North County Leader 09th July 2013

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9th July 2013 • Volume 20, Issue 25 • Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin. • Tel: 8•400•200 •

Relief As Bank Says No Job Losses The reports which emanated from the national media last week regarding the fact that Ulster Bank will lay-off up to 1800 employees across the country, appear to be greatly exaggerated. These figures caused much concern and confusion to workers and customers of Ulster Bank branches and outlets in the North County, where the bank has a significant presence. This will come as a relief to staff employed by Ulster Bank at it’s five North County facilities. The County Leader contacted Ulster Bank in an effort to find out if the jobs of workers the branches in Swords, Cloghran and Malahide were in any danger. The reply was that there would be “no new job losses as part of this.” It continued, “Ulster Bank has already announced and is implementing a programme to reduce full time employee head count by 950 across the business. We believe that, taking account the 950 reductions announced in early 2012, the remaining decrease in head count should be met through natural attrition over the remaining course of the strategic plan. We continue to keep our costs under review. The locations of the affected branches have not been confirmed.” The County Leader also contacted a spokesperson for the Irish Bank Officials Association (IBOA). Séamas Sheils, who is IBOA’s Communications Manager. He maintains that the initial figure of 1,800 job losses was “grossly exaggerated”. He claimed, “Part of the problem comes from grossly inflated figures which the bank’s boss used in a speech in Edinburgh to a particular audience, to make it look like drastic action was being taken to reverse the bank’s fortunes. Most of the job losses and natural attrition losses have already taken place. We are not entirely clear about the figures being bandied about by Ulster Bank, but we feel they are greatly inflated,” he said. When asked if any of the local branches in the North County would be affected, he said he could not speculate on their future, as affected locations have yet to be named,” the statement ended. Ulster Bank is a significant player in the local economy and is continuing to provide a vital service for it’s client base in the North County. The fact that the company’s statement confirmed that no new job losses are part of the bank’s strategy is a relief to staff and customers alike.

Skerries Monument To Remember Tragic Sea Victims By Patrick Finnegan

A long overdue memorial for people lost at sea, is about to be erected in Skerries. The monument is in the form of a Sea Pole and will be located at the bandstand at Red Island. Locals will remember the original Sea Pole, which was removed about 10 years ago. The local authority built a new one to replace it, but it was never put in place, due to health and safety issues. It will now be reinstated in a safer area, as a memorial. The idea of the reinstating the Sea Pole as a memorial monument is the brainchild of Carl Duff, who is a well known businessman in Skerries. He told the County Leader, “Every maritime town in the country has a monument to people who were lost at sea, but Skerries is a notable exception. My father, Tommy was lost at sea in Skerries in 1974. He was involved with the sailing club and the coastguard and actually lost his life in the process of saving someone. Luckily, his body was recovered and he have a grave to visit, but many Skerries families are not so lucky. This monument will provide these families with a place to visit and remember their loved ones. I feel it’s high time that this monument was sanctioned,” he said. The County Council are taking on the project and Carl and local designer, Shane Holland

Rotary Club of Dublin Fingal put their three year presidential plan in place at Sutton Golf Club last week. Out going President, Dave Murray handed over the chains of office to new president, Paul O'Reilly. Andrea Molloy, Sales and Marketing of Clarion Hotel Dublin Airport is the President elect and will assume the presidency in 2014. Michael Kennedy, Managing Director of Michael Kennedy Insurance Group is Vice President and will succeed Ms Molloy as president in 2015. Paul has been a member of Rotary Club of Dublin Fingal for five years and is a director of Bluebird Care Dublin North, which is based in Swords and employs over 60 people locally. His company provides care to older people in their own homes and assistance to people with disabilities. Bluebird Care has 18 offices nationally and each office is owner managed. Paul is an accountant and prior to starting his own company, he held senior financial positions with a number of national and international companies. He lives in Drumcondra with his wife Carol and young son Alex. The new president is pictured here with Andrea Molloy and Michael Kennedy.

New President For Local Rotary Club

have come up with funding, but more is required. Initially there were obstacles placed in the way, and now there is plenty of support for the project locally. The Sea Pole will be familiar to many locals in Skerries, as it was formerly called the Monkey Pole, so called, because revellers leaving nearby pubs and the nightclub used to climb it. It was actually an Apparatus Pole, which was used by the Coastguard, where equipment like ropes and pulleys were stored, ready for use in the rescue of seafarers in trouble. It has now been modified for the purposes of health and safety purposes,” said Carl. Names and details of people lost at sea will be recorded on the monument. Carl is busy making plates which will be placed around the Sea Pole. Each person’s name, the name of the boat and the date of the tragedy will be recorded on each individual brass plate for all to see. He already has 271 tragic events at sea recorded. Continued on page 16





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