carson, the world,” he said. who spent many happy Carson, who spent his years in Balbriggan, has honeymoon in the area been received with great said, “it always brings sadness in the town. He back happy memories.” was best known for the Frank leaves a wife, Ruth, catch phrases “It’s a daughter Majella and cracker” and “It’s the way sons Tony and Aidan, as I tell ‘em”. He passed well as 10 grandchildren. away at his home in The news has shocked the Blackpool, Lancashire, people in Balbriggan, as Legend Frank Carson with Bridget Gaffney and Nancy aged 85. Carson had Simpson were at the Balbriggan Summer Fest in July 2010. Frank Carson spent a lot of suffered from years here. Robert residents. Despite his show busipoor health. Cashell, who lived beside Frank for ness career, the comedian also A native of Belfast, he had a particmany years told the County Leader served as Mayor of Balbriggan on ular love for Balbriggan and it’s Continued on page 8
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Retirement Of Malahide’s Public Nurse
the year with my husband, Charlie and I will be keeping in touch with all of my colleagues when I return. I really enjoyed looking after the people of Malahide for the past 32 years. It feels more like 32 month,” said a clearly delighted Mary, who wished all the best for the future to all her many friends.
There was a sense of sadness great help to us in planning this around Malahide Health Centre, event.” Mary, a native of with the announcement that Roscommon has great plans for Public Health Nurse, Mary her retirement. “I intend to have Donnellan has retired. She a holiday in New York later in spent a total of 32 years and 7 months serving the public health requirements of the residents of Malahide. A floral presentation was made to Mary by Malahide Tidy Towns committee. Gerry Rafferty, on behalf of the committee told the County Leader, “Malahide Tidy Towns is directly linked to the local community, in much the same way that Mary was and we wanted to mark the Retiring Malahide Public Nurse, Mary Donnellan is pictured receiving a floral bouquet occasion in a special from Gerry Rafferty from Malahide Tidy Towns Committee to mark the occasion. Also way. Lilly McCann was a pictured are James McFadden and Heidi Bedell (both from Malahide Tidy Towns).
Balbriggan Students Get Career Advice
That’s why more advertisers are choosing us to achieve maximum results for their business
Pictured here are student Enya Hand, Captain Paul Jennings from Aer Lingus and Brenda Hand who attended the recent Career Open Day in Loreto in Balbriggan.
Loreto Secondary School in Balbriggan held a ‘Career Advice Open Evening’ on Wednesday 22nd February last. Loreto Parent’s Council hosted over 80 Universities and workplaces at the school,
where they spoke to students about potential careers and studies. The evening offered students a unique glimpse into the practical side of their future career. Workplaces from all over the North County,
3,319 30,ooo
Frank Kenny (on left) held his Retirement Do at the Carnegie Court Hotel in Swords. He is pictured here with Eddie Shaw.
Sale Of Work In Balbriggan Balbriggan residents had the opportunity to get some great bargains at the Sale of Work organised on the 18th of February in Meals on Wheels, at their base on Hampton Street. They had a successful coffee afternoon and Bric a Brac Sale of Work to raise much needed funds for this worthy cause. As always, volunteers hurried to lend a helping hand to the group that offers so much support to the Balbriggan community every day. Organisers offered a large selection of products for various prices such as books, toys, clothes and accessories, shoes, jewellery and household items. Shopping bags were filled, with buyers being aware that it was all going towards a good cause. Balbriggan Meals on Wheels provide approximately 70 meals every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday to people in Balbriggan, Balrothery, Balscadden and Man O’ War and are always grateful for all the generous support they receive. gave students an overview of the field they were interested in as well as explaining the day to day practicalities of that field. Students and parents alike were very interested in what was being said as the school was packed solid for the duration of the evening. There were also plenty of
questions fielded to the speakers and answers noted with great interest. It is great to see a school take such an interest in the future of their students. It is on evenings like these that students eyes and minds are opened to the many possibilities that life offers. It is an exciting road ahead.
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North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper
Pet Farm at Rush Nursing Home
Inside the issue
Swords Fighter On Brink Of Glory
Animal therapy came to Rush Nursing Home on Wednesday 22nd February last. This was week two of a four week therapy programme,
Swords man, Chris Fields (28), is probably Ireland’s most proficient exponent of the new sport of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) and is a full time professional. See page 5 >
By Peter Kearney arranged by the Nursing Home and Wooly Wards Farm. While it may be unusual, it is an important form of therapy as it “enhances an elderly person’s physical and emotional interaction with the world”. Furthermore it improves their mental well being as visiting or petting an animal “can reduce feel-
New Coaches For Sporting Fingal Special Olympics Martin McCormack and Gary McKane are on the lookout for new talent for Sporting Fingal Special Olympics football team. The two coaches began management at the club at the start of this season and are keen to build on a strong squad.
ings of loneliness or isolation”. Each week the residents get a short talk about the animals and their likes and dislikes. Afterwards all attendees get the opportunity to pet, feed and groom the animals. The therapy has the added advantage of encouraging more physical activity from the resident by the interaction with the animals The animals get bigger each week on the programme. Firstly there was poultry, followed by hamsters on week two, goats on week three and finally Llamas on week four. Wooly Wards Farm is the brainchild of Mary Ward. Mary brings the animals to the home and so much more to the lives of the residents.
See report on page 6 >
Flippin’ For Charity
Pavilions Backed Programme Gains Momentum Following the recent official launch by Republic of Ireland manager, Giovanni Trapattoni of the community 'Road to Poland' grassroots programme, suppoeted by the Pavilions Shopping Centre, the FAI are delighted to announce further developments. Seestory on page 8 >
Huge Sum Raised For DAA Charity Dublin Airport Authority (DAA) staff raised a staggering €225,000 for their charity of the year, 3Ts – Turning the Tide of Suicide during 2011. See story on page 7 >
The Clarion Hotel Dublin Airport held a Pancake Day last Tuesday, in aid of St Francis Hospice in Raheny. Swords Man Allen Clarke, Restaurant, Banqueting and Duty Manager commented on the success of the day. "We're delighted to once again support our friends at St Francis Hospice who do tremendous work. It's one of the many events we support, in conjunction with our 40th anniversary," he said. Allen is pictured here with Head Chef, David Steele, who, coincidentally is the chef to the Republic of Ireland football team and will be looking after the culinary requirements of the Boys in Green in Poland.
Pictured here are L-R Mary Ward, Catherine Corr (with her furry friend) and Dana Duddy who enjoyed the Pet Farm at Rush ursing home recently.
Race Night For Autism In Malahide A charity race night was held in Malahide Golf Club on Wednesday, 22nd February last in aid of Irish Autism Action. Event organisers, Ross Culligan, Cormac Gordon and Colm Hand put in a huge amount of work, to ensure the success of the night. Last November, Ross, Cormac and Colm were informed that, as part of their New Venture Creation module in college, they had the opportunity to organise a charity event to raise funds for a charity of their choice. They chose Irish Autism Action and went about organising the charity race night. The MC for the night was well known weather man from TV3, Martin King. Autism affects about 200,000 people in Ireland. It is a sensory disability in which everything the person sees, hears, feels, tastes and smells is distorted. Ross Culligan told the County Leader, “The night was a huge success and thanks to everyone who attended and helped us out, and also for being so generous in their donations too. We hope that all the money raised from the race night will have a positive impact on the lives of those affected by Autism.”
Snippet Strictly Comes To Loughshinny If you reside in or around Loughshinny and always wanted to take up ballroom dancing, well your search is over. Your itchy feet and twinkle toes are about to be tested. There will be ballroom dancing every Friday night in L o u g h s h i n n y Community Centre from 8 – 10 p.m. No joining fee, just pay €7 on the night. If you’re interested, call into the community centre any Friday night. All are welcome.
Esquires Coffee To Create up to 30 New Jobs In Swords Esquires Coffee, a North American Coffee franchise company, plans to create 30 new jobs when it opens it’s flagship store in Airside Retail Park in Swords. The store will be operated by Fergal McGovern and Rhona O’Sullivan who already operate two existing franchised stores. Following the success of these stores they have now agreed terms on a 5,000 square foot premises which is double the size of most of the other Esquires Coffee Stores in Ireland. “At Esquires, our main aim is serving that perfect cup of coffee combined with the freshest locally sourced produce,” says Rhona. “Relax with the daily papers and our professional ‘baristas’ will take care of the rest”. “We always strive to provide our customers with excellent customer service, it is and will always be a hallmark of our business,” adds Fergal. With this in mind, Esquires wish to recruit up to 30 staff members to include a store manager, supervisors, fully trained baristas and experienced deli staff. The store is due to open in early April so all applicants should tender their CVs as soon as possible to the e/mail address provided.
North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper
Having a Party??? Call Us Now On: 8•400•200
Pictured enjoying a night out in Malahide recently are Sharon Ryan and Ann Hurley. PK
John Douglas celebrated his 50th birthday, with a party in the Carnegie Court Hotel in Swords. Pictured are Tina Fitzpatrick, Debbie McQuillan, John Douglas and Nikki Fitzpatrick. PK
Pictured enjoying a Girls Night Out at the Old Schoolhouse in Swords recently are Karen Dwyer, PK Mel Dervan and Justyna Browne.
Pictured enjoying a Girls Night out in Fowler's, Malahide are Nicola Allen and Lisa Allen. PK Pictured enjoying a lads night out at Fowler's in Malahide recently are Phillip Thomas, Ross McDonagh, John Brady, Paul Antony, Simon PK Powel and Conor Heat. Pictured at a Hen's night in Duffy's, Malahide PK recently are Dee McGee and Louisa Owens.
Carol Fitzgerald (in centre), celebrated her 40th birthday with a party in Old Schoolhouse in Swords. Enjoying themselves with Carol are Noel Fitzgerald, PK Sarah Nolan, Gary-David Jordan and Emer Foley.
Pictured enjoying a friends night out in Duffy's, Malahide are Niamh Timoney, Aoife Mullaney and Amanda Staunton. PK
Brian Moran, Denise Wilson, Denise Moran and James Wilson are pictured PK enjoying a quiet drink in Blu Bar in Skerries recently.
Sue Howe McGuigan (centre), celebrated her 30th birthday with a party in the Clarion Hotel Dublin Airport recently. Pictured with Sue are Sinead Mullen, PK Lisa Scannell, Louise Purdue and Megan Howe.
Enjoying a night out in Duffy's of Malahide recently are PK Nicola Kenny, Clara Kenny and Michelle Carty.
Pics: Peter Kearney
North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper
Swords Fighter On Brink Of Glory The relatively new sport of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is fast becoming one of the world’s fastest growing sports. It is a mix of boxing, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, muay Thai, kickboxing, taekwondo, karate, judo, Greco Roman wrestling and other styles. The sport has seen increased popularity, with a pay per view business that rivals boxing and professional wrestling.
By Patrick Finnegan Swords man, Chris Fields (28), is probably Ireland’s most proficient exponent of this new sport and is a full time professional. He has just returned from London, where he fought in the Cage Warrior tournament. He advanced to the semi finals of the eight man contest, which will be held in Saudia Arabia in April. “I’m at a quite advanced stage and hold the middleweight title for Cage Contender, which is the highest standard in this country by a long way, and is right up there with the best in Britain,” he said. He knows that success here could be a stepping stone to a Chris Fields. very lucrative career. If I win, my chances of being signed by a larger company will be on the cards. Cage Warriors are trying to bring the best European talent to American audiences, where the real money is. I’m the only Irishman left in the tournament,” he said. Chris, who lives in Boroimhe has a degree in Auctioneering, and worked as an Accounts Manager in HSBC Bank in Dublin, before becoming a full-time fighter and trainer.
He went on to explain how he became involved in the sport. “I’ve been kickboxing since I was six years old, with my dad. I was 16 when he died and I did the usual teenage things. I then took up kickboxing again when I was 20, when I discovered Brazilian jiu-jitsu. I started mixing in judo and wrestling and then met my coach, John Kavanagh when I was 23 years old.” His progress in the sport has been spectacular and he decided to take up MMA full-time. “Laura, my girlfriend has been very supportive. She’s a solicitor and we get on great together,” said Chris. He also explained that, while making money at the sport is very desirable, it is not his main motivation. “It’s never the money for me. I just love competing and my gym mates are like family to me. I always wanted to do this.” He was quick to explain that he comes from a very loving family and not from a broken home, which is normally associated with fight sports. “My style of fighting is very rounded and we try to outthink our opponents, like chess. I’m passionate about my sport and it gets me out of bed in the morning.” The idea of pitting your skills against another man, in such a fashion, is quite primeval, according to Chris, who is hoping to bring back another belt to Ireland and Swords, in particular. We wish him well. Pictured above Chris Fields, from Swords on left, in action in Cage Warriors in London. Pic: Tom Slezakowski,
Malahide Club Seek Memorabilia Malahide Golf Club are seeking memorabilia relating to the Club since its foundation in 1892. Would anyone who can help please contact the Club at 8461611 or email If you have anything of interest, such as photos, don’t hesitate to get in touch.
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UPC Ireland visited Realt Na Mara School, Skerries on Safer Internet Day recently. The visit was part of a wider programme that saw 12 volunteers from UPC Ireland visit schools around Ireland for Safer Internet Day 2012, to promote safer and more responsible use of online technology, especially among children and young people. Pictured are: Jason Campbell, from UPC with Jessica Carolan, Sophie Sweeney, Callum McDonnell, Amy Gannon, all from 5th class and Michael Joyce, from 4th class.
North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper
New Coaches For Sporting Fingal Special Olympics
North County Living by Aine Hannah
By Peter Kearney
Lights, Camera, Action Film fans in the North County are currently very well served with cinemas in the area’s major towns. There’s the glamorous Movies @ Swords, with its nod to the golden age of the silver screen in its art deco lighting, morning film clubs for parents and inhouse party area, and the Quayside cinema in Balbriggan. But arthouse movies, those quirky films that offer a different take on life to the entertainment blockbusters, also have a firm following in North County Dublin, as is best shown in a popular Skerries-based club. We met up with Angela Murphy of the Rockabill Film Society, which has been inundated with new members this year, and asked her the secret of the club’s success. “I was involved with setting it up way back when,” she says, of the society’s beginnings 13 years ago. “I’d just moved to Skerries and there was no cinema in the town at the time, so I just put a sign up in the pub to see if there was any interest.” She was delighted to discover that there was lots of interest from all age groups – a couple of the likeminded people keen to help were a budding filmmaker, Lee Cronin, who was a secondary school student at the time, and novelist Suzanne Power – but they’d no equipment to show the films and no constant source of the type of films the new society’s members wanted to see. “We bought an old projector from the Loreto school in Rathfarnham – the boarding schools used to run films for the students at the weekends and initially organisations like the Alliance Francaise and the Goethe Institute helped us out with French and German films to run on it.” Thanks to the constant nurturing of its volunteers, it’s grown to be a fixture in film buffs calendars, running two seasons of film nights a year in the sailing club in Skerries, and setting up themed events for movie fans in other venues. Every fortnight in spring and autumn, you’ll find a movie you may have missed on its general release in the cinemaplexes, or a film that was only taken up by arty venues like Smithfield’s happily re-opened Lighthouse Cinema. “We’re affiliated with the Irish Film Institute in Temple Bar,” says Angela. “That’s the umbrella organisation that provides lists of films that community-based film societies can access, and the members decide on which ones they’ll present.” As it’s a local initiative and relies on its members to keep it going, its new burst of energy this year is testament to the relaxed friendliness and enduring appeal of the club. Over the years it’s seen great success from updating its facilities with surroundsound equipment, to linking up with other local and international film and arts festivals. It has spawned separate committees such as the Solas film festival that was hosted in Skerries for a couple of years, inspired smaller townlands to set up their own and it contributes to the seaside town’s
lively Soundwaves arts festival that coincides with the autumn equinox towards the end of September annually. Angela was very enthusiastic about the effect the project has had. “The Solas film festival was a single day film festival which ran for two years and was hugely enjoyable and well received,” she says of the competition for local filmmakers to show off their work. When you love both the ‘popcorn and icecream-scoop’ experience that is the local cinema and the off-the-beaten-track cultural exchange, joining an established film club helps you maintain your healthy mixed diet of genres. It lures you off the sofa’s home cinema to meet new people and friends. This vibrant society attracts new fans through its interaction with other voluntary community groups like the hugely successful One World Festival in January that raised funds for the local Educate Together school by hosting an Indonesian film. But this year’s growth spurt is also thanks to the efforts of the current committee, says Angela, as they decided last year to let people know who they are on facebook and through other social media. It got the year off to a great start, with much bigger attendances and more hits on their website. “We were nearly overwhelmed with the amount of new people turning up to watch the film and join,” she laughs. But the sense of satisfaction the committee gets in working behind the scenes pays off in the enjoyment the film nights provide. “Having it in the Sailing club really works – it’s got a great atmosphere, it’s really social and convivial, as our shows there offer a night out that’s not too late – the films start at 8.30pm, and you can have a break for a drink and a chat during the interval,” says Angela. Like the film club in Naul at the Seamus Ennis Centre, you can either pay at the door or pay a cheaper membership fee to see the whole programme. “Their film club would follow pretty much along the same lines as ours and they’d have a different selection of movies to catch as the members choose which films we’ll put on.” The membership fees are structured attractively too, with descending fees for later in the year, and a ‘swap’ option for busy families where mom or pop might want to see a see a totally different genre of film (see for details). For instance, Rockabill’s line-up is designed to have something that’ll appeal to everyone, from Formula 1 fans (Senna, shown early February) to art fans (Woody Allen’s romantic comedy that’s animated with scenes and styles from famous painters, Midnight in Paris) to the hotly anticipated new Colm Meaney release Parked in March. The spring schedule finishes in April and picks up again in the autumn when the film buffs who’ve caught the summer sailing bug get wooed back indoors for less strenuous (and wet!) cultural pursuits.
“I’d just moved to Skerries and there was no cinema in the town, so I just put a sign up in the pub to see if there was any interest.”
Name: Location: Newsworthiness:
Angela Murphy Skerries She was at the forefront in setting up the Rockabill Film Society
Martin McCormack and Gary McKane are on the lookout for new talent for Sporting Fingal Special Olympics football team. The two coaches began management at the club at the start of this season and are keen to build on a strong squad. Former St. Patrick’s Athletic man, Martin McCormack said he and Gary entered management by chance. One evening, whilst listening to the radio on the way home from work, Martin heard the club were in trouble. He decided to “answer the call”.
New coaches at Sporting Fingal Special Olympics team, Martin McCormack and Gary McKane are pictured at Loughshinny, prior to their match against Bray Lakers.
Since then the club have gone from strength to strength from a time when they didn’t even have a manager. Having played teams from all over
Ireland, they have only been defeated once in the league. The cup is
also going as planned after they booked their place in the semi-final with a win over Limerick. The guys put it down to the “great response” they have had from new players and the “hard work and training” they put in. In fact, Martin believes that some are good enough to make the Irish Special Olympics team. Now they wish to build on this success by attracting a few more strong players to take the team up yet another level. We wish them and the players continued success and all the best for the future.
Get that Job Workshops WORKSHOP 1: Weds 29th Feb 7.30pm-9.30pm The Job Search: Where to look, How to write an effective CV & Cover Letter WORKSHOP 2: Weds 7th Mar 7.30pm-9.30pm Complete Interview Prep: Commonly asked Q’s & A’s, Professional Presentation & Self Confidence
In the Bracken Court Hotel, Balbriggan €15 for 1 workshop or €20 for both Training provided by Qualified HR & Recruitment Professional. Practical workshops with detailed handouts.
New Drama From St. Andrew’s Players St. Andrew’s Players’ production of the Agatha Christie thriller, ‘A Murder Is Announced’ takes place from 1st to 3rd March in the Portmarnock Sports and Leisure Centre, at 8.00 each evening. The players are currently rehearsing intensively, to make sure the show is up to their usual high standard. The cast includes Ger Memery as Inspector Craddock, Betty Reddy as Miss Marple, Mary Gamble as Miss Blacklock, and a collection of other eccentric characters. It is directed by Jean Goslin. A pleasant house in an English village, full of young people enjoying their summer, watched over by their aunt, Miss Blacklock, the owner of the house. What could be more pleasant, more typically English. But a notice in the small ads of the local paper announces a murder for that evening. As the tension rises in the house inquisitive neighbours come in to see the action. In this classic Agatha Christie thriller everyone falls under suspicion. The full skills of Miss Marple and Inspector Craddock are needed to reach the final denouement. Tickets for the show are €12, or €10 for concessions. Groups of six people or more can get a group rate of €8. Call 086 816 4846 for details. Betty Reddy plays the part of Miss Marple in the St Andrew's Players production of A Murder Is Announced, by Agatha Christie at Portmarnock Sports ansd Leisure Club.
Successful Night For Malahide Lions Malahide Lions recently held the first of their annual quiz nights for 2012. It was a great success, raising much needed funds for LauraLynn House and Lions Charities. Held in the beautiful Grand Hotel, twenty eight teams battled it out over 10 rounds with 10 questions in each round. Scoring was close all evening and coming in to the 10th bonus round it was all to play for. Great fun was had and there was a raffle with plenty of prizes on offer to top the evening off. Malahide Lions Club would like to thank everyone who attended, participated, helped out, donated any of the many wonderful raffle prizes or in many cases, all of the previous. The club look forward to more fundraisers throughout the year.
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Garristown, Co. Dublin • Visit our website - Tel 018354066 - Fax 018354088 Don’t forget to mention North County Leader to avail of Discount! Offer valid until February 2012 with this ad
North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper
Huge Sum Raised For DAA Charity
Noel Smyth, (Chairperson of 3T's) is pictured receiving a cheque for €225,000 from Dublin Airport Authority's, Siobhan Moore and Oliver Cussen (Deputy CEO, DAA).
Dublin Airport Authority (DAA) staff raised a staggering € 225,000 for their charity of the year, 3Ts – Turning the Tide of Suicide during 2011. A parachute jump, sponsored cycle, a row from Dublin to Holyhead, a Fire Station calendar, ceílí night, Halloween night, numerous cake sales and raffles were just some of the events that
contributed to the overall sum raised. The donation to the 3Ts, is the single biggest sum ever raised by DAA staff; over the past five years. DAA staff have raised more than € 830,000 for five different worthy causes. DAA Deputy Chief Executive, Oliver Cussen said: “The amount raised this year has far surpassed previous
Funding Now Available For Malahide Walkway Commenting on the plans for a pedestrian/cycling route from Donabate to Malahide, local TD, Alan Farrell (FG) said: “I am delighted that the County Council are now being awarded funds to advance the design for an orbital pedestrian and cycle path along the Malahide Estuary. I am very pleased that this money will be available to facilitate the progression of this project to bring this one step closer to fruition.” The importance of such an amenity was not lost on Farrell, who was very excited about it’s possibilities. He told the County Leader: “The potential benefits of this walkway to people in Malahide, Donabate and visitors to the town will be enormous, in tandem with the additional attraction that will be the arrival of Avoca to Malahide Castle and Gardens. As a resident of Malahide, I cannot emphasise enough the value that this walkway will be to those who enjoy nature walks, bird watching, cycling, or just appreciating what I predict will be one of the most beautiful landscape attractions in Dublin,” he concluded.
The highest level of colour qualification To celebrate, we are offering:
Deputy Alan Farrell (FG) is pictured at the Malahide Viaduct
alan.farrell@oir .ie
1st Monday of every month Constituency Of Donabate 7 - 7.30pm Community Centre Open on Old fice Street, Rush 8 - 8.30pm Community Centre Malahide. 1st Thursday of every month See Balbriggan 7 - 7.45pm Town Hall for details Swords 8 - 8.30pm Senior Citizen Centre
01 618 4008
A bizarre new range of flip-flops gives people the chance to experience the feeling on walking bare-footed on grass. Australian footwear company KUSA has reported "amazing" sales after launching flip-flops featuring fake turf stitched onto the soles.
Congratulations to our Stylist Donna O’Hare who recently achieved a
AUSTRALIA Back To Nature With Grass Flip-Flops
That personal touch
has no real connection with Castleknock or Blanchardstown, with mainly fields and motorways between us. The residents of the Forrest Road / River Valley side of Swords and those from Knocksedan and the Park Avenue side of the Brackenstown Road must be re-united with their neighbours in the By Kieran Dunne constituency of Dublin North. Like them, I am fed up getting newsletters Almost fifty per cent of total submisfrom ‘local’ politicians telling me about sions made to the Constituency road works in Castleknock and Commission examining electoral Blanchardstown.” “I was delighted with boundary divisions such as Dublin the response from North and West came from Swords residents,” Swords, the County continued Butler. “I did Leader has learned. my best to drum up as Out of 553 national public many submissions as submissions, the North possible and put a special County capital was newsletter out before responsible for more than Christmas asking resi260. The figures further dents to make submisemphasise the strong sions and it was great to disapproval of the political see the response.” divide, which has resulted The decision to split in the splitting of the town Cllr. Darragh Butler Swords with a new elecinto two separate toral boundary, described as ‘commuconstituencies – Dublin North and nity isolating,’ was taken following a Dublin West. boundary review in 2007. Amongst those to make strong submisAs a result, it means that certain areas sions were ten political representatives, in Swords cannot vote for politicians the County Council, and an overthat represent them due their placewhelming majority of Swords natives. ment in Dublin West. All submissions Speaking to the County Leader, have now been published on the Councillor Darragh Butler (FF), having Constituency Commission website. made three submissions, said: “Swords
Alan Farrell TD - Working for you in Dublin North
Wacky World
Kieran James Hair Salon are now offering high-end hand made fascinators
Figures Show Swords Anger at Divide
Sam Maguire is continuing to do the rounds in the North County. Friday and Saturday 3rd and 4th February, it was Rush. First stop was St. Maur's GAA club, where all who attended had the opportunity to get their photo taken with the trophy. Two of these were local lads and club members, Gearoid McCormack and Paul Jones, who are pictured with the famous cup. It was also a good time to hold the club's annual juvenile raffle. There was a crowd of over 250 people there for the quiz night and to add their support to a big club that had a very successful 2011. Here's to 2012 for the Maur's.
years, which is an indication of how suicide has touched people’s lives.” Accepting the cheque on behalf of 3Ts, Noel Smyth, Chairman 3TS said: “We would like to formally extend our thanks to everyone DAA for raising this very significant sum of €225,000, which far exceeds all our expectations and demonstrates their support
and commitment to the issue of Suicide Prevention in Ireland. DAA Charity Chairperson, Siobhán Moore said: “We are very confident that this year, our charitable efforts will pass the €1 million mark, which is an incredible achievement, We are delighted to have chosen Barretstown as our charity for 2012 and we are already planning our fundraising efforts for the year ahead.”
Ballyboughal Choir Needs New Members The Ballyboughal Church Choir who rehearse every Wednesday at 7.30pm at the Church of the Assumption, Ballyboughal are looking for new members to join. Additional singers are encouraged to come along and can contact Ronnie 085-1743748 for more details.
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North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper
Jan 20 - Feb 18
This is a week when it would be better to do something than suffer from uncertainty. Once you take action, all changes; as all the indications are that before the week is out you’ll be wondering what all the worry was about.
Feb 19 - Mar 20
In the process of satisfying others’ concerns, will you resolve a few of your own. However straightforward things seem, only after exciting developments around Friday will the picture - and your future - be clear.
Mar 21 - Apr 20
The highlight is on business. Tiresome as this is, particularly during the week’s first half, you’ll soon be thankful for what you’ve learned. In fact, you’ll be calling on facts that, only recently, were boring numbers.
Pavilions Backed Programme Gains Momentum Following the recent official launch by Republic of Ireland manager, Giovanni Trapattoni of the community ‘Road to Poland’ grassroots programme, the FAI are delighted to announce further developments. On the back of successful ‘Road to Poland’ schools coaching programmes in Balbriggan, similar programmes are being rolled out in Swords primary schools, namely Holy Family NS, Kinsealy NS and Applewood Gaelscoil NS. With the backing of Swords Pavilions and in line with their community support programme, additional programmes such as a Tiny Tots programme for 3 to 5 year olds is now up and running in Rivervalley Community Centre in Swords every Tuesday morning and a forth-
participants every week, with up to 20 per cent girls involved in line with this year’s FAI focus on promoting the girls’ game. Speaking of the success to date of the Swords Pavilions backed Road to Poland Grassroots Programmes, FAI/Fingal County Council Development officer Paul Keogh commented: “We are delighted with the response to date to all the programmes we Pictured here are Swords Pavilions Creative Director Ian Hunter and Senior team manager have rolled out. With Giovanni Trapattoni at the recent launch community of the Road to Poland grassroots the backing of the programme. County Council and coming 4v4 Road to Poland programme in Swords Pavilions, more is planned as the exciteSwords is will take place. The 4v4 Road to Poland ment of Poland and Ireland’s first tournament in programme in Balbriggan now attracts 80-90 10 years approaches.”
Ghost Bus Provides Scary Moments
Apr 21 - May 20
However cautious you are, you’re still likely to be blamed for whatever arises. While this is partly unfair, defending yourself achieves little. Biding your time does, however, as, before long, truth will win out.
May 21 - Jun 20
With a business or financial matter you’ll want to study all the facts. But others are facing facts, too. Enough that, by next week, they’re likely to have changed their restrictive attitudes for a far more flexible approach.
Jun 21 - Jul 22
In all matters this week, ask tough questions and you should get the right answers. And if you don’t, next Monday’s potent aspect to the planet truth, Pluto, should force any remaining vital facts out into the open.
Jul 23 - Aug 23
The accent this week is on life’s loves and pleasures; and your bubbly attitude will spark the entusiasm of others, who then join you into turning previously dull activities into something more exciting and enjoyable.
Aug 24 - Sep 22
You finally concentrate on what’s important. This, you’ll find, is easier than you expected. So much so, that you’ll be discussing ideas that, only a few days previously, simply wouldn’t have been possible.
Sep 23 - Oct 22
You worry about hurting others; if not causing a rift. The irony is that discussion of issues engenders the reverse. Suddenly those you’d thought simply wouldn’t listen are being both more communicative and more considerate.
Oct 23 - Nov 22
Your initial reaction to ideas or offers is unlikely to be positive. However, reject nothing now. Ideally, you’ll make no decisions until next Monday’s powerful planetary change, when things suddenly fall into place.
Nov 23 - Dec 21
You begin to be more assertive in all aspects of your life. Your timings good, too, as others will be delighted with your new clarity. You’re going to be standing up for a lot: your ideas, for others and, most of all, for yourself.
Dec 22 - Jan 19
In all matters recently you’ve been cautious perhaps overly so. However, you now question your approach and develop a more inventive outlook, which introduces ideas as stimulating as they could be disruptive.
Pictured at the AIB Photojournalism Exhibition 2012 at AIB Bank in Tallaght recently are Maura Kelly (Manager AIB Crumlin and former Manager AIB Swords) and Anne Corrigan, (Relationship Manager, AIB, Swords)
Police Forum Meeting In Balbriggan There will be a Policing Forum Meeting on Wednesday 29th February at 7.30pm in Hamilton Hall in Balbriggan. This meeting is an opportunity for all people living in Balbriggan and Balrothery to bring to light any issues that they may
have regarding community safety. This can range from drug and alcohol related issues/crime to antisocial behaviour within the local community. Members of Balbriggan Garda Siochana and the County Council will attend these meetings to listen to all the issues that are concerning the residents of Balbriggan and Balrothery. There is free parking under the Town Hall, tickets validated at Town Hall desk. All are welcome to attend.
Balbriggan Will Miss Frank Carson Continued from page 1 about the void left by his death. “The great thing about Frank, is that he had time for everyone. There were no airs or graces about him. He was also very generous with his time. During one of his stints as Mayor, he put in a great effort to support the local rugby club. We kept in regular contact and frequently phoned each other. He always tried to help people and the place will, regrettably be much quieter without him,” he said. Another person who knew Carson personally was well known local
businessman, Dominick Rafter, who said: “Every time you met Frank it was a laugh. He was in great demand all of the time. He really loved Balbriggan and he told me he would love to have the roundabout at the entrance to the town called after him. Hopefully, the Town Council will consider this. It would be a fitting tribute to the man. He never went anywhere in the world without mentioning Balbriggan somewhere along the way. I was speaking to him about six weeks ago, and in the middle of telling me about his cancer, he
Dublin’s Gravedigger Ghost Bus Tour “My name is Sanelma Mäkelä I’m a 20 year old student from promises to be “the Finland and have travelled to scariest ride in town” many different countries so I get in to the bus including Australia, which I lived with a little excite- in for over a year before coming ment. Immediately the to Ireland. I’m really enjoying my so far and am doing an bus sets a terrifying visit internship with the North County tone: when entering a Leader for the next six weeks.” skeleton, actually the bus driver, grabs your a couple of Dublin’s historically shoulders all of a sudden and most remarkable places, such as totally freaks you out. The bus itself Dublin Castle, were we hear fazing is looking brilliantly horrifying as stories set on the exact scenes. the decoration is everything you Even a person who usually starts could ever imagine to be in a ghost yawning in a monotonic museum bus: skeletons, blood, bones, black tour hasn’t got enough time to get curtains and mystic light effects, bored during this one, as all the which are well-used to keep the story telling is so vivid that you participants on their toes. During actually don’t want to miss a bit, the ride we are amused, and though it still feels like quite a long constantly shocked, by the startling tour. historical stories and the guide, So if you want to know more of dressed as a brutally murdered Dublin’s fascinating history, hear ghost, made an impressive acting petrifying stories and, especially, work throughout the over two hour have some good frightening fun, long tour. The tour takes us also to dare to jump aboard!
said, did you hear the one about the...?” This just typified Frank,” he said. Local businessman, Anthony Murphy from Goldsmiths Jewellers also has many fond memories. “He was a customer of mine and I knew him quite well. He was always full of jokes and conscious of promoting Balbriggan at every opportunity. All of the business community were very conscious of this. He also backed this up, by supporting local business where possible and further demonstrated this loyalty to the town, by buying a pub here. We always considered Balbriggan to be his home, not Belfast,” he concluded.
Lusk “Rat Run” To End
Skerries RNLI Needs You
Lusk Councillor, Ken Farrell, has confirmed that the National Transport Authority have approved €200,000 for the Council’s plans to end the “rat run” through Lusk. This comes after a period of public consultation last year. The plans involve introducing traffic calming measures at the main cross-roads in the village. These include a set of traffic and pedestrian lights, as well as a series of footpaths. It is hoped that these measures will force traffic onto the already existing relief road and lead to much safer village environment. A start date on the work has yet to be confirmed and will go out to public tender in the near future. However, all work must be complete by the end of 2012. This news will be well received by locals as the traffic situation has long been a safety hazard. It is hoped that vehicles driving through the small village at great speed, will soon be at an end.
The RNLI volunteers in Skerries and all around the North County, make a vital and valuable contribution to the local community. Anyone who wishes to support it or become a member is always encouraged to do so. If you are interested in becoming a crew member, you must be at least 17 years of age, medically fit with excellent eyesight and normally live or work within a couple of miles of a lifeboat station. Crew members don’t have to have a maritime background, though if you do it is an advantage and will reduce both the length and costs of your training. Most importantly, you will need to be 100 per cent committed to being able to respond at a moments notice no matter where or what you are doing. If you are still interested in finding out about becoming a crew member or shore helper for Skerries Lifeboat, then email for further information. All support is greatly appreciated.
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North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper
Local School’s Green Travel Day Rush and Lusk Educate Together National School, Lusk showed that they know how to travel Green by walking, cycling, scooting and park n’ striding en masse to school recently. Car-Free Friday was part of a special programme of activities planned by the school to raise awareness of their Green-Schools Travel programme aiming to make school travel more sustainable. Part of the line-up for the day included art and fitness workshops, a cycle skills programme and lessons on school journeys in different countries. The school also planned a ‘monster environmental debate’ which was attended by An Taisce - the National
Pictured here is Councillor Ken Farrell with some pupils from Rush/Lusk Educate Together National School during their recent Action Day.
Rush School Celebrates Book Week By Sorcha Jewitt Books literally came to life this week as pupils and staff from St Catherine’s National School in Rush recently dressed up as their favourite characters for the school’s Book Week. At the dress up day on Friday, pupils were given prizes for their work on the Book Week displays in the assembly hall. Books were given to the winners
who made some of the top book marks, covers and poetry now hanging on the school’s walls. Speaking to the County Leader, Deputy Principal, Fidelma Carroll said: “We started doing a Book Week last year and it made all reading more attractive to the children. We have benches outside now where they sit to read at break time.” Some pupils read extracts from their favourite books, classics like ‘The Twits’ and ‘Toy Story.’ Authors Oisin McGann and Sarah Webb came to speak to senior and junior classes earlier in the week. “The authors came in and told the children how they write their books, they were brilliant,” concluded the Deputy Principal.
Pupils from St Catherine's National School in Rush recently dressed up as a character from their favourite book for Book Week, which was held at the school recently. Some of the pupils are pictured here with teachers, Kevin Sheehy and Fidelma Carroll.
Trust for Ireland and members of the County Council. Since starting their Green-School’s Travel programme in September 2010, the school has carried out travel surveys to find out how their school population are coming to school. Rush and Lusk Educate Together has already achieved three Green Flags for their work on the themes of litter and waste, energy conservation and water conservation. Speaking to the County Leader, School Principal, Marie Moreau commented: “The Action Day got off to a terrific start and many activities were arranged including workshops on safe cycling. The Green School Initiative has a tremendous impact on our school community. It raises environmental awareness and responsibility among the children and their families in a fun, creative and proactive way.”
Snippet Volunteers Needed For Rush Funfair Rush National School Parents Association urgently need volunteers to give some time to help run the upcoming Patrick’s Day funfair. Please call Audrey on 0876341811 or email m. All help is greatly appreicated.
Keep your little angels happy...
Clarion Hotel Dublin Airport This year why not consider the Clarion Hotel for your child’s communion lunch. We have a sumptuous lunch menu, €21.95 per adult, €9.95 per child Also avail of a kids play area and a function room if you are looking for a private celebration (minimum 60 people)
Telephone: 01 80 80 555 4*Irish Hotel Group, Individual and Different…
North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper
Search On For New Dublin Rose
Cars And Coffee In Airside HB Dennis in Airside Swords held a “Cars & Coffee” open day on Saturday 18th February last. With guest celebrities, a racepod simulator and over 40 classic, racing and historic cars on view, it was a tremendous day out.
By Peter Kearney Guests included broadcaster Marty Whelan and Irish rugby star Cian Healy. The many who turned out on a fresh spring day were rewarded with great coffee, from the “coffee angels” and hot food. While it was the first of such days held by HB Dennis, its success could mean a repeat in September with it eventually becoming an annual
event. The day also included prize giving for automobile enthusiasts. One such winner was Pat Duffy from Co. Meath, who restored his 1980 MG in inca yellow. This feat was achieved within just four months after the car had been off the road since 1994. The car was originally bought off Peter Dennis in 1980. It was a very inclusive
Pictured at the Cars and Coffee day at Airside recently are Peter Dennis of HB Dennis, with Irish Rugby International star, Cian Healy.
day with something there for the car enthusiast as well as families and kids. There was plenty to marvel at with both new and vintage vehicles on display. Plenty to look forward to at the next open day.
If you would like to enter this years Dublin Rose of Tralee fill out this form and return it to
NORTH COUNTY LEADER, LEADER HOUSE, NORTH STREET, SWORDS alternatively log on to our website or email:
Specsavers Swords Celebrates First Birthday Specsavers Swords, at the Pavilions Shopping Centre, celebrated its first birthday on Saturday 18th February last, with an in-store family fun day. Customers were invited to join in the festivities as the staff cut the store's first birthday cake. Customers were treated to plenty of instore competitions and promotions on the day, as customers, young and old, enjoyed some colourful face painting. Fundraising also took place in aid of the Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind, who provide services to persons who are blind and visually impaired. The store was visited by a number of beautiful guide dogs throughout the course of the celebrations. Speaking at the first birthday, Specsavers Swords Store Director Matthew Richards, said: “We are delighted to be celebrating our store's first birthday and would like to thank everyone for their continued support since we opened our doors last year. We have had great fun celebrating today with our staff and customers and look forward to celebrating many more birthdays here at Swords."
The Rose of Tralee International Festival is one of Ireland's largest and longest running festivals. The heart of the festival is the selection of the Rose of Tralee. The Dublin Rose is now one of only three National Centres, with automatic entry to the International Festival in Tralee next August and hosted live on RTÉ television. The 2011 Dublin Rose Siobhéal Nic Eochaidh said, “I had a ball with the Dublin Rose Selection! To be honest, I entered the Dublin Rose to make new friends and I’ve made hundreds! We had a fantastic time between nights out, community events and, of course the Dublin Rose selection nights.” If you are interested in applying for the 2012 Dublin Rose, come along to the North County Leader briefing meeting at 8pm on Tuesday, March 6th in the Carlton Dublin Airport Hotel. It is a very informal chat and Siobhéal will be dishing the dirt on her experience so far and we'll be chatting about the 2012 Dublin Rose Experience. We will tell you everything you need to know about the whole process and the fun and craic that is in store for you!
Malahide Schools Go Head To Head In Quiz Several local primary schools in Malahide and surrounding district took part in the first exciting stage of the countrywide 2012 Credit Union Schools Quiz Competition. It was organised by Malahide Credit Union at St Sylvester's GAA Club. This year, even more schools joined in the fun while parents, teachers and friends came along to support pupils from St Oliver Plunkett, Pope John Paul II, St Nicholas of Myra, Scoil an Duinninigh and St Andrews as they battled it out for the winning prizes and a place in the second stage of the nationwide competition. Congratulations to the winning Senior Team from St Oliver Plunkett and the winning Junior
Team from Pope John Paul II. Winning teams were presented with certificates and prizes. Commenting on the first stage of the competition, Malahide Credit Union Manager, Vivienne Keavey said: “We are delighted that one of the highlights of the school year coincides with the opening of our brand new premises on Main Street. We would like to thank all the schools and faculty involved this year. This annual event not only presents a wonderful opportunity for the students to have fun, but also serves to remind parents and teachers of the great benefits of educating children about money, helping them to develop strong saving habits and teaching them about the value of investing in their future.”
Pictured are the junior winning team in the Malahide Credit Union School quiz from Pope John Paul ll school, Malahide are: Harry Whelan, Patrick Griffin, Tim O'Grady and Cian Grant.
Colour me in to win your Communion lunch in the Clarion! Colour this picture in and you could WIN your Communion lunch in the Clarion Hotel Dublin Airport for you and twenty of your friends and family. So grab those pens and pencils and start colouring! All entries to be submitted by 2nd April. Entrants must be receiving First Holy Communion in 2012. Please send your entries to Communion Colouring Competition, Clarion Hotel Dublin Airport, Co. Dublin. Entrants Name: Pictured is young Clara Canney at the first birthday party for Specsavers at the Pavilions Shopping Centre, Swords.
School: Parents Name: Mobile:
North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper
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North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper
County Club bers Is
Now O www.north countyleandline @ with Peter Kearney
Leanne Caffrey, Piatro Vettraino & Rob Gray
Lucy Downes, Karen Watson & Susan Hagan
Hannah Kearns & Shauna Lacey
Rebecca Gill, Ciara O’ Keefe & Grace Sweeney
Ciara Byrne & Jade Kenny Jimmy Rogan, Louise Hannon, Rebecca O’ Leary & Raeann Flanagan
Alison Gray & Ciara Garrett
Leanna Morgan & Maurethe Leonard
Ross & Darren Hunt Alan Harper, Karla Vettraino & Aisling O’ Keefe
Mairead Jules & Conor Mooney
Johanna Byrne, Susie Deniz, Linda Clarke & Edel Collins
Lauren Byrne & Kate Toland
Back Home a gain everybody wa in Balbriggan and s birthday partie in great form with s galore. The DJ had everyone dan c everybody wa ing from early on and s Can’t wait to b there for a good time. e back ag fresh harbour ain for some air a excellent tune nd s.
Evya Kaluinya, Jay Lienko & Dagnija Treimane
Aisling Brennan & Cliona Coleman
Paddy Mc Court, Mark Dooley & Donal O’ Leary
Denise Kiernan, Jesse Cleary, Jessy Kelly & Amy Phillips
North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper
North County Classifieds For Sale
Pictured in Kettles Country House Hotel are, Ciara Cooling and Brendan Murphy. They are getting married on Saturday, 12th May and will hold their wedding reception in Kettles.
LARGE extendable kitchen table with 8 high back blue cloth chairs, €350, Lusk area, Tel: 0872208750 CORNER TV display unit with two glass doors, mahogany colour. €50 Ph: 0861513549 UNUSUAL display cabinet, mahogany colour, H 6’, W 4’, D15’. Beautiful piece in excellent condition. Bargain €160 Ph: 0861513549
HONEY pine table which extend to 7’, and six chairs with cloth covered seats. €160 Ph: 0861513549 DELL c640 laptop, P4, 512mb of ram, 160gb HDD, windows XP,wire-
less, internet ready, perfect working order. €110 Tel: 0879029886 BRAND new 19" flatscreen computer monitor. Box never opened. €55 Tel: 0879029886 PHIL & TED Explorer buggy + second seat + cocoon + rain cover. Buggy in perfect condition, only used few times. cocoon and rain cover unopened. €450,
Balbriggan area. Tel: 0872249915. DONABATE – 3 bed house to let, fully furnished, 2 mins walk to village, newly deco-
Tel: 0851649379 LARGE double room to rent in Hampton Green Balbriggan. All mod cons, cable t.v, internet, 5 mins bus and rail.
Motors rated –€975pm Tel: 0877787420 LARGE double bedroom to let , hampton green balbriggan, all mod cons, 5 mins to bus ,rail 400 euro per mounth
State of the art Dental Treatment in a relaxed environment Balbriggan Dental Clinic
0851649379 asap VERY WELL Looked After MG TF 03 For Sale. Soft Top in perfect condition. Back Window as new, was always folded when roof put down. Only 38K miles 4 new tyres. Engine is in perfect
5 ways to place your FREE private Classified 1. Fill in coupon below & post it to us 2. Email your advertisement to us at 3. Fax your advertisement to us at (01) 8400 550 4. Just pop into our office on North Street, Swords with your advertisement. 5. Log onto
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Dr Colin Lynam 6 Chapel St, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin Tel: (01) 690-3464
w w w. b a l b r i g g a n d e n t a l . c o m
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North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper
Last Weeks published deaths from the North County BYRNE (Moonlone, Naul, Co.Dublin) – Noel; deeply regretted by his brother Eamonn, also by his close and personal friends Kevin, Linda, Kim, Kevin, Julie and his godson Jake, cousins, neighbours and friends. GORMLEY (nee Connolly) (Donabate) – Hannah, beloved wife of the late Matthew, and mother of the late Martin; deeply regretted by her loving son Hugh, daughters Maura, Margaret, and Kathleen, sisters, sons-in-law, daughterin-law, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nieces, nephews, relatives and a large circle of friends. KANE (Rush) – Richard (Jnr), loving father of Gary, Eoin and John-Paul. Deeply regretted by his loving family; his father Richard, sister Louise and her husband, grandchildren, niece, family and friends. KENNEDY, Tom (Swords) – Loving husband, father and grandfather. Sadly missed by his loving wife Margaret, children, grandchildren, relatives and his many friends. LAWLOR (Sutton) – Francis (Frank) late chairman of CJ Ryder Lawlor Ltd, beloved husband of Helen and loving father of Joseph and Miriam; sadly missed by his loving wife, son and daughter, brothers Fr. Brian O.S.A and Noel, sisters Christine and Betty, grandchildren Conor, Simon and
Ellen, daughter-in-law Carol, son-in-law Donal, relatives and many friends. RYAN, Kathleen (nee Kavanagh) (Malahide) – Adored wife of Liam, most loved and treasured mother and grandmother of Fiona, Ben, Sorcha and Siomha. She will be deeply missed by her family and close friends, especially her sister Elizabeth and friend Pat. DOWLING (nee Scanlon) (Malahide) – Catherine (Kitty) (former Vice Principal of Scoile Iosa, Malahide) beloved wife of the late Thomas A.G. Dowling and loving mother Marcela (Branagan), Jill (Donoghue), Imelda (Gleeson) and Aidan; sadly missed by her loving family, in-laws Paul, David, John and Irene, grandchildren, graet-granchildren, nephews, nieces, relatives and friends. DONNELLY (Abbeyvale, Swords) – Julie-Ann; deeply regretted by her loving husband Emmet, children Sarah-Jane, Aidan and Jessica, mother Eilish, brother, sisters, mother-in-law, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, relatives and friends. SLYE (Swords) – Paschal (late of E.S.B), beloved husband of the late Lily; deeply regretted by his loving children Jacinta, William, Kenneth, Sinead, Siobhan and Graham, sisters, sonsin-law, daughters-inlaw, grandchildren, relatives and friends
Miracle Prayer Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked you for many favours. This time, I ask you for a very special one. Take it Dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your broken heart, where your father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. Francis
CHIMNEY SWEEP AVAILABLE • Chimney Sweeping as per government warning as seen on TV • Gutter Cleaning • Garden Maintenance
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Next Issue:
Tuesday, 6th March ING
Please submit your planning notices to: before 5.30pm every Thursday, in order for the application to appear in the following issue of North County Leader. A receipt will be issued when your planning notice is received. Please retain this receipt as proof of submission.
Fingal County Council I, Sinead Maguire, Runai, BoM, Gaelscoil Ros-Eo intend to apply for retention for development (a) and permission for development (b) at the east side of existing clubhouse at Aras Naomh Maur, Kenure Park, Rush, Co. Dublin. Development (a) consists of timber frame classroom built in place of port cabin type classroom approved under planning permission F10A/0057. Development (b) will consist of addition of second storey and stairwell to existing 2 no. temporary ‘portacabin type’ classrooms, construction of 2 storey timber frame block comprising 2 no. classrooms and a single storey timber frame staff room together with associated site works including upgrading of existing sewage treatment works. The planning application may be inspected, or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of Fingal County Council, County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Co. Dublin during the hours 9:30am. - 5:30pm. (incl. lunch hour), Monday to Friday excluding bank holidays. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee within a period of five weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the planning authority of the application. Fingal County Council William Irwin seeks planning permission for a single storey extension (25 sq.m.) and roof alterations to the rear of the dwelling house at 1(a) Newtown, Lissenhall, Swords, Co. Dublin. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority (Fingal County Council, Fingal County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Fingal, Co. Dublin) during its public opening hours of 9.30 - 16.30 Monday – Friday and a submission or observation may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (€20) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of this application. Fingal County Council Permission is sought for the demolition of existing lean-to extension & the construction of a replacement single storey extension with pitched roof to side of existing dwelling & the removal of existing chimney @ 11 Ard Na Mara, Malahide, Co. Dublin for Donal Lehane. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during the public opening hours and a submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee (20 euros), within the period of 5 weeks, beginning on the date of receipt by Fingal County Council of the application. Fingal County Council I, Pat O’Hagan, intend to apply for permission for a development on lands located North of Balscadden House, Balscadden, Co. Dublin. The development will consist of the construction of 4 no. dwellings, 2 no. 2 storey detached dwellings and 2 no.
storey and a half dwellings with a detached garage, proprietary effluent wastewater treatment system and percolation area within each individual site. The development will also consist of a new site entrance and an internal roadway, to include all associated site works. The planning application may be inspected or purchased, at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of Fingal County Council, Planning Authority, Fingal County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Fingal, Co. Dublin, during the public opening hours of 9:30 – 16:30 Monday to Friday. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the Planning Authority on payment of the prescribed fee (€20.00) within the period of 5 weeks, beginning on the date of receipt by the Authority of the application. Fingal County Council Planning Permission is sought for use of part of ground floor of house for childrens pre school at Main Street, Garristown, Co. Dublin for Gina O’Brien. This planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee 20 euro within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of this application. Fingal County Council Permission for replacement and relocated front porch extension, relocated front windows and new pitched roof over to replace existing part pitched-roof and part flat-roof over existing cottage and all associated alterations & siteworks at ‘Corsha’, Burrow, Portrane, Co. Dublin. Signed: C. De Lacy. This application can be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy during the public opening hours of 09.30 -16.30 Mon.-Fri. at the offices of Fingal County Council, County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Co. Dublin . A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the Planning Authority on payment of €20, within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by Fingal County Council of the application and such submissions or observations will be considered by the Planning Authority in making a decision on the application. The Planning Authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. Fingal County Council We Robbie and Caroline Kehoe seek Planning Permission at 101 Pine Ridge, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin for a 19m2 extension to the rear of an existing dwellinghouse. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (20Euros) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of this application
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Fingal County Council Planning Application Adverts are
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Contact : 01 6650488
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