Local Support For Ardgillan College See Page 7
Are You The Next Dublin Rose? See Page 8
Outstanding Performances From Swords Swimmers See Page 10
Next Issue:
Tuesday, 15th February
Your Quality Local Newspaper We deliver A registered newspaper at the G.P.O.
Tel: 8902277 • Mobile: 087 2432995 • email: michael.kennedy@oireachtas.ie web: www.michaelkennedy.ie facebook: www.facebook.com/MichaelKennedyTD • twitter: http://twitter.com/kennedytd Vote 1 KENNEDY Michael Vote No. 2 O'Brien Darragh
8th February 2011 • Volume 18, Issue 3 • Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin. • ISDN 8139966 • Tel: 8•400•200
Reilly Determined To Tackle Cancer Vaccine Scandal Deputy James Reilly TD, Fine Gael spokesperson on Health, has vowed to rid the North County of the scourge of Cervical
Cancer, if he is returned to the next Dail. In an exclusive interview with your No 1 local newspaper, the County Leader, he
outlined his disgust that a vaccine that is readily available, has not been used. “I am appalled that we would not use this
The Dublin Community Games county finals kicked off when the Chess finals were held recently. The U12 competition saw five teams vying for a place in the next round, the Leinster finals. A number of close games went to the wire with the time limit, but a strong Portmarnock team secured the Gold medals. Five teams also contested the U16 competition which saw bronze going to Portmarnock. The victorious Portmarnock U12 team is pictured here with their gold medals and trophy. L-R: Evan Murray, Robert Richmond, Gabor Major, Adam O'Brien, Eoin Meskell.
vaccine to protect our children into the future against this disease, which causes such pain and distress, often leading to hysterectomy and the loss of the ability to bear children. We have a vaccine, but would not use it because it would cost €3 million per annum. Cervical cancer kills between 80 and 84 women every year. The use of the vaccine could prevent up to 55 deaths per annum, which would be a great help. This is an issue I feel strongly about and it was a dream of mine as a medical student and a young doctor, that such a vaccine could be created for this particular cancer.” Between 250 and 300 new cases of cervical cancer are diagnosed each year, resulting in between 70 and
By Patrick Finnegan festo for the upcoming 100 deaths nationally. “Whilst no figures are available for the North County, it is safe to assume, based on the national figures, that up to five women will die in this
James Reilly TD
area every year, which could be prevented now if this vaccine were to be used immediately,” he said. A determined Reilly confirmed that he has ensured that this is now part of the Fine Gael mani-
Malahide Toastmasters Celebrate 30 Years “You Deserve the Best”
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This month, Malahide Toastmasters will celebrate thirty years in existence. Since it’s inception in 1981, the club has successfully served the Dublin north east region and is highly merited by Toastmasters International. Over the years, Malahide Toastmasters has assisted and encouraged hundreds of members become more confident when speaking in front of an audience, as well as presentation skills. Whether you are a professional, student or retired, Malahide Toastmasters offers enjoyable and affordable meetings where you can gain vast communication skills. Dorothy Hickey, President of Malahide Toastmasters says that she is delighted to celebrate the club’s 30th year. “It’s a wonderful occasion. We have a remarkable group of members who are always ready to go the extra mile. The current economic climate has helped Malahide Toastmasters in securing new members who are no longer in a position to pay for private coaching or attend personal training and communication skills courses. We are always looking for new members who want to achieve personal skills whether its to make your best man’s speech, accept 1st prize at a golf outing or make a business presentation - Malahide Toastmasters would like to hear from you.” See pic on page 14
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election and that it will be delivered upon. This will mean that secondary schoolgirls will now be able to avail of the vaccine. It was already offered to 6th class girls in Rush, Lusk, Skerries and Balbriggan. This has been as a result of the efforts of Dr Reilly and the voluntary group of which he was a part. He felt so passionately about the fact that the vaccine was not used, that he ploughed €20,000 of his own personal money to start the programme. He was ably assisted by some hard working volunteers, including local GP’s, practice nurses and other medical and nursing staff, who generously gave their time and services, free of charge. “Even in these stringent economic times, we must have our priorities right by protecting our children against the scourge of cervical cancer. This has to be top of this priority list,” he said. A total of 6,026 females between the ages of 11 and 18 live in the North County area. Some have been vaccinated, but a large amount have not. This frightening statistic is sure to be addressed should Dr Reilly be returned to the next Dail and assume the Health Ministry, as is widely expected.
Vote No.1
New Faces On Posters In North County The decision of the Constituency Boundary Commission to redraw the constituency boundaries in North Dublin presents a real challenge for local politicians in both Dublin West and Dublin North. It also is set to cause much confusion in parts of Swords, now part of the Dublin West constituency. The 12,000 people living in south-western side of Swords will now be added to the constituency. The Swords areas of Forest Road, River Valley, Brookdale, Ridgewood, Boroimhe, Highfields, Knocksedan have been included in the Dublin West constituency in the forthcoming General Election. This is due to the decision made by the Independent Boundary Commission, deciding to add an extra seat to Dublin West to make it a four seat constituency, which was expected. A lot of voters here are still not aware of this and will be very surprised when they see posters for a totally new group of candidates appearing over the coming weeks. Also, voters in Portmarnock will be confronted with strange faces on their election posters, as the vast majority of the area is no longer in Dublin North, but in Dublin North East. Malahide and Portmarnock, which usually go together have now been separated. Dublin North, which had been expected to gain a seat, will remain a four-seater having lost this section of Swords along with the majority of Portmarnock. The decision is bad news for the North County, as it results in the division of Swords and also splits the county between three Dail constituencies.
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North County Dublin’s
Gormanston And District Anglers AGM A very well attended Gormanston and District Anglers AGM was held recently in The Balrothery Heritage Centre. Ray Mooney club chairman addressed the meeting and reported that, “the club had an excellent year with our lake fishing extremely well and number of our juniors getting International recognition and senior male and female anglers doing well in provincial and national competitions. However, the membership of the club was down on previous years. The club was no different than every other club and organisation in Ireland and were presently suffering because of the economic downturn and emigration. It
was decided not to increase the 2011 renewal fees and to introduce a new family membership which allows one senior and as many juniors for a set fee of €160.00 per year. Also due to falling membership arising from emigration and the downturn in the economy, that an amnesty for lapsed senior members would be introduced. This amnesty would be available until the 31st March. This basically allows lapsed members to rejoin the club, regardless of how many years they had not renewed their senior membership fees. Lapsed members would be reinstated as full members with a once off payment of €30.00, plus this year’s renewal fee of €100.00. This does not apply to juniors/disabled and OAP, who only have to pay the present renewal fee. The AGM also decided to reduce the new membership fee by €55.00 to encourage more uptake.
North County Leader 8th February 2011
Quality Newspaper
Return To Sender In Swords
their first letter to another member of the class and the second to a relative or friend. School teacher, Naomi Davis told the County Leader, “All the pupils are very enthusiastic and are looking forward to receiving their letters. We want to share our experience with the community. It’s a great way to get the children interested in letter writing and has an effect on lots of subjects enhancing their writing skills.” Brian contacted An Post outlining the idea, and the school received a beautiful, replica post box in which to post the letters. The project has been generously sponsored by the DAA and as a result, the senior class in the school will be visiting the recently opened Terminal 2 at the airport later this month.
By Leslie Murphy The first to sixth class pupils of the Old Borough School, Swords, are involved in a letter writing project this term. The project is the brainchild of Brian Gilmore, a former cricket coach in the school. The aim is to introduce the children to the art of letter writing, which is becoming a forgotten skill in this age of technology, and to experience the pleasure of receiving a letter in the post. Each child has been given an attractive letter writing pack, Amber Coyle, Aaorn Browne, Chloe Bowbrick-Lynch, comprising a small lined pad, Adam Kennedy, Marcu Evans and Ava Brady are some envelopes and instructions pictured with the replica post box at the Old Borough for laying out and writing the School. letters. The pupils are writing
Special Commendation For Portmarnock Woman Clodagh Hegarty, from Portmarnock, and her team at the Meningitis Research Foundation, received a special commendation at the first ever Astellas Changing Tomorrow Awards 2010, for their initiative entitled ‘SMS Video Awareness Campaign.” Clodagh, a medical information officer, and her team were recognised at a ceremony in the category ‘Changing
the judging panel, Professor Luke Clancy, commented, “Clodagh’s project is a great example of how a committed healthcare team, creativity and insightful research can change tomorrow.” According to Patricia Kelly, General Manager of Astellas Pharma Inc: “The Meningitis Research Foundation undertook this initiative as the foundation found, from a national survey of
sending a free text TIME to 50308. Speaking about her win, Clodagh said, “I am thrilled to receive this special commendation from the Astellas Changing tomorrow
Awards. With this recognition we hope to continue our work in generating awareness about the serious nature of this disease and to increase the understanding and knowledge of its symptoms to the Irish public. ”
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Tomorrow Through Innovation’, for their creative and innovative approach in raising awareness and knowledge about the symptoms of meningitis and septicaemia amongst in Ireland. Speaking at the Awards ceremony, the chair of
Contact Us: North County Leader Leader House, North Street, Swords Tel: 8 400 200
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Pictured at the Awards ceremony for ‘Changing Tomorrow’ healthcare projects are, Diane McConnell, Clodagh Hegarty, from Portmarnock and Peter Moorhead, all from Meningitis Research Foundation.
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Advertising .............................Marian Charles General Manager ...................Mubashar Hafeez Editorial ..................................Patrick Finnegan & Leslie Murphy Head of Production................Seán Fitzmaurice Managing Editor.....................Gerry Fitzmaurice Printers...................................MCP - Navan Published by ..........................Seel Publishing Ltd.
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North County Leader 8th February 2011
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Kennedy Fears Coalition Not Committed To Metro North
North County Newspaper
Great Joy At Opening Of Rolestown School
Rolestown's brand-new state of the art school was offi- the first time. After the ceremony, all were given a tour cially opened on Tuesday last, 1st of February. The of the new school and classrooms. The ceremony itself Deputy Michael Kennedy (FF) projects in Dublin, would be school is named after its benefactor, local man Pat was enhanced by the performances of the students, with McDonagh and was unveiled by Mr has expressed his deep put on the back-burner.” McDonagh himself. Present at the ceremony concerns about the delivery of A clearly concerned Kennedy were Brian Lenihan TD, County Mayor, Ken Metro North in the event of a continued, “This less than Farrell and the Archbishop of Dublin, Dr. coalition government, convincing commitment to the Diarmaid Martin. including Enda Kenny and vital new transport link A proud School Principal and Labour Party Eamon Gilmore. He has called between Swords and Dublin candidate, Tom Kelleher told the crowd “for a firm commitment from City Centre is enormously gathered in the assembly that it was a momentous occasion for the parish. “Today the Fine Gael and worrying for local represents an investment in the future of Labour leaders to commuters. It also the children in the area,” he said. the construction of jeopardises the real The school is dedicated to St. Brigid, hence Metro North.” jobs dividend that the date chosen for the opening. Pat He said, “The reality this project will McDonagh spoke of the link between his is that, despite what bring, both during family and Rolestown National School, and the importance his parents placed on the Fine Gael’s James construction and education of their children, citing this as a Reilly and Labour’s afterwards. The big reason in why he decided to go ahead Brendan Ryan may construction of with the project. “I attended this school, as say, nothing less Michael Kennedy Metro North will did my children, and my grandchildren. My Pictured at the official opening of Rolestown Primary School are, from left, benethan an explicit commitment create over 6,000 jobs, while family moved here from Co. Clare when factor, Pat McDonagh, Cllr Ken Farrell and School principal, Tom Kelleher. SW to this vital project by Kenny an independent report has I was four years old, because my parents felt that the access to education in Clare was an issue at the the school choir singing the opening hymns. This was and Gilmore will suffice. The concluded that over 30,000 time.” Mr. Lenihan spoke of the importance of primary followed by the school orchestra, whose abilities was frightening reality is that jobs can be created along a level education, and spoke of how, in the drafting of the duly noted. Their performance was brilliant, and there neither man has been new ‘Metro North economic Plan for National Recovery, he desperately wanted to is very obvious signs of great talent in these youngsters. convincing on this matter in corridor’.” To round the performances off, the Mummers maintain class sizes, and funding for primary schools. the past.” “On their visits to Swords The ceremony, conducted by Archbishop Martin, was showed up. Their performance was colourful and “Last year, Eamon Gilmore during the election campaign, attended by many ex-pupils and teachers, many of humorous, and had everyone in the crowd laughing whom were seeing the interior of the new building for and applauding. clearly stated on national nothing less than full support radio that if he was in power, for this project from Kenny contact be aged 18 or over Please ‘Metro North would be shot and Gilmore will suffice. For Gavin, and have an interest Bryan back.’ To compound this, his our part, Fianna Fáil in Youth in helping young Regional prospective partner in Government is committed to on people achieve for Officer Government, Enda Kenny told this project and I have Lusk Foróige Youth aged 12 and over to volunteers to assist themselves. The club 0868519639 and with running the Club provides a safe meet and socialise the Irish Times in 2009 that passionately campaigned for it is a great way to remember, everyone and fun environment with their friends. club. Volunteers are give something back has something to ‘some projects, like the Metro progression,” he concluded. for young people The club relies on required and should to the community. offer.
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Happy Valentine’s Day
North County Dublin’s
North County Leader 8th February 2011
Quality Newspaper
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Lily Kellett's 50th birthday party in The Harp Bar was enjoyed by Eugene and Lily Kellett. JG
Enjoying the 21st birthday celebration for Rob McGuire in Peacocks, River Valley are, Gary Doran, Shaun MacGuire, Dan Burke, Ste MacGuire, Paul JG Dowling, Ross Cafolla, birthday boy, Rob MacGuire and Adam McCormack.
Lisa McCormack held her 25th birthday in the Old Boro, Swords recently. Pictured at the celebrations are, Ewa Matja, Palin Samphong, Greg O'Riordan, Lisa McCormack, Mark Phelan and Joanna Williamson. JG
It was Aoife Ward's 21st birthday in the Lord Mayor's Swords recently. She is pictured here with boyfriend, Liam Walshe. JG
Garth Masterson's 40th birthday party was held in the Old Boro recently. Pictured enjoying the party are, Pamela Masterson, Garth Masterson and Don Dempsey. JG
Jean Newman celebrated her 60th birthday party in Essence Bistro, Swords. Pictured enjoying the night are L-R, Ann Donovan, Ann Leahy, Jean Newman, Mary Caffrey and Anne Desay. EMcQ
Harris Ashmore celebrated his 21st birthday at the The Harp recently. Pictured are, from left, Graham O'Sullivan, Harris Ashmore, Ian Hanley and Alan Lindsey. JG
Dan Burke celebrated his 21st birthday with a party in Peacocks recently. Pictured are his family members, from left, Joe, Dan, Megan, Monica and Sally-Anne. JG
Pictured celebrating the 40th birthday of Shaun Doherty in The Harp Bar in Swords recently are JG Howard Kelly, Shaun Doherty and Jeff Carten.
Sam Mooney's 30th birthday party was held in the Harp EMcQ Bar, Swords. Picture shows Sam with Phil Egan.
Pictured at the 21st birthday bash for Rachel McKeown at the Lord Mayors, Swords are L-R, Maria Lawlor, Ciara O JG Brien, Caroline Ryan, Rachel McKeown and Kelly Risley.
Aine Delaney's 40th birthday party was held in the Harp Bar, Swords recently. Pictured enjoying the night are the Delaney JG family, John, Aine, Katelyn and Niall.
Pics: Joey Gavin & Eoghan McQuinn news@northcountyleader.ie
North County Leader 8th February 2011
The Biggest Circulation Of
North County Newspaper
Councillor Tom
I have represented Dublin North at local government level for the past twenty years and am now seeking to represent the constituency in the Dáil. In so doing, I aim to ensure that Dublin North will not only meet but rise to the challenges of the years ahead. Through my work as a County Councillor and a Primary School Principal, I am familiar with the needs of local workers, local businesses and local families and, if elected, I will advance these needs by every means possible. The key to economic recovery is getting people back to work. In order to stem the tide of emigration and provide hope for our young people and those who are now out of work, my first priority, if elected, will be to safeguard existing jobs in Dublin North, while seeking to generate new employment in the constituency. As Chairman of the Fingal County Development Board, I
have striven to make Fingal an attractive place to do business. In November 2010, I spearheaded the Fingal Development Board conference in Ardgillan Castle in Skerries, at which forty senior executives from some of the most successful companies in Leinster came together to discuss how best to support businesses in Fingal, while also bringing new indigenous and multinational companies to the area. Labour will scrap upward only rent reviews for businesses and give businesses a PRSI break. We believe that income tax should be as low as possible. Labour has a fair approach to tax, which is to start at the top, with those most able to pay. Labour's pushed for the closure of property-related tax loopholes. We are against water charges.
Dublin North Needs Metro I have fought, and will continue to fight, to secure the future of Metro North. The project will rejuvenate our local economy by improving our infrastructure and creating jobs in a multitude of areas, from construction and industry to services such as shops and schools. A recent study by the Rail Procurement Agency has demonstrated that for every €1 spent on Metro North there will be a €2 return for the Irish economy. It is vital that the project goes ahead.
Investment In Education Needed Challenging Times Ahead
Education is the key to restoring growth to the Irish economy. Labour is the only party committed to protecting education, reforming teaching, learning and school management and the provision of quality school buildings to improve education performance. There should be no more prefabs - school renovation will provide jobs for construction workers on the dole and get our children out of third rate school accommodation.
The highly skilled workforce produced in Ireland brought growth to our industrial sector and attracted multinational companies to our shores. Yet, in recent years, the OECD ranking of Irish students in literacy has dropped from 5th place to 17th place, the sharpest decline among 39 countries surveyed. If elected, I will ensure that education remains firmly on both the local and the national agendas.
The next government will face many social and economic challenges over the coming years. In order that the country be brought from its current state of insecurity into a more stable, prosperous future, it is vital that we have responsible leadership. Never again can we afford to have an administration which prioritises bankers above taxpayers; developers above hospital patients; vested interests above the general good of the people. In my role as group leader of the Labour Party in Fingal County Council, I have helped to create a local government that functions in an efficient and transparent manner – in the area of planning and development, for example, Fingal has been shown to be the only local authority where vast sums have not been wasted on unwanted housing.
How to get in touch with me: Mobile: email: twitter: facebook:
087 2837165 cllrtkelleher@eircom.net @cllrtomkelleher www.facebook.com/tom-kelleher Vote 2 Brendan Ryan
Cllr. Tom Kelleher with Labour Party Leader, Eamon Gilmore TD
Cllr. Peter Coyle was delighted to note Cllr. Kelleher’s decision to run for the Dáil “we have worked closely together on community and planning issues and I am sure that his drive and integrity will shine through when he represents us in the Dáil.”
A Message From Eamon Gilmore Ireland is a great country. We can get beyond this economic crisis and rebuild our economy. Not for the developers and bankers to ruin once again, but for our children so they can get the education they deserve, for the men and women now out of work who would give anything for a job, for those that are experiencing wage reductions in the Public and Private sectors, for the innovators and entrepreneurs that are looking to create new businesses and for our communities that are breaking under the strain of cuts and more cuts. What we need is a change of Government, a change of direction and a change in leadership for our country.
Tom Kelleher is a person you can trust. His reputation as a teacher is a testament to his qualities. By sending him to Dáil Éireann as part of my team, they will represent Dublin North to the benefit of everyone. We need his ideas and energy to tackle issues such as education, the jobs crisis, and health so that Labour can make the reforms we need. You, the voters of Dublin North, can create this vision by voting Labour in the General Election.
North County Dublin’s
Taxi Ruling Causes Hardship Local T.D. Trevor Sargent By Patrick Finnegan (GP), has called on the Taxi Regulator to relax the absurd and potentially rule that requires taxi and wasteful stricture and milihackney owners to replace tates against the careful their vehicle once it is and conscientious hackney more than nine years old. or taxi man or woman. A He said “This is the most green minded regulator
would encourage good levels of car maintenance in spite of vehicle age. I am aware that many well kept cars run very well beyond the 10 year cut off point. I have told the Taxi Regulator this already in the past on a number of occasions.” Sargent spoke about the hardship which this regulation is causing, when he said, “I recently met with a
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North County Leader 8th February 2011
Quality Newspaper
constituent who has been a hackney driver for 23 years and has a perfect driving record. He is also being squeezed out by the entry of many new hack-
Trevor Sargent TD
neys bought with redundancy money by newly unemployed people who think hackney driving is a reasonable earner. Sadly this has flooded the market and he would be lucky to
take in €300 gross in a week. This means working 7 days a week, out early and back late, or more often than not waiting around for the rare jobs coming his way now. He continued, “the Regulator has increased the five year license fee from €3 to €250. The banks are refusing to release funding to buy a younger vehicle and at 56 years of age, my friend is not sure how else he can earn a living. I appeal to the Regulator to hear these cries of desperation, and act quickly to restore confidence of the industry in her office. I await the Regulator's reply and I look forward to discussing these matters with her as soon as possible,” he concluded.
As part of its SOS (Save Our Service) campaign, the Jack & Jill Foundation recently launched a nationwide competition for schools to collect old mobile phones in exchange for interactive whiteboards. The two schools collecting the most phones win an opportunity to meet Jedward in June 2011. Recycled mobile phones are a real currency for Irish children’s charity Jack & Jill who provide home nursing care and respite for 300 children nationwide with brain damage. Picture at the launch are Jedward, with Louis Bebbington (age 6) from Rolestown National School, Swords
Great Opportunity For Aspiring Local Actors Aspiring actors in the Swords/Malahide area who dream of acting on the big screen have a chance to gain invaluable practical experience. The annual Acting for Film and Television workshops will be held at the Carnegie Court Hotel in Swords from 15th to 17th February next. It's possible that you've seen great performances on film or television, and thought to yourself: "I could do that!". Or maybe you've worked in other areas of film or television production, and want to try your hand in front of the camera. Well,
this is an inspiring chance to find out if you have what it takes. The intensive workshops will teach participants the fundamental skills needed to create memorable performances for the camera. You’ll learn the processes an actor undergoes throughout the production cycle; getting the job, preparing for the job and doing the job. And you'll come away with a sound, first-hand understanding of the art, the craft and the business of acting for the camera. All you need is to be at least 17 years of age (indeed over 40’s are espe-
cially welcome) and would love the chance to land a role in a film, TV drama or commercials. The course is being hosted by The Irish Film Actors Workshop and will run over the three evenings from 7.00pm to 11.00pm. The course is an excellent confidence builder which improves the communication and socials skills necessary for successful job interviews, work presentation etc. There are 10 places available and interested parties shouldcall 074-9126994 for further details.
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Vote No. 2 Tom Kelleher
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North County Leader 8th February 2011
The Biggest Circulation Of
Local Supporters Club Assists Ardgillan College Balbriggan Liverpool Supporters Club displayed true sportsmanship recently. They generously came to the assistance of local school, Ardgillan College, and donated a full Soccer Sports kit. The college, now in its second year, had been using just one set of jerseys for all sports and was finding it difficult to finance a much needed new kit for its
boys and girls soccer panels. It was now that the local Liverpool Supporters Club stepped in and covered the full cost of new jerseys, socks and shorts. The kit was presented to the college on Monday, January 17th by the Chairperson, Mr Tony McCormack, accompanied by club members. Michael O'Leary, Principal of Ardgillan
North County Newspaper
College, thanked the Liverpool Supporters Club for their generosity. Pupils at the college have a great interest in soccer and there are many Liverpool supporters. He promised to encourage and promote soccer at the college and to maintain close links with the local Liverpool Supporters Club. He looks forward to organising a trip to Anfield to support the reds in the near future. Ardgillan College, sporting their new jerseys, went on to defeat O'Carolan College, Co. Meath, in the Leinster Cup 5-2 on the same afternoon. They now go through to the final.
Pictured at the presentation of jerseys to Ardgillan College by members of Balbriggan Liverpool Supporters Club are, from left to right, Committee members Tony Pyne, Mona Guidea, Principal Michael Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Leary, Team captain Brian Smyth, Treasurer Adrian McCann, Chairman Tony McCormack and Rex Guildea.
New Alzheimerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Social Club In River Valley The Alzheimer Society in North Dublin, has introduced a new Social Club in Swords for people with dementia and their carer or family member. The new club is based at River Valley Community Centre, Swords and meets on Mondays
from 10.30am to 12.30pm. The Social Club provides an informal, flexible and fun opportunity to meet with other carers, in a supported environment. The Club is a social gathering for a few hours, once a week, where people can
drop in to chat, access information and support, and exchange ideas and experiences. The Club eventually plans to organise activities and outings. Dedicated members of society, staff and volunteers support each club meeting and facilitate the needs of the group. There is no charge to attend and tea and coffee are available.
Are you interested in fostering? Fostering means caring for and sharing your home with a child whose parents are unable to care for them. This can be for reasons such as neglect, abuse, illness and addiction. The HSE in Dublin North is seeking people who enjoy being with and caring for children and can provide the time, energy and space in their lives to help them grow and develop. We need foster carers for children of all ages on both a short term and long term basis. We have an immediate need for families for older children (aged 8 to 15). We will assist you in becoming a foster care. A social worker will meet you to discuss your interest and suitability. Following an assessment, we provide training, advice, support and financial assistance to help you provide the best of care to the child. We welcome enquiries from both couples and single applicants. Dublin North comprises of Swords, Balrothery, Oldtown, Lusk, Portrane, Donabate, Malahide, Raheny, Kinsealy, Portmarnock, Sutton, Coolock, Balgriffin, Artane, Killester, Darndale, Donaghmeade, Howth, Cloghran, Garristown, Naul, Rush, Skerries and Balbriggan. We welcome informal enquiries. Please contact the Social Work Department in Swords, Co. Dublin tel: 01-8708000 or 087 9049250 email: fosteringnorthdublin@hse.ie
North County Dublinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
North County Leader 8th February 2011
Quality Newspaper
Outstanding 5 Bedroom Detached Residence 13 Longwood, Dublin Road, Drogheda
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Keynote speaker, Michael Dawson (One4All Gift Vouchers) and Aidan Ryan (Malahide RFC)
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Niall Rock (Storage Systems Ltd), Donie O'Sullivan (O2 Malahide) and Graham Smith (Wordsmith, Malahide)
Valerie Cooke, Garreth Cooke, (both from Emerald Elite, Dublin Airport) with Paul Fay (Giftsforall.ie)
Hugh Finnegan (Finnegan Chauffeur Drive, Malahide) and Michael O'Neill (Traintech Marine Services)
If you would like to enter this years Dublin Rose of Tralee fill out this form and return it to
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www.northcountyleader.ie email: rose@northcountyleader.ie
Tony Lambert (CEO Fingal Dublin Chamber), Mannix Ryan (Zuva Property Consultants), Siobhan Moore (President Fingal Dublin Chamber) and Leo Ryan (Zuva Property Consultants)
North County Leader 8th February 2011
Emmaus Wins Prestigious Accommodation Award The Emmaus Centre in Swords, was the host venue for the International Primates’ Meeting for the Anglican Church. The meeting was chaired by The Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams and was followed by a global congregation from the four corners of the world, via the international news media and internet. The centre won the prestigious Supreme Winner Accommodation award for Conference Centres.
The Biggest Circulation Of Dr. Tony Lenihan of Failte Ireland and Ines Guerra, IASA President certified 70 establishments including hotels, conference centres, hospitals, colleges and nursing homes. During the dinner, which was held recently, the supreme winners were announced in a number of categories with Emmaus taking home the honours in the Conference Centre Category. Vivienne Brogan, Accommodation Manager of Emmaus told the County Leader, “This is a great achievement for Emmaus and is a wonderful acknowledgement of the excellent standards and facilities that we have to offer and the hard work and commitment of our dedicated staff at the centre”.
Gender Support For North County
North County Newspaper
Swords Toastmasters’ St Patrick’s Parade Returns To Swords Regular Meetings By Leslie Murphy
Does the thought of speaking in public or making a presentation fill you with anxiety? If so, then help is at hand. Public speaking, presentation and leadership skills are especially important, particularly in the current economic climate for job interviews, business meetings or as a part of a voluntary group. There are many situations in life which can cause panic and fill us with trepidation. Perhaps you will be required to speak at a wedding, or something similar. Toastmaster offers you an opportunity to improve your public speaking, presentation and leadership skills in a fun and friendly atmosphere. Swords Toastmasters Club meets on alternate Mondays at 8 o’clock in the Carnegie Court Hotel in North Street, Swords. Visitors and new members are always welcome. Just turn up on the night.
A support group is being set up by Fingal Leader Partnership for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT), community in the North County. The aim is to create a safe, supportive space for new people and have an informal chat. for more information call Helen on 8020484, discretion and complete confidentiality is guaranteed. McGuirk. “We want people to get into the habit of walking, make it a social thing, and hopefully hold an event like this every year.” County Mayor and avid walker himself, Cllr. Ken Farrell, was all wrapped up and ready to By Patrick Finnegan battle the conditions. Speaking about the Despite the wind and the rain, there was a event, he said that “the intention is to expand, great turn out for Skerries 4km “Slí na and get people out walking regularly.” There Sláinte” walk recently. The walk was a part of was a great buzz amongst the crowd, and the Operation Transformation, a health and fun was evident on the participants’ faces. fitness programme. The event was organised Niall McGuirk, who is nothing if not considby the County Council’s Senior Sports erate, ensured the crowd had their suntan Development Officer, Niall McGuirk. As part lotion and sunglasses with them “for when we of Operation Transformation, there was a get to the beach.”The walk set off from Red walk held in every county on that day. “What Island Car Park, and trained IHF walking we’re hoping for is that this is not just a single leaders were there on the day. event, there should be a knock on effect,” said
Great news has finally broken for Swords and the whole North County, with the return of a St Patrick’s Day Parade. Representatives from the County Council, local Chamber of Commerce, Swords Community Council, Swords Tidy Towns Committee, DAA and the Pavilions Shopping Centre have been planning a series of events in the town centre to bring this plan to fruition. Le Chéile is a group of people representing key organisations in Swords and came together to look at ways of involving the local community in more activities based around the town centre. The initiative started last Summer with their ‘Sounds Of Summer’ festival, which was a great success and saw bands
playing all over Swords, with clowns and face painters entertaining people. Le Chéile’s success has been ongoing with the recent success of their ‘Christmas Family Fair’. Chairman of Swords Le Chéile, Joe Harford, told the County Leader, “Bringing people who live and work in Swords together is our aim and we want to generate a renewed sense of community for the many thousands of men, women and children in the town. Our next venture is to have a St Patrick’s Day Parade to celebrate the many sporting, social and community groups who are so active in the area. Together with the participation of many commercial organisations and businesses, it is hoped to have a revival of St Patrick’s Day as a great family day. Swords Le Chéile is calling on local restaurants, bars and businesses to get into the festive spirit and organise a great day for March 17th”.
Operation Transformation In Skerries
Pictured are some of the hardy souls who braved the appalling weather conditions to partake in the Operation Transformation Walk recently. Pic: SW
DUBLIN NORTH’S NEW TEAM Working in Dublin North for: • Delivering Metro North • Retention of Swords Ambulance Service • Replacement of pre-fabs at primary schools • More secondary schools, especially Lusk & Rush • Cutting PRSI and VAT for small business • Free GP Care at point of delivery
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Pictured enjoying the RNLI SOS fundraiser in the Harbour Bar, Rush are Mary Courtney PRO, Niall McGrotty (Operations Manager), Ann Moran, Gerry Brennan Pic: RO’H (organiser) and Jim Doyne (organiser).
Successful Fundraiser For RNLI In Rush The RNLI in Skerries took a welcome break from a hard winter period in the Harbour Bar in Rush on Friday 28th January last. However, hard work was still on their agenda, as the wine-tasting evening was part of the “SOS” fundraising programme for the RNLI. PR Officer for the section, Mary Courtney explained to the County Leader how “each area is encouraged to hold a fundraiser under the letters SOS. So we decided to have a wine-tasting evening with the title ‘Sip Our Shiraz’. The seaside pub was awash with local supporters, volunteers and well-wishers all enjoying an evening of fine wining and dining. Organised by Gerry Brennan and Jim Doyne, the evening was a rousing success and raised much-needed funds for the vital service the RNLI provide.
Outstanding Performances By Swords Swimmers Loreto College, Swords swimming team performed heroics in the recent All Ireland Schools Swimming Competition, which was held in Salthill on Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th January last. They managed to bring home a haul of medals despite some very tough competition, with 157 schools from all over Ireland competing. The girls gave a fantastic display winning bronze in the team medley relay and silver in the 100 free team relay. Ali Berry won gold in both the 400 free and 200 Individual Medley and bronze in the 100 free. Ali will be representing Loreto, Swords and Ireland in the WISE (Wales, Ireland, Scotland and England) International Schools Competition being held in the National Aquatics Centre in Blanchardstown on the 26th March next - a truly remarkable achievement by this fine athlete. Pictured are Loreto, Swords swimmers who performed so well in the recent All-Ireland Schools Swimming competition, from left to right, Ann-Marie Torsney, Ali Berry, Caitriona Finlay and Emma Cunningham. They are all members of Aer Lingus swimming club.
Sporting Fingal Appoint New Commercial Manager Sporting Fingal have confirmed the appointment of Philip Nolan to the position of new Commercial Manager to succeed Joe Corr. Nolan joins the club having worked for St. Patrick's Athletic FC during the previous seven years in a number of roles, which included responsibility for Commercial and Club Licensing management. "I’m looking forward to the challenge at Sporting Fingal,” he said.“Sporting represents a vast community of 250,000 people in North County Dublin and I look forward to working with all the population of the area to help make them a foot-
ball club that the community can be proud of and participate in. “Competing in the UEFA Europa League for the second season in
Philip Nolan
a row, having qualified by finishing fourth last season, will be fantastic for the community. European football helped put the county on the map last season and repeating that this term can help us attract new
people to our games," he said. John O'Brien, secretary of Sporting Fingal FC, spoke highly of Philip Nolan's credentials for the position. “Retaining and expanding our portfolio of sponsors and advertisers is an integral aspect to the club's sustainability and I believe Philip Nolan is the ideal individual to help us achieve that. His reputation and track record for professionalism within the domestic league is outstanding and, despite the difficult prevailing market conditions, we believe that in Philip we've recruited a Commercial Manager of the highest calibre.”
North County Leader 8th February 2011
Quality Newspaper
This is a really great time for people who are thinking about buying a house or an apartment. Unfortunately for some, the price of their home may have gone down in recent times, but for the first time buyer it's good news. The County Leader will run a special to assist first time buyers in the coming weeks. This is a big time for many people who are going to go through the process of buying their own home. It’s such a thrilling thing to do in one’s life. A place to call ‘your’ own, is one of the greatest feelings in the world. The start of a new beginning for many and such an exciting time. Looking around the areas where you think you would like to live and looking at what’s on offer in your price range is such a thrilling feeling. So if your thinking about buying that dream pad and feel it’s impossible, think again because there are ways and means to suit every dream and pocket. Although there is plenty of information on the internet where homes can be viewed, it’s sometimes best to have the personal touch. There are many excellent solicitors in the North County who will help you on your road to that front door you can call your own. It may seem like there is so much involved in buying a home, but once you start the process, it will become clear to you what's what and you find yourself doing all things that are essential with the help of your solicitor, who will then take you step by step through the legalities. With this expert advice take it bit by bit and owning your own home comes to fruition. Seeking advice of friends and family can be good too. However, depending on how long it is since they have bought a property, their advise may not be as up-to-date as you need. There are lots of things that are involved so it’s good advice to put a plan in place. In this plan include all the things you know you need, and when you visit the professionals add to the list of things you may have overlooked.
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North County Leader 8th February 2011
The Biggest Circulation Of
North County Newspaper
Stafford’s Funeral Directors New Portmarnock Premises STAFFORD’S of Portmarnock was officially opened in October 2010. Funeral services commenced there almost immediately, which gave good early indications of how Portmarnock would fit in with Stafford’s well established Undertaking service to the people of North Dublin city and county. To describe this spacious premises as the ideal location for a Flagship Funeral Home sounds like a contradiction in terms, but as one woman remarked to Jonathan Stafford when she attended a service for an elderly neighbour who passed away – ‘I know when my time comes, I’ll be beyond caring about the Funeral Home, but it’s lovely to know that my family and friends have the option of gathering to remember me in such a deeply special space.’ It’s easy to see what she means. This imaginatively designed building makes the most of the coastal light and the stunning location on Portmarnock Estuary. Stafford’s new Funeral Home incorporates many stunning reception rooms along with four large Chapels of Repose, which can all be seamlessly integrated for a very large Funeral Service, either religious or humanist. The décor is tasteful and contemporary – good harmony created between the architecture and the professional interior design. As one of Ireland’s leading Funeral Directors, Jonathan Stafford invested a great deal of research into the benefits of building a new state-of-the art funeral home in Portmarnock. Funeral costs were his first priority. ‘This lovely building has an air of space and elegance, but it’s a building for families and their loved ones – and deciding to hold a funeral here will not cost a family one euro more than a more regular venue. I cannot stress that enough. In fact, our costing procedure involves the bereaved family at a deep level, because we offer so many budgetary options that the family has a major input into deciding how much a funeral will cost. This development in Portmarnock is unique for many reasons, promising a new level of high standards to the profession. Accessible from all Dublin areas, a journey of only 15-20 minutes from citycentre chaos can bring a body to this peaceful location. There is a soothing sense of space, and the broad sweep of wetlands with acres of soft rushy foliage lends a very natural unique stillness to the atmosphere.
● Reception
By Deirdre Cronan ‘In day-to-day life,’ says Jonathan, ‘most of us are happy to shy away from reflecting on the benefits of one funeral home over another. Until the shock of bereavement moves a family to a radically different place. When we suffer bereavement in our family, it can often make us feel as though we don’t know how to proceed.’ With over 20 years experience in the profession, Jonathan Stafford and his team understands this at a deep level. A core element of their job is to reassure the family; a kind a capable approach is essential. Jonathan and team have a high level of sensitivity and respect to the difficulties. ‘For the families suddenly thrown into loss and bereavement, there’s a cruel irony in the fact that right in the precise moment of life’s biggest emotional journey, practicalities about funeral processions play such a big part.’ To four generations of Dubliners, Stafford’s represent dignity, competence and professional reassurance, qualities essential to a grieving family as they engage with the difficult business of arranging a funeral. Over time, it became abundantly clear to Stafford’s that people’s needs were changing along with the landscape of the city. Traffic congestion means that there is now a pressing need for large car-park capacity, also chapels-of-repose catering for more people for longer periods. New patterns were emerging which Jonathan was primed to identify from over 20 years experience. Families needed more space, both literally and metaphorically. ‘We only opened in Portmarnock four months ago, and it’s reassuring to see how families have so quickly embraced the new options available to them. Choice has always been at the core of our service philosophy – because any meaningful funeral service needs to be defined by the family in question, and a good Undertaker will be available but not intrusive. Portmarnock is interesting in that regard. One family held a big Removal Service here; there was a large attendance at the Prayer Service and people felt free to linger a long time afterwards, paying their respects, talking in groups and generally being comforted by each other at this difficult time.’ Some people remarked to Jonathan how much ease there was in not having to worry about parking
● Stafford’s Funeral Chapel or traffic restrictions. Another family found the Funeral Home so suitable, they decided to have the entire Funeral Mass at Stafford’s. The Chapels of Repose were integrated to create one large space. Portmarnock offers the family a broad sweep of options. There is now ample space to comfortably host personalised prayer services or humanist tributes if required. Funeral patterns are changing for the first time in fifty years; many people are now opting for a Funeral based on a single church service. Alongside this trend is the increasing demand for humanist or civil funerals, reflecting our multi-cultural society. This can create a need for the Funeral Home to play a more central part in proceedings. Even when a family choose to bring their dearly departed family member to repose at home for a time, they may need the added option of having Stafford’s collect their relative from home at some stage to a place where people can pay their respects without inconveniencing the family. A premises, if well-designed and inclusive, can cater for any type of funeral requirement, traditional, religious, multi-denominational, customised or humanist. Stafford’s Funeral Directors have strong deep roots radiating out around the expansive communities of Dublin city and surrounds. Portmarnock takes the journey to a whole new level. While the traditional North Strand and Maypark, Donnycarney Funeral Homes are still upheld as crucial locations in Dublin’s demographic make-up, Portmarnock as part of Stafford’s professional service offers additional options to families all over North Dublin, including Portmarnock, Baldoyle, Coolock, Donnycarney, Clontarf, Raheny, Dollymount, Artane, Kinsealy, Malahide, Sutton, Howth and beyond. Outside the main Reception door, the views take in the sweeping panorama over Portmarnock Estuary; it’s easy to imagine how a place like this could bring
● The Office and Arranging Room solace. In dictionary terms, an Estuary defines a tidal stream, that transient point before the river meets the sea. In ancient mythology, water converging in tidal marshy ground was the symbol of that monumental moment when the soul paused before passing from one dimension to the next. With a spirit of service and humility, Stafford’s continue to respect that transient pause which is deeply important to Irish families at a time of loss. The spa-
cious new premises at Portmarnock Estuary will give breathing space to a family in bereavement. The rituals of farewell and deep abiding respect for loved ones departed continue to matter today as much as ever. And so Stafford’s of Portmarnock will hopefully carry on these timerevered customs that stretch like a tidal finger from ancient burial sites to this contemporary funeral home on the lovely enduring coastline of North Dublin city.
● Stafford’s Funeral Home, Strand Road, Portmarnock
North County Dublin’s
North County Leader 8th February 2011
Quality Newspaper
O’Brien Selected For Key Front Bench Position By Patrick Finnegan Deputy Darragh O’Brien (FF) has been selected by party leader, Micheál Martin to form part of his front bench team as Spokesperson on Sport. North County Dublin is an area which has a wonderful sporting tradition, with all sports represented here, so there will be plenty of opportunity for him to showcase his talents here. Commenting on the appointment, O’Brien said: “I am delighted to have been asked by Darragh O’Brien Micheál to be part of his team. There is a very strong balance of experience and youth on the front bench and I look forward to working with my colleagues in the weeks ahead.” He enthused, “Micheál has shown he is determined to move away from the usual political games. We’re presenting a credible plan for economic recovery and sustainable job creation. As a 36 year old man with a young family, I am deeply aware of the difficulties facing families in Dublin North and beyond and I’ll be bringing those matters to the fore in this campaign.” “There has been much talk of a generational shift in politics and Fianna Fáil cannot escape that. We must ensure younger candidates with new ideas form part of the next Dáil and drive the change that people want to see in the political system.” O’Brien was very forthright about his achievements to date. “I believe I’ve proven in the last couple of years in the Dáil that I can effectively represent the people of Dublin North and will do what’s necessary to protect the investments we’ve made in the economy through the years, particularly in education,” he concluded.
Skerries Harvest Group Ready to Go Sustainable Skerries’ Community Harvest Group recently held its second public meeting in the Local Sailing Club. The Community Harvest Group (CHG) is a partnership between a local organic farmer and a couple of dozen families from Skerries. The idea is that the participating families get a weekly veg box of organic, seasonal and local food. No food miles, just healthy, delicious, sustainable fruit and veg with a few organic eggs thrown in. The meeting was well attended with over 20 families signing up for CHG membership. There are still have a couple of places available. CHG were also delighted to have a representative from the Irish Organic Farmers and Growers Association, who was impressed with the partnership between the organic farmer and the CHG member families. The group are all looking forward to their first veg box in April.
Liam A White (PS Packaging), Marian Enright (AIB Airside), Maura Kelly (Manager AIB Swords) and Tony Lambert (CEO Fingal Dublin Chamber)
Lisa Murphy (AIB Santry), Timothy May (RPD Ltd)
Gerry McInerney (McInerney Saunders), Frank Pierce (AIB Commercial)
Susan McKittrick (McInerney Saunders) with Aisling Daly and David Daly, (both from ATP)
Tommy Keeley (Mainscourt Electrical) and David Kennedy (RFK Spicer)
Neal Morrison (McInerney Saunders), with Jim Hudson and Alan Hudson (both from Grove Dry Cleaners, Malahide)
Joe Finnegan and Anthony Gaynor (both from Diamond Shipping)
Pictured the AIB Blanchardstown event were; Tony Judd (Club Professional, Forrest Little Golf Club), Enda Mullen (AIB Bank), Gary and John Keogh (Liquidation Furniture Sales) and Des O’Brien (AIB Bank).
Anne Corrigan (AIB Swords), Frank Pierce (AIB Commercial and Maurice Cregan (Cregan Accountants)
Ray Molloy (AIB Airside), Ruth Brereton (McInerney Saunders) and Pat McGonagle (Pat McGonagle Solicitors, Swords)
Help For Anxiety Sufferers If you suffer with panic attacks, depression, stress or anxiety, the good news is that help is at hand. GROW in Ireland is a Community Mental Health movement which runs meetings for people who suffer with depression, anxiety and stress. It supports people through personal growth and mutual help with others who have had similar experiences. GROW groups are for everyone aged 18 years and over and are anonymous, confidential and non-denominational. GROW groups are supported by fundraising, voluntary donations and the HSE and is a registered charity. For information on a Group near you, please phone 01 8734029
Tony Lambert (CEO Fingal Dublin Chamber) and Sarah Bohan (D15 Chamber).
Leo Young (JJ Gillan) with Marian Enright (AIB Swords)
Ger Haskin (Manager, Blanchardstown AIB Branch), with Lisa Eccles (AIB Bank).
North County Leader 8th February 2011
The Biggest Circulation Of
nesses in general. There are a number of ideas around on how this would be best achieved and we will press for their implementation. The spokesperson continued, “The Following a meeting between expansion by the end of this year of Malahide Chamber of Commerce the Malahide reservoir at Seamount and the local authority recently, the will help, but is not a total solution. water situation in Malahide is being We should all continue to actively monitored on a regular basis. A plan ahead to see how we can spokesperson for the Chamber said, minimise disruption to our busi“Our priority at the moment is to nesses from water supply problems liase with the Council and work in future.” with them to improve communica- All water for Malahide is treated in tion with the Chamber and busi- Leixlip and pumped to a reservoir at Seamount that holds 2,270 cubic metres. However, New Members Sought For a burst main can reduce the Balbriggan Brass Band level of water in the reservoir St. Patrick’s Brass and Reed Band are looking for to a critical level within a new members, from people who are experienced matter of hours and there is players and who may be living in the town or no alternative but to shut surrounding areas. The band want to encourage down supply to users until people all of ages who would be interested in such time as the reservoir learning to play a Brass or Reed instrument from scratch. The starting age limit is nine years and upwards. The band meets every Wednesday night in Saint Georges School Hall Hampton Place. For more details contact Larry Dunne on 01- 414356.
Water Situation In Malahide Being Monitored
Ryan Calls For Action On Portrane Roadworks By Patrick Finnegan Labour Party election candidate, Brendan Ryan, has called for the speedy completion of paralysing roadworks between Donabate and Portrane. In an exclusive interview with the County Leader, Ryan said, “The people of Portrane and Donabate are becoming more and more angry with the disruption caused by engineering works along Portrane Road, which is being carried out in respect of the new 65,000 p.e. sewage treatment plant at Ballymastone. “While the people acknowledge that this work has to be carried out, it is very difficult for them to accept the damage being caused to their vehicles. This arises from the potholes and delays which can be up to half an hour at any time.” An angry motorist, Elaine Matthews from The Burrow, Portrane complained to Ryan about the damage done to her car by uneven roads and
potholes. “The position is made worse given that the work is coming close to the vicinity of the school and the local neighbourhood centre,” he said. Given that these road works will continue into next year, it is vital that the whole traffic management arrangements would be revised as a matter of urgency. Ryan continued, “I have made direct contact with the County Council in this regard. There are safety measures needed along the footpath for school-going children. Ryan continued, “I have made direct contact with The County Council urging them to set up an urgent meeting with the contractors, Aecom and SIAC, to review the operation of the scheme. I have also written to Donabate Portrane Community Council who I know have been in constant contact with the Council on these issues, and I have suggested that the Council involve them directly on this important matter, he concluded”
North County Newspaper
recovers. There were major variations in water supply throughout Malahide; some areas suffered greatly, while others seemed to be hardly affected. The Water Services Department explained that when water supply is turned on at the reservoir, consumers in lower areas will feel the results first, whereas consumers in higher areas distant from the reservoir will be the last to have their supply restored. However, some houses at higher levels and closer to the reservoir will be less affected than others. When electricity supply is cut it happens instantaneously and is restored just as quickly. However, when water supply is cut, the effects can take several hours to be felt and full restoration can take just as long. It can all depend on where you live in relation to the reservoir.
Balbriggan School’s Make Historical Capsules Millfield Shopping Centre has launched a great initiative for primary and secondary schools in Balbriggan. This great initiative is called Time Capsule and invites schools to create a piece of history for the Balbriggan of tomorrow, by making a time capsule which reflects the changing face of Balbriggan today. The winning primary and secondary school will receive a €4000 sum for school equipment. Capsules will be placed in the Millfield Shopping Centre and will be reopened in 2031. Deadline to enter is Friday March 4th.
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/P 1PTUJOH t /P $IFRVFT t /P 8BJUJOH t *OTUBOU $"4) Donaghmede Shopping Centre, Dublin /P 1PTUJOH news@northcountyleader.ie
North County Dublin’s
North County Leader 8th February 2011
Quality Newspaper
Daly Blasts SIPTU Over Labour Vote
Pictured are members of of Malahide Toastmasters Club, including President, Dorothy Hickey in the centre of second row, holding the certificate of 30 years.
Cllr Clare Daly, has criticised SIPTU for recommending its members to vote for Labour. “The trade union movement formed the Labour Party almost 100 years ago. The reality is that Labour do not fight for the working class, but instead their vision does not extend beyond carving up ministerial positions and managing crisis ridden capitalism. SIPTU’s financial and political support for Labour is a Cllr. Clare Daly relic of a past age when Labour was a party of the working class.” She continued, “The time is long overdue for this support to end and for the trade union movement to support candidates and parties that give unconditional support to workers in struggle, like Larkin and whose politics corresponds with the revolutionary socialism of James Connolly. The Socialist Party and the United Left Alliance aspire to play that role in the next Dáil and in the workplaces where our members are active in their unions,” she concluded.
Raw Talent Abounds In Colaiste Choilm By Evelyn Walsh
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Mary O’Keeffe, music teacher in Colaiste Choilm in Swords hosted the always lively Raw Talent competition in the school recently. The competition had been due to take place last month but the snow and icy conditions forced a postponement of the event. None of this deterred any of the competitors, the energy in the room was palpable. There was very little raw
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about the talented bunch of young musicians who entertained us in a very well disciplined and lively show. Every competition has to have winners and the night’s prizes went as follows: Third prize to Conor Fitzpatrick and Kris Hassett for their gorgeous rendition of ‘Boneheads Bank holiday’. Second prize to ‘The Milgram Project’ – a well rehearsed and slick line up of great vocals, acoustic and bass guitars and drums delivered by Liam Boyd, Seamus Cunningham, Barry Collins, Jack Keogh and Alex Smyth. A lively bunch of lads whose competence musically in a medley of tunes they called ‘Starry-Eyed’ was matched by the sheer exuberance of their performances. Methinks we will hear more about these young men First prize deservedly went to Brendan Hewson, a pianist who played in a sensitive and moving manner the beautiful main theme from ‘Band of Brothers.’ Superb. A special award went to Mark Shorthall and Michael Heaney for their performance of ‘Eye of the Tiger.’ All competitors were winners though and Swords is extraordinarily lucky to have a group of youngsters who, in today’s age of manufactured pop and miming to backing tracks- are prepared top get up and perform live in front of an audience in all their wonderful fallible humanity.
Free Courses starting on the 26th of February
Courses will run on Saturdays, 11-12pm or 2-3pm Email: rolestowngcclub@gmail.com Hot Offers! Primroses Now 10 for €10 Seed Potatoes starting at €2.99 each Farmyard Manure 3 bags only €12
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North County Leader 8th February 2011
The Biggest Circulation Of
Recognition For Young Balbriggan Scientists Pupils from 6th class from Balbriggan Educate Together School undertook a research project throughout December to be included in the Young Scientistsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Exhibition in the R.D.S. The class chose
the topical subject of crude oil and paid particular attention to the B.P. Oil Disaster which occurred in the Gulf of Mexico in April last year. In class, pupils performed research on the new school laptops and
Dog Training & Kennelling Residential training in obedience and behaviour problems ie pulling on lead, housetraining, aggression, recall, chewing, jumping up etc also personal protection training. Over 20 years experience,having trained in the UK,USA and Germany. Quailfied master dog SECUTRAINED RITY DOGS trainer, veterinarian + dog shelter recommended. FOR SALE
References available. Watch our dogs in action at www.Topdog-Training.com or phone 087 0514467
Programme To Assist With Mental Health Issues Are you experiencing mental health difficulties such as depression, panic attacks or are you recovering from a breakdown? If so, the Choices programme, run by National Learning Network in Swords, may be able to help you. The programme is an innovative programme to bring about change in your life and focuses on mental health recovery and assists participants in developing self-awareness, building confidence and developing stress management skills and is free. Additional supports, such as career planning, assistive technology, personal and social skills, and literacy and numeracy classes are also available. The centres in Swords and Balbriggan, currently cater for over 100 learners who are offered training on a range of programmes. These include the IT with Office Skills, Vocational Skills Foundation, Fresh Start and Fast Track to Employment programmes, all of which are funded by FĂ S. For further information, contact National Learning Network in Swords on (01) 8404120
Swords Choose a career in Beauty, Make-up or Massage
Christian Fellowship Meetings In Balbriggan
Now Enrolling for Full and Part time Courses commencing April 2011 â&#x20AC;˘ Also post graduate courses â&#x20AC;˘ Due to places in the college being highly sought after these courses are booking out fast!
Malta Hall in Hampton Street, Balbriggan. All are welcome to attend, so why not drop in. It may change your life forever.
Christian Fellowship involves friendly association with other Christians, when you choose them to be your companions. Balbriggan Christian Fellowship meets every Monday at 7.30pm in the Order of
The De Vere Academy 2nd Floor, South Colonnade, The Plaza, Swords Phone: 8131735 E-mail: info@thedevereacademy.ie www.thedevereacademy.ie
North County Newspaper
pupils make up just two per cent of the overall primary school population in Ireland, their work is regularly selected for inclusion. This year 8 per cent of the projects chosen for inclusion at the fair were from Educate Together schools.
holding snakes and visiting the many stalls competing in the secondary schoolsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; competition. The highlight of the day was when the boys and girls received a stunning trophy in recognition of all their hard work. Educate Together
typed up their reports, as well as performing various experiments in order to evaluate different methods of cleaning up an oil spill. Their hard work was displayed in the R.D.S. where pupils had the opportunity to proudly and confidently present their work to the judges and public. Henrieta and Pawel spoke to the judge on behalf of the class, who later remarked on their exemplary presentation and knowledge on the topic. On the day, pupils enjoyed many of the activities on offer, including being trapped in a giant bubble, learning about and
Malahide United under 7 are pictured on a field trip to the cinema recently
International Foundation For Adult Education IFAE is a non-profit forming educational foundation
Diploma Course In Social Studies Distance Education (Home Study) One Academic Year The International Foundation For Adult Education is a non-profit forming Educational Foundation and is providing a Diploma Course in Social Studies with individual tuition which allows you to qualify for a diploma in the comfort of your own home. No classes attended. No previous standard of education is stressed. Social Studies brings together material from S OCIOLOGY , H ISTORY , S OCIAL PSYCHOLOGY, SOCIAL ECONOMICS, HUMAN GEOGRAPHY, CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY & C OUNSELLING . This is of particular relevance to those involved in teaching, nursing, counselling, and parenting. Grants available for people on benefit.
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isInanainnovative programme offered byenvironment National Learning Network inwill partnership with the Health challenging yet supportive participants be encouraged to: Executive â&#x20AC;˘ Develop the necessary knowledge andService skills to manage their health problems â&#x20AC;˘ Review and develop their personal skills â&#x20AC;˘InChallenge negative ways of coping & explore more positive approachesto: to life a challenging yet supportive environment participants will be encouraged â&#x20AC;˘ Work towards agreed through the useand of our Individual Action â&#x20AC;˘ Develop thegoals necessary knowledge skills to manage theirPlan health problems â&#x20AC;˘ Develop skills to move to further training, work or a more active and fulfilling lifestyle â&#x20AC;˘ Review and develop their personal skills â&#x20AC;˘ Put in place new dailynegative routinesways aimed ensuring a better quality of life â&#x20AC;˘ Challenge of at coping & explore more positive approaches to life â&#x20AC;˘ No Fees apply â&#x20AC;˘ Statutory benefits are retained â&#x20AC;˘ Work towards agreed goals through the use of our Individual Action Plan â&#x20AC;˘ Weekly training allowance is paid â&#x20AC;˘ Develop skills to move to further training, work or a more active and fulfilling lifestyle â&#x20AC;˘ Put in place new daily routines aimed at ensuring a better quality of life
For further information, please contact: No Fees apply â&#x20AC;˘ Statutory benefits are Ward retained â&#x20AC;˘ Weekly training Karen Cryan, David or Anne Russell at: allowance is paid National Learning Network, Balheary Industrial Estate, Swords. For further information, contact: Karen Cryan, David Ward or Anne Russell at: Phone: please 01-8404120 E-mail: swords@nln.ie NationalLearning LearningNetwork Network, Industrial Offered by National in Balheary partnership with theEstate, HealthSwords. Service Executive Phone: 01-8404120 E-mail: swords@nln.ie These programmes are supported by the Irish Exchequer and funded under the â&#x20AC;&#x153;These programmes are supported by Development the Irish Exchequer and2007-2013 funded under the National Development National Plan
Plan 2007 - 2013â&#x20AC;?
North County Dublin’s
North County Dublin
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Breakdown of distribution and sales figures of Local newspapers in North County Dublin
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This is the perfect time to create a home office. It’s something that can help the whole family not just one member. If you have children who are in school and need a place to study this can benefit them too. While your keeping you’re business running from your home office,
Over the years, the Carnegie Court Hotel in Swords has become synonymous with a wide range of events and special offers for all occasions. From live music events in the Harp Bar and Courtyard Restaurant, to comedy nights in the Castle Suite. If you are looking for something to do in Swords, you can be guaranteed to find it in the Carnegie Court. The Harp Bar serves food daily, from breakfast at 10am through to lunch and their evening menu until 9pm. The Courtyard Restaurant also lends itself perfectly to all those family celebrations, such as Valentines Day, Communions, Confirmations, Christenings and birthdays. Don’t forget to spoil your mother this Mother’s Day 3rd April, with a meal in the restaurant, followed by Roy Taylor’s swing and jazz in the Harp Bar afterwards. Early booking is adised. Michael Buble themed nights are continuing once a month throughout the year, while dining on a 4-course menu, all for only €29.95per person. You’ll never be short of something to do. For further information, phone 01-8404384. your children and family members can avail of it in the evening if your work is done. Remember a home office should be treated like a regular office you have to commute to, so remember to set times for yourself and not get bogged down by work. A home office can be as small as a folding file or as large as a room, depending on what you’re doing. For some who are in the middle of jobs
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North County Leader 8th February 2011
Quality Newspaper
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North County Leader 8th February 2011
The Biggest Circulation Of
North County Newspaper
Advertising Feature
The Waterside H o u s e
Great Valentine’s Value At Bracken Court The Bracken Court Hotel in Balbriggan is providing a five course gourmet Valentine’s meal for just €30 per person this weekend. For just €99 per person sharing this Valentine’s, you can enjoy a luxurious hotel break, which includes complimentary bubbly and chocolates on arrival, as well as
the special Valentine’s five course meal. The hotel’s Valentine’s Weekend menu will feature quality Irish and international cuisine, with the emphasis on fresh, locally sourced produce, with wild salmon from Louth, seasonal vegetables from Rush, and prime Irish Beef from
Flora by Norah Weddings Our Speciality Wedding Packages designed to suit your pocket and Taste Flowers 7 DAY DELIVERY For All We deliver to your door Occasions Louth-Meath-Fingal
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Meath, all freshly sourced, cooked with care, and served with style in the elegant Laveer Restaurant. It’s perfect for food lovers everywhere, and not just on Valentine’s weekend. Great value deals include the Early Bird Menu, served Thursday to Friday from 5pm until 8pm, featuring twocourses for €14.95, and three-courses for just €18.95. Two Dine for €49 is a special offer four course meal for two, which also includes a bottle of wine, and ladies night, every Thursday night, features two-courses and a choice of cocktail for just €20 per person.
Don’t be broken hearted this Valentines.....
Royal Marine Hotel Dun Laoghaire , Co Dublin T: 01 2 3000 30 / E: events@royalmarine.ie W: www.royalmarine.ie
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North County Dublin’s
North County Leader 8th February 2011
Quality Newspaper
County C www.nortluhbbers Is Now Online @ cou tylead www.face er.ie and book.comn/n orthcounty leader with Declan Doyle
Paul Donnelly, Gary Walsh.
Sean Donovan, Cathal Jennings, Conor Maguire, Phil Thompson.
Mandy Horan, Niall Bentham.
Niall Krynan, Haley Walsh.
be The country may ment rn ve go a t ou with rtygoers rtainly has it’s pa ce ’s go an m Ta t bu found out pers as clubbers and fun worship e place was ght recently. Th on a Saturday ni ers eager to with happy punt literally hopping pumped out g in ious beat be ct fe in e th up soak e flowing t. The drinks wer non-stop all nigh ith people or was packed w and the dance flo an s d usher the political woe eager to forget wait to get n’t n new year. Ca in a fresh and fu back there!.
Darren Caulfield, Suzanne Kavanagh, Graham Forde, Gary Foy.
John Lynch, Ruth Adams.
Michelle Henderson, Sharon Malone, Bill Henderson. Ian Donnelly, Sinead O’Reilly.
Tara Kimmage, Elaine Byrne.
Niamh Carsin, Karen Darcy.
Jennifer Lynch, Donal Breathnach.
Debbie Wall, Selena Kirwan. Lisa Kellett, Lexie Hopping.
Timmy O’Sullivan, Eoghan Drumgoole, Peter Eades.
Mairead and Amy McDonagh.
Dave Rogers, Kelly Brook.
Jessica Farrelly, Therese Egan.
North County Leader 8th February 2011
The Biggest Circulation Of
Green Action Day At Baldoyle School
Pictured are St Mary’s, Baldoyle Green School Committee, Secretary, Kim Nguyen and Chairperson Danielle Byrne.
Enterprise Board’s Free Business Briefing Fingal County Enterprise Board will hold a lunchtime Business Briefing on Tuesday February 15th. The seminar will run from 12pm to 2pm and is ideal for anybody considering setting up a new business or has recently done so. This event is free of charge, but booking is essential. The objectives of the seminar are to learn about the support services and resources on offer through the enterprise board and other local agencies and organisations. It aims to give practical information and useful advice and provide networking opportunities with like-minded individuals. The event will take place at Fingal County Enterprise Board, Mainscourt, 23 Main Street, Swords
St. Mary’s Secondary School, Baldoyle, recently held their second Green Action Day on European and Global citizenship, as part of their efforts to uniquely achieve a fifth Green Flag. The school is one of four schools in the country pioneering this fifth theme in the an Taisce Green Schools Programme. European and global citizenship is mainly concerned with rights and responsibilities associated with being a citizen of Europe and the world. It also means linking with Europe and the World on environmental problems such as food shortages, clean drinking water, global warming and global justice. Being a good citizen is also an ethos of the founder of the Sisters of Charity, Mary Aikenhead. On the theme of global justice, St. Mary’s Green School Committee is actively
Fianna Fáil Committed To Education In North County Deputy Michael Kennedy (FF) has described the ongoing investment in schools across North County Dublin as “an unquestionable example of Fianna Fáil’s commitment to the education of young people across the community.” He said, “The number of projects completed, under construction and in planning show and this Government is continuing to investment in our children’s future despite financial constraints. I am particularly proud that since my election to the Dáil in 2007 that education has been a key priority of mine. I have worked with my party colleagues to ensure that the education services are protected and that investment continues.” He continued, “We are spending money not just on school infrastructure but on high-tech equipment for classrooms. This investment is transforming how the curriculum is presented to students by their teachers and is increasing students’ interest and awareness of their subjects.” In outlining his priorities, he said, “Education remains a major priority for me and it will continue to be.” he concluded.
North County Newspaper
fundraising for the Mary Aikenhead Open Community School in Lusaka, Zambia and has raised over €10,000 so far by organising various fundraising events, including carol singing, cake sales non uniform days, fun bingo, Baldoyle Church Collection, running in the Women’s Mini Marathon, Halloween Fancy Dress day, talent contest and a Christmas Variety Show. The fundraising for this cause will continue this coming year and will culminate in a visit to this school in Zambia by a group of students and teachers. An international European, World and Environmental Quiz was held in all form classes during the week preceding the action day and prizes were given out to the winners in each year group. The winners were, Ciara Barron, Laragh Kavanagh, Niamh Whelan, Laura Mooney, Eimer Kelly and Michelle Dempsey. St. Mary’s has been involved in green schools since 1998 and has won many environmental awards over the years.
Celebrate the Season of Love at Boyne Valley Hotel, Drogheda
Enjoy a night of romance
1 Night Package: Dinner, Bed & Breakfast, glass of Champagne on arrival, a rose & chocolates €65 pps 2 Night Package: Bed & Breakfast plus one evening meal, glass of Champagne on arrival, a rose & chocolates €95 pps
Phone: 041-9837737
Change To Malahide Bus Service Bus users in Malahide are set to experience major change to their service, as Dublin Bus is proposing a big change in the Number 42 bus route. In future they propose that Route 42 will operate all trips from Sands Hotel via Portmarnock and The Hill to Malahide Village, then via Seabury to the City Centre. This means that the service will no longer operate via the Coast Road. Malahide Chamber of Commerce have confirmed directly with Dublin Bus that this means there will be no longer a 42 bus running on the Coast Road serving Robswall, Biscayne, Seapark and other estates along the route. Dublin Bus says that this is because they have identified a greater demand on the new route. This would effectively mean Coast Road users will need to get the Number 102 to the Village to connect with the Number 42 service to the City Centre. A spokesperson for Malahide Chamber told the County Leader, “This change is another argument for a local bus service that is currently being opposed by Dublin Bus.” This news comes, ironically, in the week when a licence has been granted to a local service in Portmarnock.
The Boyne Valley Hotel, Drogheda
Saturday 19th February DOORS OPEN 8.30pm Admission: €15 per person Pay on the door (This includes a Glass of wine on Arrival & Finger Food during the Night.) DJ PLAYING MUSIC FROM THE 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s with some modern day Classics Email: reservations@boyne-valley-hotel.ie
Phone: 041-9837737
North County Dublin’s
Quality Newspaper
Rugby Blitz In Balbriggan Balbriggan RFC played host to the County 7’s Secondary School Blitz for first and second year players recently. Six schools were involved in the event with Ardgillan College, Balbriggan and Malahide Community College participating from the North County. All the schools present are currently playing rugby at Leinster Development Cup level or have aspirations to reach that level. The day was made a great success with approximately 128 players taking part with
North County Leader 8th February 2011 the overall aim of developing the players and schools that struggle to field 15 a-side teams at that age group, but have players that need to be catered for. The local club community rugby officers were on hand to help out with the running of the tournament and did a great job refereeing on the day also. Leinster Rugby and the County Council will be running another blitz in March. Should your school wish to enter please contact, Community Rugby Officer Christian Stemmet on 087-9118642.
PLAN YOUR CAREER FOR 2011 North County Make sure you are on the winning team … Join the North County Leader Team
North County Leader - North County Dublin’s biggest and best read newspaper, is preparing for growth during 2011. We are seeking to appoint a number of new, motivated and self driven people to our Advertising Sales Department. Ideally we are seeking candidates with previous experience of advertising sales. Candidates should be hard working, conscientious and have the ability to work well in a team environment.
Recruitment HELP WANTED: Avon Representives required for all areas, part-time, full-time or supplement your current job. Uncapped earnings & great incentives. FREE to start, FREE books and also work your own hours... If this sounds like the perfect way to earn extra income, contact me today. Denise McLaren: 087-9773277
An attractive salary, together with a rewarding commission structure, and where relevant, a car allowance is on offer. If you think you measure up, send your CV, for the attention of Gerry Fitzmaurice, North County Leader, Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin We deliver er! or email: careers@northcountyleader.ie 1 because we deliv o. N www.northcountyleader.ie An Equal Opportunities Employer
North County Leader’s Weekly Helpful Guide For Jobseekers
How Are You Perceived? Writes Siobhán Kinsella The manner in which people gain employment has changed fundamentally. The type of jobs now being advertised on job boards and with agencies are specialist type roles. Up until 2008 jobs such as Reception/ administration / junior accounts were accessible through agencies and job boards. As business activity increases or the strain on headcount increases these type roles are surely required. However you will find that where you could previously have accessed these roles both temporary and permanent through job boards and agencies, it’s as if they no longer exist. Most companies have tightened their belts and their
associated headcounts. Companies now turn to “someone they or their staff knows”. Previously these roles were filled through paying an agency to get a temporary candidate or sifting through responses to job advertisements. How often have you heard someone say “I’d say they knew someone?” Who do you know? Do the people you know even know what you can do or that you are looking for work? Easy exercise; list each of your family members and their spouses. Do you know where each of them work and what they do? Next part of the exercise; what is their impression of you? When you meet these people or in fact anyone you see when you are out and about, are you a moan or do you brighten their day? That’s not a nice question to ask yourself. Think though, if I met you on the street and asked “how are you?” What would you say? “The country is in an awful state, the economy is dead, there is nothing out there? “ or “I’m great, ready for my next challenge, 2011 is about getting on
with it, my resolution is to get out working and I’m going to succeed!” Know your network, think about your interaction with people and make each interaction work in your favour! Remember if you keep this foremost in your mind it changes your mindset and makes you more positive and likely to succeed. Siobhan Kinsella is Manager of CPL and Flexsource Solutions with responsibility for the Fingal area. She is a Director of Fingal Dublin Chamber of Commerce & Drinan Enterprise centre. Siobhan is also an active member of the Rotary Club of Dublin Fingal
Tom Fanning celebrated his 80th birthday with a party in Ring Commons Social Club recently. To mark the occasion, Tom is pictured here being presented with a photograph of Ring Commons Cricket team of the 1960's, by John Hamilton. Tom was a member of that team.
North County Leader 8th February 2011
The Biggest Circulation Of
Miracle Prayer Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked you for many favours. This time, I ask you for a very special one. Take it Dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your broken heart, where your father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. M.O.K
Miracle Prayer Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked you for many favours. This time, I ask you for a very special one. Take it Dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your broken heart where your father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. MR
Last Weeks published deaths from the North County Lyons – Peter Rush, Co. Dublin and Leitrim, Belfast and Lusk. Peter loving husband of Elizabeth (Mena) and loving dad of Frank, Marie, Peter, Phil, Martin and Fiona. Sadly missed by his loving family and his brothers Hugh and Paddy. Richardson – James (Jim) Clonard Street, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin
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Miracle Prayer Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked you for many favours. This time, I ask you for a very special one. Take it Dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your broken heart, where your father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. JB
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North County Leader 8th February 2011
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kitchen, cooker, extractor fan, fridge freezer. €400 Ph: 086 3275524
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Misc. EXPERIENCED Child minder available. Fully qualified in first aid. Swords Area, Garda vetted Ph: 085 8296744 WANTED out board motor, any make from 4hp to 10hp, will collect, cash paid. Phone 087-6315215.
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Phone 087-6122239 UNWANTED present trouser press, never used, cost €179 – sell €95 o.n.o. Phone 0876315215. BIKE daws fox lightweight frame, in good condition, sell €65 o.n.o. Phone 087-6315215. BRITAX Carrycot pram, pushchair and car seat and isofix, €500.00 o.n.o. Rush area Ph: 087-6643609 A&T LOTUS Orient Corporation Wedding Dress for sale, size 10-12, in perfect condition, can email photos at anytime. Price €150.00, Ph: 087-7558447 DOUBLE Glazed white doorwith full glass size 33”x82” complete with locks €200 Ph: 086 3275524 SIGNED Chelsea jersey, offers? Ph: 0876235076 SETEE, 2 seater, two months old, mink colour, was €375 will sell for €250 Ph: 0876235076 SOLID PINE fitted
2 BED apt to let in Clonuske, Balbriggan, all mod cons, central to all amenities, €720 per month. Call 087-7594647 APARTMENT, 2 bed, 2 bath, Geraldstown Woods, Santry Avenue, Spacious and newly renovated. Available 1st March. €900 Ph: 0861988413 2 BED townhouse in Rush, G.F.C.H., sunny garden, parking, no smokers, no pets, refs essential, €850 pm. Phone 086-8178183.
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North County Leader 8th February 2011
The Biggest Circulation Of
PLANNING APPLICATIONS Fingal County Council I, A. McKenna seeks full Planning Permission for a storey and a half domestic extension to rear and associated site works at 16 High Street, Balbriggan, Co Dublin. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (20Euros) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of this application Fingal County Council We, Padraig and Valerie Kelly wish to apply for Planning permission at 3 The Cove, Hand Park, Rush, Co Dublin for change of use of domestic ground floor area to sessional Montessori pre-school. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of Fingal County Council during its public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (20 Euros) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of this application. Fingal County Council We, Emma Brophy and Anthony McDonald, intend to apply for permission for development at, 27 Brackenstown Village, Swords, Co. Dublin. The development will consist of modifications to the proposals comprised in planning register reference F10B/0206, granted permission on the 27th October, 2010. Modifications include changes to both the front and rear plans and elevations as outlined on the drawings to be submitted. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the Planning Authority during its public opening hours of 9.30 – 15.30 Monday – Friday at Fingal County Council, Fingal County
Hall, Main Street, Swords, Fingal, Co. Dublin. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the Authority in writing to the Planning Authority on payment of a fee of €20, within the period of 5 weeks, beginning on the date of receipt by Fingal County Council of the application. Fingal County Council I Joan Cassidy ‘The Phoenix’ Sandy Hills, Rush, County, Dublin. Intend to apply for Planning Permission for a Garden Shed 37 sq, metres in size. Incorporating a studio, utility area, toilet and store. The Planning Application may be inspected or purchased during the public opening hours 9.30 15.30 Monday - Friday at:Fingal County Council, Fingal County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Fingal, County Dublin. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the Planning Authority on payment of €20. Within the period of 5 weeks, beginning on the date of receipt by Fingal County Council of the application. Signed Joan Cassidy. Fingal County Council I, Seamus Mulholland, intend to apply for Planning Permission for development at The Surgery, 7 Strand Street, Skerries, Co. Dublin. The development will consist of a storage shed to the rear of existing surgery. The planning application may be inspected, or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the planning authority during the public opening hours of 9:30 – 15:30 Monday – Friday at: Fingal County Council, Fingal County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Fingal, Co. Dublin. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (€20.00) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by Fingal County Council of the application.
Attention Home Owners, Architects & Builders
Fingal County Council Planning Application Adverts are
North County Leader, Your No.1 Local Newspaper are happy to announce that we are now accepting Planning Application Adverts for the following areas: Balbriggan, Balrothery, Skerries, Lusk, Rush, Loughshinny, Ballyboughal, Naul, Portrane, Donabate, Swords, Kinsealy, Malahide and Portmarnock Adverts must be supplied by email to
planning@northcountyleader.ie or by visiting:
www.northcountyleader.ie/planning you can also post your advert on a disk to
North County Leader, Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin
Opulence In A Rural Setting Kettles Country House Hotel is a family owned hotel situated in an idyllic location, just 5 minutes from Swords. They cater for all family occasions and all types of parties and their ethos is to ensure that their customers obtain the highest of standards, at an affordable price, in a relaxed environment. They have a number of special offers currently available, including an exceptional Valentines offer of €119.95 per couple for a 4-course dinner and a glass of Champers, plus an overnight stay with breakfast included. If you can’t stay
overnight, avail of their beautiful romantic dinner for two for only€29.95pp. There are fantastic rates on Communion and Confirmation Lunches at €18.95 per adult and €9.95 per child and, of course, the special boy or girl on the day eats free. Sunday Carvery is served from 12 noon to 6pm and food is served daily (Mon-Sat) from 12-9 pm, which includes carvery, a la carte and an early bird menu. Breakfast is served daily and is open to the public. At Kettles Hotel, weddings are their forte, come and see for yourself at their wedding showcase on Friday March 11th where the wedding coordinator will be available to answer any questions you might have. Email: bookings@kettleshotel.ie
Bewley’s Hotel Dublin Airport When planning your wedding an airport hotel would not automatically spring to mind, but the Baskin Suite is a hidden gem in Bewley’s Hotel Dublin Airport. The elegant Ballroom can host fabulous weddings to suit wedding parties from 80 up to 250. It boasts a contemporary ballroom which is flexible for couples to theme and dress in their individual style. Many
couples are now considering smaller, alternative style or themed weddings and the Baskin Suite team are experts in designing wedding packages that fulfil these requirements. A short distance from the hotel you will find North County Dublin’s coast line, St Anne’s Gardens, Malahide Castle and Swords Castle allowing excellent outdoor photographic backdrops. An
Valentine’s Delights At Clontarf Castle Clontarf Castle Hotel is considered as one of Ireland’s most romantic hotels. Originally a 12th century castle, it is steeped in history and the historic setting and warm welcome combine with the romantic interior design that exudes luxury and glamour. If you are planning a romantic treat for your loved one this Valentine’s Day, you should check out “Fahrenheit Restaurant” at Clontarf Castle. Diners can enjoy a three course gourmet dinner with a complimentary glass of bubbly, petit fours and a Red rose for the lady for €40 per person. You can also book the Valentines Romantic Rendezvous, which includes an overnight stay in a deluxe bedroom with full Irish breakfast and Chilled Champagne, handmade chocolates and rose petals in your room, in addition to dinner for two in Fahrenheit Restaurant for €229 per couple. For bookings or additional information tel 01 8332321.
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North County Dublin’s
Quality Newspaper
North County Leader 8th February 2011
from Swords Village
from Malahide
from Balbriggan
Airport..........................€11 Beaumont ....................€16 Coolock ........................€16 Malahide......................€12 Portmarnock ................€15 Swords Main Street........€7 Wright Venue .................€7 Roganstown Hotel........€12 Donabate .....................€13 O’Connell St. ................€23 St. Stephen’s Green .....€25
Malahide...................€7 Airport ......................€15 Beaumont .................€16 Portmarnock .............€10 Swords Village ..........€10 Wright Venue ............€10 Sutton........................€17 O’Connell St ..............€23 St. Stephen’s Green ...€25 Coolock .....................€16 Howth........................€18
Local..........................€7 Airport ......................€27 O’Connell St ..............€38 St. Stephen’s Green ..€32 Beaumont .................€24 Rush ..........................€8 Skerries.....................€10 Howth........................€34 Wright Venue ............€15
Don’t Dial A Taxi - Dial A Fixi!
8 30 30 30 Put 8 30 30 30 into your mobile phone contacts NOW! IF WE DON’T HAVE A FIXICAB AVAILABLE WHEN YOU CALL WE WILL FIX YOU UP WITH A TAXI WITH NO CALL OUT FEE news@northcountyleader.ie