SAAS Annual Report 2013-14

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Seattle Academy prepares students for college and life. Seattle Academy of Arts and Sciences is an independent secondary school with a mission to prepare our students to participate effectively in modern society. We, therefore, seek a diversified student body and faculty. We offer a demanding college-preparatory curriculum integrating the arts and emphasizing a global perspective. We utilize the resources of our urban environment to extend our classrooms, to enhance our programs, and to engage our students in public service. Most of all, we seek to graduate motivated young men and women of talent and integrity who are prepared to contribute productively to a changing world. Non-Discrimination Policy: Seattle Academy admits qualified students of any race, color, gender, sexual orientation, disability, national or ethnic origin, or other legally protected status to all the rights, privileges, programs, or activities generally accorded to or made available to all students and their families. 2


Dear Friends of Seattle Academy, We are pleased to share Seattle Academy’s 2013-2014 Annual Report, which recognizes another stellar year for our school and the remarkable donor community that stands behind all we do to prepare students for college and life. The 2013-14 school year held a kaleidoscopic array of great moments and experiences for students. In the Middle School, 8th graders helped 32 services agencies through the Seattle Challenge; a Robotics Club was launched; the 6th grade Backers Club introduced new roles of class leadership; and a 7th grade vocal ensemble was created. In Upper School, new excursions took students to Vietnam (cultural/service trip) and southwest Utah (rafting/desert camping); Speech & Debate achieved its seventh consecutive state title; the Onions vocal ensemble won first place at the Reno Jazz Festival; and in their inaugural season the boys’ varsity Lacrosse team won the state championship. In addition, Seattle Academy was honored to receive an Edward E. Ford Educational Leadership Grant of $250,000 awarded to develop our current Innovations program into a full Laboratory for Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Whether in the classroom or science lab, on stage or in the art studio, on the playing field or across the globe - meeting a challenge changes forever a student’s sense of what is possible, not only in the given time, place, and circumstance, but also in life. It is the totality of moments and experiences like these that constitute what many call the Seattle Academy magic. That magic is made possible in part by the generosity and support of this community — for which we are truly grateful. That Seattle Academy magic comes as a direct result of our ability to shape the school using the two most fundamentally sound building blocks of education. First, is a belief that all great educational outcomes can be traced to the interaction between teacher and student — teachers who know their students from the inside out, and therefore know when, where, and how high to set the bar of expectations, and students who trusts those teachers to coach them over the bar. Second, is the conviction that the best educational program is broad based with a foundation in academics, arts, athletics, outdoor trips and foreign travel, and with opportunities that inspire both Participation and Excellence. Seattle Academy is able to shape its curriculum and programs with these building blocks because of our volunteers and donors whose commitment to the school supports program development, faculty development, and campus development. This community continues to make a lasting impact in the life of our school. In 2001-2002, Seattle Academy built an Arts Center and a gym when conventional wisdom said we could do one or the other, but not both at the same time. In 2009, into the teeth of the worst recession since the Great Depression, we finished a campaign to create an endowment for financial aid. Today, we are in the midst of SAAS Rising, a campaign for campus transformation that will give students exciting new spaces and opportunities to learn, collaborate, problem-solve, and grow. We predict that the STREAM building, now under construction, and the new Middle School Building, now in the planning stage, will change the sense of what is possible for all of us in the real business of this school, which is changing the lives of the most important people here, the students. On behalf of the Board, faculty, staff, and administration, thank you for all that you have done for our students, for all that you are doing, and for all that you will do. We couldn’t be where we are, and we could not go where we are going without you.

With Appreciation,

Joe Puggelli, Head of School

Mike Halperin, Board President


Salaries & Benefits, 56% Plant Operations, 12% Instructional & Support Services, 13% Financial Aid, 14% General Administrative Expenses, 5%


Tuition & Fees, 92% Gifts, 6%

(Annual Fund, In-Kind, Restricted)

Endowment Spending Transfer, 1% Other Income, 1% (Investment & Rent)

ANNUAL FUNDRAISING REVENUE Annual Giving (Unrestricted)



Annual Giving (Restricted)



Gifts in Kind $ 48,428.21 SAAS in the City Underwriting $


Faculty Development Donations $


Tickets, Raffle, Wine Grab & Other Revenue



Total Operating Gifts $


ANNUAL FUND PARTICIPATION Current Families: 72% Faculty/Staff: 83% Trustees: 100%



2013-14 Board of Trustees Mike Halperin, President Candy Marshall, Vice President Jon Reingold, Secretary Robyn Grad, Treasurer Tom Barton Julie Barwick Donna Bellew Rhonda Berry Ronnie Cunningham Christine Czark-Atkins Quinton Dowling ’05 Richard Fade Richard Galanti Muguette Guenneguez Leslie Hanauer Peter Heymann Mary Ellen Hudgins Mark Jennings Sean O’Leary Ed Parks Joe Puggelli Peggy Rinne Ruth True

Thank you to all who donated to Seattle Academy’s 2013-14 Annual Fund. While tuition covers the essentials of a SAAS education, gifts to the Annual Fund support the evolution of our innovative curriculum and programs. Most Annual Fund gifts are unrestricted allowing us flexibility to meet immediate needs in the life of our school. Some donors do choose to designate Annual Fund gifts for specific programs and areas of interest. Every donor listed here helped fund opportunities for our students to learn and thrive!

Honorary Trustees

ZENITH CIRCLE ($15,000 +)

CARDINAL CIRCLE ($5,000 - $9,999)

Mary Dunnam Lex Lindsey Tom Markl Jean Orvis Bill Oseran Craig Tall Maggie Walker Martha M. Wyckoff

Anonymous Friends of Seattle Academy (2) Stan & Kristine Baty Susan & Richard Fade Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Nick & Leslie Hanauer Dina Alhadeff & Jay Long The Seattle Foundation United Way of King County

Anonymous Friends of Seattle Academy (2) Jerome & Judy Alhadeff David & Nellie Allnutt Tom & Kat Barton Julie & Jon Barwick Pam & Dan Baty Silas Beane & Kristin Bunce Donna & Matthew Bellew Jeff & Anne Blackburn Brookshire Green Foundation Dale & Leslie Chihuly David Finn & Katharine Harkins The Fortin Family Lela & Harley Franco Richard & Barrie Galanti Garfield Men’s Lacrosse Club Michele & Daniel Glasser Bert Green & Zan Brookshire Gareth Green & Julie Larson-Green Greenstein Family Foundation Larry Hubbell & Shelley Butler Thor & Margaret Johnson Steve Kessel & Sibyl Frankenburg Antoine Leblond & Lucie Robitaille Lex Lindsey & Lynn Manley

Alumni Board Quinton Dowling ’05, President Lynsey Lacher ’08, Vice President Jessen Carley ’04 David Vail Crane ’01 Saskia de Jonge ’04 Lucy Dougherty ’02 Andrew Ferguson ’04 Alexa Jarvis ’08 Emma Libby ’02 Suria Markus ’08 Paige Pauli ’04 Morgan Smith ’90

VISIONARY CIRCLE ($10,000 - $14,999) Steve Cohn & Laura Scheyer Jim & Laura Donald Claudio & Lori Guincher Anders & Liz Hejlsberg Eric & Mary Horvitz Mark & Laura Jennings The Loeb Family Jon Reingold & Karen Criddle Bill & Ruth True Jim Vandergrift & Ann Collier Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program William & Diane Whitfield



Jack & Sandy McCullough Scott & Shelby Milne Colin & Martha Moseley Susan & Furman Moseley Harvey Motulsky & Lisa Norton Chris & Catherine Mueller The Pembroke Perlin Family Prairie Foundation William & Katrina Reinhardt in honor of April Ferry Julie & Bard Richmond David & Laura Rinn Schwab Charitable Fund Jonathan Solovy & Stacey Fisher Matt & Kristine Sweeney Wodecroft Foundation Stephen & Terri Thomas Art & Hattie Vogel John & Gerlinde Whetzell Scott & Michele Wilbur Kris & Chuck Wilk Shannon Williams Martha Wyckoff & Jerry Tone LEADERSHIP CIRCLE ($3,000-$4,999) Anonymous Friends of Seattle Academy (8) Perry Atkins & Christine Czark-Atkins Peter & Sandy Atkins Paul Barry & Christina Crescenzi George & June Bartell Andrew & Brenda Bor Brad & Sue Brickman Kevin & Maria Cahoon Mark & Shelley Callaghan John Chen

ChenSteinO’Malley Sven Foundation Jennifer & Will Daugherty John & Chris Dwight Denise & Frank Edgar Ruth Etzioni Barbara & Tim Fielden Jeff & Eleanor Freeman Bill & Nan Garrison Tom & Susan Gibbons Scott & Kelly Gode Marc & Gina Gonchar Drew & Stacy Graham Blake & Erika Grayson Ron & Diana Gustafson Mike Halperin & Jodi Green Peter Heymann & Nicole Piasecki Herve Jamrozik & Ana Tessadro Bryan & Jody Jennings John E. Manders Foundation Sam & Sylvia Ketcham Morris & Carolyn Kremen Gordon Kritzer & Nancy Case Kritzer Kevin & Whittnee LaChapelle Eric & Christine Larsen Jonathan & Patty Lazarus Mark Le Roy Peter & Susan Lee Mike Lock & Cindy Lee Michael & Barbara Malone Daniel Markowitz & Deborah Sopher John & Jeanine Matthews Steve & Cheryl McConnell Jacqueline Yang McCormick Lucy & Eric Meyer Pamela & Donald Mitchell Ken & Becca Moss Al Odmark & Nancy Ritzenthaler Mark & Leslie Olson Mary Kay O’Neill Patrick & Christine Pendergast Maurice Pirio & Susan Foster

Doug & Kay Rawlings Steve & Kristine Rinn Peggy & Bob Rinne Craig & Jessica Robinson Gideon Rosenblatt & CJ Liu Bill & Jeannie Ruckelshaus Luke Schenck & Carla Bauman Jeff & Julie Schoenfeld Nancy & Rich Senseney Joel Shapiro & Ingrid Elliot The Siebrecht Family Marc & Michelle Sloan Ray & Jenny Sneeringer Letitia Toy Steve Trautman & Sonja Gustafson The Walker Family Foundation Kina Walker ’06 Maggie & Doug Walker Joseph Walter & Kathy Mares Bob & Andrea Watson Jim Winton & Linda Park John & Janie Woodley Eric & Jennifer Zinda ACADEMY CIRCLE ($1,000-$2,999) Anonymous Friends of Seattle Academy (13) Jim & Jennifer Ange Brian Arbogast & Valerie Tarico Bob Bernstein & Julie Ellner Charles Birnbach & Sangeeta Hingorani Peter & Kelly Boal Brian Bosworth & Hilary Pennington Paul & Rebecca Bouchey Steven & Dori Brewer Carl & Mary Brown Geoff & Julie Burg George Burpee & Jocelyn Check Michael & Deanna Butler Christine & Bill Campbell Elizabeth Campbell Phil & Jennifer Carter Eric Cobb & Kirsten Mercer-Cobb Don & Louise Conklin Ted & Megan Conklin Clive G. Cook & Sara M. Allan Jacob & Lena Davis Francoise Deeg-Le Gal & Joachim Deeg Mark Doran & Tonya Dressel Mary & James Dunnam Francine & Jim Dunnigan Nick & Julie Eitel Larry Engel David Erskine & Karen Braitmayer Moreen Fielden Michele Flannell & Stephanie Worley Jeff Fong & Jennifer Johnson-Fong

Keith Forslund & Laurie Breidenbach-Forslund Donny & Shawn Foy Michael Friedman & Sabine von Preyss-Friedman David & Chris Gedye Michael Gerke & Susan Campbell Robyn & Philip Grad Jay Greene & Rochelle Howe Alan Greenstein & Laura Tranin Jerry & Lauren Gundlach Don & Hallidie Haid Barry & Gretchen Harmon Michael & Kathleen Hebert Charles & Nancy Hogan John & Christina Hogan Craig & Marion Hopkins Mary Ellen Hudgins & Gayle Bush Marcine Hull Scott & Jocelyn Isaacs Brian & Traci Janssen Andy & Elana Jassy Joshua Green Foundation Kristen Lamey Victoria Lea David Letrondo & Colleen Armstrong Letrondo Sandy & Cindy Levy Christine Lewis Greg & Laura Lohman Pat Lowe Victoria Mabus Justin Magaram & Amy Schottenstein Tom & Cricket Markl Candy Marshall & Jerry Stehlik Mark & Tracy Mason John & Lisa McConnell Brian & Karen McManus Pat McMillan & Minori Watanabe K.C. McNeil & Laurie Stusser-McNeil Susan Michaels & Stacia Cammarano Gary & Kelly Moore James Nida & Annelliott Willis Thalia & Tom Opdycke Mary Pat & John Osterhaus David Parker Ed Parks & Deborah Dollard Kevin & Janell Patrick Stewart & Barbara Pearson George & Cindy Pierce Mark & Michelle Potvin Raikes Foundation The Reines Family Mark & Sally Revere Mike Riley & Robin Shapiro Jonathan & Elizabeth Roberts Hadley Rodden ’09 Jim Rogers & Pam Kulin Michele & Stan Rosen Alex & Jill Rosenast

Ralph Rossi & Nancy Brunsvold Jim Rupp Jess & Diane Salisbury Herman & Faye Sarkowsky Steven Sarkowsky & Stacy Lawson Rob & Cindy Shurtleff Peter & Jan Slinn Larry Soriano & Elizabeth Starkand-Soriano Byron Springer & Krista Franklin Thomas & Brenda Stonecipher Synapse Product Development Lesley & TomTodaro Norm & Carin Tonina Tony & Jackie Valentine Felix Vladimir C. Kevin Ward & Jill Maguire-Ward Washington Women’s Foundation Wayne & Eileen Watson Liz Welch & Sam Wasser Spencer Welton & Jen Simonic William Yedor & Adrienne Millican Joseph Zunt & Kay Johnson FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE ($1-$999) Anonymous Friends of Seattle Academy (63) Kokie Adams Thomas Adams ’00 Erin Aitchison ’98 & Casey Rettenmier Andrea Alhadeff ’07 Doug & Kirsten Ambach Karen Ames Gary Anderson Eli Bailey ’05 Robert Baird & Kelly Gates Graham Ballard ’03 Diane & Lee Barnes Cam Barwick ’11 Carly Barwick ’13 Megan Barwick ’15 Kate Battuello Louis & Myrna Bauman David Bayne ’91 Jill Beckerman ’06 Emebet Belew Kimball Bergerud & Betsy Whitesell Ben Bergman ’00 Bonnie Berk John & Kelli Bernhard Achijah Berry ’10 Mary Berry Phillip Berry ’06 Rhonda Berry Julia & Bobby Binford Michelle Blackmon & Joshua Brown ’12 Case Blum ’04 Madelaine Bolton ’05 Jon Boyce & Catherine Petito Boyce

John & Nancy Braitmayer Martin Brakke Makenzie Brandon ’09 David Brannon-Cirone & John Cirone John Brickman ’09 Zoran Brkanac & Jade Kim Sherika Brooks ’08 Elliott Brueggeman ’01 Laura Bulchis ’01 Ed Bulchis & Theresa Gallant Eric & Kelly Burke Steve Burke & Lisa Richmond Alex Bush ’02 Daniel Bushyhead ’04 Chris Butler & Carol Gilmore Charlotte Butts ’99 Jacob Byrne ’03 Tracey Byrne Aaron Calvo ’92 Joan Camann David Campbell ’86 & Jill Hangen Pearl Klein ’84 & Steve Campbell Freddy Carley ’04 & Jessen Myburgh Carley ’04 Peter & Cheryl Carter Samantha Casne ’01 Alec & Irene Cass Jim & Diane Castanes Eric & Jessica Chantelois Dexter Chapin Andrew Chapman & Lisa Loop Arthur Chapman Molly Cherkin ’03 Rachel Cheyovich Christian Chisholm ’06 Tony & Rose Chisholm SAAS ANNUAL REPORT 2013-2014


Narin Chou Michael Cimino & Mary Clara Horrigan Rhonda Cinotto City of Seattle Peter J. Clark Michael Claxton Kelsey Colpitts ’06 Ally Compatore ’08 Tyler Cordy ’03 David Crane ’01 Bob & Jan Crites Larry & Stacy Crites Gabriel Cronin Erin Culbertson Ronnie & Wendy Cunningham Dennis & Kimberly Daugs Sandra Davis Matt Dawson ’09 Bob Day David de Regt ’01 Alison Delaney ’04 April DeNonno Geleta Deso Kristina Detwiler Samantha Detzer Betsy DiPasquale & Sandra Downing Stephen & Beverly Docter Karen Dong Jacob Donich-Croll ’06 Hannah Dougherty ’09 Lucy Dougherty ’02 Connor Dowling ’04 Quinton Dowling ’05 Jeffrey Duchin & Katherine Brown Janine Duncan Monnin ’85 & Brian Monnin Sharon Elise Dunn, Lyla Irvine ’03 & George Ciardi Andy & Jillon Dupree 8


Frank & Leigh Anne Van Dusen Nikki Eller ’06 Christopher & Kristine Eng Margaret Erlich ’99 eScrip Michele Etsekson ’08 Seth & Regan Falcon Helen Fallat ’02 Jeff & Lori Faulkner Emily Feder Lisa Feiertag ’02 & Jon McIntyre Andrew Ferguson ’04 & Rachel Ferguson April Ferry Conrad Fihn ’09 Lucy Fikso ’09 Kate Flack Don Fleming & Libby Hanna Douglas & Tessa Fleming Diane Flood Tom Flood Peter & Jen Flynn Malcolm Foster ’07 Barbara & Patrick Francis Zack Freeman ’07 Mark Fuller & Mindy McGovern The Furubayashi Family Robin & Jim Gage Gordon & Kay Geffe Allen & Aude Geltzer George Georges & Elaine Wu Robert & Michele Gilb Stephen Gillmore ’93 Beth Ginsberg & Annette Hayes Glassybaby LLC Rachel Godbe ’07 David Goh & Sau Mui Chan-Goh Paul Goldberg ’86 & Leslie Goldberg Julie Gommi Jim Gow ’95 & Angela Gow

Ed & Marcia Graves Jim Greenfield & Susan Barley Vito A. & Yasuko Grieco, & Evan Wilson Conor Grisham ’06 Gary & Michele Grosenick Kevin Grossman & Amanda Heep Raven Guenneguez Anne-Marie Guerrero Bart Gummere & Kathryn Ryan Peggy & Frank Gundlach Erin Hadaller ’98 Kayla Hagen ’05 Tom Hajduk, Yvonne Griffin, Nora & Logan Meredith Hale Craig & Amy Hampson The Hanrahan Family Quinne Hanrahan ’10 Jim & Joan Harkins Karen Harmon Adrian Harris ’07 Morgan Harris ’04 Katlin Hayes ’01 Kiera Hayes ’07 Mike Haykin & Li Fang Yu William Healey & Linda Peters K.C. Helmeid & Jennifer Stockdale Samantha Hill ’08 The Hillel & Wiedenfeld Family The Hofmann Family Austen Holman ’04 David & Lisa Hoover Mark & Marcia Hoover Brooks Hopp ’08 David Horvitz Nathaniel Hudson ’03 Shaun & Lori Hughes Guy Hutchison ’90 Bob & Sue Hynes SwopBoard Inc. Mark Isaacson & Kathi Petrotta David & Julie Israel Kevyn Hauser Kosar & Michelle Jaff Michael Jaffe ’07 Jim & Marie Jahn Celeste Jalbert ’04 Alexa Jarvis ’08 Kaj Johansen David & Kirsten Johns Kathleen Johnson Nora Johnson ’04 Peter Johnson ’07 Sam Johnson ’07 JJ Jones ’84 Steve & Ann Jones Saskia de Jonge ’04 Frederic Joseph & Mary Njegovan Judy & Julian Joseph Sue Juma

Lizzie Kaplan Wynona Karbo Tera Kelley ’99 Tamie Kellogg Andrew & Polly Kenefick Josh & Lisa Kerns Kate & Craig Kerr Ben King ’07 Michael King Judy Klayman & Martha Rost Rebecca Klein Molly Knapp ’99 Ashley Knight Kerric Knowles ’08 Miles Knowles ’01 Nancy & Phillip Knudsen Jeff Kodaseet & Donna Bouldin Jim Kodjababian & Maria Denny Len & Madelyn Koontz Sondra Kornblatt Stephanie Kowals Tomas Kraft ’08 Matt Krinbring ’06 Richard Strickland & Denise Krouse Erik Lundberg & Cathy Krug Lynsey Lacher ’08 Jen Lam Inge Larsen Mark & Virginia Larson Zach Laster-Hazzard ’06 Michael Laube & Kyle Winslow Alex Leavitt ’05 Laura LeBlanc Anne-Marie Burgess Lee Sung Lee Rob & Sue Leet Whitney & Connie Leibow Tom Leonidas Debra Levin Bruce & Jean Lewellyn Larkin Seiple ’03 & Emma Libby ’02 Emily Lin Kathy Lindenmayer Whitney Linscott ’03 Lisa Long Dylan Loomis ’93 Thomas & Elaine Loomis Bret MacPherson Alyssa Magney Yael Maizel ’00 Jerry & Bernice Mark Madeleine Mark ’12 Suria Markus ’08 David & JoAnn Marshall Elaine Martel Sandra Marulanda Jody Marx Chris Maryatt ’98 in memory of Rebecca Maryatt Jane & Paul Mass

Peter Durkee & Tessa Matthey Megan McCall & Corey Cromer Jason & Ania McCleary Cameron McCulloch ’08 Christopher McMahon & Karen Kalzer Geoffrey McMahon & Deborah VanDerhei Patrick McMahon ’09 Dan & Jane McNamee Krishnan & Nina Menon The Merlino Family John & Marney Mesch Hayden Miller ’06 Mackenzie Miller ’02 Oliver Miska ’09 Marc & Marcie Mitchell Joel & Molly Mitchell Rob Mitchell ’87 Charles Mohn ’09 Jim Montague & Sherry Richardson Marc & Barbara Moquin Jennifer Morrison Tom & Beth Mortimer Will Moseley ’08 Melinda Mueller, Faculty Steven & Jennifer Murray Roger Murray & Leila Kipp Heidi Neff Joshua Neighbor ’08 Network for Good Sonja Nielsen Margi & Peter Niu Jessica Nutt ’98 Marisha Nykiel Paul & Mikel O’Brien Jerry Parks & Bonny O’Conner Jim O’Donnell & Valerie Kampe Sean O’Leary & Jill Snyder

Sheri Olson Steven & Lissa Orr Steve Orser & Ann Hollar Lauren Orvis ’05 Sheila Osterhaus ’07 Paul Owen & Wendy Laird Diane Panteleakos Mike & Becky Park Carl Paschke & Ann Mason Paige Pauli ’04 & Trevor Russ Gayle Pearl Katie Pearl ’97 Tad & Margaret Pearl Ross Peizer ’04 Margy Pepper Amy Perkins ’94 & Josh Perkins Sam & Sharon Perlin Gillian Perry Marcus Petitt ’09 Cathy Pew & Terri Lee Anne Phelps Steven Phelps Rob Phillips & Jennifer Bandy-Phillips John & Vicki Pierce Blaire Piha ’07 Susan Polizzi Ryan & Lisa Poll Tim Potter Britt Power ’92 Paula Prewett & Stan Mark Christine Zarker Primomo ’06 Janet Primomo & Gary Zarker Joe Puggelli & Patricia Vaccarino Chris & Beth Purcell Paul & Susan Queary Allison Rabbitt & Nicholas Dorman Max Ralph ’92 & Laura Hughes Vickie & Diane Rawlins

Alison Ray & Jose Arauz Jodi & Bill Rea Matt Ready ’97 & Kelly Ready Thomas & Leslie Redd Maddie Reddington ’07 Mark Reddington & Cary Moon Melanie Reed & Edward Trumbule Margot Reilly ’09 Kendall R. Reingold ’12 Greg Relaford & Kathryn Owen Kelly Rettenmier ’95 & Cory Rettenmier Tyler Reymore ’09 Leslie Reynolds Paul & Susanna Reynolds Irmgard Rice Stephen & Karen Rice Bob & Suzanne Riley JoJo Robertson ’06 Rae Irene Robertson Julie Robertson-Zivin Richard Greene & Nell Robinson Caldwell Rohrbach ’08 Lis Rohrbach ’02 Juliet & Stephen Romano Donna Romero Jim Rose & Eric Gutierrez Eric Rose & Eleni Ledesma Jesse Ross Yurij Rudensky ’03 Helen Runstein Wolf & Leilani Saar Eric & Caroline Sanderson Johnny & Lene Sangster Elizabeth Scanlan Larry & Sheryl Schecter John & Nikki Schenck Cathy Schick, Jane Meseck, & Shay Meseck-Schick Mary Schiffgens

Jeremy & Rene Schimmel Morris & Eleanor Schimmel Adam Schoenfeld ’01 & Jenny Schoenfeld ’01 Nancy Schub Gerry Scully & Jennifer Kelly Dana Sedgwick ’08 Peggy Seessel Gerry & Tanya Seligman Dick & Helen Senseney Bill Severson & Meredith Lehr Catherine Sewell ’05 Raj & Dilroza Shah Paul Shapiro Family Mario Shaunette & Gail Mautner Leonard & Dana Shaw Peter & Meryl Shier Eric Sievers Bryan & Gina Skene Josh Sloan ’10 Morgan Smith ’90 & Shirley Smith Sarah & Mike Smith Eugene Smith & Stephanie Butow Darryl Smith & Andrea John-Smith Linda Spangler Elise Spencer ’02 Andrew Spitzer Dianna Stalter Bryanann Stavley Todd Stefan ’99 & Aubrey Stefan Adam Stelle ’05 Kirk Stensvig ’91 Jonah Sterling ’90 & Tiffany Moore Ayanna Stewart Jacyn Stewart ’91 Laurel Stewart ’05 David & Laurel Stitzhal Mari & Gary Stobbe Janissa Strabuk In Memory of David Hoff Andrew Strait ’06 Bob & Cindy Strauss

Jake Strickland ’11 Deanna Strom Fred & Rebecca Strong Eli Sulkin ’09 Paul Swanson ’04 Chris Taft ’02 Tim Taft ’06 Target Marjorie Taylor Nate Tepp ’03 John Teutsch Molly Theobald ’02 Kim Thomas Don & Pamela Tinker Kevin & Sharan Tisdel Marshall Titus & Helen Howell Holly Townes Drake Townes-Witzel ’03 Kevin Trombold & Heath Foster Theresa & Peter Truex Barton Truscott Christine Tschirgi Michael Tubridy ’03 Alec Turnbull ’04 Julie van der Veen ’88 & Eric van der Veen Chris Vandergrift ’07 Lindsey Vandergrift ’12 Alison Varon ’03 Don & Lila Vidger Masako Wada Dan Waggoner Cass Walker Rules! The Walling Family Scott & Mimi Warner James & Jane Watson Mindy Watson Kelly Webster Chia Ching Lin & Leif Wefferling Bob & Joan Weinberger Daniel Weld & Margaret Rosenfeld Judith A. Whetzel Kathryn Williams Kim Williams Michael Willis & Elizabeth Peterson Michael Finkle & Judith Willsmore-Finkle Bruce & Lisa Wiseman Holden Withington Allie Wollner ’06 Randy & Karen Woo Russell & Sharon Woo Sharon Woolf Claire Wright ’07 Vickie Wu & Mark Gross Katherine Wurfel Mark Wurfel & Sally Bock Bailey Zahniser ’08 Spring Zoog & Richard Marks Laura Zulliger ’06 Craig Zumbrunnen

Many thanks to all who celebrated with us at SAAS in the City on March 15, 2014, at Fremont Studios. On this special evening 466 guests, 100 enthusiastic student performers and volunteers, 9 accomplished alumni presenters, and countless energetic parent volunteers, faculty, and staff participated in one extraordinary event. Collectively, our SAAS community raised $217,804 for the Faculty Development Fund, which supports faculty as they develop new programs, fuel curricular innovations, and create a learning environment that cultivates 21st century skills. Special thanks to the following donors for their generosity and support. SAAS IN THE CITY FACULTY DEVELOPMENT FUND Anonymous Friends of Seattle Academy (20) Erin Aitchison ’98 & Casey Rettenmier David & Nellie Allnutt Steve & Betsy Amento Perry Atkins & Christine Czark-Atkins Robert Baird & Kelly Gates Dan Barsher & Alessandra Panieri Barsher George & June Bartell Tom & Katharine Barton Julie & Jon Barwick Donna & Matthew Bellew Rhonda Berry Charles Birnbach & Sangeeta Hingorani The Blackburn Family Andrew & Brenda Bor Brian Bosworth & Hilary Pennington Paul & Rebecca Bouchey David Brannon & John Cirone Brad & Sue Brickman Harry & Lauren Brown Kevin & Maria Cahoon Bill & Christine Campbell Gene Carter & Kathryn Keller Jim & Diane Castanes Jessica & Eric Chantelois Don & Louise Conklin Sara Allan & Clive Cook Deborah Cooper John & Cathy Darrow The Donald Family Foundation Mark Doran & Tonya Dressel Jim & Francine Dunnigan

Andy & Jillon Dupree Frank & Denise Edgar Nicholas & Julie Eitel Larry Engel Susan & Richard Fade Jeff & Stacie Feinstein Andrew Ferguson ’04 & Rachel Ferguson Steve & Patty Fleischmann Tom & Jill Flood Jeffrey & Eleanor Freeman David & Christine Gedye Allen & Aude Geltzer Tom Gibbons II & Susan Gibbons Daniel & Michele Glasser Scott & Kelly Gode Phil & Caryn Gold Philip & Robyn Grad Erika & Blake Grayson Jonathan Greene & Rochelle Howe Laura Tranin & Alan Greenstein Lucien & Muguette Guenneguez Claudio & Lori Guincher Ron & Diana Gustafson Hallidie & Don Haid Mike Halperin & Jodi Green The Hamel Family The Nick & Leslie Hanauer Foundation Jim & Joan Harkins William Healey & Linda Peters Liz & Anders Hejlsberg Peter Heymann & Nicole Piasecki Al Hillel & Sue Wiedenfeld David & Lisa Hoover Craig & Marion Hopkins

Mark Everts & Will Howington Larry Hubbell & Shelley Butler Dr. Graham & Heather Hughes Karin & Frank Huster Jocelyn & Scott Isaacs Herve Jamrozik & Ana Tessadro Andy & Elana Jassy Mark & Laura Jennings Andrew & Polly Kenefick Sam & Sylvia Ketcham Craig & Danna Kinzer Jeff Kodaseet & Donna Bouldin Jim Kodjababian & Maria Denny Sondra Kornblatt Gordon Kritzer & Nancy Case Kritzer Kristen Lamey Eric & Christine Larsen Patty & Jonathan Lazarus Mike & Norma Lee Peter & Susan Lee Whitney & Connie Leibow David Letrondo & Colleen Armstrong Letrondo Mark & Johanne Lewin Christine Lewis Mike Lock & Cindy Lee Donald Loeb & JoEllen Gehl Loeb Court & Robin Lorenzini Deming & Michelle Maclise Elizabeth MacPherson Justin Magaram & Amy Schottenstein Michael & Barbara Malone David & JoAnn Marshall John & Jeanine Matthews SAAS ANNUAL REPORT 2013-2014

I 11

Mark Wurfel & Sally Bock Eric & Jennifer Zinda Joseph Zunt & Kay Johnson SAAS IN THE CITY UNDERWRITING DONORS

SAAS IN THE CITY FACULTY DEVELOPMENT FUND continued Steve & Cheryl McConnell Jackie McCormick Jack & Sandy McCullough K.C. McNeil & Laurie Stusser-McNeil Michael Megalli & Enrica Basilico Eric & Lucy Meyer Ken & Becca Moss Oscar Mraz & Nicole Devine Chris & Catherine Mueller Jim Nida & Annelliott Willis Rick Noji & Amy Hallett Noji Marisha Nykiel Barbara & John O’Halloran Jill Snyder & Sean O’Leary Garth Olsen & Lisa Sferra Olsen Leslie & Mark Olson Mary Kay O’Neill Tom & Thalia Opdycke Steve Orser & Ann Hollar Wendy Laird & Paul Owen Joshua Parks & Julie Fay-Parks Paige Pauli ’04 & Trevor Russ The Pembroke Perlin Family Paula Prewett & Stan Mark Beth & Chris Purcell Jim & Kirsten Purdy Doug & Kay Rawlings Vickie & Diane Rawlins Holly & Craig Reines Bard & Julie Richmond Mike Riley & Robin Shapiro Laura & David Rinn Steve & Kristine Rinn Peggy & Bob Rinne Albert Odmark & Nancy Ritzenthaler 12


Rae Irene Robertson Kate Roosevelt & Caroline Maillard Ralph Rossi & Nancy Brunsvold Richard Rubin & Wendy Potash Bill & Jeannie Ruckelshaus Wolf & Leilani Saar Jess & Diane Salisbury Eric & Caroline Sanderson Johnny & Lene Sangster Patsy Sangster Jeff & Julie Schoenfeld Gerry Scully & Jennifer Kelly Nancy & Rich Senseney Joel Shapiro & Ingrid Elliott Frank & Suzanne Shaw Damon & Claudia Smith Morgan Smith ’90 & Shirley Smith Darryl Smith & Andrea John-Smith Ray & Jenny Sneeringer Jonathan Solovy & Stacey Fisher Mike & Lisa Staton Adam Stelle ’05 Laurel, David & Kaya Stitzhal James Stout & Carolyn Anderman Fred & Rebecca Strong Matt & Kristine Sweeney Raymond & Ayala Thomas Don & Lila Vidger Art & Hattie Vogel Connie Wallum Bob & Andrea Watson John & Gerlinde Whetzell William & Diane Whitfield Peter & Lisa Wicklund The Wilbur Family Chuck & Kristen Wilk Kim Williams & Jim Mason Randy & Karen Woo Sharon Woolf

Jay Long & Dina Alhadeff David & Nellie Allnutt Peter & Sandy Atkins George & June Bartell Julie & Jon Barwick Kate Battuello Donna & Matthew Bellew Kimball Bergerud & Betsy Whitesell Andrew & Brenda Bor Paul & Rebecca Bouchey Jon Boyce & Catherine Petito Boyce Harry & Lauren Brown Jim & Diane Castanes Dale & Leslie Chihuly Christopher & Rebecca Clements Richard & Nancy Cleveland Clive Cook & Sara Allan John & Cathy Darrow Jacob & Lena Davis Jim & Laura Donald Robin Duberow & C. J. Murray John & Christine Dwight Richard & Susan Fade Jeff & Stacie Feinstein Steve & Patty Fleischmann Jeffrey & Eleanor Freeman Tom Gibbons II & Susan Gibbons Jay Gibson Robyn & Philip Grad Jonathan Greene & Rochelle Howe Alan Greenstein & Laura Tranin Ron & Diana Gustafson Barry & Gretchen Harmon Anders & Liz Hejlsberg Larry Hubbell & Shelley Butler Mark & Laura Jennings Steve Kessel & Sibyl Frankenburg Sam & Sylvia Ketcham Thomas & Cari King Jonathan & Patty Lazarus Peter & Susan Lee Whitney & Connie Leibow David Letrondo & Colleen Armstrong Letrondo Mike Lock & Cindy Lee Court & Robin Lorenzini Michael & Barbara Malone John & Jeanine Matthews Chris & Catherine Mueller Jim Nida & Annelliott Willis Mark & Leslie Olson Paul Owen & Wendy Laird Jeffrey & Tracy Piette

Doug & Kay Rawlings David & Laura Rinn Peggy & Bob Rinne Ralph Rossi & Nancy Brunsvold Patsy Sangster Lucas Schenck & Carla Bauman Jeff & Julie Schoenfeld Steve & Pam Schwartz Joel Shapiro & Ingrid Elliott Larry Soriano & Elizabeth Starkand-Soriano Matt & Kristine Sweeney Norm & Carin Tonina Ruth & Bill True Art & Hattie Vogel Bob & Andrea Watson John & Gerlinde Whetzell Shannon Williams Randy & Karen Woo SAAS IN THE CITY IN-KIND DONORS Anonymous Friends of Seattle Academy (1) Jay Long & Dina Alhadeff Tim & Sue Allen David & Nellie Allnutt Michael & Tracy Arntz Peter & Sandy Atkins Perry Atkins & Christine Czark-Atkins Dan Barsher & Alessandra Panieri Barsher George & June Bartell Stan & Kristine Baty Kimball Bergerud & Betsy Whitesell Butler Valet Jim & Diane Castanes Cave B Estate Winery & Resort Dale & Leslie Chihuly Christopher & Rebecca Clements Gordon & Patricia Cohen Ted & Megan Conklin Clive Cook & Sara Allan John & Cathy Darrow Dennis & Kim Daugs Timothy & Susan Davis Adam Diamond Robin Duberow & C. J. Murray Jeffrey Duchin & Kitty Brown Frank & Denise Edgar Bill & Heidi Flora Jeff Fong & Jennifer Johnson-Fong Keith Forslund & Laurie Breidenbach-Forslund Harley & Lela Franco George Georges & Elaine Wu Daniel & Michele Glasser Glassybaby LLC Scott & Kelly Gode

Blake & Erika Grayson Ron & Diana Gustafson Don & Hallidie Haid Tom Hajduk & Yvonne Griffin Mike Halperin & Jodi Green John & Christina Hogan David & Lisa Hoover Mark Everts & Will Howington Shaun & Lori Hughes Frank & Karin Huster Brynn Karch & Iyabo Tinubu-Karch Sam & Sylvia Ketcham Thomas & Cari King Craig & Danna Kinzer Eric & Christine Larsen Jonathan & Patty Lazarus Mark Le Roy Michael & Norma Lee Nelson Lee & Bethany Mito Jim & Tami Leff Donald Loeb & JoEllen Gehl Loeb Court & Robin Lorenzini Justin Magaram & Amy Schottenstein Michael & Barbara Malone Daniel Markowitz & Deborah Sopher Kenneth Marro & Christiane Zweifler Megan McCall & Corey Cromer Jackie McCormick Jack & Sandy McCullough K.C. McNeil & Laurie Stusser-McNeil Jennifer Morrison Colin & Martha Moseley Ken & Becca Moss

Greg Nelson & Cynthia Doll Greg Nelson Sean O’Leary & Jill Snyder Garth Olsen & Lisa Sferra Olsen Mark & Leslie Olson David Perlin & Mary Pembroke Perlin Scott & Lisa Porad Rodney & Cathy Prentice Ramseyer Vineyards Lee Rhodes & Peter Seligmann Mike Riley & Robin Shapiro Steve & Kristine Rinn Jonathan & Elizabeth Roberts Stephen & Juliet Romano Ralph Rossi & Nancy Brunsvold Johnny & Lene Sangster Rich & Nancy Senseney Joel Shapiro & Ingrid Elliott Karl & Stacie Siebrecht Damon & Claudia Smith Larry Soriano & Elizabeth Starkand-Soriano Mike & Lisa Staton Matt & Kristine Sweeney Gaylene Vaden Art & Hattie Vogel John & Gerlinde Whetzell Scott & Michele Wilbur Kim Williams Gordon & Denise Woodley Angela Wu Mark Wurfel & Sally Bock

Seattle Academy is grateful to the donors listed below for their leadership in supporting the capital campaign to unite the Middle and Upper Schools on the 12th Avenue block and enhance the Upper School science and technology program spaces through the new STREAM Building. Donors listed below include all donors to SAAS Rising through October 31, 2014. SAAS RISING CAPITAL CAMPAIGN Anonymous (10) Thomas Adams ’00 David & Nellie Allnutt Betsy & Steve Amento Gary Anderson Brian Arbogast & Valerie Tarico Emily Carmichael Michael Cimino & Mary Clara Horrigan Peter J. Clark & Kristi M. Straus Erin Culbertson Perry Atkins & Christine Czark-Atkins Tom & Kat Barton Jon & Julie Barwick Stan & Kristine Baty Matthew & Donna Bellew Rhonda Berry Andrew & Brenda Bor Brian Bosworth & Hilary Pennington Paul & Rebecca Bouchey Gayle E. Bush & Mary Ellen Hudgins ChenSteinO’MalleySven Foundation The Chisholm Foundation Eric Cobb & Kirsten Mercer-Cobb Costco Wholesale Corporation Matching Gift Program 14


Ronnie & Wendy Cunningham Will & Jennifer Daugherty Donald Family Foundation Mark Doran & Tonya Dressel Quinton Dowling ’05 The Dunnam Family Patrick Dunnam ’99 Nick & Julie Eitel Larry Engel Susan & Richard Fade Regan & Seth Falcon Feinstein Family Barbara & Tim Fielden Patty & Steve Fleischmann The Fong/Johnson Fong Family Ford Foundation Employee Matching Gift Program Harley & Lela Franco John Frank & Delia Jampel Sibyl Frankenburg & Steve Kessel Richard & Barrie Galanti Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Employee Matching Gift Program Scott & Kelly Gode Marc & Gina Gonchar Robyn & Philip Grad Erika & Blake Grayson Bert Green & Zan Brookshire

Mary Willa “Mamie” Green ’10 Sophia H. Green ’10 William Green ’15 Anne Marie-Guerrero Muguette & Lucien Guenneguez Lori & Claudio Guincher Hallidie & Don Haid Tom Hajduk, Yvonne Griffin, Nora & Logan Mike Halperin & Jodi Green The Nick & Leslie Hanauer Foundation The Hanrahan Family Michael & Kathleen Hebert Anders & Liz Hejlsberg Allen Hillel & Sue Anne Wiedenfeld John & Christina Hogan Julia Hunt Jocelyn & Scott Isaacs Mark & Laura Jennings Thor & Margaret Johnson Jennifer Kelly & Gerry Scully Aimee Kanemori Kate & Craig Kerr Sam & Sylvia Ketcham Rebecca Klein Eric & Christine Larsen Patty & Jonathan Lazarus Family Fund Adam MacDonald Justin Magaram & Amy Schottenstein Barbara & Michael Malone Tom & Cricket Markl Candy Marshall & Jerry Stehlik Mark & Tracy Mason Jacqueline Yang McCormick Jack, Sandy & Cole McCullough Geoffrey McMahon & Deborah VanderHei Jane Meseck & Cathy Schick Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Colin & Martha Moseley Harvey Motulsky & Lisa Norton Chris & Catherine Mueller Melinda Mueller Roger Murray Margi & Peter Niu NMS LLC Sean O’Leary & Jill Snyder Mark & Leslie Olson John & Jean Orvis Mary Pat & John Osterhaus Ed Parks & Deborah Dollard Pembroke Perlin Family Kathi Petrotta & Mark Isaacson Anne Phelps Rob Phillips & Jennifer Bandy-Phillips Joe Puggelli & Patricia Vaccarino Mary Pugh & Michael Scoggins Doug & Kay Rawlings Jeff & Liz Raymond Jodi & Bill Rea

Melanie Reed & Edward Trumbule Greg Relaford & Kathryn Owen Jon Reingold & Karen Criddle Steve Retz Mark & Sally Revere Bard & Julie Richmond Laura & David Rinn Bob & Peggy Rinne Elizabeth & Jonathan Roberts Rae Robertson (Kelly ’95 & Erin ’98) Rosenblatt Family Julie & Jeff Schoenfeld The Seattle Foundation Nancy & Rich Senseney Jan & Brad Silverberg The Sloan Brothers Joshua ’10 & Jordan ’14 Damon & Claudia Smith Sarah & Mike Smith The Stitzhal Family Diane Stalter Fred & Rebecca Strong Andrew & Carley Spitzer Matt & Kristine Sweeney Craig E. Tall Bill & Ruth True United Way of King County Art & Hattie Vogel Kina Walker ’06 Walker Family Foundation Gerlinde & John Whetzell Chuck & Kristen Wilk Vickie Wu & Mark Gross Martha Wyckoff & Jerry Tone


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Gifts to Seattle Academy’s endowed funds allow our School to cultivate an inclusive community where diverse perspectives, talents, and learning styles inform and enrich the experience of every student. With support from the Financial Aid Endowment, 22% of our student body received financial assistance in the 2013-2014 school year. In addition, Seattle Academy has endowed funds for Learning Support, for the Outdoor & Travel program, and for Speech & Debate. We thank the donors listed below for investing in the long-term health of Seattle Academy. SUSTAINING SAAS FINANCIAL AID ENDOWMENT


Anonymous Friends of Seattle Academy (3) Ann Baldwin John Chen ChenSteinO’MalleySven Foundation Kurt & Leslie Dammeier Krijn & Judy de Jonge Steve & Patty Fleischmann Don Fleming & Libby Hanna David & Christine Gedye Jay Gibson Robyn & Philip Grad Don & Hallidie Haid Donald & Margery Hellmann Eric & Mary Horvitz Lee Smart, P.S., Inc Kevin & Whittnee LaChapelle The Lim Family Julia Matthews Barbara Nevers Marisha Nykiel Laura Parris-Reymore Maurice Pirio & Susan Foster Raj & Dilroza Shah Robert & Alayne Sulkin United Way of King County

David & Ann Dreis




With Thanks to the Edward E. Ford Foundation from Seattle Academy and our Innovations Program

In addition to the Edward E. Ford Foundation, SAAS expresses gratitude to the following donors who made gifts through October 2014 to match the Foundation’s gifts: Perry Atkins and Christine Czark-Atkins Matthew and Donna Bellew Nick and Leslie Hanauer

The Edward E. Ford Foundation, whose mission is to encourage and improve secondary education by independent schools in the United States, awarded SAAS an Educational Leadership Grant of $250,000. Seattle Academy will use its Educational Leadership Grant to combine the Innovations program with other current offerings in Sustainability, Robotics, and Programming in order to develop The Seattle Academy Lab for Innovation and Entrepreneurship. The Lab, with a curriculum modeled after the collaborative, interdisciplinary approach of the Stanford Design School, will enhance the school’s proven ability to prepare students to solve the real problems of the world by giving them real-world problems to solve. Grant money is given to SAAS on a dollar-for-dollar basis as the school raises a “match” of $250,000.


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This report acknowledges gifts received between July 1, 2013, and June 30, 2014. Great care has been taken to ensure this report’s accuracy. If we have omitted or misspelled your name please notify the Advancement Office at 206.676.6874.




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