Second Supper

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JULY 2012 | VOLUME 12, NO. 7

the free press A






The best in Local Theatre

Suppie Awards 2012

La Crosse puts on its best [p. 5]

Recall What? Bye-bye Progressive Era

[p. 3]

T.U.G.G. brings a taste of So-Cal [p. 9]


2// July 1, 2012


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WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE? People who talk through their teeth WHAT BOOK ARE YOU CURRENTLY READING? "The Day of the Triffids" TELL US YOUR GUILTIEST PLEASURE: Watching police dramas on TV TELL US A JOKE: I don't know any jokes, dude. IF A GENIE GRANTED YOU ONE WISH, WHAT WOULD YOU ASK FOR? Psychic powers WHAT ONE PERSON ALIVE OR DEAD WOULD YOU WANT TO HAVE DINNER WITH? Gary Oldman FIRST CONCERT YOU WENT TO: Lollapalooza 2004 WHAT'S THE LAST THING YOU BOUGHT? A bowl of chili WHAT'S IN YOUR POCKET RIGHT NOW?: Cell phone, keys, wallet, cigarettes and matches — Compiled by Shuggypop Jackson,

Things the Supreme Court likes 1. “Show me your papers” 2. Unchecked corporate freedom 3. Wearing black after Memorial Day 4. Kennedy’s old-timey stories 5. Amicus curie briefs 6. Constructionist interpretations of the 10th Amendment 7. Matlock Hey, I just met you 1. And this is crazy 2. But here's my number 3. So call me, maybe? 4. It's hard to look right 5. At you baby 6. But here's my number 7. So call me, maybe?

L'Editor Dear Readers: First, I'd like to thank everyone who participated in our third annual Best of La Crosse voting at www.secondsupper. com. This is the first year voting was done strictly online, and also the first year we've done it as a monthly publication, so we were concerned we might lose some of the momentum of our first two very successful efforts. Fortunately, we didn't have to worry. Voters again turned out to support their favorite bands, bars, restaurants, burgers and more. The results will be published in our Aug. 1 edition. The Best Of edition is one of our most successful, in terms of copies of papers moved and advertising. It also doubles this year as our back-to-school edition, another of our more popular papers of the year. With students arriving -parents in tow and looking to experience La Crosse, they turn to Second Supper for a quick guide to what's happening here. Advertisers interested in getting their word out to readers of this very popular edition can contact me at roger. bartel@second Our deadline is July 23. Thanks, again, for supporting The Free Press. -- Roger Bartel, publisher

Second Supper | The Free Press

July 1, 2012 // 3


the free press

Recall what? Bye-bye Progressive Era By Bob Treu

Contributing editor The party’s over. It’s time to call it a day. They’ve burst your pretty balloon and taken the moon away. -- Popular Song Last week Jon Stewart showed a brief clip of a long-haired young man reacting to Tom Barrett’s loss of Wisconsin’s recall election. Obviously distraught, the young man decried “the death of democracy.” Of course Stuart found this excruciatingly funny and worthy of mockery, and no doubt the young man overstated the case. Dr. Joseph Heim, a political scientist, was more temperate. He said the election marked the end of the Progressive era. Still, the young man may have had a point. If we are now firmly committed to elections which go to the highest bidder, to the destruction of unions as a viable political entity, and to voter ID laws meant to ensure the dominance of one party, we are at least redefining democracy. In other words, we voted against the very things the Progressives fought for. No more safeguards against the undue influence of money. No more reputation as the state with clean politics, not when Republican administrators take money meant for veterans and put in their own campaign fund. Clearly we are not the same state that voted for Bob La Follette and Gaylord Nelson. We were still a state of immigrant farmers and factory workers then, and we have evolved into something quite different. As of now, we haven’t quite figured out what. While it may seem hyperbolic to say Wisconsin voted against democracy, remember that majorities supported slavery in one way or another for a century or more, a paradox which made Thoreau wonder if majority rule was any more than a kind of gambling. The governor never tires of saying he is taking us forward, which is, after all, the state’s motto.But when has he shown us an idea different in any way from what was dominant political wisdom in the 1890s, when power was concentrated in the hands of the wealthy and only a long struggle by Progressives and unions brought us closer to something like democracy? And when will Walker, or any current Republican, show us an economic policy different in the smallest detail from Herbert Hoover’s and George

W. Bush’s, the policy that brought about the great depression of 1929 and the not so great depression of 2008? While Walker won handily enough, it wasn’t the landslide you might have thought if you only listened to his speech. This was true even if you heard it like I did, at River Jack’s, where recall workers had gathered, hoping for a close race and a long night at worst. Something like shock hit the room at 8:50, when NBC projected that Walker would win. It wasn’t much of a party after that. But in the end, 47 percent of us wanted to see the governor leave, ignominiously, in the middle of his term, and, if John Lehman’s victory withstands the ongoing recount, Walker no longer has the majority in the Senate. That’s hardly a mandate. The next morning I looked at the county by county map in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, where the state looked like a sea of red with a few blue islands representing population centers such as Milwaukee and Madison. Even La Crosse County went for Walker. Or so thought the Journal Sentinel. In the end we were one of the few upstate counties that went for Barrett. Also, the Journal Sentinel report showed an interesting demographic pattern. Women, minorities, college graduates, younger voters and urban dwellers all went for Barrett, leaving Walker with pretty much suburban and rural white guys. OK, he couldn’t win with just that group. He had to do fairly well with groups he lost, but it does suggest the narrowness of his base. Some commentators blamed the loss on Tom Barrett’s weakness as a candidate. True, there was no advantage in running as the mayor of Milwaukee, a fact Walker played on masterfully. Milwaukee doesn’t get a lot of respect upstate, but I felt really apprehensive when Jesse Jackson, a man I admire, appeared in Milwaukee to rally the troops. All those energized black people would not play well up north. The truth is, the only candidate with strong statewide appeal decided to sit this one out, and you can’t blame him. In 2010 we delivered Russ Feingold a painful defeat just at the point when his efforts to contain corporate influence on elections make him a possible presidential candidate. Meanwhile, Barrett’s supporters try to comfort themselves with the thought that Wisconsin people just don’t like recalls, even though they are part of our Progressive heritage. But while Republicans say

they hate them, they have supported them quite recently, against Russ Feingold over the abortion issue, for example. We cannot know whether Walker signed that petition because, unlike this year’s petitions, they were burned. Still, the Wisconsin recalls were expensive and particularly rancorous. We all heard the story of the Walker supporter who tried to prevent his wife from voting by standing in front of her car and ended up in the hospital for his efforts. Unfortunately their story set the tone. This election was the first time I heard Wisconsin voters talk about feeling intimidated, whether it was public workers fearing for their jobs when the recall petitions were computerized and made public, or a teacher with a Barrett sign on her lawn wondering about the strangers who began to park in front of her house and stare. Much worse was the case in Janesville, where a right wing group sent the names of public school teachers to parents, and told them to demand that their children be taken out of the classes of any “radical” teacher who signed the petition. Just as we thought we had lived down our reputation as Joe McCarthy’s state, we seem eager to repeat it. Almost as obnoxious was the mailing that appeared a few days before the election listing the names and addresses of the recipient and some neighbors, along with information about who voted in which recent elections and who did not. The idea was to shame people into voting. The brain trust behind this was a liberal group, the Greater Wisconsin Political Fund, who apparently thought large turnouts favor Democrats; but this time it was the Republicans who turned out and won, so all the fund achieved was to tick off a lot of people. Let’s hope they learned something. For Mitt Romney, the Walker win was the best thing in his campaign so far, and he was quick to predict he would carry Wisconsin in November. He said this in a response to President Obama’s attempt to rally support for a bill that would put more firefighters, policemen, teachers and construction workers to work and help stimulate the economy. Then Romney cited the Wisconsin vote as proof people don’t want more teachers or other government workers. President Obama carried Wisconsin in


444 Main St., Suite 310 La Crosse, WI 54601 Phone: (608) 782-7001 Online: Publisher: Roger Bartel Editor in Chief: Adam Bissen Sales: Mike Keith Cover and Ad Design: Jenn Bushman Regular Contributors: Amy Alkon, Erich Boldt, Mary Catanese, Ashly Conrad,Ben Deline, Marcel Dunn, Brett Emerson, Shuggypop Jackson, Jonathan Majak, Matt Jones, Nate Willer Second Supper is a monthly alternative newspaper published by Bartanese Enterprises LLC, 444 Main St., Suite 310, La Crosse, WI 54601 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Send your letters to the editor to Second Supper, 444 Main St., , Suite 310, La Crosse, WI 54601 or by e-mail to

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4// July 1, 2012

Cheers to beers and gears Tour de Pearl shows off best of Coulee Region By Emily Faeth One of the best things about summertime in the Coulee Region is the vast array of outdoor activities: water sports, hiking, softball leagues, bicycling. And as everyone knows, one of the best things about living in Wisconsin — at any time of the year — is the easy access to well-crafted beer. This summer, the fine folks at Pearl Street Brewery are crafting more than your favorite brews: They’ve concocted Tour de Pearl, a bicycle tour of our pristine surroundings along with — what else? — beer!

Second Supper | The Free Press


“I’ve been wanting to set up a cool bicycle promotion for a long time,” says Tami Plourde of Pearl Street Brewery. While PSB has long hosted Free Wheelin’ Wednesdays, which offers one free pint to bicyclists who visit the brewery, Plourde wanted to see something bigger. So she discussed her idea with those around her, and the tour was born. Tour de Pearl involves participants riding bicycles to 21 locations in and near La Crosse — places as far flung as Features in Holmen and the Thirsty Turtle in Stoddard, as well as local watering holes such as Ye Olde Style Inn and JB’s Speakeasy, with the final stopping point at Pearl Street Brewery. For $10, participants receive a registration card (along with a T-shirt

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and a water bottle) that they can take to the locations on the tour to receive a stamp. When cyclists have completed their card, they are entered into a prize drawing, with the grand prize being a custom-built bicycle from PSB’s upstairs neighbors, Blue Steel Fabrication, with Blue Heron, Bikes Ltd., and Twisted Skulls Studio’s Jake Phillips also lending a hand. This tour isn’t necessarily about speed, though. While the tour has been open for several weeks already, riders have until Sept. 22 to fill out their cards. “Of course we have to be careful because it does involve people going to bars, and we obviously want to give people an ample amount of time so they


with Ashly Conrad

What are your plans for the Fourth of July?

Name: Jason Mcatee Age: Confidential Occupation: Spanish instructor A. Spinning at the Root Note.

Name: John Emery Age: 25 Occupation: Student A. Spend time with family, go to the symphony in Onalaska and watch the fireworks.

Name: Shawn Yeske Age: 44 Occupation: Riverfront A. Riverfest and watch the fireworks.

Name: Anna Pedace Age: 28 Occupation: Unemployed A. Avoid my family at all cost!

Name: Jim Crisp Age: 40 Occupation: Manager, Taste of India A. Barbecue rib cookout with my girlfriend's family.

Name: Lindsay Bryant Age: 25 Occupation: Student/mother A. Going to Riverfest early for the kiddie parade, hopefully hit the river then make it to the fireworks.

Recall CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 2008, but the Walker triumph does suggest he will have a harder time this fall. Remember, we’re talking about a state that can jump from Obama to Walker in a single election cycle, so who knows what it will do next? If Wisconsin seems purple at the moment, perhaps it’s what happens to your face when you spin around too quickly. To illustrate our nearly neurotic inconsistency, election night polls showed that 51 percent of us favor collective bargaining, which suggests a lot of people were just not paying attention. Compare this to Ohio, where a union busting bill was turned into a referendum and soundly defeated. Ohio is not necessarily more liberal, but it has the advantage of being able to recall laws, while Wisconsin is limited to recalling people. The second surprise in the exit polls was that a third of union people voted for Walker, which as the bumper sticker says, was like a turkey voting for Thanksgiving. But private sector unions have been under attack for years and have already lost many of their benefits. That breeds the kind of resentment Walker could use. He called it his “divide and conquer strategy.” That’s how he described it to Diane Hendricks, a billionaire supporter, when she asked if he would push for a right-to-work law. While Walker worked for a rightto-work law when he was in the assembly, he was very coy about that issue during the recall campaign. When asked if he would veto a right-to-work law, he said it wasn’t a real question, because no such bill had a chance to make it to his desk. That is true for now, but if the Republicans regain the state Senate, the bill will reach his desk, and his union supporters will watch their collective bargaining rights blow away like autumn leaves. We tend to forget that unions were responsible for things like the eight-hour day, minimum wage laws, workers compensation,- and child labor laws, and if you think those things are written in stone, you are wrong. Republicans will end them whenever they can. Newt Gingrich did what was once thought impossible when he proposed ending child labor laws to enable schools to fire most janitors and replace them with poor kids. The Hendricks conversation is instructive in another way. Of course, Republicans have always been against raising taxes on the rich, but Hendricks pays no taxes. She would rather invest the money directly in buying politicians. It’s

more efficient. I mean if it were about taxes, people such as the Koch brothers would simply pay their share rather than put all that money into shopping for politicians. They want more than lower taxes; they want power: absolute, uncontested, political power. In his victory speech, Walker, who does not lack for self-esteem, claimed the implications of his accomplishment were more than national, they were global. Scary as it seems, that may be true. As the European economic crisis continues, especially in Greece, the rich and powerful use it as an excuse to end whatever benefits European working people have won, profiting from the very chaos they created. The Republican strategy in this country is really no different. But there’s another side to that story. As I came home election day, a tall, strongly built man wearing one of those camouflage hunting caps was walking by my house carrying a clip board. “Did you vote?” he asked. Feeling just weary enough for fake truculence, I asked him if he had. He laughed and explained he couldn’t. He had driven 900 miles from Winnipeg to help in the recall. “Shit flows north,” he explained, “and we’re all worried with our conservatives in power, they’ll try some of the same stuff.” We agreed we’d have a drink at the open house that night. And so we did. His name is Darryl Livingstone and I have a place to stay if I ever need to flee north. That’s a global story, too, not about money but about people discovering there is a kind of solidarity after all. Darryl Livingstone reminded me of that amazing spring when an Egyptian union sent money to Ian’s Pizza to help feed the protesters in Madison. Tonight, as I finish this piece, Hosni Mubarek, the deposed Egyptian president, is dying, but the Egyptian election is hotly contested and nothing has been resolved. The Egyptians who fought so hard for democracy could lose everything in the wink of eye. We need each other more than ever. But no victory is final, and every defeat is temporary. In the long run, the Republicans can be counted on to re-create the conditions that helped Progressives gain power: poor working conditions, fewer job opportunities (no matter what they say when they are running for office), and fewer opportunities for a good education. Inevitably there will be reaction, a new progressive (small ”p”) movement will form and unions of some sort will begin to organize again. It was a long, difficult struggle last time, and it will be a longer and more difficult one this time.

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elcome to the third edition of Second Supper’s “Suppies,” our annual awards honoring excellence in the area’s theatre community. This year we did put forth a very concerted effort to try to get Neil Patrick Harris to host the Suppies since he does such a splendid job at the Tony Awards. Unfortunately, much of our budget went toward martinis at Cavalier. But have no fear, we’re incredibly close to landing the guy who played NPH’s best friend on “Doogie Howser, M.D.” In all seriousness, it’s been a tremendous year for theatre in the community and below are just a few of the reasons why.

July 1, 2012 // 5



The best of the local 2011-12 theatre season By Jonathan Majak |

Best Supporting Actress in a Play Chelsea Mcmanimon-Moe, “Dead Man’s Cellphone,” Viterbo As the dead man’s grieving mother, Mcmanimon-Moe’s captured both the caustic and caring sides of a mother who could have been completely unsympathetic in less skillful hands. Instead of an either/or situation, Mcmanimon-Moe was able to make a complicated picture of a woman who loved a son intensely, even to her own detriment. Honorable Mention: Kaylyn Forkey, “Dog Sees God,” UW-L

Best Lead Actor in a Musical Jake Voss, “The Drowsy Chaperone,” University of Wissconsin-La Crosse As the agoraphobic, Broadway-loving Man in Chair, Voss effortlessly tapped into the heady highs of loving a show and wanting to be a part of it with every ounce, even if it’s only a record playing in your tiny little apartment. While almost always on the periphery of the action of the musical, Voss always maintained our attention as he character thrilled to every moment of “The Drowsy Chaperone.” Honorable Mention: Eric Busse, “Blood Brothers,” LCT

Best Ensemble “The Comedy of Errors,” Viterbo Shakespeare has never been quite as fun as the lively production of “The Comedy of Errors,” a show made jubilant not only by the original doo-wop songs peppered throughout but by the joyous performances of the cast. By the time the show ended and the cast got everybody up to sing “Let’s Go to the Hop,” the cast had transformed the show from just classic Shakespeare to a rollicking party. Honorable Mention: “Dog Sees God,” UW-L

Best Lead Actress in a Musical Jennifer Marie Burchell, “Nunsense,” La Crescent Appleseed Community Theatre As the dry-witted, perpetually exasperated Mother Superior Mary Regina, Burchell anchored the farcical proceedings with a charm and comedic timing that made even the most outrageous plot turns. Burchell made us want Appleseed to do the other 10,000 sequels to “Nunsense” just to spend another evening laughing with Mother Superior. Honorable Mention: Aubrey Jo McCarthy, “The Secret Garden,” Viterbo

Biggest Scene Stealer, Actor Lawrence Levesque, “Leaving Iowa,” LCT Playing a bevy of characters ranging from a teacher to a greasy fry cook, Levesque was the man with a million roles and accompanying characterization in LCT’s production of “Leaving Iowa.” Every time he appeared on stage, Levesque fully embodied his new character, making him a huge comedic asset to the winning production. Honorable Mention: Matthew Waller, “From Up Here,” UW-L

Best Lead Actor in a Play Kevin Fanshaw, “The Farnsworth Invention,” UW-L Playing the beleaguered inventor of television battling for his creation, Fanshaw adeptly handled the lightning fast Aaron Sorkin dialogue while hitting all the right notes of hilarity and sadness running through the show while showing what happens when an American dream becomes a nightmare. Honorable Mention: John-Thomas Backes, “Line,” Viterbo. Best Lead Actress in a Play Courtney Toepel, “Dead Man’s Cellphone,” Viterbo University As the frazzled protector of a dead stranger’s cellphone, Toepel handled even the most nonsensical twists in this show with such a mature, straight-forward quality that you actively rooted for the character to succeed at her pursuit of finding human connection in a world always on call waiting. Honorable Mention: Katie Clausen, “The Glass Menagerie,” LCT Best Supporting Actor in a Musical Russell Vaden, “Blood Brothers,” La Crosse Community Theatre (LCT) As The Narrator of “Blood Brothers,”

Best Supporting Actor in a Play Jhardon Milton, “Dead Man’s Cellphone,” Viterbo No dead person, since maybe Bernie, has been more lively than Jhardon Milton in “Dead Man’s Cellphone.” Milton is nothing short of revelation as he detailed his character’s unscrupulous business behavior in a dry, matter-of-fact manner combined with a raw yet fluid dance routine that was as illuminating as it was devastating. Honorable Mention: Rhys Wolff, “Biloxi Blues,” The Pump House

Photo Courtesy of Viterbo University

Best Supporting Actor Jhardon Milton presents a monologue from Viterbo University's "Dead Man's Cellphone." Vaden smartly walked the line between the inherent campiness of the heightened melodrama of the proceedings without forgetting the genuine emotions happening. It’s a tough balancing act, and he was able to do it without even having the benefit of a net. Honorable Mention: Jonathan Lamb, “The Wizard of Oz,” LCT Best Supporting Actress in a Musical Kaylyn Forkey, “Urinetown,” UW-L

As fourth wall-breaking Little Sally, Forkey expertly sent-up all the conventions of Broadway’s version of what a little kid is supposed to be (the high pitched voice, the seemingly endless amount of pluck) with the right amount of wink and nudge without being too arch. Honorable Mention: Jill Iverson, “Jekyll and Hyde,” The Muse Theatre

Biggest Scene Stealer, Actress Amy Nelson, “Shakespeare in Hollywood,” UW-L In the role of remarkably ambitious yet horribly untalented movie starlet Lydia Lansing, Nelson gave a bold comedic performance devoid of self-consciousness, embracing every element of the ditzy actress striving to become a Shakespearean actress even if it kills her (and everybody else around her). Honorable Mention: Claire Doughman, “The Comedy of Errors,” Viterbo Favorite Musical Number “Toledo Surprise” from “The Drowsy Chaperone,” UW-L One of the highlights of the show, “Toledo Surprise” was the perfect cross section of giddy musical number married with sublime satire as the characters in the show with-


6// July 1, 2012


Tour CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 don’t have to go to more than one stop in one day,” says Plourde. “We obviously are very concerned about people’s safety and being sure they’re following Wisconsin’s road rules and that they’re taking care of themselves out there. That’s our number one priority.” But that doesn’t mean people aren’t taking this tour seriously. Already, more than 300 people have registered for the Tour de Pearl, and registration is showing no signs of slowing. And Plourde is already thinking toward next year’s event. “I’m hoping next year we’ll be able to grow it even more and do different ability levels, so we could have three different sign-ups for beginners, in-

termediates and advanced [bicyclists],” she says. “That way we can incorporate more of our town and challenge people who want to be challenged, and also have people who just want to do it for fun.” Of course, even those who don’t quite make it to all the stops will still be rewarded for their efforts. On the final day of the tour, PSB will be hosting an End of Tour Party, complete with live music, food, fun, and shenanigans to rival the annual PSB Winter Ball. But while the party is certainly one to look forward to, the real fun lies in the weeks ahead, the miles of road, the making of new friends, and the memories in between. “I’ve been watching how this bicycle culture has been evolving, especially in La Crosse, and it’s so cool,” says Plourde. “If you see all of the different people that register ... the demographic is so giant and awesome. That’s been the coolest thing.”

Photo by .Ashly Conrad

Jake Voss, center, was named Best Lead Actor in a Musical in UW-La Crosse's production of "The Drowsy Chaperone."


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in the show do a big First Act closing number, only to have it momentarily interrupted when the record they are a part of starts skipping. Lead by the giddy enthusiasm of Seth Von Steidl and Lewis Youngren, the whole company of the show make it a true showstopper of a number. Honorable Mention: “Kids’ Game” from LCT’s production of “Blood Brothers” Best Set “Dead Man’s Cellphone,” Viterbo Starkly beautiful, the set design of “Dead Man’s Cellphone” transported us from a quiet café to a club to a church to a tension-filled living room in a seamless manner. Honorable Mention: “The Wizard of Oz,” LCT

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AND THE WINNERS ARE? Businesses that share their marketing message with thousands of readers in this special annual edition August 1

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Best Costumes “The Wizard of Oz,” LCT From the talking trees to the poppies to the fantastic gray outfits of Dorothy’s preOz life, the costumes of “The Wizard of Oz” helped create the feel of stepping into a dizzying Technicolor world removed from our own. Honorable Mention: “The Secret Garden,” Viterbo Favorite Actress of the Year Kaylyn Forkey From comedic turns in “Urinetown” and “Drowsy Chaperone,” the teenage angst of “Dog Sees God,” and the Greek tragedy of “Antigone,” Forkey is an acting force for nature who can take a speech about a girl wanting to cocoon into a platypus and make it both hilarious and heartbreaking. Seemingly game for anything, Forkey has the sort of fearlessness we admire in actresses. And we can’t wait to see what she’s going to do next. Honorable Mention: Jill Iverson Favorite Actor of the Year Charlie Ward Ward first caught our eye a few seasons ago when he was the lead in “Chess” and again last year when he was in “Reasons to Be Pretty.” Playing everything from the Greek

tragedy of “Hippolytus” to the kooky fun of Shakespeare’s “The Comedy of Errors” to the musical “The Secret Garden,” Ward’s name is one we’re consistently delighted to see in a program because we never know what he’s going to do with a role. We only know for sure he’s going to make it memorable. Honorable Mention: Jake Voss Best Play of the Year “Dead Man’s Cellphone,” Viterbo Smart, tragic, hilarious are all words that can be used to describe Viterbo’s production of the Sara Ruehl play “Dead Man’s Cellphone.” Tracing what happens to a young woman when she takes ownership of a dead stranger’s phone, the play examines how technology allows us to talk to one another without actually communicating, as well as the neurotic nature of families. With sharp direction from Dana McConnell and a stellar cast, it was truly one of the best shows put on this year. Honorable Mention: “Dog Sees God,” UW-L Best Musical of the Year “Blood Brothers,” LCT A melodramatic tale of separated twins who eventually find themselves being friends and then foes with one another, “Blood Brothers” is a musical where the feelings are almost as big as the songs that inhabit the show. Under the direction of Greg Parmeter, the cast of “Blood Brothers” put on terrific performances and sold the reality of a sometimes unrealistic show to maximum emotional resonance for the audience. Honorable Mention: “The Drowsy Chaperone,” UW-L Best Show of the Year “The Comedy of Errors,” Viterbo How can the best show of the year not be either the best musical or best play of the year you may ask? It can be when it’s the hugely entertaining “The Comedy of Errors,” a dizzying blend of tunes with the classic Shakespeare script as crafted by David Gardiner and his talented cast. Energetic, hugely creative and the single most entertaining show of the season, we only can wish that down the road there is a remounting of this brilliant show.

Second Supper | The Free Press

The MoNth iN Theatre By Jonathan Majak In case you missed it:

Leave it to playwright Neil Simon to find the lighter side of that little skirmish we like to call World War II in his coming-of-age military comedy “Biloxi Blues,” recently put on at the Pump House Regional Arts Center. Under the direction of Jonathan Krocker and with a cast of some of the brightest talents this community has to offer, “Biloxi Blues” was an enjoyable, laugh-filled evening as we, the audience, got to watch the various misadventures of a group of young men trying to survive basic training under the strict guidance of their drill sergeant, proving some of the biggest battles occur far away from enemy lines. As the central figure of the story, an aspiring memoirist named Eugene, Brian Coffin was a delight, managing to make Eugene both understandably neurotic while also being a voice of reason as he breaks the fourth wall to talk directly with the audience. For this narrative device to work, there has to be a slight difference between the naïve Eugene who is going through basic training and the more experienced Eugene who is recounting it to the audience; Coffin seamlessly made the transition back and forth without it being a jarring shift in portrayal. In the role of Arnold Epstein, Attardo

July 1, 2012 // 7

ARTS adeptly avoided making the intellectual, perpetually complaining Epstein into some poor man’s Woody Allen facsimile and instead grounded the character in a real sense of horror over the various humiliations that are done in the name of making cohesive troop of soldiers. It’s a tricky role because Epstein is sort of smug and is often times the chief architect of his own misery, but Attardo still managed to make Epstein a character you’re deeply sympathetic toward, almost in spite of himself. As fellow recruits, Nick Brandt, Paul Hibbard, Alex Kent, and Quinn Masterson all did well and each had moments to take

center stage. Kent, in particular, was a scene stealer while trying to hype himself up for a trip to see a hooker, as was Austin Hernandez when he substituted for Kent. In the roles of prostitute/perfume saleswoman Rowena and as Eugene’s first love Daisy, Raina Thelen/Kelsey Taunt and Natalie Goodman/Alyssa Dunn were great, even if it was impossible to miss the story’s Madonna/ Whore complex. In a show filled with bright comedic talent, Rhys Wolff’s turn as Sgt. Toomey may have shone the brightest. From the moment he first puts his recruits through their paces to when he is shipped off to a veteran’s hos-

pital, Wolff showed off a commanding stage presence that produced one of the best performances we’ve seen all theatre season.

Coming Up In July:

• UW-L will be hearing it for the boy with their SummerStage production of “Footloose,” running from June 29 to July 8. • The Muse Theatre remounts its production of “A My Name is Alice” from July 1328. • The gangsters and their molls will be out at La Crescent’s Appleseed Theatre’s production of “Guys and Dolls” from July 2029.

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8// July 1, 2012


The Month in Preview Tues., July 3

what’s in store this year!


Thurs., July 12

Shovels & Rope

This summer marks Riverfest’s 30th year, and the Commodores & Co. have put together a fitting celebration of the community festival and the birth of our nation. From Tuesday, July 3, through Saturday, July 7, head down to Riverside Park to check out what’s in store this year. From family-friendly events such as popular local entertainer Kenny Ahern and Friday and Saturday morning’s Bill Blank Air Show to adult-oriented events—Craft Beer Day, featuring the fine work of our friends at Pearl Street Brewery, begins at 11 a.m. on Thursday—this year’s fest promises to provide a little something for just about every sensibility. As in past years, Riverfest is giving back to the community by hosting the Walk a Mile in Her Shoes: Men’s March Against Domestic Violence and the Chileda Classic 5K-10K-Kids’ Run with proceeds supporting the YWCA of the Coulee Region, the Carliee Fund of Gundersen Lutheran Medical Foundation and Chileda, an agency dedicated to helping children and young adults reach their full potential. A Venetian Parade of Lights on the water is also planned for 9 p.m. Wednesday. Of course, we, along with many others, we presume, are most looking forward to the La Crosse Jaycees’ fireworks display on the 4th at 10 p.m. featuring $18,000 worth of pyrotechnics. Buttons are $5 in advance or $7 at the gate, so support your community and country and come check out

Second Supper | The Free Press


music | entertainment | theater | fine arts festivals | things to do | 4th of july | sun bands | riverfest | recreation | krazy days

Cabbage Red | Oil on canvas by Jenn Bushman

GO KRAZY @ Downtown La Crosse Historic Downtown La Crosse’s Krazy Daze are back! Head down to our favorite part of La Crosse for several days of great deals at local businesses, entertainment, specials, and all downtown living has to offer. Starting Thursday, July 12, and Friday, July 13, at 8 a.m. and Saturday at 10 a.m., participating businesses (such as Kick and Finnottes Candies) will feature the sales and special offers shoppers have become accustomed to over the past several years of Krazy Daze. New this year is a street dance with the La Crosse Jazz Orchestra, from 6 until 9 p.m. on King Street between 2nd and Front streets. Everyone is welcome to join in and dance to the sounds of Bennie Goodman, Glenn Miller, Latin dances, waltzes, foxtrots, and even some rock and roll. Snap on your most dapper of duds and bring a date -- the Starlite would make for a great nightcap spot afterward.

Thur., July 13 DIG THESE SHOVELS @ La Crosse Center The summer heat transforms our landscape from a living snow globe into a diorama of dragonflies and sun-baked grasses. It’s easy to pretend we’re someplace else, perhaps someplace a bit farther south. On Friday, July 13, the South will, indeed, come to us, in the form of

Charleston, SC musical duo Shovels & Rope. Composed of musicians Michael Trent and Cary Ann Hearst, Shovels & Rope performs “harmony driven folk, rock and country songs” that sound simultaneously like the newest hybrid jams and your Southern uncle’s childhood melodies. The duo will take a break from their national tour to play at 8 p.m. at the Root Note (where else?), but get there early to secure your seat. Word is, this is going to be a show for the ages.

nature. These explorations have grown into isolations of anatomical phenomena and nearly abstract examinations of texture and form. Bushman’s works develop as simultaneous studies in various media, with ideas from drawing, painting and intaglio printmaking informing and cross-pollinating one another. Artist Reception will be held at the Pump House on July 21, 2012 from 5–7 pm. A post-reception party will be at Vitamin Studio from 7–10 pm. (Image of artwork above)

Sat., July 14

Fri., July 27



Underground isn’t always a literal descriptor of a music event, but in this case, it is. Creep on down to the bowels of John’s Bar on Saturday, July 14, for a taste of the area’s homegrown electronic music scene. Area acts 3rd Street Basement Dweller, Richard Trauma, Jolly Roger Protocol, Bad Acid Cult, Area and Master Nate will assail your ears with an avant garde assortment of aural delights, as will special guest Arianna Zager, globe-trotting artist extraordinaire. The show begins at 10 p.m. and there’s no cover, but an appreciation of the odd, the new, the loud, and the eclectic are highly suggested.

Sat., July 21 SOW THE SEEDS OF CREATIVITY @ Pumphouse Regional Arts Center The Pump House Regional Arts Center presents Jenn Bushman’s exhibition of recent paintings and etchings, “Nature’s Attraction.” Bushman explores the lines and contours hidden deep within the microstructures of

If you were a pop-punk fan in the mid to late ‘90s, then you know the Smoking Popes were a staple of mix tapes by lovelorn suburb dwellers everywhere. Chances are, though, you never actually got to see them, what with algebra homework and babysitting your little brother. Luckily, this month, you’ll have your chance to reclaim your high school glory. On Friday, July 27, the seminal Chicago band, which has toured with such notable acts as Jawbreaker and Jimmy Eat World, will hit the stage at the Warehouse. Trapper Schoepp and the Shades, The Right Here, and local sweethearts The Sweet Nothings will open for The Smoking Popes in what promises to be one of the most high-energy, sweat-drenched shows of the summer. Don’t miss this one.** **As of this writing, the Warehouse is scrambling to secure funds to renew its cabaret license and continue hosting live music. While more than $3,400 has thus far been raised, a possibility remains that the Warehouse will close its doors for the summer. We at Second Supper sincerely hope this is not the case.

Second Supper | The Free Press

July 1, 2012 // 9


T.U.G.G. brings a taste of So-Cal

By Jason Crider

The Majak Mixtape By Jonathan Majak Oh Mixtapers, we’ve never been good at saying goodbye. Believe us, it’s probably easier finding a straight dude at a viewing of “Magic Mike” than it is for us to express a genuine human emotion. But what we lack in feelings we more than make up in snarky observations and really, isn’t that what you’ve always been here for? In the past two years, we’ve written the soundtracks for a slew of pop cultural events ranging from serious political moments like the death of Osama Bin Laden, Wisconsin’s attempt to recall Scott Walker, the Republican primaries and even Mayor Matt Harter’s ethics trial, to mindless misadventures of celebrities like Arnold Schwarzenegger’s love child, as well as things like Tiger Blood. Yes Mixtapers, if was in the “New York Times” or TMZ, we put the tunes to the topic. So let’s mixtape one last time, shall we? If we’ve learned anything in the past two years, it is that famous people plus Twitter always equals a hot mess, leading us to our first song “Fun” from Dent May’s new album “Do Things.” From former Rep. Anthony Weiner accidentally tweeting a photo of his little representative to Rihanna tweeting her life like it’s one large audition for the “Bad Girls Club,” we’ve found much amusement. Our favorite thing of late was the Gwyneth Paltrow debacle of her using the “N-Word” in a tweet while at a Kanye West/Jay-Z concert. In her defense, once Kanye West’s basically the godfather of your child (Plantain? Apricot?), it’s like you’ve been reborn as an African-American woman. Here at the Mixtape, we know there is more to life than just who is the latest celebrity to get a DUI; we occasionally fall asleep to CNN so we know our politics. This leads us to our next song “Waiting in the Wings” by Big Wave Riders because the past few years have been crazy for political junkies. From Dan Kapanke’s recall to the Herman Cain’s inexplicable, albeit brief, rise to the top, to John Edwards’ trial, it’s been an amazingly quirky time for politics. We’ve come to the point in politics that if holding office required a resume, most people would list “grossly unqualified for position” as one of their special skills. Lastly we end this Mixtape with “Every Single Night” from Fiona Apple’s new, exhaustingly long titled album. This last paragraph is for you, the Mixtaper. Every single night we’ve gone out in this town, we’ve encountered at least one of you and you always have the best music suggestions. We’ll never forget you, even when we write the new “Shades of Grey.” You can go into Barnes and Noble, see our book and say, “Remember when he wrote for ‘The Second Supper’? What a hack.” And that’s all we ask from you.

This Sunday, July 8, La Crosse’s favorite reggae band, T.U.G.G., will bring some California love to Huck Finn’s as part of the annual Reggae on the River series. “We’re calling this one ‘A Taste of SoCal,’” T.U.G.G. frontman Andy Hughes said, “not because both [visiting] bands are from that area, but we think it’s important to share the sounds that have sort of shaped us as a band.” The two southern California bands join-

ing T.U.G.G. for this special night of music are alternative reggae artists Sono Vero and skainfused reggae rockers HB Surround Sound. Hughes said he’s a big fan of the bands joining T.U.G.G. for this special show. “[Sono Vero and HB Surround Sound] are making waves out in Southern California respectively, so it’s a great chance to catch [them] on their first DIY tour before they potentially blow up and go on to bigger and better things.” HB Surround Sound, for example, is joining reggae-rock legends Sublime with

Rome on a summer tour just four days after A Taste of So-Cal, alongside notable acts Cypress Hill and The Expendables. Despite being a proudly Midwest reggae band, Hughes can’t help but acknowledge the influence of more “traditionally” located reggae acts. “We are a Wisconsin reggae band, but the sights, sounds and people of Southern California have been hugely inspirational to us for over a decade,” he said. The best part of Reggae on the River: A Taste of So-Cal? It’s free! This all-ages show kicks off at 5 p.m. Sunday, July 8.

Music Directory FEATURED SHOWS Sunday, July 1 Pump House — Americana Music Soiree • 7:30 p.m. Monday, July 2 Warehouse — Idols, To The Wind (metal) • 7 p.m. Tuesday, July 3 Trempealeau Hotel — Flyin’ A’s and Galynne Goodwill (female vocals) • 6 p.m. Pettibone Boat Club — The Grilled Cheese Experience (variety) • 7 p.m. Wednesday, July 4 Popcorn — T.U.G.G.. Recalcitrant, Talk O Destiny (alternative/reggae) • 10 p.m. Friday, July 6 Cameron Park — Joel Ward (acoustic) • 4 p.m. Freight House — Kevin Hall (acoustic) • 7 p.m. Piggy’s — Dust Bowl Blues Band (blues) • 8 p.m. Saturday, July 7 Grass on the Chippewa Bluegrass and Camping Festival (Tarrant Park, Durand) — Cedar Valley, Highway 52, Forest Ridge, East Hill Bluegrass Band, The High 48's, Evergreen Grass Band,White Iron Band, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades • Noon Bodega — Fayme Rochelle and the Waxwings (acoustic/folk) • 8:30 p.m. Hog Wild — Fabulous Baloney Skins (party band) • 9 p.m. Freight House — Kevin Hall (acoustic) • 7 p.m. Piggy’s — Dust Bowl Blues Band • 8 p.m. Sunday, July 8 Grass on the Chippewa Bluegrass and Camping Festival (Tarrant Park, Durand) — Highway 52, Seegar Boys, Absent Minded String Band, Shad Cobb & Jeff Autry, Boys 'n the Barrels • 11 a.m. Monday, July 9 Warehouse — Slick Idiot vs. Mona Mur/En Esch, Promonium Jesters, and Sweat Boys (industrial rock) • 7 p.m.

Thursday, July 12 South Side Neighborhood Center — String Ties (bluegrass) • 7 p.m. Dublin Square — Andreas Transø and Matt Shortridge (Irish party) • 9:30 p.m. Friday, July 13 Cameron Park — Mike Caucutt (acoustic) • 5 p.m. Freight House — Blake Peters (acoustic) • 7 p.m. Waterfront — Brenna and Haley Gibbons with Todd Saner (acoustic) • 8 p.m. Piggy’s — Doghouse Jon and the Misbehavers (blues) • 8 p.m. Root Note — Shovels & Rope (southern style folk) • 8 p.m. Saturday, July 14 Boot Hill Pub — Paul Leithold & Gary Urness Duo (guitar/piano/trumpet) • 6 p.m. Root Note — Neon, Click Track (indie/electronic) • 8 p.m. Sunday, July 15 Warehouse — Carter Hulsey w/ Rival Summers w/ D & M (indie/pop rock) • 7 p.m. Friday, July 20 Cameron Park — Ditch Lilies (Americana) • 5 p.m. JavaVino — oni & Michael (jazz) • 6 p.m. Freight House — Blue Jupiter (acoustic) • 7 p.m. Piggy’s — Tom Hipps Trio (blues) • 8 p.m. Saturday, July 21 Warehouse — Narrow Hearts w/ The Calm Before (metal) • 7 p.m. Root Note — Brian Wheat (guitar rock) • 8 p.m. Sunday, July 22 Riverside Band Shell — Riverside Jazz Party, • 7 p.m. Tuesday, July 24 Pettibone Boat Club, — The Journeymen (Guitar Duo) • 6 p.m. Wednesday, July 25 Root Note — Christopher Bell (indie/folk) • 8 p.m.

Friday, July 27 Warehouse — Smoking Popes,Trapper Schoepp & The Shades, Sweet Nothings, he Right Here (pop/punk/rock melangé) • 7 p.m. Root Note — Joe & Vicki Price (blues) • 8 p.m. Cameron Park — Cheech (rock) • 5 p.m. Piggy’s, Shufflin Duprees (blues) • 8 p.m. Saturday, July 28 Root Note — Chastity Brown (blues/folk) • 8 p.m. Piggy’s — Shufflin Duprees (blues) • 8 p.m. Sunday, July 29 Root Note — Mike Droho (rock/alternative) • 8 p.m.

Weekly Gigs Sunday Holmen Concert in the Park Series — Halfway Creek Bandshell • 5 p.m. La Crosse Queen — The Journeymen (dinner cruise) • 6 p.m. Popcorn — Innocuous Voodoo • 10 p.m. Riverside Park — La Crosse Jazz Orchestra • 7 p.m. Monday Popcorn — Grant’s Open Jam • 10 p.m. Del’s — Cheech’s Open Jam • 10 p.m. Tuesday Popcorn — Paulie • 10 p.m. Root Note — 3rd Relation Jazz • 7 p.m. Wednesday Riverside Park — La Crosse Concert Band • 7:30 p.m. Thursday Starlight — Kies & Kompanie (jazz) • 5 p.m. Root Note — Open Mic • 8 p.m. Popcorn — Dave Orr’s Blues Jam • 10 p.m. Friday La Crosse Queen — The Journeymen (dinner cruise), • 7:30 p.m. Saturday La Crosse Queen — The Journeymen (dinner cruise) • 6 p.m.

10// July 1, 2012

Second Supper | The Free Press

CONSUMPTION "Triple billing" What if these bands played together?

By Matt Jones

Answers on Page 7

The Beer Review Saison Farmhouse Ale Hinterland Brewery Green Bay, Wisconsin I am sitting on my front porch at nine o’clock on the summer solstice. Back when I was a hippie (or at least hanging around hippie chicks), this moment would be imbued with all sorts of spiritual significance. And tonight I am at one with my first official summer beer. Like sweatshirt weather, fall sweeps or the first budding of morels, summer beer season is a vital resetting of cycles. For nine months of the year I will largely pass on wheat ales and light lagers, but lately I’ve been ordering them like a veggie burrito fiend on Phish lot. There are several beers I could cherish for this annual rite of passage, but when it came time to review my first summer seasonal, I could think of no finer selection than Hinterland’s new Saison. Saisons are among my all-time favorite styles of beer, and appropriately enough their name comes from the French word for season. Historically, that season was summer, as this beer was brewed specifically for Belgian farm workers to chase the heat of the day. Today, the saison is a delectable yearround treat, but there’s still nothing like it on a hot summer’s eve. The other reason I’m happy to promote Hinterland’s saison is because I’ve given mostly negative reviews to pretty much every beer they’ve ever sold. But with this Saison, they’ve crafted a holistic interpretation of the style that represents the promise of another young summer … man. Purchase: 4-pack of Hinterland Saison

ACROSS 1One-named musician born in Kalamata 6"In the Valley of ___" (2007 Tommy Lee Jones film) 10Maligned clear drink of the 1990s 14Actor Delon 15What a link leads to 16Brown or Rice: abbr. 17It makes a Brit bright 18Go with the joke 20Hazy memory after a few rounds of drinks? 22President pro ___ 23"The Jungle Book" snake 24Cry convulsively 27Former Cincinnati Bengal Collinsworth 30More unlike a chicken 35Painkiller-induced dreams, now for all to see? 38Literary detective's outburst 39___-Magnon man 40Cupid's counterpart

41Did the candles for your cat's birthday party? 46On a smaller scale 47Timetable, for short 48Allow 49Eur. country 51"Got it!" 53Message that shows your car's warning system is joking with you? 601985 sci-fi film with Dennis Quaid and Louis Gossett, Jr. 62Tropical vine 63Baby ___ (tabloid term for a celeb's pregnancy sighting) 64___-Seltzer 65Pull-down directories 66Tendency 67Loch ___ Monster 68Guns N' Roses guitarist DOWN 1Pensacola pronoun 2Matty or Felipe of baseball

3Grandmas, for some 4One of seven in a week 5"Office Space" company 6"SportsCenter" network 7"Mystic Pizza" actress Taylor 8Sharp as ___ 9Words before "Take a Walk on the Wild Side," in the lyrics 10Yankee follower 11"Are you ___ out?" 12Like some keys: abbr. 13Part of GPA 19Dream interrupter 21Katz of "Eerie, Indiana" 24Need deodorant 25Word appearing twice after "Boogie" in a 1978 #1 hit's title 26Sausages at picnics 28"Hedwig and the Angry ___" 29Belgraders, e.g. 31One of Geena's "Beetlejuice" co-stars

from Festival Foods, $8.99 Style: Saison Strength: 6.3 percent ABV Packaging: The 16-ounce brown bottles have a pale yellow label depicting the wooden slats of an old farmhouse beneath the word SAISON in block text. Appearance: The beer pours a fine hazy gold color with a frothy eggshell head. Aroma: This saison has a yeasty base, yet the unusual additives of coriander, lemon peel, lemongrass, and ground peppercorns stand out on the nose. Taste: The taste starts smooth with a warm base of sweet grains, then yeasty banana cloves work across the tongue. Spicy notes come on hard at the finish, with black pepper and ginger cutting through the confectioner’s sugar. It’s a little spicier than my favorite saisons, and much sweeter as well, but it’s also thirst-quenching and tasty. Mouthfeel: A little on the thin side, especially given the alcohol content. Drinkability: The sweet-tartness may be a little off-putting for some, but I could drink a few under these last rays of the day. Ratings: BeerAdvocate scores this an 86, while RateBeer gives it a 71 overall and a 34 for the style (ouch), which is mostly a testament to all the great saisons of the world. I think this Hinterland tastes great on a hot summer night, but that’s not the only time to drink one. It also pairs well with most food— so naturally I’ll be chasing my burritos with it on Phish lot. Peace to the hippies. Welcome to summer. — Adam Bissen

32How some videos go 33Bring out 34Stopwatch button 36Printable files 37Knight's neighbor 42Family surname in R&B 43Sam & Dave hit covered by the Blues Brothers 44Peachy 45"The Hangover" actor 50One of many explored by Mulder and Scully 52She was "The Little Mermaid" 53Disaster relief org. 54Diamond heads? 55Tattoo parlor supply 56Meadows 57___ Lang ("Smallville" role) 58Heavy burden 59Laundry 60Recede, like the tide 61"Rapa ___" (1994 movie about Easter Island) ©2012 Jonesin' Crosswords

wE have moved! 444 main St., Suite 310, La Crosse, WI 54601

the free press

Office hours by appointment only

Advance tickets available in La Crosse at both Dave's Guitar and the Deaf Ear

Second Supper | The Free Press

July 1, 2012 // 11


Beer Directory The Casino 304 Pearl St. Beer list Wittekerke Franziskaner Hacker-Pschorr Weiss Weihenstephan Kristall 16.9 oz Delirium Tremens 750 ml Melange A Trois Reserve 750 ml Pearl Street Pale Ale Paddy Pale Ale Moon Man Crooked Tree Hopslayer Centennial Hop Stoopid 22oz LambickX 750 ml Petrus Aged Pale 750 ml Goudenband 750 ml Smuttynose Farmhouse 22 oz Spotted Cow Prima Pils Golden Pheasant 16.9oz Brew Farm Select Lager Grain Belt Nordeast Lost Lake Light Rhinelander Export-7 oz La Crosse Lager La Crosse Light

Spaten Optimator Huber Bock Doppel Weizen 22oz Downtown Brown Hobgoblin Founder's Porter Cappuccino Stout 22oz Founders Breakfast Stout Matacabras Dark Ale Gouden Carolus 750 ml Achel Trappist Extra 750ml Kasteel Donker 750ml Happy hour: $1 off all beer over $3 $3 off all beer over $6 $6 off all beer over $18 Pearl Street Brewery Tasting Room 1401 St. Andrew St. Beer list D.T.B Pale Ale El Hefe That's What I'm Talkin' 'Bout Stout Rubber Mills Pils Tambois Raspberry Framboise Java Lava Dankenstein Double IPA

Celebrating our 10th Anniversary! Thanking our loyal fans for a decade of good food, good wine, good friends, and good memories. Here’s to the next 10 years! We’ll be seeing you soon!


– Kate & Staff

1810 State St | La Crosse, WI 54601 (608) 784-3354

HELP WANTED: ADVERTISING SALES Second Supper needs sales help with our big Best Of issue in July. Email

Open Tuesday – Saturday: 5–9 pm

NATURE’S Attraction

Oil Paintings & Intaglio Prints

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by Blue Steel Fabrication at Twisted Skull Studios, The Root Note, Yesterdays, Bike's Limited, Blue Heron, River Trails and Pearl Street Brewery.

Jenn Bushman

July 21st, 2012 Pump House Regional Arts Center | 119 King St. | La Crosse, WI 5:00 – 7:00 pm

POST-RECEPTION PARTY Vitamin Studio | 129 S. 6th St. | La Crosse, WI 7:00 – 10:00 pm

12// July 1, 2012

Since I can’t insist on that, I guess I need help putting what I have into perspective so I can stop yearning and craving so much. — Longing

The ADvice GoDDess By Amy Alkon Capt. Hookup

Second Supper | The Free Press


This guy I’m having a casual thing with is quick-witted, is droll, and makes me laugh hard, and I just LOVE having sex with him. Afterward, however, he pretty much ignores me until we hook up again, not answering texts from me for weeks at a time. Although I see him consulting his phone constantly, he didn’t even text back “Sorry, busy” to my text inviting him over to watch the moon from my yard because it was so peaceful. I get that we’re not dating and that he wants his freedom, so I try not to call him names in my mind. But, then he turns up again, and I have a blast and get obsessed with the whole experience of him. I think I could be happy if he’d just reply to my texts and show me some attention that goes beyond the bed. Just a simple connection.

You want to believe you and he are on the same page. Yet here you are, basically asking him, “Come lie under the moon with me and listen to my heart beating” while he’s summing up what you two have with some well-known verse. No, nothing mushy from Shakespeare. That line on an unassembled moving box: “Insert tab A into slot B.” The policewymyn of gender neutrality have led many women to believe they can do anything a man can do. While you don’t need a penis to bang out a memo that lights a fire under the sales staff, there’s one pretty surefire way to have an emotionally easier time having casual sex, and that’s by becoming a man. Because it’s in women’s genetic interest to get men to commit to more than an hour of sexercise, many women seem to be neurochemically driven to feel clingy after sex. During sex, the hormone oxytocin, which has been associated with emotional bonding, is released in both men and women, but in most men, their far greater amount of testosterone gives it a beat-down. This disparity may lead to a conflict of interest — or rather, a conflict of lack of interest like you’re ex-

periencing. But because you’d rather have this guy’s sex scraps than nothing, you’re all “Yeah, cool, no strings” while chasing him with a lasso and trying to forget that his favorite thing to do after sex is grab his shoes and clothes and sneak out of your house. Even if you typically have the ability to keep things casual, it’s likely to be impaired if you choose poorly — if the man you’re having sex with is more Mr. Awesome than just Mr. Awesome In Bed. The clue that you can’t put this current thing into perspective is your inability to tell him, “Hey, text me back, because it bugs me when you don’t.” That’s surely what you’d do, no problem, if a friend had you on ignore. If you can’t accept what he’s not willing to give, you need to get out — and approach casual sex a little more realistically in the future. While being successful in love is about finding the right person, being successful in casual sex is usually about finding the somewhat wrong person — one who is decent in bed but inspires you to think post-coital flowery thoughts like “Umm…don’t you have somewhere to be?”

I.C.U. Naked

My boyfriend’s mother has been in the hospital for several weeks. She is slowly progressing but still isn’t doing well. He’s been spending his days with her, but tomorrow is our anniversary, and he wants us to have sex while his brother stays with

her. He says it will be a stress reliever for him, but I just don’t feel right about it, given his mother’s condition. — Uncomfortable Sex with your boyfriend will not cause negative health consequences for his mother, with some grim-faced doctor coming in to break the news: “We were giving you six months to live, ma’am, but after what your son must’ve done with his girlfriend last night, we’re scaling you back to three weeks.” When somebody’s seriously ill and somebody you care about is caring for them, it can seem disrespectful to behave with anything but somber reserve. The reality is, that’s probably the last thing either one of them needs. What they lack is the stuff that makes life normal — the relatively trivial things they did and talked about back when the only doctor they encountered daily was Dr Pepper. In other words, you’ll help your boyfriend support his mother by supporting him in the way he wants — and not by engaging in some really mind-blowing sitting around with long faces thinking deeply solemn thoughts. (c) 2011, Amy Alkon, all rights reserved. Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon at (

Our next edition of Second Supper | The Free Press publishes Aug. 1. Our advertising deadline is July 23. For information, email

Check out our new bottled beer selection!

Good People, Good Drinks, Good Times


$5 Pitchers $2 Bottles of Miller Products (11-4 pm) $2 Corona Bottles $2 Kilo Kai Mixers $3 Bloody’s (7-1am)


$1.75 - Miller/Bud Taps $2.25 Micro/Craft Taps $2.50 Cherry Bombs (7-1am)


$1.75 Rails $1.50 Domestic Taps $3.50 Jager Bombs (7-1am)



$2 Domestic Bottles $2.50 Skyy/Absolute Mixers $2 Dr. Shots (7-1am)


5 Domestic Bottles 4 $10 $5 Micro/Import Bottles $11.50, $7 Micro/Craft Pitchers (7-1am)

$5 Miller Lite/Bud Light Pitchers $2.25 Leinies Bottles (7-1am)


$2 Captain Mixers $2 Long Islands Mixers (7-1am)

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