Community Profile - Current Parent
Sharon Isherwood
TA I L O R E D L E A R N I N G .
could only describe as mad, and incredibly daunting. But I was determined to ‘start again’ and so the
During those years, we have been privileged to live in many cities around Australia due to military
V I B R A N T S P I R I T.
Moving to Australia in 1997 from New Zealand, with literally $20 in my back pocket, was what one
of reasons. We had an extraordinary time getting to know amazing neighbours and friends and to
next day I headed out to find work and started working as a waitress the very next day. Whilst living in Melbourne, and living in a share house with another guy from the US, we were looking for another roommate and after many unsavoury applicants, we ‘interviewed’ my now husband Michael. Not long after moving in, Michael decided to join the military. His first posting was to Newcastle, NSW and that began our journey together in military life. In 2006, we welcomed our first sons, James and Daniel and then in 2011, Nicholas became our 3rd son. moves, including Canberra, Newcastle and Sydney as well as the United Kingdom and from 2011 to 2016 in Virginia, U.S. We experienced many wonderful holidays whilst in America, experiencing amazing places including Niagara Falls, New York, Nashville, Memphis, Yellowstone National Park, Florida, Phoenix, South Carolina and the Bahama’s. Moving every few years is not the most fun though and is hard on the children, as they just gain friendships and then it’s time to move on again. After living in the U.S. for four years, it was quite the culture shock to return to Australia, for a number re-start our lives again was always going to be another challenging time. In 2015, to prepare for the process of moving back to Australia, we were able to take a visit to St Edmund’s College. I think I felt just as nervous (and excited) as our boys; to enter the doors to a new journey of schooling. As soon as we were greeted by the College staff, I immediately felt part of the St Edmund’s family. I left that day knowing that we would have a wonderful school journey ahead of us and that whatever my boys had to experience during their future school life, that they would be nurtured, encouraged and supported for the rest of their school days here at St Edmund’s. Upon our return to Australia, I also had to return to work. During those final months prior to leaving PAGE 30
Alumni Magazine of St Edmund’s College Canberra