FileFinder Client Newsletter February 2014

Page 1

CONTENTS 4. Coming Soon in FileFinder 10 6. Tips For Using FileFinder 7. Shared Online Training Sessions 10. The Research Practitioner Skills Day - Special Rate

Welcome to the first FileFinder Client Newsletter of 2014. 2013 was a busy and successful year for us at Dillistone Systems, and we enter 2014 with optimism and enthusiasm. Since January 2013, as part of our strategy for continuous improvement, we have added a number of additional hosting facilities for our FileFinder software, including Amazon servers as well as our own. Today, we are hosting hundreds of clients on cloud servers on three continents, with a fourth due to be added soon. We’ve enhanced the FileFinder 10 product with new functionality (including our new KPI Dashboard) and made many behind-the-scenes improvements and enhancements. We took on new staff, growing our businesses in the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia. Several of our new hires have direct experience of the search industry. We celebrated our 30th anniversary in December 2013 and at that time our team had roughly 400 years of combined experience! While history has been kind to us, we are very excited about the future. We continue to develop our FileFinder platform, and on page 4 of this newsletter, Director of Product Development Alex James reveals some major news about what we have in the pipeline. I will be joining Alex to host two client only webinars in February, during which we will discuss – and demonstrate – our exciting plans. Please see page 5 for details on how to register. In March 2013, we held the second World Executive Search Congress in Las Vegas, which attracted delegates from across the world. We built on the success of that by hosting the European Executive Search Congress in London during November, an event that again attracted an international audience to network and gain further insight into the executive search industry.

13. Database Research Service

We are delighted to confirm that due to the success of last year’s events, we have decided to again host a World Executive Search Congress – taking place in Miami on May 19-20 – and a European Executive Search Congress later this year. More details will be announced via our LinkedIn FileFinder User Group, our LinkedIn search-consult group and our search-consult newswire. To sign up to search-consult news alerts, please visit

FileFinder User Group on LinkedIn – JOIN TODAY!

We will also host the 2014 Research Practitioner Skills Day in London on March 11. Through highly interactive sessions facilitated by industry leading trainers, delegates will receive practical tips and learn techniques that will make a real difference to the way they work. We are offering clients with valid support contracts discounted tickets at a rate of just £299 / €360 / $495 + UK VAT (if applicable) – that’s equivalent to 50% off the full price. Further details on the event can be found on page 10.

Find the group on or go to groups?gid=3680734

We ended 2013 with more clients than ever, supported by more staff than ever. We continue to invest heavily in improving your technology experience and would like to thank you all for your continued support. We look forward to working with you this year.

All FileFinder clients with current support or ASP contracts are welcome!

As always, we value your comments and suggestions, so we encourage you to send them to us at Best regards, Jason Starr

February 2014

Update from Dillistone Systems

“ FileFind Zone h er 10 with th a than h s cut our tim e Research alf sin e in le ce ss candid ates a we can find nd imp more quickly ort the the . We m nitely wo re to oth commend F uld defier ile ware is search firm Finder 10 s . g that w reat, but it The soft’s the ork wit pe worth h you while! that m ople . ake it ” - Yaco ub Elit e Sear ch (Ca “FileFinder 10 is nada) a real breakthrough for the executive search industry. As a re search consultant, I find it very helpful in my day-to-day tasks, especially its connection to M S Outlook that makes it practical ly essential to every assignmen t.” - Amrop (Roman “ I find File ia) r 10 e d n i a F n nd quic Finder 10 ea le a i F e l “ s k. Our our s t s r s o e t aking aim is y to use usin supp b a e t l d o v b i start antag ex more o and fl we can also ugh f the s e of more a o ; r l y h nd e w t s te r ith bus mod iness m m – to help eFinde g us to l i F s s d n u evelop wi acce ment a anagement, s s, allo ely on our c a o M s n t ther th aff d a bu our ctiv te effe enorm ings. The po nch of ) opera ents. ” n te ou m Swede becom s, and it is h ntial is just arch ( assign e s e e b e R r e o t ter at w elping us m ncio - Swan ge 25% ashat we a n - Agga a m n Global to do. urch p … m able ( e a ” W r I orldwid befo “ n ly a in h t a t e s r t ) e c c je s o a r p 0h Finder 1 ment a coming File re u c R Pro given A a e placing edg s petitive attracting and w I am no e candidates ” or m ) many Ltd (UK rement u c o r P - AR e to allows m the 0 1 r e d Fin s at searche “File e r o m ly has handle definite our It . .. e im same t eed and d my sp ess. ” e s a e r c in sin as a bu e capacity Executiv Global e r y t In - Mc (USA) Search

NEW - KPI Dashboard designed specifically for the needs of Executive Search firms Now available in 4 languages: English, German, Spanish and Portuguese Thousands of Executive Search professionals around the world use FileFinder 10 on a daily basis - Discover why! To learn more about migrating to FileFinder 10, please contact

your Account Manager or email

Coming Soon in FileFinder 10 Product Development Director Alex James explains some of the improvements that will be available in the next release of FileFinder 10 and provides some insight into longer-term development plans. Development across the group

As you may know, Dillistone Group Plc – the publicly traded parent of Dillistone Systems – has a number of subsidiaries that provide a range of recruitment products to meet the needs of all levels and all types of recruitment from our own FileFinder product aimed at the executive level recruitment to software optimised for the recruitment of fast moving temporary workers. We recognise that a “one size fits all” software development strategy is frequently ineffective and as such our products have specific development resource attached to them. However whilst our recruitment products (Voyager Infinity and FCP Evolve being two such examples) are tailored for specific markets, there is some functional cross-over between all of them. It is in these areas of cross-over where, as a group, we can start to flex our combined muscles and provide better services to all of our clients. There are a number of common services shared across the product lines: e-mail integration, resume/CV parsing and reporting services being three examples. As a group, we can create best of breed services in these areas allowing individual products to hook-up to these services and tailor them to the individual needs of their clients. This allows Dillistone Systems’ product-specific developers to focus efforts on delivering highly focussed functionality designed to allow executive search practitioners to be better at what they do.

FileFinder 10.8

Since FileFinder’s release we have included a large range of improvements and new features including: a rework of import, workflow and invoicing integration, a KPI reporting suite, mobile and web integration, improvements to task management and infoboxes, new language versions and also performance improvements. The next release, FileFinder 10.8 is much more about consolidation. From a functionality perspective we are building-in some commonly requested additional features. We are extending and consolidating the FileFinder security model and as part of this we are implementing functionality so that assignments can be set as confidential and can therefore only be seen by a defined set of users. We are also adding security to lists, providing users with the option to share lists with each other. Finally, we are adding a feature in Admin to allow records to be reassigned from one owning user to another. Work is progressing well and all three feature are nearly ready for testing. The bulk of 10.8 has, however been given over to fixes and speed improvements and work has now started in these areas. We are planning a Q2 release of 10.8 and will be providing more exact dates as the release progresses. We do expect to see a number of significant improvements.


The FileFinder platform and our next release: FileFinder in a browser.

Regular readers will know that we see FileFinder as a platform which can be leveraged by a number of the FileFinder products including; FileFinder 10, WebPort and FFMobile and we have previously discussed what will become the next member of the family, namely the browser version of FileFinder. The philosophy behind the platform is that clients can purchase and use only the pieces of software that they require, but that all of the software will operate on top of the same underlying platform. For example, a client could purchase FileFinder 10 and later on purchase WebPort or FFMobile - these will simply slot straight-in to the existing platform and connect to the same database. The same is true of the browser release. Our clients will be able to have access to one or both of FileFinder 10 and the browser version both connecting to the same database. One user could use both versions, another just FileFinder 10 and another just the browser version. It is a comparable situation to Microsoft’s Office 365 platform where users can purchase and use the desk-top Office applications and/or the Office Web Apps as they see fit. The initial browser release will not contain all of the functionality contained in FileFinder 10 but will have sufficient functionality that a new start-up could use it instead of FileFinder 10 if they wished. We have made a number of changes to the back-end architecture to better support some of the core components that underpin a good browser product, namely being fast and light. The team are currently undertaking an exercise to integrate some of the technology and speed advances we have made in the browser version back into FileFinder 10, this is being undertaken as part of the 10.8 release referenced above. As the screenshots on the next page show, the browser version is really starting to come together. All of the images are from the browser version, all are of sections that are largely complete and are fully interactive. We are yet to announce a launch date for the browser version, but we have reached a stage where we are ready to share more information with our client base. As a result, we have scheduled a number of “Client Only” webinars to take place on February 13th. During these sessions we will discuss our strategy in more detail, and will provide a live demonstration of the browser version of FileFinder in action. Click on the relevant link on page 5 to book your webinar! I look forward to speaking with you on the 13th! FileFinder update from Dillistone Systems

Candidate Details Screen

Candidates List in Project

Company Details Screen

Marketing Campaign Details Screen

To book, please select your preferred time slot and register using the link below: 9:30am London / 10:30am Frankfurt / 3pm New Delhi / 5:30pm Hong Kong, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur: 9:30am Los Angeles / 12:30pm New York / 2:30pm Santiago / 3:30pm Rio de Janeiro / 5:30pm London: February 2014


3 Tips for Using FileFinder 10 1. Getting the Most Out of Your Summary Page Adapt the Summary Page view to show a person’s LinkedIn profile, attached Resume/CV, contact details and notes so when you contact them you can have an informed conversation. To do this, click on the drop-down menu and then click on ‘Create’ and build your Summary Page view as you would a Home Page view.

To create the view at the top, select Web Profile, Attachment (Most Recent), Communication and Notes from the Info Box options. When the page is created make sure you select ‘Find LinkedIn Profile’ in Web Profile to view the person’s LinkedIn profile.

2. Code Assignments to Re-Cycle Candidates If you code your assignments for Industry and Job Function on the Role tab, then you can search the assignments in the future and re-cycle candidates from those assignments.

Simply open the past assignment, select the candidates you wish to transfer to your new project, then click on the ‘Copy/ Move Candidate’ button.

Visit and click on ‘Client Area’ in the main menu to create your personal account and access free training webinars and manuals to get the most of FileFinder 10 and FileFinder 9! Please note: this service is only available to clients with a current ASP or support contract.


3. Speedier Way to Look at Records Use the four view buttons to access records without leaving the page. These buttons are available in a number of places in FileFinder 10 including ‘Candidates’ tab, ‘Contacts’ tab and all lists. ‘List and main view’ is used in this example.

Using tips 2 and 3 together, it is possible to view a list of previous assignments based on an Industry and Job Function search. Then using the ‘List and main view’ button, the candidates for the highlighted assignment are displayed. Using again the ‘List and main view’ button in the ‘Candidates’ tab the candidate’s person record is shown and the candidate can be moved to the new assignment using the ‘Copy/Move Candidate’ button. FileFinder update from Dillistone Systems

3 Tips for Using FileFinder 9 1. The Split Screen View/Two Separate Scrolling Areas Create a split screen view/two separate scrolling areas like you can in MS Excel. This allows you to review information that wouldn’t normally fit on a single screen.

Simply open an assignment record, go to the ‘Candidates’ tab, hover over the area marked by a red rectangle in the screenshot to the left and click and drag to the right-hand side to create a split screen view/two separate scrolling areas.

2. Color-coding People and Company Records Color-code your People and Company records to make them more easily identifiable. Hover over the bottom bar (marked by a red rectangle in the screenshot to the left), right click, choose a color and click ‘Ok’. Colors can be renamed in FF Admin. To search records by color- code, select the relevant color in the ‘Level’ field when searching Company and People records.

3. A Speedier Way to View Previous and Existing Employees at a Company Highlight the companies you wish to research and click on the ‘Previous Employees’ button and the ‘Employees’ button under ‘Go To’ on the right-hand side of the screen (marked by red rectangle in the screenshot to the left) to view previous and current employees of those companies, respectively. You might also find the other ‘Go To’ buttons useful.

Visit and click on ‘Client Area’ in the main menu to create your personal account and access free training webinars and manuals to get the most of FileFinder 10 and FileFinder 9! Please note: this service is only available to clients with a current ASP or support contract.

February 2014


COURSE DESCRIPTION: This training session is designed to teach Executive Search professionals: How to use Boolean searches on Google and Bing and what different results to expect. How to search the ‘deep web’ - information not indexed by search engines. How to conduct X-ray searches to find candidates, resumes, biographies or profiles. How to use innovative methodologies to reveal the brightest talent and how to reach out to them quickly! How to find full names of people who are not in your LinkedIn network and how to contact them. How to use basic search skills effectively: “quote marks”, stop words, and more. How to discover hidden profiles. How to find specific details: locate email addresses, find conference attendees and more. How to search on Twitter, Amazon, Facebook.


discount for FileFinder clients!*

UPCOMING DATES: Online Sessions: March 28 & May 30 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM GMT (London, UK time) If the webinar takes place outside of your working hours due to different time zones, please contact to purchase access to the recording.

Classroom Sessions:

April 25 - 9:30am-12:30pm, London, UK June 20 - 9:30am-12:30pm, London, UK

To book, please email to request a promo code.

Please note: the content for both the Online and Classroom sessions is identical. However, the Classroom session is one hour longer to allow for group interaction, practical exercises and tips from our trainer to help you solve your own difficult online searches. * 10% discount for FileFinder clients with a valid support or ASP contract.

FileFinder in the Cloud… Are you aware that FileFinder 9 and FileFinder 10 all support off-site hosting? We already provide hosting services for more than 250 of our clients, saving them the need to own a database server and the worry about backups or software upgrades.

Want to learn more? Contact your Account Manager or email


Shared Online Training Sessions We are pleased to offer FileFinder 10 Shared Online Training Sessions for new clients, upgrading clients and new employees of our existing clients. Our shared online training sessions are designed for new or existing users to learn how to use essential FileFinder functionality from the comfort of their own office. The training is delivered to small groups of up to 4 people per session (attendees may be from different firms).

How does it work?

All attendees will receive an email from our trainer, usually 15-30 minutes prior to the scheduled session. It will contain a link to a GoToMeeting session, which will install the required application to see the trainer’s screen or launch the live session if already installed. The installation usually takes less than one minute. During the live training session, attendees will be able to communicate with the trainer, either by dialling the


Part A

Part B

conference call number which will be provided in the email, or by using the “chat box” on their screen. As the training is 3 hours per session it is recommended that you use a headset with microphone, or a simple speakerphone. Each trainee has to complete two sessions – Part A and Part B, each lasting 3 hours (see session descriptions in the table below). The total cost for both sessions is only £250 / €275 / US$375 (+ UK VAT if applicable) per person.

What is covered?

Shared training sessions cover the following:


Contents Covered

3 hours

• Overview of FileFinder and Homepage details • Creating and editing database records – person/company • FileFinder integration with Microsoft Outlook • Communicating using FileFinder • Running an assignment using FileFinder from initial client contact to placement

3 hours

• Populating company records • Creating and editing company hierarchies • Researching people and companies from the Internet and LinkedIn • Generating reports, emails and letters

Next available dates: USA

Monday, February 24 - Part A - 9am EST Wednesday, February 26 - Part B - 9am EST


Thursday, February 13 - Part A - 9:30am GMT Friday, February 14 - Part B - 9:30am GMT Monday, February 17 - Part A - 2pm GMT Tuesday, February 18 - Part B - 2pm GMT

Monday, February 24 – Part A – 2pm GMT Tuesday, February 25 - Part A - 9:30am GMT Wednesday, February 26 - Part B - 9:30am GMT Wednesday, February 26 - Part B - 2pm GMT Thursday, February 27 - Admin - 9:30am GMT Friday, February 28 – Admin – 2pm GMT

Dates and times subject to change. Please refer to our website for up-to-date details:

For FileFinder 9 dates or to book, please email today! For future dates, please visit the Client Area on February 2014


The Research Practitioner - Skills Day … with a special rate for Dillistone Systems’ Clients! The Research Practitioner Skills Day (#researchskillsday) differs from other big training events in that attendees will be split into small groups for each breakout session. This approach will mean that attendees have opportunities for role play and to ask lots of questions and will enable trainers to better address each individual’s needs. Feedback from previous Research Practitioner Skills Days:

Group Sessions include: Best Practice in Search Strategy - Getting a Fast Start (Carol O’Driscoll)

d very well an “Organised . ly th oo sm so ran very Some e and fun. Informativ n which io informat very useful orate rp co in nly I will certai ching.” ar y to day se into my da Page el ha ic M , ar - Louise Edg al Internation “Really well organised, very lively and passionate trainers. I learnt a lot, and even when I already knew something, it was really useful to benefit from a ‘refresh’.” - Julie Fernandes, Hays Executive 3 “I liked the idea of having ing hav of ead inst ups small gro of everybody in one room all the time. The quality of all d.” presentations was very goo up gro ent cem pla , dler Hans Fie

“Excellent! I am so happy that I took this course. After almost 15 years in the search business , it was great to learn new things!” - Marja Paanlainen, IMS Talent

Carol O’Driscoll is the former Research Director, Europe, for Russell Reynolds Associates. Approaching the Candidate (Francesca Lahiguera) Francesca Lahiguera has spent 15 years in the executive search industry, including a number of years at Heidrick and Struggles and several years as a trainer for search-consult.

Ask the Experts! The day will end with a question and answer session whereby the three facilitators will utilise their knowledge and experience to answer questions from the audience. This will be a great opportunity for attendees to find answers to their questions and solutions to the challenges they face day in, day out.

Limited number of seats available!

Getting the Most Out of the Internet and LinkedIn (Lois Grimshaw)

Lois has trained hundreds of executive search professionals across Europe. She is now acknowledged as one of Europe’s leading trainers on Internet Research Techniques.

As a thank you for our clients’ continued support, we are delighted to offer greatly discounted tickets for this event:

Standard Price

Dillistone Client Price

£499 / €605 / US$825

£299 / €360 / US$495

Terms and conditions apply:

Your firm must have a current ASP or Support contract with Dillistone Systems at both the time of booking and the time of the event.

tion informa tely new ing rc u so “Comple n tactics o l fu ms, se a u li and n Wil tes.” - Sia s candida te e Associa Taybridg

“Fantastic, busy, inform ative day which was great for new researchers and old!” - Kiera Whitmee, Executives in Africa

To book, simply fill in and fax back the booking form to +44 (0)20 7729 6108 or +1 (201) 221-7518. For enquiries, please email


FileFinder update from Dillistone Systems

AGENDA 8:30am

- Registration and NETWORKING COFFEE


- Welcome Remarks & Sponsor Presentation

9.20am - 11.00am - Session 1 11.00am-11.25am


11.25am – 12.55pm - Session 2 12.55pm – 2.00pm


2.00pm – 3.30pm

- Session 3

3.30pm – 4.00pm


4.15pm – 4.45pm

- Ask the Experts - PANEL DISCUSSION / Closing Remarks

BREAKOUT SESSIONS DESCRIPTIONS The Research Practitioner Skills Day differs from other big training events in that, for the three breakout sessions, we will work in groups. Here is a synopsis of the three group sessions you will rotate around as well as a joint session further below:

Best Practice in Search Strategy - Getting a Fast Start (Carol O’Driscoll) Getting a thorough focussed start to a search is critical to its successful conclusion and a satisfied client. In this session we will give you an overview of best practice in the search process. This will include how to get the full brief whether from the client directly or from your consultant; how to create an effective search strategy and how to create and populate your target list. We will also look at organisational structures and effective identification techniques. Attending this session should help you be more effective at the beginning of each search and result in a more effective search outcome.

Approaching the Candidate (Francesca Lahiguera) Getting candidate engagement is critical to providing your client with access to the best people. In this 90-minute session, we will review approaching candidates effectively, starting with a clear understanding of your brief. We’ll discuss how to get past the gatekeeper, how to pitch with confidence and how to screen effectively. Attendees will leave with advice on research strategy as well as useful tactics to help them build a solid shortlist.

Getting the Most Out of the Internet and LinkedIn (Lois Grimshaw) This 90-min session will cover the following: Part 1: Internet Search Techniques • Basic Skills • Google vs. Bing • Finding High Profile Candidates • Finding Details • ‘Outside the Box’ Searches • LinkedIn • Social Media Part 2: Getting the Most out of LinkedIn and Other Social Media • Why LinkedIn? • Presentation is Everything • Grow Your Network • Other Social Media

To book, please complete the booking form (see next page) February 2014


The Research Practitioner – Skills Day 11 March 2014 London, UK

Please fax this booking form to +44 (0)20 7729 6108 or +1 (201) 221-7518.



Yes, I wish to attend Research Practitioner Skills Day Delegate names / job titles / email addresses / locations: DELEGATE 1:..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... DELEGATE 2:..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... DELEGATE 3:..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... DELEGATE 4:.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Special Rate for FileFinder Clients with a valid support contract:


x seats @ £299/€360/US$495

“Early Bird” Rate for FileFinder Clients with NO support contract:


x seats @ £399/€482/US$655

(After 11 February 2014, these rates will rise to £499/€605/US$825 per person).

= ................................ IF YOU ARE BASED IN THE UK, PLEASE ADD VAT @ 20%


TOTAL = ................................

Please invoice me Please charge my:




Card Number:............................................................................................................................................................................... Exp:.............................................................. Security Code:............................................................. (Last 3 digits from the signature strip

Last 4 digits for AMEX)

Cardholder Name:............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Address: ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Phone:...................................................................................................................... Email:..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Signature:................................................................................................................................................ Terms and Conditions: The special rate is for FileFinder clients with a valid support or ASP contract at the time of booking and at the time of the event. Once the booking form is received and payment is processed, cancellations are liable for the full fee. We reserve the right to refuse any bookings or entrance to the event solely at our discretion. Delegate replacements may be made up to 1 week prior to the event and are subject to acceptance. New delegate contact details have to be submitted in writing (email is sufficient).


FileFinder update from Dillistone Systems


Arpeo Arpeo Solutions is a specialist provider of outsourced solutions for search firms across the globe. We help clients to better utilise their time, money and resources and boost their bottom-line with best value, pragmatic and innovative cost reduction solutions. Headquartered in the UK with a 14,000 sq ft delivery centre in India our blended onshore/offshore delivery model provides the economic benefits of offshore outsourcing, without sacrificing on quality and accountability or the face-to-face contact crucial to preventing communication gaps and ensuring overall client satisfaction. Arpeo Arpeo Solutions Solutions have have aa dedicated dedicated team team of of highly experienced professionals; all have highly experienced professionals; all have aproven provenexperience experience with with File Finder from FileFinder from version 8 onwards and we have version 8 onwards and have demonstrated demonstrated our skills over 100 File their skills on over 100 on FileFinder-related Finder projects.they Proactive, they projects.related Proactive, collectively collectively combine strategic thinking combine strategic thinking with "hands-on" with “hands on”andimplementation and implementation personal attention personal to detail, which leads to detail,attention which leads to strong client to strong client relationships and superior relationships and superior results. results.

FileFinder experts Process and cost efficient

Superior results

“Arpeo have developed a good understanding of my business and it is this knowledge that means they have been able to improve our processes as well as offer cost savings” C.B., HR Director, International Search Firm “The team at Arpeo are very responsive; ever willing and a great resource for us at a good price” M.P., Vice President, London-based Search Giant

In summary, Arpeo Solutions has the experience, know how, passion, processes, systems, facilities, infrastructure and people to support the growth objectives of search firms by setting exemplary standards in resourcing excellence, process and cost efficiency.

For more information about the above services, please contact your Account Manager or email

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