Graphic Design 2 Portfolio

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I am 19 years of age and am currently undertaking a Bachelor of Digital Media majoring in Graphic Design at Griffith University on the Gold Coast. I am in my second year of study and expect to graduate at the end of 2014. I am also a Designer/ Part Owner for Abrogate. Abrogate is a developing online street and skate clothing company that distributes nationally and internationally. Once I finish my degree I aspire to continue to establish Abrogate and personally would like to land a future within a local design studio.


Current Branding, Shop interior and exterior

Brief 00-573920ROOST Client Details


Target Market

“Roost” Owner: Matthew Vale Mobile: 0421 786 189 Email: Website: Shop 22 Carraway st. Kelvin Grove Urban Village

Roost Coffee is a boutique specialty coffee bar at the Kelvin Grove Urban Village. Roost serves a 5 bean house blend and black blend on the machine, pourovers (filter coffee), real melted hot chocolates, organic teas and their own natural chai with iron bark honey and fresh cracked pepper. Roost subleases from Room 60 7 days a week and operates from 6:30am4pm then the store becomes a bar/ night lounge.

- University students male and females - Male and female casuals ranging from youths to mid 20’s.

Providing for the client:

Budget: (does not inc printing costs)

Redesigned solution for the logo

$100 (Inc 2 redesigns, then $20 per hour)

Business card


Loyalty card


Stationary (Inc letter head, folder, envelope)




Take away coffee cups


Take away menu


Facebook page


External signage




Rebrand of their coffee, tea and chai blends

$100 $1,125



Week 3

Have Brief ready for tomorrows due date.

Complete schedule for the class due date



Week 4


Week 5



Week 6

Week 7


Commence looking for client

Week 1

Week 2


Have all assignment components ready for critique


Make appropriate changes to brief from feedback



Subject Due Dates

Start drawing up a brief

Go to Roost and take photos and interview client

Personal Due Dates

Commence on project schedule

Start on rebranded Roost Logo

Commence on business card + loyalty card

Start stationary apparel and t.a cup

Start on Roost packaging

Start Menu

Start Website




To maintain consistency, colour standards must be observed and followed.

Willow Brown

Feather Black

Milk White

Spot colour Pantone 7518 C

Spot colour Black

Spot colour White

Process colour C41 : M70 : Y65 : K34

Process colour C0 : M0 : Y0 : K100

Process colour C0 : M0 : Y0 : K0

RGB colour R117 : G72 : B66

RGB colour R0 : G0 : B0

RGB colour R255 : G255 : B255

Hexadecimal #663333 (websafe)

Hexadecimal #000000 (websafe)

Hexadecimal #ffffff (websafe)


Corporate typeface

Supporting typeface

Substitute typeface

Noticia is Roost’s corporate typeface. It is recommended if not mandatory for use in all material.

Geared Slab may be used for any type of headlines and subheadings.

Georgia is the only acceptable substitute font when the corporate typeface is not available. Its range of weights and styles provide enough variation for one substitute typeface.

Noticia Text Regular Noticia Text Regular Italic Noticia Text Bold Noticia Text Bold Italic

Geared Slab Thin Geared Slab Regular Geared Slab Bold Geared Slab Extra Bold

Georgia Regular Georgia Italic Georgia Bold Georgia Bold Italic

The Logo The logo is the heart of all communication aimed at the consumer. It is vital that it is always applied consistently wherever it appears.

Use Original Files Use the master logo files. The logo must not be recreated in anyway.

Roost Logo This is the default configuration of the logo that must be used wherever possible.

Logo Application The logo must attain adequate contrast to its background. Minimum tonal difference of 40% is satisfactory. 1. Always leave the logo some area to breathe. 2. If the unavoidable happens and you have the position the logo on a low contrasting background. Apply the negative logo. 3. Do not rotate the logo. 4. Do not apply effects to the logo without seeking professional approval.

5. Do not apply embellishments. For instance drop shadows, embossing etc. 6. Do not change any of the colours on the logo. Smallest Size To retain its legibility across all applications, the logo must not reproduced at smaller sizes than illustrated below.








Packaging. Roost provides its customers with gourmet coffee, tea and chai which is normally branded under the name “The Vale Creations” which is apart of Roost. For the purpose of this assignment it has been rebranded and repackaged under Roost’s brand name.

EXTERIOR SIGNAGE: Window Signage: The redesigned Roost logo will be applied via vinyl onto the right window. (see current shop signage to the right) Store Signage: The redesigned Roost logo will replace the Roosts current orange logo. (see current shop signage to the right)

facebook Page

Website: Please visit “http:// sleomcnamara.wix. com/roostcoffee” to view the full website.

Illustrations These 6 illustrated Icons have been used on Roost’s drink menu, and has also been used within the website.

These chalkboard illustrations have been used as a clickable button on the website. This button to allows users to access the contact page from the landing page.


Purpose of the campaign The purpose of this campaign is purely to raise awareness of how dangerous MSG is to the public. The campaign will reach out the public through print and digital media that will provide serious and quite shocking information. As a result from the heavy impact the media delivers, it will influence the way people think about what foods they eat and who they feed it to. There will also be a URL on the advertisements where people can gather more information on what MSG is, more effects it can have on you and others around you and most importantly realizing and preventing MSG in your food.

Target audience The MSG awareness campaign is predominantly targeted at men and women aged 18-24 that use public transport to work or study within capital cities of Australia. According to the Australia Bureau of Statics in 2006, 27% of males and 37% of females where using public transport to and from work or study. These figures have increased since 1996 by 5% more males and 6% more females taking public transport (Public Transport Use For Work and Study 2008). The campaign will target advertising predominately at public modes of transport and public domain.

Sponsors This specific operation will be campaigned under the Australian Government, Department of Health and Ageing. This will excel the success of our campaign as the general public acknowledges and are more likely to believe statements, facts and take action that have been expressed by the Australian government. I am aware some doctors believe MSG is fine to be consumed (Food Standards 2010). For the purpose of this campaign I will be supporting the party against MSG being acceptable in food.

WEBSITE The last 2 pages of the campaign is a single page website where the user simply scrolls through the site to receive the information in the appropriate order. The design has been reformatted to change the documents current layout to portrait. This has been implement so the website looks the way it would as if you were viewing it on a computer. Also by presenting the singe page website this way clearly displays the entire site.




Train advert:

Electronic Sidewalk ADVERT

MAGAZINE advert:

Reference List: A Lengthy Story About My Recent Medical Emergency, n.d., image, viewed 10 October 2013, <> Boffins Use of Brain Power to Fire Gun, 2010, image, viewed 9 October 2013, <> FOOD STANDARDS 2010, viewed 9 October 2013, < factsheets/factsheets2008/msginfood.cfm> Glutamatic Acid (Flavour), n.d., image, viewed 10 October 2013, <> Mercola J, 2009, MSG: Is This Silent Killer Lurking in Your Kitchen Cabinets, viewed 8 October 2013, <> My Old Man is a Dust Man, n.d., image, viewed 10 October 2013, <> Public Transport Use For Work and Study 2008, viewed 15 October 2013, < AUSSTATS/abs@.nsf/Lookup/72D26FB890B300C3CA25748E001241DE?opendocument> Totheroh, G 2007, The Hidden Danger in Your Food, viewed 8 October 2013, <> Transmac Bus Side View, n.d., image, viewed 10 October 2013, < malone/3891429582/sizes/o/in/photostream/>

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