Turbulence February 2015

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michael palin TOUR TICKETS


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E enquiries@seanstravel.com.au W seansimmons travel.com.au ABN 48153795129 | AFTA 10216 | ATAS A10436 TURBULENCE February 2015 | 1

“ The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” Marcel Proust

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#24 on NY Times List

17 Planet of the appS 18 THE NSW HOT 15





Competition winner & Stories

Row 75

Articles of interest

21 Cruise Special

MSC Cruises month of cruising SALE

26 Flight Deck

Sean’s travel tips

Michael Palin


The hottest venues in 2015

34 36

Airline and industry news

30 HOT FARES 32 To the POINT

Loyalty program news and updates

35 sean simmons recommends

MP Cheap Fruit & Veg

37 World events calendar TURBULENCE February 2015 | 3

weLCOME TO THE FEBRUARY ISSUE Travel broadens the mind, expands the consciousness, and teaches us more life lessons than any other event we undertake. I don’t know who said that, maybe it was me (?) – but I believe every word of it! Our aim is to ensure each edition of Turbulence helps you plan, prepare and set off on your journey.


In this edition, we explore the fascinating world of our esteemed friend, The Naked Hungry Traveller, and delve a little into his new “get in and get on” style Big Yellow Suitcase Tours, which had an incredibly successful launch last year, and continue to go from strength to strength. Something different to consider while you plan your trip…our “Local Living” style experiences in Europe and Asia where you will experience, first hand, how the natives really live! A hearty CONGRATULATIONS to the city of churches, Adelaide, for being selected by the New York Times, at number 24 of 60 Best Places To See in 2015 – enjoy a few selections that will inspire you and tease your tastebuds!! Did you win? Win what? Tickets of course – to Michael Palin! We were snowed under with entries – but you will have to read on to find out if you are off to see this incredible mans show in March. (see page 34 for the winner and tour dates). As Melbourne lurches from 38 degrees to 20 degrees and back again, all in a day (I kid you not!) and we start to see our evenings drawing in, think about our neighbours and the extreme weather mother nature is throwing at us from every angle: The fiercest snow storms in history have battered the East Coast USA, where the snow ploughs are running out of places to move the snow to (lets hope it doesn’t thaw too rapidly then!) While down south, Mississipi has endured almost 3 times more Tornadoes in January 2015 than in January 2014. The UK has been battered by hurricane like storms, and suffered its coldest January night on record at a shivering -9.1 degrees – YES that is a minus sign - BRRRR. The United Arab Emirates has had, and I kid you not, FOG and SNOW, causing mayhem at the major airport crossroads of Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Doha, leading to passengers stranded on airplanes for upwards of 20 plus hours. And here is the scary part for all you (global warming) NAY sayers – the earth is warming up – FACT. For January 2015, the earth was on average 3.59C warmer around the world. Thank you for your continued readership, we hope you enjoy the rest of February 2015 ….. lets create some ……….. TURBULENCE!!

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Italy, the historical centre of the Roman Empire, boasts more cultural sights and attractions than you could ever hope to see in a single visit. Italy lays claim to more UNESCO World Heritage Sites than any other country in the world (47 in total), and many of these aweinspiring attractions - often rather casually located amid the hustle and bustle of modern city-life - are essential to an understanding of contemporary western civilisation. From the Leaning Tower of Pisa, to the intricate Gothic architecture of Cathedral Square, to the almost obscene wealth of artwork housed in the galleries of Tuscany, a holiday in Italy is nothing short of a compulsory experience. Of course, Italy’s culture does not only belong in the past - the country remains on the cutting-edge of haute couture, and watching the famously stylish locals clip along cobblestoned streets in six-inch stiletto heels is almost a tourist attraction in itself. Shopaholics will feel as though they’ve found paradise, browsing the boutique stores of Milan’s Fashion Quadrilatero; while gastronomes should prepare themselves

for a holiday punctuated by unforgettable meals. The world-famous Italian cuisine is, naturally, even more delicious when prepared in its homeland - and visitors to Italy can look forward to trying interesting regional variations of their favourite pizza and pasta dishes. Whether you opt for a holiday in Venice, where the songs of gondoliers are carried on the evening breeze; or you choose to relax on the staggering Amalfi coastline; or you find yourself in Verona, sipping an espresso in a crowded piazza while the sun sinks behind a skyline of Gothic spires; one thing’s for sure, your holiday in Italy will be an experience you won’t soon forget. A country uniquely blessed with sights, attractions, great food and wine, and a lovely climate; Italy is not only the historical ‘centre of the western world’, but one of its most enthralling modern-day tourist destinations.

For all ENQUIRIES email enquiries@seanstravel.com.au TURBULENCE JANUARY TURBULENCE 2015 | February 7 2015 | 7

Want to experience Italian culture up close and personal? Try these local living experiences that will show you parts of Italian life not found on any tourist map.

8 | TURBULENCE February 2015

Like the Local living idea but ant to travel somewhere a little different? Try one of the tours below.

Local Living in Ecuador FROM $699 7 DAYS QUITO TO QUITO

Local Living in Southern Tuscany

Local Living on the Amalfi Coast

Local Living in Sorrento




Experience life the local way and you’ll experience a Tuscany that most tourists miss. This trip offers plenty of opportunity to get your hands dirty in the kitchen, as you’ll learn to prepare and enjoy this picturesque region’s culinary and viticultural delights. Peruse the local markets and delis in search of the finest organic fare, sample wines in the very vineyards that produced them, and work off all that deliciousness with walks through some of the world’s most beautiful scenery. Just start forwarding your mail here now.

Live at an agriturismo on the Amalfi Coast for a week, hike beautiful trails including the famous “Walk of the Gods”, learn about the fate of Pompeii from an expert local guide, explore chic resort towns and historic villages, savour delicious home-cooked Italian food made from local ingredients, take in spectacular views of the Amalfi Coast from the water on a scenic ferry ride between Positano and Amalfi.

Get a taste for Italian life on this one-week trip to Sorrento, located just around the corner from the Amalfi Coast. Replete with gorgeous scenery and all the fantastic food and drink you’d expect, you’ll unwind on an organic lemon farm where a local family will be your hosts, giving you an in-depth look at what life at an Italian agriturismo is like. And of course, there will be food demonstrations, including limoncello - and pizza-making as well as a walk along the stunning coastline, a visit to the elite island of Capri and a stop at Pompeii. Don’t be a tourist in Italy—live the dream.




Meet the Quichua family who will host you in their home for the next four nights. Discover waterfalls in Amazon Rainforest walks and travel to an animal rescue centre by canoe. You’ll befriend a people few outsiders have the honour to even meet.

Local Living in Thailand FROM $399 6 DAYS CHIANG MAI TO CHANG MAI This trip introduces you to a side of Thailand that few see, partnering you up with a local hill tribe for an allaccess glimpse into (very) rural life. Explore the village and the jungle that surrounds it and learn about daily life in the hills from your more-thanwelcoming hosts.

Speak to your Sean Simmons Travel Expert about other local living experiences TURBULENCE February 2015 | 9


is a bespoke tour operator specialising in small group adventures to the ‘most beautiful and interesting places in the world’ Tom Neal Tacker, travel writer and co-founder of Big Yellow Suitcase, is a lover and now purveyor of ‘slow travel’ – the idea being to allow people the opportunity to really stop, smell the roses and create once-in-a-lifetime memories. We posed a few questions to Tom to see how the Naked Hungry Traveller was doing as the newest fish in the tour operator pond, and gain some insights in to the ethos behind Tom’s latest project – Big Yellow Suitcase. It seems you’ve jumped a tad outside of your comfort zone. What made you take the plunge from travel writer to tour operator? Did you perceive there to be a gap in the tour industry and, if so, how does Big Yellow Suitcase plan to fill this? My comfort zone has no real boundaries. I’m limited only by my imagination,

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which I prefer stretching to its maximum extent, hence the writing focus in my work. Quite frankly and to be perfectly honest, writing about travel these days isn’t a sure-fire way to copious remuneration so I’ve had to consider ways to expand the revenue stream. What better way to do this than to combine what I already know about travel by sharing my experience with like-

minded travellers? Far as I know, I’m the only wellknown travel writer who has set up a tour company, which I always believed was a natural progression. Clearly there is a gap in the tour industry for the provision of authentic travel experiences seen from a different point of view, in my case one based on total immersion into other cultures and locales so I can get the most interesting story from it. Big Yellow Suitcase is all about enabling our guests to really get to know a place rather than be trundled from one hotel to another in a relatively short period, never allowing enough time for human engagement to flourish and hopefully new friendships to begin. When I met my business partner Wendy Hand in

New York early in 2014, we hit if off immediately. Wendy ran an international events management business for many years. Her work took her just about everywhere for extended trips, from Europe to North America, Asia to South America. Between us, we’ve covered the majority of countries on all six permanently inhabited continents, chosen destinations we love best for Big Yellow Suitcase. It may sound ridiculously twee to say this, but we want to share the love. Given our quite different business histories, we surprised ourselves at how concomitant our careers actually are. Wendy is naturally gifted at seeing the fine detail while I tend to see a big picture. Working together we realise that we’ve both increased our total focus; the light has reflected positively on us both so to speak. I was looking for a way to open a tour company but was reluctant to do it solo, realising I lacked particular skills. Luckily I met Wendy at the right time in the right

place. One year later we’re both where we wanted to be but still somewhat surprised at how we got there, which for me is often what travel is all about. You know the old cliché? Tourists can’t remember where they’ve been. Travellers don’t care where they’re going. Well, we want to convert harried tourists into caring

others as you mention, but have removed this particular phrase from the website due to some negative connotations in our American market. Hillary Clinton used the phrase a few years ago, which I believe she intended to mean that grass roots political movements may grow into larger and possibly social changing legislation for holistic benefit to all. We got a few emails from

“don’t rush; life isn’t a series of photo opportunities at the end of a ‘selfie-stick” travellers who care a lot but don’t have the time to organise all they want when they travel. After reading your website, can we ask what does ‘It Takes a Village’ really mean and how do your themes of ‘slow travel’ and ‘cultural immersion’ shine through in your itineraries? We started with the theme ‘It Takes a Village’, amongst

potential American clients who objected to what they viewed as an actual quote and hence an endorsement of Hillary Clinton. Rather than continually clarifying what we mean, we chose to focus instead on ‘Slow Travel’ and ‘Cultural Immersion’ as catchphrases. That being said, we continue to espouse the humanist principles behind the phrase ‘It

Takes a Village’, which we believe means villages are where people live in close connection with their neighbours. This doesn’t mean we only travel to villages. Our tour to New York City for instance focuses on how even a big city like New York is comprised of an assortment of unique villages where people thrive on their relationships with their neighbours. Each of our itineraries follows the ‘Slow Travel’ route. For anyone unaware of its meaning, it is how it reads: don’t rush; life isn’t a series of photo opportunities at the end of a ‘selfie-stick’ and why not stay long enough in one place to say hello to the same local person more than once? Most tourists limit their interpersonal engagement to hotel receptionists, taxi drivers and restaurant employees. We want our guests to get to know local people, therefore we organise as much interaction with permanent inhabitants as time will allow. (Continued next page)

For all ENQUIRIES email enquiries@seanstravel.com.au TURBULENCE February 2015 | 11

From what we can tell, it seems more like you are trying to attract a particular type of traveller rather than, say, an age group. Is this accurate? Can you tell us a little bit about your demographic and who has the most to gain from the Big Yellow Suitcase experience? We have no particular type in mind for our tours. What we have learned is that our guests already tend to be regular, if not frequent travellers. Were I forced to describe our psychological demographic in business terms, I would have to say they’re independent minded whilst also being financially independent, very keen to learn more about the world they already know relatively well. I would venture to guess that anyone who travels with Big Yellow Suitcase is looking to expand their world knowledge in an enriching and potentially self-fulfilling way.

There is a definite emphasis placed on food and culinary experiences in all of your tours. Why do you feel that food culture is so important to the travel experience? While I want to reference the 19th century philosopher and gastronome Brillat-Savarin here (“Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are.”), we believe the shared ethos across all cultures is food, slightly

Hastening to add here for further clarification, I’ve never really liked the word ‘foreign’. For me it’s a challenge NOT to see another destination or culture as foreign. I want to feel a part of a place quickly to avoid being labelled foreign. I use food culture as the key to opening closed doors. This precept cuts right across perceived differences more effectively and accessibly than anything other method I know.

“they all enjoyed it so much they’re already planning a return visit this year.” different to what BrillatSavarin’s intention which was aimed at the individual rather than a collective. If you want to see how a community goes about its daily routines, observe where it shops for sustenance. When I set up the online magazine Naked Hungry Traveller I had in mind an honest appraisal of the travel experience via a constant hunger for knowledge.

You broke ground recently, with your ‘maiden voyage’ to the heart of Mexico in November last year. What was the response and what was the most important thing you learned from your first experience as a tour operator? Yes, our first tour was to Ajijic, a stunningly beautiful, art-filled 16th century village on the shore of

Mexico’s largest lake, Chapala. We organised this particular tour to coincide with the country’s largest artisan fair, which is run by volunteers and is totally non-profit. All monies from sales go directly to the artist. No middle men are involved. It’s a rewarding experience engaging with artists from all round Mexico, enjoying the cross-cultural interaction. We wanted our guests to see this first hand. Apparently they all enjoyed it so much they’re already planning a return visit this year. We learned that running a tour isn’t exactly a walk in the park. For instance, no matter how many times you advise a guest to avoid certain street foods (ever heard of Montezuma’s revenge?) an independent traveller will do as he or she pleases. We learned we can’t be all things to all people 100% of the time but we can provide expert advice while allowing our guests to forge their own paths, a fine-line balancing

act which kept us on our toes every single moment. Very importantly we learned to overdeliver while managing expectations. Raising expectations to an unachievable level sets up a failure scenario so we pulled rabbits out of hats on a continual basis. Everyone wants to get best possible value out of what they purchase; it’s our job to ensure all our customers finish a tour with us feeling like they gained more than what they ever could have reasonably expected. Finally, you have tours to Greece, Sicily, Malta, France, New York, New Orleans, Costa Rica and Mexico coming up this year. Can you give us any hints about what might be on the cards that we haven’t seen yet? We create each itinerary to best suit the destination. For example, in Greece we’re exploring the Peloponnesus, which I consider the real heart of this ancient land. We’re visiting a few small family owned wineries, having lunch cooked by the owner in fact, the region’s most

isolated and stunning archaeological site and a few monasteries right off the beaten track that once hid revolutionary heroes during the Greek War of Independence in the 1820s. We shaped this itinerary to illuminate a fascinating region that is overlooked by most travellers as they island hop from one crowded beach to another, missing out entirely on what Greek culture is all about.

Same attention to detail is applied to Malta, which is very different to Sicily despite its close proximity. We love Malta for its authentic independent spirit. While not quite off the beaten track it’s also overlooked by most keen travellers and we’re keen to show it off. Both tours to New Orleans and New York are fixed to reflect what each great city has in its heart, be it

“As for France? Burgundy: Barge. Luxury. Wine. Food. History. Slow. Need I say more?” In Sicily we eat and drink at the best restaurants, do a private cooking class with a famous aristocrat who also happens to be a damned fine chef, all the while taking time to explore the special environment that is southeast Sicily. Given that gaining insight into what makes Sicily tick is through the stomach’s eye, we have tailored this itinerary appropriately.

music, food, fashion, arts and bars. I can say that in both we’re hitting some very cool saloons where cocktails are created with a special generosity of spirit, pun intended. As Costa Rica is one of the world’s most environmentally minded countries, where over 30% of its landmass is devoted to national parks, we will take a trip on the wild side

but with a lot of luxury thrown in. ‘Ticos’ (Costa Ricans) are rated amongst the top three longest living global citizens, attributed to healthy lifestyles (almost all the food is organic) and the fact that Costa Rica disbanded its armed forces in the late 1940s. We love Mexico already, know it well and can’t wait to show it from the Big Yellow Suitcase perspective to many more travellers. As for France? Burgundy: Barge. Luxury. Wine. Food. History. Slow. Need I say more? In 2016, we’re adding more itineraries to our portfolio. India, Thailand and Canada are in our suitcase and we can’t wait to unpack.

Call a Sean SImmons Travel expert today for information on their fantastic tours today.

For all ENQUIRIES email enquiries@seanstravel.com.au TURBULENCE February 2015 | 13

14 | TURBULENCE February 2015


In keeping with its climate, Adelaide, capital of South Australia, has a Mediterranean ambience as it straddles the Torrens River. It is filled with churches, gardens, civic buildings, sidewalk cafes and a plethora of museums, galleries and festivals catering to the culturally inclined. The city was originally laid out in 1836 by Colonel Light in a square mile (three sq km) grid of wide streets with gracious colonial architecture. This has resulted in a compact inner city area, geared for easy exploring on foot, allowing the central area to be surrounded with hectares of parklands, walking trails, sports grounds and picnic areas on the banks of the river. The main boulevard is North Terrace, along which are the restored Mortlock Library, the Art Gallery of South Australia and the South Australian Museum with its spectacular whale skeleton and collection of Aboriginal history. Aboriginal culture is also catered for at Tandanya, a multi-arts cultural centre that has galleries, performance areas and a café serving native cuisine. Visitors who have had enough of culture can take a cruise or gondola ride on the Torrens River, or ride a vintage tram to the nearby seaside town of Glenelg with its magnificent white sandy beach, popular despite the occasional rumour of sharks. Adelaide’s Central Market is the place to go for foodies. Among the noisy, colourful atmosphere and wondrous smells are fruit and vegetable stores and a large selection of meat and fish along with gourmet specialities introduced by the waves of immigrants who call Adelaide their home. Also popular with visitors is the Adelaide Zoo and Cleland Wildlife Park, which features local birds and animals including koalas and kangaroos. From Adelaide, you can easily access and explore greater South Australia. You can take day and overnight excursions to the many fantastic wine regions including Barossa Valley and McLaren Vale or catch the ferry over to Kangaroo Island. You can also drive or fly to Australia’s famous opal mining town, Coober Pedy, your gateway to South Australia’s outback.


Inspiring style, upscale surrounds and the perfect location for your next Adelaide break. With Adelaide’s iconic attractions right on Crowne Plaza Adelaide’s doorstep. You can also catch up with friends over an awardwinning coffee or discover one of Adelaide’s secret culinary gems, Redsalt Restaurant and Bar, which showcases the best of contemporary South Australian cuisine. Indulge in fresh, locally grown produce and sample littleknown Barossa gems from the extensive wine list. Or you can enjoy lunch or unwind with friends and colleagues over a drink at Redsalt Bar.

Special Offer: Turbulence subscribers will receive a welcome bottle of wine when they book and stay at Crowne Plaza between now and 30 June 2015. Simply let your Sean Simmons Travel expert know you are a subscriber when you make your booking.

For all ENQUIRIES email enquiries@seanstravel.com.au TURBULENCE February 2015 | 15


Barossa Food & Wine ExperienceS

After early morning pick up from selected Adelaide accommodation, you will be transferred either to Adelaide Airport for your flight to Kingscote or to the SeaLink ferry terminal at Cape Jarvis.

Food & Wine Experience

Travel to Seal Bay for a walk on the beach amongst a colony of rare Australian Sea Lions, head to Vivonne Bay for a two-course lunch, followed by a visit to Hanson Bay Wildlife Sanctuary. Spend the afternoon at Flinders Chase National Park, renowned as a sanctuary for native Australian animals including kangaroos, wallabies and koalas. See the rugged coastline from walks around Remarkable Rocks and Admiral’s Arch, a spectacular rock archway, a natural nursery and safe haven for playful New Zealand fur seals that can be seen resting, swimming and playing in the waves or on the rocks. AIR: $1274 for 2 adults Daily departures except 25 Dec Duration 9.5 hours SEA: $538 for 2 adults Daily departures except 25 Dec Duration 16 hours Click HERE to view full details

Flight option includes all airport taxes and levies. Luggage limit of 15kg checked baggage and 7kg hand luggage per person. Taxes and levies are subject to increase without notice. Prices are correct as at 6 February and are subject to change without notice. Credit card and booking fees may apply.

Enjoy the change of scenery as you make your way from Adelaide into the vineyards of South Australia’s Barossa wine region. Your first stop is TeAro Estate, located in the main street of Williamstown in a heritage listed 1850’s barn. In the intimate Tasting Room, you will be treated to morning tea sourced from the local bakery and wine tastings while hearing stories from 4 generations of family vignerons. Leaving Williamstown, you’ll be driven a short distance through the town of Lyndoch to Kellermeister, which is a delightful mud brick cellar door with breath taking views over the estate vineyard to the Barossa ranges beyond. Enjoy tastings of a wide variety of international award winning wines including their Wild Witch Shiraz, the Retro’ selection and a crisp apple cider. Your next stop is a visit to Maggie Beer’s Farm Shop*, an absolute must whilst visiting the Barossa. Maggie Beer - cook, writer and founder of ‘Maggie Beer Products’, offers tastings and sales of her full product range including limited edition seasonal produce. Here we can browse amongst her personally selected regional specialty goods, purchase one of her signed books or simply sit back and take in the view.

For all ENQUIRIES email enquiries@seanstravel.com.au 16 | TURBULENCE February 2015

On arrival at the Wolf Blass Visitor Centre, we will sit down and enjoy a delicious platter-style Barossa gourmet lunch then enjoy tastings of some of the award-winning wines and learn about Wolf Blass the man, the wines, the winery and the vineyards. Leaving the Wolf Blass Visitor Centre, we head to Saltram Wine Estate at Angaston. Here we will learn about Saltram’s 150 year history and taste some of the wide selection of quality wines from the stunning cellar door. Your final stop for the day will be Pindarie, which is a multi award winning cellar door, which feels more like a Homestead. The friendly staff don’t just pour the wine, they share the stories behind the wines and Pindarie, a great way to finish off your Barossa Food and Wine Experience.

Wine Tour with Handorff This full day tour takes passengers to South Australia’s premium wine region, to sample some of the Barossa’s finest wines including the world famous Jacobs Creek Winery and Langmeil winery. Then wind your way through the picturesque Adelaide Hills to Hahndorf, Adelaide’s oldest German settlement where you will enjoy a German style lunch and have free time to explore the many shops and galleries full of local arts, crafts and produce. Call your Sean Simmons Travel expert for bookings.

Speaktribe Learn Spanish on your Smartphone SpeakTribe, by Edushire, is a speak-first language learning app for English speakers to learn Spanish. The app quickly ramps up users with no knowledge of the language, to a level where they can have a basic conversation in a simulated situation. The app uses innovative ways to introduce new words, and engages users with basic conversation using their smartphone. Introducing new words gradually, it test your listening skills, with multiple choices quizzes and speaking ability by repeating phrases using the inbuilt microphone of your smartphone. The first four levels of the app are free and give a fantastic introduction with the basics. If one wants to continue further, the intermediate levels are available for about $12; while the price for advanced levels is around $20. You can purchase the whole course for around $25.

Ever wanted to learn Spanish but don’t have the time to take a course?

Intermediate levels cover vocabulary and situations around travel, like landscape, hotelbooking, eating-at-a-restaurant, shopping etc, and is targeted to tourists. Advanced levels come with richer vocabulary and grammar topics, and is meant for users who may have decided to move! Available on Android HERE

TURBULENCE February 2015 | 17

Everyone knows New South Wales is a pretty happening place, with plenty of hot spots to draw the crowds.So to show off some of these cool places, Destination NSW has made a Hot 15 in 2015 list, with only the sexiest sites making the cut. Get clued in on what places need adding to your must-see list this year. 2. Coogee Pavilion Rooftop 1. Pretty Beach House

The gorgeous 5 star luxury retreat, Pretty Beach House, is due to reopen in late March 2015. Located 100km north of Sydney on the Bouddi Peninsula, this adults only, all-inclusive retreat has been lovingly restored to its former glory, with dining headed up by Stefano Manfredi. 18 | TURBULENCE February 2015

The latest installment of the expansive three level venue, the Coogee Pavilion Rooftop, is an oasis where guests can enjoy top notch food and an unrivalled view of the breathtaking Coogee shoreline. A fun and relaxed social destination for the iconic beachside suburb, with four indoor and outdoor bars, a sweeping balcony and one of the best vantage points a venue has to offer.

addition – the Langham Pink Taxi, available to transport guests locally in pink style!

3. QT Residences Bondi

Bondi Beach has been in need of new accommodation so the news of QT opening hotel apartments on Australia’s most iconic beach is good news for all. Due to open in mid-2015, these stunning boutique hotel apartments will be a highly anticipated addition to the east.

5. Sake Double Bay

The latest addition to the InterContinental Hotel Double Bay, Sake is sure to become the ‘go-to’ destination for Japanese food in the East. This Double Bay restaurant offers a bespoke menu featuring some of Sydney’s favourite dishes in a unique and vibrant setting. The restaurant also features a sushi counter and a traditional open plan Japanese Robata grill, with special binchoban charcoal that has been custom built for the restaurant.

4. Chippendale – Sydney’s latest hotspot

There’s an exciting urban renaissance happening in Chippendale. This innerwest quarter is swapping industrial for imagination as warehouses, dwellings and factories are reborn as galleries, studios, designer stores, restaurants, bars, artisan workshops and antiques outlets- often all under one roof. This year, a row of 1840’s heritage buildings in Chippendale will convert to a new restaurant and shopping precinct. Singaporebased restaurateur and hotelier Peng will open his trademark Unlisted Collection with UK superstar Jason Atherton heading the line-up, including Clayton Wells from Momofuku Seiobo and Sam Miller from Noma.

7. Tim Ho Wan

Dim sum chain Tim Ho Wan will open three stores in Sydney in 2015, appealing to dim sum fans young and old. Lauded as the world’s cheapest Michelin-starred restaurant, the Sydney restaurants on George Street, Burwood and Chatswood are sure to attract crowds eager for its delicious dumplings.

8. Chin Chin

6. The Boathouse Shelly Beach

Shelly Beach, just around the bay from the iconic Manly Beach, will have an exciting new dining destination this year – The Boathouse. Positioned as a grown up version of the Palm Beach restaurant, The Boathouse Shelly Beach will be a kiosk, café and restaurant situated in one of Sydney’s most beautiful locations.

Watch out for the opening of Chin Chin Sydney, the next instalment of the popular restaurant heralded by Chris Lucas. Rumours are that they are scouting for a Surry Hills or Bondi location – watch this space!

10. Taronga Zoo Wild Ropes

Visitors to Taronga Zoo can now experience the Zoo’s amazing wildlife and spectacular harbour views from an entirely new perspective, with the addition of a treetop, high ropes adventure experience. Taronga Zoo’s high ropes course above its Australian Walkabout exhibits, gives visitors the chance to navigate a series of exciting challenges, including suspension bridges, rope climbs and zip-lines while enjoying a bird’s eye view of unique Australian animals, such as koalas, kangaroos and wallabies.

11. Barangaroo 9. The Langham Sydney

The Langham Sydney has recently reopened following a $30 million refurbishment. Renovation work has included a complete remodelling of the hotel’s lobby, dining areas, guestrooms and ballroom. Our favourite

The biggest development to hit Sydney is of course Barangaroo – the proposed waterside thriving public, residential and commercial precinct. The first building, Barangaroo South, is targeted for completion (Continued next page)

TURBULENCE February 2015 | 19

in 2015, offering a new business, tourism, residential and retail precinct. Barangaroo Point, a grand harbour park with picnic areas, bush walks, tidal pools and a new cultural centre is also slated to open this year.

12. Merivale Says Hello to Paddington The next Merivale destination will be opening on Oxford Street, Paddington in June this year. Housed on the old Paddington Arms site, the restaurant will be headed up by Danielle Alvarez (ex Chez Panisse), offering a menu of traditional Thai street food.

13. Pink Salt

This Double Bay institution is back with a new look and new menu. Offering a complete change to the previous fit-out; a new, leafy look has been introduced with interior design courtesy of Alex Zabotto-Bentley – think rough, raw and recycled wood, lush tropical greenery in abundant pots and soft leather banquettes under glass ceilings.

20 | TURBULENCE February 2015

14. Bennelong

Quay’s Peter Gilmore and the Fink Group will be opening Bennelong in June 2015, which will include a signature Gilmore dining room and a less formal restaurant and bar on the upper level. With a focus on supporting local produce, the restaurant space will be completely refurbished with a brand new kitchen.

15. The Hydro Majestic

The Hydro Majestic is back to its original glory, with accommodation now open to guests. The stunning property includes the revitalisation of the Casino Building, The Wintergarden, The Flying Fox Room and The Cat’s Alley, The Delmonte Building & Conference Rooms and The Majestic Ballroom. The perfect location for a weekend escape, Sunday drive, or High Tea with the ladies – The Hydro Majestic is sure to delight. For the next trip to NSW, please contact your Sean Simmons Travel expert.

50% off The Second passenger!


CRUISING To celebrate MSC Orchestra’s maiden voyage to Australia in March, we are bringing you a fantastic MSC cruise deal every week until her arrival on our shores. This week, book a 12 night cruise aboard the MSC Orchestra from Rome to Kiel visiting Italy, Spain, Portugal, United Kingdom, Netherlands & Germany. Receive 50% off the second passenger, PLUS $50pp onboard credit. While Sean Simmons Travel have the privilege of offering extended dates on this offer, we can’t hold them for long – this offer only lasts until Monday 23 February, 2015. A new deal takes it’s place on Tuesday. To view each week’s cruise deal visit the Sean Simmons Travel website or make sure you join us on Facebook for updates as they occur!

For all ENQUIRIES email enquiries@seanstravel.com.au TURBULENCE February 2015 | 21


A special report on the Sunrise children’s villages supporting for orphaned, abandoned, vulnerable and disadvantaged Cambodian children. 22 | TURBULENCE February 2015

To the 400 Cambodian children who call the Sunrise Children’s Villages home, Geraldine Cox is simply ‘Big Mum’. A loving, supportive and trusted role model that has helped transform their lives by offering the disadvantaged, disabled and orphaned children a safe home, access to quality education and specialised health care. Geraldine’s calling to help Cambodia’s disadvantaged, at-risk, disabled and orphaned children began in 1993 when she visited a group of 24 orphans, displaced from a refugee camp in Thailand. The children’s deceased families were among the millions of victims of the Vietnam War and Pol Pot’s genocidal regime. Geraldine quickly captured the children’s heart and gained their trust. Promising them her unconditional love and support, ‘Big Mum’ founded what would become the first Sunrise Children’s Village in Phnom Penh. Over the past 21 years Geraldine’s vision and determination to give the children in her care and families from the neighbouring communities the best possible future and to break the cycle of neglect, slavery, poverty and trafficking has gone from strength to strength. Together, Geraldine and the team at Sunrise Children’s Villages have worked hard

to provide and maintain residential care, education, training, employment and medical care to children and families from some of Cambodia’s most atrisk and under-developed communities. Sunrise Children’s Villages have three centres located in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap, as well as a centre of excellence in Sihanoukville which is funded by Computershare Australia and cares for 100 children who are HIV positive. Sunrise Children’s Villages prides itself on working closely with its local community and the residents of the nearby villages to improve the standard of living and ensure all Cambodians have access to a safe home, education and training, clean drinking water, food, medical care and a sustainable income. 2015 marks Sunrise Children’s Villages’ 21st anniversary. In coming months Sunrise Children’s Villages in Phnom Penh will unveil a new learning centre, located on-site, which has been generously funded by an Australian business. The opening of the learning centre marks a new era for Sunrise as it expands its model of care and operation to encompass that of a learning, leadership and

health resource for all Cambodians. The learning centre will be fitted with six classrooms, including a library and computer room. All lessons held in the learning centre will be open to the public and will ensure that Cambodians of all ages and from all walks of life will have access to quality education and training, free of charge. Sunrise Children’s Villages founder Geraldine Cox AM said education is one of Sunrise’s key areas of interest. Since she returned to Cambodia again in 1995, Ms Cox said the country has developed and improved rapidly. Sunrise is dedicated to remaining at the forefront of the NGO sector, developing and implementing services that provide practical support for Cambodians in need. “The improvements in infrastructure has been TURBULENCE February 2015 | 23

“ The improvements in infrastructure has been tremendous as well as the international investments being made,� 24 | TURBULENCE February 2015

tremendous as well as the international investments being made,” Ms Cox said. “What I see around me every day in Phnom Penh is just not what I remembered from 1993. “Huge strides have been made and are continuing to be made every day. “Being seen as part of Asean is another great advantage globally. “Education and health continues to need more improvement and there are plans ahead to achieve this.” As part of its Community Projects Program, Sunrise has also developed a close partnership with Iroha Primary School – the local public school which is located less than two km’s from Sunrise Children’s Village in Phnom Penh. As part of the partnership, Sunrise is working with Iroha Primary School staff and the local community to help improve the quality of education and the attendance rates of students. As there is no free transport service in Phnom Penh and many of the families living below the poverty line can’t afford cars, tuk tuks or motos, Sunrise’s first initiative has been to establish a Bike2School program. As part of Bike2School, children who live too far away from Iroha School to walk are gifted a bicycle to ride to school each day. Giving children the means to attend school is the first step in improving their access to education and ensuring every Cambodian child has the opportunity

to learn, grow and develop in a safe environment. This year Sunrise will also be working with Iroha to renovate the school building - replacing the roof, floor and improving the building’s overall structure to make it safe for the students and teachers. 2015 marks Geraldine Cox’s 70th Birthday. We’re calling on all of our friends and supporters to give her a very special gift. This June is beloved Mum Geraldine’s 70th birthday, and she says that all she wants as a present is “a huge party and disco dancing for all the Sunrise children, past and present; for them to know how precious they are and that she looks forward to dancing with them at their weddings” However over the past 20 years, Geraldine has worked incredibly hard to make Sunrise a true family not only for her children, but for all her staff in Cambodia and Adelaide as well. In return for her huge efforts, this year the Sunrise staff have decided to give her an even more exciting birthday present. They want to provide 200 New Child Sponsorships for Sunrise who will help ensure the bonds of family between her staff and children remain alive for many more years to come.

Sean Simmons Travel is proud to support Sunrise Children’s HERE and offer yours. present. Not all of the children in Sunrise are fully sponsored, and it takes a huge yearly fundraising effort on Geraldine’s behalf to maintain the high level of love and care that Sunrise provides. By helping Sunrise reach the 200 Sponsors target, you will not only enable more disadvantaged children to access lifechanging resources, but also allow their beloved Big Mum to have more time to spend with her children. We simply couldn’t think of a better birthday present for any mother.

But they can’t do this alone. We are calling upon all our friends and supporters, new and old, to help spread the message and be a part of Geraldine’s birthday TURBULENCE February 2015 | 25


Travel information & Industry News Emirates Fan Scores Thousands of Dollars in Upgrades Emirates has taken brand loyalty rewards to a whole new level. Loyal customer Andy McGinlay has gone to extreme lengths to show just how much he loves the airline, and as a result, has been rewarded with a series of free flight upgrades. But how does a 33 year old Scottish teacher manage such a feat? Well, the obsessed Emirates flyer decided to show his love with a tattoo of their logo on his arm. McGinlay, who teaches English in Thailand and has travelled to 80 countries, jumped straight to the front of the upgrade queue after getting inked, and has been treated to over a massive $24,000 worth of upgrades.

Sydney Gets First Dibs on SQ’s Premium Economy Australians keen on experiencing Singapore airlines’ newest class of travel, premium economy class, can secure their seat now with tickets going on sale today. The airline will feature the new cabins on select flights from Singapore to Sydney from August 9, and will be

26 | TURBULENCE February 2015

Everything from champagne and cognac in both business and first class has come McGinlay’s way, with the airline even surprising the loyal passenger with a surprise birthday party on board. “I was flying Business Class from Dubai to Bangkok and the cabin crew saw it was my birthday from the date of birth on my passport,” McGinlay told the UK’s Express. “They invited me to their first-and-businessclass bar and showered me with gifts, champagne and a chocolate cake. I felt like a rock star.” “Every time I’ve flown since I got the tattoo, the cabin crew are amazed — they always want to take photos with me in the galley showing off the tattoo.”

progressively rolled on other destinations served by its A380, Boeing 777-300ERs and future A350 fleet. The total investment for the new cabin class, which will initially be introduced on 19 A380s, 19 777-300ERs and the first 20 A350s, is estimated at US$80 million. Future destinations to be served with the new class include Beijing, Delhi, Hong Kong, Frankfurt, London, Mumbai, New York, Shanghai, Tokyo and Zurich. We cant, however, confirm whether or not Melbourne and Brisbane will offer the new seating, although having seen the A380 removed from the

Pic: Andy McGinlay/Barcroft Media

Melbourne run, surely they would offer premium down here? “Many of our customers’ suggestions have been incorporated into the new product, and we are confident it will be well received by travellers who are looking for more features – in the seat design, in-flight offerings and exclusive privileges,” Singapore Airlines’ CEO, Goh Choon Phong said. Premium Economy Class will feature seat width ranging between 18.5 and 19.5 inches and an eightinch recline. Passengers are also expected to welcome a 13.3-inch full HD monitor, the largest in its class. Active noisecancelling headphones will be provided to enhance the

in-flight audio experience, the airline said. Full leather finishing and a calf-rest and foot-bar will be installed in every seat, which also feature individual in-seat power supply, two USB ports, personal in-seat reading light, cocktail table and additional stowage space for personal items. Premium Economy Class customers will also be given a wider range of food and beverage offerings including Champagne, and from April can also select SIA’s Cook service. Priority check-in and baggage allowance of 35kg will also be given to Premium Economy customers, and KrisFlyer members will receive 10% more miles.

“Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.” Anonymousi

Virgin Blue Painted Out of the Sky Virgin has banished its budget brand Virgin Blue to the history books after repainting the final aircraft in its fleet. The Boeing 737-800 named after Ocean Grove Beach in Victoria was the only one left with the original livery of the airline launched by Sir Richard Branson in 2000. To mark the occasion, Virgin released a time-lapse video of Townsville based company Flying Colours providing the new look. Watch the fascinating timelapse video on YouTube by clicking HERE.

With each paint job taking 18 people 11 days and 260 litres of paint to complete, it’s taken nearly four years to do the whole fleet in the new white and silvers colours. The new look was fist unveiled in 2011 by CEO John Borghetti whose game change strategy has transformed the airline. After renaming the airline Virgin Australia, Mr Borghetti went about smartening up the carrier, giving staff new uniforms and adding business class, flash lounges and premium airport entries. The completion of repainting signals a milestone for the airline which recently announced its return to profit for the first six months of the financial year.

Virgin Seals $1 Buy-Out of Tigerair Virgin Australia holdings has completed its acquisition of the remaining 40% of tiger airways Australia, making it the full owner of the airline. “We remain focussed on maintaining Tigerair Australia’s low cost business model and a separate brand whilst ensuring there is a viable low cost alternative in the market for consumers,” Virgin Australia chief financial officer, Sankar Narayan said. As part of the acquisition, Virgin has secured the brand rights to fly Tigerair Australia to a number of short-haul international destinations as earmarked during the buy-out of the remaining shares, which the airline purchased for $1. “The completion of this acquisition marks the next phase of Tigerair Australia’s evolution into the Australian market and represents an important step in its pathway to sustainable profitability,” Narayan said. Virgin today posted a $55.3 million pre-tax profit in the second quarter of the current financial year.

LUFTHANSA THE LATEST AIRLINE TO HAVE A “RETRO” THEMED NEW PLANE A retro-painted Lufthansa 747-8i (D-ABYT) made an appearance at Boeing’s Everett plant this week. D-ABYT is slated to be the 1,513th 747 delivered and according to Planespotter.net will be the 17th delivered out of an order for 20 airframes. The jet is part of the airlines’ 60th anniversary celebrations. It bears the carrier’s colors from 1968, albeit without the original bare-metal polish. It is expected to be delivered in late March or early April. Lufthansa was the launch customer of the 747-8i, taking delivery in April 2012 and entering into service in June 2012. Other commercial operators of the 747-8i include Air China with Korean the next airline to take delivery sometime in the late second or early third quarter. Due to falling sales, 747-8 output will fall to 1.3 planes a month beginning in September 2015 from 1.5. That means Boeing will build 16 of its biggestever planes annually, two less than its current pace. A recent bright spot was the 747-8 assuming the pole position to be the new Air Force One, replacing the current VC-25′s.

ETIHAD AIRWAYS – WINNER OF 2015 AIRLINE OF THE YEAR FOR TECHNICAL INNOVATION Etihad Airways has taken out the ‘Airline of the Year’ award at the 2015 Aviation 100 Awards, organised by Airline Economics magazine. The prestigious awards are voted for by the industry and recognise outstanding achievement, with Etihad Airways claiming the coveted ‘Airline of the Year’ title. The awards follow a milestone year, which saw the national flag carrier quantum leap its level of growth, launching 10 new routes including three in North America, and injected significant investment into new equity partnerships. TURBULENCE February 2015 | 27


TRAVEL TIPS The debate over tourist vs traveller can often be a heated one. We believe there is a time and a place to be both. However, for those who want to truly lose themselves in another culture, here are our tips to help you on your way to full immersion.

28 | TURBULENCE February 2015

Fly solo or in a small group

When you travel in a large group, you tend to stick together and are less likely to venture out of your comfort zone. When travelling alone, you are less likely to miss out on the opportunity to do the things that your travelling companions may not be so keen on. If you’re nervous about travelling alone, small group tours are the perfect alternative, as they are designed to be a lot more culturally immersive.

Speak the language

This is a no-brainer. Even just being able to say ‘hello’ and ‘thank you’ in another language will help bridge the cultural gap. Cross-cultural interactions become even more meaningful when you (try to) speak the native tongue of the land you are visiting. While most people who work in the tourism industry will have a good grasp of English, you’d be surprised how open people become when you can speak even a little of their language. Not sure how to say the words? Ask. An impromptu language lesson is a fantastic ice-breaker.

Eat in the streets – and be daring!

So much of culture is centralised around food. You’ll discover that many of your memories of visiting countries will be related to the unique food you dared to try, whether it is fried spiders in Cambodia, fugu in Japan, rocky mountain oysters in the US or even the witchety grub in our own backyard of Australia. But aside from the daredevil dishes, you’ll

find that the best places to eat for authentic local cuisine are either the street stalls or the restaurants that don’t have an English menu. The food will be delicious, made from locally sourced produce, usually cheap (especially in developing countries) and about as local as you can get.

Shop outside the tourist areas

If you want the authentic local experience, shop where the locals do. Smell, touch and taste where possible – and always ask questions. See how the locals make their livelihood, the types of crafts they prefer and what materials they use to create their arts. From weaving in Peru and South Africa to pottery in Asia and Russia, explore what handicrafts local communities specialise in and the variations from culture to culture.

Make friends with the locals

Seize every opportunity to chat with the locals. You’ll quickly learn the appropriate ways to interact with people. Cab drivers, baristas, waitstaff, tour guides and market vendors are all fantastic people with whom to question about the local lay of the land. After all, if you want to learn about a place, it makes perfect sense to speak to the people who live there – and they will, more often than not, be happy to share their favourite places and spots to hang out. Many small group tours will include homestays, so seize these opportunities to learn as much as possible.

Attend a festival

Music, religion, art, whatever you are in to – pick a festival and plan your trip around the event. From the Magh Mela Festival in India, Chinese New Year in China to Carnival in Rio de Janeiro – festivals are fun, enlightening and guaranteed to get you up close and personal with the people and the culture.

Do your homework

Before you go on vacation, do a little bit of study about the people you will be interacting with. Knowledge is definitely your ally, especially when it comes to etiquette and customs. For example, in most Asian countries a business card is an extension of the person it represents, therefore to disrespect the card - by writing on it, shoving it in your pocket without looking at it or folding it – is to disrespect the person who gave it to you. In Greece, any signal that involves showing your palm is extremely offensive. If you can, speak to someone who comes from, or has spent some time in, the country you’ll be visiting. Your hosts will certainly respect you more if you arrive prepared.


Of all the advice we could impart, smiling is the simplest and at the same time, the most effective. A warm-hearted grin will open doors to cultural exchanges more so than all the rest. If you are genuinely happy and enthusiastic, it doesn’t matter if you can’t speak a lick of the local language, people will be definitely be more open.

TURBULENCE February 2015 | 29


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TERMS AND CONDITIONS Fares on sale until 31 March, or until sold out. Availability is limited and may only be available on certain days. Black out periods apply in business class. Low season fares as displayed, seasonal surcharges apply for all other dates. Full payment is required within 3 days of booking. No mimimum stay required, however maximum stay is 6 months. Fares carry up to 100% cancellation penalties once issued. Credit card fees apply. Changes may be permitted for a fee and subject to availability. Through fares available from many points throughout Australia with Qantas. Tickets are non transferable. Should you not turn up for your scheduled flight, your fare may be forfeit. Fares correct as at 16 February 2015, and include fuel surcharges, airport taxes and all airfare components. Frequent Flyer points may not be accrued on these fares. Economy fares are booked in N or S class, Premium Economy in E class and Business class in I class. NOTE - Services to Zurich commence 29 March 2015, and Duesseldorf from 01 September, subject to government approval.

For all ENQUIRIES email enquiries@seanstravel.com.au 30 | TURBULENCE February 2015

l e v a r t s an

e s y m #

Introducing #myseanstravel – because it’s all about you. This year we aim to personalise your travel experience even further than before. To kick things off, we are inviting you to share your photos, experiences and feedback with us and the rest of the Sean Simmons Travel community across all our social media platforms. When you post about your travel to Facebook, Twitter or Instagram – let your travel expert and fellow travellers know by using the hashtag #myseanstravel You are our biggest inspiration, and we are striving to create a unique and personal travelling community. With your involvement, not only are you inspiring others with your travel experiences, you are helping us hone our tailored services so we can better meet your travel needs. If that isn’t enough, we may have a few surprises coming up exclusively for our social media community – so join us and get tagging. How do you find us? there are many different ways for you to connect WITH us online. Simply click the links below to be taken directly to our social media profiles.

TURBULENCE February 2015 | 31

To the POINT

Loyalty program news and updates Virgin Money Specials Earn up to 20,000 Velocity Points with the Virgin Australia Velocity Flyer Card Receive 10,000 bonus Points when you apply by 31 March 2015 and make a retail purchase within 3 months of card approval. Receive an additional 10,000 Points when you spend $5,000 within 3 months of card approval. Below are some of the other great Card benefits: • $0 annual fee in your first year. That’s a saving of $129. • Enjoy 0.0% p.a. for 6 months^ on balance transfers. Reverts to cash advance rate. • Buy a Virgin Australia domestic Saver or Saver Lite fare and get an exclusive reduced flight offer for you and a friend on the same flight* up to 4 times a year. Conditions, fees and taxes apply. Checked baggage not included for Saver Lite fares. • Standard earn rate of 1 Velocity Point per $1 spent up to $1,500 per month and then 1 Velocity Point for every $2 thereafter. Earn up to 40,000 Velocity Points with the Virgin Australia Velocity High Flyer Card Receive 10,000 bonus Points when you apply by 31 March 2015 and make a retail purchase within 3 months of card approval. Receive an additional 32 | TURBULENCE February 2015

30,000 Points when you spend $10,000 within 3 months of card approval. Below are some of the Virgin Australia Velocity High Flyer Card benefits: • Buy a Virgin Australia domestic Saver or Saver Lite fare and get an exclusive reduced flight offer for you and a friend on the same flight* up to 4 times a year. Conditions, fees and taxes apply. Checked baggage not included. • A low balance transfer rate of 1.9% p.a. for the first 12 months^, reverting to the current cash advance rate of 20.99% p.a • Uncapped# Velocity Points earn with 1.25 Velocity Points per $1 spent. • Complimentary International Travel Insurance~ for you, your spouse and dependent children when you pay for your overseas flights with your Virgin Australia Velocity High Flyer card. Terms, conditions, exclusions and an excess applies. • Complimentary Purchase Cover and Extended Warranty~ on new goods purchased anywhere in the world using your Virgin Australia Velocity High Flyer card. Terms, conditions, exclusions and an excess applies. • All this value for an annual fee of $289.

American Express Specials Earn 50,000 Velocity Points with the American Express Velocity Platinum Card Apply today and you could receive 50,000 bonus Points. Simply apply by 28 February 2015, be approved and spend $500 on the Card in the first three months of American Express Card Membership to receive your Points. This introductory offer excludes existing Card Members or those previous Card Members who have held any American Express Card in the last 12 months. The American Express Velocity Platinum Card offers a range of great benefits including: • A Complimentary Virgin Australia return economy domestic flight every anniversary year after your first Card spend. • Earn up to 3 Points per $1 spent. • Two complimentary Single Entry passes to the domestic Virgin Australia lounge each anniversary year. • Complimentary Domestic and International Travel Insurance when you purchase travel on your card. • Save on your international Business Class travel with our Discount Business Class Companion fares. • 0.99% p.a. on balance transfers for the first 6 months. A one-off credit plan establishment fee of 1% applies to any balances transferred. Earn 10,000 Velocity Points with the American Express Velocity Escape Card Apply today and you could receive up to 10,000 bonus Points. Simply apply by 28 February 2015, be approved and spend $300 on the Card in the first three months of American Express Velocity Card Membership to receive your Points. This introductory offer excludes existing Card Members or those previous Card Members who have held any American Express Card in the last 12 months. The American Express Velocity Escape Card offers a range of great benefits including: • $0 annual Card fee - so you can put more of your money towards your next escape. • 2 Velocity Points per $1 spent with Virgin Australia+ and 1 Points for every $1 spent everywhere else. • Purchase Protection^ & Refund Protection. • Online fraud protection guarantee. • 0.99% p.a. on balance transfers for the first 6 months. A one-off credit plan establishment fee of 1% applies to any balances transferred.

“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.” Andre Gide

NAB Specials 0% p.a. on balance transfers for 12 months + 0% p.a. on purchases for 12 months + 20,000 bonus Velocity Points with a new NAB Velocity Rewards Premium Card Get 0% p.a. on balance transfers and 0% p.a. on purchases for 12 months, plus receive 20,000 bonus Velocity Points when you apply by 19 April 2015 and make a purchase. With two cards on one account, you can use your NAB Velocity Rewards

Premium American Express Card to maximise Points earning and your NAB Velocity Rewards Premium Visa Card for added worldwide acceptance. The NAB Velocity Rewards Premium Card gives you: • 1.5 Velocity Points for every $1 spent on eligible purchases on the NAB Velocity Rewards Premium American Express Card. • 0.5 Velocity Points for every $1 spent eligible purchases on the NAB Velocity Rewards Premium Visa Card.

Singapore Airline Partnerships Singapore Airlines and Vistara Launch Frequent Flyer Programme Partnership Singapore Airlines and India’s newest airline Vistara have announced a partnership between the KrisFlyer and Club Vistara frequent flyer programmes, providing members more opportunities for accrual and redemption rewards. The partnership enables KrisFlyer members to earn KrisFlyer miles when travelling on Vistara flights, and redeem Vistara flight tickets with their miles. Similarly, Club Vistara members can earn and redeem points when travelling on Singapore Airlines and SilkAir flights. The accrual of miles and points for both frequent flyer programmes will commence in March 2015, and redemption in May 2015. The tie-up is Vistara’s first with another airline, and follows the recent launch of an interline partnership with Singapore Airlines. Vistara, which is a joint venture between Tata Sons and Singapore Airlines, launched domestic services from its Delhi base on 9 January. Singapore Airlines and Dairy Farm Singapore Launch Miles and Points Conversion Partnership On 21 January, Singapore Airlines and Dairy Farm Singapore announced a first for frequent flyers as well as shoppers in Singapore, enabling members of KrisFlyer and TapForMore, through PAssion Card, to convert their miles and points

0% p.a. on balance transfers for 12 months + 0% p.a. on purchases for 12 months + 10,000 bonus Velocity Points with a new NAB Velocity Rewards Card Get 0% p.a. on balance transfers and 0% p.a. on purchases for 12 months, plus receive 10,000 bonus Velocity Points when you apply by 19 April 2015 and make a purchase. With two cards on one account, you can use your NAB Velocity Rewards Premium American Express® Card to maximise Points

earning and your NAB Velocity Rewards Premium Visa Card for added worldwide acceptance. The NAB Velocity Rewards Card gives you: • 1 Velocity Point for every $1 spent on eligible purchases on the NAB Velocity Rewards Premium American Express Card. • 0.5 Velocity Points for every $1 spent eligible purchases on the NAB Velocity Rewards Premium Visa Card. Apply by 19 April 2015, make a purchase and you could be taking off even sooner.

between the two loyalty programmes, bringing them even more benefits in the air and on the ground. The new conversion capability enables KrisFlyer members to redeem their miles for TapForMore points to enjoy instant cash rebates when they shop at over 270 supermarkets and stores such as Cold Storage, Jasons, Market Place, Giant and Guardian with their PAssion Card. TapForMore members can also redeem their TapForMore points for KrisFlyer miles, which can be used for flight upgrades, or for award flights on over 30 airlines including Singapore Airlines and SilkAir. KrisFlyer miles can also be combined with cash to pay for Singapore Airlines and SilkAir tickets on singaporeair.com. The new conversion innovation, which is exclusive to the two loyalty programmes, will be made available to members from 21 January. “Today, Dairy Farm Singapore’s TapForMore programme with the PAssion Card has already achieved a membership base of over 1.6 million. We are delighted to be KrisFlyer’s first exclusive retail partner to offer everyday lifestyle benefits to more members across both loyalty programmes. We see this unique partnership as the start of more synergistic opportunities we hope to tap on in the future and we are confident that the take up rate by members will be very encouraging,” added Mr Lester Quah, Director, Retail Development, Dairy Farm Singapore group.

TURBULENCE February 2015 | 33

Thank you for everyone who took part by sending in their funny travel stories. We had so many entries, ranging from the hilarious to the bizarre and everything in between. It was a tough decision to choose a winner. As such we decided to award a few bonus prizes with our three special mentions receiving a Sean Simmons Travel bag with a few goodies inside!

WINNER OF THE DOUBLE PASS: WENDY – ‘THE GOOD SAMARITAN’ One rainy night, I stopped to pick up two hitch-hikers on a lonely road and was a little concerned when a third man appeared with an object in his hand. My fears were allayed by their story. After their vehicle ran out of fuel, they had got a lift to town, bought a can of petrol and were trudging back. I drove them to their car amid effusive thanks, then proceeded [on my way] feeling very much the Good Samaritan. Next morning, I found the can of petrol still on the back floor…

SPECIAL MENTIONS DANNY – ‘LOST IN TRANSLATION’ Half the fun of travelling overseas is eating weird and wonderful food. While travelling in Malaysia with my Wife and young Daughter, I purchased an ice cream for my Daughter that I thought was a Streets chocolate coated vanilla heart. It turned out to be a very similar, however the ice cream was in fact called ‘Bum Bum’… As it turns out my Daughter would not eat the ice cream, guess who did...


Luckily fellow travellers took pity and shared their meagre meals with us!

2015 TOUR DETAILS PERTH 21 FEB Riverside Theatre, Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre SYDNEY 25 & 26 FEB State Theatre 34 | TURBULENCE February 2015

CHERYL – ‘CANNED STEW’ It’s 1970, when English was not the world’s second language, we are three young, poor, innocent girls driving through Europe, staying at Youth Hostels. Toward the end of a tiring day we stopped to buy something easy for dinner, our choice was 2 cans with a photo of a delicious stew on the label. After booking into the hostel we went to the shared kitchen to ‘prepare’ our dinner. On opening the cans the aroma was not what we expected. We were the laughing stock of the hostel as our delicious dinner was - Dog Food!


SHARON – ‘A SENIOR MOMENT’ Accidently left our butler my spare false teeth instead of a box of money with local currency!

MELBOURNE 4 MAR Plenary, Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre

A huge thank you to IP Publicity for providing this fantastic opportunity – along with the tickets! IF YOU MISSED OUT BUT WOULD LIKE TO GO, TICKETS FOR THE SHOW ARE STILL AVAILABLE!



MP Cheap Fruit & Veg I have been using MP Cheap Fruit and Veg at home for some time now, and have to say, I have been more than impressed. So much so that we now have a weekly delivery to the office, and the team love it. As a busy company, we often need to snack on the go. Having a weekly delivery of fresh fruit provides a healthy alternative to the usual office snack boxes and vending machines. MP Cheap Fruit & Veg are a small, family-owned business, and it shows in all they do. Their produce is 100% Australian grown, and always of a very consistently high quality. Having used the big supermarkets home delivery service, which has always been soured by very poor quality fruit and veg, it is refreshing to find a company so dedicated to bringing the best possible selection every week. And don’t think it stops at fruit! Their meat and dairy boxes are not only great value; they are crammed full of the best quality, freshest produce. And you can rummage through a selection of panty goods that just make sense to order online! The ordering process is so simple. It goes a little like this… Every Friday, I receive the list of contents for the following weeks delivery, with my favourites already built in. I can substitute any item I want to with an alternate, and can even totally customise the entire delivery. Then you wait for your order to be delivered. Now some areas have strange delivery times, but IT WORKS! Mine in Richmond is between 1am and 4am Friday morning, just in time for the weekend, and Craig, our driver, leaves the goods in a plastic, returnable box, inside my garden, away from prying eyes. Of course, you can be there to meet the driver, but you may be in an area that gets a delivery at 8am or 7pm, Check out their website to find your delivery day! Would you like to have fresh fruit, or any other goods of EXCELLENT quality, delivered to your door each week? (And avoid the drudge at the supermarket?)

Sean Simmons Travel & MP Fruit & Veg are bringing you a special offer to encourage you to try it for yourself.



Register at MP Cheap Fruit and Veg by clicking HERE and receive $10 off your first THREE boxes. Simply use the code PEACHES at checkout. Trust me – it’s a great experience and one I am more than happy to put my name to!

TURBULENCE February 2015 | 35

ROW 75

Articles of interest

Singapore Plans Real-Time Plane Tracking Singapore says it will introduce a new aircraft tracking system that will ensure complete surveillance of its airspace, amid global efforts to prevent a repeat of flight MH370’s inexplicable disappearance. The automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B) system will be deployed in the city-state’s airspace and uses satellites to monitor all flights in real-time, the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore said in a joint statement with USpartner Aireon LLC. The disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 on March 8, 2014 en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing has prompted an industry-wide rethink of the way planes are tracked. The aircraft, with 239 people on board, has never been found and is one of aviation’s greatest mysteries. On Wednesday, an international aviation summit in Montreal gave strong backing to plans to monitor flights in distress in real-time, making it easier to pinpoint the location of planes lost at sea. Under the new rules, airlines will also be required to track their aircraft using a system that gives its location at 15-minute intervals. The International Civil Aviation Organisation Council is expected to ratify the proposal in November, making it obligatory for all airlines from 2016. Singapore Airlines said separately later it was working with a company that specialises in air transport communications, on trials related to aircraft tracking but would not give further details.

US Flight Attendant ‘Stole Charity Coins’ An American airlines flight attendant has been arrested after 318 kilograms of coins intended for UNICEF were found in his car at Kennedy international airport. A spokesman for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Police Department said on Wednesday 56-year-old Marco Costa was arrested on January 31 on possession of stolen property and other charges. Joe Pentangelo said the Florida man collected $A3730 in Euros, $A2315 in British pounds and $A192 in US coins from passengers as part of a charitable partnership with the United Nations children’s agency. A spokeswoman said the airline is working with investigators. 36 | TURBULENCE February 2015

Qantas and Samsung Create Virtual Inflight Entertainment Qantas and Samsung Electronics Australia have launched a new trial entertainment service for customers. The service uses Samsung virtual reality (VR) technology to give customers a threedimensional experience in a 360 degree style interactive format. Qantas’ VR headsets will transport customers to an immersive virtual world at the click of a button, showcasing the sights of network destinations, new Qantas products and the latest inflight blockbuster movies. As part of the trial, a number of Samsung Gear VR headsets will be made available to customers in Sydney and Melbourne International First Lounges, as well as in the First Class cabins on select A380 services. Qantas will be the only airline to offer a virtual reality entertainment experience inflight. The trial will run for three months to assess customer feedback on how this kind of VR offering might add to their overall travel experience on long-haul flights. Qantas Group’s executive, brand, marketing & corporate affairs, Olivia

Wirth, said the technology will open up a new world of lounge and inflight entertainment. “Whether the user wants a virtual tour of our new Los Angeles First Lounge or experience an A380 landing from the tarmac, this technology gives us a completely new way to connect with our customers,” she said. “From an inflight entertainment perspective, it’s an industry first. Qantas is committed to being at the forefront of innovation to give our passengers the very best and latest in-flight experiences, like accessing the virtual worlds of their favourite Hollywood blockbusters from the comfort of their seat 40,000 feet above the ground. Qantas will also kick off a partnership of sorts with production company Jaunt, to develop and produce some live action content. Tourism NT is the first group to partner with Qantas to create destination footage, with a special 3D experience from Kakadu National Park. The Samsung VR headsets will be featured in the First Class Lounge in Sydney and Melbourne from midFebruary and on select A380 flights between Australia and Los Angeles in the First Class cabin from mid-March.

SEAN SIMMONS TRAVEL WORLD EVENTS CALENDAR FEBRUARY Mardi Gras, Sydney, New South Wales 20 February to 8 March 2015 Bacchanal Jamaica, Kingston, Jamaica 20 February to 12 April 2015 Chinese New Year Festival, Los Angeles, California 21 - 22 February 2015 Academy Awards, Los Angeles, California 22 February 2015 Royal Canberra Show, Canberra, Capital Territory 27 February to 1 March 2015] Seychelles Marathon, Mahe, Seychelles 22 February 2015 ARCO, Spain 25 February to 1 March 2015] Fiesta de los Vaqueros, Tucson, Arizona 26 February 2015 Auckland Lantern Festival, Auckland, New Zealand 26 February to 1 March 2015 Adelaide Festival of Arts, Adelaide, South Australia 27 February to 15 March 2015 Hong Kong Arts Festival, Hong Kong City, Hong Kong 27 February to 29 March 2015 Carnaval Brasileiro, Austin, Texas 28 February 2015

Chinese New Year Parade, San Francisco, California 7 March 2015 Calle Ocho, Miami, Florida 7 - 8 March 2015 Glasgow International Comedy Festival, Glasgow, Scotland 12 - 29 March 2015 South by Southwest, Austin, Texas 13 - 22 March 2015 Buffalo Bayou Regatta, Houston, Texas 15 March 2015 Mal’s St. Paddy’s Parade and Festival, Jackson Mississippi, Mississippi 17 March 2015 National Cherry Blossom Festival, Washington DC, Washington DC 20 March to 12 April 2015 Alahamady Be, Madagascar 20 March 2015 Monte-Carlo Spring Arts Festival, MonteCarlo, Monaco 20 March to 12 April 2015 Keukenhof, Amsterdam, Netherlands 20 March to 17 May 2015 Rome Marathon, Rome, Italy 22 March 2015 Vinitaly, Verona, Italy 22 - 25 March 2015


Ultra Music Festival, Miami, Florida 27 - 29 March 2015

Bucharest International Film Festival, Bucharest, Romania March 2015 TBA

Hong Kong Sevens, Hong Kong City, Hong Kong 27 - 29 March 2015

Festival of Holi, Delhi, India 6 March 2015

Houston Children’s Festival, Houston, Texas 28 - 29 March 2015

Holi, Kathmandu, Nepal 6 March 2015

Moriones Festival, Cebu, Philippines 30 March to 5 April 2015 TURBULENCE February 2015 | 37

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