NCL - 22nd March 2016

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22nd March 2016 • Volume 23, Issue 10 • Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin. EirCode: K67 P5W4. • Tel: 01 8•400•200 • •

Local Law Firm Achieves National Win The 1916 Relatives Group has secured a victory in the High Court and halted the destruction of the Moore Street battlefield site. The Relatives’ group was represented by Swords based solicitors, Hennessy Perrozzi, who described the decision as a ‘monumental day for Ireland’.

people like Jim Connolly Heron, and others who are mainly relatives of those involved in 1916, Number 16 Moore Street was where Padraig Pearse surrendered to the British Army. “In 2008, the Minister for Arts and Culture decided to make numbers 14 to 17 Moore Street, including number 16, a national monument. My clients’ position had always been that the entirety of Moore Street, as well as Moore Lane and Henry Place should be declared a Battlefield site. It is the last urban battlefield site in Europe and it should be saved, they repeatedly asked successive Ministers to consider this and each one refused, saying that it is not a

Pictured on Proclamation Day 2016 on 15th March are pupils of St Marnock's NS, Portmarnock, Ella Gleeson, Mark Lynagh, Naomi McCullough, Andrew Comeskey and Cian Bulger taking part in a school play as part of Proclamation Day 2016.

my clients wanted the area from the GPO to Moore Street to be declared a Battlefield Site and I set out why,” said Hennessy. The Minister, Heather Humphries came back and said it was a moot point, Speaking to the County Leader after the decision in but I asked her to look at the Interpretation Act favour of the relatives was made, John Hennessy of 2005. We pointed out that the decision taken by the Hennessy Perozzi Solicitors said, “This is a State regarding 14-17 Moore Street was unauthowonderful result for the Relatives’ Group, which rised and we sought clarification. The case went on took me by surprise. There were three for four weeks. There were 40 affidavits cases, including two planning decisions.” “This is one the most significant planning exchanged and we finally got the deciHennessy spoke about how his involvesion we were looking for,” said a decisions for national monuments in the ment in this landmark case came about. “I delighted Hennessy. was approached by the relatives’ group, history of the state on a par with the “The decision essentially found in particular Jim Connolly Heron, who is Wood Quay decision” completely in favour of my client,” he the great grandson of executed leader, battle site and that it doesn’t qualify as a said. “This is one the most significant planning James Connolly and a few other people decisions for national monuments in the history of national monument. involved in the Save Moore Street 1916 Hennessy continued, “I was approached the state on a par with the Wood Quay decision. campaign. This has been going on for John Hennessy when the political campaigned had failed The ramifications of this decision will be felt for years. Originally the State didn’t want to make any part of Moore Street, a national monu- and the legal angle was the only one left. I wrote a many years to come. From a purely legal point of ment. A lot of campaigning was carried out by letter last October to the Minister and set out that view, it has consequences for anyone who wants

By Patrick Finnegan

to challenge the State on its decisions. Secondly, it actually changes the face of Dublin city centre and makes history by changing the State’s original plan, which was to build a huge shopping centre here. In my view, it puts a completely different shape on what this area will look like in the future. It turns this type of planning decisions on it’s head. It’s an unbelievable and brilliant day for us all and I’m really proud to have been associated with it,” concluded an overjoyed Hennessy. The decision has also been welcomed by Sinn Fein, whose spokesperson said, “Sinn Fein welcomes the decision and regrets that it took a private citizen to force the state to listen to the call of the relatives of those who fought and died in the 1916 Rising and the supporters of the campaign to have the street and its environs protected and restored as a fitting tribute to the courageous men and women who took to those streets in Easter Week 1916.”

Major Road Hazard Needs To Be Addressed

Cllr Joe Newman is pictured with Montgorry resident, Jill Rousseau at the busy Malahide to Swords Road beside her home

Local councillor, Joe Newman (NP) has major concerns for the safety of residents living adjacent to a stretch of the Swords to Malahide Road at Montgorry, where traffic volumes have increased significantly in recent times. The hazardous area is directly opposite the entrance to Seamount View estate and the building of new houses is ongoing. Newman put in a motion to the County Council calling for the installation of traffic lights at this location, which he feels will have the dual purpose of slowing traffic down and allowing residents to access the main road, from both Seamount View and Montgorry. He is also calling for a proper and permanent footpath to be built as soon as possible, before the development of five new houses here goes ahead. He is calling for this to be a condition for the builder to put the footpath in place. “This is an extremely busy road and we need to look at how we can slow the traffic down for the safety of all. This is a major hazard that needs to be addressed as soon as possible,” said Newman. The County Leader spoke to Cllr Newman and one of the residents of Montgorry, Jill Rousseau, who feels the situation is very hazardous for her husband and three children aged nine, seven and six. Jill said, “The children have a very small verge to walk on from

the end of Milesian estate at the pedestrian lights to our house. This narrow pathway is made of clay and becomes mucky in wet weather. I have told them to press the pedestrian lights, even though they’re not crossing the road, simply to slow the traffic down, so that they can reach the entrance to our home in safety. This has caused motorists to shout at the children, because they did not cross the road. They are using the lights as a safety precaution for themselves,” she said. “I’m upset and terrified everyday about the safety of my children and I call them every day to find out if they got home safely. There is no safe way to get to Milesian, where they have to walk on the mucky path beside speeding traffic,including buses and lorries, or they cross this treacherous road to reach the traffic lights, to cross in safety. We need something here, be it pedestrian lights or anything that makes crossing the road safe for people living here and in the Montgorry Apartments, as well as for the new residents of Montgorry Oaks, when the development is completed,” she said. She was full of praise for the efforts of Cllr. Newman, when she said, “I am delighted to hear that Cllr Newman has taken our problem on board and has been proactive in highlighting our problem and bringing it to Council level,” she concluded


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Regulations Must Be Enforced According to Dublin MEP, Nessa Childers, the car manufacturing industry seems to have a throttle hold on all key decision makers and regulators in Brussels and indeed all national capitals. By Cathal Boland Ms Childers says, “Even the Irish government, with no auto industry to blackmail it over employment and export figures, meekly kow-towed to Germany last autumn to allow for emissions margins in driving tests that make a mockery of the laws passed in Parliament. She went onto say, “Little wonder, then, that the emissions testing measures ended with loopholes and margins you can drive a dieselguzzler through, and which the right-wing in Parliament failed to challenge just last month. This shows the inadequacy of the Juncker Commission’s progress on lobby transparency, and how urgent it is for the veil to be lifted on all Commission officials’ meetings with lobbyists. “The outrageous level of insider information being exchanged here would lead to jail sentences in other lines of business. This is tantamount to regulatory capture, and Parliament’s committee of enquiry into the Dieselgate scandal must shed further light on this disgraceful affair. Lives and livelihoods are lost prematurely every year across Europe, at an enormous human and financial cost in death and illness, all from levels of air pollution that we can seriously mitigate, once we’re not blinded by the auto industry’s sheen.” This is an issue which Nessa has addressed in the past and obviously holds pretty strong views on. It is important that this matter is addressed now in an open and transparent way. The emissions scandal which is known as “dieselgate” undermines the credibility of regulatory controls across all sectors within the EU and further raises questions on the application of controls should TTIP be adopted. Fine Gael MEP, Brian Hayes has welcomed the publications of new proposals to control the wages of workers temporarily posted to work in another EU member state. The new directive will ensure that workers are entitled to the same working conditions which apply in the host country. Some years ago we had the case of the wages of construction workers undercut by the exploitation of such posted workers. Hayes says “The revised Directive proposed will eliminate this problem.”

Pictured are the victorious Malahide U17 team are from left to right back row: Neil Byrne (coach), Daniel Crothers, Sean Daly, Daragh Byrne, Conor Griffin and Mascot Jamie, Jack Fitzmaurice, Conor Burke, Daniel O'Connell, George Taplin, Oscar Kavanagh, Sam Barry, Joseph Haughey, James Murphy, Daragh Cooney, Willie Dillon, Geoff Gilmore, Red Hansen, Duncan Scott(coach). Front row: Cian Scott (captain), Cillian Quinn, Ciaran Sheridan, Richard O'Connor, Luke Nolan, Kieran Murray, Bobby McCarthy, Adam Savage and Jack Keating

Malahide Rugby Under 17s Win League There were scenes of great celebrations last week, when Malahide Rugby Club’s under 17s clinched the league title, with a great win over Greystones in the league decider, which as played at Clontarf Rugby grounds in Castle Avenue. This was a game of two halves that ebbed and flowed its way to a conclusion. The scene was set, with two sides determined to win, inches gained, metres lost. Passion and pride seriously on display. This match could have gone either way. From the first

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awarded a five metre line out. Malahide managed to steal the line out and started another attack from their own try line, A number of phases later and Cian Scott, number 8, went over for a well worked try, this time converted by Luke Nolan. A further try apiece for Sam Barry and Bobby McCarthy put Malahide 27-0 up at half time, done and dusted? But no, Greystones, as expected, came out in the second half, all guns blazing. They scored four well deserved tries in a 15 minute period halfway through the second half converting one. Thuis made the score 27-22 with 10 minutes left and nerves were beginning to show. Change of plan for Malahide - they went deep from the kick off, which gave them the drive they needed for Red Hansen to go over in the corner. The conversion was missed, leaving the score at 3222. Three minutes to play and still there was a game to be won. Nerves or panic seemed to take over from here to the end, for both side. Knock on, scrum, knock on, scrum, play never really going in either direction. Finally, the referee blew his whistle for full time, with Malahide 32-22 winners over a gallant Greystones side.

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whistle, Malahide were the more attacking side, determined to get their foot in front. An early try scored by Sam Barry on the left wing, with the conversion missed, set the trend for what was to come. From the resulting restart, Malahide went looking for another score and several passages of play later they were rewarded with a try from scrum half, Bobby McCarthy. Greystones came back from this setback and were awarded a penalty just outside Malahide’s 10 metre line. Kicking for touch, they were


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Balrothery Announces Adopt-A-Patch Project Balrothery Tidy Village committee have launched a new Adopt-a-Patch project. Many local organisations, business and individuals have already signed up to take on a patch in the village of Balrothery and surrounds. The idea is people and organisations take on responsibility for various parts of the Village. An example of this is the residents of Hamilton Park Care Facility have taken on the two greens to the north of Balrothery. Both the Balrothery Inn and Andrews Spar have taken on the commercial areas and the greens to the south of the village. Patrick Hickey of McNally Funeral Directors have been a significant contributor to the Tidy Village project and carried out a major landscaping project at the front of Balrothery Heritage Centre and graveyard last summer. They have committed to maintain this area and the road to Cricket and Rugby Club.

Niall Keady, Chair of Balrothery Tidy Village said, “Our objectives are to encourage clean-ups throughout the year, to galvanise the practices of recycling and reuse where possible. We also want to promote personal responsibility for litter and heighten awareness of litter and waste issues. We hope this activity and all Balrothery Tidy Village projects will strengthen our entry to this year Tidy Towns competition,” he said. Other activities the Tidy Village committee have organised include, Saturday Clean Ups and Projects. Every Saturday the Tidy Village members meet at 11am at the Community Resource Centre and do a one hour’s litter pick and tidy up around the village.” Keady continued, “We are also taking on several small projects throughout the year. The first of these projects is clearing the path between the resource centre and the football fields. This project requires a little muscle and we need a few extra bodies to help cut away brambles and dead wood. So if you can spare an hour on Saturdays morning please come out, the same goes for the litter pickers we need more hands and encourage the children to come out with you. We have gloves and equipment to help with the task and helping will instil in the children a sense of community and they will respect their environment more.”

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On The Road To Success Last Easter, the Junior Quiz team from Pope John Paul 11 School in Malahide, representing Malahide Credit Union were runners up in the ILCU Credit Union Schools' Quiz in the RDS. Competing in the Senior section this year, they are already taking steps to go one better. On Sunday, 28th February last, the boys won their section of the quiz at Chapter level and so qualified for this year's All Ireland event in the RDS in April. Pictured are Cathal Coogan, Stefan Bakken, Adam Hilmi and Callum Conroy. Also in the picture are Laura Gallagher, President Chapter 20 and Ina O’Shea, Finglas Credit Union. Best of luck boys, Malahide Credit Union is rooting for you.

Pictured are Kamile Nausedaite, Erica Yap, Sharon Lawal, Adeola Odusanya and Jerry Oyekunkle from Bracken Educate Together National School in Balbriggan, who took part in Proclamation Day 2016.

Concerns Over Lack Of School Places In Swords Ridgewood under construction, as well Swords councillor, Eugene Coppinger as new houses in Knocksedan. We don’t (SP) is very concerned about the lack of know what school places will be availprimary school places in Swords, and River Valley in particular. able next year, so we need the Coppinger put down a motion to Department of Education and Skills to provide a report to the a recent meeting of the County County Council on what the Council,calling on the plans are for school places, and Department of Education and what can be done for this year to Skills to issue a report on what alleviate this problem,” he said. proposals are in place to deal It is particularly awkward for with the severe lack of Junior National School places in the families that have a child in one school and having to bring a Swords area, resulting in large Cllr. Coppinger numbers of school starters second child to a different school, perhaps with two parents, who having to either wait another year to need to go to work at this time. start or else seek a position in a school Coppinger said, “I met with the principal outside the area. Speaking to the County of Rivermeade National School, and she Leader, he said, “We’ve had a problem for the past few years with children explained that there is a large school there with plenty of space and that there starting in September and the lack of school places. It’s getting particularly are a number of overflow pupils from bad now and I’ve received some emails Holy Family NS who are attending there, from residents regarding problems as well as pupils from the Charlestown area of Finglas. they’re having. One is number eight on the list, while another is number 29 on The fact that River Valley pupils are the waiting list.” “This shows that at being accommodated in Rivermeade, which is quite a distance away, is a very least another class is required for the River Valley area alone. An ongoing serious and unacceptable situation that needs to be addressed immediately,” problem we have is that houses are still being built, with the final phase in concluded Coppinger.

Artworks by two Balbriggan students are amongst entries being presented to adjudicators who will select winners in this year’s 62nd Texaco Children’s Art Competition. Pictured (left) is an entry entitled ‘The Land Girl’ by 11-years old Daniella Marinska, a pupil at Bracken Educate Together, Balbriggan and ‘Caged Fire’ by 16-years old Renuka Chintapalli, a student at Loreto Secondary School, Balbriggan. Viewing them is Valero Marketing Manager Bronagh Carron.

The Easter Bunny and her sister, Bella will be hopping around taking pictures with shoppers and giving out some


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Jasmina Muininohk with Aldin and Ali enjoying the parade in Balbriggan

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Maria Harding with Emily Devine enjoying the fun at Millfield

Kelly and Stewart Pease with Vilma Tobiusyte enjoying Balbriggan's parade

Aga and Maya Mokowskie enjoying the Irish Dancing display at Millfield Shopping Centre

Members of Balbriggan Integration Forum Oghenetano John , Sarah Duku, Betsy Abu, Emma Abu, Patrick Abu and Waran Kenyi prepare to take their part in the parade

Daniel, Grace and Eleanor Tierney pictured at Balbriggan's St. Patrick's Day parade

Fionn and Isabell Jenkins, Louise Conway and Orla Smith eagerly await the start of the parade in Balbriggan

Darren, Julie, Kate, Amy, Eric and Ryan from Naul enjoy the St. Patrick's Day festivities at Millfield Shopping Centre

Ivan, Lorcan and Donnacha all togged out in green for Balbriggan's St. Patrick's Day parade

Huriyah Baqer gets her face painted at Millfield

Caitlin and Luke Foran enjoying the fun at Millfield Shopping Centre

Balbriggan Rugby Club players Dillon and Daniel gear up for the parade


Lexi Fagan with Larry the Leprechaun in Millfield

Olumide, Esther and David enjoy the festivities in Balbriggan

Enjoying the parade in Balbriggan were Ohi and Agnes Oghvagu

Maria Alifanova in Millfield

Alison, Alisha and Ruby Brennan ready to take part in Balbriggan's parade

Dara Stafford, Aoife Kavanagh and William Ellison kitted out for Balbriggan's parade.

Liam Cullen and Alex Kearns enjoy the parade in Balbriggan

Declan, Cherrie and Connor Bagnall give Balbriggan's parade the thumbs up

Tegan, Jenna and Fiona Rowe enjoy the parade in Balbriggan

See our full St. Patrick’s Day photo galleries at


Rush Students And Teachers In Uganda After over 18 months fundraising and planning, a group of 27 students from Transition Year and 5th year in St Joseph’s Secondary School in Rush, left for Kampala in Uganda for ten days on Wednesday March 15th, with the charity, Aidlink. Aidlink provides outreach clinics for healthcare and helps thousands of people who would otherwise have no access to healthcare due to poverty and isolated locations. Aidlink and the Girl Child Network’s project provide water tanks, girl-friendly latrines, underwear and health education. The charity also provides proper water and sanitary facilities to schools, so teachers and students have access to safe,

clean water and working toilets, something we often take for granted! To get there, the students and teachers raised over €60,000, with another €20,000 being donated to Aidlink projects. Their itinerary includes a visit the Irish Embassy, work on the action project field work in Wakiso, a stop off at the equator and a visit to the lake and meet the Ugandan teachers. St Joseph’s teachers, Mr Cashin, Mr Reade, Ms McGowan, Ms Doyle and Ms McGann and two Aidlink colleagues also made the trip on this worthy project. School principal, Ms Hayden was full of praise for the effort shown by the students, when she said, “I have no doubt the students will make a huge contribution to the lives of these young people in Uganda and we are very proud of their commitment to this project and their enthusiasm around all the fundraising. The teachers involved are a credit to our school and we all look forward to hearing about their interactions, experiences and contributions while representing the school abroad,” she said.

Skerries Man On A Mission Dr Anthony Staines, a resident of Skerries for the past 17 years, has decided to seek a seat in Seanad Eireann. He has declared his candidacy in the upcoming Seanad elections, where he hopes to be in a position to address some issues that are close to his heart. These include concerns over our health service, issues surrounding child health and higher education. While he is a Fine Gael member, he is running on the Trinity panel as an Independent candidate, as he doesn’t want to be tied to the whip system. There are six University seats, three for Trinity and three for the NUI colleges.

Ollie Shannon

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Staines (55) told the County Leader about his decision to seek election to the Upper House. “I’m running for the Seanad because I think I have something to contribute to the work of the Seanad. My major work over the past 20 years has been in healthcare and I am the Professor of Health Systems at DCU through nursing. That means that I study how health services work, both in Ireland and elsewhere. I study how money, patients, information and care moves around them.” “I’m very familiar with our service, where I have a lot of background. My take on it at the moment is that our service is quite

Laura Shannon

Seanad Eireann candidate, Dr Anthony Staines.

expensive. We have seen recently that the total cost of our service is substantially higher

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than we thought it was. But given the amount of money we put in, we’re not getting a great service out of it and that needs to be changed,” he said. He has grave concerns about the state of the health service here and he feels that he is in an ideal position to influence change for the better. “There’s a strong feeling in the service and nationally that the health service is in very serious trouble now and that we cannot go on as we are - it’s not an option. Twenty per cent of the voters at the exit poll at the recent General Election said their voting decision was mainly influenced by health issues. This is the highest it’s ever been and most unusual, because people mainly cite issues surrounding the economy as their main bone of contention,” he said. “I think it would be useful to have someone in the Oireachtas who is very experienced in healthcare and who understands how healthcare systems work in Ireland and abroad. This is the first thing that inspired me to run for election,” he said. The second thing that drives Dr Staines to seek a Seanad seat is largely focused on child health, where his professional work is based. “I do a lot of work in child health in Ireland and much further afield and I think that our children’s lives are not as good as they should be, even though they’re by no means the worst in Europe. There are a few straightforward things


Pictured prior to their departure to Uganda are some of the students from St Joseph's Secondary School, Rush. Included are, front row: Tom O'Neill. Adam Kelly Kiernan, Cian Savage, Conor Murphy, Alesha Burke and Amy Flynn. Back row: Stephen Finnegan, Ross Deane, Ronan O'Toole, Ciaran Reid (teacher), Zoe Healy, Brigid Towers, Kirsten Fynes and Carolyn Maher

that could be done to focus more on children’s needs. This also includes the needs of young adults and adolescents as well, as they’re also a group that is not doing well. We have the highest rate of suicide in Europe amongst young men and the second highest among young women, which is very disturbing. I think something can be done about this.

I have done a lot of work with people with disabilities, including autism and intellectual disabilities. While we spend a lot of money on the services, they’re still not great. We spend money in the wrong places, for example we should be spending money in general practice and community care, where we get a big return for relatively small investments. We spend a lot

of money afterwards picking up the pieces in acute hospitals in long stay facilities. It’s about spending money in the right places. I think I’m better suited to working the way the Seanad works. Another reason I’m running is for Higher Education, where I have experience. Higher Education is in difficulties at present and is very short of money. There are proposals to

bringing in money to pay for it, which I think would put too much pressure on families and I’m opposed to those. We have to maintain and support our high quality Higher Education because that’s what attracts employers and our economic growth depends on education. If I am elected, I will work to support and sustain that,” he said.


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Pictured are Levina and Aoife Bradshaw at the Swords parade

Pictured getting ready for the Swords parade are, Laura and Oliver O'Halloran

22 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin

Pictured at the St Patrick's Day parade in Swords, Sean, Paula, Kevin and Lucy O'Brien

County Mayor, Cllr David O'Connor and Chief Executive of Fingal County Council, Paul Reid are pictured being accosted by banditos, The Cincinnati Kid and Gringo, who tests the Mayor's chain for its value at the St Patrick's Day parade in Swords

Getting ready to march in the Swords parade are, Katie Walsh, Therese Browne, Martha Browne, Sadhbh O'Sullivan and Sophie Galvin

The Smart family are all ready for the St Patrick's Day parade in Swords

Pictured enjoying the St Patrick's Day parade in Swords, are Aisling Farrell, Freda Farrell and young Liam Shelly

Pictured at the Swords parade are, Laura, Shay, Con and Ciara Giltinane from Ballyboughal

Pictured are Sean McGarvey, with Lauren and Robyn McGarvey as they eagerly await the Swords parade

Pictured at the St Patrick's Day parade in Swords, are Paula, Niamh, Katelyn, Jack and Alan O'Brien from Ballyboughal

Pictured getting ready for the Swords parade are Jamie, Glen and Chloe Costello

Pictured getting ready for the Swords parade are Aidan Pedersen and Louise Ferguson

Pictured enjoying the Swords parade are Heather Cathy Brady, Gemma Shanahan, Lily Shanahan and Isabella Duke

Pictured are David Snow with his daughters, Olivia and Sarah Snow

Pictured at the Swords parade, are Stephen and Aaron Rao


Zibi, Zuby, Bina and Teejay Obireke

Deirbhile, Caoimhe and Sadhbh Del Bello are pictured enjoying the parade in Swords

Peter Beveridge and his granddaughter, Lara Keane are pictured enjoying the St Patrick's Day parade in Swords

Pictured are Margaret McLoughlin, Joan McCann, Nora Hayes, Lisa Donaldson and Linda Hayes at the Swords St Patrick's Day parade

See our full St. Patrick’s Day photo galleries at


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Easter Centenary Commemoration In Donabate The Fingal Old IRA Commemorative Society will be holding their 2016 Centenary Commemoration ceremony on Easter Sunday, March 27th, with a ceremony in St. Patrick’s Church Donabate at 11.00 am. This will be followed by a parade to the old cemetery. One of the highlight events of the Fingal 2016 Centenary Programme, this ceremony will commemorate the Fingallians who took part in the 1916 Rising and, in particular, the Battle of Ashbourne. There were sixty men assembled on Easter Monday. Twenty of these men were sent into the city on the request of Patrick Pearse to fight at the Mendicity Institution and the GPO, where one life was lost

(Peter Wilson). The rest were split into four groups, led by Richard Mulcahy and Thomas Ashe, who was a teacher in Corduff, Lusk. These groups adopted mobile hit and run tactics, an innovated and successful approach that was subsequently widely adopted during the war of independence by Michael Collins. The Battle of Ashbourne involved men and women from the Fifth Battalion (the Fingal Brigade) and was one of the only military successes of the Easter Rising. Led by Thomas Ashe, the Fifth Battalion fought their way through Fingal culminating in an attack on the barracks in Ashbourne. After the barracks had surrendered, a large force of

Outstanding Success Of Local Parades The St Patrick’s Day festival was celebrated by thousands of people across the North County, as the lovely weather brought locals and visitors alike to parades all across the region. Parades were held in Swords, Balbriggan, Skerries, Rush and Lusk, which were all very well attended and colourful events, which showcased the wonderful community spirit this was evident all across the North County. The Swords parade was the largest and crowds assembled well before the start time to secure prime viewing locations along the route. Balbriggan, Skerries, Rush and Lusk parades were also very well attended, with colourful and imaginative floats, marching bands and representatives of the

local sporting and commercial ventures parading in all their finery. The County Council deserves great credit for the manner in which all the parades were organised and the friendly banter between staff and the public. Organisers of the various parades were delighted with the turnout, support and enthusiasm shown by people of all ages to the parades, which are getting bigger and more colourful with each passing year. Local bands, including children’s bands entertained assembled crowds, who applauded enthusiastically all along the routes. In all cases, the parades were expertly marshalled by the excellent Council crew, who along with the local Gardai, ensured that

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crossing points were supervised to ensure that safety was the prime objective. This added greatly to the enjoyment of all. At the end of each parade, the barriers which ensured that the parades proceeded smoothly and safely, were dismantled in military-like precision, and the towns were restored to normal business very quickly. Paul Reid, Chief Executive of Fingal County Council told the County Leader, “”We in Fingal were delighted to present a huge variety of events and entertainment to celebrate St Patrick’s weekend 2016, with over 200,000 people attending. #DestinationFingal once again proved itself as a place that people love to visit. Our parades and events were bigger and better than ever this year, and I want to commend the work of Fingal staff, both for organising the events, and ensuring that post festival clean-ups were carried out to their usual high standards. Our ongoing work with St.Patrick’s Festival Dublin and Failte Ireland has ensured that we can

continue to provide high calibre events for citizens and visitors alike,” he said. Similarly, CEO of Fingal Dublin Chamber, Tony Lambert, who attended the Swords parade said, “This is the fifth year of the St Patrick’s Day parade in Swords and it was another great success. Crowds of people thronged the Main Street in the town and it was a wonderful sight to see. The parade itself was a great celebration of the community spirit of the people of Swords. Congratulations must to to Fingal County Council and its Events team. This was a well organised and well resourced event,” he said.

seventy RIC men arrived to reinforce the barracks and a battle ensued. Following four hours of fighting, the volunteers were successful, despite being totally outnumbered. Eight RIC men, two IRA members and two civilians lost their lives. The Black Raven Pipe Band will then lead a parade from the Beaverstown Road to the Old Cemetery at 12 o’clock. After the parade there will be a number of family activities outside Donabate Parish Hall, including a reading of the proclamation, a performance of the Last Post, the traditional final salute to the fallen and the rising of the Irish flag. The general public are then invited to enjoy refreshments in the

Easter Egg-citement At Millfield Shopping Centre This Easter, Millfield Shopping Centre, Balbriggan are cracking out the festivities. On Saturday 26th March, the centre invites all its loyal customers to come along and enjoy the Easter celebrations at its Easter Egg-stravaganza from 2pm - 5pm. The Easter Bunny and his sister, Bella Bunny will be hopping around taking pictures, with shoppers and giving out some delicious chocolate treats. Kids can try their hand at some fun Easter-themed arts and crafts at our Egg-citing Arts table and there will also be some fantastic shopping offers throughout the centre. For more information on the Millfield Shopping Centre and events, visit or you can find the centre on Facebook and Twitter.

Balbriggan Men’s Shed Wins Best Community Group Balbriggan Men’s Shed, which was established in 2015 to provide a dedicated, friendly and welcoming place where men can come together and undertake a variety of mutually agreed activities, has won the Best Community Group award in the annual Balbriggan St Patrick’s Day Parade. The Shed entered a float which included a handmade oversized timber beach chair constructed by the Shed members. The chair is the first major project undertaken by members since the Shed was formally opened in Autumn 2015. The chair, christened the Bremore Chair is a local version of the

Swords Students Appeal For Support On 7th March last, the Transition Year Junk Kouture team from Loreto College Swords, went to the regional finals in the Helix, with their presentation called Alumaniac. Students, Amy Herbert, Sarah McLoughlin and Leah Fagan are thrilled with the result, which has seen the Swords school advancing to the next stage of the competition. Junk Kouture is a national competition which encourages young designers in second level education to create striking couture designs from everyday junk that would normally find its way into the bin. It also aims to inform teenagers about the importance of recycling and reusing junk. The Swords girls had to model and

world famous Adirondack chair, which was first created by Thomas Lee in the Adirondack mountain region of New York State, USA around 1903. According to legend, Lee created several prototypes for chairs made out of just eleven pieces of knotfree wood, all from the same tree. His family — all 22 of them — tested each chair, and ultimately decided upon the gentle recline and wide armrests of what we now know as the Adirondack chair. The chair will be on view in the Balbriggan Tidy Towns exhibition of Art from waste materials in Millfield Shopping Centre on Saturday, 2nd April. Balbriggan Men’s Shed is open to all men regardless of age, background or ability where new skills can be learned or old skills developed. perform in their dress and there was a total of 82 dresses competing in the east regional finals and only 19 dresses made it through to the national finals, which will be held in the 3 arena on April 14th, with special guests like Louis Walsh and his band Hometown. Alumaniac is fortunate to be one of the chosen 19 dresses to go into the final. Overall there were over 1,124 dresses submitted to the competition this year and they are now in the top 80 of Ireland. The students are appealing to the public to give them their support and they said, “It would be amazing to see as much support as possible in the upcoming final in the 3 arena. You can vote online for Alumaniac through Facebook. Just go to BOI students Facebook page and click the voting link. All support is appreciated for this team as it is 10 per cent of their final vote.


Parish Hall, where the Bleeding Pig Arts and Cultural Festival will launch their exhibition and the Donabate / Portrane Dramatic Society will perform. Noel McAllister, Chairman of Fingal Old IRA, commented “The part that Fingal played in the fight for Irish freedom is a unique story that needs to be told. This annual commemoration by the Fingal Old IRA honours the legacy of the Fifth Battalion and secures its place in the memory of future generations. In this particularly significant year, we call on families throughout Fingal to join us in commemorating the rich legacy of Fingal and the birth of the Irish State.”

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22 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin

New Museum Opened In Malahide Castle

Boho To The Bone The Yves Saint Laurent Spring Collection for 2016 is now available in Brown Thomas. Called the Boho Stone Collection, it is for the woman with an intuitive sensuality and assertive femininity. The natural colours are sure to cause mesmiration and admiration at the camp site and will last until the wee small hours. Use the Fusion Ink Blush for a burst of fresh colour. Apply the blush on the apple of the cheeks. On


your lips use a lightweight texture that immediately melts onto lips. ROUGE PUR COUTURE VERNIS A LEVRES delivers intense glossy colour for an extremely long lasting new kind of shine. In two limited edition shades for spring: N°42 Tangerine Boho: a punchy pink for a flush of colour and N°43 Rose Folk: a dusky petal pink, for a boho sense of chic. Finally

dazzle with luscious lashes by using the LUXURIOUS MASCARA for a tie & dye effect which reveals a jetset bohemian spirit, let the light in your eyes radiate in bohemian colours. Yves Saint Laurent Beauté brings a new drama to LUXURIOUS MASCARA through two shades for a tie & dye effect, inspired by a colourful festival.

Malahide Historical Society have just opened their new museum in the Malahide Castle complex. The museum is an eclectic collection of artefacts and memorabilia focusing on Malahide and its environs. While the focus of Malahide Castle is the historic Talbot family who lived there for over eight hundred years, the museum is dedicated to the people who lived, worked and played in the village and the surrounding area. Malahide’s rich heritage dates back thousands of years as was revealed in an archaeological ‘dig’ that was carried out on Paddy’s Hill over twenty years ago. However, most of our current displays represent times much closer to our own.

Large Cheque Donation To Remember Us Remember Us Special Needs Charity have received a major boost, when Apache Pizza in Balbriggan made a donation of €5,000 to the group towards the fit out of their new base at Balbriggan Retail Park. “We like to get involved in our community and are proud supporters of

Remember Us and the excellent work they do,” said Robert Pendleton, Managing Director of Apache Pizza. “We have a long standing connection with Remember Us with the members invited to pizza making parties.” Nora Roban, founder of Remember Us thanked Robert for the very generous

Children’s Easter Crafts In Garristown Easter crafts for 5-12 years will take place at Garristown Library on Thursday, 24th March at 3p, No registration is required. To book your place call 01- 8355020.

Penneys Spring collection has ‘Scandi Cool’ dressing sussed. With simple silhouettes, softly textured pieces and classic wardrobe staples, the minimal look can be easily achieved. As usual with Penney’s you can have all the glamour with a fraction of the cost. Denims and stripes are in using minimalist colouring and starkly chic tones.

donation of € 5,000 and said, “We started our fundraising campaign in March 2014 with the aim of raising €600,000 for the purchase and fit out of a new base. To date, with the help of our patrons, fundraising partners, other community groups and the local community, we have raised just over €400,000 which has allowed us to purchase this base with money left towards fit out.” ‘When Everyone Chips in, truly magical things can happen!’ –

Loreto College, Swords decided to re-enact the marriage of Joseph Plunkett and Grace Gifford who were married in Kilmainham Jail just hours before his execution in 1916. The part of Grace Gifford was played by her great-great-great grandniece, Kerrie Gifford (second left). The part of Joseph Plunkett was played by Kelly Oglesby, a relative of Peadar Kearney, who composed the National Anthem. Also pictured are soldiers, Megan Twyford, Anna Sheedy, Sophie Lynch and Jane O'Flaherty (at back) who played the priest who performed the ceremony

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These are an eclectic mix of artefacts, pictures and domestic items that show the evolution of the area over the last hundred years. Great interest has been generated by the collection of photographs, maps and large scale aerial views of the area which provide fascinating glimpses into the way we were. A spokesperson for the historical society said “Visitors, locals and especially those who have made our award-winning town their home are welcome. Admission is free but a small contribution would be most welcome. Come in and browse around. If you have any artefacts, photographs or other items concerning Malahide and its environs, we would be delighted to hear from you. The Malahide Historical Society Museum is now open, entry is free and it’s well worth a visit. The museum is located beside the coach car park outside the Malahide Castle and Gardens ticket office.

and E, rice protein, omegas -3 and 6, fatty acids and fruit extracts, the collection is rich in antioxidants and helps prevent the signs of ageing. The brand just launched a collection with QVC so keep an eye on your TV to grab this interesting and innovative product.

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“this is the slogan of phase two of our fundraising campaign to raise the remaining money needed for fit out,” said Nora. “We have already proved this, with the purchase of Unit 5 Balbriggan Retail Park and we are now seeking the community’s support to make the magic happen and help us to raise the funds needed to fulfil our dream and allow our charity to finally have our own home.” “We have launched our community initiative where we are targeting businesses and individuals alike. For example, you can sponsor a room and have that room named as you wish, or you can sponsor a piece of equipment and have it branded. Also you can make a donation, big or small, through our website on” “You can buy a digital nameplate, which will be displayed in our reception, for a minimum of € 20 by contacting our office on 086 0457003 or email” concluded Nora.

Senior Citizens Bingo In Malahide Malahide Senior Citizens bingo takes place every Thursday in the St Ita room of the St Sylvester’s Parish from 10.30am 12.00pm. All are welcome to join the fun.

Senior Citizens Social Club The Donabate / Portrane Senior Citizens Social Club and Day Centre is open to all people of the parish over the age of 50. They open every Wednesday and Friday from 10am to 1pm in the Parish Hall. They regularly hold events and have at least one outing a month. All are welcome. If you need transport to the Day Centre, please phone Mary on 087 230 0496.


Your No.1 Local Newspaper

22 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin


Advertising Feature

With the fine weather we’ve enjoyed over the past week, and Easter fast approaching, the mood of people is definitely on the up. We are now planning holidays and looking forward to our children’s Holy Communions and Confirmations. First Holy Communions and Confirmations are great family occasions, where the whole family comes together to celebrate with a meal in honour of the event. The reception can be a simple family

party or a lavish affair but it always centres on the child. It’s always a special occasion which brings the whole family together for either a party or a special meal. A First Communion party, should you decide to go for that option, may range anywhere from a casual family gettogether in your garden, complete with a lovely marquee, to a lavish open house, where loved ones and relatives, friends and neighbours drop by to congratulate the child.


Many people now favour this as a preferred option. Your Confirmation party can be as fancy as you want. It can be held at a reception hall, complete with DJ and dancing - or as simple as a backyard barbecue. Teen party themes are also very popular. Whether you decide to opt for a celebratory party or a special meal, many hotels and restaurants around the North County will offer special packages to ensure you get the best deal possible and that all your needs are taken care of on the big day.

Easter Fun While You Shop

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If you decide to do a bit of shopping over the weekend, the excellent shopping centres here in the North County will also have a huge amount of activities on throughout the day for the little and not so little ones. Take part in loads of Easter egg hunts, games, and a few surprises or two while nibbling on some chocolate and treating yourself in the shops. There’ll be something for everyone to enjoy. The shops will also be stacked with every type of Easter egg imaginable, perfect if you’re planning to do

your own Easter egg hunts at home.

Family Breaks Spring time is a good time for a much needed family break away from the normal. You can pick up excellent bargains and with the children on Easter holidays, now is a wonderful time to get great value on that much needed break. Here in Ireland, we are very fortunate to live in one of the most beautiful countries in the world, where hospitality and great food and wine are taken for granted. We regard ourselves as the land of the thousand welcomes, so why not sample it for ourselves. As Ireland is a small country and the network of roads has increased dramati-

cally over the Celtic Tiger era, nowhere is more that two or three hours from Dublin. Family breaks are becoming more and more popular with families here in the North County. Families, who traditionally had a sun holiday, are now waking up to the fact that we have a wonderful country on our doorstep. There’s no need to queue at an ungodly hour of the morning at the airport and then face the possibility of extra baggage charge, while hoping that the fog outside will soon clear. All you need to do is to get into your car and enjoy our great road network, stopping off along the way for refreshments, while you get to your destination at your ease.

Ireland is blessed with some fabulous scenery, golf courses and beaches to make any holiday one to remember. With this in

mind, a family break to one of our fabulous hotels is always well worthwhile in terms of value, entertainment and excellent food. Many of these hotels provide wonderful value, with top class service all designed with your comfort in mind. There’s no better way to enjoy the scenery and culture that our country has to offer. Many of these hotels will offer activity holidays, where you can avail of golf, fishing, painting, cookery classes and boating to mention just a few. Our excellent road and rail network means that access is now easy and within hours, you are at your desti-

nation and ready to be entertained. Ireland’s rich tradition of hospitality means that you are never far away from a pub playing traditional music or perhaps a museum, where you can enjoy artefacts of our past. Hotels will also organise day trips and if it’s located in a fishing area, a ghillie can be arranged. Walking trips are also very popular, and there’s nothing better than joining in with the singing in a traditional Irish pub. Many fine restaurants will provide the finest local cuisine at great value. So whatever you need for a great breakaway, Ireland has something for everyone this spring.


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Your No.1 Local Newspaper

22 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin

Reuben, Isabel and Daniel Murphy Hand enjoy the parade in Skerries with grandad Bertie Murphy

Pictured enjoying the St Patrick's Day parade in Lusk are Annette Doroshenkr, Caroline Corr and Manal Hamdi

Amanda Poguil and Natalie Murray enjoyed the St Patrick's Day parade in Rush

Helena Larsonn and Raymond McGuinness enjoy the day out in Skerries

Pictured enjoying the St Patrick's Day parade in Lusk are Damien and Patrick Bunk

Pictured in Skerries Ryan McGehan with Naomi, Rachel, Marta and Caroline Tyndall

Ailish Browne, Ava Spillane, Clare Sheedy, Sinead Spillane, Liz Coetzee, Eoin Spillane, Jack Coetzee and Izzy Coetzee in Lusk

Pictured enjoying the St Patrick's Day parade in Rush are Amy, Mia, Jasmin and Ciara McDonnell

David O'Leary, Ross Donnelly, Megan Burns and Ciara Cunningham having fun in Skerries

Pictured in Rush are Michael McEnery, Sean Ralph and Claire Ralph


Garmon, Lisa and Jasmine Duncan are pictured at the St Patrick's Day parade in Lusk

Darragh, Hugh and Jack Fynes with Seán Murray enjoying the parade in Skerries

Pictured at the St Patrick's Day parade in Lusk are Lauren, Brendan, Zara and Nathan Daly

Pictured are Katie Donegan, Ashley Donegan, Sophie Donegan and Richard Beashel in Rush

Jamie and Sienna Reid enjoying the day out in Skerries

Gillian Coleman with Ciara and Seán Hand enjoying the day in Skerries

Stephen, Rory and Barbara Quann are pictured enjoying the St Patrick's Day parade in Rush

Pictured in Lusk are Joe Joe Blackmore, Richard McGuinness, Josh Carey, Jack McGinn, Cormac Devoy, Nathin Tuite and Nathan O'Connor

Pictured in Rush are Abby McGann, Ellie McGann and Katie O'Sullivan

Pictured at the St Patrick's Day parade in Lusk are Lynne, Ciaran, Paul, Aine and Ronan Barker

See our full St. Patrick’s Day photo galleries at


Your No.1 Local Newspaper

Julie Martin and Aisling Coleman

Vicki Cook, Emma Deering and Jacki Browne

Richie Joyce, Shane McEneaney and Colin Grimes

Skerries Rugby Club are holding a six week Broadway Challenge, as a fun fundraiser for the club. The initiative is very similar to the ever-popular Strictly Come Dancing model, but with greater participation, as it is a team event. The launch of the event took place at the Clubhouse on Friday, 11h March last, where teams were put together, as the excitement mounted. The Broadway Challenge comprises teams of 10 people, who take part in a well known Broadway musical, where nine teams will battle it out at the Regency Hotel in Drumcondra on 30th April to see which one has been

Lauea Murtagh, Alan Murtagh and Simon O'Connor

declared winners. There will be a massive theatrical and musical back up for the performers on the night. The nine teams will train for six weeks, which will culminate in a 5 to 6 minute medley of songs and dancing from their allocated musical. Teams have no choice in the musical they have to work on. The public will have a vote in who goes forward and voting will be influenced by the level of funding the teams manage to secure. The teams will be require to raise funding through sponsorship and the generosity of family and friends and training began on 21st March.

Collie Hand, Ollie Grimes, Rob McGuire and Dave Diebold

Ray Browne, Dylan Byrne and Clive Duncan


Brian Twomey and John O'Reilly

Sheila McLoughlin, Ian McLoughlin and Maxi McCarthy

Wayne Mellows, Andrea Mellows and Simon O'Connor

Sharon O'Buachalla, Grainne Briscoe, Pauline McNamara, Fiona Garrigan and Paula Byrne

Anne Griffin and Roisin O'Callaghan

Aoife Dungan and Anna Maria Brady

22 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin

Carol Cummins, Wendy Corcoran, Maria DEmpsey and Sharon McEneaney

Trisha Langton, Ciara Leonard and Sharon O'Buachalla

Anne McDonough, Jacki Davidson and Lucy Cregan

Ciara King North and Linda Derham

Daire Jenkinson, Clyde Davison and Ciara Boylan


Your No.1 Local Newspaper

22 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin

Miracle Prayer Recent published deaths from the North County ADEKOYA, (Russel Terrace, Swords, Co. Dublin) 11th March 2016, peacefully in Beaumont Hospital. Gbemisola Grace Ashabi will be very sadly missed by her loving family Adeyemi, Adebanjo, Tolulope, Abisola and Olakunbi, grandchildren Oluwakayode, Oluwatomiwa, Ebunoluwa, Benjamin and Godwin, brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews, extended relatives and friends. May she rest in peace MACDERMOTT, Lil (Portmarnock) - March 14th, 2016 (peacefully) at Beaumont Hospital; loving daughter of the late Joe and Winnie. Sadly missed by her brother Charlie, sister-in-law Pat, niece Ciara and special friends Anne, Mary Ann and Niamh, cousins and a large circle of friends. May she rest in peace BYRNE, Samantha (Sammi), Donabate, Dublin, Byrne, Egans Lane, Balcarrick, Donabate, Co. Dublin. 13th March 2016. Suddenly while on nursing duty, Sammi, beloved daughter of Pat and Sam. Very sadly missed by her loving mam, dad, stepdad Tony, sisters Joanne and Róisín, brothers Danny and Sam, grandmother Chrissie, aunts, uncles, nephews, nieces, relatives and friends. DAVEY, Skerries Co. Dublin, 14th March 2016, (peacefully) in Our Lady of Lourdes hospital Drogheda, Larry, (Gonzo) sadly missed by his loving niece Mary, brothers, Oliver, Joe and George sister Tess, nieces, nephews, relatives and friends. HOLLAND, (née Fitzpatrick), Elizabeth (Lil), Seapoint, Balbriggan, Dublin / Belturbet, Cavan, Formerly of Belturbet, Co. Cavan. Peacefully, in Beaumont Hospital. Sadly missed by her loving husband Aidan, daughters Breda, Mary and Noreen, son Kieran, grandchildren, brother Jimmie, sisters Maureen and Nancy, daughter-in-law, sons-in-law, brothers-in-law, nieces, nephews, relatives and friends.

Sacred Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked you for many favours. This time I ask for a very special one (mention request). Take it dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Say this prayer for 3 days, promise publication and favour will be granted. Never known to fail. A.R

Miracle Prayer Sacred Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked you for many favours. This time I ask for a very special one (mention request). Take it dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Say this prayer for 3 days, promise publication and favour will be granted. Never known to fail. A.B

Fingal County Council Planning Permission is requested for a) internal alterations to include extension of mezzanine floor & subdivision of existing unit to provide the following accommodation :- ground floor level - reception, office, games room, male/female & wheelchair toilet, kitchen, sportshall & ancillary storage rooms. mezzanine floor level - 2no. Activity & Training Rooms, Sensory Room & Family Room along with toilets & storage rooms.. b) a change-of-use from Industrial Retail Unit to Community Enterprise, Training & Recreational Use. at : Unit 5, Balbriggan Retail Park, Dublin Road, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin. Signed: The Board of Management of Remember Us - Special Needs Charity No.-CHY21252 This planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of Fingal County Council, County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Co. Dublin between the hours of 9.30am – 16.30pm Monday-Friday. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to Fingal County Council on payment of a fee of €20 within the period of five weeks beginning on the date of receipt of the application by Fingal County Council.


Fingal County Council Planning Permission is sought by E & V Butterly for alterations and extension to front of house off Sandy Road, Rush. This planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee 20 euro within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of this application. Fingal County Council Planning Permission for access roads and associated site works to serve 4 dwellings and outline planning permission for 4 dwellings with waste water treatment systems at Knightstown, Ballyboughal, is sought by Richard Mc Cann. This planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of planning authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee 20 euro within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of this application.

Fingal County Council Planning Permission is requested for new dormerstyle dwellinghouse accessed via existing entrance, new wastewater treatment system & percolation area along with associated siteworks at :Ringcommons, Naul, Co. Dublin. Signed: Paul Gaffney This planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of Fingal County Council, County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Co. Dublin between the hours of 9.30am – 16.30pm Monday-Friday. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to Fingal County Council on payment of a fee of €20 within the period of five weeks beginning on the date of receipt of the application by Fingal County Council.

There has never been a better time to


MANSFIELD nee Pratt, SUSAN, Ballyhar, Killarney and formerly of Skerries, on 13th March 2016, peacefully, beloved wife of Cathal and dear sister of Deborah & George. Sadly missed by her loving family, her brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces, relatives and friends.

There are 4 simple ways to have your loved ones remembered in North County Leader

GREENAN (née McAteer) Mary (Swords, Co. Dublin and formerly of Newry, Co. Down) - March 12, 2016 (peacefully), at home, in the tender care of her loving family. Beloved wife of the late Dr. Kevin, treasured mother of Anne-Marie, Tommy, Kevin, Úna and Seamus; sadly missed by her loving children, daughter-in-law Mags, son-in-law Henry, grandchildren Noel, John-Henry, Helen, Alice, Sineád, Aoibheann, Conor and Aoife, great-granddaughter Amina Meabh, brother-in-law Fr. Lambert Greenan O.P. (Alabamha), sisters-in-law Sylvia and Jean, extended family and friends.

(1) Go to our website: and click the family notices link or (2) Call into our offices at: Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin and we will be happy to assist you with the wording of your notice or (3) Phone us on: 01-8400200 or (4) Instruct your Funeral Director: to include your loved ones acknowledgement in North County Leader

North County Leader is the No 1 newspaper in North County Dublin & we are looking for sales people to fill these dynamic vacancies:-

TELE-SALES AND FIELD SALES • Hard working • Self motivated • Results orientated

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Competitive salary Open ended bonus structure Full & on-going training FUN If you believe you have the qualities and this sounds like the job for you, send your CV to; Sue Griffiths, Advertising Sales Manager North County Leader, Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co Dublin or email:


Your No.1 Local Newspaper

22 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin



Cur r an

Plumbing & Heating


Fingal County Council Damien O'Meara intends to apply for permission for development at this address 25 Glen Ellan Grove, Swords, County Dublin. The development comprises the construction of a new gable for the conversion of the attic space for a new bedroom to include 2 roof windows to rear elevation, a new window to the side elevation all at second floor level, internal alterations and all associated site works. The Planning Application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the Planning Authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the Planning Authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application

single storey domestic extension and construction of new single storey domestic extension to the side and rear, 2no new velux roof lights to front elevation at roof level. The Planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the Planning Authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the planning authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application.

Fingal County Council Planning Permission is sought by Bernard Mongey for the retention of unauthorised development consisting of the retention of the two storey detached house at 2A The Crescent, Melrose Park, Kinsealy, Co. Dublin. The Planning Application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the Planning Authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the Planning Authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application.

Fingal County Council Amie Doyle seeks planning permission for a detached storey and a half dwelling with on site waste water treatment unit and percolation area and new vehicle entrance onto existing access laneway onto Common lane on site along access laneway adjoining and to the rear of existing family home at Common lane, Lusk, County Dublin . The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours Monday to Friday at Fingal County Hall,Main St,Swords ,co. Dublin. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee (€20 Euros), within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the planning authority of this application.

Fingal County Council We, Brendan & Laura Daly intend to apply for planning permission for a development at 24 The Close, Orlynn Park, Lusk, Co. Dublin. The development will consist of the construction of a new upper storey extension to side of existing dwelling and all associated site works. The planning application may be inspected, or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the Planning Authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the Planning authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application.

Fingal County Council Planning permission is sought by Richard Wilson for storey and a half house, new access gate and driveway, new proprietary wastewater treatment system with percolation / irrigation area, associated landscaping and site works at The Leas, Leas Cross, Swords, Co. Dublin. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the Planning Authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (20Euros) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of this application.

Fingal County Council We, Brian & Jeannine McLoughlin intend to apply for Planning Permission at 5 The Crescent, Skerries Rock, Skerries, Co Dublin. The proposed works include demolition of existing

Fingal County Council Planning permission sought by Nicholas & Dorothy O’Donovan to convert existing garage, construct a first floor extension and install rooflights to front at 22 Shenick Avenue,

Attention Home Owners, Architects & Builders

Fingal County Council Planning Application Adverts are


North County Leader, Your No.1 Local Newspaper are happy to announce that we are now accepting Planning Application Adverts for the following areas: Balbriggan, Balrothery, Skerries, Lusk, Rush, Loughshinny, Ballyboughal, Naul, Portrane, Donabate, Swords, Kinsealy, Malahide and Portmarnock Adverts must be supplied by email to or by visiting: you can also post your advert on a disk to

North County Leader, Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin

Architects based outside our distribution area can pick up the paper from our offices or at pick-up points listed on page 2. Alternatively we can post a copy of the paper at a charge of €10

Skerries, Co. Dublin. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours and submission or observation may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (20Euros) within the period 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of this application.

Fingal County Council I, Sandra Omonzokpia, Intend to apply for planning permission for a. Single Story extension to front and single storey extension to rear. b. All associated siteworks at No 16 Ringfort View, Balrothery, Balbriggan, Co Dublin. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the Planning Authority ,during it's public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of a prescribed fee (20 euro) within a period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission.

Fingal County Council I, John Stone Intend to apply for planning permission for a. Two storey detached house. b. Waste water treatment system, c. All associated siteworks on site to side of Maria Villa, Corballis, Donabate, Co Dublin. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the Planning Authority ,during it's public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of a prescribed fee (20 euro) within a period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. Fingal County Council We,Richard and Sinead Ruigrok Intend to apply for planning permission for a. Two storey extension to side of existing bungalow. b. Partial raising of ridge line to accommodate same, c. All associated siteworks on site at Ballykea Road, Loughshinny, Skerries, Co Dublin. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the Planning Authority ,during it's public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of a prescribed fee (20 euro) within a period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. Fingal County Council Permission is sought for a detached bungalow, on-site waste water treatment unit and percolation area & associated site works @ Annsbrook, Ballyboughal, Co. Dublin for Chloe Cooney. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during the public opening hours and a submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee (20 euros), within the period of 5 weeks, beginning on the date of receipt by Fingal County Council of the application. email: • Specialists in uPVC Windows & Doors • Composite Doors • Conservatories • Energy efficient glass • Residential & Commercial • FREE no obligation quote Guardian conservatory roof conversion specialists Local Dublin manufacturer

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