are committed to developing programs and practices which are specific, explicit and clear in their intention and their message. We will regularly review our programs from Years 4 to 12 within this
V I B R A N T S P I R I T.
TA I L O R E D L E A R N I N G .
context – our programs in Health and Physical Education, formation, camps and retreats and pastoral care. The nature and timing around the specific issue of consent will be an integral part of our review. We are committed to working with our parents and carers in a closer manner, providing parents and carers with programs addressing these issues, allowing us to forge our partnership even further. We will notify you very soon of the first of these programs.
Brent Sanders delivering a presentation on respectful relationships. Whilst we acknowledge the fact that the vast majority of students and ex-students of St Edmund’s College are trustworthy boys and men who consistently demonstrate appropriate behaviour, respect and integrity, we must also acknowledge that there are many issues to be addressed when it comes to the nature of interactions between men and women and we must never be complacent and think that we have done enough. The last point in the Statement of Eddies Pride states that we want our young men to reflect the College motto, Christus Lux Mea (Christ is My Light) in all that they say and do. The values of the College are firmly founded in the words and actions of Jesus Christ. We are determined that the concepts of respectful relationships and the dignity of the human person are not only covered in our programs, but are lived out, everywhere and every day. In an age where young people have very easy access to pornography and are provided with warped images of status and power in a relationship, we must continue to partner with our parents, carers and community in being countercultural in actively educating our young men at St Edmund’s, forming a healthy and positive culture of appropriate and acceptable mindsets and behaviours. We will continue to use the Statement of Eddies Pride and the Touchstones of Edmund Rice Education Australia (Liberating Education, Gospel Spirituality, Inclusive Community, Justice and Solidarity) as our foundational documents in this work. Parents, carers and our community will be kept informed on these matters as we continue to develop our current approach in this area.
Alumni Magazine of St Edmund’s College Canberra