North County Leader 19th April 2011

Page 1

Swords Supermarket Gets The Go Ahead See Page 5

North County Roses Profiled See Page 20

WIN WIN WIN! Your Pure Escape in the North County See Page 17

1. €600 flat letting fee all properties 2. A weekend away for every Landlord with this advert Champion Lettings, Main Street, Swords

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Tuesday, 3rd May

19th April 2011 • Volume 18, Issue 11 • Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin. • ISDN 8139966 • Tel: 8•400•200

Disgraceful Condition Of Ramps In Rush T

he disgraceful condition of traffic calming speed ramps in the North County is causing a huge outcry among residents and Tidy Towns associations across the region.

Ramps, severely damaged over the past couple of winters, are of major concern, not just to road users, but particularly to the local residents. The condition of these ramps is bad everywhere, but particularly so in Rush. Residents of the seaside town are exasperated by the local authority’s dilly dallying and endless promises to have them repaired. Numerous vehicle owners say that they have had their tyres damaged and the only people to benefit from all of this are the puncture repair garages. Towns in the North County, like Rush, rely on tourism and in attracting visitors to survive and the apparent ambivalence of the Council in this respect is causing annoyance and frustration. At the moment, Rush resembles a ‘Third World’ town and visitors will surely wonder if there is any pride in the place.

By Patrick Finnegan Louise O’Loughlin PRO of Rush Chamber of Commerce hit out at the local authority and said their lack of interest in the town is causing further problems. “There are 14 ramps from the bottom of Channel Road as far as the Church alone. This is forcing traffic down South Shore Road, a smaller, mainly one lane road with no ramps. Consequently, cars speed up and down this road and this has led to a particularly bad accident here around Christmas time,” said Louise. The ramps are generally constructed with two materials, a tarmacadam base and a red asphalt top which is imprinted to give a brickwork look. The problem relates to the red asphalt material. This cracks and gaping holes appear when sustained frost occurs, like in the previous two summers. These cracks are a death trap for cyclists and motor cyclists. “I’m a cyclist,” says Louise “and when I’m approaching one of these ramps, the sides are all broken down, which forces me into the middle of the road and into oncoming traffic. It is safer for me to alight and walk on the

pathway to avoid the ramps,” she said. She continued, “There are far too many ramps in Rush ; it’s like an obstacle course trying to navigate through the town. Skerries has half the ramps we have, but they are strategically positioned and are far more effective. I have a friend from Skerries, who told me that ‘not for diamonds’ would she visit Rush, purely because of the state of the roads here.” Meanwhile, an angry Peter Smullen, who is a member of the Rush Tidy Towns committee, as well as the Chamber of Commerce, told the County Leader, “The lanes are riddled with potholes, as a result of traffic being forced here due to the condition of the main roads. From a Tidy Towns perspective, our hard working committee are entering the competition for the first time in many years. The great efforts are now being hamstrung by the County Council’s lack of interest in repairing the unsafe and unsightly ramps. “If the judges were to visit Rush at the moment, we would not have a chance of being considered, no matter how many hanging baskets we have and all our work would be in vain,” he said.

Ruth’s Wish Comes True One lucky girl had an amazing experience last week as she was granted a wish from the Make A Wish Foundation. Ten year old Ruth Nolan, from Malahide was shocked as she walked down the driveway of her family home to find a waiting limousine to take her on her adventure. Ruth suffers from Cystic Fibrosis and was speechless as she arrived home from school last Thursday. She and her family and friends went with her on the first part of becoming a pop star for the day and record her own CD. This was a part of her wish being granted by the Make A Wish Foundation. Initially, the kind hearted young girl only wished to record a CD, as she loves to sing among her many hobbies. Ruth is a very active girl and has lots of hobbies, from singing, dancing to swimming and tennis. She is very happy all of the time, and is big into helping others, despite her condition. Ruth’s mum, Elaine told the County Leader, “I can’t even describe what it means to me, it’s just everything and the excitement of it all is great for Ruth. She is a very caring girl and when it was her birthday in March she had a party and asked her friends to donate €10 to Trocaire, rather than give her a present. We asked if she could make the CD and the foundation came up with the idea to turn Ruth into a pop star”. Her dad, Ken told the County Leader, “I was in work today and slipped off to be with my family. I wasn’t supposed to be here, as it’s all the girls, but I just had to come and see the look on Ruth’s face. She is an amazing child, as are all my children and I’m delighted she’s getting her wish, she is also the baby of the family.”

Pictured is Peter Smullen from Rush Tidy Towns Committee as he points to one of the many damaged ramps in Rush.

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LIVE MUSIC & DJ’s Ruth Nolan is pictured centre with her best friends Lauren Collins and Lauren Higgins. Ruth was speechless as she arrived home from school to be greeted by a waiting limousine and her two friends, as she went off to be a pop star and record her own CD as part of her wish being granted by the Make A Wish Foundation.

By Leslie Murphy Elaine had applied to Make A Wish last year and forgotten all about it and was delighted when she got the call letting her know Ruth had been granted a wish. Initially, the wish was just to make her own CD, but Make A Wish went a little further and decided to make her a pop star too. Ruth told the County Leader, “I am so happy and this was so unexpected as I thought I was only getting to record the CD. I couldn’t believe it when I walked through the gate of the house and saw the limousine waiting and all my family. I’m so happy and have five songs that I have been really practicing,

including ‘The Climb’ and ‘Fight For This Love’, so I’m really excited about recording them”. Niamh Sherlock who is the current Dublin Rose, works with Make A Wish as a Wish Granter and told the County Leader, “Ruth is a great girl and we wanted to make sure her wish was special. Every child who has a wish granted is great and the joy it brings to them is priceless.” Ruth spent last Thursday and Friday living the life of a pop star, and was chauffeured around in the limousine and recorded her very own CD at Temple Lane Studios.” We might be lucky enough to get a listen to this amazing child if were lucky enough.

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Balbriggan Branch Of CCE Celebrates Anniversary The Balbriggan branch of Comhaltas Ceoltoiri Eireann recently held their 45th anniversary at Glebe North Football Club. The celebrations included an afternoon Céilí and the event was attended by members and many friends of the branch and also by representatives from Dublin County Branch. They praised the commitment of the branch and noted the remarkable achievement of a branch to have survived for 45 years.

Ciara Garrett, Theresa O'Neill, Ena Barnett, Monica Barnett, Christine Rafferty, Marge Thompson and Maura McKenna are pictured at the 45th anniversary party of the Balbriggan branch of Comhaltas Ceoltoiri Eireann. Pic Tony Healy

North County Leader 19th April 2011

Quality Newspaper

Attention all parents

Comhaltas itself is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year. Special praise was given to the dance teacher and current secretary, Ena Barnett, who was presented with a medal and citation signed by senator Labhrás O’Murchú, Ard -Stiurthoir of Comhaltas. A bronze plaque representing the Children of Lir was also presented to the branch and floral tributes to Ena Barnett, Monica B a r n e t t (Chairperson) and Theresa O’Neill (Asst. Chairperson). The branch presented Ena with a

necklace to mark the occasion. Music was provided by the fabulous Carousel Céilí Band. Feár an Tí was Joe Conlon and the dancing was followed by supper and impressive cake supplied by Damien Reilly while the ladies of the branch provided an array of desserts. A Mass for present and deceased members of CCE, Balbriggan Branch is planned for a later date. CCE Balbriggan holds a weekly dance and whistle classes in Glebe North Football Club’s clubhouse on Wednesday evenings and a monthly session with live band and supper.

Music Pictured at the Thornleigh Educate Together school's outdoor classroom, based on Gulliver's Travels are Principal, Paula Carolan with children, Victoria O'Donnell, Ben Irwin, Ryan Chaney, Callum Dunne, Aoife O'Neill, Mia Saunders and Lena Szarecka.

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Sponsored Cycle For Guide Dogs For The Blind A sponsored charity cycle in aid of the Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind will take place on Good Friday, April 22nd next. It is being organised by Portmarnock man, Ciaran Reale and is

the culmination of 40 days of fundraising. Ciaran has been doing more than his fair share of penance with a busy schedule that saw him completing a spinning class every day during Lent. As

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NUMBERS TO KNOW Swords Garda Station ................01 666 4700 Balbriggan Garda Station..........01 802 0510 Malahide Garda Station.............01 666 4600 Skerries Garda Station...............01 849 12 11 Lusk Garda Station.....................01 843 72 22 Rush Garda Station ....................01 843 72 02 MABS Money Advice ...................1890 283 438 Citizens Advice Centre ................01 840 68 77 D-Doc ..........................................1850 224 477 Crimestoppers ............................1800 250 025 Samaritans.................................1850 609090 Alcoholics Anonymous ................01 8420700 Childline .....................................1800 666 666 Aware (depression)....................1890 303 302 Dublin Rape Crisis Centre...........1800 778 888 Crisis Pregnancy- CURA ..............1850 622 626 Al-Anon Family Groups ..............01 8732699


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Contact Us: North County Leader Leader House, North Street, Swords Tel: 8 400 200

Magical Art Garden At Swords School By Patrick Finnegan Thornleigh Educate Together school in Swords has been busy designing and building a Sensory School Garden. The garden is now complete and is ready for use by all the school community and friends of the school. School Principal, Paula Carolan said, “We consulted with the Arts Council and the monies to fund this project were received from the Department of Education. This garden has been part of my vision for our school from its very inception in 2008. It has developed way beyond my expectations, and when phase two of our school is built, we intend to engage the expertise of artist, Christine Mackey. The staff and parents and pupils worked side by side on this project, thus ‘living’ the Educate Together’ ethos of inclusivity and democracy,” she said. The Sensory Garden is a designated space where all of the plants and art pieces appeal to the senses of the pupils. They range from chocolate plants to a lamb’s ear plant. These are situated in a recycled tractor tyre, which has been painted to resemble a ladybird. There is also a ‘wind chime’ which was erected using differing widths of tree branches. This appeals to all who have musical intelligence and it is enjoyed by all. There is also a ‘Gulliver’s Chair’ and an outdoor classroom, aptly named, ‘Seomra Glas’, as well as a ‘Willow Dome’ where pupils can escape and feel surrounded by nature. This ‘Magical Art Garden’ is a credit to all and a triumph of imagination and creativity and is sure to be enjoyed by all who visit it.

Estuary Kennels

the gym he attends is closed on Good Friday, he has decided to bring his final event outdoors with a sponsored cycle. He hopes that people will sign up and participate in this event. The event starts at Portmarnock Dart Station at 10 am and travels to Howth and finishes at Portmarnock beach, a total of 30 kilometres. If you would like to contact Ciaran in order to take part in the cycle, you can do so by calling Ciaran directly and if you’d like his number please contact 1850 506 300. Good luck to him. We hope he goes mad on Easter Sunday and has lots of chocolate eggs to make up for all his hard work and endurance.

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Advertising .............................Marian Charles General Manager ...................Mubashar Hafeez Editorial ..................................Patrick Finnegan & Leslie Murphy Head of Production................Seán Fitzmaurice Managing Editor.....................Gerry Fitzmaurice Printers...................................MCP - Navan Published by ..........................Seel Publishing Ltd. Advertising

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North County Leader 19th April 2011

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County Leader, “A meeting was eventually held in Ardgillan Castle with local representatives and the Council on September 30th last year, at which residents were Now that the growing season is By Leslie Murphy promised that within two weeks, upon us, the fear is that the local authority will again revert to its residents and locals alike has been they would receive a proposal with doomed Growing Places policy. This allowed to deteriorate and become cost comparison between the Council’s meadow land policy caused widespread anger all and the traditional grass over the North County last cutting regime. To date, no cost year, due in the main, to the comparison has been received council’s lack of communicaand the Council appears to tion with local Residents’ have disengaged with the resiAssociations. dents. Based on their observaHampton Cove in Balbriggan is a prime case in point. Pictured is a view of the overgrown Hampton Cove Green tions, residents firmly believe Residents say that the green in Balbriggan last summer. A repeat of the Council's that there are no cost savings Growing Places' policy this year is set to get an angry to be made and that normal here has been left in a response from residents. cutting of the green has only a disgraceful state by the County Council for the last two summers, an eyesore. Despite the Council’s minimal cost,” he said. as a result of the Council’s “meadow claim to always consult with resi- At a recent meeting held in lands/growing places” policy. The dents prior to the implementation Balbriggan Town Hall, the resionly action resulting from imple- of such a policy, meetings only took dents unanimously called on the mentation of this policy has been place after repeated requests from Council to reinstate full cutting of Hampton Cove Green. Despite this, the non cutting of the green, thus the residents. allowing weeds to flourish. This Kenneth Caldwell of the Hampton Council have commenced their own unique amenity is utilised by both Cove Residents’ Association told the “policy” again this year.

“Council Appears To Have Disengaged With The Residents”

Positive Students In Swords Power of Positive Thinking (POPT) week was held recently in Loreto College, Swords. Students and Student Council members organised the (POPT) week to raise awareness of the importance of mental health and having a positive mental attitude. Different events took place throughout the week for the cause. All students wore coloured ribbons on their school jumpers, a song was played through the school intercom and balloons were popped to symbolise the letting go of stress and worries. Sheets were filled out, with nice comments about each student and presented to them. The student council members organised a cake sale at lunchtime to raise money for the ‘Make a Wish Foundation’ and all the students wore coloured converse shoes, so they could have ‘happy feet’. The week was a great success and enjoyed by teachers and students alike. Pictured are students from Loreto College in Swords who participated in the ‘Power of Positive Thinking’ week at the school recently. From row, Niamh Keady, Toni Byrne, Chloe Twyford, Ashley Hamilton, Marie McLoughlin, Aoife Sheehan, Emma Louise Curran, Aoife Scallan, and Aisling McGinty. Back Row: Aoife O Brady, Cathy Donoghue, Michelle Connolly and Shauna Anderson. Pic: JR

Noticeable Decrease In Donabate Litter

New Sensory Room At Malahide School There was good news for Pope John Paul’s, Primary school last Friday as the official launch of the Sensory Room took place. The project started last September when Fiona Forman and Carol Hyland (two Resource teachers), came up with the idea. With the support of the Parents Committee, teachers, and local photographer Tanya Crosby they managed to raise enough money to buy equipment and turn a spare classroom into the Sensory Room. The teachers visited Temple Street Hospital and other Sensory rooms in Dublin and got some ideas there. Carol told the County Leader, “In October Fiona and I attended a course

By Leslie Murphy facilitated by Genevieve Jereb, an occupational therapist who is renowned in the field. The Sensory Room is designed to stimulate all of our senses particularly children. A sensory processing disorder is a condition whereby the flow of sensory information to the brain is inefficient and disorganised. Sensory stimulation can help to regulate the central nervous systems and help them become calm and alert”. The children now have the opportunity to develop their gross motor skills through ‘Rough and Tumble Play’ in a structured and safe environment.

Pictured in Pope John Paul's, Primary School for the official opening of the Sensory Room, are from left, Karen O’Brien (Chairperson Parents Committee), Fiona Forman, Carol Hyland, Tanya Crosby (Giggles and Smiles Photography), Oscar Crosby and Steve Prendergast (Principal, Pope John Paul's)

On Sunday 10th April, the Donabate Tidy Towns annual Spring Clean took place. It is part of the An Taisce National Spring Clean programme. The day itself was a gloriously sunny day in Donabate, with visitors to the Peninsula flocking to the beach. Even the beautiful weather didn’t stop over 50 volunteers turning out for the Spring Clean effort. A total of 20 children proudly took home certificates of participation in the cleanup It was heartening to see that only 48 sacks of rubbish were collected along with one supermarket trolley, one suitcase, two tyres and two bicycles. This is 10 sacks down on last year, when a record 58 sackfuls was collected and four down on 2009 when 52 sackfuls were collected. The

ry 10th Anniversa



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volunteers noticed a significant decrease in litter on the streets and the back roads of Donabate, compared to last year and this would explain the decrease in volume of litter collected. “It looks like the message of keeping our town clean is resonating with our residents and particularly with our primary school children, aided by the Green Schools programme,” said Blaithín O’Donnell, volunteer with Donabate Tidy Towns. “We also noticed a decrease in the volume of plastic drink bottles, cans and children’s confectionary wrappers which is possibly due to a decrease in the disposable income of our teenagers due to the recession. It would be interesting to study the percentage decrease in sales of these goods in our local shops this year versus last year compared to the percentage decrease of the litter collected this year,” she concluded.


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It was a great weekend for two lucky Portrane ladies, as they scooped a total of almost €90,000 between them on the National Lottery Winning Streak TV Show on Saturday, 9th April last. What a coincidence to have two people from the same area on a national show!. Mary Cawley, from The Burrow and Theresa Hoey from Towerview Heights hit the jackpot in style, with Mary winning an Opel Astra car and €42,800, with Theresa scooping a holiday to Turkey, as well as € 44,800. Celebrations in the community of Portrane are set to go on for a while. Mary is originally from Rush, but has lived in Portrane for the past five years. She works part-time in the Londis Store in Portrane, where she purchased her scratch card. She and partner, Declan

Quality Newspaper

were relaxing on the sofa, watching the previous week’s show, when her name was read out. They were both quickly up on their feet and jumping around in excitement. She has not holidayed abroad before this and really fancies the idea of going on a Caribbean cruise. Theresa was born and raised in Portrane. She is married to Brian Finnegan for the past 12 years. They have one daughter called Sienna who is two and a half years old. Theresa works as part of the care staff in St. Ita’s Hospital in Portrane. She buys two scratch cards every week as a little treat to herself and never misses the show and last Saturday was no exception. She knows Mary Cawley, the other local contestant to say hello to. Theresa would like to go on a holiday after the show. She would also like to get new gates for the front of her house and have a little work carried out on her garden.

North County Leader 19th April 2011

Clients of Prosper Fingal, Portmarnock recently paid a visit to County Hall in Swords, where they were given a tour of the facility. Mayor Ken Farell explained to them the workings of the Chamber. They were then treated to refreshments. Pictured during the visit are, L-R, Ciara Sherry, Áine Thornton (Social worker), Caroline O'Doherty, Orla Belton, Mayor Ken Farrell, Darren Crosby, Adam Howard, Clare Hunt and Greg McCann.

Fry Railway Loses Steam The battle over the home of the Fry Model Railway has come to an end. Parts of the giant train set including the tracks have already been moved by Dublin Tourism from the castle. It is still not clear where the exhibition will be rehoused but Dublin City Council are looking at a number of city centre locations. The Model Railway was forced to move to make way for a €7 million revamp of the castle and demesne by the

council. The move has caused huge upset in the community. During the recent election campaign many politicians promised that they would keep the exhibition, however all of their efforts have failed and the famous tourist puller has been lost. The local authority says the exhibition requires a bespoke building to be specially built, adding considerable cost to the project. A building of at least 3,500 square ft is required to house the

massive exhibition. The council argued that leaving the railway exhibition at the castle location would prevent the opening up of the botanic gardens. The gardens are seen as important to the overall project aimed at increasing visitor numbers to the site. The removal of the exhibition from Malahide Castle will now allow its €7 million transformation programme to begin construction.

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North County Leader 19th April 2011

The Biggest Circulation Of

New Swords Supermarket Given The Green Light German supermarket giant, Lidl has been granted planning permission by An Bórd Pleanála to proceed with the development of a new store on Rathbeale Road in Swords. The proposed new supermarket has caused much controversy from local residents, due to the extra traffic congestion which is bound to accrue. The construction will consist of a licensed discount food store with gross floor area of 1,666 square metres (1,274 square metres net retail area) on the site of an existing convenience store and petrol station forecourt. There were six third party appeals against the development, including J.C Supermarket, Rathbeale Resident’s Association, Rathbeale Road Residents Association, Castlefarm Residents Association, as well as two householders who live adjacent to the proposed development. Des Becton from the Swords Tidy Towns committee and Castlefarm resident told the County Leader, “We are very disappointed about this result. The inspector didn’t give it the go-ahead initially and it was granted by An Bórd Pleanála. However, there were few changes to the original agreement, one of these is that they must retain the boundaries by moving 6.4 meters back. The trees must be left untouched and a timber fence must be placed four metres out from boundaries at Castlefarm. The traffic situation will become a nightmare and may very well back traffic up to the village.”

By Patrick Finnegan The trading hours of the new supermarket will be between 8 am and 9 pm Monday to Saturday inclusive and 10.30 am to 7 pm on Sundays. Deliveries will not be permitted outside of these hours, which will help to minimise noise pollution in the area. The County Leader contacted Lidl for a comment, but they were not in a position to provide one at his time. An Bórd Pleanála summarised by stating, “Having regard to the ‘Neighbourhood Centre’ zoning of the site, the current use of the site and the pattern of existing development in the area, it is considered that the proposed development, subject to compliance with the conditions, would not seriously injure the amenities of the area or of property in the vicinity, would not have an unacceptable impact on the retail pattern in the area and would be acceptable in terms of traffic safety and convenience. The proposed development would, therefore, be in accordance with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area. Tony Lambert, CEO Fingal Dublin Chamber welcomed the decision and told the County Leader, “The Chamber always welcomes the creation of new jobs in the North County. Swords probably stands alone as one of the few large towns in the country which does not have one of these supermarkets. The other local supermarket providers in the area are strong competitors and will be competitive.”

Malahide Market Reopens

Pictured at the The Irish News/FPM Post Budget Breakfast seminar in Newry recently are L-R, Tony Lambert (CEO Fingal Dublin Chamber), Feargal McCormack (Managing Partner, FPM Accountants) and Gerry Fitzmaurice (Managing Director, North County Leader)


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Easter Pitch And Putt Ballyboughal Pitch and Putt Club will be holding a club members’ competition on Easter Saturday, 23rd April. The tee time is from 2pm to 3pm and the entry fee is €5. Prizes will include a handmade Easter Egg Hamper for the winner and runner up and nearest the pin prizes also. The Ladies Mickey Mouse Monday nights will return on the May Bank Holiday, Monday 2nd at 7pm. Membership renewals are now due and new members are welcome to join.












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Search On For Oldest Worker Friends of the Elderly have launched a nationwide competition to find the oldest working man and woman in every county in Ireland. Dermot Kirwan of Friends of the Elderly, told the County Leader, “We want to highlight the benefits of having an older person in the workforce. They have a lot to offer, their experience, their work ethic and the respect they get from their fellow workers enhances the working environment. We hope these awards will give older people in the workforce the recognition they deserve.” Six lucky finalists will feature on Ireland AM which started last week. The winners will then be announced on the 4th May and the start day of Bealtaine Festival Month, which is Ireland’s annual month of celebration of creativity in old age. Every older person that is nominated will receive a Certificate of Merit and the overall winning male and female worker will receive an all expenses paid weekend break in a luxury hotel and spa. Older people who are nominated must work at least 20 hours a week. So, if you think you know the oldest working person here in the North County, send your nomination with a short description of their average working week and your contact details to, Irelands Oldest Working People Awards, Friends of the Elderly, 25 Bolton Street, Dublin 1. Closing date is Friday 15th April.


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Malahide Market has opened in St Sylvester’s GAA. The market will run every Sunday from 10am to 5pm. The market is a great way to promote local entrepreneurs and give them a place to sell their products.





North County Dublin’s


North County Leader 19th April 2011

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Karen Scully and Michelle Farrelly held a party in the Old Boro, Swords recently, as they are leaving Ireland for Australia. Pictured at the farewell party are L-R, Gina Archibold, Jessica Lee, Michelle Farrelly, Karen Scully, Ciara McFay and Emma McFee. JR Karl Griffin, Rebecca McGivney, Simon McGee, Dean Murray, Mark Ladrigan, Billy Chapman and Mickey Murphy as they celebrated Simon McGee's 21st birthday in the Lord Mayors, Swords. JR

Rose Monks celebrated her 80th birthday on 8th April last with a party in the Milestone Inn in Balbriggan. Relations of Rose came from as far away as Australia and Britain for the great occasion. Pictured are, Back row L-R, Alan Guildea, Kevin Guildea, Dolores O'Neill, David Guildea, Carmel Hughes. Front row L-R, Gerry Guildea, Rose Monks, Bridget McDonagh and Joan McKenna. TH

Nicky Gray celebrated her 40th birthday in The Old Boro in Swords with friends and family. She is pictured here with her cousin, Chris Bonney who flew in from Australia to celebrate with her. JR

Adam Tudor celebrated his 18th birthday with his friends, Dean Fitzsimons, Gary Kenna and Mark Seagrave in The Slaughtered Lamb in Swords. JR

Breege Gill (4th from right) celebrated her 50th birthday with her children, Rebecca and Colm and friends Michael Goodman, Marie Goodman, Ann Ryan, Chris Goodman and Francis Goodman in the Carnegie Court Hotel in Swords. JR

Emma Hegarty (centre) is pictured celebrating her 21st birthday with best friends, Emma Lung and Claire Kavanagh in The Harp Bar in Swords. JR

Paula Gaffney is pictured as she celebrates her 50th birthday with her sistersin-law, Michelle Gaffney and Denise Rice in The Harp Lounge in Swords. JR

Lyndsey Hale held her Hen's night in The Old Boro, Swords. She is pictured here with Amy EMcQ Hale and Cody James.

Alan Drea celebrated his 30th birthday party in the Harp Bar recently. He is pictured here with Janice Drea. EMcQ

Seamus Dunphy held his 50th birthday party in The Star, Swords recently. Pictured enjoying the celebrations are, Michelle Dunne, Aisling Dunne, Bernadette Burke, Seamus Dunphy, Tara Dooley, Billy Dunphy and Gloria Dunphy. EMcQ

Pics: Eoghan McQuinn, Jennifer Ryan and Tony Healy

North County Leader 19th April 2011

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North County Newspaper





North County Dublin’s

Local Schools To Benefit From Summer Work Scheme Deputy Brendan Ryan (Lab), has welcomed the news that three schools in the North County have been granted

funds for mechanical and electrical maintenance as part of the new governments Summer Works Scheme. The

Coiste Gairmoideachais Chontae Átha Cliath

schools are, St Molaga’s Senior National School Balbriggan, Corduff National School Lusk and N S C


North County Leader 19th April 2011

Quality Newspaper

Naomh Padraig Donabate. “Whilst I welcome the news that the three schools will benefit under this government’s Summer Works Scheme for schools announced by

County Dublin Vocational Education Committee

SEIRBHÍS OIDEACHAIS AOISAIGH FHINE GHALL FINGAL ADULT EDUCATION SERVICE First Floor, Sarsfield House, Mill St, Balbriggan Fingal Adult Education Service is now recruiting for the Balbriggan VTOS courses. Beginning September 2011 FETAC Level 3 / 4 General Learning Certificate FETAC Level 5 Business Studies Certificate FETAC Level 5 Childcare Certificate To be eligible for the courses applicants must be aged 21 yrs or over and must be in receipt of a social welfare payment or signing for credits for at least 6 months. Those that are recently redundant are also eligible. If you are on Jobseekers Benefit or Allowance for more than 12 months you may qualify for an extra training allowance. You can also retain any secondary benefits you may have, for e.g. rent allowance. These courses are full time, 1 to 2 year in duration. Please contact our Balbriggan office on (01) 8417763 or email for more information and an application form.

Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairí Quinn, I acknowledge that many more of our schools require fundamental improvements in buildings and maintenance. This work will be carried out over the summer in order to minimise disruption to pupils. “The objective of this government is to prioritise school building projects in a revised national development plan. As a government TD, it will be a priority of mine to ensure this objective is met in Dublin

Celebrity chef, Kevin Dundon held a cookery demonstration in SuperValu, Balbriggan on Monday, 11th April last. It was attended by a large gathering of locals and was enjoyed by all. Picture shows Kevin Dundon, with SuperValu staff Pic: NG members, Damien McCormack, Andrew Botle and Alan Baneham.

North as one of the many negative legacies of the previous government is the shocking state of many of our schools.”

Discover the Mindset to feel good in all you do Life Coach & Louise Hay Teacher offering one to one coaching & transformational workshops.

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Balbriggan School Included In Be Active Programme St. Teresa’s National School in Balbriggan has been included in the BE Active ASAP club in the school. The club is a HSE initiative in conjunction with Irish Sports Council, Get Ireland Active and St. Patrick’s College Drumcondra. It is aimed at children in 1st and 2nd class. The club is on every Tuesday after school for 45 minutes. Teachers and parents provide the programme voluntarily every week. There are currently 26 pupils involved in the programme. The club covers five strands of the PE programme, namely Athletics, Games, Gymnastics, Outdoor and Adventure and Dance. It is currently a great success with pupils, teachers and parents enjoying the programme immensely.

North County Art Competition Winners Twenty-seven students from Dublin City and County have won top prizes in this year’s 57th Texaco Children’s Art Competition. Winners from the Fingal area, all of whom won Special Merit Awards, were Eoghan Byrne (13), Senan Moore (6) and Laura Owens (8), all from Skerries Art School, while Aine Duffy (15) from Malahide Community School and Stephen Delaney (11) from St. Oliver Plunkett National School, Malahide also won awards. Prizes will be

Volunteers Recognised Last year was European Year of Volunteering and as a part of this, an awards scheme has been launched. The initiative is for volunteers from all over the county who have played a role in enhancing the quality of life of their communities. It is a part of the local authority’s participation in the European Year of Volunteering 2011 and is being run in conjunction with the Fingal Volunteer Centre. Organisations will have the opportunity to apply for the award by fulfilling certain criteria and the Fingal Volunteer Centre will provide support training and online resources for the award scheme.

presented at a ceremony that takes place on 25th May at which all prize winners will be in attendance.

ARE YOU READY TO PARTY YOURSELF INTO SHAPE? Join an exhilarating, effective, easy-to-follow, Latin-inspired, calorie-burning dance-fitness party. Classes now in Swords & Malahide. St.Colmcilles GAA Club, Swords • Tues: 7pm-8pm • Weds: 8pm-9pm • Sat: 10am-11am St.Andrews Parish Centre, Malahide • Tues: 8pm-9pm Malahide Rugby Club, Malahide • Wed: 7.30pm-8.30pm

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Programmes & Courses at Emmaus for April / May 2011 30th April – COLOUR, STYLE & CONFIDENCE FOR WOMEN Facilitator: Maria Lynch Cost: €65.00 Light Lunch Included 6th May – DOES EATING RULE YOUR LIFE (6 week Course Starting 6th May – Fri Mornings 10.30am – 12.30pm) Facilitators: Jayne Byrne & Susan Sneyd Cost: €85.00 In Total 8th May – STYLE & CONFIDENCE FOR WOMEN – One Day Workshop Facilitator: Maria Lynch Cost: €55.00 (Light Lunch Included) 14th May – THE ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE One Day Workshop Facilitator: Richard Brennan Cost: €75.00 or €55 OAP / Unwaged 14th May – CONFIDENCE & SELF ESTEEM FOR WOMEN One Day Workshop Facilitator: Maria Lynch Cost €55.00 Lunch Included

Please call us on: 01 8700050 Further information or log onto

North County Leader 19th April 2011

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Ridgewood Pitches To Be Taken In Charge Local councillor, Darragh Butler (FF), has received confirmation from both the local authority and MKN (the developer) that they expect the new sports pitches, including a full size GAA pitch and up to 4 juvenile pitches at the western side of Ridgewood, to be taken into the Council’s charge in the autumn of this year. Councillor Butler has welcomed this news and is asking that these pitches be permanently allocated to St. Finian’s GAA and River Valley Rangers F.C. as the two clubs that have served this area so well since the 1980’s. The new sports pitches, include a full size GAA pitch and up to four juvenile pitches. Butler has stated that the full size GAA pitch at this location must be permanently

allocated to St. Finian’s GAA who are badly in need of additional playing fields. Additional pitches for St. Finian’s and River Valley Rangers at this location will be a great boost to these two great clubs and the local community. MKN have confirmed that they recently engaged landscaping contractors to maintain the pitches during what they describe as their “bedding down” phase, which allows the pitches to grow and mature before they are used for sporting activities. As part of the recently completed local Development Plan, MKN have agreed to provide a dressing room facility at this location before any further development takes place and the local authority stated that subject to the granting of planning permission, it is envisaged that development works will be carried out over the summer and the open space, pitches and dressing rooms will all be taken in charge in the autumn of this year.

Malahide Hosts Successful Speech Contest Malahide Toastmasters recently hosted the Area Finals of the International speech contest. There were five finalists competing, representing clubs in the region. The contestants really captivated the audience, with their truly inspirational speeches, and the judges had a very difficult job to choose a winner amongst such talented speakers. Tom Lawlor was the winner, with Susan Cummins from Fingal Toastmasters in second place, while Liam

winner was Paul Egan from Fingal, John Mulligan from Swords was second and Liam Corish from Malahide came third. Dorothy Hickey, President of Malahide Toastmasters Club says that she was delighted to host the Area Finals. She would also like to thank all contestants, judges, guest speakers, officials and vice presidents of Education for making the contest Pictured is Paul Egan receiving his prize from Dorothy such a huge success. Hickey and Joe Bishop at the International Speech Malahide Toastmasters Contest hosted by Malahide Toastmasters. meet twice monthly on Corish from Malahide Contestants had to the 2nd and 4th came third. A second evaluate a truly capti- Wednesday evening in Contest was held for vating speech, by the the Grand Hotel, Speech Evaluations. renowned Toastmaster, Malahide at 8pm. Eric Fitzpatrick. The Visitors are always


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Active Senior Citizens In Donabate The Donabate and Portrane Senior Citizens meet every Friday morning in the Church Hall, Donabate. It is an occasion for friends to meet up and to welcome new arrivals. Its also a chance to hear of what's been happening around the parish and catch up on the latest developments.There is a full agenda of activities for the coming summer. This year the Flag Days will be held on May 5th, 6th and 7th and the community has always shown its great support for this cause. There will be a talk on nutrition shortly and also a session on Laughter Yoga. There is always tea/ coffee and scones and biscuits before two games of bingo to complete the excitement on Fridays and every local senior is very welcome to attend.

North County Leader 19th April 2011

Quality Newspaper

Balbriggan Man Shortlisted For Entrepreneur Bootcamp

Loreto Secondary School, Balbriggan put on a performance of the popular musical, The King and I recently. Pictured at the rehearsal for the show are dancers, Fiona Pic: NG Carter, Ellen Gaffney, Jessica Dempsey, Siadbh Greene and Jessica Kirwan. Three kind hearted children, all from Castleview, Swords decided they wanted to do something different for their school Trocaire collection. They held a sale in front of their house and sold their much loved toys, DVDs, jewellery, books and baked some nice cakes. Any item they didn’t sell was brought to Enable Ireland for them to sell. They collected an impressive €50 for Trocaire. Pictured at the sale are, L-R, :Rachel and Adam Kirwan, and Olivia Kelly.

Teri Donaghy from Balbriggan is among 18 people from Dublin who have been shortlisted for the 2011 Social Entrepreneurs Ireland Bootcamp, who are vying for a place on this year’s Social Entrepreneurs Ireland. A total fund of €500,000 is up for grabs. The selected, from over 200 entries nationwide, will be joined on the day by a number of Dragons from RTE’s Dragons Den. At bootcamp, applicants will pitch their ideas and answer a series of questions from a panel of judges from which six finalists will be chosen. The bootcamp will also include workshops to be held throughout the

day providing information and training to assist the participants in bringing their project forward and will include topics such as how to pitch, strategic planning, and marketing. The bootcamp is part of the extensive eight month selection process for applicants which will result in six social entrepreneurs embarking on a three month ‘finalists programme’ prior to the announcement of three winners in October. These winners will then receive extensive funding and support as part of the Social Impact Programme to help them grow and increase the impact that they are having in Ireland.

150 Not Out for Malahide Cricket Club


Following Ireland's recent phenomenal success at the World Cup, cricket is enjoying a huge surge in popularity throughout the country and Malahide Cricket Club now invites you to come down to the club and try it for yourself. This year is an exciting time for Malahide Cricket Club as not only is it celebrating 150 years of cricket in the village, but work is well underway to transform the current ground to a state of the art International standard facility, where, in time, Ireland will play many of their One Day International games. A great team sport, cricket is particu-

By Patrick Finnegan larly popular in the North County area, with the Malahide club fielding five men's teams, two women's teams, a social “Taverners” team, as well as an extremely strong youth section with underage teams for boys and girls at every level. Come down to a practice night and see for yourself why it's so popular. New faces are always welcome. The nights are Mondays at 6.45pm (ladies) and Wednesdays at 6.30pm (men). The annual Easter camps for kids run from 19th-21st April for 14-17 year olds and

26th-29th April for kids aged 6-13. Matches and afternoon coaching sessions start in early May. Located within the Castle Grounds opposite the train station, Malahide Cricket Club features a lively social calendar with a fully licensed premises and function area available for hire. As part of the 150th Anniversary celebrations, the club are hosting a Gala Dinner Dance on 11th June in the Grand Hotel, Malahide and hope that the wider community of members, friends and supporters of the club will join in the celebrations and reunite with old friends and teammates.

Gardening Talk In Balbriggan A talk on Grow Your Own Vegetables will be given by gardner, Peter Donegan at Balbriggan Library on Thursday, 21st April at 7.00pm. The talk will include how to get started and all your questions will be answered, along with common pitfalls, which will be explained by Peter. Contact the library at 8704401 to book.

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Parents Help Needed In Lusk Round Towers GAA Club nursery in Lusk are seeking parents to help out on Saturday mornings. The nursery runs from 10.45am to 11.45am, catering for boys and girls aged four to seven in Gaelic football, hurling and camogie. Anybody willing to help out should contact the club’s GPO Shane Treanor on 0861608672.

Senior Citizens Bingo In Malahide Malahide Senior Citizens Committee will hold an Easter Prize Bingo on Thursday, 21st April in St Sylvester’s GAA Club on Church Road. The Bingo will start at 8.30pm sharp. Books will cost €10, including sheet, while Children’s Books will cost €5. Proceeds will go to help fund the Senior Citizens Summer outing. Make sure to support this cause.

General Manager of CityNorth Hotel, Aogan Dunne was a busy man last week. He and the Easter Bunny are working hard gathering up yummy chocolate eggs and planning a day full of fun for local families on Easter Sunday. Aogan says, “Children will enjoy an Easter Egg Hunt, a great selection of activity games, music and singing and of course lots of sweet treats. Under 5's will also enjoy story-telling and lots fun games. Family fun days will run each month throughout the summer and will have a different theme each time. This initiative follows hot on the heels of CityNorth Hotel launching their “Hidden Heritage Trail” last month. Pictured is Aogan Dunne at the launch of the initiative. You can find out more about this and future Family Fun Day events by visiting their website

Donabate Market Makes Great Start Donabate farmers market is off to a flying start and has attracted large crowds. The market was organised by Transition Towns Donabate Portrane ( TTDP), and takes place at Donabate Parish Hall every Saturday at 10.30am with a selection of delicious fresh produce on offer. It’s the latest initiative from the ambitious local group, which held a number of training courses designed for residents who may be interested in selling produce at the market. There was great support for the stall holders and many had sold-out well

before the market ended. A free face painter and music added to the festive atmosphere. After attaining a grant, TTDP held a food safety course over three nights, with Louise Kennedy and a second course on running a market stall, accounts and home food business was also held. The the aim of this is to encourage participants to become vendors at the market and spaces are currently available. Stalls included locally produced fruit, jams, flowers, vegetables, freshly breads, cakes and fresh fish. The market will gradually grow over the weeks with a wider range of food and stalls.

North County Leader 19th April 2011

The Biggest Circulation Of

Celebrity Pottery Auction In Portmarnock

Artworks Pottery Studios in Portmarnock have sponsored a celebrity pottery auction to raise awareness for World Meningitis Day. The auction will feature celebrities, such as Claire Byrne, Sean Moncrieff, Ian Dempsey, Miriam O’Callaghan, and Amy Huberman, who have all painted a piece of pottery for the charity. Meningitis organisations from across the globe are coming together on the third annual World Meningitis Day to raise awareness about the devastating effects of meningitis and septicaemia, and to encourage prevention through vaccination. The pottery will be sold on line from Tuesday, 19th April, giving a unique opportunity to own an item from some of Ireland’s biggest stars. For one lucky bidder, an extra pleasure awaits as Artworks Pottery Studio will treat the highest bidder to a VIP lesson on the potter’s wheel accompanied by champagne and chocolates! All proceeds will go to MRF to help fund research, raise awareness, and support those affected by meningitis. Clodagh Hegarty from Portmarnock works as the Medical Information Officer for Meningitis Research Foundation and she says that “meningitis and septicaemia are deadly diseases that impact the lives of hundreds of thousands of families throughout the world. Many people do not realise that some forms of these diseases are preventable through vaccination and raising awareness is a vital part of the work that we do”. Pictured is Portmarnock resident, Clodagh Hegarty, who is Medical Information Officer for the Meningitis Research Foundation, with some of the pottery which will go on auction in Portmarnock.



North County Newspaper

Update On Swords Ambulance Councillor Darragh Butler (FF), has been in talks with the County Council in continuing attempts to ensure the Dublin Fire Brigade Swords Ambulance Services is permanently retained. It was initially indicated by Dublin City Council that the Dublin Fire Brigade Swords Ambulance Service would cease on

the 31st December 2010. This date has been extended on a number of occasions as negotiations on retention of the service with the various stake holders continue. These negotiations are now at an advanced stage. The Council are continuing to monitor all aspects of the fire services provided to the residents of the North County and are represented, with the other Dublin Authorities, on the Fire Brigade Development Board by Mr. Pat Keane, Head of Finance.

7 Days To Grab These Deals Do you suffer with a swollen arm, hand, leg or foot, a heavy limb, swelling worse at the end of the day? • Do you have swelling following treatment for Cancer ? • Do you have swelling following treatment for cellulitis ? • Do you suffer with Lymphoedema ? Help is at hand, please contact the

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North County Dublin’s

Junior school students from St Georges National School, Balbriggan are pictured at the official opening of Millfield Shopping Centre in Balbriggan.

Ladbrokes employees, Caoimhe Cassidy, Joanne Kavanagh and Susan O'Brien.


North County Leader 19th April 2011

Quality Newspaper

Brian Farrell, Tesco Extra Store Manager, Balbriggan meets some of the local O'Dwyer GAA Ladies team from left, Jenny Brady Byrne, Lucia Cannon, Sarah Tuite, Catherine Cannon, Lyndsey Vickers, and coach, John O' Carroll.

Pictured at the opening ceremony of Millfield Shopping Centre are, Cathaoirleach, Frank Snowe, Centre Director, Peter Carey with children from St George's National School in Balbriggan.

Pictured is Brian Farrell, Tesco Extra Store Manager, pictured at the cutting of the ribbon at the opening of the store at the Millfield Shopping Centre, He gets a little help from local school pupils, from left, Katryn Graham, Rachel Gough, both from St. Peter & Paul National School, Balbriggan with Reni Ibikunl, and Chantel Stacey, both from St. George's National School, Naul Road.

Great Celebrations As Millfield Shopping Centre Opens The official opening of Millfield Shopping Centre in Balbriggan took place last week. It is the first major shopping centre to open in Ireland in almost two years. Anchored by one of the largest Tesco stores in Ireland, Millfield is an impressive €85 million development which is providing a very welcome 450 jobs for the North Dublin area. Developed by Parkway Properties, Millfield features over 30 retail units on two levels and over 950 car park spaces. The centre is anchored by a Tesco Extra store which spans two floors and features some unique departments, such as in-store Opticians and Tesco Photoshop, alongside clothing, electrical, toys, stationary and fresh food. Other retailers include Carphone Warehouse, Gamestop, Eason, Ladbrokes, Holland &

Eve Kelly and Ann O'Brien at your service at Millfield Shopping Centre.

Barrett and a food court with BB's Coffee & Muffins, O'Brien's Sandwich Bar and Graham O'Sullivan. A drive thru McDonald’s will open outside of the main part of the centre during the summer. Balbriggan is one of the fastest growing towns in Ireland and has been grossly underserved in retail terms. “We are delighted to be opening this major centre, which is also providing a great jobs boost to Balbriggan and the North County area. At Millfield we have created a modern, family friendly centre where the mix of retailers and excellent facilities will greatly appeal to the local demographic and provide them with a hassle free, good value shopping experience,” says Kevin McCormack of Parkway Properties.

Pictured at the Smooch Store are, Davis Sadlier, Delumi Daramola, Martam Adebisi and Dami Daramola.

Millfield is located on the Naul Road in Balbriggan and is extremely accessible from all routes, with good local transport links, cycle paths and walkways, as well as 950 car park spaces. It is a short drive from Junction 6 on the M1 motorway and should appeal to the many commuters on that route. In total, 450 jobs will be created at Millfield when the centre is fully operational. The new Tesco store will employ over 200 people including 45 staff transferring from the existing Tesco Balbriggan store. Walls Construction were the main contractors and up to 300 people have been employed on site over the past 18 months as well as many more off-site.

Model Nadia Forde at the official opening of Millfield

Kevin Gleeson, Theresa O'Neill and David Dwyer are pictured outside Gleesons Butchers in the new Millfield Centre.

Pictured at Cuddles Pet Store are Brendan Byrne, Cameron Greene from Balbriggan, holding a snake and Jim Wood.


Pictured are Centre Manager, Peter Carey, with Ciaran. Daniel, Anita and Katie Doolan.

Pictured are four sisters, Kathy Gaye, Liz Byrne, Cindy Redmond and Linda Carroll all ready for the off at the opening of Millfield Shopping Centre.

Young Kaelin Knight enjoys getting his face painted at the opening of Millfield Shopping Centre.

Pics: Noel Greene

North County Leader 19th April 2011

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North County Newspaper


An Inspiration For Creative Students I

t's a refreshing experience to arrive at ‘Fighting Words’, the creative writing centre, to meet with Sara Bennett, its friendly and dynamic manager. Balbriggan resident Sara absolutely loves her role in the centre. Located close to Croke Park, Fighting Words was established in 2008 by Seán Love and Roddy Doyle and opened its doors to students in January 2009. It provides a bright, uplifting space for children, teenagers and adults to explore storytelling and writing, realising their creative potential. The enthusiasm of Sara is infectious and there's an open door and warm welcome to all visitors and volunteers. Sara grew up in Moosup, Connecticut a small town south of Boston, which she describes as being very similar to Balbriggan, where she now lives. She studied history at Wheaton College, Massachusetts, 'a typical New England campus, lovely red brick buildings covered in ivy and surrounded by beautiful lawns.' Sara arrived in Dublin in 1996 to begin a masters degree at Trinity College in medieval history. She made some really good friends there … “and then I met my husband!” Sara's husband, Cormac was finishing his doctorate as she began her masters.

Sara Bennett pictured at her desk at 'Fighting Words'

From the beginning, she enjoyed living in Dublin and loved exploring the city. Her interest in the Irish language led to her taking classes in Conradh na Gaelige, before her daughter, Máiread was born 10 years ago. “Let's just say I know a lot of direct commands in Irish like 'suí síos' and 'ciúnas,' laughs Sara. 'I also help Máiread with her homework so I may have absorbed more than I think.' Having graduated from Trinity, Sara began working in Human Resources within the pharmaceutical company Elan Corporation. Despite spending four years with Elan, Sara describes herself as being 'a bit of a bleeding heart' and knew she would get 'a lot more personal satisfaction in the NGO world.' The fact that NGOs, or non-governmental organisations, promote the interests of marginalised groups appealed to Sara. To fulfil this change in direction, in 2002 she began working as Human Resources Officer. In her time at Amnesty, there were major campaigns, including mental health in Ireland and prevention of violence against women. Her undoubted passion for her role there is still palpable eight years later and she concludes that all at Amnesty deserve great credit for consistent advocacy on the issue of mental health and the need for it to be addressed by our government. The role as Manager and Volunteer Co-ordinator at Fighting Words appealed to her and she began to look forward to working with children, a completely new challenge. All age groups are catered for at Fighting Words. Primary schoolchildren attend morning workshops where they are encouraged to unlock their imaginations. They write a story together with full colour illustrations and, despite the (good naturedly) cranky editing duo, 'Mr. and Mrs McConkey,' holed up in their office, inevitably leave as published authors with their own book. Sara receives fantastic feedback from the children and they are particularly fascinated with their editor. One recent letter asked Sara, “Is Mrs McConkey in good form today?” Tell her I


Heffernan said hi and please can our school go next year.' Afternoon workshops are for secondary school students and groups have travelled from as far away as Donegal to attend these. The second Fighting Words anthology, ‘Lost in Transitition’, written by transition year students from Scoil Chaitriona, Glasnevin will be published in June this year. The students have attended the centre every Thursday for the past academic year and will be missed by Sara and all the volunteers when the year concludes. On Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, Fighting Words hosts 'Write Club', providing teenagers with an inspiring quiet place in which to write. Fighting Words is independently funded, and courses are free for all participants. To facilitate its smooth running and success, Sara, together with Education Co-ordinator Orla Lehane, have recruited close to 400 willing volunteers. They help run writing and drama workshops for over 100 schools during term time, and for children and young people at weekends and during the summer time. Fighting Words also plans to expand its offerings for adults in the coming months. Sara understands the value of volunteerism, where people feel personally fulfilled giving freely of their time for a cause close to their hearts. It is particularly significant during a recession when jobs are scarce, in giving people a sense of purpose and value. Sara ensures volunteers feel as welcome and involved as the participants of the courses at Fighting Words. Settled in Balbriggan with Cormac, Máiread and son Eamonn, who celebrated his first birthday in February, she explains what she enjoys about living in the town. “I love the sense of community… the feeling of being part of something. I love living near the sea and the train trip back and forth along the coast twice a day is an added bonus.” With her father being a retired history teacher and her mother and sister being primary school teachers, it's no great surprise that Sara served on the Board of Management of St. George's National School, where Máiread is a fourth class pupil. To relax, Sara enjoys listening to music. Bands like Blur and Pulp, which she started following during 'her crazy free days' working in the Virgin Megastore on Princes Street in Edinburgh in 1994, are still among her favourites. She laughs at the memory of practically welcoming Jarvis Cocker to Boston later that year as Pulp played in a tiny club: “No one knew who they were!” As she leaves Fighting Words every evening, Sara can be seen with large comfortable head phones draped around her neck ready to listen to her current favourites Elbow, Villagers or even Jarvis Cocker on the train journey home to Balbriggan. In terms of the future, Sara says, “with a small baby in the house, at this point I think from day to day. I really hope I will continue to be working with Fighting Words, that our programmes will expand and there'll be other centres. I love this job…it is easily the best job I've ever had and my sincere hope is that I would continue to be involved as it grows and develops.” For more information on Fighting Words, its courses and to learn more about volunteering, check out the website

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North County Leader 19th April 2011

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Spring whether it’s a big job or a small job. If you’re going to take little steps to improving your home yourself, make a plan that suits your schedule. If you’re working or a parent you will have to plan your time very wisely. Little jobs need time and if you start them you may have to wait for another day to finish them. For example a lick of paint to window ledges, skirting boards, doors or even the kitchen cupboards. If you set out to do them and get called away or need to give something else your attention the job may have to wait for another day for you to get it finished. Stick to a plan and that way your home will start to look better. One step at a time.

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time off the year to get started on a project you may have been putting of for a while. Extending your home is a busy time as you will need to be on the ball, but the time is right and so is the weather. By keeping on top of your h o m e main-

tenance you will be able to decide what kind of an extension you are looking at and what price range too. The North County offers many services to assist you, from builders providers to hardware stores and a great selection of tradesmen. If you’re going to do the jobs yourself you will have plenty of choice in this area. By doing some of the work yourself, like the painting, cleaning, ordering, or if you or a family member have a trade, well you can save some money. Use your talents to save you forking out huge amounts of money. Things like brick laying and foundations may be something you will have to get the professionals in to do. Also fitting new doors and windows will require the professionals to make

sure they are put in right. Especially if you’re talking about a entry or exit to your home.

Space Savers

“heart” of the home. It is the gathering place of your family and should be a place that is functional, inviting and comfortable. But to give your kitchen a new feel you don’t need to Give Your Kitchen spend lots of time An Easy Makeover and money on a big project. Here are a For many people, few creative ideas can help the kitchen is that considered the change your attic. With plenty of planning this could be the answer to a problem. It can also be done with in a very short space of time and before you know it your one room bigger.

There are many different ways to make more space in your

home and if you don’t have a garden to build in, have you ever considered renovation your attic? This can give you that added space you need and also another bedroom or office. If you do need an office in your home this could be the answer to your problems. The attic is a great room for a bedroom or an


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North County Leader 19th April 2011

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Advertising Feature

house& home

kitchen; Clear the counter space. Install an underthe-counter microwave, can opener, spice rack or toaster. Also, take advantage of wall space and

shelving for storing items that might otherwise end up on the counter. Choose a theme for your kitchen, e.g. Italian, Mexican, 1950’s, classic or

modern, and get a few accessories to carry out the theme. Choose a bright new colour for your kitchen. Paint is a great inexpensive way to really

change the look of a room. You can paint your cupboards too. Are your appliances working great, but looking worn? Fronts of dish-

washers and refrigerators are easily replaceable. Most manufacturers offer several colours, or you can have fronts made to match your cabinets. A wonderful way to set the mood in a kitchen is with lighting. Place a small lamp on your counter if space allows. No counter space? Try a dimmer switch. However make sure you have plenty of natural light and perhaps install bigger windows. Get creative with knobs and handles. Changing them is very easy and there are so many styles to choose from. There are handles shaped like fruit, vegetables, knives, forks, spoons and even teapots. There will be some to match your theme!

ACME BLINDS Don’t Delay Call Today 50% off Pleated Blinds 30% off Timber Venetians Buy 4 20% off Roman Blinds Rollers get one 20% off Venetians FREE FREE Design Service • FREE Measuring • FREE Quote • FREE Fitting

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Contact Us: Tel: (01) 8413898 Mob: 086-3039290 (Eamon) Mob: 087-9667784 (John) email:

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North County Dublin’s


North County Leader 19th April 2011

Quality Newspaper

County Club bers Is

Now Online @ www.north countylead with Declan Doyle

Clubbers decided it was high time it paid a return visit to that hotspot on the harbour in Balbriggan, Home. To say we were blown away is an understatement, as this place must have the best sound system in the north county!, it’ll rattle your fillings loose!. The crowd was in typical party mood, and the dancefloor was packed to capacity, never mind the bar!. Can’t wait to get back there soon. A few birthdays to mention, happy 29th to Mark Justice, and 21st birthday wishes to Dearbhaile Rock, both celebrating in style!.

Eimear Mulligan, Jennifer Kearns.

Fiona Stapleton, Olivia McMahon.

Brendan Byrne, Mark Justice

Rachel Dunne, Colin Wherity.

Louise Collins, Eadaoin Moore, Lauren Clarke. James Daly, Thomas O’Hare, Darragh Bollard.

Karen Coffey, Colm Kiernan.

Dearbhaile Rock, Eimear Fitzsimons. Amy Larkin, Grace Larkin, Roseanne Keating.

Jake Woods, Amy McDonald.

Claire Larkin, Kellie Larkin, Marie Cummins.

Megan Montgomery, Harry Dawson.

Aaron Spain, Jamie O’Keefe.

John Carroll, Caoimhe Carrol, Dermot Carpenter, Katie Sherwin.

Aaron Gildea, Wayne Lambe, Shane Brown.

:- Elaine Ryan, Amy Giles, Cliodhna McCarthy.

Amy Hyland, Sophie Lilburn.

North County Leader 19th April 2011

The Biggest Circulation Of



North County Newspaper

Find The Perfect Garden At Tobermore Traditional style gardens which are reminiscent of a bygone era are just as popular today. L a n d s c a p e designers are increasingly drawing inspiration from the master designers of bygone eras. This popular throw back to times gone by is replicating itself in our gardens, where

cottage gardens and traditional cobbles are making a comeback. The design team at Tobermore have been helping people across the country create their perfect traditional garden by incorporating the use of there wide range of products. Landscape architect, Beth Moore of Tobermore

Rathbeggan Lakes, Dunshaughlin Join us at the Lakes This Easter Saturday, Sunday and Monday The 23rd, 24th and the 25th of April. For our Great Annual Bunny Hunt! Visit the Pet Farm, meet Edwin and Shirley our new baby goats, have fun in the Playground and join in our Easter Bunny Treasure Quest.

Park Admission €2 per person Hunt Tickets €5 per child Hunts on the Hour from 1pm each day

Affordable Family Fun Rathbeggan Lakes, Dunshaughlin, County Meath, Ireland. 00 353-1-8240197 VISIT OUR WEBSITE OR FIND US ON FACEBOOK

suggests that product is essential when designing a traditional style garden. “Random sized paving helps reinforce the idea of something which is more naturally formed than the structured look which makes a contemporary garden stand out.” “Tobermore offers a choice of paving products which includes Old Court flags, Tegula Paving, Roma Court Yard Paving or Pietra natural stone sandstone flags and setts that give the impression

of age.” To see more come to Tobermore Paving and Walling Centre in Lusk.

Engaging your child with music and singing is a wonderful way of bonding with them. Jo Jingles Music and Movement classes offer classes, in a fun and safe environment. Classes include, music, dancing, action songs, nursery rhymes and for the older children, a very gentle and fun introduction to pitch and dynamics etc. Jo Jingles classes are now enrolling for the summer term in the Rush Community Centre on Wednesday mornings and in the Skerries Sailing Club on Friday mornings. Call 087 7796009 or email to book your place.

Your Pure Escape in North County Dublin €100 gift voucher EVERY week from now to September plus an overall grand prize of a Professional Digital SLR Camera!

Pictured is Swords lad, Jordan Connell, who has been invited to play for Sunderland in the upcoming St Kevin's FC tournament.

The winner of North County Leader's weekly Facebook Photographic competition in association with Pure Escape Beauty Salon is Ian Murphy from Skerries. Ian is pictured recieving his award from Mubashar Hafeez, General Manager of North County Leader

A Pure Escape at Baldongan Castle, Loughshinny North County Leader are offering budding and amateur photographers a fantastic opportunity to win a voucher for a massage for the boys or a facial for the ladies at the leading local beauty spa, Pure Escape to the value of €100, and receive fantastic recognition for their photography skills. To be in with a chance of winning this fantastic weekly prize all you have to do is 1. Take a picture of your favourite place in North County Dublin, 2. Post it on our Facebook wall ( 3. Email us the original of the picture to with your contact telephone number and the location of your picture.

Terms & Conditions: You must “like” North County Leader’s Facebook page and post your picture on our wall. You must email your picture with the name of the location to Winners must be willing to be photographed receiving their prize. North County Leader reserve the right to publish your picture in the Newspaper, online or in ancillary publications. Competition is open to amateur photographers only, professional submissions will not be considered.


North County Dublin’s


North County Leader 19th April 2011

Quality Newspaper

Details Of Rás Launched In Skerries

Pictured at the Winning In Tendering Breakfast Seminar at the Radisson Blu Hotel, Dublin Airport on Tuesday, 12th April last are Tony Lambert, CEO Fingal Dublin Chamber, Siobhan Moore, President Fingal Dublin Chamber, Siobhan Kinsella (CPL Flexscource) and Sean O'Dwyer (DAA).




Collection Points Only

Paid For

Door to Door Delivery

Breakdown of distribution and sales figures of Local newspapers in North County Dublin



Door to door Delivery

North County Dublin

Swords Area



The ‘An Post Rás’ will once again roll through the streets of Skerries on 29th May next. This will mark the sixth year in a row that the prestigious final stage of the international cycling race will be held in the North County. The date has now become an integral part of

735 * 5,000 7,000 13,500

Balbriggan Area

Why spend your scarce advertising resources with papers that have only a fraction of our distribution?

Rush, Lusk & Donabate Area


735 * 1,000 7,300

Skerries Area


735 * 1,000 3,600

the Skerries festival season, with the end stage being marked by street stalls, activities, food and the new market established in recent years. The cyclists will complete the ritual circuits of Skerries, following a gruelling 133 kilometre trek from Kildare. This year’s Rás will hold an extra dimension to it, as it sees the launch of the “Race the Rás” campaign in aid of the Irish Cancer Society and Goal. The campaign will see ex-GAA stars aim to complete each stage of the Rás in an effort to raise vital funds for these organisations. The final stage will see such former Dublin stars as Ciarán Whelan and Coman Goggins wheel through the streets of Skerries on the 29th May. This will surely provide extra motivation, though hardly needed, for the crowds of the North County to once again turn out in force to support the final stage of the ‘An Post Rás’.

Skills Training Opportunities In Balbriggan


We are the only local newspaper to have the certificate of ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System

By Rob O’Hanrahan



735 * 7,600

Malahide / Portmarnock Area

735 * 3,600 7,000 8,000

* Estimation based on total ABC audited sales figures (3,677) diveded evenly across 5 distribution areas

The Balbriggan Vocational Training and Opportunities Scheme allows those that are long term unemployed (more than 6 months) or those recently made redundant, to avail of training. This will enable them to return to the workforce or continue to higher education. The Balbriggan VTOS course is a two year full time course where students can achieve a full level 5 FETAC certificate in either Business or Childcare. It is best suited to those that have left school early and those that want to change their career path. Students retain their social welfare payment and may be given a weekly training allowance and all books and materials are provided free of charge. You can apply by calling 01-8417763). It is advisable to apply as soon as possible as demand for places is high.

Celebrating the announcement of Subaru Auto Finance is motor dealer, Peter Finnegan, Lusk Motor Group, Frank Donnellan, Managing Director of First Auto Finance, Leo Neary, Lusk Motor Group, Denise Daly, Lusk Motor Group, David Neary, Lusk Motor Group and Michael Hogan, Lusk Motor Group. First Auto Finance Ireland Ltd, Ireland’s newest motor finance provider announced the creation of a relationship with Subaru Ireland at the Subaru Ireland Dealer conference recently. First Auto Finance will provide financial support to motorists buying new and used cars from the Subaru Dealership network.

OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK!! Brand new Valet Service in Turvey Business Park

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North County Leader 19th April 2011

The Biggest Circulation Of



North County Newspaper



EASTER SPECIALS 11-D-Punto’s €12,950 Only 4 Left

10-D-Panda’s €6,950 Only 3 Left

10-D-500’s €9,950 Only 2 Left

08-D-Punto’s €6,950 Only 2 Left

07-D-Panda’s €4,950 Only 1 Left


North County Dublin’s


Quality Newspaper

North County Leader 19th April 2011

Lisa McIntyre - Malahide Lisa McIntyre 21, from Malahide is the next girl to enter into the Dublin selection of the Rose of Tralee. Lisa is the baby of four children and has two sisters, Orna 27 and Karen 25, she also has a brother Colm 23. Her mum Mary is a nurse and her dad, Seámus recently took early retirement as a school teacher. Lisa told the County Leader, “We are a really close family and at the moment things are all go in our home as my two sisters have recently returned from a year and a half travelling. Orna is an accountant and was travelling in Australia, Karen is a nurse and was travelling in Canada.” Lisa attended Oliver Plunkett's Primary School and then went onto Scoil Iosa, Malahide. She is currently in her final year studying Quantity Surveying at DIT. Lisa is a huge sports fan and is currently the goalkeeper with St Sylvester's GAA club who are also her sponsors. She has been playing since she was six and was on the Dublin u16 team and also currently in training with the Dublin Juniors and on the college team and they recently won the Lynch Shield. Unfortunately for Lisa she had to take a break from sports when she was in third year at Scoil Iosa because she had ME and it lasted several years. The bright young girl is on top form now as she is doing well with her sport and studies and is also a member of a drama society at college. Lisa and four of her friends went Inter railing through Europe and they had a great experience. She went to San Francisco last summer for four months and ended up working as a peace activist and had a brilliant experience doing this as she met so many people. Lisa also got involved in sport while she was in San Francisco and joined Clanna na Gael, football team. They had the luck of the Irish with Lisa on their side and they won the San Francisco championships and were flown to Chicago to play in the North American Finals and were beaten by Chicago after winning the quarter and semi finals. “I entered into the Rose of Tralee because of a charity event that was ran locally. I have heard of the great experience that you have and it sounded great and I am really enjoying it so far. It will be exciting to see what happens,” concluded Lisa. Lisa’s motto in life is keep pushing and it will eventually happen.

Paulina Wiencek, Eolyta Skumowska and Aleksundra Pziedko Amy O'Keeffe and Aisling Brennan.

Gary Rooney, Sean Eccles, Aidan Roche.

Jill McQuaid and Joan Durack

Dean Wall, Ciaran Cassidy and Alan McGuiness enjoying the Harp Bar reunion night recently.

Rachel Birmingham and Carla Inglis

Shane Martin and Jenny Grinds.

Amanda Rafter and Katherine Moreland enjoying the night.

If you would like to enter this years Dublin Rose of Tralee fill out this form and return it to

NORTH COUNTY LEADER, LEADER HOUSE, NORTH STREET, SWORDS alternatively log on to our website or email:

We deliver

We deliver


Lisa McCann with organiser, David Browne.

Kate O'Brien and Anita Gaffney

Pics: Eoghan McQuinn

North County Leader 19th April 2011

The Biggest Circulation Of

Novena to St. Martha

Family Notices

O St. MARTHA, I resort to thee and to thy petition and faith, I offer up to thee this light which shall burn every Tuesday for Tuesdays. Comfort me in all my difficulties thro’ the great favour thou didst enjoy when Our Saviour lodged in thy house. I beseech thee to have definitive pity in regard to the favour I ask (mention favour). Intercede for my family that we may always be provided for in all our necessities. I ask thee St. Martha to overcome the dragon which thou didst cast at thy feet. One Our Father and three Hail Marys, and a lighted candle every Tuesday and the above prayer made known with the intentions of spreading devotion to St. Martha. This miraculous Saint grants every thing before the Tuesdays are ended. No matter how difficult. Thank you AC

JONES, Evelyn (Eva) Late of Oakland Ave, Swords Died 17th April 2001 10th Anniversary

Last Weeks published deaths from the North County BROWNE (Skerries) Ronan; Sadly missed by his loving family, wife Lynda, mother, father, brother, sisters, niece, extended family and a large circle of friends. JORDAN (Brownscross, Oldtown) Helen; (peacefully) at her home with her family; deeply regretted by her loving husband Jerry, sons Neil, Conor and daughters Hilary, Clara, sisters Pat, Katy, Joan, Mary, brother Tom, daughter-in-law Mike, grandchildren, relatives and a large circle of friends.

GOULDING (Surgalstown, Swords) Colm; sadly missed by his loving sister Eileen, brother Joe, nieces, nephews, grand-nieces, grand-nephews, relatives and friends.

The Healy Family of 40 Pinewood Green Road, Balbriggan, would like to thank all who came to the Funeral and attended the house of the late Noel Healy. Thank you for all your cards, flowers and your support it is very much appreciated. Christine, Ronan, Noel, Joseph and Nicholas Healy.

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She was a mother so very rare, content in home and always there. Unselfish ways and a heart of gold. No finer person could this world hold” Sadly missed by her family Katherine & Gerhard Grabner and grandchildren – Eva – Rosa, Nikolai, Ross and Rudi.

Thank You


North County Newspaper

Gone but never forgotten

O’BRIEN (Malahide) Ann; Surrounded by her loving family, deeply regretted and lovingly remembered by her husband Paul, children Sheila, Aidan, Aoife, and Niall, her brother Frank, sisters Majella and Esther, her grandchildren, Aisling, Conor, Ciaran, Lorcan, Esme, Niamh, Caoimhe, and Clodagh and all her relatives and friends.



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North County Classifieds For Sale WHITE Satin A&T Lotus Orient Corp wedding dress for sale, size 10-12 in perfect condition, can email photos at anytime. €120 contact me on 0877558447, living in Swords and ready for collection. BLUE V Tech Smile games console for in perfect condition comes with microphone and accessories 2 games also Thomas the Tank and Diego. Selling all for €20.00. Perfect condition hardly used. Ph: 0877558447 CHILDREN’S two seater hardwood upholstered sofa-bed, lilac. Very good condition, hardly used. Would suit bedroom or playroom. Ph:0868569232 WANTED: Children’s outdoor playhouse, little tikes or similar brand. Ph: 085 2199433 JML Bath jacuzzi, used once, great condition, € 149 new, will sell for €70 Ph: 085 8800501 EXERCISE Bike, brand new, black and white, digital screen Ph: 085 8800501

Please Phone

MOC Flooring

Michael Patterson’s Upholstery Service

3 Bedrooms Supplied & Fitted with Beading Underlay for €399 Everything You Need…

CITROEN Berlingo 1.9 Diesel 2002 5 Door N.C.T. Taxed Offers. Ph: 0851191848 YAMAHA 125cc Scooter 05 Good condition offers Ph: 0851191848

Misc. GUITAR lessons, Railway Street, Balbriggan Ph: 089 4123426

Dog Walking & Pet Sitting Services Don't Fret About Your Pet! Ph: 087 7656433

Trad Music Weekend At Skerries The annual Skerries Traditional Music Weekend will take place from May 13th to 15th. Some of Ireland’s leading traditional artists will teach and perform, keeping Skerries traditional music and events as popular. Performances, concerts and workshops will take place at several venues throughout the town. Workshops including singing and banjo classes are now a permanent feature of the workshop choices.

Malahide Tidy Towns AGM Malahide Tidy Towns got off to a good start this year and are hoping for another successful year and now it's time for their AGM. This takes place in the Grand Hotel in the Graham Bell Suite on Thursday, 5th May at 7pm. There's a lot of work to be done and they need as much support as possible. They are making an appeal to people to come and attend the AGM and to bring friends, or make sure a representative is there from your organisation.

Wanted Spanish & Bulgarian Property Contact : 087 6932694

5 ways to place your FREE private Classified 1. Fill in coupon below & post it to us 2. Email your advertisement to us at 3. Fax your advertisement to us at (01) 8400 550 4. Just pop into our office on North Street, Swords with your advertisement. 5. Log onto

or 087 9920160

Laminate Special


HOUSE or apartment, 2/3 bedrooms, wanted to rent in Malahide area for 6 weeks July to mid


Call Kosta: 087-055-3443

August. Ph: 8169464 or 2251223 2 BED, 2bath, terrace house, back garden and parking. Excellent appliances, T90 shower, unfurnished or partial furnishing optional. Ph: 0868912963 DOUBLE room for rent in Rush. Ph: 0867352427 4 BED house for rent in Rush. Ph: 0867352427 3 BED house for rent in Rush. Ph:0867352427 RUSH, Main Street, 2 bed furnished apartment. Near shops, buses & beach. Social welfare accepted, 750 per month, Available from June 1st Ph: 087 2168870 FAMILY HOME, 12 St. Cronans View, Swords, close to all amenities. Full details and pics can be viewed on ebay, daft and donedeal, €245,000 Ph: 085 8152261


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North County Leader 19th April 2011

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Tel: 086 2773705 / 01 8411983 Clonard St. Balbriggan

Post to : North County Leader Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin

North County Leader 19th April 2011

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Tuesday, 3rd May

Fingal County Council Planning Permission sought for Proposed partial change of use of lounge area to Childcare/Montessori facility. (20.74sq.m.). Also proposed single story extension to rear of existing lounge area of which all comprise of 'additional space of 15.98sq.m.,to provide toilet, a side lobby to entrance and Montessori room extension and, additional door entrance to side of dwelling, at no:12 Danes Court, The Village, Lusk, Co. Dublin, For Mrs Celine Powell. The Planning Application may be inspected or a purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the Planning Authority during the Public opening hours of 9:30-15:30 MondayFriday at Fingal County Council. Fingal County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Co. Dublin.A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the Planning Authority on a payment fee of 20 euro, within the period of 5 weeks, beginning on the date of receipt by Fingal County Council of the application. Fingal County Council We, Skerries Town Football Club, intend to apply for planning permission for the erection of 4 no. 18.5 metre high floodlights to the existing main grass pitch and the provision of a generator enclosed by a 2.4metre high palisade fence and all associated site works at Skerries Town Football Club, Park Lane, Skerries, Co. Dublin. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (20Euros) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of this application. Fingal County Council Permission is sought for alterations to approved plans for a 2 storey detached dwelling (Planning Ref. F06A/0124) at Skerries Road, Rush, Co. Dublin for Miriam Bruton. The alterations involve moving the approved dwelling 13.5m northwards including a proposed new entrance. There will be no changes to the approved plans/elevations. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during the public opening hours and a submission or observation in relation to the Application may be made in writing to the Planning Authority on payment of the prescribed fee (20 euros), within the period of 5 weeks, beginning on the date of receipt by Fingal County Council of the Application. Fingal County Council I John Walsh am seeking planning permission at Unit 1, The Grange,

Main Street, Ballyboughal, Co. Dublin. The development will consist of the change of use from office to café (service retail) to part ground floor and part first floor. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during the public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (€20) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of his application. Fingal County Council I John Walsh am seeking planning permission at Unit 4, The Grange, Main Street, Ballyboughal, Co. Dublin. The development will consist of the enclosing of two existing balconies at first floor level to create two sunrooms to existing hair salon. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during the public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (€20) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of his application. Fingal County Council I, Seamus Mulholland, intend to apply for Planning Permission for development at The Surgery, 7 Strand Street, Skerries, Co. Dublin. The development will consist of a single storey entrance lobby to side of existing surgery. The planning application may be inspected, or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the planning authority during the public opening hours of 9:30 – 15:30 Monday – Friday at: Fingal County Council, Fingal County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Fingal, Co. Dublin. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (€20.00) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by Fingal County Council of the application. Fingal County Council I Olwyn Halligan, intend to apply for Permission for development at this site, Balscadden Village, Naul, Co. Dublin. The development will consist of the construction of a new part two storey dormer style dwelling, waste water treatment plant, percolation area, new entrance and single storey detached garage, including all associated site works at the above site. The planning application maybe inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of Fingal County Council during its public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the

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authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (€20.00) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of this application.

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Fingal County Council. We Leo & Anita Finlay request planning permission for a single-storey extension and all associated site works to the north facing side of 4 Torcaill Court, Blackwood Lane, Portmarnock, Co. Dublin. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of Fingal County Council, County Hall, Main St, Swords, Co. Dublin between the hours of 9:30am - 15:30pm Monday Friday. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee withing the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application.


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North County Leader 19th April 2011

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