North County Leader - 5th November 2013

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5th November 2013 • Volume 20, Issue 42 • Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin. • Tel: 8•400•200 •

Courageous Marathon Run A Swords man, who By Patrick Finnegan Speaking exclusively to bravely took the decision @TheCountyLeader the County Leader, to run in the recent Paul’s mother, Dara Dublin City Marathon in memory of explained that so few people know his late son, has succeeded in about the disease, and that they raising vital funds for awareness of may have it without knowing it. As it the very rare disease, which killed is a degenerative disease, the condihis son. tion worsen as you get older. “One An emotional David Woods, from of the classic symptoms is unexDrynam Court, who is a school plained, constant nose bleeds, with teacher, had never run a marathon a pattern in the family tree. My side before, but he vowed to run in the of the family is affected, as is our marathon after his son, Paul Woods daughter, Katie (21), who is being (22) died from HHT (Hereditary monitored at the HHT Centre of Haemorrhagic Telangiectasia), a Excellence in Cork. The condition very rare hereditary disease, in June manifests itself through bleeding in of last year. Paul was a very fit the brain or lungs. Paul’s condition young man and participated in last affected his lungs,” she said. year’s marathon. David and his wife, Dara said that HHT didn’t hold Paul Dara set up the charity, HHT Ireland back whenever he was embollished, in order to raise awareness of this a procedure that closes off the blood hereditary disease, for which there vessel malfunction. When this proceis no cure. dure took place, he had great

energy,” she said. Paul and his girlfriend decided to go to Paris in June 2012 to celebrate his graduation, but he sadly succumbed to his illness and died there. Paul was a very healthy young man, who was into his music and enjoyed life to the fullest. Well known Swords band, Kodaline were special friends of Paul’s and they paid an emotional tribute to him at his funeral. David and Dara then decided to commemorate Paul’s life, David Woods and his wife Dara are pictured with a photo of their late son, Paul. David is pictured with by setting up HHT Ireland. his medal for completing the marathon, while Dara is holding Paul's medal from last year. David said, “I promised myself that when Paul died, I would run in lined the route and shouted encour- up in 2000, in memory of nine year the marathon in his memory, to agement. Running with Paul’s friend old Grace Nolan from Cork, who was collect funds for the charity. I Craig was a great support for me. one of the first people in this country prepared well for the event, and This was my first marathon, but I to be diagnosed with HHT. From this, spent the last year training. I ran would do it again for the charity. The the centre of excellence was estabwith Paul’s friend, Craig Hegarty fact that we managed to raise a very lished and it proved very helpful for from Broadmeadows, who was a impressive €5,000 will be a great Paul. Katie is currently being monigreat support for me.” help to the almost 900 people who tored there. Dara explained that the When asked if the emotion of the are affected by disease in this decision to establish a sister charity, occasion was likely to get the better country. We will be holding HHT Ireland was to create awareness of him, a determined David said, “I fundraising functions in the new of the condition locally and the was so focused that I just kept going year, in the hope of raising aware- hope is that funds can be made on. I got great support from neigh- ness of the condition,” he said. available through a number of bours, colleagues and family, who The Grace Nolan Foundation was set events next year.

Gardai Say No Clear Leads On Radioactive Rods

Some teachers from Bracken Educate Together National School in Balbriggan got into the spirit of Halloween, when they decided to dress up for the day. Pictured are teachers Louise Lamari, Jessica Hughes, Dunmola Adegoke and Aisling Cronin.

Following on from our story in past editions of the County Leader, concerning the most serious case of radioactive theft in the history of this country, it seems we are no closer to a resolution of the mystery. The seven radioactive lightning rods, that were stolen from Rainey’s Steeplejacks in Swords recently, are still missing and local gardai have no update on the status of the situation, though they say they are following a few leads.

Detectives have emphasised the issued a dangers of renewed coming in appeal over contact with the theft of these radioacthese highly tive lightning dangerous rods, and any radioactive sighting lightning should be conductors reported immeThe radioactive rods after the issue diately to the local was featured and the red box they gardai. were contained in. on a recent Superintendent programme of RTE’s Ronan Galligan of Coolock Crimecall last week. Garda Station told the On Crimecall, Dr Tom Ryan County Leader that gardai of the RPII, once again were following up several

leads on the issue, and wanted to repeat a public health warning to encourage locals to come forward if they see or hear anything regarding the rods. “No matter how irrelevant the public feel any information they might have is, we need to hear about it and are urging anyone with information to contact them in Swords or at any other garda station. These are highly dangerous and should not be touched or approached,” he said.

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