NCL - 11th July 2017

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Pictured enjoying the St Finian's GAA Club Cúl Camp last week are Rose Keelan, Lilly Sylvester and Sophia Grace A registered newspaper at the G.P.O.

11th July 2017 • Volume 24, Issue 25 • Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin. K67 P5W4. • Tel: 01 8•400•200 • •

Big Problems Ahead For Local Fishermen With the North County and other communities along the east coast having a rich tradition in sea fishing, with many families relying on it for their livelihoods, the news that the British Government’s decision to withdraw from London Fisheries Convention will be a worrying move. This means that the UK will exclude foreign fishing vessels from fishing between 6 and 12 miles from their coast, including those from Ireland. The first shots in the Brexit war are likely to affect fishing communities in Howth, Rush, Loughshinny, Skerries and Balbriggan where there are many families involved in fishing industry. It is estimated that for every crewman on board a boat, there are four people employed ashore in spin-off jobs.

By Patrick Finnegan The County Leader spoke to prominent local fisherman, Ivan Wilde who operates out of Skerries who said, “The six to 12 mile exclusion zone won’t make that much of a difference to us, as we don’t fish there too much, but if they extend that to a 12 to 200 miles range, that would have a severe impact on local fishermen. We get approximately 60 per cent of our catch within that area. We also contacted Clogherhead based fisherman, Barry Faulkner, who has three boats at sea and he fears that the Irish Sea will be split down the middle. He said, “This decision by the British government is not an immediate thing and will take a few years to implement. We have an agree-

it was found to have no legal basis and was thrown out. The harsh reality is that the Irish Sea will be split down the middle, with the result that there will be certain areas in the Irish Sea where I won’t be allowed to fish. We have a traditional prawn fishery, which we used to fish, alongside Northern Ireland boats for generations, between the Isle of Man and the English coast. That will now be lost to us, if this Brexit suggestion comes to pass. It also means that the Northern Ireland boats will be precluded from fishing up from Howth to Clogherhead for prawn between zero and 12 miles, which has been a traditional fishery for them. This is similar to the restrictions to be imposed on us,” he said. “This is going to affect me, but we’ll survive, but if the British claim their territorial waters and impose their 50 to 200 miles limit, then we’ll have a real problem because if the EU fleet that is fishing in this area can be precluded from these areas, then they’ll come to fish in Irish waters. This is not an Irish-UK thing, it is an EU-UK thing, so Local fiherman Ivan Wilde (right) and one of his we’ll all be affected,” trawlers, Our Lass II (above) he concluded. ment put in place with civil servants in Local TD Darragh Britain and here about 50 years ago, O’Brien (FF), and the where we could fish from zero to six miles party’s Spokesperson on Foreign Affairs off the coast of Northern Ireland and they and Trade has criticised the British could do the same in our waters, which Government’s decision to withdraw from suited everyone. This was challenged and London Fisheries Convention.

He told the County Leader, “The decision will prevent Irish trawlers from fishing in waters within 12 nautical miles of the UK coastline. I am extremely concerned about the impact that the British Government’s decision to remove itself from the London Fisheries Convention will have on Irish fishermen, particularly those operating out of Balbriggan, Skerries, Howth, Rush and Loughshinny.” “The fishing industry in North County Dublin is a major employer and any move which has the potential to threaten this sector must be treated with the utmost seriousness. Hundreds of jobs in this region are dependent on O’Brien TD the reciprocal fishing rights applied under the Convention and our Government must insist that fishing rights are discussed, as part of the wider Brexit trade discussions. “I will be meeting local fishermen to discuss the impact of this situation with them. Irish fishing fleets have a lot more to lose as a result of this decision because of our proximity to UK waters. Minister Creed must step up to the mark and ensure that the industry is protected by negotiating a larger quota. I will be raising my concerns about the UK Government’s decision with the British Ambassador when I meet with him this week, and I will be seeking assurances that the special relationship between Ireland and the UK will be respected and maintained, during the Brexit process,” he concluded.

Balbriggan Says ‘No’ To Nursing Home A large protest was held by residents of Bath Road and Lambeecher estate in Balbriggan, to protest at the possibility of planning permission being granted for a four-storey nursing to be located at the beach near Bath Road in the town. Public representatives, Cllrs Tony Murphy and Gráinne Maguire, as well as local residents attended the meeting. Cllr Murphy spoke to the County Leader about problems the proposed nursing home would bring to the area. He said, “It has to be said from the outset that this site as it is, is an eye sore. However this site location is very sensitive and frames the beach area of Balbriggan and it needs to be protected from over development. The height of this proposed nursing home building exceeds the height of the railroad embankment by two stories plus. In my opinion this should not be allowed. There would be a physical change in the skyline view travelling down Lambeecher estate towards the sea.” “The residents have major concerns with regard to the construction phase of the proposed project. The site is compromised with limited access through a tunnel, which can only accommodate one vehicle at

a time and it’s at the end of a ramped road that cuts through a housing estate, with increased traffic flow to and from the site if the building gets the go ahead. Lambeecher estate residents have no issue with a nursing home development but strongly object to this size on a building on such a sensitive location,” he said. Monica Harford, Chairperson of Bath Road/Lambeecher Residents Association said, “We are not against the idea of a nursing home in Balbriggan – far from it, but we are against it being built on this site because of the volume of traffic it will bring. There is only one access road, and this is only suitable for present traffic in this estate. We are very disappointed because we strongly opposed the last application and we are disappointed that the developer made no effort to meet with residents at all. We are hoping that the County Council will see our point of view, because we had an onsite meeting with Council officials and one of the issues raised was the volume of traffic that’s coming in, due to the two schools and the all-weather pitch. So we were very surprised that neither the Planning Department of the County Council, nor the developer made any effort to meet us,” she concluded.

Pictured on Bath Road, Balbriggan are locals who are protesting at the proposed nursing home to be located in the area are, Sandra Martin (Secretary, Bath Road Residents Association), Cllr Grainne Maguire, Joe Nulty, Cllr Tony Murphy, Marian Collins, Nuala Reid, Eoin McGarry and Monica Harford (Chairperson, Bath Road Residents Association)

Eoin McGarry, a local resident whose home will be directly affected by the new nursing home told the County Leader, “The new building will block out the whole view. We’re located on the sea front and we will now only get a narrow view of the harbour. I’d be worried sick about my grandchildren coming to visit because of the dangers of traffic visiting the nursing home.” Local Cllr Gráinne Maguire said, “There’s genuine concern among residents that somebody will be killed or seriously injured due to

the heavy traffic. We need to address the traffic problem before any development takes place on that site. The land owner has just lodged a planning request, but as things stand, a bin lorry or a utilities vehicle will not be able to access this site under the very narrow railway bridge. There are many questions that need to be asked and I think it is unfair of the Council to allow planning permission for an area that has issues attached to it that cannot be addressed,” she said.


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11th July 2017

Rush Locals Blast Aldi Over Derelict Site In response to our article last week regarding derelict buildings on Main Street in Rush, many local residents have vented their anger towards the owners of the site. Many contacted the County Leader regarding the planning permission that was granted for a town centre, to supermarket, Aldi where these derelict houses are located on the Main Street. One resident said, “Surely the owners of these houses are responsible for their upkeep. It is terrible to see the state they have been left in for years,” she said. As reported, the derelict buildings are in a dangerous condition, posing a safety hazard for people waiting at the bus stop and for passers-by. Others responded with typical comments to our story saying, “As Aldi are owners of this site, the strong belief of residents is that they need to step up to the mark and literally get their house(s) in order before someone is badly injured, not to talk about the ugly impression that the derelict buildings present to visitors and locals alike. It just brings the whole aspect of the town down, particularly at the height of the tourist season.”

Pictured at the Old Borough National School, Swords are 3rd and 4th class pupils with principal Anne-Marie Woods and teacher Catríona Williams. The pupils took part in the ‘Wellies Project’, which sees the children combining art, science and an old wellie to create a colourful project and learn about flower planting and nature.

RNLI Rescue Portmarnock Sailors The RNLI where quick to respond to a call out recently when reports of two dinghy sailors were in difficulty while trying to return to Portmarnock beach in heavy offshore winds recently. The inshore lifeboat was tasked at 7.25pm to the scene just off Portmarnock beach and located a grandfather and his grand-daughter and a lifeguard from the beach in separate dinghies trying to sail back to the shore against strong winds. The smaller dinghy was dismasted and under tow from the larger laser type dinghy. As the young girl

was showing signs of cold and fatigue the volunteer lifeboat crew called for an ambulance to meet them at the beach. The casualties were taken aboard the lifeboat and the sailing dinghies taken in tow back to the beach where the young girl was met by her father who had raised the alarm. Both sailors were treated and checked by the ambulance crew on arrival. The wind was Force 5 and the sea state was moderate at the time Speaking following the call out, Stephen Harris, Howth RNLI told the County Leader, ‘We were delighted to assist the sailors after they found themselves in difficulty. The father had quickly radioed for assistance which was the correct thing to do and we were able to launch and bring the sailors to safety.”

New Drug Crackdown

30,000 11,100* 2,600** *Based on most recent published figures - 11th July 2012 **Based on most recent published figures - 10th Feb 2015

The Biggest Circulation Of ANY North County Newspaper For the covenience of readers and businesses alike and because we are the newspaper that listens, we have increased the number of pick-up points for our readers who do not want promotional material delivered, but still want their favourite local newspaper. Your convenient locations are: SKERRIES: SWORDS: • SuperValu • Holywell Eurospar • C&T’s Supermarket • Boroimhe Creche • Eurospar • Applewood Eurospar • JC’s Supermarket BALLYBOUGHAL: • Collinstown Business • Ballyboughal Park Service Station LUSK: • Red Velvet Salon • Costcutters GARRISTOWN: • SuperValu • Goughs Service Station RUSH: MALAHIDE: • Credit Union • Malahide Library • Tesco • Community Centre BALBRIGGAN: • Castlemill S.C BALROTHERY: • Millfield S.C • Costcutters • Balbriggan Credit Union PORTMARNOCK: • Balbriggan Town Hall • SuperValu • Portmarnock Sports & Leisure Centre DONABATE: • Donabate & Portrane NAUL: Community Centre • Killians of Naul • Daybreak Newsagent

The EU Commission has stated that they want to clamp down on the sale of the new psychoactive substance furanylfentanyl (sometimes known as China White) across the Union. The Commissioner responsible said, “The rise in the availability of new psychoactive substances remains a considerable public health challenge in Europe. It is a rapidly evolving and extremely dangerous threat able to cause serious harm and even death. Our response needs to be equally quick and effective and that is why we have recently agreed on a new legislation on new psychoactive substances”. It seems that most of the drug is massed produced in China and is sold on line. So far, furanylfentanyl has been detected in 16 Member States and is associated with 23 deaths, in addition to 11 acute non-fatal poisonings. Fine Gael MEP, Brian Hayes announced new EU legislation, which is good news for blind and visually impaired people. He says that will benefit significantly from the new EU rules on copyright. This will give greater access to books, as the new regulation will increase the number of books and other copyright materials available in accessible formats such as braille, audio books and large print. He said, “The decision taken by the European Parliament in Strasbourg means that books and other materials that are protected by copyright law can now be easily reproduced in an accessible format for blind and visually impaired people. Up until now visually impaired people only had access to less than 5 per cent of published works in the EU.”

“Everyone has a right to education, information and social participation. The rules up until now have been very unfair. Blind and visually impaired people have been excluded from reading books By Cathal Boland as they were not published in accessible formats due to copyright rules.” Hayes went on to say, “There are approximately 30 million visually impaired people in the EU who will benefit significantly from this regulation change.” “It is good to see the European Commission unveiling a new ‘Action Plan’ aimed at supporting Italy’s efforts to cope with the recent wave of refugees crossing the Mediterranean. Italy will receive ¤35 million in new aid, while the EU envisages cooperation with Libya and other countries of origin to tackle the refugee crisis at the source. The Commission said, “We will show full solidarity with Italy in this struggle.” He added, “Italy has shown an unprecedented level of solidarity with the refugees in the last couple of years. Now everybody needs to do their part on this across Europe.” Austria appears to have stepped back from deploying troops to stop migrants from crossing their border with Italy. They suggested the troop movement was precautionary. Precautionary or otherwise, it was a foolish and irresponsible action which does no favours to that state’s reputation.

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Transplant Team Ireland arrived home to Dublin Airport, from the 21st World Transplant Games which were held in Malaga. Throughout the week long games members of the 27 strong team demonstrated their zest for life, team spirit, sportsmanship and infectious goodwill while honouring their organ donors and showcasing the importance of organ donation. The Irish teams took home with them an impressive haul of medals including 14 Gold, 7 Silver and 11 Bronze from various sporting events. Pictured at the arrival of Transplant Team Ireland at Dublin Airport is Peter Heffernan and his wife Patricia from Skerries

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Local News

11th July 2017

North County Gymnastics Celebrate 10 Years In Rolestown

Pictured at Rolestown Community Centre celebrating 10 years with North County Gymnastics are from left, Rachel Kirwan, Alannah Girvin, Sophie Kirwan, Emma Danaher, Katie O’Connor, Lara Danaher and Sophie Moloney

Reilly Emphasises Importance Of HPV Vaccine Local senator and former Minister for By Leslie Murphy Health, Dr James Reilly (FG) has come cancers can be transmitted sexually.” out strongly in favour of young girls and Dr Reilly recalled the time some years boys having the HPV vaccine to ward off ago, when he ran a campaign to raise certain cancers, particularly cervical money, some of which he donated cancer. The controversial vaccine was in himself, to inoculate girls, which is now the news last week, when it was free, in order to put pressure on the suggested that boys should be included Minister to bring in this HPV vaccine. for it. “When I became Minister for Health, I Speaking to the County Leader, Reilly immediately started making sure that all acknowledged that there are dangers girls at secondary school got vacciassociated with everything in life and nated. We started with the first years some people can have an adverse reacand the sixth years and worked until tion to the HPV vaccine, but he emphaeveryone was covered.” sised that the benefits far outweighed the dangers. He said, “The argument around the side effects of the vaccine is the same for several vaccines. They are given in good faith and taken in good faith and I firmly believe that there should be a compensation fund set up by Government for victims of vaccination damage. This is the only way that we can reassure parents that these are rare occurrences and where a Local Senator, Dr. James Reilly at his surgery in Lusk child suffers, that they are Reilly concluded by saying, “I have had going to be looked after,” he said. one case in my own practice a few years “Every time you give a vaccination, you ago, where a woman had to lose her are making a decision. You are going to womb because of cervical cancer before confer protection from some very she could start having a family, when serious illness on your child. If you she was in her early 20s. This is not decide not to give it, you make a decitheoretical – this is real. People should sion to leave your child exposed to the listen to the experts and look at the real illness. This is not about absolutes, it’s evidence that this vaccine does work,” about percentages. Are you prepared to he said. take the risk that your daughter may get The Irish Medical Organisation (IMO) cervical cancer, or your son may get backed Dr Reilly and its president, Dr. other sorts of cancers involving noades Ann Hogan told the County Leader, on the neck etc.?” “Boys need the HPV Vaccine too. Many “The alternative is to have them vaccidoctors think we should already be nated to protect them against this killer vaccinating young boys as part of the disease, that kills 900 people every year national immunisation programme.” in this country. Cervical cancer is a “Research shows that many of the young woman’s disease, with 300 cases cancers caused by HPV infection in both per year leading to 100 deaths. The HPV men and women such as anal, genital vaccine will reduce this number hugely. and throat cancers can be prevented by As we know, nothing is 100 per cent the HPV vaccination.” effective – you can’t swear that it is Acknowledging the fact that the going to work and nothing is 100 per number of girls availing of the vaccine cent safe, so you can’t say that people has almost halved over the past two won’t get side effects. The actual case is years, Dr. Hogan said, “We need a that it is so much safer to administer it highly effective communications than not. It is far more dangerous not to strategy to inform parents of the take it,” he said. medical facts around the success and “All the evidence, all the science and all effectiveness of the vaccine. We need the experts here in Ireland and across a schools education programme to the world, as well as the World Health educate our children about how to Organisation are promoting this reduce the risks of contracting HPV. vaccine, as it is the safest option. That’s “There has been a steady erosion of the reality of the situation,” he said. By confidence and uptake of the vaccine not giving this vaccine, you are exposing based on irresponsible scare your daughter to cervical cancer. The mongering and if uptake continues to reason it is being suggested for boys is decline, it will have serious consethat there are 428 different cancers out quences for all our young people,” there, all of which are attributable to she said. HPV. As well as that, many of these

North County Gymnastics Club was established in 2007 by sisters Leone and Lisa Ray, in Rolestown. The club started out with a handful of kids and has since grown to a well established, fully kitted out gymnastics club with gymnasts competing at national level and also performing in the likes of London and Paris. The club recently celebrated their birthday in style in Rolestown Community Centre. Lisa Ray, told the County Leader, “North County Gymnastics Club recently celebrated our 10 year birthday with a Family Fun Day, where all the gymnasts, cheer-

By Leslie Murphy leaders, their families and other members of the community joined us to help celebrate. The day was a huge success with plenty to keep everyone occupied between Wolly Wards Farm, an ice cream van, face and nail painting and lots more. The hard work and dedication that goes into the club is a credit to the gymnasts who work very hard all year round and go from strength to strength. It is a pleasure to work in such a great community and have such dedicated pupils,


teachers, families and locals to enjoy this growing sport.” In 2011 ‘Twisters Elite’ were formed, focusing on the popular and fast growing sport of cheer leading. The Twisters thrived from an early stage taking home a number of national titles in all age categories, from minis to seniors with their most recent accomplishments of National Champions 2016 and 2017. The club is based in Rolestown and are a big part of the community and have a number of dedicated and focused coaches most of whom have been with the club from the start. There is also a junior coaching programme in place which allows older gymnasts and cheerleaders the opportunity to gain experience in coaching while being mentored by senior coaches and work towards gaining coaching qualifications.



Local News

11th July 2017

Promised New Schools Delayed Local TD, Darragh O’Brien (FF) has said that the already oversubscribed secondary schools in the North County will now experience further pressure in the forthcoming school year. This is due, in the main, to the develop-

ment of two schools in the county having been pushed back another 15 months. In information received by O’Brien through a tabled Parliamentary Question, the Minister for Education has confirmed that both


schools, which were then I have continually the urgent scheduled to open this raised September in Malahide necessity for the provi/ Portmarnock and sion of these secondary school places Swords will in the North now not County.” open until “These schools September have now been 2018. deferred and He said, “The will not open as provision of a new secondary O’Brien TD scheduled in school for the September Malahide / Portmarnock 2017. The Minister has and Swords areas of confirmed to me that County Dublin were they will more likely originally announced in open a full 12 months November 2015. Since behind schedule.

“This is the fastestgrowing area in the country and the number of people living in the area has increased by eight per cent in the past five years. This rise in population has exacerbated the chronic shortage of school places in the North County.” He added,” It can only be expected that the current lack of sufficient capacity in our schools will continue to worsen. High birth rates in recent years will no doubt place significant pressure on pupil enrolments in

both primary and secondary schools unless decisive action is taken by the Department. “Local parents are becoming increasingly anxious about whether there will be a place for their children come September; this update of a delay in development will add more worry,” concluded O’Brien. The reply from the Minister stated, “The Patron of the new Swords post-primary school, DDLETB has decided for operational reasons that it is in the

best interests of the school to defer its opening to September 2018.” “The Patron has confirmed to the Department that Swords Community College will open in September 2018, with a high number of applications having already been received.” The acquisition of

school sites in densely populated areas such as Swords presents an ongoing challenge for my Department, which will continue to work in close co-operation with Fingal County Council and the site acquisition process is underway in respect of the permanent accommodation for this school.”


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Web: Email: Phone: 0899508750 / 018431689 Pictured in Swords Town Park gettting ready for the river clean up are Swords Tidy Town members, Tom McDermot, Noel Cosgrave, Teresa Cosgrave, Georgy Hughes, Dympna Cassidy, Ken Duffy (Chairman of Swords Tidy Towns), Hilary Klompenhouwer, Jeremy Collins and Mary Maxwell.

And we will get back to you


Local News

11th July 2017


Naomh Mearnóg Team’s 20 Year Reunion The 1997 All Stars winning minor team of Naomh Mearnog GAA Club who won the Minor A Championship and League Division 1 Title in 1997 recently gathered for a twenty year reunion. Past players travelled home from San Francisco, New York, London and Italy. Old friends met in the Club bar and reminisced as they watched a recording of their glorious championship final. The event was a heartfelt one as the team remembered their great friend and team mate, Paddy McConnell who passed away in recent years. The original coaches, Mick Colreavey, Declan Mc Connell and Noel Mc Kenna shared their memories and were presented with gifts from the team. After the Friday reunion, the 1997 minor team laced up their boots for one last time as they played in the annual Paddy McConnell Memorial Day at the club. An evening of celebrations and a BBQ followed with friends, families and club members raising a glass to Paddy Mc Connell.

Pictured are members of the 1997 All Stars winning minor team of Naomh Mearnog GAA Club, who returned for a 20 year reunion celebration match last week

Funding Available For Major Schools Project In Swords

Pictured at the site of the proposed new schools at Mooretown in Swords are Cllr Tom O'Leary, Senator Dr James Reilly and Bob Dowling (Fine Gael Local Area Representative)

Local senator, Dr James Reilly (FG) has confirmed to the County Leader that funding has been approved for the delivery of two primary school and a secondary school at the Mooretown development off the Rathbeale Road in Swords. Reilly told the County Leader, “The really good news is that contracts are to be signed imminently to allow the land to come into the Council’s possession to move on to the next stage to provide educational facilities, namely a secondary school and

two primary schools at Mooretown, thus creating an education campus there. This gives a clear message that we, as a Government want to invest in our young people. This is a really badly needed facility and it will give our young people the best possible start in life. Senator Reilly confirmed that he had face to face meetings with Minister for Education, Richard Bruton on this subject and other various schools issues across the North County that he intends to pursue vigorously. “There is some excellent progress being made with Balrothery getting the necessary support and facilities that they need. Funding has been agreed on many projects, but we need to pursue these,” he concluded. Meanwhile, Fine Gael Local Area representative for Swords / Donabate, Bob Dowling told the County Leader, “While the development here at Mooretown is very welcome, with plenty of houses under construction, the concern is the provision and the numbers going forward. I would like to think that the Department of Education will review the forward planning section, because figures outside the census are not projecting the growth in areas like this here. So we need a very thorough review, short term provisional measures and also long term measures to make sure there is adequate accommodation for these people before the houses are built. Housing should be commensurate with required structures to provide a viable lifestyle and a proper community,” he said.

Senator Frances Black is pictured with Sorcha Macguire age 5 from Balbriggan, at the HB Hazelbrook Farm Ice Cream Fundays Party held in support of Down Syndrome Ireland at Leinster House.

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Picture Special & Local News

11th July 2017

Millfield Balbriggan Family Festival

Pictured at the judging for the contestants who took part in the Plein Air Painting festival at County Hall are, Rory O'Byrne (Arts Officer Fingal County Council), County Mayor Cllr Mary McCamley, Paul Reid (Chief Executive Fingal County Council) and Skerries resident and organiser of the Dublin Plein Air Painting Festival, Paul D'Arcy

The Annual Millfield Balbriggan Family Festival in Association with Balbriggan Integration Forum will take place in Millfield Shopping Centre on Friday 14th and Saturday 15th July from from 12 to 4pm and all events are free. Millfield Centre manager, Peter Carey said, “On Friday 14th we will be showcasing local organisations and groups. This is an opportunity for them to allow everyone to see what’s available to them in the community.

It will also include the ‘Taste of Nations’ and a live DJ which was very successful last year.” He continued, “Saturday is the fun day with entertainment for the kids, a carousel and a 35 foot climbing wall. These activities will be located on the East Plaza beside

Cuddles Pet Store. this year following on There will be a multi- from the overwhelming cultural fashion show response last year after and DJ the inaugural upstairs, M i l l f i e l d including the Balbriggan Taste of Family Festival. Nations and This showcases dancers on the combined Level 1 outside efforts of, not Tesco. They only the have organised Shopping Millfield Centre to have SPIN Centre and 103.8 broad- Manager, Peter B a l b r i g g a n Carey casting on the Integration day too.” “The Forum, but the enthuManagement are siasm of the local looking forward to community groups and another great event organisations,” he said.

Date Set For Bridge Lift At Malahide

Pictured at the Plein Air Festival which was held throughout Fingal recently is Caroline O’Rourke

Pictured at the Plein Air Festival throughout Fingal recently is Patrick Mc Afee.

Pictured at the Plein Air Festival in Swords recently are Maire OSullivan, Dorethy Moorhed and Joanne McAndrew.

Pictured at the Plein Air Festival recently is Svetlana Starikova.

Pictured at the Plein Air Festival which was held recently is Martine Finucane.

Pictured at the Plein Air Festival which was held recently is Helen Keane.

Locals in Malahide will By Leslie Murphy be happy to know the construction of a pedestrian bridge over the main Dublin-Belfast railway line at Back Road, Malahide will take a major step forward on Saturday, 15th July, when a precast concrete beam is lifted into position alongside the existing road bridge. This is welcome news for locals who have been waiting on the bridge to be finished for a number of years now. The lift will result in temporary traffic restrictions along Back Road and from this week until Thursday, 21st September, there will be a single traffic lane in operation at the Back Road Railway Bridge. This is to facilitate preparation for the lift followed by finishing works to the bridge. The upper car park at Malahide Castle will be closed until 21st July in order to facilitate the erection and dismantling of the crane that will perform the beam lift. The new wall and pedestrian walkway will be located on the northern side of the bridge. The wall being provided will consist of stainless steel woven mesh panels. The walkway will be segregated from the roadway by kerbing with vehicle containment bollards. This will enhance safety for pedestrians using the bridge and will also remove the possibility of any errant vehicles causing damage to the railway line below. Up to date information on rail line closures and traffic management systems will be available during construction from the Council’s website.

Pictured in Malahide at a fundraising event for Action Ireland is Helen Creegan and Yvonne Kavanagh

Pedestrian Crossing For Ridgewood The Ridgewood Residents Association in Swords have secured a much needed pedestrian crossing for their busy estate recently. Working for the past two years alongside Cllr Philip Lynam (SF), together they have secured the plans to move forward with the installation of the crossing. Cllr Lynam told the County Leader, “it was great to see the County Council engaging with the residents and taking action to

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Summer Bedding Now In Stock Pictured at the Plein Air Festival which was held recently is Geraldine Montgomrey.

Pictured at the Plein Air Festival which was held in Swords recently are Tony Redmond (Fingal Tourism,) Gerardine Donovan (Fingal Tourism) and Lydia Gillen.

Pictured at the Plein Air Festival recently is Paul Cullen.

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Pictured at the Plein Air Festival in Swords recently is Mary McNutt.

Pictured at the Plein Air Festival recently is Terry Halpin.

Pictured at the Plein Air Festival is Janet Weldon.

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By Rachel Wallace start this process to help families cross, in a safe manner, to the shops with their children. I have lobbied the Council at local area meetings and put forward numerous questions and motions over the last two years, for a pedestrian crossing at this junction as part of my working with the residents association “I would like to commend the brilliant work the board of Ridgewood Residents Association have done over the last few months, which was put forward at June’s deputation meeting in the council,” he concluded.

Malahide Quiz For all of you who fancy yourselves as quiz experts, the annual ‘Great Malahide Quiz’ to raise much needed funds for Malahide Tidy Towns, will take place at the Grand Hotel, Malahide on Thursday, 20th July at 7.45pm. A table of four costs €60. The event is sponsored by the Grand Hotel and will take place in the Tara Suite. This is the Tidy Towns biggest fundraiser of the year, in an effort to keep Malahide beautiful and the support of the the community of Malahide would be greatly appreciated on the night.


Local News

11th July 2017

Balbriggan Man’s Poem Featured In Book Launch The anthology of poems, ‘The Plurality of Existence in the Infinite Expanse of Space and Time’, is a collaborative art project between Clodagh Emoe and Crososmia’, a group of writers formed from refuges, asylum seekers and other disadvantaged groups of people on cultural social and political level living in Ireland. Balbriggan man, Sinisa Koncic, originally from Croatia has recently been involved in a great project, involving artist’s lecturer, Clodagh Emoe and other members of the Writers group ‘Crocosmia’. The group have developed a unique artwork, which manages to be both site specific and fluid in it’s description of the world and the people in it. It is a collection of poems and traditions from the people who have

contributed to creating the publication. Sinisa wrote a poem as his contribution to the book and it’s entitled ‘Sunday Lunch, Zagreb, Croatia’. He was born in Vokovar, in the former Yugoslavia and he spent most of his young years there on the Danube. He was educated in the capital city, Zagreb. After the war in Croatia in 1991, in which he lost everything, he emigrated with his wife Ariana to Canada. He returned to Europe in 2004 and has lived in Balbriggan since 2007 where he has found happiness. His poem refers to how the community he is originally from, grew their own vegetables and traditionally his grandmother would serve soup from a beautiful white porcelain bowl. After dinner they all enjoyed chatting and their friends dropping by, all of their

Sinisa Koncic

friends and family were welcome. The book was launched on June 20th by Senator Alice Mary Higgins in Pearse Street Library and is unique in the history of this state. It will be available at public libraries from June 20th across the country. Some of the poems written by Sinisa Koncic can be found there. Senator Higgins said, “These poems give insight into what it is to exist in two places simultaneously, a feeling deeply understood by many migrants.”




Glamour & Local News

11th July 2017

Importance Of Local Investment Highlighted Local senator Lorraine Clifford Lee (FF), has said that the Government must start to invest in education, childcare and transport in North Dublin as it was announced that Balbriggan is the ‘youngest’ large town in the country.

population. One of Ireland’s biggest problems has been our ability to plan for the future. We built large housing developments in the past without adequate educational, leisure and commercial resources to go hand in hand with all the By Leslie Murphy new people living in the Based on data compiled as county”. part of Census 2016, She continued, “In recent Balbriggan was determined as years, a failure to invest in being the youngest town, with transport infrastructure, a population in excess of such as Metro North, when 10,000, in the country with an land and labour costs were average age of 30.8 years. lower, has seen our county Fingal County is also the and capital start to creak youngest local authority area under increases in with an average age of 34.3 commuter traffic. Census years. 2016 has given us the Clifford Lee who recently evidence we need to plan became a mother for the Senator Lorraine Clifford-Lee is pictured with her for the future, and sketch six week old son Edward who is named after her second time, told the County out the type of county we Leader, “This data is nothing late father in law want to live in. The new to those of us living in the Government, and the local North County, but it does re-emphasise the critical authority, must now act on this evidence and make need for the Government to invest in important sure we have the resources and facilities that such a projects in education, childcare and transport to keep young and active population will need and demand.” up with the growing, younger population. The popu- “As a young mother myself having a six week old lation of the county has almost doubled in the past baby and a three year old daughter, it’s very impor25 years with nearly 300,000 men, women and chil- tant for all young families that we look at the demodren living in the area with many of them living in graphics for the future of all our children. There are towns such as Lusk, Skerries and Donabate. Ireland’s lots of pockets of small communities living youngest town, needs investment in education, child- throughout the North County and with evidence of care and transport”. the growing population, it’s important that facilities “We need to see more schools and classrooms being are put in place before we have a crisis on our built, better transport links for families to get to hands,” concluded Clifford Lee.” work, school and around the county, and we need to ensure that there are enough childcare places for the increased number of children who will undoubtedly be born over the next 10 years from such a young

On Monday 3rd July, Brown Thomas launched CREATE, a showcase of the very best in Irish design today

Welcoming a host of exciting new talent and the return of some of Ireland’s much loved designers. Pictured, Abby Harris wears Sarah Murphy dress ‚€980 and Leonora Ferguson headpiece ‚€695. Now in its seventh year, CREATE has become established as the launch pad for new and existing Irish designers to gain vital commercial retail experience and to showcase their work amongst the most luxurious brands

in the world. This year’s‚ installation is a blend of new and established designers showcasing the exceptional work of 22 designers across readyto-wear, accessories, scarves, jewellery, millinery and interiors curated by Brown Thomas Fashion Director Shelly Corkery including Lainey Keogh, Helen Cody, Mariad Whisker, Sarah Murphy, 31 Chapel Lane, Una Burke, Sarah Swan and Sinead O’Dwyer.

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Welcome For New Gardai For Balbriggan

Local senator, Dr James Reilly has welcomed the news that five new Gardai are to be allocated to the Balbriggan District which covers a wide geographic area including Balbriggan, Rural North County Dublin, Skerries, Rush and Lusk. Senator Reilly “All these areas are growing and will continue to grow said Reilly. “I will continue to press for more Gardai to be allocated to this district. This area needs more Gardai to keep pace with retirements and promotions of our local Gardai to other units. Templemore Garda college is full and producing new Gardai as fast as it can. It will take some time to rebuild the numbers of Gardai back to a reasonable level and to cater for the increasing demand,” said Senator Reilly. “There is a growing demand for more Garda resources especially in Balbriggan which has a population of 25,000 and is predicted to grow to 35,000 and obviously we will need new garda resources to man Rush Garda station if it is reopened.” He concluded, “I have lobbied the new Minister for Justice directly on the reopening of Rush Garda station. He has undertaken to keep me informed on this matter and is aware of the desire of Rush residents to have their Garda station manned and re-opened again.”

Meeting For New Gaelscoil Low Cost - High Value 1 area - €120 2 areas - €240 3 areas - €290

The latest collection from Primark home is a mix of collegiate and cool contemporary style. The Minimalux story is perfect for back to college inspiration and remains sleek and

minimalist. Stand out pieces in this collection include palmistry prints with celestial scenes on cushions and coloured marble and gold gilded ceramics. Whether you wish to go

floor to ceiling Art Deco or just want to add a splash of colour to the mix this current collection will appeal to you. Key colours are cool grey, soft pink and metallic gold.

There will be a meeting in the Pastoral Centre in Malahide Village on the 27th of July at 12pm. The meeting will be attended by members of Gaeloideachas and also local parents and politicians to discuss the need for an Irish medium second level school in the area. All are welcome to attend and the support is appreciated.


11th July 2017





Local News

11th July 2017

Lusk School Celebrates Long Awaited Sports Hub The new Lusk Recreational Hub held the first event on their newly acquired grounds recently, with a family sports day, for Rush and Lusk Educate Together National School. The glorious weather

By Rachel Wallace recently did not fail to deliver, while the school community enjoyed a few hours of fun, with a series of events ranging from ‘track and field athletics’ to ‘welly

throwing’. While others enjoyed tea, coffee and cakes supplied by the parents committee. Commenting on the event’s success, was principal Patricia Hurley. “Here in Rush and Lusk


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Educate Together school we are delighted with the new Recreational Hub for Lusk. We celebrated its long awaited handover by having our Sports Day there and it is really a fantastic facility. We look forward to its future development and to making full use of it for school events and sports activities”. The Lusk 20/20 action group spoke to the County Leader to say, “Congratulations to everyone who made the day a fantastic success, the first of many we hope, with particular thanks to the ‘Parks and Green Infrastructure Division’ of Fingal County Council for allowing usage of the green area, which has just recently come into the ownership of the Council.” They concluded,”We have a target to now develop this space into an active recreational hub for the full community of Lusk to enjoy.”

Pictured at the Rush and Lusk Educate Together School's sports day are some of the school children enjoying a game of tug o'war.

New Spa Manager At Roganstown Roganstown Hotel and Golf Resort, located a short distance from Swords, has appointed Helen Gray as its new manager for its Sakura Spa. Helen took up her position a few weeks ago and she set about promoting the Spa and Elemis products, as well as Fuschia make-up. Speaking about her exciting appointment, Helen said, “We have a hairdresser here in the Spa 7 days-a-week, with late nights until 8pm on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. We do all Elemis treatments, as well as Sports Therapy with Catherine Doherty, We also do a lot of Day Specials with hot stones and blow dry, file and polish. Our clients can use the sauna, steam room and the pool before getting a blow dry and treatment,” she said. Roganstown Sakura Spa also caters for couples, as Helen explained. “We also have Elemis treatment for men as well, and we have regular clients for massage and facials.” The good news continued when the Spa was nominated for the Tatler Hair & Beauty Award 2017. Helen said, “We are delighted. Tatler magazine is a “Style Bible” so to get nominated is a big achievement,” she said, There is no doubt that the Sakura Spa at Roganstown is going from strength to strength and is the ideal One Stop Shop for beauty treatment in and around the Swords area, for both men and women.

Pictured at the Sakura Spa at Roganstown Hotel, is the newly appointed Spa manager, Helen Gray, giving a make-over to Roganstown Sales and Marketing manager, Annette O'Neill

and the feed back from the community I have been hearing back is outstanding and there are lots of messages of goodwill and congratulations. The project on Ethiopia was great and you all made a fantastic contribution and you guys need to stay involved with the club. I would highly recomThere was great mend you to play with excitement at the any football club Balbriggan Foróige around as you are so youth club as the good.” club celebrated Bill Sosso from the becoming winners of winning team told the the Foróige County Leader, “ We Blanchardstown won the game 2-1 and World Cup. our team mate Alex Balbriggan Youth Parasctiiv scored the Services in partnertwo goals and it was a ship with North Fingal great feeling. We felt School Completion great winning espeProgramme, held PIctured at Foróige Balbriggan proudly celebrating their project on Ethiopia and their win at the cially after losing in the Foróige Foróige Blanchardstown World Cup are team members of the club, Yonas Kahsay, Anthony the semi final last B l a n c h a r d s t o w n Sasso, Bill Sasso, Alex Parasctiiv, Gregory Akins, Ronan Weakliam, Benny Wadon and John year so this year World Cup and out of Asiosa, the team are pictured with Michelle Condre, Garda Peter Hughes, local Cllr Tony Murphy , winning was great. As 22 Foróige teams the Bernie Moloney (Schools Completion Programme Project) Edel Flynn, Andy Neary (Foróige a team we decided we Balbriggan team won. Balbriggan), Chris Harmon (Country Crest), Phyllis Monaghan and Abdelbar Adil Abdoumi would use different The members of the timeframe. Winning the football tourna- tactics to beat our opponents and we youth club and organisers came ment was a huge victory to the club and kept as much possession of the ball as together for celebrations and also to it’s members. we could and this was to wear the other congratulate the winning team. It was a Youth Leader Andy Neary make a speech team down. It was about waiting on the double celebration as members of the to all gathered and said, “ Today is opportunity to come, then as they got youth club had completed a project all about celebrating the boys’ win and to tired we got our opportunity and the about Ethiopia and the lifestyles of the show how important participation is. It plan worked. It feels great and we are country, which only took them a week shows respect and discipline and the also so happy that we can bring the cup and was a great result for such a short boys’ behaviour has been outstanding to our club.”

World Cup For Balbriggan Foróige

Local Artists To Feature In Major Tokyo Exhibition Two young North County artists, both winners in the annual Texaco Children’s Art competition, are to have their winning works exhibited at the International High School Arts Festival, which takes place in Tokyo in August. The highly prestigious exhibition, now in its 18th year, is described as ‘a showcase for the world’s best young artistic talent’. It will feature some 400 pieces by students representing nations across the world.

The two artworks chosen amongst the five that will represent Ireland at the event are ‘Love Is’ by Nicole Halpin from Malahide Community School and ‘The Face’ by Wiktoria Anna Witkowska from Loreto College, Balbriggan. James Twohig, Director of Ireland Operations for Valero, who market fuel in Ireland under the Texaco brand, said that works selected to represent Ireland “embody content that will attract viewers and promote the cultural and scenic features for which we are renowned globally.” Sponsored by the International Foundation for Arts and Culture, the exhibition will take place in Tokyo’s National Arts Centre, one of Japan’s most highly regarded galleries.



11th July 2017


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Local News

11th July 2017

Swords Golfers Qualify For Finals Swords golfers will be well represented at the U.K & Ireland Finals of the American Golf Championships this September, after three pairings put in hugely impressive displays at regional qualifying. The pairs will now make their way to Ryder Cup venue The Belfry for the finals of the American Golf Ladies and Seniors Championships to battle it out in the American Golf Ladies’ and Seniors’ Championships. In the Ladies Championship qualifier held at Roganstown Golf Club, Kay Farrell and Orla

McGuinness beat the field with some ease as they recorded 40 points to take the title. Qualifying in second place were Marion Delaney and Doreen Bell, who more than held their own with a creditable 37 points. In the Seniors’ Championships John Brazil and Des Rooney, members at Swords Open Course needed to play the rounds of their lives to come in with 44 points, beating the field by just a single point. All three pairs will now join qualifiers from all over the UK and Ireland in front of Sky Sports’ cameras at the Belfry Grand Finals, where they will compete across two days to be crowned American Golf Champions. This win also puts them in contention for the Tournament of Champions in Mauritius, should they succeed at the iconic UK venue.

Pictured are Swords golfers, John Brazil and Des Rooney, who scored an incredible 44pts to qualify for the Seniors section of the U.K & Ireland Finals of the American Golf Championships at the Belfry this September

Pictured are Swords golfers, Kay Farrell and Orla McGuinness from Swords Golf Club, who scored an excellent 40pts to qualify for the U.K & Ireland Finals of the American Golf Championships this September

St Francis Xavier Full Steam Ahead St Francis Xavier National School (SFXNS) in Fingal, graduated from a new Irish STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and maths) initiative ‘Maths in a Box’, aimed at providing a stimulus to primary school pupils to actively engage with STEAM subjects outside of their curriculum. Pupils from both 5th and 6th class celebrated the completion of a six week programme which involved specific STEAM related classes being voluntarily given by

Historical Society Celebrates Life Of Hero On Saturday, 15th July Balbriggan & District Historical Society will host a commemoration in honour of Pte. Terence Mc Mahon (1944-1997) from Balbriggan, who took part in the Siege of Jadotville in the Congo in 1961. The heroic efforts of the 156 soldiers of the 35th Battalion UN forces who held out against an opposition force of 3,000 has only recently been acknowledged. They are expecting a huge attendance at this event where they will be unveiling a plaque in his honour.

Pictured at St Xavier National School are Ed Hearne Fingal County Council, St Xavier Principal Adrienne Darby, Maths in a Box founder Grainne Bagnall, St Xavier Chair John Mitchell, Alexion Director of HR Yvonne Clancy

employees from Alexion Pharmaceuticals, a global biopharmaceutical company with its Global Operations and Supply Chain headquarters in Ireland. The pupils were engaged in creative, analytical and lateral thinking skills to bring maths to life in a fun format.

Eight local staff members from Alexion Pharmaceutical’s College Park facility volunteered their time to teach classes and assist the SFXNS children in visualising similar careers and having confidence in their capacity to reach them. The volunteers gave lessons once a

week, over six weeks, and demonstrated a hands-on activity based lesson. Through the ‘Maths in a Box’ programme, the volunteers are given an opportunity to ‘give back’ to society, while gaining creditable experience in education and interaction with children.

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Advertising Feature

11th July 2017

Coolock is one of the oldest suburbs of Dublin and home to a lot of shopping areas. Coolock is ideal for people who are trying to get a lot of different shopping chores done in the same area. The area of Coolock has

several different shopping areas with lots of choice. There are various industrial parks that offer bargain prices to the public. The location of Coolock makes it great for people travelling from outside the

area, with so many different ways to access the district, the M1 and Malahide Road are right beside it and this makes it a very easy place to access. There is so much choice in Coolock that it can really be a one stop

We have moved to

MALAHIDE ROAD INDUSTRIAL PARK (just off the Malahide Road)

shop when you are getting a big shop or maybe just having a browse and see if you come across something that catches your eye. The village is home to the local post office and famous Parnell’s GAA club, the well known Petzone that is located in the Post Office Mall along with the many banks and credit unions, hairdressers and fashion shops in the area. The shopping experience is a relaxed one with many outlets including various furniture shops, butchers and large supermarkets. Coolock has it all with free parking and access to the City Centre and North County Dublin couldn’t be handier as all roads lead to the M1 and Malahide Road, if you’re coming from Swords or Kinsealy the number 43 goes right by the village and if you’re coming from Malahide or along the Malahide road the number 42 bus will leave you right in the heart of Coolock. There are many different eateries in Coolock, including plenty of local coffee shops, pubs and restaurants. Make it a family day if you have young children there’s plenty of choices including the Leisureples and that offers bowling for the not so young. Coolock is a great destination and an area steeped in history, including the still standing St Brendan’s, old church in the village and various public parks in the area including the Santry River Linear Park and in Bonnybrook the Stardust Memorial Garden which is dedicated to the 48 people who lost their lives in the Stardust nightclub. Coolock is also a centre of local government activity, with a Dublin City Council major centre, NEAR FM community radio station, Health Services Executive centre and recycling centre. The Stardust Memorial Garden boasts a newly renovated playground, an all-weather pitch which has been renovated by the Dublin City Council in late 2015, a football pitch and a garden terrace with seating. Various bridges are placed over the which runs directly through the park into a small lake in the middle where a small island is located which is the home to many animals including swans and ducks. There are various seating areas around the park, primarily facing the park for passers-by who want to feed the animals.


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Are you a Community Group? • We are the secretariat for the Northside Community Forum which brings together over 65 community groups to collectively develop actions, campaigns and work on issues affecting the community and community based organisations.

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at the addresses listed below!

Online Northside Partnership @NS_Partnership

DARNDALE - Preparing for Life Preparing for Life, The Bell Building, Darndale Belcamp Village Centre, Darndale, Dublin 17. Tel: 01-8771509 Email:

KILBARRACK Northside Partnership, Kish House, Greendale Road, Kilbarrack, Dublin 5. Tel: 01-8320995 Email:

Where we work



Notices, Local News & Planning

11th July 2017

Recent published deaths from the North County DALY, Leonard (Len), (Curran Park, Balbriggan, Dublin) 7th July 2017,(Suddenly), at his home. Sadly missed by his loving parents Una and Sean, stepdad Mark, brothers John, Philip and Richard, sister Julie, his beloved children Abbie, Nathan, Lexie and Katie, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, relatives and friends. Rest in Peace LAWLOR (née Baker), Reena, (Clondalkin and formerly of Old County Road) 6th July 2017,(Peacefully), surrounded by her loving family at home, beloved wife of Noel and beautiful mother of Judy, Anne and Patrick; sadly missed by her loving husband, children, sister Anne, sons-in-law Caimin and David and her adored four grandchildren Dearbhla, Sadhbh, Alex and Micheál, sisters-in-law Marie and Hazel, nieces, nephews, relatives and friends at home and in Lanzamar, Lanzarote. Rest in Peace REILLY - FLYNN, Celine, (Bun an Cnoic, Naul, Dublin) 4th July 2017,(Peacefully), at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda. Beloved daughter of the late Bud and sister of the late Yvonne. Sadly missed by her loving husband Derek, children Ben and Carly, mother Ellen, brothers Les and Fergal, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nieces and nephews relatives and friends. Rest in Peace SAVAGE, Robert (Roy), (Malahide, Dublin) 2nd July 2017,(Peacefully), at home; sadly missed by his loving wife Norina, daughters Claire and Megan, son Gareth, sister Noeleen, sister-inlaw Anne, sons-in-law Mark and Stéphane, grandchildren Ferghus, Ruán, Osheen and Kiara, relatives and friends. Rest in Peace DOWLING, Tom (Thomas), (Skerries, Dublin) 1st July 2017,(Suddenly) at home surrounded by his loving family, Tom (Thomas), sadly missed by his loving wife and best friend Terri, sons Karl, Alan and David, grandchildren Isabelle and Mia, brother John, daughter-in-law AnnaMaria, nieces, nephews, extended family and a large circle of friends. Rest in Peace

To have a prayer published in North County Leader simply: (1) Go to our website: and click the Prayer Publication link or (2) Call into our offices at: Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin and we will be happy to assist you or (3) Phone us on: 01-8400200

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A Breakfast Event called ‘Succeeding with Speciality Retailers’, took place on Wednesday, 5th July last, which was led by LEO Fingal and was hosted in the Clayton Hotel, Dublin Airport. This breakfast morning allowed participants the opportunity to hear from three speciality retailers and learn how best to increase your chance of success in supplying these businesses on an ongoing basis. One of the keynote speakers was Michael Savage of JC Savage Supermarket in Swords. Pictured at the event are, Oisin Geoghegan Head of Enterprise with LEO is pictured in the Clayton Hotel Dublin Airport with Michael Savage of JC Savage supermarket, Maria Betts of Maria Lucia Bakes, Greg Grouse MD of Fresh Supermarkets, James Burke Manager of Dublin Food Chain

Gerry and Eithne Rafferty (Malahide Tidy Towns) are pictured with Local TD Darragh O’Brien at a midsummer's BBQ held in Malahide Rugby Club and hosted by Darragh O’Brien TD

Great Year For Swords School As the school year has come to a close, Gaelscoil Brian Boroimhe in Swords were very proud of their student’s varied achievements, including curricular, cross-curricular and extra-curricular events. Principal, Séamus Seaghach told the County Leader, “We had huge success on the playing fields this year. Our senior boys’ and senior girls’ football teams won their respective finals in Parnell Park in the Fingal

League. Not to be outdone, our junior boys’ and junior girls’ football teams both won their respective finals in Parnell Park. It was, however, a historic day for our school hurling team as they played for the first time in the Cumann na mBunscoil Final in Croke Park and emerged as worthy champions. He continued, “also our cross-country runners did us proud in Santry last March, followed by our sprinters in May. He continued, “Our

APPRENTICE GREENKEEPER VACANCY Two apprentice greenkeepers are required. The successful candidates will be self-motivated, committed, have good attention to detail and are hardworking. We offer a competitive salary. Please apply in writing or by email on or before Friday 21st of July with full Curriculum Vitae to; The Links Manager, Portmarnock Golf Club, Golf Links Road, Portmarnock, Co Dublin. Email:

cross-country runners did us proud in Santry last March, followed by our sprinters in May. Our camogie team reached the semi-final in Cumann na mBunscol this year having played in the final in Croke Park the previous year. Aside from sports the school has been busy in all other areas of creativity. We have been developing our school garden for the past few years with the help of parents and teachers and won an award this year in recognition of this work.” He concluded, “The children in Rang 3 won three awards for their drama ‘An Fathach Scoile,’ in the Coirm Festival last February. Rang 4 won the AllIreland in their category of An Fhéile Scoildrámaíochta, with their drama ‘An Baglady’ last April. Finally, Cairde na Scoile, our parent association, helped to produce our first ever bi-lingual cookbook ‘Bia Blasta’ this Easter, a publication we are very proud of,” he said. “We are proud of all the children in our school, and proud of the dedication and willingness of our staff to go the extra mile. We are so lucky to have dedicated parents who provide wonderful and continued support to the children and to the school. Ar aghaidh linn le chéile.”

Fingal County Council Planning permission is sought by Ciara Moriarty for a change of use at 4 The Grange, Malahide, Co. Dublin. The development would consist of the conversion of one room inside the house into a Montessori preschool. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the Planning Authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the Authority in writing on the payment of the prescribed fee within the period of five weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the Authority of the application. Fingal County Council Planning permission is sought to to construct a new one and a half storey dwelling with secondary treatment plant, utilising existing vehicular entrance at Ballough, Lusk for Deirdre Moore. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of Fingal County Council, County Hall, Main St, Swords, Co. Dublin, during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the Planning Authority on payment of the prescribed fee, €20, within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application, and such submissions or observations will be considered by the Planning Authority in making a decision on the application. The Planning Authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. Fingal County Council Permission is sought for a detached dormer dwelling, on-site waste water treatment unit and percolation area & associated site works in a rural cluster @ Dallyhaysy, Naul, Co. Dublin for Allison Morgan. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during the public opening hours and a submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee (20 euros), within the period of 5 weeks, beginning on the date of receipt by Fingal County Council of the application. Fingal County Council I, Pat White, intend to apply for Permission for erection of a new portal frame agricultural shed (1016m2) for the storage of crops and machinery including all associated site works at Ballough, Lusk, Co. Dublin X91 YH02. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee within the period of 5 weeks beg inning on the date of receipt by the planning authority of this application. Fingal County Council We, Eamon and Deirdre Elder Intend to apply for planning permission for

development located at Feltrim road, Kinsealy, Co. Dublin, K36 AY18. The development consists of the following: Demolition of the existing single storey detached dwelling, the construction of a replacement two storey 4 no. bedroom detached dwelling (162sqm), within curtilage parking for two cars, vehicular access onto Feltrim Road, all associated site development and engineering works necessary to facilitate the development. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the planning authority during its public open hours. A submission or Observation relating to this Application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of a fee of €20 within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by Fingal County Council of the application and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the planning application. Fingal County Council I, Dermot Grimes intend to apply for planning permission for development on a site in Ballymadun, Co. Dublin. The development will include construction of 2 no. detached two storey dwellings, new vehicular site entrance, proprietary waste water system with percolation area and all associated site works necessary to facilitate the development. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the planning authority during its public open hours. A submission or Observation relating to this Application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of a fee of €20 within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by Fingal County Council of the application and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the planning application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. Fingal County Council Kim Lee seeks retention planning permission for the partial demolition of the existing dwelling and planning permission for the construction of a single storey replacement dwelling with a courtyard at 6 Little Strand Street, Skerries, Co. Dublin. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours and submission or observation may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (20Euros) within the period 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of this application. Fingal County Council We, Gannons City Recovery & Recycling Services Ltd, intend to apply for permission for development at Unit 7, Roseville Industrial Park, Turvey Avenue, Turvey, Donabate, Co. Dublin. Planning permission is sought to (a) construct an extension to the side of existing industrial unit (with a floor area of 676m2 and an overall height of 9.65m), (b) replace eastern



Planning & Services

11th July 2017

ALL YOUR GARDEN NEEDS All types of general gardening work undertaken

boundary, (c) to widen rear access gates, (d) together with all associated site works. The Planning Application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the Planning Authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the Planning Authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application. Fingal County Council Application for Planning Permission for Michael & Ciara Dockery This notice is with regard to the seeking of planning permission by Michael and Ciara Dockery to the property: Summer Madness, Quay Street Skerries Co Dublin. The permission sought is for material alterations including partial demolition of external walls and single storey porch to the west, extension to the west and north of the site on two levels, including a balcony to the north on the first floor, extension of current roof pitch and profile over proposed extension, expansion of existing garden area, erection of boundary wall and associated works. The Planning Application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the Planning Authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the

Planning Authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application. Fingal County Council Planning permission is sought by Courtlough Shooting Ground Ltd. at Courtlough Shooting Grounds and Adventure Centre (located between Courtlough Road, LP01165) and the Balrothery Road, LP01155), Courtlough, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin for development consisting of (i) alteration of site levels to create raised earthen area to accommodate new zip line platform and zip wire associated with existing adventure centre development (ii) 2 no. subsonic 0.22 calibre rifle shooting ranges including 2 no. shooting range huts on each range (4 no. in total) and earthen enclosure berms around each range all sides (ranging in height from 3m to 7m), additional earthen outer enclosure berms to north and east of range area; (iii) new equestrian centre development consisting of paddock area, training area, corral, wash down area, single storey stables building (including stable bays, feed store, bedding store, tack and cleaning room, equipment store), trailer parking area and car parking. The proposed development includes associated SuDS drainage, landscaping, boundary treatments (including paddock fencing), alteration of site levels and all associated site development works necessary to facilitate the

development. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (€20) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of this application. Fingal County Council I, Sharon Staveley intend to apply for Permission for development at this site: 10 Beverton Wood, Donabate, Co. Dublin. The development will consist of: Two storey extension to side and rear of dwelling, single storey extension to rear of dwelling and all associated internal and external alterations. The Planning Application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the Planning Authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the Planning Authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application.

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Attention Home Owners, Architects & Builders

Fingal County Council Planning Application Adverts are


North County Leader, Your No.1 Local Newspaper are happy to announce that we are now accepting Planning Application Adverts for the following areas: Balbriggan, Balrothery, Skerries, Lusk, Rush, Loughshinny, Ballyboughal, Naul, Portrane, Donabate, Swords, Kinsealy, Malahide and Portmarnock Adverts must be supplied by email to or by visiting: you can also post your advert on a disk to

North County Leader, Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin

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11th July 2017

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