SECTA June 2014

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ISSUE 7 l JUNE 2014 l CNH BEES l D28S

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CONTENTS 01 02 03-6 7-10 11 12 13 14


You’re reading it! Social Media Event Recaps Banquet/ Induction Summer Calendar Reminders Farewell to Seniors Officers


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MEDIA //2//

Event Recaps

Cox Carnival

written by Danalyn Nicart, Key Club Member Â

On Friday, May 16, 2014, Key Clubbers and I volunteered at Clyde C. Cox Elementary School for their school carnival. We were divided into pairs and all ran different stations. Mariel and I worked at the duck pond station. Basically, the kids had to pick a plastic toy duck out of the "pond" (kiddy pool) and if the duck was marked on the bottom they would win a prize. A lot of the kids would come back multiple times and memorize which ducks had marks on them so that they would win even more prizes! The prizes were beaded necklaces and bracelets. It was really nice watching all the kids run around with smiles on their faces. I thought to myself, "These children are incredibly adorable and I love volunteering at events like this!" Some of the children ran pretty fast for their size! I was astonished to be witnessing so much happiness. The experience of seeing so much joy just made my heart warm up. Volunteering with kids is always my favorite because not only am I helping the community but I am also putting a smile on their faces. I would like to volunteer at more carnivals in the future!



written by Tra-Mi Bao, Key Club President On Thursday, June 12, SECTA’s Class of 2014 finally graduated. While the graduates donned their white and red gowns, our Key Club wore all black professional wear. Since we were assisting with the graduation, we had to wear all black so we didn’t stand out. Our dean requested at least four volunteers, but ten members showed up! We met up at the back of the graduation entrance an hour before the event began. There, we did whatever the teachers and administrators asked us to help with. Our main job was to hold signs with numbers on them, so the graduates could line up in numerical order. Student Ambassadors also assisted us with holding signs. When all the graduates were seated, Key Club members sat with the teachers on the main floor. Watching our Key Club Alumni walk across the stage rewarded our work. Many of these graduates have been in Key Club since freshman year. Among other graduates, we cheered for members such as Shannen Cristobal, who was President last year; Hyacinth Ruiz, previous Bulletin editor; Josh Ingles, previous Treasurer; along with Jomel Asuncion and Giuseppe Viloria, previous Sergeant at Arms. We are proud of all our graduates and we give the best wishes for the Class of 2014.


Foam Glow

written by Vanessa Villalobos, Key Club Member The Foam Glow was definitely an experience I will never forget. I had such a great time getting to meet up with friends, exercise, and party all at the same time. Three miles is a long way to be able to bond with friends. I even got to hang out with some fellow Key Clubbers like Noemi and Jessica! There was a group of about 9 of us so I was sure to not get lonely. The best part for me was going to the front of the stage during the after party, it sort of felt like a mini EDC. The music was super loud and everyone was just having a good time. I was completely and utterly soaked after but I didn’t mind. I was so glad that my phone had been inside of one my friend’s backpack or else it would have gotten majorly damaged. The picture also doesn't do me justice but my face was entirely pink by the time I got home. Noemi and Jessica's contacts had even changed colors! In fact, Noemi lost a contact! My mom's exact words when I got home were, "What the heck happened to you?" If you didn’t get to go this year, I definitely recommend signing up for it next year.


Sprinkler Sprint

written by Noemi Hernandez, Key Club Vice President The Sprinkler Sprint was a fantastic 5k! The Key Clubs I saw varied from Division 28 West to our own Division 28 South! I also saw some Kiwanis there enjoying themselves by soaking other people. The courses they had were meant for us to be soaked! I was so happy when I saw all the little children running in the water and the smiles on their parents face when they also got soaked. The fire truck they had pouring water on runners was a really cool idea! I have to say I think the fire truck had soaked majority of the runners compared to the other water stations they had. They were also handing out free snow cones, so many of the runners stopped there to get one. When running I was able to see a bubble tunnel! Yes, a BUBBLE TUNNEL! The tunnel had at least three bubble machines running and when you run through it you cant help but stop and enjoy all the bubbles coming into contact with your skin. It was also great seeing so many different members from other schools, and I was able to see old friends I have made at DCON! The weather around the time of the race has began had already hit its high 90’s, but it wasn’t a big deal since we were all wet anyways. I can’t wait to run another 5K like this one!


End of the Year Banquet

On May 27th, SECTA’s Key Club held our annual End of the Year Banquet/ Induction ceremony for both our old and new members. During this event, we formally inducted our new board and passed out awards to our fellow club members who have gone above and beyond this year. We invited our parents because without their support none of this would have been possible! This whole year has been a huge success, so here’s to another great year together! Although the seniors won’t be with us next year, we must be sure to do them proud in everything we do!


Induction During our banquet, our old board formally passed on their jobs to our new board. With their candles, the old board members lit the candles of our new board so that they will carry on their responsibilities. Our old board has done a wonderful job with their service to our club, and the new board hopes that we will be able to carry on and make this club even better with the coming year.


Award Winners Alumni Award

The Alumni Award is an award given to all the seniors that were in our club. This is an award that thanks each member for their time and effort they spent with out club along with a cord to those who met the correct requirements. Recipients: Graduating Seniors

Forrester’s Award

Given to those for various reasons, the Forrester’s Award was handed to those personally handpicked by our advisor. Reasons range from their dedication to their reliability. Recipients: Joshua Ingle, Giuseppe Viloria, Sarah Mirjavadi

Sunshine Award

The Sunshine Award was given to those members who make our club so much brighter! They always have a smile on their face and can lift everyone’s mood. Recipients: Tra-Mi Bao, Terrie Truong, and Deborah Diaz

Most Devoted

This award was given to the member who showed the most dedication throughout the year. Although they were unable to make all events, they always tried their best to make every meeting and event. Recipients: Vanessa Villalobos


Biggest Heart

If caring is our way of life, then we are expected to extend that kindness to our fellow members. This person was given this award because of her big heart and how much she cared for her fellow members. Recipient: Hyacinth Ruiz

Brain Award

Awarded to those who exceptionally used their brains for creative and unique ideas. Recipient: Hyacinth Ruiz, Terrie Truong, and Deborah Diaz

Most Friendly

In Key Club, we are known for our friendliness and our inclusion of others. This award was given to the member who always smiles at others and makes sure that she says hi to everyone. Recipient: Nicole Villanueva

Most Spirited Key Club is known for their spirit and cheer aren’t we?! This award was gifted to the members who were particularly loud and cheery this year. Not like it’s particularly a bad thing though… Recipients: Danalyn Nicart, Mariel Caguin

Member of the Year

Our club grants this award yearly. This year, it was given to that one member that we were lucky to have. Although she’s a senior, we were really thankful to have her. She went above and beyond this year in her participation in events and the club. She’s looking forward to joining Circle K in her college career so they will be just as lucky! Recipient: Bridget Manguiat


Even though you did not receive an award, please know that your efforts have not gone overlooked and we are just as proud to have you as well! / / 10 / /

Summer CALENDAR Cox Carnival // 05/16/14 // PASSED In the Cox Carnival, members were able to run booths and play with the children. They were expected to help pass out prizes and clean up after the carnival was finished.

End of the Year Banquet//

05/27/14 // PASSED

At the banquet, we passed out awards and said goodbye to our seniors while welcoming our new members. GRADUATION Â Sprinkler Sprint // 06/07/14 // PASSED HELP Â

During the Sprinkler Sprint, members were able to meet other Key Clubs from D28W and D28S who were also participating. The weather was perfect for this fantastic 5K run.

Kiwanis Meeting // 06/13/14 // PASSED At the Kiwanis Meeting, we visited our sponsor club plan events and even saw Centennial there as well.

Fireworks Booth //

07/01,02, 04/14 // UPCOMING Key Club will be helping to sell Fireworks for the 4th of July! Members will get to choose which day they help (either the 1st, 2nd, 4th, or all three days) in order to gain summer hours.

Summer Social // TBA // UPCOMING We will be holding our Summer Social soon! Please look forward to any upcoming details that will be announced!

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S A M O H P M Y L / LEUKEMIA Congratulations!! Thanks to your hard work and dedication, we have made a total of $1,016.20 to the Leukemia/ Lymphoma Society. None of this would have been possible without your service! The money raised will be used to help other children like us. Additional thanks especially to Terrie Truong who raised a whopping $175.55!

You all did fantastic!

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Farewell, Seniors!

~ Good luck, and don’t forget what Key Club has taught you! ~

“Since I'm graduating in like 2 days, I totally just realized that I'm now a Key Club alumni. Being in Key Club for all 4 years of my high school career as just a member or an officer has been fun, stressful, and rewarding. I hope that everyone still in high school enjoys their years participating in this club. I know a lot of you are just in it because of the fun stuff (RTC, Fall Rally, etc.), but don't forget what Key Club is all about, which is helping the community around us or helping with a bigger cause such as the Eliminate Project. You really grow to appreciate what you have and who you have from this all. Thank you for the past 4 years! Thanks to Mrs. Ang for joining us these past 2 years and to Mrs. Forrester for joining us this year. You guys are amazing advisors! I hope the upcoming years are wonderful and I hope you all grow as leaders in our community!” -Shannen Cristobal, Class of 2014

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Tra-Mi Bao President

Noemi Hernandez Vice President

Elisa Loden Secretary

Danika Manguiat Bulletin Editor

Terrie Truong Treasurer

Jessica Le


Deborah Diaz


Faculty Advisor

Ms. Forrester

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Thank you for reading!

“Caring - our way of life.”

SECTA Key Club // June 2014 Key Club International // Cali-Nev-Ha District // 8390 Red Oak Street #201 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 // (909)-989-1500 57

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