North County Leader 25th June 2013

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25th June 2013 • Volume 20, Issue 23 • Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin. • Tel: 8•400•200 •

Life Of Local Woman Saved A young local woman, who owes her life to the Fire Brigade and Ambulance services in Swords, has made an emotional return to the station to thank paramedics and crew, who saved her life. Elaine Murphy (33), from Robswall in Malahide, suffered a massive heart attack at her home in the early hours of 22nd February last. Her husband, Mick was at her side and played a crucial role in his wife’s return to health. He called 999 and was put in contact with the emergency control centre, where he was talked through the CPR procedure. Within 10 minutes, ambulance crew and fire officers arrived at Elaine’s home Mick’s role proved to be a critical part in Elaine’s survival. In an exclusive interview Swords Fire Brigade Station Officer, John McNally explained to the County Leader how teamwork kicked in to save

By Patrick Finnegan Elaine’s life. “When Mick contacted the control centre, he was put in contact with Dave, an experienced paramedic. At this stage, Mick thought that Elaine was dead, as her heart had stopped. But Dave convinced Mick to continue and talked him through the process,” said John. Elaine’s life was now in the balance, with the likelihood that she may well face into a life of disability for years to come, if she survived at all. With the Fire and Ambulance service in Swords still under continuing threat, John McNally has no doubt about what the outcome would have been had these services been taken away. He said chillingly, “If the ambulance service had been taken away from Swords, there’s no way that Elaine would be alive today. They want to ‘civilianise’ our control centre to cut costs. Had this happened,



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Pictured at Swords Fire Station for the visit of Elaine Murphy are, Neil Johnson, Station Officer John McNally, Michael Bourke (with defibrillator), Elaine Murphy, Eddie Duffy and Elaine's husband, Michael Walsh.

there’s no way that Mick would have been kept on the phone to deliver life saving instructions for Elaine. He would just be put in touch with someone who is reading off a flow chart. Only experienced paramedics or fire fighters, who are fully trained, could have handled a situation like this.” To further emphasise the critical role of teamwork

Horror As Local Beach Turned Into Sex Den There is a sense of revulsion among North County residents, and particularly those in Donabate, about revelations in a well known Sunday tabloid, regarding naked gay men performing lewd sexual acts in broad daylight on Donabate beach. The beautiful North County beach appears to have been turned into an open-air sex den by cruising middle-aged men. Donabate beach attracts thou-

sands of visitors every summer and it’s close proximity to Dublin Airport means that many of these are tourists. According to the newspaper report, “Two men openly had sex in broad daylight on one of the sunniest days of the year in full view of walkers, day-trippers and families. The brazen pair had no concern that passers-by could see them. One local man said that scenes of open sexual activity have become the daily

norm. I felt so threatened that I have stopped using the beach. I know other local people feel the same,” the report said. Horrified local representatives have vowed to take immediate action. Councillor Darragh Butler (FF) told the County Leader, “As one of the Councillors for the area, I have made contact with the County Manager and An Garda Síochána to ensure that the Continued on page 6

The Heart Of Shopping In Balbriggan

on the night, John went on to say, “Elaine’s husband, Mick thought that Elaine was dead, as there was no sign of any heartbeat. He was about to abandon CPR, but the guys on the phone, in particular Dave, convinced Mick to continue.” Continued on page 11

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