SAAS RISING SAAS Rising: A Campaign for Campus Transformation was the visionary $35 million capital campaign effort to unite the Middle and Upper Schools on the 12th Avenue block with the construction of the 65,000+ square foot Cardinal Union Building, which opened in 2018, and to create Upper School science and technology programming spaces in the STREAM Building, completed in 2015.
Of SAAS students engage in school team sports
Increase in participation in SAAS field sports in the last 3 years
Over the past six years, these dynamic spaces have inspired curricular innovations, community-building interactions, and schoolwide efficiencies. Seattle Academy is grateful for the many donors who supported SAAS Rising, including the donors listed below who made pledge payments this year. 2020-21 SAAS RISING DONORS Jon Barwick Julie Barwick Terry and Ellen Gibbons Marc and Gina Gonchar Greenstein Family Foundation Gavin and Tari Jancke Dan Levitan and Stacey Winston-Levitan Nathan and Lisa Every Stephen M. Ratzlaff and Kristie N. Ratzlaff Raj and Jill Singh Martha Wyckoff and Jerry Tone Sung Yang and SoYoung Kwon
Middle School sports teams
Upper School sports teams