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15th October 2013 • Volume 20, Issue 39 • Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin. • Tel: 8•400•200 •
Where Are Radioactive Rods?
Rainey’s and if that was a possible cause of the burglary. He asserted, “The materials were secured and alarmed and this was deemed suitable by the Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland (RPII). Our legal team have been involved in assisting the Gardai and the RPII. The rods were secured properly in a lead bunker, with an alarm,” he said. He refused to comment on any other aspect of the robbery, saying that it was a Garda matter. However, an informed legal source told the County Leader “The liquidator was to sell Rainey’s Steeplejacks operation, but the RPII put up a notice that radioactive material was present in the building and he would have to dispose of them by export. The cost of such an The Most Hazardous Material Ever Stolen action is believed to be upwards of In North County Is Still Missing! €100,000. So the liquidator was effectively stuck with a company he Following on from our By Patrick Finnegan urged anyone with inforcouldn’t sell and was forced into story in last week’s @TheCountyLeader mation to contact them at providing security for items he didn’t edition of the County Swords Garda Station on want, and couldn’t dispose of. Leader, concerning the most serious 01-6664700, or any garda As the money was not availcase of radioactive theft in the history station. able for their disposal, of this country, we are no closer to a The County Leader spoke the liquidator asked the resolution of the mystery. The seven with the liquidator of High Court to declare missing radioactive lightning rods Rainey’s, Kevin Shiels the radioactive matewere stolen from Rainey’s of KSA Chartered rial an ‘Onerous Steeplejacks in Swords. Accountants, who was Asset’, meaning it was This Newspaper is issuing a renewed unable to shed any no longer his responsiwarning to parents to be extra vigilant further light on the bility. and to inform their children about the disappearance of the “The judge refused to dangers of coming in contact with this rods or how the thieves give the liquidator an order hazardous radioactive material. Gardai gained access to them. We The radioactive rods have also repeated their public health asked him about the secu- and the red box they and adjourned the case, but were contained in. declared Mr Rainey (as warning about the rods and have rity that was in place at
owner of the building) and the RPII as ‘Notice Parties’. This means that either Mr Rainey or the RPII might also be responsible for the costs of disposal.” It will appear strange to many that an alarmed security system, that passed all the rigourous tests of the Gardai and the RPII, was inadequate to prevent what is being portrayed as a casual burglary for scarp metal. However, Kevin Shiels, the liquidator, is adamant “The RPII visited Rainey’s along with the Gardai, to ensure that the rods were properly secured and the RPII inspector was satisfied that they were indeed secure.” The fear of health and safety experts is that the rods have been buried in a landfill and may be a source of contamination later.
Garda Orva Keogh from the Mounted Unit with Donagh the horse at the open day at Balbriggan Garda Station. See picture special on page 6
Every Yard Counts For Marathon Man Barry Skerries man, Barry O’Brien has come up with a novel way of fundraising for his old school, Realt na Mara in Skerries. He has decided to run a marathon around the school perimeter in an effort to raise much needed funds for repairs to the school yard. The unusual marathon, which will take place on Friday, 22nd November is being promoted as ‘Realt na Marathon - Every Yard Counts’, which is a clever play on words to get the message across and is fast becoming a by word around Skerries. Speaking exclusively to the County Leader, Barry explained how the idea came to him. “I have three children at the school, Lucy, Abbey and Jack and I was aware that the school yard was in need of funding to complete necessary work on it, and that the school was trying to raise the money for quite a while. I have completed nine marathons up to this point and the thought struck me about this novel idea,” he said. Andrea Campbell, Chairperson of the Parent Council committee, was delighted with Barry’s plans. She said, “When Barry came up with this idea, we felt is was a terrific idea that would be a great success, which will involve parents and children participating in the event, should they wish.” Barry reckons that this marathon will be his toughest yet. “All marathons I have competed in have been around cities, where the scenery and buildings change all the time. The circuit around the school is about 300 metres, so I will have to make 125 laps of the perimeter, which is a daunting task, but one that I’m looking forward to,” said a determined Barry.
To help him along the way, parents, children and the wider Skerries community are encouraged to participate. Everyone in the community is welcome to participate and either run or walk for 5km, 10 km or any distance right up to and including the full Barry O'Brien marathon itself. The more the merrier. Barry explained, “We have begun training sessions on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and at 8am on Saturday mornings and we have already signed up 30 people to participate. We are now a
familiar sight as we train around the streets of Skerries. My aim is to raise 10 cent for every yard and, as there are 46,140 yards in a marathon, the target is €4614, which would achieve the goal of completing the yard.” It is planned, all going well, that Barry will finish at around 2.30pm on the day, which will coincide with the children getting off school and they can all join him on the last lap, thus making this a real community effort. School principal, Máire Ní Odhráin spoke glowingly about Barry and his efforts for the school. “Barry was a pupil of mine in the first class I taught here at Scoil Realt na Mara. We are delighted that he’s involved as a parent, and now in this wonderful fundraiser for the school. We’re all very proud of him,” she said.
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