NCL - 28th March 2017

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28th March 2017 • Volume 24, Issue 10 • Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin. K67 P5W4. • Tel: 01 8•400•200 • •

Local Teen Left In Limbo North County Leader has learned of a local teenager who is awaiting surgery for scoliosis.

By Leslie Murphy Swords resident, Tara Allen’s fourteen year old daughter who is suffering with scoliosis is badly in need of major corrective surgery, but has been on a waiting list for the past two years. Tara told the County Leader, “My daughter has scoliosis and has been suffering with severe pain for two years now and I have had to watch her helplessly. When I couldn’t cope with the waiting list for MRI anymore I decided to get the money together, what ever way possible to get the MRI privately. It was lucky we did get it as because of that they discovered a lot of fluid on her spinal cord and now she has to have an operation called ‘Foreman Magnum Decompression’ before the scoliosis operation.” Tara continued, “We are now facing lists again, not for one but two operations and no amount of pain relief

helps her. While I appreciate Minister Harris is aware of Pictured at St. Sylvester's GAA Club Malahide are transition year students, from left, Luke Muldoon, Alex Doyle, Mark these issues the question is how long will it take to be Reid and Jack Byrne. The boys ran a quiz as a part of their fund-raising for their trip to Romania with Habitat for Humanity. addressed? Children should be screened for scoliosis in See story on page 3 primary school to try to catch it before the suffering starts. I know not all scoliosis sufferers are teenagers but there is a high percentage who are and this screening could for structural reform of the health services as ‘a smoke- weeks go by it is becoming more clear that Minister prevent a lot of suffering for these poor children,” she screen’. This was after the Future of Healthcare Harris is completely out of his depth. The Children’s Committee meeting recently. Ombudsman has said that the government’s failure to concluded. the issue of access to Local TD, Louise O’Reilly (SF), the party’s Health Deputy O’Reilly told the County Leader, “As the days and address scoliosis treatment for children is impacting those chilspokesperson, has accused dren’s right to the highest attainable standard of health.” Minister for Health, Simon O’Reilly continued, “Children are being left too long Harris of failing to meet the waiting on these operations and it’s adding complicaneeds of patients after it At the time of going to press unfortunately there is still no word on tions to their surgeries. If they were detected in time, a was revealed that cancer the location of Oldtown hero Ciaran Smith. There was a breakbrace could be applied and they would recover much operations are being through over the weekend when the body of Captain Mark Duffy faster. Our hospitals and services are all but crumbling cancelled in significant was recovered. But for the family, loved ones and people from all due to lack of capacity, lack of staff, lack of investment. numbers as a result of overover the North County, they are all waiting patiently for some news. Minister Harris talks tough but is clearly out of his depth crowded hospitals and it is It’s great news for the friends and family of Captain Mark Duffy that Ciaran Smith and lacking in vision to fix our broken health services.” not just cancer patients his remains have been found. The bad weather continues to hamper who have been effected but the search, Winchman Ciaran Smith and winch operator Paul Ormsby. scoliosis patients too. Attempts will be made (today, Monday) to place airbags underneath sections of the O’Reilly recently described helicopter in an attempt to lift the wreckage from the seabed to ascertain whether the health minister’s either Ciarán or Paul are trapped beneath ther wreckage. The black box was recovered proposed eight-point-plan at the weekend and has been sent to the UK for testing.

Wait Continues For Local Hero

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Daffodil day is always a key fundraising event for the Irish Cancer Society. However this year it is especially important for Rush residents. One year ago, on the day before Daffodil day, Rush lost its brightest flower to cancer and this year the efforts to raise money for cancer research have been nothing short of exceptional. The late Michelle Herbert was a tireless worker and was described as ‘the driving force’ behind the Rush Daffodil Committee. Having started the Daffodil garden at Rush library three years ago Michelle’s garden looked brighter than ever this year and will continue to feature as a key point in the towns remembrance each year. This year Rush residents contributed to a street market where people arrived bright and early on Friday morning to buy, sell and work to raise money for the charity. The sunshine was glorious and this helped to give that spring feel to the festivities. Following this North County Leader visited Martin’s Shop where the annual coffee morning

By Shauna Carson was being held. The support and donations of cakes from locals was astounding to say the least. The coffee morning went down a treat and helped to raise key funding for the Irish Cancer Society. Being a keen runner the late Michelle

The evening was a hit with some coming to run the full eight km and others coming to walk the circuit instead. Nevertheless the turn out couldn’t have been more supportive and the organiser, Mandy McElerne and all involved where heartened to see the local communities support in honour of the late Michelle. Finishing off the weekends charity events in Rush the annual sponsored walk began and finished at Rush Sailing Club, the chirpy walk was filled with bright smiles of support from its participants and everyone

Pictured at the Tea and Cake Reception that followed the Sponsored Walk on Sunday were Maria Hand, Lucy Hand, Maraid Monks, Trish Conway, Kelly Belfe, Jene Bordman, Francis Byrne, Maisie O'Dowd, Dervla Moore, Nial Gossin and Geraldine Reddin.

Herbert was a member of the ‘Rush Runners’ running club and in honour of this they held a mother and daughters run from the harbour park.

was invited back to the sailing club for tea and sandwiches afterward. The whole day was a great success in honour of a great lady’s memory.

Burgandy House, Forster Way, Swords Tel: 807 7999 or 807 7998

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28th March 2017


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expansions, €20,000 is available to community based services for maintenance and grants of up to €5,000 are available for outdoor play areas. This fund is in addition to €3m announced earlier in March to support those services for children of school-going age”. Minister for Children and Youth Affairs Katherine Local Cllr. Tony Murphy (NP) has Zappone (NP) said, “The Government welcomed news of funding for childcare has ambitious plans to change childproviders from a new national €4m fund. care throughout the country. We Cllr Murphy told the County must move from having one of the Leader, “Balbriggan Local most expensive services in the Electoral area childcare providers world to having the best. can apply for support from this However in order to achieve this fund. Local crèches, community goal we must continue to build up services and other childcare the infrastructure, in particular in providers can apply for money for Tony Murphy those communities with young new places, maintenance works populations. This funding is another and outdoor play areas. individual childstep towards achieving our goal. While care centres can receive funding of up to these schemes are making a difference €50,000 under the 2017 Early Years on the ground, in the Dáil we are also Capital Funding Scheme”. He continued, progressing legislation to allow for “Childcare providers can receive up to major changes to childcare”. €50,000 under this scheme for major


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Uniforms, Pre loved toys/games, Meditation and Bottle Stall. Entrance only €2 per adult students / children / senior citizens go free refreshments available to purchase on the day will include: barbecue, homemade cakes, fresh crepes, tea / coffee and tuckshop.




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Local News

28th March 2017

Malahide Students Go All Out For Habitat Project Four courageous students from Malahide Community College have decided to give their time to a project by Habitat For Humanity (HFH). Luke Muldoon, Alex Doyle, Mark Reid and Jack Byrne will travel to Romania in April, along with other secondary school students from around Ireland to help local families and community members to build strength, stability and self reliance through shelters. They will experience firsthand the impact of poverty. Housing and hep make a lasting difference to the entire community of Molnesti in Romania. Áine Byrne along with other parents has been a support


to the boys helping them to get local businesses and people in the area to help out fund-raising and sponsoring. Áine told the North County Leader, “ Myself and the other parents that are involved where trying to find something with a social aspect to it. The whole idea is for them to become more aware socially. This project will see them being aware of others not as fortunate. It will be great to see what they have to show for all their efforts. The local community and businesses have been so supportive of the boys. Lets hope this is the start of many trips to come.” Habitat for Humanity Ireland is an independent nonprofit organisation that operates in partnership with and on behalf of HFH International in Ireland. Habitat builds houses for people using refurbished homes, land and materials. Once completed the houses are sold to the families at below market cost. Founded in 2002, Habitat is an independent non profit organisation.

North County Volunteers Attend Foróige Conference Hundreds of volunteers travelled from all over Ireland, including the North County to attend Foróige’s annual National Volunteer Conference (NVC) in Sligo recently. Fran Bentley, Lisa Nic An Bhreithinm, Dani Duffy, Rachel Moore and Des Culleton where in attendance representing the North County. Sean Campbell, CEO of Foróige told the County Leader, “The work of youth work volunteers is crucial to the well-being of young people, what this survey shows is that it is also of enormous benefit to the adult volunteers.” “Volunteers feed back to us all the time, that helping young people getting involved in their local community and meeting other volunteers is one of the most positive forces for good in their lives. That amazing feeling you get from giving of your time and energy to something so important really can’t be replicated in any other way.

Pictured at the planting of 90 alder trees in Ward River Valley by Loreto Swords students, in conjuction with the County Council and Swords Tidy Towns, are Fergus O'Carroll (County Council), Abigail Conlon, Emma Fowler, Matt Cullen (Swords Tidy Towns), Deirdre Scully (teacher). Sarah Barron, Lauren Barrett, Ava Mitchell, Aoife Whelan, Niamh Ní Mhóráin and Orlagh Walzer

Swords Students Busy Planting Trees

Pictured at Foróige’s annual National Volunteer Conference (NVC) in Sligo recently were Fran Bentley, Lisa Nic An Bhreithinm, Dani Duffy, Rachel Moore and Des Culleton

Volunteering can reduce stress, help you find friends, teach new skills and even advance your career. Giving to others can also protect your mental health by keeping you mentally stimulated and providing a sense of purpose. We all need connection to others,” he said. “Without volunteers Foróige simply could not do the work that it does in

reaching 50,000 young people each year through clubs, projects and programmes. We have an amazing army of 6000 volunteers in Foróige, but as the survey shows we need more, especially males.” he concluded. This year is a very special year for Foróige as they turn sixty five years old.

Students from Loreto College, River Valley, Swords undertook the planting of more that 90 alder trees in Ward River Valley last week, as part of a tree project at the school, aimed at attracting bees. Teacher, Deirdre Scully said, “It all started off when our 2nd year class, as part of their Junior Cert project decided to undertake an environmental project. We decided to enter the ECO UNESCO Young Environmentalist Awards. Our focus was primarily on building a wild flower garden, with the help of the caretaker in

the school, to attract bees. We did a lot of research on the decline of bees and the part played by the overuse of pesticides in their demise. It is estimated that around 30 per cent of our food comes about through bees pollinating and so their survival is critical to the survival of people,” she said. “We had been in contact with Fergus O’Carroll from the County Council during a tree project last year, because a lot of trees had been knocked down in various estates in Swords and the students were upset about this.

We decided to contact the County Council and, as a result, we got trees planted in our school.” “We wanted to see what we could do about wild gardens, so Fergus agreed that he would plant alder trees in the Ward River Valley, which would protect the river bank and would also attract bees. This ties in very well with our tree project and he invited us to help him to plant the trees in the valley last week. It was a very educational and worthwhile exercise for the girls, who enjoyed the experience.”



Picture Special

Adam Keogh, Niall Kinsella, Asha Joseph, John Sylvester and Nathan Foster

Cake sellers, Nazar Elnemmawi and Eoin Ryan

Hannah Edwards, Annie Darcy and Orla McGlade

Killian McDermott, Brian Finnegan, Oisin Redmond and Lyle Kennedy with the jersey donated by Republic of Ireland star, Robbie Brady, which was raffled

Onur Musov, Cian Kavanagh, Daniel Devereux, Max O'Sullivan and Ryan Nolan

Parents committee member, Nina Johnson is pictured with her daughter Katie O'Brien

28th March 2017

Parents committee members and their children, Nicoleta Mann and Alan Mann, Lisa O'Brien and Eoin O'Brien, Fiona McGlade and Finn McGlade, Michelle Cunningham and Ben Cunningham

Mia Alwell is pictured with the teddy bear, which was raffled as one of the great prizes on the day

Sonia Cupova, Orlaith Corcoran and Sophie Norton

Rebecca Bayley, Jamie O'Beirne, Jack Bayley, Noah Smartt and Emma Faughnan

Enjoying the day were grandparents Rose Williamson and Mary Grogan

Mark Nolan, Rachel Appleyard, Eghe Clements, Melanie Fetescu, Rebecca Monks and Stephen Murnane

Daniel Dodril and Nathan Smith

Anna Egan, Nathan Foster, Emma Louise McKeown and Aoife O'Sullivan

Pictured displaying some of the delicious cakes are Pia-Lucy McGlynn, Veronica Novak, Sophie Burke, Eimear Corcoran and Rachel Dowdall

Insomnia, Swords provided tea and coffee on the day. Staff members are pictured with some of the fun characters on the day

A section of the large gathering of pupils who enjoyed the Cake Sale at Holy Family NS, Swords

Stephanie Woods and Dana Rusu


Local News

28th March 2017 supports services to all older people living in our communities. The aim of the service is to respond and address any issues facing older people, which are impacting on their ability to remain living independently in their own home. Sean Moynihan, CEO of ALONE said, “Repeated studies have demonstrated that ageing at home is the first choice of older people and their families. Our support coordination service addresses issues A new support coordination service for older faced by older people living in their own homes people was launched in Swords recently. ALONE and works with statutory bodies, community the charity that supports older people to age at organisations and other services providers to home, has partnered with the HSE to expand its ensure that the older people get what they deserve.” Mary Walshe, Head of Social Care HSE, said, “Support coordination services in the community are vitally important to empower and help older people to age well at home. It is their own choosing”. For those who have concerns about their own wellbeing, or of a vulnerable older they can Pictured at the launch of Alone & HSE Support Coordination Services for Older People in person, contact ALONE on 01the County Hall are from left, Sean Moynihan, CEO of ALONE, Cllr Joe Newman (NP), Nora 6791032 Owen former Minister (FG), Eithne Loftus Deputy Mayor, Lorna Nolan and Mary Walshe

Alone And HSE Combine For Seniors

New Bridge For Malahide Pedestrians Councillor Anthony Levin has welcomed news that construction work for a new foot bridge is well underway on the Back Road, Malahide adjacent the entrance and exit to the Coach Car park in Malahide Demesne. Cllr Levin told the County Leader, “ I have been lobbying for this bridge to be widened for over six years and it’s great that this is happening in the interest of road safety. This is a very busy junction, used by

motorists , cyclists and pedestrians and it’s about time work has started. The plan is that when works are finished that this bridge will be similar to the bridge at Bridge Field at the entrance to Malahide village and adjacent to the train station. At the moment everybody is using the main back road to bypass the railway and there is no proper pedestrian footpath. This is a really busy part of a road leading to three

extremely big schools”. “Many children use the park as a shortcut through the castle to get to school and once they leave the park the road becomes a danger. I think it would be a great idea if the Back Road had pedestrian lights on it. I’m also hoping that eventually there will be a pedestrian crossing in place close to Gannon Park on the Coast Road another busy junction,” he concluded.

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Glamour & Local News

28th March 2017

Concerns Over Service Users’ Accounts At Portrane Local Fine Gael TD, Alan Farrell has said claims of irregularities in the bank accounts of patients of St. Joseph’s Intellectual Disability Services in Portrane are incredibly worrying, with reports stating that up to € 50,000 could be missing. Farrell told the County Leader, “It is incredibly worrying that service

It's all about contemporary style with a timeless feel at Kilkenny Shop this season, where Modern Classics abound in the Spring/Summer '17 collection. Once again, Irish design is at the forefront of Kilkenny's occasion wear offering, with dresses and coats showcasing the clean, classic tailoring of Aideen Bodkin, the statement silhouettes of Caroline Kilkenny, and the elegant edge of Fee G. Zesty palettes and delicious sorbet shades inject classic brocades and jacquards with a quirky modernity. Keep the look Hamptons-chic with a Seasalt rain jacket and a brown leather satchel by Ashwood; or go city slick in a clean, collarless coat from one of the designer collections with a cool, minimal Calvin Klein shoulder bag. Casual tailoring and smart separates can be dressed up or down, accessorised with internationally renowned brands like Orla Kiely, Fossil and Radley, or homegrown talents like Chupi, Juvi, and Seamus Gill.

users in St. Joseph’s Intellectual Disability Services in Portrane may have had their bank accounts targeted. I understand that investigations into this matter are now being undertaken by An Garda Síochána and the HSE. The fact that vulnerable members of our community could be targeted in such a manner, by

somebody who has a duty of care for them, is alarming. The HSE must take urgent action to protect service users in St. Joseph’s Intellectual Disability Services, and all other health facilities”. He continued, “I have previously raised concerns regarding the fact that changes need to be made to the

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Grainne Seoige is joining TK Maxx and Enable Ireland to celebrate 20 years of their partnership at the launch of TK Maxx ‘Give Up Clothes For Good’ campaign. The partnership has raised €2.2m for Enable Ireland with close to 120,000 bags of clothing, accessories and homeware items donated over this time providing support services to over 5,000 children and young adults with disabilities across Ireland. Grainne Seoige commented: “We all have clothes at home that we hold onto with the promise of wearing them again but, in reality, will we ever really take

them out for another day? This year, I’ve been clearing out my wardrobe to support TK Maxx Give Up Clothes For Good campaign. It’s easy to take part – clear out and donate your unwanted clothing, homeware and accessories to the special collection units in all stores. Once you’ve done it, nominate a friend to get involved too!” To support ‘Give Up Clothes For Good’, simply donate unwanted clothing, accessories and quality homeware in any TK Maxx store and nominate a friend, colleague or family member to do the same.

La Nuit Trésor is a new Eau de Parfum from Lancome. Celebrating passion La Nuit Trésor is created by two illustrious names in French perfumery, Christophe Raynaud and Amandine Clerc Marie. La Nuit Trésor Eau de Parfum is a

captivating elixir constructed around a hypnotic black Rose given a discreet erotic twist by vanilla orchid. A scent with smooth, delicious aromas, subtly highlighted within the diamond bottle,


whose neck is adorned with a just-blossomed rose. La Nuit Tresor (RRP 100ml €88) will be available from all Lancôme counters nationwide from April 2017.

services in St. Joseph’s. Given the fact that some of the accommodation provided by the service was found to be in a poor condition, and the staff shortages which have impacted on the work of St. Joseph’s. The HSE have a responsibility, and a duty of care, to the service users in St. Joseph’s Intellectual Disability Services in Portrane. As such, I would hope that both their investigation, and that of An Garda, are completed as a matter of urgency, and that action is taken to right any wrong which may have been committed against patients”. “The issues which have plagued St. Joseph’s in Portrane in recent times are wholly unacceptable. It appears that once action is taken by the HSE to resolve one matter, another issue comes to light. I believe the HSE must be answerable for all issues regarding the care provided to service users. Should current reports prove to be true, the HSE must also be held accountable for not adequately protecting vulnerable members of our community who are in their care,” he concluded.


Local News

28th March 2017

Tesco Colleagues Dance In Aid Of Temple Street On Saturday April 1st, colleagues from five Tesco stores across North Dublin, Meath and Louth are

taking to the dance floor at the City North Hotel to raise funds for Temple Street Children’s University

Hospital. The couples and groups representing the five Tesco stores will be participating in ‘Strictly


Rockville, Kilineer, Monasterboice, Co. Louth.

Tesco Dancing’ to win the coveted glitter ball and be crowned the best dancers. There will of course be an element of local rivalry as the couples and groups are representing the Balbriggan, Drogheda, Drogheda Extra, Rush and Navan Tesco stores.

The event aims to raise €15,000 to support the little heroes of Temple Street, Tesco Ireland’s charity partner. Lisa McEvoy, from Tesco said, “Temple Street has some of the best doctors and nurses in the world but it needs on-going fundraising support to ensure it continues to offer specialist facilities

and lifesaving equipment.” The winners will be decided by a panel of judges including Linda Martin, Christine

Heffernan, Tesco Ireland and Brian Howard, Manager of Progressive Credit Union. The audience will also play a key role in deciding the winner, as the


judge’s panel will count for half the points and audience members will be able to vote on the night which will make up the other half of the overall marks.

Pipe Band Championships Return To Lusk The Fingal Pipe Band Championships are coming back to Lusk in 2017. Hosted by the famous Black Raven Pipe Band, the event will feature bands from all over the Island of Ireland. The venue is at the Reamount Road, Lusk and the date for your diary is Saturday, 6th May from 12. 30pm. So put the date in your diary for a great day’s entertainment of piping and drumming.

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Pictured at the offices of the North County Leader is the winner of our Mother's Day Competition, Anne Maguire from Balrothery. Anne is pictured collection her €100 prize money with advertising manager, Sue Griffiths.

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28th March 2017

Airport. While retaining its village atmosphere, Malahide is well known for its style and array of shops and restaurants. With an abundance of amenities and sports clubs and fine schools, it’s a great place to raise a family, while also being equally attractive to young professionals and retirees alike. This beautiful town is renowned for it’s wonderful restaurants and pubs, and is a location of choice for many people from the city, and other parts of the North County. It has an ideal location, right on the sea, where you can stroll on balmy summer evenings and enjoy the panoramic views over Lambay Island and Howth Head, as far as the Dublin and Wicklow mountains. Malahide is a renowned town in the

North County and is a treasure trove of shopping delights, especially if you’re

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Advertising Feature

28th March 2017

travelling miles for that gift exchange, as the shops are right on your doorstep. Malahide always has a unique charm all of it’s own, and the fact that there is a direct bus service to the city, as well as a busy railway station, means that people come from far and wide to enjoy the charms of this lovely place. The town always look neat and tidy, and this is a result of the great work put in every year by the hard working Tidy Towns volunteers. They have always performed extremely well in the prestigious Tidy Towns competitions over the years, and actually claimed the overall title in 1990. Malahide Castle and Demesne is one of Malahide’s highlights, and a visit to the wonderful castle is a must. The extensive grounds can be enjoyed by the whole family, and a tour of the castle will give you

a glimpse into the rich past of the Talbot family, who owned the castle. In summertime, you can take the new town train, called Toots, where you can travel from the castle, through the park and into the town, as well as a jaunt along the gorgeous coastline. There are some excellent shops in the town, and you won’t have to leave here to find most of what you want. There are fine fashion

shops, as well as lovely craft shops, where you can browse, and maybe pick up a great bargain along the way. Malahide is a very traditional town, which caters for the needs of all. The beautiful marina, close to the town centre, gives you a glimpse of the Riviera, Irish style, where you can see some of the finest yachts moored here, and envy the lifestyle of others. This is the

ideal location to enjoy sailing the waters of the Irish Sea. Malahide is the jewel in the crown of this scenic stretch of Ireland’s magnificent eastern coastline. Malahide is synonymous with excellent food and drink, and the result is that the town has some of the finest restaurants and pubs in the whole country. Many visitors come here as their destination of choice

for food, drink and entertainment. They will cater for the culinary requirements of all, from French, Italian, Mexican, Indian and Chinese, to mention a few. The area grew in popularity in Georgian times, as a seaside resort for wealthy Dublin city dwellers. Georgian influence is still evident today, from the fine collection of Georgian houses in the town

and along the seafront, and Malahide is still a popular spot for day-trippers, especially in the summer months. What makes this town so special, is that is has withstood many different invasions and in a modern town, Malahide has managed to retain an old elegance about it and a visit here is highly recommended, and is one that is guaranteed to be r e p e a t e d o v e r and over again.



MALAHIDE, PORTMARNOCK, SWORDS, & all areas of North County Dublin



Picture Special & Local News

28th March 2017

Multinational Company Buys Swords Plaza

Marie Kearns (parent), Brian Cooke, Jennifer Banayo, Hannah MacArtain and Angela Cocoman (DCU)

Niall McCarthy from the Irish Navy is pictured with Liam Hanney

Joe O'Sullivan from DIT explains all about college life to student, Dylan Knight Sands

Ciara Fitzpatrick, Sinead Coleman, Kerrie Whelan (Careers Guidance counsellor) and Stephen Moran

Grand Coast Capital has purchased Swords Plaza. The 101’285 sq. ft. complex compiled of Retail and Office units is located on Main Street, Swords. Jeff Carter CEO & founder of The Grand Coast Capital Group said, “The aquisition of Swords Plaza provides Grand Coast Capital a strategic investment opportunity in an ideal location.” The multinational company is not the first to be attracted to the location’s accessibility as many other similar companys are choosing to invest in north Dublin due to its valueable connections to Dublin Airport, port and motorways. This is not the first time Grand Coast Capital has shown interest in investing into Irish propertiess as they announced in January that they would be beginng a student village project in Stonybatter, Dublin.

St Maur’s Brilliant Ladies Recognised

Students Sonny George, Adam Roche, Cait O'Reilly and Alessandra Lee are pictured with Lorna Crowther from Citizens Advice

Rachel Smyth, Aoife Daly, Melania Balazs, Sophie King, Hannah Bryann and Amy Bryann all enjoyed the Student Awareness Day

Shannon Wade, Maria Gabdulbayanova, Leah Roarty and Amy O'Flaherty

Andrew Cooney, John Kenny and Morgan King

Raymond Bates, Sean O'Mahoney and Connor Leonard

Swords Gardai, Angela O'Connor and Daragh Hynes are pictured with Kerrie Whelan (Careers Guidance counsellor), Niall McCarthy (Irish Navy) and student Cian Donlon

St Maur’s GAA Club from Rush were honoured with a presentation held in the Council Chamber, Swords to mark their success in winning the 2016 AllIreland Ladies Junior Football Championship. This is the first All-Ireland title won by the club in its 88 year history and by all accounts it was fully deserved. The team showed great character, determination and plenty of skill to beat the Cork and Munster champions, Kinsale in the final. Eadaoin Mc Guinness, captain of the team said in her victory speech that this was not only a victory for the team, but for her club and parish of Rush and by holding this presentation in their honour, the County Council was making it clear that was also a great victory to be savoured for the county. Speaking at the event, County Mayor, Cllr Darragh Butler said “My fellow councillors and I, as elected members of the Council, know the positive impact that this victory will have, not only in Rush, but right across the North County and there is a great sense of pride at what you have achieved. At a time when we need

4 Excuses That Are Preventing You From Saving Still haven’t gotten around to saving? Keep promising yourself you’ll start? We’re all guilty of living from payday to payday at some stage, but it’s time to get By Darren O’Reilly out of this habit and to start thinking long-term. Here are 4 comfort thoughts you need to stop telling yourself:

I DON’T HAVE TIME An easy one, but everyone is busy. Treat saving like eating or exercising – you’ve got to make time for it! Making time is simply a matter of priorities, and your finances should certainly be up there.

I’M NOT GOOD AT MATHS Realistically not many of us enjoy racking our brain with figures, we’re not all algebra teachers or actuaries! But coming up with a system to manage your finances isn’t rocket science. Try find a method you’re comfortable with, whether it’s; pen & paper, excel spreadsheet or an app, there’s a way for everyone!

I CAN’T AFFORD TO SAVE The majority of us aren’t content with our paycheck but you can only manage what you have. Time to stop dreaming about that raise and make your

current salary work for you, which means incorporating savings! Set aside what you can and you’ll be a lot more comfortable in the future.

I CAN’T CHANGE MY LIFESTYLE Probably the one we’re most attached to, who want’s to give up eating out, shopping, or nights on the town with friends! But realistically our social life is what swallows all of our money. Treat saving like a need and socialising like a want, save first and you can still use what is left over for your entertainment! Staying on top of your finances is tough, and is often easier said than done. But we’re firm believers in making the little changes along the way which will make a big difference in the future! So let’s start being proactive and ditch the excuses, no miracle will happen overnight but being honest with yourself will set you along the right path.

The County Council honoured St Maur’s GAA Club from Rush with a presentation held in the Council Chamber, Swords to mark their success of in winning the 2016 All-Ireland Ladies Junior Football Championship. Pictured is County Mayor, Cllr Darragh Butler making the presentation to members and mentors of the team

female role models in sport, you have a provided a squad full of great ambassadors not only for St Maur’s and Rush but also for the entire county.” “It came as no surprise when your inter-county

star, Olivia Leonard, was named as the Fingal Sportsperson of the Year for 2016 following her exploits for club and county last year.” While the event was primarily to honour the ladies team,

tribute was also paid to everybody else in the St Maur’s club for the tremendous work they do in Rush by providing football, hurling, ladies football and camogie for all ages.


Local News & Advertising Feature

28th March 2017

Pictured at the opening of the new local enterprise reception are Paul Reid, Chief Executive of the local County Council, county Mayor Darragh Buttler and Oisin Geoghegan, head of Enterprise in Fingal

Local Enterprise Jobs Creation The results, compiled by Enterprise Ireland, show that overall in 2016 a total of 7,883 new full and part time jobs were created in gross terms amongst the Local Enterprise Offices (LEO), supported companies. A total of 40 LEO client companies became

eligible for transfer to the Enterprise Ireland portfolio during 2016, representing a further positive outcome of LEO investment and support. The total number of people employed in LEO-supported small businesses stood at 34,634 at the end of 2016.


Pitman Training Centre, Chamber Buildings, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin

In the North County, the survey also shows that small companies supported by Local Enterprise Office directly created 275 new jobs in gross terms and 140 new jobs in net terms across the county. Welcoming the strong performance figures and paying tribute to the LEO team, Oisin Geoghegan, head of Enterprise in Fingal said, “The job creation results and strong performance metrics for 2016 demonstrate that LEO supports are making a significant impact in maximising the potential of our micro and small businesses here in the county.” Paul Reid, Chief Executive of the local County Council, told the County Leader, “LEO plays an important role in local job creation as the figures for 2016 show. LEO complements the broader local economic development remit of the County Council and, as a result, we are now better placed to encourage and support enterprise development.”

It’s that time of the year again when we get to enjoy the unwrapping of easter eggs and feast on sweet treats and chocolate. Is Easter only about the children you might say? No is what most chocolate lovers will say. However it’s a really great time for families and friends to get together and spend quality time making memories. The school holidays are upon us and a lot of the grownups are off work so time to take advantage of this family time. Easter is really great for children as they get to get involve in lots of events that happen throughout the North County. The splendid coast and parklands we have are a great way to get the children out into the great outdoors and breathing in the fresh air. On day’s when your family are all together you can be guaranteed they will be filled with memories that will be cherished forever. Easter may be a religious event and families love to meet at church in their Sunday best and catch up with their friends. Choirs and people involved in the church put a lot of work into this holiday and the masses are great events for many folk. Singers, readers and musicians all have been practising and getting ready for this great celebration and among the congregation their

familiess are watching proudly. The morning of Easter is a very special time and the fun that goes with it. Going to Easter egg hunts, planning dinner or even getting a break from the normal every day stuff, Easter is a time to relax. Planning Easter is also very important and the little things can make all the difference. Use your time wisely and set a structure in place as to what you and your loved ones will do. Plan the day bit by bit, from breakfast to the lovely Easter dinner you will all eat together and the after dinner entertainment. The children will be full of energy on account of the Easter eggs and maybe a little extra energy so you’re going to have to think of ways to tire them out. Games that involve running and climbing are ideal. This is where egg hunts are a great way to get them to use lots of energy and be rewarded. If there is no Easter egg hunt in your

local area, head to your local park or beach and make your own egg hunt. If you want to involve friends and family make sure to tell them in advance and that way it’s also

something to look forward to on the day. Take advantage of the Easter break and maybe take time away from the kitchen and treat yourself and your family to a delicious


meal in one of the many great restaurants across the North County. There are lots of things to do around the towns and villages of the North County. The fabulous parks and beaches provide a chance to make your own entertainment if you fancy something different. Maybe bring some sports equipment like a few tennis racquets, baseball, football or even nets and plan a volleyball game. There are endless things you and your family can do if you think outside the box.

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Picture Special

Vicky Jones, Fergal Cossin, Kevin Gibney and Katie O'Donoghue

Pat Brennan, Vincent Brennan and Damien Petticrew

Aishling Lavalle and Connor Cassin

Síobhan Digan and Kevin McGrath

John Mooney, Karen Mooney, Ann Mooney, T.C. O'Leary, Ellen O'Leary and Grace O'Leary

Cliodhna Fisher and Julie Patterson

28th March 2017

Deirdre Duffy and Cora Shiels

Marie Lynch, Debhora McCabe, David Worrell and Debbie Lavin

Anne Horan, Lorna Corswell and Noreen Chambers

Gavin and Paddy Carpenter, Paddy was celebrating his birthday

Derek Alforto, Nuala Brennan, Denise Alfoto and Pat Brennan

Keith, Audrey and Kay Larkin

Marie and Sínead Carpenter

The Laura Brennan Charitable Trust was set up to raise funds for deserving causes within the local and surrounding communities of Malahide. The fund recently hosted their Annual Gala Evening at the Grand Hotel Malahide. Among the many people in attendance were Laura’s parents, Pat and Nuala Brennan and her grandparents, Patrick and Elsie Brennan her sister Anna and brother Shane Brennan, The night was a great success and was enjoyed by the large gathering who turned up on the night.

Anna Brennan and Aoife Green

Noel and Agnes Costello pictured with Elsie and Patrick Brennan

Shane Brennan and Noreen Chambers

Phil and Francesca Lennon

Erin and Amy Bebbington

Patricia Bradshaw, Rory Ward and Margareth Duffy

Lily Wilson, Laura Mullarkey, Katie O'Donoghue, Aoife O'Brien, Sara-Ann Sweeney and Vicky Jones


Local News

28th March 2017

Only €159*

Only €239*


Only €629

Only €269*

Catherine Foley, Alice Coady and Kellie Donnelly are pictured at the Rush Scouts fair as a part of the St. Patricks weekend celebrations.

The Rush is on for Progressive Credit Union Progressive Credit Union’s new office is now open in Rush and they have been delighted by the good wishes and welcome from the people of Rush. The Credit Union has always been an important part of the community and since it opened it’s doors they have welcomed over 2000 new members. Members can now avail of a new range of services both in office and online, providing the perfect balance

of convenience. Progressive Credit Union have been very encouraged by this growth which will enable them to continue to develop the products and services they offer to their members and develop new collaborations within the local area. As spring has just arrived this is often a time for new starts, new plans or decisions for the year ahead. PCU provide a straightforward loan procedure with quick approval to help make those plans a reality. Whatever you need to discuss, the door is always open and they look forward to further growth and providing more services to the Rush and Lusk community.

Annual Easter Chick Selling Day For St. Francis Hospice It’s that time again and Easter is nearly here. Doreen McKittrick of the Swords I.C.A is having her annual Easter Chick selling day in J.C.’s Supermarket, Swords on Saturday the 8th of April in aid of St. Francis Hospice, Raheny. All of the chicks were knitted by ladies from Swords I.C.A. and Swords Day Centre. You can choose from a wide variety of colours. They cost €2.50 each and have a little chocolate egg inside them. Come along and support Doreen and her team on the day for this very worthy cause. Pictured is Doreen McKittrick from the Irish Country Woman's Association with her Easter Chicks.

54” Marble Fireplace with black granite insert & hearth and 5KW inset stove




Opening Hours: Mon - Friday 9am - 6pm Sat 10am - 5.30pm Sunday: Closed



Notices & Planning

Recent published deaths from the North County

28th March 2017

Pierce Monuments Workshop: Lissenhall, Swords Rd. Showroom: Malahide Road (beside Hilton) D17

Tel: 01 840 7090 GALLEN, John Joseph , (Retford House, Hampton Street, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin) 22nd March 2017, (Peacefully), beloved husband of the late Mary, brother to Gerald and Marie, dearly loved father of Michael, Niall, Sheila, Brenda, John Peter and Carole. Sadly missed by his brothers & sisters-inlaw, sons & daughters-in-law and by his twenty grandchildren, his many friends, relatives and his extended family. Thank you to the staff of Mater Private for their excellent care. Rest in Peace

Family Notices ANNIVERSARY

CASSERLY, Paul, (Donabate) 21st March 2017, (Suddenly), sadly missed by his loving wife Eileen, daughter Lynn, son Sean, son-in-law Dean, granddaughters Sophia and Poppy, brother Christopher, sisters Anne and Brenda, relatives and friends. Rest in Peace FLANAGAN (née Grant), Elizabeth (Lily), (Malahide, Dublin) 21st March 2017, (Peacefully), surrounded by her family having spent the last 8 years in the love and care of all the staff and her friends at Swords Nursing Home, beloved wife of the late Jim. Sadly missed by her loving children Joe, Mary and Patricia (Trish), daughter-in-law Katrina, son-in-law John, grandchildren Aisling, Eva and Julia, greatgrandchildren Callum and Lochlan, sister Maeve, nieces, nephews, extended family, relatives and friends. Rest in Peace MULHALL, Anthony (Tony), (Malahide, Dublin) 19th March 2017, (Peacefully), at Beaumont Hospital; sadly missed by his loving brother Billy, nephews, nieces, relatives and friends. Rest in Peace CLAXTON, Michael (Mick), (Moylaragh Cres., Balbriggan and formerly of Donaghmede, Co. Dublin) 17th March 2017, (Peacefully), at his home. He is sadly missed by his loving wife Mary, son Edward, daughter Lavinia, brothers, sisters, grandchildren, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, sisters-inlaw, nieces, nephews, relatives and friends.. Rest in Peace KEATING, Gerry, (Walkinstown and formerly of Lusk, Co. Dublin), 17th March 2017, (Peacefully), surrounded by his loving family at St. James’s Hospital; beloved husband of the late Marie, loving partner of Teresa, beloved dad of Chris, Tony, Gavin and Barry and adored granddad of Adam. Sadly missed by his loving sons, his partner Teresa and her family, daughter-in-law Donna, Chris’s partner Tina, Tony’s partner Michelle, grandson, brothers, sisters, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews, extended family and friends. Rest in Peace PENDER (née Tighe), Pauline, (Malahide, Dublin), 16th March 2017, (Peacefully), at Beaumont Hospital, cherished wife of the late Paddy and much loved mother of Andrew, Niall and the late John. Pauline will be sadly missed by her loving sons, daughters-in-law Marie, Avril and Eithne, grandchildren, her sister Joyce, nieces, nephews, extended family and friends. Rest in Peace

Prayer Publication & Family Notices 3 Ways to have a prayer of notice published in North County Leader simply: (1) Go to our website: and click the Prayer Publication link (2) Call into our offices at: Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin and we will be happy to assist you (3)

Phone us on: 01-8400200

IN LOVING MEMORY SEÁN HAMILTON Balbriggan Partings come and hearts broken, Loved ones go with words unspoken, Deep in our hearts there’s a memory kept, For a husband and father we’ll never forget. I never thought that loneliness Could bring such bitter pain, That memories could hurt me so And wound my heart again. Yet even in despair I know That every tear I shed, Would grieve the heart that loved me so, So I will try to smile instead.

From his loving wife Marie, Daughter Tracey, Sons Mark, Jimmy, Stephen, Chris and Philip. His grandchildren and great grand daughter. xxxxxx

Fingal County Council Planning permission is sought to demolish the existing extension to the rear and replace with a new larger extension to the rear and a first floor extension over part of 'Melda's', Whitestown Rd, Rush for George & Aine Cantwell The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of Fingal County Council, County Hall, Main St, Swords, Co. Dublin, during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the Planning Authority on payment of the prescribed fee, €20, within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application, and such submissions or observations will be considered by the Planning Authority in making a decision on the application. The Planning Authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. Fingal County Council Planning permission is sought to build a new single storey flat roof extension to the rear of 4 The Terrace, Robswall, Malahide, Co. Dublin for Hazel & John Furlong. The application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the Planning Authority during its' public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the Planning Authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application. Fingal County Council I Bernard Farrell Intend to apply for planning permission for A. Single storey extensions to sides and rear, B. Amended vehicular access, C. New waste water treatment system, D. All associated site works to cottage at Milverton, Skerries, Co. Dublin. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the Planning Authority, during it's public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of a prescribed fee (20 euro) within a period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. Fingal County Council I, Janet Morrell, intend to apply for permission for a development at 159 Baths Road, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin. The development will consist of change of use from part residential to sessional pre-school facility to include associated site works. The planning application may be inspected or BALBRIGGAN AREA purchased, at a fee not exceeding the reasonable SUITED TO STORAGE cost of making a copy, at the REASONABLE RENT offices of Fingal County Council, Planning Authority, Planning Section, County


- TO LET -

Mass on the 2nd of April at Balbriggan Church.

Call 087 913 8640

Miracle Prayer Sacred Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked you for many favours. This time I ask for a very special one (mention request). Take it dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Say this prayer for 3 days, promise publication and favour will be granted. Never known to fail.


Qualified Chef & Part-time Chef REQUIRED FOR Busy Restaurant at Man O War Excellent working hours and conditions

Email CV to or telephone Martin 087 6686796

Part-time Caretaker North Bay Educate Together National School

from Late May 2017 • Split Shift - 3 hours per day • Duties: Maintenance & Repair of all aspects of the building and grounds. Applications should be sent to: The Chairperson, North Bay ETNS, Greendale Avenue, Kilbarrack, D5.

Hall, Swords Co. Dublin between 9:30am and 15:30pm Monday to Friday. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the Planning Authority on payment of a fee of €20.00 within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the Planning Authority of the Application. Fingal County Council I, Janet Morrell, intend to apply for retention of a development at 159 Baths Road, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin. The development consists of change of use from part residential to sessional preschool facility to include associated site works as previously granted Planning Ref. No. F11A/0171. The planning application may be inspected or purchased, at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of Fingal County Council, Planning Authority, Planning Section, County Hall, Swords Co. Dublin between 9:30am and 15:30pm Monday to Friday. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the Planning Authority on payment of a fee of €20.00 within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the Planning Authority of the Application. Fingal County Council Planning Permission is sought by Shirley Higgins for extensions and alterations to existing dwelling the proposed works consist of the following; (1) to construct a 42.0 sq m single storey flat roof extension to the side, (2) demolish existing front porch & construct a 54.9 sq m extension to the front (3) demolish existing boiler to the rear & construct a 5.9 sq m flat roof extension (4) new dormer window to the side (5) revise drainage arrangements including connecting the foul to the mains, associated ground works all at Bridgeview, Marsh Lane, Burrow Road, Portrane, Donabate, Co. Dublin. The planning application may be inspected, or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of Fingal County Council during its public opening hours and a submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee within the period of five weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application. Fingal County Council We, 2CDesign Consultants, intend to seek permission to mount a single 1.5m x 2.5m non-illuminated sign to the east facing elevation of the warehouse unit @ Unit B2 Horizon Logistics Park, Harristown, Swords. Co. Dublin. The site is known as DFS Dublin CDC (CDC = Central Distribution Centre). The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the Planning Authority during its public opening hours of 9.30 – 16.30 Mon – Fri at: Fingal County Council, Fingal County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Co.Dublin (to inspect Planning Applications on all lands except those lands to the west of the N2). A submission or observation in relation to the Application may be made in writing to the Planning Authority on payment of a fee of €20, within the period of five weeks, beginning on the date of receipt by Fingal County Council of the Application, and such submissions or observations will be considered by the Planning Authority in making a decision on the application. The Planning Authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. Fingal County Council GDB Square Holdings Ltd intends to apply for Full Planning Permission at this site for a residential development at Gas Yard Lane, Malahide, Co Dublin, the development will primarily consist of; The demolition of existing garage on site and the construction of a five storey building with ground floor carparking, Bin storage and bicycle parking, consisting of 4 number residential units (3 number two bedroom apartments and 1 number one bedroom apartment) with an overall floor area of 583 sq.m. with all associated site works necessary to facilitate the development, all on the premises located on Gas Yard Lane, Malahide, County Dublin. The planning application maybe inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours (9.30-16.30 Monday to Friday). A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the Planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application ad such submissions or observations will be considered by the Planning Authority in making a decision on the application. The Planning Authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. Fingal County Council Planning Permission is sought by W. Rogan for two storey extension to side and rear of house and for alterations to house at the Rush Road, Skerries, Co. Dublin. The application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of Fingal County Council, County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Co. Dublin between the hours of 9.30am - 16.30pm Monday - Friday. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to Fingal County Council on payment of a fee of 20euro within the period of five weeks beginning on the date of receipt of the application by Fingal County Council.


Planning & Services

28th March 2017 Fingal County Council Planning Permission is sought by V. Jones for two storey house off Quay Road, Rush, Co. Dublin. The application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of Fingal County Council, County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Co. Dublin between the hours of 9.30am - 16.30pm Monday - Friday. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to Fingal County Council on payment of a fee of 20euro within the period of five weeks beginning on the date of receipt of the application by Fingal County Council. Fingal County Council C & D.O' Leary seeks planning retention permission for the following as constructed existing works for existing dwelling with grant of planning F97A/0523. 1. Double garage 2. Revised raised roof profile and fenestration's 3. Separate driveway entrance onto public road 4. landscape boundary treatment at existing dwelling at Loughland, Skerries, County Dublin. Post code K34EH68 The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours Monday to Friday at Fingal County Hall, Main St, Swords, Co. Dublin. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee (€20 Euros), within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the planning authority of this application. Fingal County Council Evelynn Price seeks planning permission for a detached two storey dwelling with ancillary services ,boundary walls /fences and vehicular access and entrance onto proposed extension and amended levels of approved internal road under plan ref F16A//0278 & F15A/0558 on site on lands to the rear of existing house fronting onto Channel road ,Rush ,County Dublin .post code K56FT96 The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours Monday to Friday at Fingal County Hall,Main St,Swords ,co. Dublin. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee (€20 Euros), within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the planning authority of this application. Fingal County Council I, Jane Morrin, wish to apply for retention permission for a window in the east gable of first floor level and also the change in size of a window in the rear west wall to a new storey and a half dwelling in Nevitt, Lusk, Co. Dublin. The window in the east gable measures 2000mm x 600mm and the window in the rear west wall has changed from 1250mm x 1000mm to 1800mm x 800mm. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of Fingal County Council, Main St Swords, Co Dublin, during it's public opening hours of 09:00 - 17:00 Monday - Thursday and 09:00 16:30 on Friday. A submission or observation may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (€20) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application. Fingal County Council Notice is hereby given that Barry Reynolds intends to apply for planning permission for development at 54 Beverton Green, Beaverstown, Donabate, Co. Dublin.The development will consist of the construction of a single storey

extension to side and rear of dwelling and all associated site works. The planning application may be inspected, or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours and that a submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application. Fingal County Council We, Martin & Yvonne Rice, intend to apply for Planning Permission for development at 23 Mountfield Lawns, Seamount Road, Malahide, Co. Dublin. Planning Permission relates to the construction of proposed single storey extension to existing dwelling with bedroom and home office accommodation, and construction of proposed front porch, including all ancillary development site works. The planning application may be inspected, or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours and that a submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (€20.00) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application. Fingal County Council I Alex Cimahovics intend to apply for permission for development at this site address: 14 Boru Court, Swords, Co. Dublin. The development will consist of a first floor extension to the rear of the existing house in a new dormer structure. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (20Euros) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of this application. Fingal County Council Glenn Kenny and Sharon Lawlor are applying for Permission to render the front façade; enlarge the front living room window; amalgamate the existing front porch into the hall; new fenestration; façade alterations; new door to side façade; demolish existing conservatory and build single storey extension to the rear; internal alterations; convert existing rear ground floor utility room to study and change its roof shape. The Planning Application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the Planning Authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the Planning Authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application. Fingal County Council Permission is sought by Jakobi Properties Limited on lands at Barnwall Court to the rear of No. 3 and No. 4 Castle View, Drogheda Road, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin for development consisting of the construction of a two-storey, fourbedroom, contemporary dwelling with new vehicular access, 2 no. on-curtilage car parking spaces, private amenity space, single storey garden store building, drainage infrastructure, landscaping and all associated site development works necessary to facilitate the development. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (€20) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of this application.

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28th March 2017

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