Seattle Academy Annual Report 2009-2010

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09-10 Annual Report

Our Mission P re p a r in g s tu dents fo r co lleg e and life. . . Seattle Academy of Arts and Sciences is an independent secondary school with a mission to prepare our students to participate effectively in modern society. We, therefore, seek a diversified student body and faculty. We offer a demanding college-preparatory curriculum integrating the arts and emphasizing a global perspective. We utilize the resources of our urban environment to extend our classrooms, to enhance our programs, and to engage our students in public service. Most of all, we seek to graduate motivated young men and women of talent and integrity who are prepared to contribute productively to a changing world.

letter to the community In 2009-2010 our Seattle Academy community of students, parents, alumni, and friends joined together to surpass ambitious financial goals and program expectations. The year was marked by monumental efforts directed toward the long-term fiscal health of the school. Your gifts to the Financial Aid Endowment helped us to exceed the $7 million goal by December 31, 2009, and to receive the $1 million challenge grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Our Middle School students demonstrated that they fully embrace the Culture of Performance by competing in the Washington State Math Championships and the Science Olympiad with an outstanding showing in their first year. Students participated in record numbers in both fall and winter sports and enjoyed expanded curricular offerings, including Speech and Debate, arc welding, and outdoors skills training. In the Upper School, 72 members of the 12th grade class participated in the Senior Projects program. These five-week internships with local businesses and non-profit organizations culminated with an evening of student presentations to faculty, parents, and alumni. Remarkably, 15% of the seniors who participated were also offered paid positions as a result of their exemplary performance at their respective organizations. The class of 2010 also received a combined $5.5 million in merit scholarships, and all 89 members were admitted to a college or university of their choosing. This success is a testament to the exceptional breadth and depth of the programs that our graduates have experienced during their years at Seattle Academy. The school year concluded with a visit from nationally-noted educators Drs. Sally and Wayne Boese. Here is what they had to say about their week-long experience at SAAS: “Your program and its requirements force students to explore the world in ways they’d never choose, and to explore undiscovered aspects of themselves―talents, passions, and possibilities. Your program is structurally conceived and supported to sustain a culture of learning. In fact, this school is a place of learning in the truest sense.” We thank you for all you have done to make Seattle Academy successful in 2009-2010 and look forward to your continued support in the coming year.

Joe Puggelli Head of School

dear friends of seattle academy,

On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I am pleased to share Seattle Academy’s 2009-2010 Annual Report. The facts, figures, and names on these pages represent another great year of accomplishments and the extraordinary community that made it all possible. Thank you for giving generously, and for supporting our mission to prepare students for college and life. In 2009-2010, SAAS faced the dual challenge of completing an $8 million Financial Aid Endowment campaign, while sustaining the Annual Fund which provides vital revenue for curriculum and programs. Together we rose to the occasion. By December 31, 2009, $7 million was raised for the Endowment securing the final $1 million in matching funds from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. In conjunction, Annual Fund support remained steadfast and that campaign closed exceeding goal. Again, thank you! A strong endowment ensures an inclusive and diverse learning community at SAAS into the future. Gifts to the Annual Fund provide daily support for academics, arts, athletics, outdoor and travel programs giving students what they need to learn, grow, and thrive. Seattle Academy’s Culture of Performance inspires great moments in the classroom, on stage, across playing fields, and beyond. Some of last year’s highlights included: State championship titles for speech and debate and girls’ varsity soccer; the world premiere of a new musical, “Viva Bombolini”; and the first SAAS Career Day, with 30 guest speakers (including SAAS alumni, parents and friends) representing the arts and sciences, government and public policy, law, entrepreneurship, not-for-profit and sustainable businesses, journalism, technology, and video production (to name a few). As the 2010-2011 school year begins, we look forward to sharing more great moments and accomplishments. Thank you for being a part of Seattle Academy. Your support truly makes a difference!

Ron Hosogi 2009-2010 Board President


2009-2010 Board of Trustees


Ron Hosogi Tuition & Fees, 93% Gifts, 5% (Annual Fund, In-Kind, Restricted) Other Income, 2% (Investment & Rent)






Julie Barwick Rod Brandon

Salaries, 56%

Karen Criddle Plant Operations, 10% Instructional & Support Services, 11% Financial Aid, 12% Interest & Financing Expenses, 6% General Administrative Expenses, 5%

Mike Halperin Mark Jennings Karol King Tom Markl Candy Marshall Sean O’Leary Bill Oseran

Fundraising Revenue

John Osterhaus

Annual Giving (Unrestricted) Annual Giving (Restricted) Prep for Life Campaign

$ $ $

740,851 145,196 12,000

Total Operating Gifts



Endowment Gifts

$ 2,442,506

Total Non-Operating Gifts

$ 2,442,506

Ed Parks Tina Podlodowski Joe Puggelli

Annual Fund Participation Current Families: 80%

Faculty/Staff : 99%

Trustees: 100%

Jon Reingold Adam Schoenfeld ‘01

Academics Engaging. Demanding. Relevant.

S e att le A ca d e m y ’s r igo r o u s Ac ad emi c P r og r a m c h a lle n g e s s tu d ent s t o a c tive ly d e m o n s t r a t e mas t ery of m a te r ia l th r ou g h as s ig nments a n d p r oje c ts t h a t r equire i nt eg r a tio n of k n o w l e d g e f ro m sev era l d is c ip lin e s .

arts Creativity is a life skill.

T he A rts Pro g ram enco mpasses t heatre, musi c, dance, v i sual arts, a nd di g i tal medi a. It i s g ro unded i n t he premi se that al l students are i n tri si cal l y creati v e.

Thank you for your generous support! ANNUAL FUND

LE AD E RSH I P C I RC LE ( $2, 500 - $4, 999)

Tha n k y o u f o r y o u r gif t to the 2009- 201 0 Ann u al F u n d ! Y o u r c o n tr ibution was es s ential to t h e s u c c e ss o f S e a t t le Academy’ s cur r icular offer in gs a n d C u l t u r e of P er f or mance.

Anonymous Friends of Seattle Academy David & Nellie Allnutt Michael & Tracy Arntz Perry Atkins & Christine Czark-Atkins Peter & Sandy Atkins Paul Barry Daniel Barsher & Alessandra Panieri George & June Bartell Matthew & Donna Bellew Dennis McLean & Bonnie Berk Ruth & Greg Berkman Morris & Julie Beton Brian Bosworth & Hilary Pennington Michael & Rosemary Boyle Steven & Dori Brewer Brad & Sue Brickman Leigh Callaghan Whittnee & John Chen Dale & Leslie Chihuly LeeAnn Cochran Timothy & Susan Davis Paul & Debra Doces Karen Duncan Bruce Easter & Cynthia Faubion Nick & Julie Eitel Stuart & Karen Epstein Jeff & Stacie Feinstein Craig & Linda Fiebig Barbara & Tim Fielden Steven & Patty Fleischmann John Frank & Delia Jampel Richard & Barrie Galanti Bill & Nan Garrison David & Christine Gedye Ginny Gilder Peter Goldman & Martha Kongsgaard Jay Greene & Rochelle Howe Wassef & Racha Haroun Kevin & Ann Harrang William & Carol Hodgman David Hoff & Janissa Strabuk

Your gif t m a k e s a d i f f er ence in each and e v e r y stu d e n t ’ s e x per ience.

Z E NITH CIRCLE ( $ 15 ,0 0 0 + ) Anonymous Friends of Seattle Academy Edward E. Ford Foundation Sean O’Leary & Jill Snyder VI S IO N ARY CIRCLE ( $ 10 ,0 0 0 - $ 14,999) Anonymous Friends of Seattle Academy Jeff & Eleanor Freeman Mary & Eric Horvitz Islands Fund Donald Loeb & JoEllen Gehl Loeb Glen & Alison Milliman John Parchem & Barbara Lycett Emery Rhodes Mike & Megan Slade Ruth & Bill True D I R ECT O R’ S CIRCLE ( $ 5 ,0 0 0 - $9,999) Anonymous Friends of Seattle Academy Greg Amadon & Karen Heim Tom & Kat Barton Jon & Julie Barwick Leonard & Leslie Brennan Brookshire Green Foundation Michael & Min Christ Kurt & Leslie Dammeier

Krijn & Judy de Jonge Jim & Laura Donald Tom Dubensky & Carson Barnett Larry & Julie Engel Michael & Marta Fortin Mike Halperin & Jodi Green Graham & Heather Hughes Mark & Laura Jennings Thor & Margaret Johnson Antoine Leblond & Lucie Robitaille Sharon Lee Steve Lewis & Kathy Leppig Tom & Cricket Markl Jerry Stehlik & Candy Marshall James Montague & Sherry Richardson Colin & Martha Moseley Harvey Motulsky & Lisa Norton Greg Nelson & Cynthia Doll John & Barbara O’Halloran Anne & Steven Phelps David & Hillary Quinn Rainier Investment Management, Inc Susan Reid Jon Reingold & Karen Criddle Stuart & Lee Rolfe Peter & Parvanah Saladino Stephen & Terri Thomas James Vandergrift & Ann Collier Todd & Ruth Warren

thanks for helping us reach our goals! Ron Hosogi Mary Ellen Hudgins & Gayle Bush Jannette Hughes Marcine Hull & Anthony Frazier Jeanette Bertea Hennings Foundation Karol King & Doug Chapman Morris & Carolyn Kremen Gordon Kritzer & Nancy Case Kritzer Sandy & Cindy Levy Steve & Terri Lingenbrink Michael & Barbara Malone Peter Mason & Roberta Riley Bruce & Tina McDermott Krishnan & Nina Menon Pamela & Donald Mitchell John Oblanas & Laura MacDonald Mary Pat & John Osterhaus Randy & Lea Anne Ottinger John & Gabrielle Pagano Maurice Pirio & Susan Foster Tina Podlodowski & Barcy Fisher Paula Prewett & Stan Mark Raikes Foundation Lee Rhodes & Peter Seligmann Sara Sandford Bob & Peggy Rinne Jonathan & Elizabeth Roberts Jeff & Julie Schoenfeld Steve & Pam Schwartz Rob & Cindy Shurtleff Marc & Michelle Sloan Brad Smith & Kathryn Surace-Smith Ray & Jenny Sneeringer Bryanann Stavley Rob, Ann, Daniel & Joe Stewart Herb & Julie Thomas Arthur & Hattie Vogel Owen Walton & Heidi Schumann Elizabeth Welch & Sam Wasser Ann P. Wyckoff Kenneth & Melodie Zakaluk

ACADEMY CIRCLE ($1,000 - $2,499) Anonymous Friends of Seattle Academy Herbert & Kimberley Alden Karen Ames Jim & Jennifer Ange Laura Bachman Richard Bevan & Lesley Burvill-Holmes Elya Braden John Braseth & Diahann Morin-Braseth Kate Sweeney Josh & Erin Brower Philip Brown Alberto Caeiro Mark & Shelley Callaghan James & Diane Castanes Rod Chavez Roger & Becky Chin Mary & Bob Code Patrick Collins & Denny M. Post Neil & Ashley Collins Edward & Megan Conklin Kevin Conley & Rachel Nathanson Francoise Deeg-Le Gal & Joachim Deeg Chris & Kim DeGarmo Margaret Dewolf Jack & Karen Donohue Mary & James Dunnam Andy & Jillon Dupree Sid Eland Moreen Fielden Daniel & Christine Fosmire Michael Friedman & Sabine von Preyss-Friedman David, Lisa & Matthew Fulle Rick & Julie Garza Michael Gerke & Susan Campbell Philip & Robyn Grad Gary & Michele Grosenick Juan & Sierra Guerra Don & Hallidie Haid Bob & Colleen Hilleary William Hockemeyer & Nancy Campbell

Rick Jewett & Kathi Goertzen David & Leila Kirske Jay Klarnet Judy Klayman & Martha Rost Erik Larson & Christine Gleason Raymond Lee & Laurie Frankel Gordon & Miwon Lee Debra Levin Christine Lewis Patrick Liebel The Lim Family Todd Looney & Lucia McDonald Victoria Mabus James MacConnell & Amy Avnet Dante & Alison Marioni John & Jeanine Matthews Ken & Lisa McGraw Brian & Karen McManus Gary & Kelly Moore Tom & Beth Mortimer Thomas & Erin Neubauer Margi & Peter Niu Ed Parks & Deborah Dollard George & Cindy Pierce Jim & Carla Richards Bradley Rind & Janet Gray Juliet & Stephen Romano Jim Rupp Corey Salka & Lisa Orlick-Salka Tom Skerritt & Julie Tokashiki Art Sprenkle & Marianne Lile Doug & Katie Sprugel Sharon & Greg Stein Clyde & Karen Summerville Gina Trask Steve Trautman & Sonja Gustafson Andrew & Lucie Ury Frank & Leigh Anne Van Dusen Dan & Debbie Waingrow C. Kevin Ward & Jill Maguire-Ward Washington Women’s Foundation David & Gillian Witus Bill & Lu Woodman

athletics Not all poetry is on paper.

S e a t t l e A cademy’ s “ n o - c u t ” po l i cy e n c o u r ag es p a r t i c i p ati o n i n the A t h l e t i c s Pro g ram by s t u d e n t s o f ev ery l ev el o f s ki l l a nd abi l i ty.

thank you for helping us prepare FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE ($1 - $999) Anonymous Friends of Seattle Academy Thomas Adams ’00 Erin Aitchison ’98 & Casey Rettenmier Mark & Tina Alexieff Joshua Alper & Sarah Parker Doug & Kristen Ambach Gary Anderson Victoria Barr Anderson Doug Arnwine Alfred Astort & Rosaura Fabra-Jaques Norman Avnet Robert Baird & Kelly Gates Adrienne Bandlow Kevin Bank & Melissa Scanlan Diane & Lee Barnes Max Barrett ’06 Tomas & Rosalyn Batingan Izi & Marie-Claire Behar Halsey Bell Alana Bell ’03 Hull & Marta Belmore George & Linda Berkman Michael Berlin & Nelleen Hendricks Mike Bernier & Cheryl Nicholson Rhonda Berry & Howard Berry, Jr. Mary Berry Phillip Berry ’06 Michelle Blackmon Lindsay Booth Jon Boyce & Catherine Petito Boyce Rod Brandon & Jeannie Collins-Brandon Christopher Breunig & Gretchen Stahr Breunig James Brewer & Mary Roberts Carl and Mary Brown Kim Brown & Marilyn Lucas-Brown Elliott Brueggeman ’01 Ed Bulchis & Theresa Gallant Sara Burgess Jefferson Burnett George W. Burpee II

Daniel Bushyhead ’04 Larry & Vicki Butler Rommie Callaghan Joan Camann Tamre Cardoso George & Sandra Casperson Aytan & Muzeyyen Cenber Jody & Anne Chafee Eric & Jessica Chantelois Dexter Chapin Andrew Chapman & Anna Lisa Loop Robert Chavez Emily Cherkin & Benjamin Gitenstein Michael Cimino & Mary Clara Horrigan Rhonda Cinotto Peter J. Clark Michael & Arlin Claxton Lawrence Cock & Stacie Foster Joseph Cohn & Mary Ellen Kearney Jack Coleman & Liane Yuh The Aulinskas & Coleman Family Stacie Cone & Joe Eastham Lauri Conner Paul Conrad & Monique Howard Saroj Corr Doug Coutts & Kristin Von Hahn Catherine Crandall Tamara & Edward Crawford Larry & Stacy Crites Tim Croll & Betty Spieth Gabe Cronin Sharon A. Current Saskia de Jonge ’04 David de Regt ’01 April DeNonno Betsy DiPasquale & Sandra Downing Steve & Bev Docter Brian Donohue Lucy Dougherty ’02 Quinton Dowling ’05 Chris and Denise Dubuque Janine Duncan Monnin ‘85 & Brian Monnin Sharon Elise Dunn, Lyla Irvine ‘03,

& George Ciardi Stuart Dunwoody & Margaret Schaaf Peter Durkee & Tessa Matthey Harry Edwards & Marianne Painter Bart Eland ’09 Wanda & William Elder Bill Elmer Oren Etzioni Jon & Katherine Evans The Fairchilds Regan & Seth Falcon Bijan Fardad & Parisima Kheradmand Kwadwo Copeland & Karry Fefer Betsy Fenton Andrew Ferguson ’04 April Ferry Orville & Olga Feyerherm Michael Finkle & Judith Willsmore-Finkle Lizzie Willsmore-Finkle ‘16 Jane Lester & Russ Finley Andrew Fisher & Elizabeth Burke Kate Flack Don Fleming & Libby Hanna Tom & Diane Flood Peter & Jen Flynn Anne Fote James & Catherine Fotheringham Andrea Francisco ’02 Michael & Sheila Frawley Matthew Frey & Laura Wedeen Hugh & Bethany Furubayashi Robin & Jim Gage Randy Gainer & Johanna Schorr Randy Garcia & Erin Skerritt-Garcia William & Eileen Gellerman Nicholas & Tamara Gellert Angela Gengras Natalie George George Georges & Elaine Wu Gordon & Susan Gering Jay Gibson & Marisha Nykiel Scott & Kelly Gode Paul Goldberg ’86 & Leslie Portman Goldberg Barry & Lynn Goldstein Irv & Micki Goldstein

our students for college and life. Julie Gommi Nancy Gow Knudsen Andrew Grant ’07 David & Holly Gray Bernard & Arva Gray Steven Greene & Peggy Mesnik Jim Greenfield & Susan Barley Vito A. & Yasuko Grieco, & Evan Wilson Brad & Jennifer Grisham Jon Gross ’90 & Kristin Likus Raven Ael Guenneguez Anne-Marie Guerrero Karen & Michael Hagen Patricia Hajduk Tom Hajduk, Yvonne Griffin, Nora & Logan Hayden Hall Robert & Pranee Halvorsen Matt & Leslie Handley Connie Hannam The Hanrahan Family Jim & Joan Harkins Bob & Gina Harmon David & Virginia Harris Peri & Madeline Hartman Brett & Rhonda Hartzell Rutherford Hayes & Linda Pinsky Katlin Hayes ’01 Mike Haykin Tim & Anne Healey Carolyn M. Heck Patricia Taylor Helgren K.C. Helmeid Sylvia Smith Henderson Cheryll Hidalgo Allen Hillel & Sue Wiedenfeld Thomas F. Hodgman Ed & Kelley Hofmann Mark & Marcia Hoover David Horvitz Garry & Maryann Hosack Ruth Poindexter Shaun & Lori Hughes Bob & Sue Hynes Chuck Ijadi Richard Ingber & Leonor Vivas David & Julie Israel

Jim & Fiona Jackson Walter Jackson Celeste Jalbert ’04 Dan Jayne & Manette Moses Kaj Johansen & Kate Battuello David & Kristen Johns Kathleen Johnson Steve & Ann Jones Miriam Jue Microsoft Live Search, Give & JustGive Ragubathi Karthigesu & Coral Edward Anne Kearns Drew & Darcy Keller Lesley & Steve Kennedy Jerry & Jodi Kent Deb King-O’Brien (In Memory of Zia Larson ‘07) Kate Kinney Rebecca Klein Sondra Kornblatt Mary Lou Strickland Kostal Rick Krause Donald Kronenberg & Vanessa Edrich Anita & Dustin Kuroiwa Diane Larson Michael Laube & Kyle Winslow Lanise Laube ’10 Julie Lawry Stephen Le Neveu & Lorraine Ketch Richard LeBlanc & Polly Sidwell Sung Lee Rob & Sue Leet Susanne Lenhardt Tom & Gloria Leonidas Sin & Winnie Lew Nick Lew David Lewis & Susan White Lewis Emma Libby ’02 Mrs. Charles K. Liddell Emily Lin Lex Lindsey & Lynn Manley Joanne Llewelyn Richard & Tracey Locke Gregory & Laura Lohman

Lisa Long T.C. Loomis Family Pat Lowe Erik Lundberg & Cathy Krug Elizabeth MacPherson Bret MacPherson Leor Maizel ’04 Walter Major III Jerry & Bernice Mark James & Barbara Marowitz Clay & Pat Marshall Elaine Martel Stephanie Martin Sandra Marulanda Jody Marx Geoffrey Mattei ’98 Larry Mauksch & Sally Kentch Megan McCall & Family Dick & Jill McCormick Dave McCulloch & Kathryn Crawford Kelly McDonald ’03 Joseph McDonnell & Maryann Jordan Veronica McGowan Shawn & Barbro McKee Patrick McLane Dan & Jane McNamee K.C. McNeil & Laura Stusser-McNeil Mark McPherson & Brandith Irwin Jon Meier & Randy Simon The Merlino Family The Metcalf Family Bill Metcalfe Ernest & Erika Michael Marc & Marcie Mitchell Lou & Ann Mladenovic Ann Mock Donna Moniz Dave & Joanne Montague Nicole Moon ’96 & Jeremy Moon Marc & Barbara Moquin Furman & Susan Moseley Roger Murray Ann & Bob Murtha Luan & Tien Nguyen David & Marissa Nicacio Margie Nicosia & Bruce Magnuson

outdoor Learning brought to life.

T he Seattl e A cademy O utdo o r & T rav el Pro g rams equi p students wi th the necessary ski l l s to transfo rm chal l eng es i n the wi l derness and abro ad i nto o ppo rtuni ti es fo r perso nal g ro wth.

Sonja Nielsen Grant & Justine Norwitz Joseph Notarangelo & Joanne Edinberg Erik & Coral Noyd Doug Nugent & Ellen Mondress Jessica Erin Nutt ’98 Jim O’Donnell & Valerie Kampe Randall O’Dowd Gary Oppenheim & Julie McClain Mary Ann Osenbaugh ’03 Diane Panteleakos Mark & Francie Paper Mike & Becky Park Joshua Parks & Julie Fay Paige Pauli ’04 Gayle Pearl Susan & Bo Peck Richard Peet Alan & Elaine Peizer Ross Peizer ’04 Margy Pepper Gilbert Petitt & Leslyn Jones-Petitt Kathi Petrotta & Mark Isaacson George & Christina Pfeiffer Tom and Laurie Phelan Rob Phillips & Jennifer Bandy-Phillips Jay & Rachel Pickering Leonard Piha & Michele Manasse Rachel Preston ’01 Jack & Lee Prewett Cathy Pricco & Dave Page Joe Puggelli & Patricia Vaccarino Mary Pugh & Michael Scoggins Christopher & Beth Purcell Allison Rabbitt & Nick Dorman Alison Ray & Jose Arauz Christopher & Fenella Raymond Jodi & Bill Rea Melanie Reed & Edward Trumbule Greg Relaford Kelly Rettenmier ’95 & Cory Rettenmier Steve E. Retz Mike Riley & Robin Shapiro Rae Irene Robertson Larry Robinson & Leilei Wang Alan & Sarah Robinson Rebekah Rocha Donna Romero Alisa Rose Rita Rosen Jack Rosen ’01

Michele & Stan Rosen (In Honor of Mary Ellen Hudgins) Alex & Jill Rosenast Miranda Roth Mark & Ginny Rowley Wolf & Leilani Saar John & Patsy Sangster John & Lene Sangster David & Michelle Sarju Robert Schenkkan & Maria Headley James & Aimee Schermer Cathy Schick & Jane Meseck Matthew Schiffman ‘01 Adam Schoenfeld ‘01 & Jennifer Schoenfeld ‘01 Greg & Jan Schrag Nancy Schub Jay & Diane Schumacher Gerry Scully & Jennifer Kelly Larkin Seiple ’03 Bill Severson & Meredith Lehr Paul Shapiro & Family David Shapiro & Jennifer Dixon Peter & Meryl Shier Dick & Lynne Siefert Damon & Claudia Smith Douglas & Jeri Smith Eugene Smith & Stephanie Butow Aleisha Smith Stan & Mary Sorensen Larry Soriano & Elizabeth Starkand-Soriano Linda Spangler Matt Stachowiak & Tina Vickery Dianna Stalter Rich & Erin Stearns Randal Steckel & Lydia Bartholomew Todd Stefan ’99 William & Claudia Stelle Jacyn Stewart ’91 Eden Stewart-Eisman ’84 & Frederick Eisman Peter & Maria Stitzel David & Laurel Stitzhal Mari & Gary Stobbe Thomas & Brenda Stonecipher April Storie & Bill Good James Stout & Carolyn Anderman Fred & Rebecca Strong Helen Stusser (In Honor of Harris McNeil ‘14) Jorge Tacla

David & Dana Taft Patricia Targett David Tauben & Lynn Goldstein David & Sarah Taylor Solomon B. Tesfu John Teutsch Amelia Thomley ’06 Jack & Deirdra Timmons Donald & Pamela Tinker Kevin & Sharan Tisdel Harry Townsend Jeffrey & Christine Tritt Theresa & Peter Truex Barton Truscott Christine Tschirgi Joseph Tubridy ’06 Michael Tubridy ’03 Joel & Amy Underwood Brent Vadopalas & Jennifer Whitney Jake Van Dusen ’02 Jon & Molly Van Nostrand Jim & Kristin Vchulek Don & Lila Vidger Ilya & Elina Vinarsky Peter & Natalia Vitruk Paul & Sharon Voeller Dan & Jennifer Vradenburg Connie Wallum RoxAnn Ward Scott & Mimi Warner Kurt & Hege Watkins Mindy J. Watson James H. Watson Tracy Wellens & Cameron Zettel Philip Wells & Marilyn Hoe Arden & Claire White Liz White & Terry Denton Edna Mae Wiedenfeld Ashley Wildhaber Miriam & Joe Williams Fred Willis (In Honor of Lucy Halperin ‘15) Randy & Karen Woo Russell & Sharon Woo Ray Woodhouse & Abby Katzman Vickie Wu & Mark Gross Rich & Cheryl Zahniser Bailey Zahniser ’08 Polina & Igor Zaika Todd Zimberg Zook Family Joseph Zunt & Kay Johnson

your support sustains our ENDOWMENT GIFTS In 2009-2010 Seattle Academy achieved a significant financial milestone: Our community successfully completed the $8 million Financial Aid Endowment campaign. This accomplishment publicly reinforces our commitment to a vibrant and diverse student body. You have our deepest appreciation for your unwavering commitment to this important effort despite the obstacle of a challenging economy. Thank you for investing in the long-term fiscal health of Seattle Academy! SUSTAINING SAAS FINANCIAL AID ENDOWMENT Anonymous Friends of Seattle Academy Allen Adams & Alayne Cartales Thomas Adams ’00 Kelvin & Mary Agard Mark & Tina Alexieff David & Nellie Allnutt Doug & Kristen Ambach Chuck & Elaine Anderson Julie Anderson ‘00 Jim & Jennifer Ange Doug Arnwine Perry Atkins & Christine Czark-Atkins Peter & Sandy Atkins Laura Bachman Ann Baldwin Diane & Lee Barnes Daniel Barsher & Alessandra Panieri George & June Bartell Tom & Kat Barton Jon & Julie Barwick Roger Bass & Richard Nelson Bob Beckerman & Kathleen Taylor Izi & Marie-Claire Behar

Halsey Bell Carol Bell Dean & Edward Dean Matthew & Donna Bellew Jim Bender & Ann Venables Ruth & Greg Berkman Mike Bernier Mary Berry Phillip Berry ’06 Rhonda Berry & Howard Berry Brigitte Bertschi-Erickson Morris and Julie Beton Michael Bevan & Pamela Fink Richard Bevan & Lesley Burvill-Holmes Kim Lyford Bishop Michelle Blackmon Tom & Blythe Bloom Butch Blum & Kay Smith-Blum Brian Bosworth & Hilary Pennington Jon Boyce & Catherine Petito Boyce Rod Brandon & Jeannie Collins-Brandon Leonard & Leslie Brennan Christopher Breunig & Gretchen Stahr Breunig James Brewer & Mary Roberts

Brad & Sue Brickman Michael & Cathy Bronsdon Brookshire Green Foundation Carl & Mary Brown Ed Bulchis & Theresa Gallant Jefferson Burnett Christine Calderon Ann Callahan, Terry Hendrickson, & Emma Ashbrook ‘04 Stacia Cammarano & Susan Michaels Tamre Cardoso Jeffrey Carlin & Diane Kroll James & Diane Castanes Jody & Anne Chafee Dexter Chapin Sam Chapman ’07 Michael Chima & Janis Blauer Chima The Chisholm Foundation Michael & Min Christ Class of 2009 Lawrence Cock & Stacie Foster Jake & Donna Coke Elizabeth H.G. Collier Jan & Dave Collins Kate Collins ’99 Neil & Ashley Collins Patrick Collins & Denny M. Post Stacie Cone & Joe Eastham Edward & Megan Conklin Saroj Corr Gabrielle Coulon Catherine Crandall Tamara & Edward Crawford Mary Jane Creighton Larry & Stacy Crites Tim Croll & Betty Spieth Gabe Cronin Chuck & Julia Cutting Richard & Birgitta Dahl Kurt & Leslie Dammeier Craig & Joan Dawson Kirk Dawson & Susan Shyne Krijn & Judy de Jonge Mark & Robin De Regt Amy Denton ’05 Charley Dickey & Sheila Wyckoff-Dickey

culture of performance. Mike & Carol Dillon Peter Donahue Jim & Laura Donald Lucy Dougherty ’02 The Dougherty Family Tom Douglas & Jacalyn Cross Tom Dubensky & Carson Barnett Pete & Ellie Duffield Karen Duncan Janine Duncan Monnin ‘85 & Brian Monnin Sharon Elise Dunn, Lyla Irvine ‘03, & George Ciardi Mary & James Dunnam Andy & Jillon Dupree Peter Durkee & Tessa Matthey Stephanie Kowals & Andrew Dym Bruce Easter & Cynthia Faubion Terry & Jan Ebersole Chris & Trish Eden Harry Edwards & Marianne Painter Devora Eisenberg Chavez ’90 Nick & Julie Eitel Sid Eland Wanda & William Elder Marlin Eller & Mary McConney Stuart & Karen Epstein Paul & Nancy Etsekson Jon & Katherine Evans Todd & Mimi Fairchild Regan & Seth Falcon Gary M. Fallon & Leona C. De Rocco Jane Faulkner Fred & Anne Feiertag Craig & Linda Fiebig Barbara & Tim Fielden Moreen Fielden Jane Lester & Russ Finley Steven & Patty Fleischmann Don Fleming & Libby Hanna Barry & JoAnn Forman Michael & Marta Fortin Anne Fote James & Catherine Fotheringham David, Lisa & Matthew Fulle Robert & Mele Fuller

Hugh & Bethany Furubayashi Robin & Jim Gage Richard & Barrie Galanti Bill & Nan Garrison Rick & Julie Garza Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation David & Christine Gedye Bob & Mary Gehrke George Georges & Elaine Wu Jayasri Ghosh Jay Gibson & Marisha Nykiel Ginny Gilder Richard Gilder Scott & Kelly Gode The Kongsgaard-Goldman Family Barry & Lynn Goldstein Julie Gommi Jim Gow ’95 & Angela Gow Philip & Robyn Grad David & Holly Gray Jay Greene & Rochelle Howe Steven Greene & Peggy Mesnik Jim Greenfield & Susan Barley Vito A. & Yasuko Grieco, & Evan Wilson Brad & Jennifer Grisham Gary & Michele Grosenick Anne-Marie Guerrero Rick Guinee & Pamela Passman Karen & Michael Hagen Don & Hallidie Haid Tom Hajduk, Yvonne Griffin, Nora & Logan Hayden Hall Mike Halperin & Jodi Green Mark Hamblin & Ellen Gottheil The Hanrahan Family Jill Hansen Jim & Joan Harkins Wassef & Racha Haroun Kevin & Ann Harrang Peri & Madeline Hartman Brett & Rhonda Hartzell Steffen & Peggy Haug Mike Haykin Roger & Sandy Hayman Sharon Hazzard Carolyn M. Heck

Donald & Margery Hellmann Jeanette Bertea Hennings Foundation Kristin & Ken Henry The Henry Family Cheryll Hidalgo Tim Higgins & Nancy Reichley Bob & Colleen Hilleary Allen Hillel & Sue Wiedenfeld Michael & Elizabeth Hilton Joel & Darlene Hobbs William & Carol Hodgman David Hoff & Janissa Strabuk Ed & Kelley Hofmann Mark & Marcia Hoover Nancy Hooyman Steven Hopp & Palmer Robinson Mary & Eric Horvitz Ron Hosogi The Bush & Hudgins Family Catherine Hillenbrand & Joseph Hudson Graham & Heather Hughes Jannette Hughes Jayne Hulsey & Jon MacLeod Phil & Kae Hutchison Bob & Sue Hynes Islands Fund Jim & Fiona Jackson Mark Jaffe & Mary Anne Vance Dan Jayne & Manette Moses Mark & Laura Jennings Warren & Sally Jewell Rick Jewett & Kathi Goertzen Kaj Johansen & Kate Battuello Kathleen Johnson Martin Johnson & Jo Powers Thor & Margaret Johnson Ruth Jolly & Dara Jolly ‘88 Miriam Jue Juniper Foundation Barry & Erica Kaplan Ragubathi Karthigesu & Coral Edward Kevin & Erin Kau Nancy Kaynor & Chris Libby Anne Kearns Tamie Kellogg Lesley & Steve Kennedy

your gifts make a difference in Seong Kook Khang & Hyun-Son Shin Andy King & Paula Brekke Karol King & Doug Chapman Pearl Klein ’84 & Family Rebecca Klein Thomas Kongsgaard Sondra Kornblatt Mary Lou Strickland Kostal James Kraft & Dominique Posy Rick Krause Morris & Carolyn Kremen Karen Lane Erik Larson & Christine Gleason Michael Laube & Kyle Winslow James & Mollie Launer Danette Watkins Jonathan & Patty Lazarus Alex Leavitt ’05 Shelley Leavitt & Dick Baron Thomas Leavitt & Darcy Goodman Richard LeBlanc and Polly Sidwell Antoine Leblond & Lucie Robitaille Gordon & Miwon Lee Rhoady & Jeanne Marie Lee Sharon Lee John & Randi Lefebvre Tom & Gloria Leonidas Jim & Jane Lester Debra Levin David Lewis & Susan White Lewis Robert & Marti Liddell Lex Lindsey & Lynn Manley Steve & Terri Lingenbrink Gregory & Laura Lohman Erik Lundberg & Cathy Krug Max and Amanda Lyon Victoria Mabus James MacConnell & Amy Avnet Carlos Macias-Mason ’97 & Abby Mason Elizabeth MacPherson Ed & Linda Marcuse Jerry & Bernice Mark Matt Markl ’97 Tom & Cricket Markl, & Matt ‘97, Christine ‘00, & Peter ‘94

Daniel Markowitz & Deborah Sopher Jerry Stehlik & Candy Marshall Sandra Marulanda Rebecca Maryatt Neil Mathison & Susan Cole Julia Matthews Larry Mauksch & Sally Kentch Karen Mayer Gamoran Dick & Jill McCormick Dave McCulloch & Kathryn Crawford Bruce & Tina McDermott Joseph McDonnell & Maryann Jordan Veronica McGowan Geoffrey McMahon & Deborah VanDerhei Dan & Jane McNamee KC McNeil & Laura Stusser-McNeil Larry & Bernice Meurk The Miller Family Glen & Alison Milliman Marc & Marcie Mitchell Robert Mitchell ’87 Lou & Ann Mladenovic Robert Mohn & Shelley Morrison Dave & Joanne Montague James Montague & Sherry Richardson Marion Moriarty Colin & Martha Moseley Harvey Motulsky & Lisa Norton Melinda Mueller Roger Murray Tyler & Elise Myers Heidi Neff Greg Nelson & Cynthia Doll Thomas & Erin Neubauer Barbara Nevers David & Shirley Newell Sonja Nielsen Margi & Peter Niu The Norcliffe Foundation Joe Notarangelo & Joanne Edinberg Dr. & Mrs. William T. Nutt Jack & Arvella O’Connell

Jim O’Donnell & Valerie Kampe Chris O’Leary & Mike Courtney Sean O’Leary & Jill Snyder The Katherine Olson Foundation Gary Oppenheim & Julie McClain John & Jean Orvis Bill & Jean Oseran David Oseran ‘94 & Melissa Oseran Mary Pat & John Osterhaus Randy & Lea Anne Ottinger John & Gabrielle Pagano Samantha Pak & Mike Kim Diane Panteleakos John Parchem & Barbara Lycett Mike & Becky Park Josh Parks & Julie Fay Laura Parris-Reymore Deborah Paul Paige Pauli ’04 Gayle Pearl Katie Pearl ’97 Alan & Elaine Peizer Sam & Sharon Perlin Cathy Pew & Terri Lee George & Christina Pfeiffer Anne & Steven Phelps Michael & Nancy Pietromonaco Maurice Pirio & Susan Foster Tina Podlodowski & Barcy Fisher Susan Polizzi Jack & Lee Prewett Paula Prewett & Stan Mark Cathy Pricco & Dave Page The Primomo-Zarker Family Joe Puggelli & Patricia Vaccarino Mary Pugh & Michael Scoggins The Purcell Family David & Hillary Quinn Raikes Foundation Alison Ray & Jose Arauz Christopher & Fenella Raymond Melanie Reed & Edward Trumbule Dan & Zina Reh Susan Reid Hugh & Teresa Reilly Jon Reingold & Karen Criddle William & Katrina Reinhardt Mark & Christine Reis Lee Rhodes & Peter Seligmann

every student’s experience. Jim & Carla Richards Joel & Nanci Richards Richard & Sarah Reis, & Stephanie ‘02 Mike Riley & Robin Shapiro Bernice Mossafer Rind Bradley Rind & Janet Gray Bob & Peggy Rinne Mark & Jan Roberts Helene Robertson Iain Robertson & Hady De Jong Holly Robinson Townes & Gary Witzel Lis Rohrbach ’02 The Rohrbach Family Juliet & Stephen Romano Donna Romero Jack Rosen ’01 Michele & Stan Rosen The Rita & Herbert Rosen Family Foundation The Rosenshein & Soferman Family Joan Rosenstock Miranda Roth Lewis & Jackie Rudd, & Marissa ‘10 Helen Runstein Wolf & Leilani Saar John & Nancy Sabol Corey Salka & Lisa Orlick-Salka Anne & Steve Sarewitz Scott Schade & Lisa Kjaer-Schade Gilbert Scherer & Marlyn Friedlander Betsy & Jason Schneier Adam Schoenfeld ‘01 & Jennifer Schoenfeld ‘01 Jeff & Julie Schoenfeld Steven Schroeppel ’85 Steve & Pam Schwartz Gerry Scully & Jennifer Kelly Seattle Academy of Arts & Sciences Parent Association Leigh Sedgwick & Sandra Andrews Dave Sellinger & Mary Wechsler Nancy Sensenbrenner Bill Severson & Meredith Lehr Richard & Annmarie Sewell

Raj & Dilroza Shah Mario Shaunette & Gail Mautner, & Geneva ‘05 Peter & Meryl Shier David Shulman & Smadar Friedlander Rob & Cindy Shurtleff John & Connie Sidles The Simpson & Sindell Family Tom Skerritt & Julie Tokashiki Mike & Megan Slade Aleisha Smith Canfield & Georgene Smith Eugene Smith & Stephanie Butow Ray & Jenny Sneeringer Douglas & Kate Snider Larry Soriano & Elizabeth Starkand-Soriano William Spain & Susan Usher The Spector Family Art Sprenkle & Marianne Lile Doug & Katie Sprugel Bryanann Stavley Randal Steckel & Lydia Bartholomew Jonah Hudgins Sterling ‘90 Mona Wessels Sterling ‘89 Jason Stewart ’86 & Jodi Stewart Eden Stewart-Eisman ’84 & Frederick Eisman David & Joy Stiefel David & Laurel Stitzhal Mari & Gary Stobbe John & Tamera Stone Linda & Hugh Straley Richard Strickland & Denise Krouse Deanna Strom Fred & Rebecca Strong Lisa Stuebing Robert & Alayne Sulkin Margaret & Walter Suman, & Max, & Elizabeth ‘02 David & Dana Taft Craig Tall David Tauben & Lynn Goldstein David & Sarah Taylor Roger Terriere & Gayle Teramura John Teutsch

Meade Thayer Michael Theobald & Lyn Frisch-Theobald Andy Thomas & Caryn Buck Stephen & Terri Thomas Ann Tift Kevin & Sharan Tisdel Gary Trabolsi & Karen O’Shea Steve Trautman & Sonja Gustafson Anne Treanor-Miska Ruth & Bill True Theresa & Peter Truex Barton Truscott Christine Tschirgi Frank Tubridy & Gerrie Hashisaki Dorene & Dennis Tully Alec Turnbull ’04 Andrew & Lucie Ury Brent Vadopalas & Jennifer Whitney Frank & Leigh Anne Van Dusen James Vandergrift & Ann Collier Jon & Molly Van Nostrand Manny & Sally Vellon Ilya & Elina Vinarsky Arthur & Hattie Vogel Doug & Maggie Walker Ellen Wallach RoxAnn Ward Todd & Ruth Warren Kurt & Hege Watkins Wayne & Eileen Watson Kelly Webster Marlena Weglin Edward Weinstein & Marcia Friedman Elizabeth Welch & Sam Wasser Anna Welland ’95 Stuart & Susan Wexler Judith Whetzel Liz White & Terry Denton Edna Mae Wiedenfeld Kathryn Williams John & Karen Winterscheid Ray Woodhouse & Abby Katzman Bill & Lu Woodman Vickie Wu & Mark Gross Martha Wyckoff & Jerry Tone

your contributions give every (Endowment Gifts continued) Paul & Susan Wyckoff WYCO Limited Partnership Chris & Nancy Dabney Youtz Rich & Cheryl Zahniser David Zieve & Carol Sparer The Zook Family LEARN I NG SUPPOR T EN D O WMENT Anonymous Friends of Seattle Academy June & George Bartell The Bianco Family Foundation P REP FOR LIFE CA MP A I G N Colin & Martha Moseley Jeff & Julie Schoenfeld VO YAGEUR S FUND EN D O WMENT Islands Fund IN MEMOR Y OF S TA CY SAD IS B UCKNER ‘87 Kim Eney ’87 Nina Minney ’87 & Alan Minney Robert Mitchell ’87 Sean Starke ‘87 & Michelle Starke T H E L UKE ROG ERS M US I C SCH O LA RS HIP FUND The Dreis Family Timothy & Stephanie Hunter Rev. Arland & Carol Rogers ZAMBIA FUND Mark & Tina Alexieff Ken & Marleen Alhadeff Linda Arkin Amy Avnet & James MacConnell Barnes & Noble Mary Berry Brian Bosworth & Hilary Pennington Stacia Cammarano & Susan Michaels Jack Coleman & Liane Yuh

Richard & Birgitta Dahl Timothy & Susan Davis (In Memory of Margo Jennings ‘11) Chris & Kim DeGarmo Fred & Anne Feiertag Gus Fikso ‘12 Isobel Fikso ‘13 Bill & Nan Garrison Scott & Kelly Gode Lucy Halperin ‘15 Wassef & Racha Haroun Kiera Hayes ‘07 Sharon Hazzard Bob & Colleen Hilleary Mary & Eric Horvitz Mary Ellen Hudgins & Gayle Bush Graham & Heather Hughes Richard Ingber & Leonor Vivas Steve & Ann Jones Phil Katzen & Joan Kleinberg Tamie Kellogg Marc & Charleen Kretschmer Linda Laine Eleanor Lang Diane Larson Tom & Cricket Markl Dan & Jane McNamee Robert Mohn & Shelley Morrison Melinda Mueller Barbara Nevers Tracey Newsome Daren & Elizabeth Nitz Jim O’Donnell & Valerie Kampe Sean O’Leary & Jill Snyder Mary Pat & John Osterhaus Cathy Pew & Terri Lee Anne & Steven Phelps Christopher & Fenella Raymond Mary Schiffgens Jay & Diane Schumacher Richard & Annmarie Sewell Catherine Sewell ‘05 Smadar Friedlander & David Shulman Art Sprenkle & Marianne Lile David & Laurel Stitzhal John Stoddard & Jan Hurley

John & Tamera Stone Sam Johnson ‘07 Marion Thompson Jack & Deirdra Timmons Titcomb Foundation, Peter Titcomb, & Mikayla Bruce ‘03 James Vandergrift & Ann Collier Dan & Jennifer Vradenburg Allan & Karen Weiland Philip Wells & Marilyn Hoe Vickie Wu & Mark Gross The Zwiers Family ZAMBIA FUND LAPTOP AND IN-KIND DONORS Ken & Marleen Alhadeff John & Gloria Connors, & Treasure ‘09 Michael Friedman & Sabine von PreyssFriedman M.D. Matt & Leslie Handley, & Erin Handley ‘09 Philip Johnson & Alex Johnson ‘09 Judy Lazarus, Steven Paget, & Shoshana Paget ‘09 Greg Nelson & Cynthia Doll John & Mary Pat Osterhaus, & Bobby ‘09 Paula Prewett & Stan Mark Joan Rosenstock & Abby Callahan ‘09 “SAAS ST AN D S O U T ” U N D E RW RI T I N G D O N O RS Greg Amadon & Karen Heim Peter & Sandy Atkins Matthew & Donna Bellew James Brewer & Mary Roberts Brad & Sue Brickman James & Diane Castanes Michael & Min Christ Krijn & Judy de Jonge

student the opportunity to shine. Tom Dubensky & Carson Barnett Mary & James Dunnam Nicholas & Julie Eitel Michael & Marta Fortin Jeffrey & Eleanor Freeman Robyn & Philip Grad Bert Green & Zan Brookshire Mike Halperin & Jodi Green Wassef & Racha Haroun Terrence Hecker & Dan Savage William & Carol Hodgman Eric & Mary Horvitz Erik Larson & Christine Gleason Sharon Lee Steve Lewis & Kathy Leppig Lex Lindsey & Lynn Manley Steve & Terri Lingenbrink Marc & Marcie Mitchell James Montague & Sherry Richardson Colin & Martha Moseley John Oblanas & Laura MacDonald John & Barbara O’Halloran Sean O’Leary & Jill Snyder John Parchem & Barbara Lycett Jon Reingold & Karen Criddle Jim & Carla Richards Peggy & Bob Rinne Jeff and Julie Schoenfeld Larry Soriano & Elizabeth Starkand-Soriano James Vandergrift & Ann Collier Randy & Karen Woo “ S AAS ST A NDS OUT” I N - KIN D D ONORS Audio Media Dale & Leslie Chihuly Tom Douglas & Jacalyn Cross Steneide Illumination Yuen Lui Photography Noble Wines Ltd.


I N - K I N D D O N O RS

Alaska Airlines Amgen Foundation Matching Gift Program BCD Travel Employee Matching Contribution Program Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Matching Gift Program Boeing Gift Matching Program C.D. Spangler Foundation, Inc. Costco Charitable Contributions Committee GordonDerr Attorneys At Law JP Morgan Chase & Co. Matching Gift and Volunteer Grant Program MassMutual Merck Partnership For Giving Microsoft Matching Gifts Program The Pew Charitable Trusts Matching Gift Program Puget Sound Energy Sprint Foundation Starbucks Matching Gifts Program Verizon Wireless Matching Program Wells Fargo Matching Gift Program

Ken & Marleen Alhadeff George & June Bartell Tom & Katharine Barton Frank Denman & Jean Millican Wanda & William Elder Mike Halperin & Jodi Green Tom Hajduk Mary Ellen Hudgins & Gayle Bush Diane Larson Lex Lindsey & Lynn Manley Michael & Barbara Malone Tom & Cricket Markl John & Barbara O’Halloran John & Mary Pat Osterhaus Lee Rhodes & Peter Seligmann Bill & Ruth True Andrew & Lucie Ury Doug & Maggie Walker Todd & Ruth Warren Martha Wyckoff & Jerry Tone Paul & Susie Wyckoff

S eattle Academy doe s not di scri mi nat e on t he bas is of r ace, color , rel i gi on, sex, nat i onal or ethnic or igin, s ex ual ori ent at i on, or di sabi l i t y in adminis tr ation of i t s educat i onal pol i ci es, admis s ions policies , schol arshi p or l oan pr ogr ams , and athl et i c and ot her school adminis ter ed pr ogr am s.

Every effort has been made to provide a complete and accurate list of our donors for gifts received July 1, 2009 -June 30, 2010. Please contact the Advancement Office at (206) 676-6874 to let us know about any errors or omissions.

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