February 2018 SECO News

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embers, mark your calendar and plan to attend SECO Energy’s 80th Annual Meeting of the Membership on Saturday, March 24, where we will celebrate hitting our 200,000 meter milestone. I hope you’ll come celebrate with us. The event is centrally located at our Sumterville Compound at 293 S. Highway 301. Registration opens at 8 a.m., and the business meeting including my CEO Report begins at 10:30 a.m. Watch for your official Annual Meeting Notice enclosed with your bill between February 8 and March 9. SECO’s Annual Meeting is the liveliest party in town – it’s a downright shindig! Arrive hungry; we’re serving hot breakfast sandwiches, doughnuts, cookies, coffee and sodas. Registered members receive a special SECO gift and a copy of our 2017 Annual Report. Browse energy efficiency displays in the Energy Showcase and visit with our energy partners and SECO employees. Enjoy live entertainment by Margo Rochelle and Rodeo Drive Band. Meet the Board of Trustees – your fellow members who you elect to oversee the “HIDDEN” ACCOUNT NUMBERS

Don’t forget to look for the last six digits of your account number in this month’s SECO News. You can email us at customerservice@ secoenergy.com or call if your number appears. Six winners will be drawn at random from all submissions. Winners receive a $25 restaurant gift card.



cooperative’s governance. 330011 Our Annual Meeting celebrates you – our member. SECO is a not-for-profit electric cooperative operating for the benefit of and owned by members. SECO does not share dividends with stockholders or investors. Instead, and per the requirements of our business model and Bylaws, our margins are allocated to members themselves, used as equity for the financial health of the cooperative and returned/retired to the members upon Board of Trustee approval. Since inception, we have retired more than $57.8 million back into your pockets. It’s the “cooperative difference” in action. New this year, we’ve developed an RSVP process to project member attendance for food and gift ordering. Let us know you are coming.

Complete the RSVP online at SECOEnergy. com>Your Co-op>Annual Meeting>RSVP or click on the home page banner. Members who RSVP online and attend the meeting are entered in a drawing for a $300 bill credit. If you don’t have internet access, complete the perforated slip attached to your Annual Meeting notice and enclose with your bill payment – or give us a call at (352) 793-3801 and tell us how many will be in your party. Register upon arrival to receive door prize and gift tickets. This year, the Annual Meeting agenda includes a member vote of a Boardrecommended revision to SECO’s Bylaws. Look for a copy of the revision in your billing statement that includes the Annual Meeting Notice. A copy will also be included in your SECO gift bag on Annual Meeting day. Before asking for your vote, we will provide an overview of the changes during the business meeting.

Also on the agenda is the all-time member favorite – drawing for door prizes. Grand prizes include a truck and a golf cart – each valued at about $5,000 and $1,500 in cash. Other prizes include $1,000 in cash, two $500 cash prizes and two $300 bill credits. More door prizes (like iPads and gift cards) are available too, many of which are donated by local vendors and businesses that are also SECO members. The prize drawing begins after the business meeting and Bylaws vote. There is ample parking, including disabled parking and shuttle service. If you require disabled parking, please have your disabled parking permit displayed prominently on your mirror as you enter the parking area. Employees will guide you to parking and shuttles. 966311 Your official Annual Meeting Notice will arrive in your February or March billing statement. There is no need to bring the notice to the meeting. Just bring a copy of your bill and photo ID. Registration lines move quickly with our electronic check-in process when you have your bill and identification. 019014 Join me, your fellow cooperative members and neighbors, SECO’s Board of Trustees and our employees for the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Membership.


I’m looking forward to seeing each of you.

Jim Duncan, Chief Executive Officer 320010

BOARD OF TRUSTEES Ray F. Vick President District 5

Jerry D. Hatfield Vice President District 9

Robin R. Henion

Secretary-Treasurer District 7

Scott D. Boyatt District 1

Dillard B. Boyatt District 2

Richard J. Belles District 3

Richard Dennison District 4

The Board of Trustees will meet on Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2018 at 2:30 p.m. in the Corporate Offices at 330 South US HWY 301 in Sumterville. A Trustees’ meeting will also be held on Monday, March 19, 2018.

Earl Muffett

2 4 /7 J o b Ho tlin e : (855) 483-2673 www.secoenergyjobs.com

Bill James

Report an Outage: (800) 732-6141 www.secostormcenter.com

District 6 District 8

SECO Energy is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

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