SECTA Key Club September 2014

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SECTA STYLE ISSUE 7 l September 2014 l CNH BEES l D28S

Table of

CONTENTS 01 You’re reading it! 02 Social Media 03-06 Event Recaps 7 Summer Calendar 8 Reminders 9 Letter from President 10 Officers




website l








Event Recaps


Freshmen Orientation

Written by: Danika Manguiat, Bulletin Editor On Tuesday, August 19th, our Key Club participated in freshman orientation at our school in order to recruit new members for the 2014-2015 school year. All our members had to get up early in order to get to the school before the orientation started. At first, while setting up, we had a difficult time deciding where to put everything. Would this look right here? Would that help catch people’s attention? Regardless of where we placed everything, curious freshmen made their way to our table and eagerly listened to what we had to say. Although it was exciting to see all these new faces and tell them about how much fun they can have at all the community service projects we do, it was especially nice to see how many face’s lit up as soon as I mentioned something. Some students got interested hearing about our participation in various runs, while others looked excited when I mentioned going down to the Boys and Girls club or our sponsored elementary. Although some people that did come left disinterested, I was really relieved to see the many eager freshman (and even some upper classmen) that decided to sign up. Just looking at their faces make me know this will be a wonderful year!


Teacher Help Â



Written by: Deborah Diaz, SAA

On August 21st, key clubbers volunteered to help teachers for the start of the year. It started around 7 am. I started by helping a culinary teacher, Ms. Raina, to plug in her computer. At first it was sort of a challenge but then I got the hang of it. Afterwards, I labeled her textbooks with numbers and separated them by sophomores and juniors. I got help from my friend Jessica doing so, and later then went around asking teachers if they needed any help. One teacher, Mrs. Strader, asked us to put chairs in each of her tables. We then stapled scrapbook paper on her bulletin board, for grades, as decoration. As soon as we finished we helped a Spanish teacher, Mr.Pecjack, tape his chords to the floor so no one can disconnect it from the outlet. When we finished with that task, we went out to help my Freshman English teacher, Ms.Bremner, to pull in a few desks inside her classroom and organized her textbooks. Afterwards, my current English teacher, Mrs.Gomel, wanted us take Ms. Bremner's textbooks into her classroom. Even though it was really hot outside and the textbooks were heavy, we got the job done into a success! When we finished we took a 30-minute lunch break and ate muffins with orange juice. Later we then went to one of the History teachers, Mrs.Stark, and moved her bookshelf and moved her textbooks. It didn't take long when we finished. In conclusion, we finished around 2:30 pm and left teachers with less struggles with their classroom.


First Meeting

Last week was our first Key Club meeting for this school year! During the meeting we discussed the things that the club has done so far and the things that we were about to do. For the first week of school I’ve been talking to some freshman and encouraging them to join Key Club. I told them the things that Key Club does as a club. I also told them we just don’t do community service but we also do fun stuff. But as the officers said you only get to have fun if you do service. It is actually right because Key Club is not really about RTC or Fall Rally. It’s the service that you do for the community. One of the things that I said was in Key Club you don’t only just do community service; you also meet people with the same interests as you. You’re able to meet people from different schools. I was happy to see them at the meeting and hopefully they decided to stay and be part of Key Club. I only wish that we did cheers during the meeting because I think the cheers are one of the fun things that Key Club does. As a member of Key Club, I want to have more dedicated members to be part of our family; more members that are willing to serve the community with us.



Nacho Monday Â

On Monday, September 8, our club held our first Nacho Monday of the new school year! We sell nachos for $2 at both lunches with the option of jalapenos on the side! It was kind of odd trying to get back into the swing of things but we managed and we'll do better next Monday! A lot of people came up to buy nachos since there were a lot of hungry students at lunch. Like usual, after class we went to our little nacho station while lunch was starting and we helped set up. Set up includes filling up some trays with nacho chips to get ready for the cheese and making sure everything is in order for when people start buying. While I was handling the money, I noticed that a lot of students handed in $20 bills and doing math while you're hungry is really difficult because there are so many $1 bills to hand back. Selling nachos goes by really quickly since lunch is only 30 minutes and the line sometimes has more than 6 people at various times during lunch. All in all, I really enjoy selling nachos along with my members and advisor, Mrs. Forrester.



Freshman Orientation //

08/19/14 // PASSED Key Club attended SECTA’s freshman orientation in order to reel in some new members. We showed our school spirit by doing some cheers and we really caught the crowd’s attention!

Teacher Help//

08/21/14 // PASSED We took the time to help our teachers set up before the school year started! Each members tried their best to get the job done, and the teachers really appreciated the help.

Nacho Monday //

every MON (SEP)// UPCOMING Help raise money for our club by helping to sell nachos at either first lunch or second lunch. We will be raising money every Monday throughout the month of September.

Run or Dye //

09/20/14// UPCOMING Volunteers will attend at Sam Boyd Stadium and take up different jobs like handing out water battles or helping to clean up. If that doesn’t sound like your thing, running also scores you hours!

Fall Rally Prep //

10/11/14 // UPCOMING Prepare for D28S’ upcoming spirit battle at Six Flags! This is mandatory if you wish to attend Fall Rally!

RTC //


// UPCOMING // Centennial HS

An even to learn more about Key Club and better ways to serve your community! An amazing way to meet other students from different schools that are just like you! //7//


If you have any ideas for community service, be sure to have it ready once the school year starts! Remember, this is a chance to do something you want to do as a group! No need to be shy, we’re here for you and what you want to do!

OLD MEMBERS: You MUST have the required 10 hours if you wish to go to RTC. Please see Elisa to make sure you’re on the list if you do have your 10 hours. NEW MEMBERS: You MUST also have your 10 hours by the appointed date! Please see a board member or Forrester if you want more service ideas. Any articles/visuals you wish to submit should now be submitted directly to the bulletin editor’s email! You are no longer able to turn them in via the website. Any individual projects you do MUST be approved by both a board member and by Mrs. Forrester. If Forrester is not contacted for approval, your service will not be counted as hours. We are currently in search for a Historian or SAA! Please see a board member or Mrs. Forrester if you are interested.

Please see a board member, or our advisors if you have any questions!


A word from your president!

Hello new key clubbers and welcome back returning members! For those who do not know me I am Noemi Hernandez, your 2014-2015 Key Club President! I am so glad to see so many eager faces this year, and I am happy that many of you are already completing your ten hours of service for RTC; let’s not forget those hours needed for Fall Rally as well! I am glad to see members working hard already to help the community and your work will not go unnoticed! This year will be a fun one filled with happy, cheerful, memorable, and best of all, a year full of fun community service events! We have many major events that will happen one of them being RTC. Now, I know many of you are excited to attend but please remember to do the required hours because if you don’t you won’t be able to attend! It will be my pleasure to help you all make this year an unforgettable one; in fact, thanks to YOU we are able to continue having this amazing club on campus! Although I will not be at every meeting, due to my major, I will attend meetings every so often with a little treat for you as a thank you gift. Remember that if ANYTHING happens feel free to call, text, or email me at anytime! I’m thankful that you chose to join our club, and I promise you this year will truly bee a

GOLDEN year! -Noemi Hernandez, Key Club President



Noemi Hernandez


Vice President

Jessica Le

Elisa Loden Secretary

Danika Manguiat Bulletin Editor

Terrie Truong Treasurer

Deborah Diaz


Faculty Advisor

Ms. Forrester

/ / 10 / /

Thank you for reading!

“Caring - our way of life.” Cheer loud. Serve proud. D28S.

SECTA Key Club // September 2014 Key Club International // Cali-Nev-Ha District // 8390 Red Oak Street #201 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 // (909)-989-1500 57

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