Having sent our three young children to the French preschool and then to Telopea, we took the opportunity of going to France for a term and settling in to a small French village and local school. However the French education system is not for everyone and by Year 3 Leo had mounted a compelling argument why he should not be forced to rote learn French history, or even speak French. We offered him St Edmund’s which he proudly and gratefully accepted in Year 4. It was a good choice - he was well supported by many great teachers, was kept very busy with music and drama, and ended Year 12 with a lead role in the 2020 musical Beauty and the Beast and several awards along the way. His association with the school continues this year as he has returned to work one a day a week as an assistant in the Performing Arts Centre. The Old Boys and Friends Association is also a great way to keep us connected to the school. Juanita Kapel and Sid Marris