When two plus two...
...equals eight. TfL and London Boroughs find camera sharing pays off
Leeds University steps up campus security The University of Leeds has spent over £700,000 upgrading its CCTV system – is it worth the coin?
Open platforms Is the CCTV market poised on a tipping point, moving from analogue to IPbased video management systems?
Also in this issue • The appointment of an interim CCTV regulator • Confronting the ‘surveillance society’ • And more...
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Table of Contents
February 2010
Editor-in-Chief: Peter Fry CCTV User Group Tel. +44(0)1202-707552 Fax +44(0)1202-701732 To join the CCTV User Group, please contact the Group on the number above. Editor: Tom Reeve Tel. +44(0)20-8255 5007 Please email press releases and articles to the editor or mail them to: CCTV Image, PO Box 795A, Surbiton, KT5 8YB United Kingdom Director of Media: Peter Mawson Tel. +44(0)1543-250456 Mob. +44(0)7841-693979 Peter.Mawson@
News News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Sales consultant: Nick Sutton Nick.Sutton@ Tel. +44(0)1543-250592
Rooms with a View
Administrative correspondence: Security Media Publishing Ltd PO Box 5231, Lichfield WS14 4EB United Kingdom
New regulator for CCTV . . . . . . . . . . . 10
12 The London Streets Department within Transport for London and 15 Boroughs have adopted a scheme to share hundreds of CCTV cameras
Transport for London. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 University of Leeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Profile DCI Mick Neville talks about VIIDO and the MetCU . . . . . . . 23
16 The University of Leeds has upgraded its CCTV system because it believes that cameras play a crucial role in campus security
CCTV Image is published six times a year on behalf of the CCTV User Group by Security Media Publishing Ltd. Members of the CCTV User Group receive it free of charge. Subscriptions: If you don’t receive a regular copy of CCTV Image, you can subscribe by sending a cheque made payable to “Security Media Publishing Ltd” to the administrative office. Annual subscription rates: UK – £25; Europe – £35; Rest of world – £45
Big Brother Watch is watching . . . . . . 27
The CCTV User Group does not endorse any product or service advertised or mentioned in this publication. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the content, neither the CCTV User Group nor Security Media Publishing Ltd can be held liable for mis-statements or inaccuracies contained herein.
Martin Gill on CCTV research . . . . . . 34
Open platform video management systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Columns David Dodd bids farewell . . . . . . . . . . 30
23 DCI Mick Nevilletalks to CCTV Image about VIIDO units and the fact that they are filling the missing links between CCTV and the police
Talking Shop with Colin Greene. . . . . 32
Plus Industry news . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Directory of companies . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 36 VMS developers discuss the move from traditional analogue systems to IP-based open platform video management
© 2009 Security Media Publishing Ltd/CCTV User Group. Printed by Synergy Print Management Ltd
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No. 37
Welcome & News by Peter Fry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Key accounts: Jack Lunn Jack.Lunn@ Tel. +44(0)1543-250734
Administration assistant: Louise Reardon Louise.Reardon@ For a copy of our media pack, please contact the administrator.
| CCTVImage
February 2010
| Welcome and News
Welcome and News Peter Fry, Director, CCTV User Group
New Year greetings to all our members
FOR THOSE WHO might not have got my email, may I wish you all a belated wish for a successful and prosperous New Year. Thanks to the massive support from our members we have managed to survive the economic challenges of 2008 and 2009, with a slight loss of some members constrained by finance and budgets but I am pleased to say we are still enrolling new members each week. The New Year has also been the time for progressing some new initiatives (some are detailed below), and a lot of work responding to articles and reports from other organisations and my thanks to Tom Reeve, Ilker Dervish and many others leading the responses based on their own experiences. My thanks also to those dozens of members who also responded to my requests for information which will help frame our more formal response and help us provide a balanced and factual response to the issues raised which, whilst I type this, I am also collating for our preliminary comments to share with you.
Big Brother
In the report which Big Brother Watch announced as ‘The first comprehensive analysis of the number of CCTV cameras controlled by local authorities in Britain in 2009’, the ‘facts’ produced to justify the statement are as inaccurate as the statement itself!
Yes it is an interesting survey, and the majority of the figures quoted for the number of cameras controlled by an authority coincide with our own survey, undertaken to advise the National Strategy Programme Board earlier in 2009, but the research involved is so flawed in its approach that the figures become meaningless, and the interpretation of the figures is too simplistic to carry any validity. I would have expected that sending out 428 Freedom of Information requests to the local authorities would have been far more precise, but it was worded in such a manner that it immediately results in confusion, inaccuracy and double accounting, and raises one major doubt. ‘What on earth was the survey actually trying to find out in the first place? It is so full of illogical anomalies that in fact the whole survey and the conclusions ‘Big Brother Watch’ interpret become meaningless. One major issue causing this is the inept wording of the FOI request which asks ‘I am requesting, the total number of cameras controlled by (your) council on October 1, 2009’. What does the word ‘controlled’ mean and does it really matter (yes see later)? What was the purpose and function of the cameras? Was it being monitored or just recorded? Was it monitoring the public in public areas, or effectively private property as most other major employers and land and property owners do? Many of the comments made following the survey relate to CCTV systems and other images from the ‘lower end’ pub and corner shops systems which are hardly comparable with the professionally managed town and city centre surveillance systems and yet they have all been lumped into ‘the facts!’ The report highlighted, and did exclude figures from eight named councils whose cameras are operated by another council and so those figures were excluded as they
Cont’d next page
CCTV Operators’ Association
AT A RECENT meeting with the SIA the need for an organisation to represent CCTV Operators was discussed and many felt that the CCTV User Group could be an ideal platform for this. In the intervening weeks we have given this a lot of thought, and do believe it is viable, and would be beneficial to the whole CCTV industry. Our current thoughts, based largely on previous discussions with CCTV manager members, are that it should not just be a different category of membership within the CCTV User Group, which we recognise must remain a CCTV managers and owners organisation, but could be administered economically using our existing resources and administrative facilities. We are totally clear that such an organisation must, as its principle mission statement, be formed to encourage and assist in CCTV operator professional development and provide networking facilities to share experiences and skills. We will not be providing any training
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were reflected elsewhere in the report, fair enough? Well, NO! Our database shows 43 Councils (not eight!) have their cameras monitored by neighbouring authorities, and two other control rooms monitor 13 local authorities and 400 cameras. Checking those authorities with the tables in the survey and with the managers of these systems, it is clear that hundreds of cameras shown as controlled by the authority owning them, are also included in the response by the local authority carrying out the monitoring. A clear case of very significant double accounting, which amounts to an overstatement of about a thousand cameras! In one instance where such an error had been made by BBW they even decided to inform the local press the authority had one of the highest proportions of cameras to population when in fact if they used the correct figures it was lower than average! The second issue relating to the FOI phrase ‘total number of (CCTV) cameras controlled by your council’ also confuses the later statement that ‘where the council has disclosed the number of ‘internal’ (or ‘non-public facing’ cameras) they control, we have included those in a separate column’. Why, when these are still included in the BBW overall headline figure? It is nonsense! What if the council just followed the precise wording of the request and did not categorise the cameras but included every single camera without differentiating? Again we compared our database of local authority of public surveillance cameras with the figures in the report and in instances of major differences asked the managers for clarification. The responses were such that even if managers had highlighted the differences these were ignored, and only the overall total quoted. Our belief
directly ourselves It is clear that it should not in any way be seen as a ‘trade union’ for operators, or in any way a soapbox to complain about salaries or moan about management practices. We envisage that initially the Association would work through their own discussion forum which would be very closely moderated to ensure that it was not abused. Membership would be on an individual and personal level rather than organisational (unless operator provider organisations would want membership for all their employees) and our aim is to keep membership fees at an affordable level, probably in the region of £50 per year +VAT or £5 per month by direct debit. Before committing to this we would welcome our Members views and any thoughts or concerns they might have on how it such an organisation could be most effective. So please don’t hesitate to contact me on
February 2010
Welcome and News is that this overstates the number of cameras by at least 5,000 for England and Wales and particularly affects some of those authorities featured as having the highest number of cameras per head of population.
What is the truth?
So what are the differences between the User Group research and ‘Big brother is Watching’? The overall BBW headline figure of 59,753 specifically includes 3,376 ‘internal’ cameras identified on some very confusing logic! So the more comparable figure in respect of the interpretation of the report is the 56,377 quoted. Our own survey in early 2009 updated our database of local authority and police CCTV systems used for public space CCTV surveillance specifically in England and Wales for the National CCTV Strategy. This specifically identified 29,702 cameras but with a margin of error of 10 per cent indicating approximately 33,000 such PSS CCTV cameras in England and Wales. Simply for comparison purposes therefore we have deducted the Big Brother Watch figures for the Scottish and Northern Ireland authorities (8,571) from their total of 56,377 leaves a comparable figure of 47,806, still a major difference from our assessment of PSS CCTV cameras of 33,000 for England and Wales. But this ignores the concerns about the survey expressed by dozens of members over the mis-representation of the ‘real’ figures for their systems, based upon the misleading requirement for the total number of cameras controlled by them. Combining a detailed analysis of the survey and the managers’ comments we strongly believe the BBW figures overstate the total number of cameras, by duplicating the numbers owned by one authority but monitored by another, by in excess of 1,000. But, even more critically the response from our members has shown that in asking for the number of cameras ‘controlled’ by the authority, without defining any
| CCTVImage
specific use or function, has resulted in a great many authorities taking it literally and including ALL cameras even if just used for building management/security. A detailed analysis of the survey shows this has ‘bumped up’ the camera numbers by in excess of 10,000. So �� the true comparison for PSS CCTV cameras is around 47,806 less 11,000 ie say 37,000 PSS CCTV cameras, not too dissimilar to our 33,000. Is it important? Well they use their figure to make various pejorative headline statements such as ‘Our research shows that in less than 10 years the number of CCTV cameras controlled by local authorities has almost trebled’, ‘a figure of 59,753 CCTV cameras controlled by councils in the UK – up from 21,000 ten years ago’. The question is did the previous survey also use the same woolly language and definition? Are we comparing like with like, or is the whole report totally flawed with their lack of understanding of CCTV, muddling CCTV used for property management/security with those which might affect the public more directly in public space surveillance? Certainly, the in-depth analysis of the survey shows many anomalies, including the absence of many of the new unitary authorities formed in April 2009! But, in general terms, it does tend to confirm
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our previous survey which showed the 33,000 public space surveillance cameras in England and Wales. Yes ‘Big Brother might be watching‘ but he is certainly not paying much attention to the essential need for clarity, accuracy, thoroughness and knowledge of the subject rather than rely on naivety in their search for newspaper headlines. It’s a great shame that what otherwise would have been a valuable survey welcomed by all, becomes virtually meaningless and useless! • See page 28 for more on this topic.
Online Data Protection Assessment System
THE CCTV USER Group is actively working on the development of the first Online Data Protection Assessment System for all sizes and types of CCTV Systems including help and advice for smaller users eg pubs, clubs, corner shops and small businesses in an attempt to improve standards of installations and procedures. The technology, built by 80/20 Thinking Ltd, an IT development company run by some of the world’s leading privacy specialists, is already being beta tested by government departments and companies across the world. The CCTV Users Group has been asked to help develop the system to ensure legal compliance in the CCTV sector and, as usual, we seek and would welcome our Members support in this, so anyone interested in getting involved in detail in the process
please contact me as usual on The technology has been built following global consultation with hundreds of government agencies, companies and regulators. What excited us most was the potential for it to be deployed across the entire user spectrum at extremely low cost. The company estimates that a small business user may pay around £5 to £10 for FULL certification which would be nationally recognised. We will be working on the content for the system over the coming weeks and invite all our members to contact us with suggestions you feel are important for a general assessment. The system also includes a help database, so suggestions for the sort of material you would like to see there would also be welcome, contact details as above.
February 2010
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| CCTVImage
Home Office minister defends CCTV in Lords A HOME OFFICE minister defended the effectiveness of CCTV in a House of Lords debate recently. Home Office minister Lord West of Spithead, formerly the First Sea Lord and now Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Security and Counter-terrorism), said in the House of Lords that CCTV had proven its effectiveness in numerous criminal investigations. He was replying to a question from Lord Craig about recent media reports that claim the number of crimes solved in London due to CCTV had fallen from one in two to one in seven. “Does the remit of the new national CCTV oversight body have any regard to the cost-effectiveness and value for money of the considerable number of CCTV systems installed at great expense by Her Majesty’s Government?” Lord West replied: “...from April 2007 to March 2008, CCTV was used in 86 out of 90 investigations of murder and helped to solve 65 of them. The camera footage captured crime taking place or was used to track movements of suspects. In a third of those cases, witnesses were able to identify the murderer from it.” Later in the debate, Lord West mentioned he had conducted a private little survey of his own on the London Tube regarding CCTV. He asked fellow passengers how they felt about the cameras in the stations and on the trains. “They generally agreed that these things made them feel
more secure, so I do think these cameras have a very real value,” he said, adding that people didn’t appear to be concerned about the so-called surveillance society. “I think we need to get this into balance and not go mad about a surveillance society,” he said. If you want to read a transcript of the House of Lord’s discussion – it’s not long and it’s very informative – you can find it at http://cctvlords. • Perhaps Lord Craig was referring to the article in the Daily Telegraph (http://70percent.notlong. com) which claimed that figures compiled by the Metropolitan Police proved that CCTV was becoming less effective. The article claimed that the number of crimes caught by CCTV fell by 70 per cent. However, as the paper itself was forced to acknowledge, the method for collecting the statistics behind that figure had changed significantly during the time in question, rendering the comparison invalid. But the paper wasn’t going to let a little thing like that stop it, nor was it going to make any attempt at being fair or balanced. Having spent 34 paragraphs slaughtering CCTV, the article then gave Commander Simon Foy (head of Homicide and Serious Crime Command at the Met’s Specialist Crime Directorate, a person who should know something about the effectiveness of CCTV) just one paragraph to reply!
Moscow shaken by CCTV scam MOSCOW police are investigating a local company which is accused of producing fake video feeds to hide the fact that many CCTV cameras were not working. The company, Stroy Montazh Servis, was contracted to provide surveillance camera video feeds to the North East administrative district of Moscow, as part of the Moscow Safe City initiative. It is alleged that the scam was designed to inflate the number of video feeds for which the company could charge the government. The story was reported by – full story at The investigation being conducted by the Moscow police is looking at the period between May and September 2009. During this time, the police allege, the company streamed pre-recorded pictures instead of real-time video. The police also claim the company distributed a computer virus to infect a rival company. According to Axxon, a Russian supplier of video management software to the Moscow CCTV system, many of these cameras protect residents in publicly owned housing. Axxon, which has no connection to Stroy Montazh Servis, says it cannot control who its customers take video feeds from, but it is committed to working with Moscow Safe City leaders to stamp out bad practice. • Hat tip to Ilker Dervish for the news tip.
Labour looks set to challenge the Conservatives over their commitment to CCTV. In an interview with the Daily Mirror, Home Secretary Alan Johnson accused the Tories of being soft on crime and more interested in placating their “liberal dinner party friends” than the public. “And the Tories want to cut back on CCTV which has been one of the best investments we have made towards cutting crime and liberating people who felt scared to go out at night,” Mr Johnson said. “We’re giving people the right to ask for more CCTV, not less. Labour is keeping Britain’s streets safe.” The Mirror helpfully adds that former shadow Home Secretary David Davis campaigned against CCTV and DNA with the backing of the Tory high command. David Davis’s resignation statement said: “We will have shortly the most intrusive identity card system in the world. A CCTV camera for every 14 citizens.” • A man in Poole who attacked a rival gang member with a golf club has been jailed for three years. Dominic Isom attacked Ashley Smedburg in full view of CCTV cameras and members of the public in a railway booking office. He struck him eight to ten times, causing a collapsed lung and fracturing a rib. Evidence from CCTV cameras was presented in court. DC Phil James of the British Transport police who investigated the crime said that CCTV footage was “crucial” and provided “irrefutable evidence” for the prosecution. • Road workers on a motorway in Queensland, Australia have been so badly verbally abused by enraged drivers that the government has resorted to installing surveillance cameras. Incidents include a worker
who was shot at with an air rifle and another who was assaulted with an umbrella. Now, cameras on trailers will monitor vehicles as they pass through the road works. Roads minister Craig Wallace said, “Footage of any bad driving behaviour, failure to follow a traffic controller’s direction and abuse will be forwarded to police for investigation.” • A civic leader was warned by police they would not be able to catch a thief who stole from him – despite the fact the culprit was caught on CCTV. David Nettleton, chairman of Bury St Edmunds Town Council and member of St Edmundsbury Borough Council, said the thief had been caught red-handed on CCTV operated by a nearby shop. He said despite informing the police he had moving pictures of the thief, he was still informed by the police they would be unlikely to catch the offender. “If they can’t catch somebody they’ve got images of, who can they catch?” Mr Nettleton asked. “This is not the first time I’ve had milk stolen. The last time the police had a whip around and the police community support officer brought some bottles of milk around. This was nice, but they didn’t do anything about the crime. If he is nicking milk from me, he will be doing it to other people.” A police spokeswoman said: “I have searched both crimes and events and cannot find any reference to CCTV being available – however officers have now been updated in respect of CCTV being a possible line of inquiry, and the complainant has now been telephoned and visited to continue inquiries into this theft and to provide reassurance.”
February 2010
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Merger of Samsungs will create European powerhouse
| News
ants and end-users to “make the phones ring”. “We go out and do a lot of legwork and communications,” he said. “And then people buy from who they want in the distribution chain.” Samsung Techwin has about 50 staff in Europe while Samsung Electronic didn’t have many staff based in Europe, and those who were based here have transferred to Samsung Techwin. SAMSUNG TECHWIN Europe and Samsung Samsung Techwin will now sell all Samsung Electronic products in Electronic have effectively merged their busi- Europe, which means supporting the product and covering it with the ness operations in Europe, with Samsung Techwin warranty. Techwin taking responsibility for supply“All existing distribution agreements will remain in effect for 2010, ing and supporting products previously sold which means if you are historically a Samsung Electronic distributor, through Samsung Electronic. you will continue to have access only to those products, and if you are According to James Smith, European mar- a Samsung Techwin distributor you will only have access to existing keting manager for Samsung Techwin, the Techwin products,” he said. move follows amalgamation of the security However, he said that within a month or two Samsung Techwin divisions of the two companies in Korea where they are based. would begin to distribute new products which would be branded sim“A decision was taken late last year that all assets, resources and ply as Samsung, a move he said would remove some confusion from liabilities would be transferred from Samsung Electronic’s security the marketplace. All new products will be available to both groups of business to Samsung Techwin’s security business in Korea,” he said. distributors, regardless of their previous affiliations. Although they share the Samsung name, they have been run as Mr Smith expects to launch around 120 products into the European separate businesses which frequently threw them into competition with security market in 2010. “We said we were going to launch 40 last year each other. Samsung Electronic came to the security industry from a and we ended up releasing closer to 90,” he said. “120 is a conservative consumer electronics background, building CCTV products off the estimate.” He said the company would continue to update its analogue back of advances in household products. Samsung Techwin came from product range – “because we’ve enjoyed massive success” – but the big a more industrial background including aircraft and artillery. opportunity for growth lay in the IP market. “Samsung Electronic was driven by the consumer market so that’s “We are bolstering our range massively in IP. We are members of where their imaging came from, while ours was more of the industrial ONVIF and we are launching some good technology like H.264 camimaging and military side,” he said. eras and megapixel cameras.” Each company also took a different route to market, with Samsung IP accounts for less than five per cent of its sales, he said. “In 2009 Electronic supplying distributors who were expected to sell and support one of our main objectives was to increase sales of DVRs and speed the products. Meanwhile, Samsung Techwin also sells product through domes because it was small. Now 40 per cent of business is DVRs in 1170 GJD Hpg CCTV 11/1/10 13:22 consultPage 1 the UK, up from a tiny amount.” distributors butIMage_Feb10_11.1.10 also says it works very closely with installers,
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Meet the new CCTV regulator IN DECEMBER, THE policing minister David Hanson announced the establishment of an oversight body for the National CCTV Strategy Board, supported by an independent advisory group. At the same time, he named an interim CCTV regulator. Andrew Rennison is the Forensic Science Regulator, responsible for overseeing investigative disciplines ranging from fingerprints, DNA analysis and computer forensics to footprints, tyre treads and fibre analysis. And now he is also the regulator (interim) for the CCTV industry. According to the Home Office: “The interim CCTV regulator will, over the next 12 months, review the CCTV landscape and draft recommendations to ministers on how the regulation of CCTV should be taken forward in future years. The Regulator will provide guidance on standards around the use of CCTV, image quality, training and raising public awareness about how and why CCTV is used. The Regulator will also establish a structure for complaints to be considered appropriately.” We spoke to Andrew Rennison on the day of the announcement and started by trying to understand more about his role. Q: As the Forensic Science Regulator, who do you report to? A: For pay and rations, Paul Wiles, the Home Office Chief Scientific Adviser (Note: Paul Wiles is stepping down and will be replaced by Prof. Bernard Silverman in April). But apart from that, it’s me. I’m a one person, non-departmental body. My principal role is to set and monitor standards for the forensic sciences used in the criminal justice system (CJS). The way we are doing this is to set up a quality standards framework around all forensic sciences so the courts can be satisfied that the organisations and the people within them are competent and that the science is valid and fit for purpose. Q: I can understand the regulation of fingerprints and DNA – there are labs and microscopes and so on. How does CCTV compare? A: It is a different world, clearly, but it does overlap. You have to recognise that a lot of CCTV finds its way through to the CJS as evidence and some of that involves the analysis, enhancement and interpretation of those images which is a forensic process. What we are bringing into play is the methodology that I’ve developed in the forensics world – a very proactive stakeholder engagement programme engaging as much as possible with the experts and listening to the views of the people who really understand the issues. I will take the same approach in CCTV so in 12 months time I will be able to advise the Government on what sort of standards and regulatory framework we really need for English and Welsh CCTV. We have reached an agreement with the Scottish and Northern Ireland assemblies to collaborate on forensic regulation and I want to “ 12 months time I will be able to advise Government on what sort of
Office Scientific Development Branch) to look at work they are doing on technical standards and we are going to start a small programme of work to identify what is out there now in standards for UK CCTV and to identify where the gaps are and what needs to be done to plug those gaps. Q: What comes after that? A: We will pub- Regulator: Andrew Rennison lish a plan and it will say that towards the middle of the year, probably about July, we would hope to publish a comprehensive document for public consultation which sets out what a standards framework should look like and what the regulatory function around that should be. I would like to publish that for a 12-week consultation period so people have a chance to really digest it. In November or December I should have a final report to Government that’s been consulted upon that makes some very clear options and recommendations to government about future regulation of CCTV. Q: What areas would be covered? Scope of regulation, need for standards or training issues? A: Yes, across all those areas. Q: In line with the 44 recommendations of the National CCTV Strategy document? A: Focussing on public faith in CCTV – there’s a very important debate to be had around what exactly that means. Is it just local authority CCTV or is it anywhere that the public have access to? Do you include shopping malls, stadiums, transport? I have a role to look at standards around training. We should look at the different facets of CCTV, by which I mean standards of manufacture and installation which are the technical issues I want to talk to the HOSDB about. We need standards around the management and use of CCTV systems. And then – stepping into my current world – we need standards around the recovery and use of CCTV images. Q: You are confirming what I was thinking – you will be going beyond forensics. A: Don’t let my current role influence views on what I will be doing with CCTV. We will deploy similar methodology but that’s about as far as it goes. Q: What’s your view on a need for legislation to regulate CCTV? A: I don’t have a view at the moment but it’s an option we have to keep wide open. That’s exactly why we need to go out to public consultation. Q: One of your roles will be managing complaints? A: The role is to promote public awareness of the complaints process. I will be dealing with complaints related to technical standards, but
standards and regulatory framework we really need...” do the same with CCTV as well, to develop a UK-wide remit. Q: What do you aim to accomplish this year? A: In the first month or so, I would like to publish a plan that shows what I propose to do and how I propose to do it because I want to be very transparent. We are going to set out a plan of what we want to achieve and how, and that will involve as much stakeholder engagement as we can manage – so talking to people like the CCTV User Group and others who have a view and voice to be heard in the use of CCTV. I have my first real meeting on this tomorrow with the HOSDB (Home
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CCTVImage I am not resourced to deal with all complaints about CCTV. We will be signposting to people where complaints can be dealt with, and it might be that I have to make further recommendations to Government in due course around the management of complaints. But I have to be very guarded that I don’t find myself the repository for all complaints that are out there. Q: Another job is reviewing and updating some of the recommendations of the National Strategy. Out of 44, over half are due for review. A: That’s a role I will share with the new Strategy Board. To review those and ensure what remains is still valid – time marches on – and whether any new recommendations need to go in. If you have a proper strategic approach, you don’t lock yourself into a set of recommendations that you made a few years ago. Q: Funding for CCTV: is this under review? A: No, not by me. My scope is flexible. It may be something we pick up later. I think it’s something that’s already been picked up in a Government white paper published last week (Building Britain’s Future), but it’s not on my agenda at the
moment. Q: You have a very big job, reviewing the entire CCTV industry. What resources do you have? A: I have the team at the NPIA (National Policing Improvement Agency) and I have a budget from the Home Office if I need to pull it in. Q: How much budget? A: Still being resolved but there will be resources there, and I will review this on an ongoing basis so if it becomes unmanageable with resources we have, then I will take it straight back to government for review. My early thoughts are that we have what we need, bearing in mind that we won’t resolve all these issues in the first year. It’s about researching and advising Government about what is needed in the long term. Q: So not necessarily resolving issues but setting out a roadmap? A: Yes, and very clear recommendations that have been consulted on. Q: Thank-you and best wishes in your new role.
The increasingly important role of CCTV within government
THE GOVERNMENT HAS been taking a keener interest in CCTV recently, judging by the statements, documents and initiatives that have been emanating from Her Majesty’s Government. There are four national drivers that are impacting on CCTV: 1. The National CCTV Strategy - A Home Office/ACPO document, it was published in October 2007. A small NPIA team is now responsible for co-ordinating stakeholders concerning the delivery of 44 recommendations. The full National CCTV Strategy Document can be viewed here – 2. Building Britain’s Future – In the summer of 2009, Building Britain’s Future was published by HM Government. The full document can be viewed here – The paper outlines the action that the UK Government is taking to forge a new model of economic growth, restore trust and accountability and modernise our public services and national infrastructure. It is interesting to note that such a high level document mentions CCTV, and in several places the document says: “the public will have a say on CCTV”. There are two other paragraphs in the Building Britain’s Future document that specifically mention CCTV: “A right to support for community action – with CCTV where communities demand it, Community Crime Fighters and Neighbourhood Watch” (page 77) and “CCTV will continue to play an important role, deterring and detecting crime and helping secure convictions. Having spent almost £170 million funding nearly 700 CCTV schemes earlier this decade, we are now focused on improving their effectiveness through operator training, and giving local people more of a say on where they want to see additional CCTV coverage, but also giving them clearer ways to complain on the rare occasions where they feel it is excessive” (page 79). 3. Protecting the Public – “Protecting the Public/Supporting the police to succeed” is a white paper published by the Home Office in December 2009. It can be viewed here – http://protect-the-public. Again, CCTV is mentioned: “To meet the commitment made in Building Britain’s Future, that communities in all areas can have a say in CCTV, we are taking further steps. In early 2010, we will publish guidance on the key aspects of CCTV which contribute to neighbourhood safety and how best to engage with local people on applying that guidance. The aim is to make sure that the location and use of CCTV supports delivery of local priorities in tackling crime and raising public confidence.
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“The feedback from local people will be used to assist in monitoring implementation of the National CCTV Strategy. The strategy aims to improve standards on the location and use of CCTV and on raising public awareness and understanding of CCTV. This will include enhancing the ability for the individual to raise concerns or complaints about the location or the ineffective use of CCTV in their area and to have those concerns taken into account.” 4. The written ministerial statement announcing the appointment of a CCTV Regulator – Further impetus as regards CCTV has now come in the form of a written ministerial statement from the policing minister David Hanson announcing the appointment of a National CCTV Regulator. This was published on 15th December 2009 – http:// This section from the ministerial statement shows the type of work the regulator will be focussing on: “The appointment is an important step in implementation of the National CCTV Strategy. The role of the interim Regulator will be to work with the National CCTV Strategy Board on six key areas. These are to: • develop national standards for the installation and use of CCTV in public space; • determine training requirements for users and practitioners; • engage with the public and private sector in determining the need and potential content of any regulatory framework; • raise public awareness and understanding of how CCTV operates and the benefits to tackling crime and public protection; • review the existing recommendations of the National CCTV Strategy and advise the Strategy Board on implementation, timelines and cost and development of an effective evidence base; • promote public awareness of the complaints process and criteria for complaints to the relevant agencies (eg, Information Commissioner, local authority, private organisation etc) and dealing with complaints relating to technical standards.” The four national drivers shown above, plus regular media interest in CCTV often focussing on cost, privacy issues, ineffectual cameras, and the inability of police or courts to use the CCTV product, shows that CCTV is a national issue with a constantly high public profile. One of the big challenges for the CCTV industry will be to keep it there for positive reasons, not the negative stuff that we generally hear about. • Thanks to Mick Harrison at the NPIA for collating this information.
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Rooms with a View
When two plus two is eight The London Streets Department within Transport for London together with 15 London boroughs are taking cooperation to a new level by sharing hundreds of CCTV cameras in key locations throughout the capital. Tom Reeve went along to TfL’s offices to learn more
SINCE ITS INTRODUCTION in the early 1980s, CCTV equipment has been deployed on the roadside without an overarching strategic plan. As a result, we have seen cameras being deployed for crime prevention, traffic management, traffic enforcement, civil emergencies and infrastructure support but little thought given to how an individual camera could be used for more than one purpose. That’s the view of a group of London borough CCTV managers and representatives from Transport for London who, since 2006, have been working together on the creation of a CCTV camera sharing project. In London, the majority of publicly-owned street cameras belong either to Transport for London (TfL) or to one of the 33 local authorities (comprising the 32 London boroughs plus the Corporation of London). TfL has invested heavily in its CCTV system, installing 1200 cameras along key routes for traffic management and enforcement. These cameras are used to monitor traffic flows, diagnose the causes of delays and monitor the effectiveness of measures to improve traffic flow. Without cameras, staff in the London Streets Traffic Control Centre (LSTCC) would be unable to alter the phasing of traffic lights effectively. Meanwhile, London boroughs have installed many on-street cameras, primarily for crime prevention and public safety but also increasingly for the management of civil emergencies and public events, local traffic enforcement and infrastructure support. Without a joint strategy, it’s hardly surprising that these two parallel but separate CCTV programmes led to some wasteful duplication, with some TfL and London borough cameras being positioned next to each other, in some cases positioned so that a casual observer might
assume they were erected for the purpose of watching each other. This problem was particularly acute in areas where they had common statutory responsibilities, for instance near stadiums which required both traffic monitoring and public safety.
Historical links
I met up recently with representatives from TfL and three of the London boroughs which were early adopters in the camera-sharing scheme. Installing a CCTV camera, especially in a street environment as complex and busy as London, is not cheap. Each camera with its pole, power and data links can cost between £20,000 and £40,000 to install. Any opportunity to share the cost of installations is to be welcomed, and in truth TfL and the London boroughs have cooperated for many years, sharing camera poles and co-locating other equipment such as TfL satellite matrices which were often placed in borough CCTV control centres. From this basic level of cooperation was born the idea of going one step further. Kelvin Summoogum of the IBI Group, a consultant to TfL explains: “It’s really Andy Wells from the London Borough of Hackney who said, basically, we have your equipment coming to our control room and we also have cameras next to each other, can’t we find a better way of minimising equipment and duplication of camera locations? When you look at a map of camera locations across London, you quickly see the extent of overlap between TfL and the London borough cameras, a point of view that was supported by information coming from the borough CCTV managers. “Whatever borough A was telling us about the duplication of camera sites, we were hearing the same
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thing from Enfield, Brent, Tower Hamlets and so on, so it was clear there was a need to do something,” Kelvin adds.
The technical challenge was among the first things to address. Fortunately, there is a protocol known as the Television Network Protocol (TVNP – see box item). TVNP was initiated by TfL and was deliberately developed as an “open protocol”, that is freely available without licence fees. This encouraged the industry to adopt it as a universal standard for CCTV. As a universal protocol, TVNP allows CCTV Systems supplied by different manufacturers to communicate and enabled the sharing of camera pictures. TVNP was an obvious solution to the problem of how to build the necessary data links between the London Boroughs and TfL. With connectivity sorted out, the challenge was to get personnel working together. If you’re sharing cameras, then the obvious question to ask is, what happens when two operators in different control rooms want the same camera at the same time? Discussions initially focussed on creating a highly rigid, hierarchical list of user priorities in which priority was given to an authority based strictly on their function which would, in some cases, take precedence over ownership. Alan Gardner, CCTV manager at the London Borough of Enfield, explains how it developed. “We had a huge spreadsheet – showing the hierarchy of use – that went around for at least nine months. Everyone wanted to put this in front of that and in the end it just wasn’t practical,” he says. The camera-sharing group developed a simpler and ultimately more pragmatic approach which became the Guiding Principles of camera sharing: be aware of what your colleagues in other control rooms are doing, accept the need to share resources and let everyone know what you’re doing if it’s likely to impact on their own activities. The principles are enshrined in a standard memorandum of understanding (MOU) which each borough and TfL signs prior to commencing camera sharing. In practice, the London CCTV managers that I spoke to said that all it takes is a quick phone call to the appropriate control room to sort out any potential sharing issues. “They’re all practitioners around the table, all experienced people, and they can judge what is top priority. So this is the model that we are building on,” says Kelvin. Cooperation at the level of sharing cameras is leading to a deeper understanding of the work that each control room does. Alvin Wakeman, CCTV manager for the London Borough of Brent, says, “If the need arises, some of the things we do now aren’t just community safety, they are more aligned to traffic management, management of people – potentially more in line with
what TfL would do.” Peter Allnutt from Tower Hamlets agrees with Alvin: “We use it a lot for that because while TfL are watching a lot of the red routes, all of a sudden one of our operators will say, how come this road is starting to block up? And then you’ll start to work your way back through the camera system and find, hang on, who’s doing roadworks on the junction at this time of the evening? And we can talk to our traffic management people about it and find out why all of East London is suddenly backing up.” In future, TfL and the boroughs can cooperate on placing cameras. As Alan Gardner explains, “This close working relationship with TfL means that when I have projects for next year – with funding approved this year – I can go to our contact at TfL and say, this is where our cameras are going, do you want access to any of them? “What cameras are you putting in next year? Again, we avoid the expense of putting in unnecessary cameras which saves taxpayer money.”
Brent kicks it off
The first local authority to begin camera sharing with TfL was the London Borough of Brent. Discussions had already started between TfL and a handful of boroughs with a view that it might take a year to finalise negotiations but as it happens, events encouraged them to move forward much more quickly. “We had the technology and there was the need and the opportunity,” Kelvin explains, pointing to a map demonstrating the overlap between TfL and London borough cameras. “I think the biggest challenge was to bring the human factor in, to get TfL and the boroughs working together.”
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Open protocol unlocks potential for CCTV networking
TVNP – SHORT FOR Television Network Protocol – is an open network protocol which enables CCTV equipment from different manufacturers to share data. TfL and the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) require any system supplied to them to be TVNP compliant, this is also a requirement for any system which has to connect to either system. The protocol is managed by TfL which ensures that TVNP is independent of any manufacturer or software supplier. However, companies wishing to be TVNP compliant must submit their products for compatibility testing. A number of CCTV System suppliers to London agencies have
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Sharing: Enfield’s control room
implemented reliable versions of TVNP. TVNP has been revised several times in the past few years. The latest generation, version 3, provides high levels of support for audio routing in addition to video routing and camera control. Up to version 3, TVNP has been based around analogue CCTV. As the world goes digital, TfL and the MPS recognise that it will need to be modified, at which point other features may be incorporated. Recommendation 30 of the National CCTV Strategy (October 2007) calls for the establishment of a basic CCTV network infrastructure with security and access control built in. As an existing protocol in widespread use, could TVNP be the protocol of choice?
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At the time, everyone agreed that camera sharing was a good idea, but the question was who was going to take the lead. “It was not just a TfL idea but also a London boroughs idea, but because TfL was in effect the hub with cameras in every single borough, it was convenient for TfL to take the lead, which is why TfL has the responsibility for approaching the boroughs,” Kelvin says. It was agreed that TfL would trial camera sharing in Brent because of the presence of Wembley Stadium, Alvin explains. “In 2007 – about the same time as TfL was looking to come on stream – it was really important for us and the police to know the bigger picture about what was happening to pedestrian and vehicle traffic.” It was agreed to share three TfL cameras which were ideally located for Brent’s needs. From there, news quickly spread to other boroughs and within three months, discussions were initiated to begin sharing cameras with Enfield. “And after that, TfL internal stakehold- Under control: Traffic management in TfL control room ers who had access to cameras in Brent and Enfield came to the camera sharing project team and asked, what “So far, through camera sharing, TfL has added over 360 camare we doing about Hackney, Tower Hamlets, Lambeth and so on, eras to its network for a minimal outlay and we expect to add far because we want to have access to those cameras, too,” says Kelvin. more as more boroughs come online,” Mr Evans says. From there, a business case was developed to roll out camera From a London boroughs’ point of view, camera sharing is a sharing to 10 additional boroughs. ‘win-win scenario’. Alan Gardner reports that Enfield and Waltham Jeremy Evans, head of the Technology Delivery Group (TDG) Forest together have effectively gained 80 cameras, and as Alvin for TfL Streets, explains that his team is actively delivering camera Wakeman from Brent says, “All you have to do is think of it in sharing. At the time of going to press, eight boroughs had been con- terms of 80 cameras times £30K to £40K each – that’s a lot of nected up, with a further seven to be completed soon. money for a London borough.”
Agreement greases wheels of cooperation
THE MEMORANDUM OF Understanding (MOU) is an agreement which Transport for London signs with each London borough, setting out the terms and conditions under which they will share cameras with each other. It is not legally binding but it was written to comply with relevant legislation and guidelines and it is understood that the statutory duties always take priority over the MOU at all times. The impetus behind the MOU was the need to specify which cameras were going to be shared, a map of their locations, the technicalities of the links between TfL and the borough. It lists contact details for key
personnel, details the protocol or set of rules on how to request the use of a camera and how to add further cameras to the system. As Kelvin Summoogum explains, another issue was cost sharing. “What we were trying to come up with was a system that worked for all Boroughs, so we decided that it had to be 50/50, irrespective of whether it was just having one camera back and giving away 30 cameras,” Kelvin says. Internal costs, such as the installation of a TVNP computer to link to the matrix, is the responsibility of each party separately. The mechanism for sharing control of the cameras is a major part of the MOU, and one of the key innovations has been the two-minute rule. Under the two-minute rule, a CCTV operator can take control of a partner’s camera, move it and return it to its original position provided it’s for less than two minutes. In cases where camera control is over two minutes the user of the camera simply has to call the camera owner and ask permission to continue using it. In the spirit of openness and cooperation that typifies the camera sharing scheme, the MOU is readily available to others who may wish to adapt it to their own purposes.
February 2010
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Leading the way The University of Leeds has spent over £700,000 upgrading its CCTV system because it believes that cameras play a crucial role in the security of its campus, students and staff. CCTV editor, Tom Reeve, meets the team that has made it all possible CCTV CAMERAS ON the campus of the University of Leeds are monitored from the newly-refurbished control room by a permanent rota of two staff and a supervisor. It is a system that would be the envy of many small to medium-sized cities. The staff provide constant surveillance as well as manning the security department’s customer service desk and coordinating manned security patrols around the campus. There was no doubt expressed by the head of security, Steven Exley, the Chief Constable of West Yorkshire or the vice chancellor of the University of the value of having 120 cameras dotted around the campus. Even before the new system was officially opened by the chief constable, it had helped solve several crimes. The new facility was officially opened by Sir Norman Bettison, the chief constable of Dream team: Carl Chippendale, Steven Exley and Simon Whitehouse West Yorkshire Police, a sign His office consulted widely with students through the student perhaps of the importance that the police place on CCTV as well union and campus surveys and found that security was one of their as their links to the University of Leeds. He told me that the police value their partnership with the key concerns. “CCTV is part of our response to their concerns,” University and that the 35,000 people who work, study or simply he said. “Campus security uses CCTV very sensitively to monitor walk through the campus everyday would be reassured by the pres- high-risk areas, and we have had no negative feedback from students because we have taken great care to liaise with the student ence of the cameras. leadership at all times so they understand what it is being used for.” In terms of the investment in cameras, he said the business case With regard to campus security, he said it was important to protect for overhauling the system had been well made by the head of secustudents, many of whom were away from home for the first time. rity. “It’s too early to say if the business case is panning out – we’ve “The big issue for us is that students tend to have very tradable only just opened the new system – but it has already contributed to commodities such as phones, iPods and so on,” he said. “They’re the arrest of someone on suspicion of theft.” generally not from Leeds and their behaviour can be naïve.” Simon Whitehouse and Carl Chippendale from SGW Security The real value of CCTV, he said, was in post-incident analysis. Consulting filled me in on some of the technical details of the “There is hardly a major investigation that doesn’t count on CCTV system. to some degree or another,” he said. In the case of the murder of PC Sharon Beshinevsky and attempted murder of PC Teresa Millburn in November 2005, CCTV provided a virtual audit trail of evidence from Leeds, down the motorway to London. “I’ve been in the A key point for them was keeping the University’s CCTV system police for 37 years now and I can’t imagine going back to the days operational throughout the building phase. During the refurbishment a temporary control room was set up in a Portakabin in the car park. This of not having CCTV,” he said. He added: “The presence of CCTV is what is reassuring for the meant campus security was able to continue functioning uninterrupted public but post incident is the most valuable aspect of it for us. It while the CCTV control room was given a complete refit. In terms of IT support for the IP-based CCTV solution, Simon is not generally an active aid to doing our work.” Meanwhile, Professor Michael Arthur, the vice chancellor of the and Carl had nothing but praise for the University’s Information University, said the investment in cameras and the control room Systems Services (ISS) without whom the transmission part of the project could easily have cost two to three times as much. would improve security for students and staff.
Away from home
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“At an early stage, Carl engaged with ISS who have got a massive amount of fibre which they offered us access to,” Simon Whitehouse explains. “ISS have a number of server rooms around the campus which we were able to use as hubs. All camera locations are cabled back to one of these hubs via UTP transmission or via existing privately-owned multimode fibre.” The hubs are connected by a one-gigabit VLAN ring to one of the University’s data centres which house nine Synectics primary storage nodes providing over 40 terabytes of storage in a time- Beautiful architecture: The lapse later configuration. This is then linked to the security office where it is controlled by the Synectics Synergy CRMS. This makes a change from the previous configuration in which all data was routed directly back to the security office, making the system more vulnerable to single point disasters. SGW oversaw the installation of 40 new cameras and the upgrading of 45 more, with the installation itself being done by TIS (Mansfield) Ltd.
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Intech wins bid to refurbish control room
IN 1999, THE original CCTV control centre was installed by Intech Furniture based on CRT technology. While wearing well, the room was 10 years old and the technology was aging. Furthermore the Head of Security for the University, Steven Exley, wanted to upgrade the systems and use TFT screens as part of the design. A new security and CCTV system was developed by SGW Security Consulting. Intech Furniture tendered for the control centre refurbishment part of the project via a number of the system integrators and were eventually successful in being awarded the contract by TIS (Mansfield) Ltd. Intech were appointed to not only design and manufacture the control centre furniture but to also design and provide a complete centre refurbishment to include lighting, ceilings, air conditioning, flooring, carpets, electrical works, full decoration and decorative additions. In order for the project to run smoothly a plan was devised to temporarily relocate the control room to allow the existing facility to be stripped out and rebuilt. The project consisted of two reception areas, one each for the security and parking enforcement departments both of which included a DDA facility. Within the security control area itself there is now a monitor wall to house 47-inch LCD monitors in two rows of four, a two-operator main control console, a rear supervisor console and a security administration area all of which are compliant to ISO 11064 (ergonomic design of control centres). The total value of the project including the other refurbishment elements came to in excess of £150,000. Simon Whitehouse Managing Director for SGW Security Consulting, who managed the project from design to delivery, commented: “We are extremely pleased to have been involved in such an
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The head of security is Steven Exley, a former member of the Royal Military Police and veteran of contract and in-house manned security services. He completed a MSc at the University of Leicester under Prof. Martin Gill and did some work with risk management software for a number of years. Steven, who is also a member of the Association of University Chief Security Officers (AUCSO), manages 56 staff ranging from security guards and dog handlers to crime prevention advisors and car park staff. In an interview in his University of Leeds office next door to the control room, he told me about the need to upgrade the old CCTV system. “I was led to believe things were in better condition than they actually were on my appointment seven years ago,” he says. “It has been a slow process of discovering that the systems didn’t do what people expected them to do.” Problems with the old system included a touch screen that regularly “fell on its backside” and failure to define the purpose of
Control room: Intech’s handiwork important scheme and are proud to have seen the system completed on time and within budget”. Steven Exley added “The scale of improvement in capacity and professional image has been well worth the unavoidable disruption that any project of this scale is bound to create. The customer impact was confirmed when the Vice Chancellor, Professor Michael Arthur marked his first view of the new Control Room with the word ‘Wow’. The facility needs to work as well as impress and so far it is exceeding our best hopes.”
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you have people en route to deal with a situation, it allows you to brief them as they approach, target them more specifically and improve their safety by not allowing them to go into certain situations.” As an investigative tool, it has proved invaluable as well. “In this last month alone, we have apprehended eight individuals who would have got away if we hadn’t been able to back track and identify individuals from images captured and stored on the system.”
The revamped CCTV system will enable the University to make better use of its security staff but there are no plans to reduce the number of staff, Steven says. The University of Leeds is a member of the Russell Group, a collaboration of 20 of the top universities in the UK. Using figures from the Russell Group and AUCSO, Steven can readily compare the performance of his security department against similar institutions. Out with the old: the dismantling of the old control room “We are, compared to other comparable institutions, lean in the numbers we have, so specific cameras before deciding where to place them. “The whole it is not the aim to use this to replace anyone,” he says. logic of the system wasn’t joined up like it could have been, and Being positioned in the heart of Leeds, the University suffers that is often the case with systems that evolve over time – but it many of the same crime problems as the city. Fortunately street had got to the point where it was well short of what the University robbery is not as bad as other parts of the country but burglary of deserved and needed.” dwellings, due to the high residential density around the campus The new control room – apart from being nicer to work in thanks and the presence of a transient student population, is a problem. to a refit by Intech Furniture – will make it easier to be proactive On campus accommodation also suffers from similar problems, in the management of staff, Steven says. “When linked with other and as a consequence Steven doesn’t draw firm boundaries between technology, it allows us to very quickly verify an alarm so when Cont’d next page
The University of Leeds chooses Simons-Voss
THE UNIVERSITY OF Leeds has recently upgraded its security control room with the latest technology in CCTV and access control. For the access control system, the University chose SimonsVoss Technologies Wireless and Keyless solution. Simons-Voss is a European market leader in the rapidlygrowing technology of battery powered, wireless electronic locking systems. The University began installing the Simons-Voss 3060 Wireless Locking Systems in 2006 to resolve problems with traditional mechanical master key systems and failing card systems. Problems with unreturned keys, copied keys and lost keys on such a large site was a major issue and the options to replace these with a traditional electronic system solution was impractical due to the massive cost and disruption. Then they discovered Simons-Voss. Suited to both large commercial and institutional buildings as well as residential build-
ings, Simons-Voss converges conventional mechanical locking systems and traditional electronic access control systems into one application. The Simons Voss 3060 Locking and Access Control system replaces traditional mechanical cylinders with intelligent digital locking cylinders capable of being networked wirelessly and controlled over an existing IP network, or via hand held devices. The system also incorporates digital readers known as Smart Relays to control electronically operated doors and barriers. Today, the University of Leeds has over 1200 doors using Simons-Voss access control with individual administrators controlling access to complete faculties and buildings. Many more projects are in hand which will adopt the single platform solution including a new sports and swimming pool complex due to open in 2010 and a new Faculty of Law building.
February 2010
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uncompromising performance Introducing the W-5 DSP chipset from Samsung Techwin The new W-5 DSP chipset from Samsung Techwin provides powerful new technology that sits at the very heart of a new breed of next generation cameras and domes, offering performance and functionality which has to be seen to be believed. Powerful image processing delivers 600TV lines horizontal resolution in colour, whilst functions such as third generation Samsung Super Noise Reduction (SSNRIII), Samsung Super Dynamic Range (SSDR), multi-lingual on-screen display menus with coaxial control compatibility and 12 privacy zones are built-in as standard to deliver never before achieved image quality, ease of use and exibility.
T +44 (0)1932 455 308 E W Samsung Techwin Europe Ltd Samsung House. 1000 Hillswood Drive. Chertsey. Surrey. KT16 0PS. UK
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on-campus and off-campus security. “We police our campus but we also respond and do what we can for students in the community, so our partnerships extend into private residential areas,” he says. Relationships between the police and campus security are very close, with the University hosting an office for a campus liaison officer and actively participating in the Divisional Community Safety Partnerships and the Acquisitive Burglary Group within the two police divisions that the University straddles. “Our involvement as the largest organisation attracting people to Leeds is significant in both of these,” says Steven. “Last week I was involved in a meeting with residents concerned about All seeing: Steven Exley oversees the new control room anti-social behaviour, and as a result the University has deployed patrols in a street and we have Steven says. “We have always given full support to the police when lobbied the council regarding street lighting… We do try to have an they have asked for tapes in the past and now with the digital system, impact and if that means liaising with the private sector, then that is we can present it much more quickly along with the data to support the footage.” what we will do.” If there is one thing he is afraid of it’s overwhelming security staff with too many cameras. There may be a temptation to install more cameras or monitor cameras for other departments – the IT diviSo the upgrade of the CCTV system is part and parcel of the sion has 176 of them – but Steven wants to ensure he has sufficient University’s contribution to managing crime and disorder on campus resources to respond to an incident on camera if required. and in the surrounding parts of Leeds. More than anything, he doesn’t want his staff to lose their enthusiAs the chief constable said, CCTV plays a vital role in modern asm for CCTV. “It is a real feeling of joy for the officers to have that policing. “We are regularly asked if we have footage, not just specific quality of equipment now,” says Steven. “It is a major step forward to incidents on campus but also of people going through the campus,” for campus security.”
Full support
University of Leeds
After 10 years of temporary accommodateion, the University of Leeds’ control room has had a facelift and has upgraded all its equipment in every way. Here, we take a look at what goes to make up the new high-tech systems • When did the system go live? November 6, 2009 (practical completion) • Cameras New camera locations: 40 Cameras upgraded: 45 Existing cameras not upgraded (but included in system design): 35 Other cameras: Link provided to ISS department’s IP CCTV system potentially adding 176 cameras • Control rooms 1 • Recording system Synectics Digital Recording system providing 31 days storage. 9 x Primary Storage Nodes located centrally in a University data centre. Storage capacity: 40 terabytes in Time Lapse Later mode, giving 14 days at 25fps followed by 17 days at 4fps. All images recorded at D1 and at 2Mb data rate • Transmission system HYBRID Transmission – dedicated 1 gigabit VLAN provided by ISS department. Cameras linked to remote hubs via UTP or privately-owned multi-mode fibre
• Detachable media • Control system • Monitors
• Furniture • Management software • Re-deployable cameras • Radio/other comms kit • System installer • System maintainer • Consultant • Number of staff • Other equipment
February 2010
CD/DVD - part of Synectics Review Client Synectics Synergy CRMS 8 x 47-inch Sony FWD-S47H1 LCD monitors controlled via 4 x Synectics Display wall controllers displaying all images at 25fps in a quad format for each monitor Intech Furniture Synectics Synergy
TIS (Mansfield) Ltd TIS (Mansfield) Ltd SGW Security Consulting Two operators plus one supervisor on duty at all times Installation of new Simons-Voss access control system within new control room
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Tangible facts The Metropolitan Police Service’s Circulation Unit and its borough-based VIIDO units are proving they can fill one of the missing links between CCTV and the police. DCI Mick Neville, project manager of Operation Javelin, takes time out of his hectic schedule to talk frankly to Tom Reeve AS DCI MICK Neville, project manager of Operation Javelin, is fond of telling people, CCTV managers are not the end-users of CCTV – the end-users are the courts. Of course, there are those who would beg to differ. CCTV is used for much more than detecting and solving crimes: it’s also used extensively to look for missing people, detect floods and fires, help members of the public in distress and look after vulnerable people, watch over emergency services personnel including police going into potentially hostile situations, and much more. Nonetheless, within the context of crime prevention and investigations, his point is a fair one, and Operation Javelin has identified a missing link between CCTV and the criminal justice system, plugging a gap and significantly increasing charges and prosecutions against offenders captured on CCTV. These are suspects who would have remained unidentified and thus beyond Hectic schedule: Mick Neville and his loyal team the reach of the law. Unfortunately, rather than being seen as a champion of CCTV, he’s been painted by the mainstream comment. A: I didn’t make that comment to the press. It was obtained under media as one of its fiercest critics, largely because of a comment, widely reported in the media and taken out of context, that last year a Freedom of Information request from internal reports. Q: The Operation Javelin reports. They took this comment CCTV only solved one crime per 1000 cameras in London. How has this happened? After all, this is a police officer who here, but in your first report you qualified that statement helped establish a system for methodically gathering and catalogu- by adding, “but research shows that Operation Javelin can ing CCTV images that had previously been considered useless increase the hit rate…” A: What I would say is, I know that CCTV can solve as many because the suspects in the pictures couldn’t be identified. He tapped into the power of “crowd sourcing” before it was even crimes as fingerprints and DNA but we have to have the systems a buzzword, leveraging the collective knowledge of hundreds of you have seen here, systems for gathering images, identifying people and making sure they go through the courts. people inside and outside the police service to identify suspects. Q: You are saying we need that vital link between cameras and those who make identifications. Because that’s what you are doing here, making the link between anonymous images and It’s a simple idea made brilliant by the way it has been systematised people who have the knowledge to identify them. and scaled up. Operating across London, with formal links to 15 A: That’s right. And use them not only for identification but we of the Borough Operational Command Units (BOCUs), last year are also trying to gain the public’s confidence and show the crimithis system gathered over 9000 images and identified over 2000 nals that we are using CCTV to catch them. suspects in London wanted in connection with serious criminal People have attributed negative things to me, that I’m doing investigations. down CCTV, but I’m not. What I’m saying is it works but it only With more funding and more staff, the Met Circulation Unit works if used in a systematic way. could no doubt achieve even more. Q: When these comments come out, do you think it has a I went to see Mick Neville at the offices of the MetCU. I met negative effect on people’s impressions of CCTV? his colleagues who labour over thousands of images and reports, A: I don’t know. What I know is that the public expect a lot of acting almost like traffic cops in a blizzard of information coming CCTV. They are told they are on camera 300 times a day, so they in and out of their office, cataloguing images, compiling reports, wonder why so many crimes are not solved. adding research notes to identification dockets and liaising with Q: Do you think you have helped raise awareness in the police the investigating officers who are the end-users of the information about the need for VIIDO? they generate. A: Yes, we are coming along. We do lots of training with detecQ: Let’s start with your famous one in a thousand cameras Cont’d next page
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February 2010
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Profile tives now. People realise that this is a specialist role at every level. Digital footage is good, better than analogue, but it’s harder to get. It’s not as easy as flipping a tape. Q: Do you think that police officers are beginning to view CCTV as potentially good quality and useful in investigations? A: I think they are coming around. It was never seen as good as fingerprints and DNA for volume crime, but we are getting there gradually.
Q: It is different from DNA and fingerprints – the processes are much different. A: It is different, but I think that CCTV was set up away from the police. It was never part of the police, whereas DNA and fingerprints were always part of the police. Also, there wasn’t much training given in CCTV, either. It just came along. So that’s an aspect of it – officers have got to be trained to use the images. In any case, we can copy the systematic, forensic approach used for fingerprints and DNA and make use of images far more effectively. Q: You mentioned in several of your reports the need to incorporate CCTV into CID training. Is that happening? A: Yes it is. We often speak at the Crime Academy – the detectives training school. Q: Does it get as much coverage as fingerprints? A: Yes, I think it does – we’re moving up the ladder. Q: You have a high profile in CCTV. Is that a help or a hindrance? A: I don’t know. The message is getting out there; I get calls from all over the world. I advised the Royal Bahamas Police recently, I have been out to Abu Dhabi and Dubai. We have had visits from police forces around the world. Q: What’s your view on video analytics? A: I am happy to try anything but the simple fact is that the best person to give evidence is a PC who knows someone and has known them for several years. The officer, Jamie Smith who was given an award by the CCTV User Group, he’s better than any machine. Q: Do you believe this technology will ever help? A: Yes, because with a serious crime, you could put it through fast time and it might give you some enquiries to make. What we often find is that we will jump on technology as the solution and then cut off the human factor. Q: What was the inspiration behind VIIDO? A: Through doing some research and realising that we should have a proper way of treating video like a forensic discipline. How do we deal with fingerprints and DNA? We should do the same with images. Q: How many boroughs do you have working with you? A: Fifteen, but nearly all of them have submitted images at some point. Q: How many people work in a typical VIIDO unit within a BOCU? A: It varies from the highest which is one supervisor and eight staff down to about one supervisor and two staff. Q: Is that adequate resources? A: Depends on what you are tasking them with. If you say, deal with robberies and burglaries, OK. If you could have 50 people in there, you could deal with every type of offence, but you have to cut your cloth. What we find is you can increase the staff when you get results, and we have some very high quality staff in there now. Q: How does that compare to the resources put into finger-
Caught on camera: The Met’s website prints? A: It’s less but we are gradually building it up. It’s still early days, and fingerprints have been around for 100 years. Q: CCTV has been around for 20 years at least… A: And VIIDO and MetCU just three years, so we have moved a long way. Q: What’s the best way to increase quality of staff? Better recruitment or better training? A: Both really. The key is having the people in there who want to be there. They want to find the evidence. Q: That’s a point you made several times in your reports. A: It’s complex work to recover digital footage. It’s too easy to be tasked to something else – you need time and skill to download it. Q: Finally, there has been a lot of change in the CCTV industry and things are changing in the Met. Would you say that CCTV is at a crossroads? Where are things going from here? A: I am hoping that CCTV will be recognised as the third forensic discipline and that we will have proper units to deal with it, that the work we have done here will be built on, that people will be trained to use it, both as detectives and in the courts.
Financial facts
We have to realise the financial facts have changed. You cannot keep having money on promises, you have to be able to produce these things, tangible facts, and I think in here we produce tangible facts. We are showing that CCTV does work and can produce as long as it’s used in the right way. You could gather a million fingerprints and unless you had a system to identify them, get them arrested and get them before the court, the million prints are useless. Q: Thank-you, DCI Mick Neville, I think that sums up the case for VIIDO and MetCU very well.
February 2010
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| Surveillance Society
Big Brother Watch is watching Following the publication of an anti-CCTV report by an organisation called Big Brother Watch, the following article was published on the CCTV Image blog ( The reaction from the industry was so positive that we decided to re-print the article here. It never fails – you get up in the morning, determined to do some real work, only to find that someone has dropped a spanner in the works. The spanner in this instance is a “study” by an organisation called Big Brother Watch into the “explosion” in CCTV cameras in this country. It used Freedom of Information Act requests to ask, how many CCTV cameras are controlled by local authorities. The conclusion? There are “at least 59,753 CCTV cameras controlled by 418 local authorities in Britain, up from 21,000 in 1999”. The figure is questionable as the CCTV User Group’s own estimates for public space CCTV cameras in the UK is closer to 35,000 (see comment from the User Group on the following page). And BBW includes 3,376 cameras which are classified as “internal” as opposed to public facing CCTV cameras. It’s also not known how many of the cameras that councils reported are ones they monitor on a third-party contract basis – ie, the council monitors them but doesn’t own them. Also, not all cameras are used for crime prevention purposes, so some councils may include those cameras in their reported numbers and others may not. Did all councils use the same definitions in reporting their numbers? The figures for individual councils are interesting and potentially useful but they have to be checked against the CCTV User Group’s own figures before we can attest to their veracity. The overall figure is one that is certain to be used again and again by the mainstream media and foes of CCTV, but would probably be best filed under the headings of “anecdotal” and “apocryphal” estimates.
In defence
What can we say in defence of CCTV, if in fact these numbers are accurate? I suppose you’d have to say, guilty as charged. Local authorities have continued to put up CCTV in response to the demands of the electorate. What’s remarkable is that local authorities have found the money to finance more than 40,000 CCTV cameras. If you take an average figure of, say, £15,000 for the installation of a camera (which in some parts of the country would be a modest figure), that means that councils found from various sources something like £600 million to install CCTV over the past decade, or about £60 million a year. That doesn’t take into account annual operating expenses to keep the control rooms running which can vary, depending on the council, from £250,000 to £2 million a year for the very largest control rooms. If we take an average of £500,000, we get approximately £210 million operating costs (HEALTH WARNING: this is a very rough estimate – the figures quoted by Peter Fry on the next page of this magazine are much more reliable). Compare that to the annual policing budget in England and Wales of £10 billion, and the investment in CCTV looks quite modest. Nonetheless, councils are spending money on CCTV. Before the Issue sponsor
foes of CCTV start crying “waste”, it should be pointed out that your average CCTV control room is more than just a CCTV control room, it provides services for many other socially beneficial functions. If you are going to have operators in the control room 24/7, why not have them monitor social alarms for the elderly and vulnerable, handle out of hours emergency calls and monitor burglar alarms at council buildings. The real point here is that councils for the most part feel they are getting value for money because otherwise they would decommission it. Yes, councils are free to turn the systems off at any time because they are not a statutory service (at least not yet). The fact that a few councils like Skipton have turned off their small systems is not proof that CCTV is a waste of money but rather that councils could turn the systems off if they wanted to, but the vast majority do not.
Cost effectiveness
If we analyse the cost effectiveness of CCTV systems, we first have to define what we mean by “effective”. If we choose a very narrow definition of effectiveness, we could measure just detections, arrests and assists. If the average CCTV system got credited with just 1,000 of these incidents (a low figure for a 100 camera system) and they have an annual operating budget of £500,000, then we could say each incident cost £500 (again, see Peter’s comments next page). Now consider that if you hand that evidence to the police, how much time will that save them in investigating a crime? Certainly more than £500. And some crimes might never be solved without CCTV, for instance the murders of prostitutes in Ipswich in 2006, the investigation of which relied heavily on CCTV images. As I mentioned already, CCTV control rooms are natural focal points for other vital council services, including Careline and similar schemes which provide a friendly voice on the end of the telephone to thousands of elderly people who otherwise would have to move into care homes. As Peter Webster at Slough pointed out to me in a recent Rooms with a View article, the peak activity levels on Careline calls dovetails very neatly with the troughs in CCTV activity, with the result that his two or three control room operators are kept busy throughout the day and night with these two activities. The annual spend on local authority CCTV systems pales into insignificance compared to the policing budget of more than £10 billion a year. If we followed BBW’s recommendation and transferred the entire CCTV budget to the police, firstly the police would lose an invaluable source of intelligence which they use on a regular basis and you would only boost policing budgets by a paltry 2.5 per cent. Not that we can rely on BBW’s use of figures. Its report plays fast and loose with the numbers, citing as an example Staffordshire Moorland’s decision to spend £500,000 on a new CCTV system, money which BBW claims would have funded 22 new police officers. Even if we accept BBW’s cost for a police officer of £22,680 (and that’s disin-
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February 2010
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Surveillance Society genuous because that’s the starting salary and doesn’t take into account support and ancillary costs), £500,000 would only fund those officers for one year. What do you do then? Sack them all? [As an aside, when challenged with these figures in my article on the Guardian website, the director of BBW explained that his analysis of the figures had been for “illustrative” purposes only – but he accepted that they were wrong.] If you take the average lifetime of a CCTV system as being between five and ten years, and factor in 20 per cent ancillary costs to the price of a PC (including pay rises after the first couple of years) and then add in the annual monitoring costs of the system (£20,000), you might get three or four extra officers per year from that money. Given that it takes at least four officers to man a complete 24-hour shift, 365 days a year, the result is precisely one extra officer walking the beat for your investment. I think that doesn’t hold a candle to the benefits of having 40 CCTV cameras, providing continuous monitoring and recorded evidence at potential crime hotspots. All provided at zero cost to the police – no wonder they love CCTV.
Caught on camera
BBW further states that the quality of footage “is frequently too poor to be used in courts”. I don’t know where he gets this idea from, but according to DCI Mick Neville of the Metropolitan Police Service’s Circulation Unit (which collects and circulates images of suspects
caught on CCTV – see page 23 in this issue), even the poorest quality images are useful to police investigations. He told me in a recent interview that, according to his research, quality of images is not an issue, and he collects the vast majority of his images from some of the worst CCTV systems in London (namely, privately owned systems, frequently corner shops and pubs and clubs). BBW says control rooms are rarely manned 24 hours a day. According to CCTV User Group research, that is not the case – almost all large systems are manned continuously, it’s smaller systems that rely on part-time monitoring. Anyway, what point is BBW trying to make? First it complains about the expense of these systems then it complains that councils aren’t funding continuous monitoring. It seems to me that they are not quite sure what they want from CCTV. Finally, one last thought for BBW and others who oppose CCTV Video surveillance is a discretionary function for councils. If you oppose it, why don’t you, as a test case, use the power of democracy and try to convince three councils to decommission it? Take a small town system, a metropolitan borough (outside London) and a London borough and mount campaigns to scrap CCTV. I’m sure you could find local residents to champion your cause. You could provide them with technical and logistical support and see how far you get. I doubt you would succeed but it would certainly be more effective than your anti-CCTV “Guerrilla Sticker Campaign” – and create less of a blight on the environment!
CCTV User Group director Peter Fry sets the record straight
A LOT OF RUBBISH is talked about the value of CCTV Public Space Surveillance largely due to the ignorance of the organisations writing it , who like taking ‘statistics’ or ‘one off comments’ from people who have other axes to grind, and then using them to add ‘facts’ to support their very spurious case without any experience in the use of CCTV. Let’s start off with one basic incontrovertible fact. That virtually every PSS CCTV Camera in the UK has been installed at the request of the local community, begging the Councils and Councillors to provide CCTV to improve community safety. I have done a small survey of system managers to determine what PSS CCTV achieves, and I will attempt from the results to clarify some of the misleading statements that have been made. The survey was carried out with limited time of a few dozen councils which in total operate some 3,300 cameras which in rough terms amounts to about 10% of the town and city centre PSS CCTV cameras in England and Wales, a statistically significant sample which randomly reflects some of the smaller installations, larger installations, inner cities and more rural and suburban locations. The facts are: * The average running cost of a CCTV system with an average 150 cameras is about £320,000. * The average number of events monitored in a year for each system is just over 3,000 equivalent to 20 incidents per year per camera, giving an average cost per incident of just over £100. Now compare these operational costs with those of funding additional Police Resources. Big Brother Watch quoted a cost of about £25,000 per new officer, based on the starting salary of a Police Constable. In their usual misleading way they ignore the facts that any employer would understand. The additional costs involved in employment, NI, Pensions, HR oncosts, admin support etc, which must be considered in any staff employment and a rough rule of
thumb that these roughly equal the salary costs. Big Brother Watch also ignore that Police Officers work around 40 hours a week, need holidays, go sick and so again the rule of thumb is a 5 person rota is necessary to keep one police officer on the street 24/7/365. The actual cost of that would in fact be around 5 times £50,000 or £250,000 per year! Even then he can only be in one place at one time and deal with one incident at a time!
Police time
Compare that cost of the equivalent of one police officer on the street 24/7/365 at a cost of £250,000 with the operational and monitoring costs of a professionally managed PSS CCTV system comprising 150 cameras at £320,000, sufficient to give reasonable coverage of many of our cities! Isn’t it also appropriate that when we have such professional, skilled Police Officers, that we use them effectively to do the tasks they have been trained for rather than just patrolling around looking for problems, but have the problems identified by CCTV and only those that require an officer to attend are passed on to the officers? The hidden value of CCTV however is not just the financial benefits, but the fact a picture is worth 1000 words and within limits the camera never lies. Few statistics are available illustrating the number of guilty pleas received once a villain knows he can’t argue with the recorded images, saving masses of Police and court time, but it happens every day. The public see the value virtually every day in the newspapers and on TV. Regarding the quality of professional CCTV systems, comments about the 80 per cent of images being unsuitable are not representative as these figures largely relate to the low-end systems Police have to deal with, from corner shops and other private systems, and not the PSS systems. Let’s all start giving the doubting Thomas’s the facts – although without a doubt, some organisations will try and make their case, guided by their own agenda, regardless of the facts.
February 2010
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| CCTVImage
Parting words of wisdom Runnymeade’s CCTV manager, David Dodd has been in the job for 13 years, and prior to that was in the police for 32. Now, he is retiring, and as a farewell gift, David shares with CCTV Image the top tips he has learnt over the years and extols the virtues of appropriately-used CCTV LEAVING MY JOB in January, I felt that perAs a local authority CCTV manager it has haps I should share some thoughts which might often been suggested to me that the police should just be of use to some who are new to this role. be managing CCTV. As a senior police officer When I recall 1997 I am still grateful for the free I would have supported that concept but now I and helpful advice given to me by a number of would disagree. CCTV can be very useful to the CCTV managers. police but if it is only used for policing I would It was all so very new then and trying to set and question how it could possibly said to be giving maintain a standard of which my local authority best value. could be proud was a real challenge. With more crime and anti-social behaviour As I write this yet another self appointed so responsibility on the local authority they should called watchdog is criticising public space CCTV also be making best use of it. Neighbourhood and with my experience the comments made policing should be matched by neighbourhood could be laughable if it was not that many people management and CCTV can contribute to both. will believe them. My local authority has never It must also be remembered that a local authorinstalled cameras because they as ‘big brother’ ity is independent of the police and will gather want to watch anyone. the best evidence of what happens. This might They have all been installed at the request of reveal inadequacies or worse by the police so I local people and I have spent a great deal of time am surprised that the civil liberty lobby does not discouraging installation of CCTV. I am sure my Retiree: David Dodd campaign for local authority rather than police treasurer would be delighted to remove CCTV as control. it would save money in these difficult times but the public are more I am a great supporter of the National Strategy for CCTV and while, sensible than many of the critics and know that CCTV does have an as always, the devil will be in the detail the general principles seem to impact for good in their community. Who are these ill-qualified out- me to be beyond argument. siders to tell our residents what is good for them? I have been continually frustrated by the lack of differentiation between public space CCTV and security CCTV. The former installed I wait with interest to see how they are all implemented. As a retired for the public good, the latter to help the bottom line of the company grumpy old man I can always write letters if it does not seem to be going in the right direction! paying the bills. I have learnt many lessons over the years and have always happily I have regularly been asked “does CCTV work?” I always respond; ‘what a stupid question; what do you mean?’ Does it reduce crime; admitted the mistakes I have made so others can learn. These would does it make people feel safer; does it produce quality pictures? I have be my top 10 tips for any aspiring CCTV manager: collected evidence over the years which make me absolutely confident 1. Never let an engineer work on a system on a Friday unless it is unavoidable. in saying the answer to all those questions in Runnymede is yes. I have given many talks to local groups over the years and the sup- 2. Never believe that technology will deliver all that it promises. port from them is one of the reasons I have been able to keep going. 3. Never expect any technology to work perfectly first time. (An operator description is not plug and play; more poke and hope!) Perhaps a more sensible question is does our CCTV system produce a 4. Never rely on a decision from a local authority in less than six cost effective benefit? months. I can evidence the benefits but putting a price on some of these can be difficult. We have been instrumental in achieving guilty pleas in a 5. Never rely on a decision made by the police being unchanged for more than six months. number of rape cases at Crown Court. What price would the reader put on their wife or daughter not having 6. Always expect the media to find a negative in any story no matter how positive. to relive the experience in court? The courts could, of course, estimate the cost saving in a one day hearing compared to a two week trial. I 7. Never be surprised by what the public will do in public. 8. Share lessons and learning with colleagues openly. doubt if they ever will or they might find us claiming a contribution. 9. Do not attempt to read all the advice from all the tiers of Government and various organisations who all think they know better than you do. The surveillance society does worry me but not the public space 10. Keep smiling even when observers believe it to be an indication of insanity. CCTV part of it. Our cameras can simply see what a patrolling police After 32 years with the police and 13 years with a local authority, officer could see and it was once described to me as simply and elecretirement is going to mean just that. tronic form of patrol. Doing what I want to do rather than being at the beck and call of With the level of police patrol never going to meet a local demand others. perhaps that is why CCTV is so popular with local people. I must however take this opportunity to thank all the many individuI am more worried by information that is collected by private companies which could, for example, simply identify that I always pur- als who have helped me in so many ways over the years and wish them chase pink-flavoured condoms on the third Friday of the month. Now well for the future. Do not listen to the critics; listen to your community and I am sure that is what I consider to be intrusive and why I often pay cash and do if they are aware of what you do they are very grateful. not use store cards; not that I have ever bought such a product!
Grumpy old man
Simply see
February 2010
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| CCTVImage
Talking Shop
What did the Romans do for us? Talking Shop is our regular, critical look at CCTV. It is written by Colin Greene of CMG Consultancy, Simon Lambert of Lambert Associates and Peter Whettingsteel of MFD International. In this issue, Colin Greene addresses recent criticism of CCTV 2009 WAS AN eventful year, likened to a three-forward-two-back scenario; a rollercoaster ride as far as progress on implementation of the National CCTV Strategy, and now, the emergence of the antiestablishment CCTV brigade knocking CCTV because they view it as ‘big brother’ taking away our human rights, when actually it’s working to deliver safer communities. Looking inwardly for a moment, it’s been a bit of a mess; frustration, misunColin Greene derstandings, misquotes; divergence rather than convergence, kind of sums up 2009 for me. Why can’t the Home Office, police and ACPO work more closely with PSCCTV users rather than generate division and delay? The mess, as I refer to it, is partly of our own making for not being savvy enough in making the case for PSCCTV and as has been reported, ‘the lack of good news stories’. But to be frank, I also believe we relied too much on those we thought were our allies, but who now disappoint. Our other key partners, the police, ACPO and Crime Reduction Unit must share equal accountability for the failures to date.
The CCTV National Strategy was welcomed by the CCTV User Group who campaigned for and promoted its values. Sadly though, the way in which the implementation board was set up effectively excluded the prime stakeholder for most PSCCTV systems – local councils. Countless doubts were voiced and reassurance tendered, but the feeling this was turning into a National (Police) CCTV strategy just grew. The police haven’t had the best of PR years and I do feel for the many good serving officers who do a fabulous job. However, it’s always baffled me why the police and ACPO present a resistant to work in full partnership with some local authority CCTV control rooms. Their approach is clumsy, tinged with little arrogance at times. For example remember, access to Airwaves? this process was made difficult; the argument to reclassify RIPA orders as unnecessary; always quick to take video evidence at no cost, but slow to give feed-back on the results; are to name but a few. Nor do I believe the Crime Reduction unit can escape criticism in this matter. The way in which CCTV was ‘bid’ in the early days missed two key elements for successful performance; setting image quality and interoperability standards. Both were discussed during digital forum meetings but dismissed at that time. Neither were addressed and we are still debating the value of Rotakin, which is not, never will be, a measured target test - same goes for the new ‘facial test charts’. Both are subjective assessments that are only as good as the operator or practitioner in charge. The HOSDB has, over the years, been consistent in its reluctant to accept the need to define image standards. Their argument being it would stifle development. The fact that we are now debating the need for such standards proves the lack of them was a gross oversight. Earlier this year my fellow consultants and I took aim at HOSDB for their complete lack of any diagnostic test that measures or quantifies image quality. We argued for the need to set a quality bench mark, partly because
of our growing evidence so many digital systems were failing to process motion accurately, and partly because many suppliers were stretching the capability of Codecs and storage medium with unsubstantiated claims, all whilst claiming Home Office compliance. HOSDB believe this is too difficult to quantify and have again deferred the issue. I believe that decision is fundamentally flawed and echoes the same mistakes of the past. My files are full of reports listing major supplier’s products failing to deliver appropriate image quality at what they deem their PSCCTV setting. Take the recent Tavcom evening; a perfect but brave attempt to gain a comparable insight into how different systems behave using the same moving target. Despite being briefed by Mike most manufacturers were unwilling to show their playback under critical conditions. One supplier in particular didn’t want me around, less I might offer some constructive criticism! Bosch may have a lead in market sales but there are not without fault. Unless we have tools by which we can legally measure compliance, suppliers will continue to take any commercial advantage they can and the users ends up bearing the cost of failure. Isn’t it ironic that over 75 per cent of PSCCTV have already gone digital and we are still arguing with the Home Office for a national agreed benchmark test to prove ‘fitness for purpose’. None of their previous advice did anything to clarify how to make an informed choice, it was bland and superficial. As far as metadata and image quality compliance is concerned it will take years to implement unless the implementation plan stumps up a large sum of money. Precious time was lost when the need to bring clarity was never more urgent than in 2007: marks out of ten so far, 3. We now have a new opportunity in the appointment of an ASC representative to Technical Standards sub Group. One has to be optimistic this opportunity will not be wasted. However, an early announcement would allay suspicion that closure on this vital technical section has not already been made. Call me cynical, but it would be in keeping with pass performance to announce a deferral.
Way forward
The way forward in 2010 must bring urgent clarity to several issues: • PSCCTV definable and measurable image standards for both still and motion video. • Benchmark CCTV product capability so users are better informed about what they are purchasing. Preferably, suppliers must test and publish results to a prescribed method. • Targets for facial testing (and or replacement for Rotakin). A clear test procedure and marking systems, coupled with an on-line web based reply form to catalogue national results. • Appropriately target all business sectors; retail, commercial, transport, to signup and self testing. Aim for simple test sheet and options to complete a full measured test. • Clarity on metadata extraction; who will pay, when and how? • Clarity on police/local authority partnership issues – we need policies that transcend county boundaries. • Make clear the end objective and how this will be achieved. • Colin Greene is an independent security consultant and member of the CCTV User Group. Email: Tel. +44(0)23-9225 9818
February 2010
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How the future looks is up to YOU. IP video security management is constantly evolving. Make sure you’re able to take advantage of all features available today without locking yourself out of all the opportunities coming tomorrow – with Milestone’s true open platform solution.
Milestone surveillance management software is a reliable, highly-scalable, easy-to-use IP video system that supports the widest choice in cameras and seamless integration with solutions such as analytics, access control and POS. The Milestone XProtect™ open platform more than meets the needs of an endless variety of today’s security and IT demands. And future-proofs your investment with true hardware and software integration independence – enabling you to cost-effectively adopt tomorrow’s innovations. Discover why Milestone is your best option for today and tomorrow.
Try our software for free at
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CCTV Research
Crime in recession
Prof. Martin Gill discusses the implications of his research ONE OF THE main priorities of criminologists, across countries and over the years has been to better understand the causes of crime. Yet, it is still true that there are major gaps in knowledge. The problem in part rests with the word ‘cause’. For while there is nothing particularly surprising in noting that that those who grow up in broken homes, without good adult role models, surrounded by people Prof. Martin Gill who support and commit crime, where there is a lack of money and poor education and housing, are more likely to end up in ‘trouble with the police’, not everyone in those circumstances will become offenders. So we cannot say these conditions ‘cause’ crime, because this is not always the case. Indeed, some from adverse backgrounds are inspired to break from their past and achieve material success the legal way.
In a difficult economic climate, the question on most peoples’ minds, and no doubt many CCTV managers, is whether, and to what extent will the recession cause a change in the crime rate? The intuitive response, and one that a number of leading authorities have been quick to support, is that not only will the recession will cause an increase crime, it will be a large one. But will it? I thought in this issue I would examine some of the reasons why this may not be the case. Just to be clear, I think it would not be wise to assume crime will not go up, but let’s examine the evidence. When one looks at the reasons why people commit crime, including unemployment, relative deprivation, less relative income, it is not difficult to see how these will be more salient in a recession. But that is not the whole story. As some economists have noted, high unemployment levels can occur in an affluent economy, so we should not jump to conclusions there. And while unemployment means there is less money about there tends to be some counter influences. For example, when people are unemployed they are at home more and able to protect their residences. Certainly signs of occupancy can be a major deterrent to burglars.
“In a difficult economic climate, the question on most peoples’ minds...
stances and changing opportunities extremely quickly. Of course offenders are able to learn from each other. In prisons they swap stories about how they were caught, the mistakes they made last time and need to avoid again, acquire new ideas about how to be successful. It is not just in prison they meet. They bump into each other at drug rehabilitation centres, hostels and probations centres. In a different way they share information, certainly for some types of e-crime on the internet, and so they always have an advantage.
It is ironic that at a time when concerns about data protection compliance can get in the way of information sharing between legitimate authorities, offenders find it easy. If the recession throws up opportunities don’t be surprised if offenders spot the opportunities quickly. There is another thing to watch for. Even if crime does go up, we have to be careful about jumping automatically to the conclusion that this is because of the recession. It may not be as straightforward as that. For example, when things are going well, and the economy is booming and more specifically, profits are being generated, there is a tendency to focus on the up side, on supporting sales and making the most of the good times while they last. But when operating in a more adverse climate, there is a tendency to focus on what causes loss. After all, reducing loss becomes a good way of generating profits when sales forecasts are dimmer than they once were. At least one consequence of concentrating on identifying losses is that you identify more than you did previously, particularly for offences like fraud and deception which are not overly visible, and indeed often go unnoticed. If more are discovered and more are reported then it means that crime will show an increase but this will not always be because more occurred in that year, it may be a consequence of additional features having been discovered. And as I noted at the beginning of this paper, there are many causes of crime. One study assessed crime rates in four countries. It found that some features were salient in explaining differences in crime rates. These were the percentage of males seeking work who are unemployed; the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per population; alcohol consumption per population: police strength per population; the conviction rate per offender; the probability of custody and conviction; and the average time served. All of these may be impacted by the recession, but in different ways. Those involved in managing CCTV will no doubt be taking an active interest in crime trends. It seems unlikely the dramatic drop we have seen across the western world in recent years will continue. But we need to track patterns carefully so that we can target support and resources appropriately. What we know is that offenders will be on the look out for opportunities and, recessions create those, but there are also opportunities for crime prevention, and we must continually seek out these too. Indeed, arguably, it becomes all the more important that we do.
to what extent will recession cause a change in the crime rate?” Other researchers have noted that when victims are unemployed they have more time on their hands, and are therefore more able willing to give witness statements and take time to help the police.
This increases the chances of getting caught. Against this though, there may be less spending on the criminal justice system, or resources need to be spent more thinly, and this may make it more likely that offenders will be able to get away with crime, or believe they will. We know that offenders are innovative and they adapt to circum-
• Martin Gill is Director of Perpetuity Research and Consultancy International (PRCI),; tel. 07740-284286
February 2010
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| CCTVImage
Open platform gathers momentum MORE DIFFICULT TO set up than analogue CCTV systems and hampered by the fact that it has a much smaller installed base than analogue, why are open platform, IP-based video management systems nonetheless gaining an ever larger foothold in the CCTV market? If there is any doubt that IP video is gaining on analogue, a report from IMS Research in December 2009 said that the market for analogue systems in 2009 was mostly flat while IP video surveillance grew at 15 per cent or more. What’s going on? We asked four developers of open platform video management systems to comment.
Working together
“More and more we are seeing end-users expecting to be able to use systems which work together,” says Peter Currie at Maxxess Systems, a company which develops software for integrated IP-based security networks. “The benefits can be huge,” Peter says. “Security staff work in a more intelligent, targeted way. You can run smaller, more specialised security departments. You can enable them to use all the devices within the security infrastructure together, for example by interfacing an access control or intruder alarm signal with CCTV and then guiding a security operative through the process of reacting to that alarm.”
Luis Coello at Axxon, a Russian software developer, explains that open platform is about using an IT infrastructure – servers, networks and high volume storage systems – rather than analogue equipment to control a CCTV system. “With an open platform solution, your system can be integrated with other IP devices out there,” he says, “which could be cameras, enterprise storage devices, access control, facial recognition and so on.” The fact that an open platform favours no-one is its strength: it is in the interests of all manufacturers to make their protocols available to the software designer; blocking access means your kit will definitely not be used. “The fact that we are open architecture means we can use the best of breed and incorporate them into the CCTV ecosystem,” Luis says. “That’s what distinguishes open platform systems from boxed systems and proprietary DVRs.” Mark Harraway at Controlware Communications Systems adds, the benefits of not being tied to specific vendors means “leveraging contracts for best price and using legacy equipment”. “It allows you to choose the right product for the right part of the solution. If one vendor does a very good thermal camera you can use that – you can choose what you wish based on price or performance,” he says.
A look into Controlware’s plans for the future
IT IS CLEAR the industry will embrace IP as the technology of choice in the very near future so the key thing to look at today is how we can easily adopt this technology into current applications and systems. One of the most attractive benefits of open-platform video management systems is the ability to migrate existing systems to IP without wasting existing infrastructure or having the expense to upgrade relatively new components just to gain a desirable new feature. This is why one of Controlware’s key approaches when working with partners is to make the system design as modular as possible so that components can be integrated as and when required to meet operational requirements, phased project management or simply budgetary needs. By utilising an open management platform over the life of the project (be this one month, one year, 10 years) it allows us to work with partners to meet these requirements in a flexible and logical way. It would be very difficult to achieve this if you were tied to a proprietary system because you would need to be able to guarantee that you
could source all the interoperable components over the lifetime of the project (How many times have we been in projects where a key item has gone end of life and the replacement isn’t a like for like replacement?). The use of a proprietary system could also force you to use elements of that vendor’s system that don’t meet your needs. Other vendors’ products would probably meet your requirements much better but you can’t use them because you are trapped by the very nature of selecting a proprietary system! By taking the open management platform route you can mix non-compatible edge devices from different manufacturers, you are free to choose which storage and recording hardware vendor you wish and also how it is deployed to help with redundancy or resilience planning, allowing you to integrate other options such as analytics or access control and also manage migration of legacy systems to meet operational / budgetary needs. This is a key drive for how Controlware works with its partners – we ensure that the operational requirement is met rather than just sell you tin. In order to meet the needs of our customers and partners we work closely to ensure you don’t buy a square peg to fit a round hole – and have to live with the consequences. • Mark Harraway is Country Manager of IP CCTV specialists Controlware - Email:”
February 2010
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Diagram courtesy of Milestone
The CCTV market is poised at a tipping point, moving from traditional analogue systems to the more flexible IP-based open platform video management systems, according to a number of VMS developers we spoke to
Dorchester Hotel gets top-class security from Milestone
OPEN PLATFORM IP video management software is the future-proof security foundation for the Dorchester Collection of fine hotels. The Dorchester near Hyde Park in London has done the first phase of the project, scaling to include two more hotels in 2010. “We have registered guests but also people we don’t know coming in to our bars, restaurants and functions. We are mindful of this, with the goal to be discreet while providing high-profile security - that’s what The Dorchester prides itself on. We’ve earned our place in the top hotels of the world and we now have the security system deserving of this standing,” says Andy Sloan, Security & Risk Manager at The Dorchester. Milestone Certified Partner, TM Security, installed the new system using Milestone XProtect™ Enterprise IP video management software with ACTi video encoders to digitize data from a mix of analogue camera brands throughout the hotel, and new Axis network cameras in the spa, which is operating with pure IP network technology. The encoders are fed through Cisco network switches into servers running Milestone software. “The idea with our surveillance is to enhance the areas with most vulnerability according to best practice. We’ve kept most of the analogue cameras but replace those as they reach end-of-life, installing more of the Axis IP megapixel and dome models, putting the superior network cameras in the more highly sensitive areas. In this way, we continually build up the system over the years. The new system also takes into account adding the 45 Park Lane and Coworth Park hotels,” remarks Mr Sloan. Milestone thereby provides a future-ready platform for the hotels’ expanding and varied needs. It scales up for other locations and allows
Growth potential
While 2009 was a tough year for the video surveillance market, the IP surveillance market enjoyed some modest growth, says Glenn Fletcher of Milestone Systems, a company which released its first IP-based software solution in 1999. “Analogue was down in sales while we had an increase over 2008,” he says. “But I believe the IP side of it is coming out of recession – the first six months of 2009 were fantastic, and we were busier in Q4 than ever before in advising, quoting and informing the market.” Glenn is bullish about 2010, with an expectation of 50 per cent UK growth. “While our total turnover will be small compared to the leading analogue players, we are recruiting and growing – against the trend – and we are entering a phase where we are being specified into even larger projects.” While Milestone entered the security market from a video management perspective, Maxxess started with a product for integrating access control systems, a perspective they feel gives them an edge in the facilities management market. “For us, it’s about more than just security, it’s about building management,” says Peter Currie. Maxxess have a range of modules to help run buildings more efficiently, including CCTV. “We even have an application where a staff member enters a building, they go through the access control system and their telephone is made live,” he says. Mark Harraway says end-users are becoming more savvy: “If you look at the conversations that we have been having over the past year, there is still a lot of education required around how to build a system, but we’re not having the questions about ‘what is an IP address?’” As with any other technology, video management systems can be good, bad or just plain ugly. What do the VMS companies recommend looking for? Axxon has experience in very large systems. They supply the VMS software for the Moscow CCTV system which has over 100,000 cameras. But for them the benchmark of quality comes down to one thing: can you get at the data that you recorded? “It needs to be scalable, user-friendly and robust. If you have those things, you are on to a winner because there are not a lot of people who can do that. It may sound simple but obviously it isn’t because otherwise there would be Issue sponsor
integration with new innovations as they become available. The previous investments in analogue cameras are leveraged while newer technologies are easily added, like the cost-effective Axis H.264 compressionstandard network cameras that give better system utilization. The software also saves time for the operators, who can quickly search and produce evidence to resolve matters or share with the police. Mr Pomeroy, Security Supervisor at The Dorchester, attests to the Milestone usability: “The use of this system is far easier than our previous DVRs. We’ve got far more detailed recordings and playback options, which help us to perform much better investigations, faster.” “Internally the new system helps us comply with the hotel’s policies and procedures. It’s handy in resolving issues with staff and delivery questions. There’s no dispute when it’s all recorded and it helps us keep things running efficiently to ensure optimal operations,” concludes Mr Sloan. “If you want to keep ahead of the game, you need to be doing innovative things – especially from a security point of view. The days are gone for just having guards in the lobby: Security today is much more sophisticated. With the technology we have now, we are both more discreet and more secure.”
Picture courtesy of Milestone
| Technology
a lot more companies doing it,” says Luis Coello. “You can count on one hand the number of people who can handle it.” Mark at Controlware urges buyers to be wary about the claims made about a product. “There are a lot of buzzwords picked up by the industry, rightly or wrongly. H.264 is a good example,” he says. “It’s easy to say you have it, but if you look at ten different video management platforms that claim to use ‘H.264’, you can find ten different implementations of it in terms of the substandards that have been adopted. A cheap product will not be as good as one with a higher implementation of the standard.” Another defining characteristic of open platform technology, not surprisingly, is that it should be truly open to any technology. “We looked at the marketplace for VMS software and a key thing that came back was the ease of adopting new product,” Mark says. “There is a lot of VMS software that has only adopted a certain number of models, but we say if there is a camera that we don’t have, if we can get the SDK we will adopt it.” Peter at Maxxess agrees that good VMS systems are “technology agnostic” – a phrase you will hear often from VMS developers. “We try to integrate to everything we can,” he says. “We have no favourites, whereas we find some [VMS] companies who purport to be open platform but are really trying to push their own equipment.” It’s a point of view shared by Milestone. As Glenn Fletcher says, “What does open platform mean? Do you mean it’s 80 per cent a branded solution that allows you to use one or two different solutions – it’s ‘open platform’ but it can only communicate with a handful of other bits?” Milestone produces no hardware, just software. “Our software is designed to talk to as many products as possible,” Glenn says. “The goal is to add value through interoperability – if you want to talk to us, we allow it.” As enthusiastic as the open platform VMS developers may be, parts of the CCTV market have been very conservative when it comes to IP. There was a vigorous debate in the pages of this magazine, kicked off by Mike Newton of Dedicated Micros (CCTV Image, May 2009). Mike questioned the stability of “network video recorders” and IP systems in general and advocated the use of “hybrid” analogue/IP systems. Responses followed thick and fast in the next edition (CCTV Image, August 2009) including three pages from Mark Harraway on behalf of Controlware.
Cont’d next page
February 2010
| CCTVImage
Technology Today the debate rages on. Glenn Fletcher from Milestone asserts that open-platform IP solutions are more flexible and scalable than DVRs. “The larger the project, the more DVRs you need and in the end the network requirements become more of an issue for the end user,” he says, adding that network administrators are now happy to work with NVR solutions. Axxon is also very bullish about the advantages of open platforms against DVRs. “When you talk about software, we are always going to have the advantage over DVRs because we can always upgrade and add more devices,” says Luis Coello. “A DVR is just a box but with us you can change hardware platforms and upgrade firmware, organically improving over time. With a DVR you can only use a specific type of camera and only have 16 entry points on the back of the box – you can’t add the 17th because there is no additional BNC connector on the back,” he continues. “And if you want to scale massively or upgrade your system or add more devices or intelligence to your system at a future date, then open platform is the only way to go,” he ends. For Maxxess, coming from a building integration angle, the DVR isn’t even on the radar because a key part of its business strategy is bringing together unrelated solutions – eg, access control, intruder alarms, HVAC and telephony - into one system together with CCTV. In addition, by being technology agnostic, even the integration of disparate CCTV systems can be achieved. “We have a number of customers who have made investments, either buying a building with an existing CCTV system or they have had different management in different countries with different agendas so they have all brought in different CCTV solutions. One of our strengths is, because we don’t make any CCTV devices, we have access to a lot of APIs without these people having to say, now we have to change all of our CCTV to Pelco or Synectics or whatever because we want it all to work together – we can do that for them.” Of course, on the horizon is ONVIF which could change all of that. “With the development of ONVIF, this may be something that is not a problem in the future. However, manufacturers have sat down before with the aim of let’s have a common protocol and generally it fails,” says Peter Currie. Mark Harraway seems more optimistic about ONVIF’s chances and says, “It will really help promote the open platforms market. To come full circle to why you want open platforms in the first place, you can’t be tied
Maxxess explains its approach to the VMS market
MAXXESS Systems Europe has achieved considerable worldwide success by providing a high level of pre and post sales support. Locally based MAXXESS teams assist clients at every stage of a contract, from system design through to installation, commissioning and training. Every contract is project managed by hands-on senior managers. MAXXESS software solutions enable myriad systems to be seamlessly integrated to ensure clients get the most out of their security systems, improve operational efficiency, reduce costs, maximise the life of existing systems and facilitate migration to new technologies. Key to the success of what we offer – through eAXxess, eFusion and EndPointadaptive software suites – is that clients do not have to strip out existing infrastructure when implementing new technology. This does not in any way limit the ability to do so in the future, when new threats or requirements evolve.
The Opportunity......
to a single supplier. You can choose best of breed and know that they will all work together.” Clearly our contributors feel that VMS have the advantage when it comes to what matters: scalability, flexibility and compatibility. However, in addition to these three qualities there is one more area where open platform suppliers feel they have the upper hand: future proofing. One technology they are keen to talk about is video analytics. Also known as intelligent CCTV, this is what’s known in IT as a “killer app”, something that could redefine the market – if it lives up to expectations. “It is the nirvana of IP CCTV solutions,” says Mark Harraway. “The danger has always been, post 9/11 and 7/7, that video analytics was being over-hyped and there were ways to beat it or give a false positive.” “Most large projects have some requirement for analytics and most endusers think capabilities are well beyond what is really possible at this time,” says Glenn at Milestone. “But the analytics part of the market, while still embryonic, is becoming more of a discussion point and that requires going down an IP route.” Axxon is incorporating video analytics into its next generation product. “We have some advanced analytics in there, like trip wires and people counting, included as part of the package, unlike lots of firms which are selling it,” says Luis Coello. And he claims: “The stuff we are giving away free would rival some of the big guns out there.” Mark Harraway adds, “There has been a lot of investment from companies in algorithms and they are getting better quality images to work with, from IP systems, and the hardware doing the processing has increased in performance for the same price.” Peter Currie at Maxxess says the current market for video analytics is being driven by cost. “As we saw with video motion detection, initially it came out as a pay-for-it feature but eventually it became mainstream – the same thing will happen to video analytics,” he says. Clearly the companies we spoke to have a vested interest in promoting IP-based open platform solutions, but according to Mark at Controlware, they are not alone. “Every vendor I know either has or is releasing an IP product this year. I will happily challenge anyone who champions analogue over IP-based solutions, if for no other reason than it allows you the flexibility to choose best of breed products for each part of your solutions. “Pick the specification, not the brand,” he concludes.
MAXXESS security systems allow clients to see the bigger picture, make more informed decisions, whilst cutting their security costs dramatically. • Are you looking to make better use of your human resources? • Do your wish to fully capitalise on your access control system and the valuable management information stored in its database? • Are you looking to expand your CCTV system but do not want to be bound to a specific manufacturer? • Do you want to provide your control room operators with a single screen
of all relevant information, eg data, video, alarms, procedures, external information, etc when there is an incident? • Do you have a requirement to be able to share information throughout your organisation and respond to events more quickly? • Do you want all your security-related systems to work as a team? If the answer to one or more of these questions is yes, then integration is likely to be your next step. The eFusion software suite is likely to be of particular interest to managers responsible for security at shopping centres, town centres or other large or complex environments. eFusion Version 2.0 comprises ten separate software modules which individually are able to address specific security issues. When working together they provide a sophisticated global integrated security management software solution. eFusion has been designed to transparently adapt to individual user’s evolving requirements with individual modules introduced as new needs or threats emerge. Among the eFusion modules is ViewPoint™ which allows users to display video from multiple sources on one master display, regardless of the CCTV equipment manufacturer. Integrator™ is another particularly useful module as it gives system integrators a powerful, but easy to use software tool to facilitate integration of both security and non-security systems. • MAXXESS Tel. +44(0)870-234 7654 or
February 2010
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It’s your choice
Those in the know…know us. Most suppliers agree IP technology, with its greater flexibility, power and control, is the future for security systems, yet some insist it still costs too much or is too complicated to implement? Is that because they don’t know how? As the UK’s leading IP Security Solutions distributor we have extensive experience helping all our partners to design, install and maintain end-to-end IP systems. So why wait for the lower total cost of ownership and improved return on investment that IP technology can deliver? We can already supply an IP system that meets or exceeds you or your customers’ requirements and will save you considerable time and money. With more than a quarter of a century of technical and networking experience, global partnerships with leading manufacturers and the ability to support you 24/7/365, those in the know come to Controlware.
Visit or call +44 (0)1635 584500
Putting you in control Controlware Communications Systems Ltd, Unit 2B Votec Centre, Hambridge Lane, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 5TN, United Kingdom Tel: +44(0)1635 584500 | Email:
| Industry News
Industry News Tyco keeps you in the picture
Tyco Integrated Systems new lightweight Rapid Deployment Camera (RDC) provides a compact and powerful video solution where rapid surveillance, monitoring and recording of unfolding events is required. The web based hosting of the video stream allows simultaneous viewing by many users, wherever they are based in the world. The RDC can be deployed in virtually any UK location because both video and telemetry communication are carried on existing cellular radio data services. To ensure viewing costs are capped, Tyco can currently offer a fixed price, true unlimited data tariff. Due to the lightweight construction (6.5kg) the RDC can simply and easily fitted to any existing pole, wall bracket or streetlighting column, delivering a high-performance, integrated camera assembly that is adaptable to whatever band width available from GPRS to full blown 3G/HSDPA. This provides real time, low latency video that allows 24/7 operation. The camera module provides outstanding optical performance with a 10.1 zoom lens, 520 TV lines resolution and excellent low light operation. Tel. +44(0)1954-784000
Milestone Device Pack 4.6 announces first industry support for both ONVIF and PSIA
Leading security specialist opens its doors to MP
A North Shields-based security systems provider has played host to a local MP, eager to learn the secrets of the company’s successful surveillance pioneering. 2020 Vision opened its doors to Alan Campbell, MP for Tynemouth, who was given the chance to see the helm of the company’s operations, which is situated right on his doorstep. During his visit, Mr Campbell, who also holds the role of Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State at the Home Office, responsible for crime reduction, discussed the benefits of CCTV as a core tool for reducing crime with the award winning security specialists, as well as the benefits of a host of other security solutions. Mr Campbell said: “The UK as a whole doesn’t get enough credit for the cutting edge technology we have here. It’s a credit not only to the region but also to the UK that a company like 2020 Vision is based here, therefore I was keen to go and visit the company for myself and to meet those responsible for its success.” Tel. +44(0)191-296 2662
AMG Systems launch new innovative range of ruggedized ethernet switches
With the release of Device Pack 4.6, Milestone Systems XProtect™ becomes the first VMS (Video Management Software) with drivers that support the emerging standards from both ONVIF and PSIA for IP surveillance cameras. “Milestone Systems has always spearheaded true open-platform IP video so we fully embrace the standards initiatives of ONVIF and PSIA. We will continue to test compliant models released by the manufacturers as the firmware becomes available. Many are still in the beta stages,” says Henrik Friborg, VP Strategic Alliances and Co-founder of Milestone Systems. Meanwhile, Milestone Device Packs will include support for network hardware that is not yet standards compliant. Milestone supports over 78 network hardware brands as of this release. Programmers code and test extensively to confirm interoperability of the cameras with the XProtect viewing, recording and management functionality. Tel. +45 88 300 300
AMG’s innovative 9000 series of ruggedized ethernet was demonstrated for the first time at Intersec in Dubai. The 9000 series comprises a full range of hardened switches and media converters. Easy to install, plug-and-play, the switches support ring topologies and offer a highly costeffective networking solution without compromising on advanced functionality such as fast ring recovery – less than 20 ms – and power over ethernet. The transmission stretches to 40 km over single-mode fibre and the products are available for an extended temperature range -40°C to +75°C, making them eminently suited for the harsh environment conditions in the Middle East. Tel. +44(0)1767-600777
D-Tect 50 and X50 from GJD offer optimum long-range security
ANPR visitor management system
Up until now, Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) has not been viable for use with site visitor management and access control due to its high cost and technical complexity. However, with the introduction of ClearView’s new ANPR Visitor Management System, vehicle registration data can be used as a basis for visitor management. It provides a host of services including email or SMS notification of visitor arrival; recording of all vehicle site activity; control of barriers and welcome signage; live and historical car park data usage; and security prompts for black-listed vehicles. It also offers an optional capability to print visitor identification cards. The basic system allows two ANPR cameras and two overview cameras to be connected to a single controller which can be monitored by an external IP, ADSL or 3G interface. Tel. +44(0)1245-214100
Available in either wired or wireless versions, GJD’s 50M D-Tect units offer optimum long-range detection and compliment the other units in the D-Tect range. Easy and quick to install in both new and existing security systems and with a full 50M operating range, these units are ideal for perimeter defence and general use where distant buildings, fences, vehicles or other equipment are required to be protected. They provide the earliest possible alert of actual or potential intruders and other security breaches without compromising GJD’s renowned ability to minimise nuisance activations. Tel. +44 (0)1706-363998
Commend 2010 Intercom 2.0 roadshows
Integrated intercom solutions provider Commend UK, is proud to announce the launch of a new generation of Wallmount Intercom Stations, the ‘WS Series’. Introducing the revolutionary range, Commend will be hosting Intercom 2.0 Roadshows at venues throughout the UK, between the February 16 and 25, 2010. Taking place in Scotland, Newcastle, Manchester, Cardiff, Birmingham and London, they will be showcasing Commend’s latest Intercom 2.0 series of Intercom Stations to installers and integrators. These product seminars will ensure delegates can benefit from the inclusion of the powerful new Intercom 2.0 series into their installations; ensuring versatility, security and enhanced performance across a wide range of varied applications. The free-of-charge roadshows will also include introductions to other key Commend technologies, detailing how each can be easily integrated into wider security systems, such as the new GE 300 and GE 800 Intercom Servers. Tel. +44(0)1279-457510
Issue sponsor
FLIR Systems launches new thermal imaging camera for midrange security and surveillance applications: SR-304
The new FLIR Systems SR-304 is an addition to the highly successful SR-Series thermal imaging cameras. The SR-304 is an expansion of the existing product line into narrower field of view cameras with longer range performance. The SR-304 has a narrow 4° field of view. The SR-304 is using the most advanced thermal imaging technology available on the market today. It incorporates an uncooled Vanadium Oxide microbolometer detector producing crisp 320 x 240 pixels thermal images. The SR-304 is a fixed thermal imaging camera. It provides crisp, clear thermal imagery in total darkness, light fog or smoke. It features the same thermal imaging technology found in many of FLIR’s most sophisticated security and surveillance systems, but is packaged for users who have mid-range security and surveillance as their primary application. Tel. +31 (0)765-794194
February 2010
| CCTVImage
Industry News
Industry News Commend mobile phone detection solutions
Integrated Intercom solutions provider, Commend International, is helping to combat the £9million-a-year illegal trade in mobile phones in prisons, with their HF 100 Mobile Phone Detection Modules. In addition to integration into Commend’s EF 031 and EB 330 Detention Cell Management solutions, the HF 100 is also available as a stand-alone unit (HF 100EB). Not only does the unit detect mobile phones in use, but unlike other detection devices, the HF 100EB can detect a mobile phone the instant it is switched on, anywhere (within a programmable radius) up to 5m away. Detecting mobile phones within prisons has become critical to prison governors. Mobile phones smuggled into prisons from the outside and can change hands for up to £400. The number of phones in circulation within UK prisons is believed to be over 20,000 units, which can be used by prisoners to co-ordinate crime and intimidate witnesses. Tel. +44(0)1279-457510
Tekno System Hyperion continues to expand application possibilities
Avigilon’s 4-port encoder now available
Avigilon produces one of the highest-quality analogue video encoders for recording CCTV cameras. Their high performance visually lossless encoder provides improved quality and performance over conventional digital video recorders, while still being remarkably cost effective and easy to use. This exciting product release means the 4 BNC input encoder is now available with an option of two channels of lip synced audio, to provide users with a flexible device to integrate existing and new CCTV cameras into a high performance Hybrid IP solution. PTZ control, multiple alarm inputs and outputs, Power Over Ethernet (POE) and a three-year warranty make this encoder extremely popular with installers who wish to provide their customers with significantly-improved recorded image quality at reduced costs. The encoder has just won the 2009 top 30 Security Innovation award for its design and performance. Tel. +44(0)1604-629-5182
Comtrol’s PoE switch
The applications for the Hyperion infra-red LED illuminator range are constantly expanding. Producing an efficient night-time illumination solution for speed dome video surveillance systems has been a key factor in the success of the Hyperion range of products. With just 3 Hyperion illuminators incorporating 120° LED lenses, it’s child’s play to illuminate the total area monitored by a speed dome. The wide range of applications utilised by the Hyperion range prompted Tekno System to develop suitable solutions for any kind of situation. Hyperion illuminators can be fixed directly under a camera housing, on a wall, on a pole, a corner, etc. The brackets and adaptors are engineered in such a way that both Pan and Tilt movements are easy to perform and to lock into position. The Hyperion also features integrated cable management within the wall bracket, thus making the system fully vandal proof. Tel. +39 0445 314 324
Comtrol, well known for its serial across Ethernet products, has a 6 port Managed Ethernet switch with 4 PoE ports; compliant with 802.3af PoE, and the new 802.3at (PoE Plus). Up to 30W are available on each PoE port and a power budget of 100W. The RocketLinx supports intelligent PoE control and schedule management. Each of the four PoE ports can be configured in a weekly schedule by hourly basis and can be remotely controlled via SNMP and a Web Interface. The two uplink ports on the RocketLinx ES7506 can be configured to use Comtrol’s Redundant Ring protocol recovering from network failure in less than 5ms, or the RSTP protocol integrating with other standard switches. The RocketLinx provides a redundant power supply input. The ES7506 will reboot a powered device if it fails to respond after a pre-configured time interval, and will continue to monitor the powered device after failure. Tel. +44 (0) 1869 352740
TeleEye introduces the third-generation RX series video recording servers
New features are added to the new RX Series Video Recording Servers Technology innovation and engineering development in TeleEye have never stopped. TeleEye announced the launch of the 3rd generation RX Series video recording servers. Both of the RX320 and RX360 Series have been facelifted to achieve improved performance. The highlighted features of the new RX include: double recording frame rate; the maximum recording frame rate of the last version of RX; series video recording servers is 200/240fps. However, the maximum recording frame rate of this facelifted version is greatly increased to 400/480fps for RX3216 and RX3616. It ensures that the user can obtain clear and smooth video for evidential purpose. Tel. (852) 2995 5922
VideoSphere™ MegaPX HD MiniDome, the harmony of high definition
iiyama support CCTV and security industry alongside the launch of their new 19” CCTV LCD monitor
Following the recent launch of its first CCTV LCD monitor the ProLite PLC1911S-B into the security market sector, monitor manufacturer iiyama recognises the need to help improve its trade business. iiyama understands that competition from online channels for example can have a massive impact on trade installation business. Therefore, in partnership with trade only distributor Mentor Distribution, iiyama is providing additional margins to ensure that businesses within the security and CCTV sector have the tools with which to grow their CCTV monitor business. Launched in October last year the PLC1911S-B is designed to meet the visually demanding requirements of the CCTV industry with features and inputs for ease of installation and use. Tel. +44(0)1438-745482
Hospital CCTV from Controlware
March Networks’ VideoSphere™ MegaPX HD MiniDome is a fixed-dome camera available in 720p and 1080p versions (up to 2 Megapixels at 30 fps), combining high definition and real-time video broadcasting with bandwidth and storage savings. MegaPX HD MiniDome’s removable IR filter ensures detailed images in critical lighting conditions and provides True Day/Night capabilities. VideoSphere™ MegaPX HD MiniDome integrates Shadow Archiving™, an innovative feature that creates a virtual and distributed system of archiving. The Shadow Archiving™ technology leverages the system redundancy, mitigating server or network failure risks. Tel. +39 0362 17935
Ashford and St Peter’s Hospitals NHS Trust benefits from high-quality digital recordings that are secure and easy to search through, the hospital is also supported by external monitoring. Leading IP CCTV specialist distributors Controlware have supplied an advanced CCTV surveillance system to Ashford and St Peter’s Hospitals. Working in partnership with installers Central Security Systems and Runnymede Borough Council the new CCTV recording system is an extension of the Borough Council’s CCTV network that monitors video from more than 200 cameras.With a population exceeding 82,000 Runnymede Borough Council is committed to reducing the fear of crime and increasing public safety. To help meet these aims the council moved to a new purpose built 24-hour control centre in 2008. Tel. +44 (0) 1635 584500
February 2010
Issue sponsor
London Borough of Enfield
Perpetuity Research and Consultancy International Ltd Our CCTV consultancy division, headed by Ian Hall, enables us to provide a complete security solution that is entirely independent. We offer expertise in all the following:
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• Feasibility studies
• Tender evaluation
• Evaluations
• Project management
• Compliance audits
• Testing and commissioning
• Long term strategic planning
• CDM (regs) health and safety
• Technical specifications
• Control room management
• Transmission system designs
• Staff training
• Control room design
• Ongoing management support
• CCTV Operational Requirements
We offer targeted solutions based on research and experience. Please call Ian Hall now on 07545-610708 or email: Perpetuity Researc h & Consult ancy International (PRCI) Ltd 1 48 U pper New Walk · Leices ter LE1 7QA · U nited Kingdom Tel: +4 4 (0)1 16 222 5555 Fax: +4 4 (0)1 16 222 5557
EXPO 2010 14-15 April 2010 | National Hall, Olympia
Countering the Global Threat
Dedicated exhibition for companies of specialist security and counter terrorism technologies and solutions High level conference featuring multiple streams Comprehensive programme of free-to-attend technology and practical workshops Networking Functions
For more information on exhibiting, visiting or attending the conference please contact: Nicola Greenaway Tel: + 44 (0) 208 542 9090 or email: Headline Sponsor
R e g i s te r n ow at w w w. co u nt e r t e r ro rex p o. co m
| Directory
Directory of member companies Companies listed are members of the CCTV User Group. Membership indicates a company subscribes to the ideals of the CCTV User Group, and are committed to upholding the highest standards. CCTV ltd Tel & fax: +44(0)1252 678589 Email: Web:
802 Global Tel. +44(0)118 940 7240 Fax +44(0)118 981 1214 Email: Web:
We now have more to offer than you think! CCTV SIA Licence training, Managers level 5 Diploma in CCTV management award. Mobile CCTV Hire to assist with your local system or provide CCTV for local events. Advice on CCTV management, refresher training for licence holders and muchmore! Contact us now and see how we can make a difference!
802 Global are wireless products specialists delivering a full range of wireless CCTV solutions including backhaul links, re-deployable cameras and networked storage and control room systems. Working with CCTV integrators, we have an enviable track record of delivering wireless IP CCTV solutions resulting in significant cost and efficiency savings for public and private sector organisations.
Chris Lewis Fire & Security Tel. +44 (0)1865-389828 Fax +44 (0)1865-782400 Email: Web:
Altron Communications Equipment Ltd Tel. 01269 831 431 Fax 01269 854 348 E-mail: Web: Altron are the leading manufacturer of Poles, Towers, Columns and Bracketry for the CCTV industry. Backed by the very latest technology in design and manufacturing facilities Altron are ideally placed to meet all your camera mounting requirements.
Our CCTV design and installation experience spans single camera systems to full surveillance suites for university campuses and town centres. As an independent installer, we can advise on the most appropriate technology, legislative requirements, codes of practice and guidelines, as well as providing Level 2 CCTV operator training.
ANPR International Tel. +44 (0) 8706-206206 Fax +44 (0) 8706-205205
Chroma Vision Ltd Tel: 01892-832112 Fax: 01892-836651
Email: Web: www.anpr-international
Email: Web:
ANPR International is a company driven to provide innovative, reliable and cost effective automatic number recognition (ANPR) technology solutions for a cross section of applications including parking management and enforcement, security, access control, average speed surveys and traffic monitoring.
Chroma Vision Limited provides design, installation and support packages upon all CCTV and control systems, using in-house labour. Our unique approach to Account Management allows us to provide a high level service without the high price tag.
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ClearView Communications Tel. +44 (0)1245 214104 Fax +44 (0)1245 214101 Email: Web:
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Design, manufacture, install and service integrated CCTV and security systems for Police, Local Authority and Commercial clients. Expertise in Digital CCTV recording, wired and wireless IP systems, re-deployable GSM, 3G and intelligent video, integrated security management systems, control room design and forensic analogue and digital CCTV demultiplexing.
COE Group Plc Tel. 0113 230 8800 Fax 0113 279 9229 E-mail: Web:
Bosch Security Systems Tel. +44 (0)1895-878 088 Fax +44 (0)1895-878 089 Web: Email: uk.securitysystems@bosch. com
Established for over 20 years, COE are industry experts in video surveillance, transmission and management. We offer a range of products and design services to suit any scope of projects. Featuring the highest quality fibre optic transmission range in the world, video servers, industry leading video analysis software and various management solutions, COE equipment is featured at some of the most high-profile, complex and security conscious sites in the world.
Bosch Security Systems offers a complete line of CCTV products including videa cameras, autodomes, monitors, digital recorders and IP video systems.
Broadland Guarding Services Tel. +44(0)1603 484 884 Fax. + 44(0)1603 484 969 Email: Web:
Make sure they can find you
CCTV CONTROL ROOM MANAGEMENT: Broadland Guarding Services are a long established provider of CCTV Control Room Management and Monitoring Services carried out by vetted, trained, licensed and uniformed Personnel. Working in Partnership Towards a Secure Future.
Issue sponsor
The CCTV Image directory is: the essential reference guide • outstanding value for money • a key tool for end-users, purchasers and consultants • just £425+VAT for a full year * Offer open exclusively to CCTV User Group member companies
February 2010
| CCTVImage
Cognetix Limited Tel. +44(0)8707-442994 Fax +44(0)8707-442995 Email: Web: A hands-on technical consultancy specialising in traffic enforcement and community safety systems. Cognetix offers a holistic approach including initial assessment, system design and specification, procurement (EU), Prince2 project management including business process management, contract administration and managed maintenance. Active in the CCTV User Group, Cognetix are informed of the latest developments and have an in-depth understanding of legislation.
Dedicated Micros Ltd Tel. +44(0)845 600 9500 Web: Fax. +44(0)845 600 9504 Email: Established for 20 years, Dedicated Micros is an international market leader in the field of specialist CCTV control equipment. The company is renowned for the design and manufacture of robust, dedicated, multiplex hardware designed to meet the demands of continuous 24-hour security surveillance.
DSSL Group Tel. +44(0)1268-590787
Computer Recognition Systems Ltd Tel. +44(0)118 979 2077 Fax. +44(0)118 977 4734
Web: Email: Direct Surveillance Solutions Ltd (DSSL) formed in 1997 now incorporating CVSS Ltd. Both highly engineering oriented companies. The group has considerable expertise in wireless and hard wired CCTV solutions, access control and perimeter protection gained in public and private sectors delivering a variety of complimentary and integrated technologies.
CRS is the world’s leading supplier of automatic numberplate reading (ANPR) systems. We invented the technology in 1979. CRS now supplies ANPR systems for a wide range of applications including high security access control, free flow surveillance, car park management, speed measurement, journey time measurement, bus lane monitoring and traffic data collection.
ESSA Technology
CMG Consultancy For Independent Security Advice E-mail:
Tel - 01752 848094 Fax - 01752 840780 Web - Email -
We offer impartial and financially independent advice on security and CCTV systems. Our proven portfolio spans over 40 years experience serving major commercial, education, transport and local authority clients. Core disciplines include: Digital and IP technologies, Analogue video, transmission and wireless systems, fibre, access control, sound systems, alarms, control rooms, product testing and evaluation, mediation and technical disputes.
Essa is a leading supplier of touchscreen computer control and ANPR systems. We provide in-house software development specializing in high level integration projects for CCTV and ANPR systems.
Dallmeier electronic UK Tel. +44(0)117-303 9303 Fax +44(0)117-303 9302 Web:
Genetec Tel. +33 (0)1 44 69 59 00 Email: Web:
Dallmeier is a leading developer and manufacturer of digital CCTV solutions with a complete offering that includes IP and analogue domes and cameras, digital video recorders and streamers, system management software, ANPR solutions and advanced image analysis systems. Dallmeier is highly regarded for its dedication to innovation, quality and customer service.
Genetec is a pioneer in the physical security and public safety industry and a global provider of world-class IP video surveillance, access control and license plate recognition (LPR) solutions. With sales offices and partnerships around the world, Genetec caters to markets such as transportation, education, retail, gaming, government and more.
DataCom Interactive Ltd Tel. +44(0)1325-243823 Fax +44(0)1325-359333 Web: Email:
Global MSC Security Tel. +44 (0)117 932 3394 Fax +44 (0)117 9328911 Email: Independent, multi-disciplined security and CCTV consultants delivering best value solutions. From conducting performance audits of cost/benefit of existing systems or costed feasability studies of potential schemes, through to the expertise in the design, specification and project management of CCTV, access control, transmission and the seamless integration of such systems in all environments.
We provide Security Industry Authority licence to practice training for CCTV operators and security guards plus other accredited courses. Visit our website or call us for details.
Make sure they can find you
Gresham Wood Technical Furniture & Design Tel. 01279 813132 Fax 01279 814627 Email: Web:
The CCTV Image directory is: the essential reference guide • outstanding value for money • a key tool for end-users, purchasers and consultants • just £425+VAT for a full year
Gresham Wood have over 30 years experience designing, manufacturing and installing CCTV security control rooms. We provide a free initial on-site survey for your project. This is then backed up by a full 2-D / 3-D design presentation detailing the control room layout inclusive of all ergonomic, H & S and DDA requirements.
* Offer open exclusively to CCTV User Group member companies
February 2010
Issue sponsor
| Directory Mayflex
Guide Security Services Ltd Tel. +44 (0)845 058 0011 Fax +44 (0)845 058 0018 Email:
Tel: +44 (0) 121 326 7557 Fax: +44 (0) 121 326 1537 Web: Email: Mayflex has become a leading distributor of cabling infrastructure, networking and physical security products. We distribute products from leading suppliers such as Mobotix, Panasonic, Bosch, Lilin, Overland and Milestone. Our product range is supported by a focused internal and external sales team. Through dedication to service, providing a comprehensive and complementary product range, Mayflex is committed to becoming the installer’s partner of choice.
Founded in 1996 on the principles of service excellence, Guide Security Services Ltd (GSS) are a leading integrated security and remote CCTV monitoring solutions provider. Using an amalgam of IT and security technologies, GSS specialise in the design, installation, maintenance and monitoring of hybrid and IP based security and video surveillance solutions within a range of end user market sectors.
Meyertech Ltd Tel. +44(0)161-628 8406 Fax +44(0)161-628 9811 Web: Email:
Instrom Ltd Tel: +44 (0)1908 210288 Fax: +44 (0)1908 210277 E-mail: Web:
Meyertech is the leading British manufacturer of Digital-IP, Hybrid and Analogue CCTV Command & Control Systems. Meyertech’s ZoneVu® Integrated Hardware and FUSION™ Management Software provide proven integrated security solutions to Public Space, Prison, Stadia & Events, Homeland Security, Emergency Service, Airports & Ports, and Transport Infrastructure markets.
Instrom are independent security consultants providing professional, impartial security advice and consultancy services. Instrom works with a wide range of organisations to help protect their people, property and profits. Core services include: • Risk assessments and security audits • Security system design • Project management • Documentation of systems and procedures.
MFD International Ltd Tel. +44(0)1794-516171 Fax +44(0)1794-524460 Web: Email:
Intech Furniture Tel. +44(0)161-477 1919 Fax +44(0)161-480 7447 Email: Web: Established in 1978, Intech specialise in the design, manufacture and installation of control room furniture. Intech can also completely transform control centres by offering a full fit-out package. With a bespoke design service, focusing on quality and customer service, Intech is the smarter solution for your control room.
Established in 1975, MFD provides independent security advice and multidisciplined technical expertise in CCTV surveillance schemes and control rooms, blast resistant structures and physical counter-terrorist measures. MFD has completed over 80 town/community CCTV schemes and offers electrical/electronic, civil/structural, architectural and mechanical services’ engineering expertise.
OpenView Tel. 0845 071 9110 Fax 0870-143 2289 Email: Web: www.
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Operating throughout mainland UK, OpenView Group is a leading system Integrator of convergent technology solutions. We specialise in designing, installing and maintaining CCTV and integrated command and control centres. CONVERGENT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS
Panasonic System Solutions Europe Web: Email:
JVC Professional Europe Ltd Tel. +44(0)20-8208 6205 (sales office) Fax +44(0)20-8208 6260 Email: Web: JVC Professional Europe Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Victor Company of Japan, one of the world’s leading manufacturers and suppliers of a wide range of sophisticated high quality professional broadcast, recording, playback and presentation equipment, along with computer imaging, internet communications, data storage solutions and CCTV.
Panasonic manufactures a wide range of CCTV products including static and dome cameras, digital recording and matrix systems, iris recognition access control cameras as well as a vast array of IP network equipment. The range extends to provide a full system or solution, with pre and post-sales support starting from the initial specification all the way through to commissioning and maintaining the system.
Lambert & Associates Tel. +44 (0)1276 38709 Fax +44 (0) 870 762 3119 Email: Web:
CCTV Image is read by over 7,500 CCTV professionals... ...and that’s just the number of copies we print. In fact, if you consider the number of copies which are handed from person to person, this number is likely to be much higher. It is quite simply the most influential publication within the UK CCTV industry. Get your copy today –
Providing versatile and impartial technical and commercial expertise for CCTV and security facilities. As dyed-in-the-wool ‘techies’ we specialize in seeing through the industry’s smoke & mirrors on your behalf. Designs, specifications, project management, testing, commissioning, faults, expert reports and training. We’re ‘geeks’ who speak your language too.
Issue sponsor
February 2010
| CCTVImage
Raytec Tel. +44(0)1670-520055 Fax +44 (0)1670-819760 Email:
Redvers Hocken Associates Tel. +44(0)121-777 2474 Web Email
RAYTEC are leaders in CCTV lighting technologies and provide a complete range of Infra-Red and Hybrid-Illuminators for CCTV professionals. Technologies include RAYMAX Infra-Red and RAYLUX White-Light LED products plus specialist lighting products including Voyager 2 advanced number plate capture cameras.
Consultants for Security and Electronic Systems. Totally independent of all product suppliers and installers. Feasibility Studies, Audits, Surveys, Designs, Project Management and Commissioning, CCTV, Communications, Alarms, Control Room Design, Security Evaluation.
BT Redcare Tel. +44(0)800-673221 Web: Email:
Remploy Tel. +44(0)845-1460502 Fax +44(0)1246-453881 Web: Email:
We are a leading global supplier of a range of high quality end to end solutions – delivering CCTV transmission, video storage, cameras, telemetry, network, access control, fire and intruder alarm monitoring and other bespoke applications.
Remploy CCTV can deliver for you a full package of both outsourced control room management and provide trained licensed relief staff with emphasis on people management and the quality of staff whilst helping you meet your employment diversity targets.
Samsung Techwin Tel. +44(0)1932-455308 Email: At Samsung we believe we can save you money and at the same time offer you better quality than your existing supplier with our range of professional security products. What’s more, all of our products are backed by a fully comprehensive three-year warranty and a support network that is there when you need it for complete peace of mind. These are just a few of our benefits, why not call us to find out the rest?
Products & Services Directory ATTENTION CCTV USER GROUP MEMBER COMPANIES (members only) You can upgrade your entry in the Directory of Member Companies for as little as £425 + VAT. That covers six issues and includes your telephone, fax, website and e-mail address plus 25 words of text.
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Contact us for further information: Call Jack Lunn – Tel. 01543-250456 or e-mail Yes, please include us in the directory (6 issues) at a cost of £425 + VAT.
Company Telephone Fax E-mail Web
Stryker Communications Ltd Tel. 08707-705811 Email : Web : Stryker design and supply wireless solutions and specialised equipment for security and surveillance operations. IRIS (Intelligent Remote Information System) is a range of purpose-designed wireless surveillance equipment configurable to operate on analogue, COFDM digital, WiFi, wireless IP and 3G/GPRS wireless communications. The range includes solutions for infrastructure-based, redeployable and unattended CCTV surveillance operations.
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February 2010
Issue sponsor
| Directory Index of member companies
Synectics Security Networks Tel. +44(0)114-255 2509 Email: Web: Synectics is one of the leading manufacturers of analogue & digital CCTV control, network integration, and digital recording solutions. The product range includes: Award-winning SynergyPro control software, Virtual Matrix System, e100/e100i H.264 video encoders with optional video analytics, d100 decoder, eDVR and mobile recording systems, EX250 matrices, and ‘PRIVacy’ scene masking.
Tecton Ltd Tel. +44 2380 695858 Fax +44 2380 695702 Web: Email: Tecton are British manufactures and designers of CCTV equipment, established for 21 years. Our video multiplexers are in the majority of town centres. Our new Digital Video recorders record video in a straightforward and reliable way. Image quality is better than SVHS. Systems are built up using one unit, or a thousand.
AUTOMATED SURVEILLANCE & RECOGNITION Computer Recognition Systems +44(0)118-979 2077
Tyco Fire & Integrated Solutions (UK) Limited Appian Technology Ltd +44 (0) 1628 554 750 CitySync Ltd +44(0)1707-275169 Clearview Communications Ltd +44(0)1245-214104 Ipsotek Ltd 020-8971 8300 Mobile CCTV Ltd Scyron Ltd
Axis Communications (UK) Limited
Tyco Fire & Integrated Solutions – Traffic & Transportation Tel. +44(0)1954-784000 | Fax +44(0)1954-784010 Email:
Chroma Vision Ltd
DSSL Group
Fire & Integrated Solutions - Traffic & Transportation, is a leading integrator in digital & analogue CCTV surveillance systems for motorways, tunnels, UTC and city centres. We specialize in control systems, UTMC, wireless CCTV, (including 3G/GSM rapid deployment units), bus lane enforcement, road user charging, Incident detection and ANPR technologies.
Intrepid Security Solutions Ltd
Winsted Ltd Tel. +44(0)1905-770276 Fax +44(0)1905-779791 Email: Web:
Teleeye Europe Ltd
Control room and IP furniture specialist Winsted offers a comprehensive and cost-effective range of consoles, equipment racks, monitor walls and tape storage solutions, with a free 10-year guarantee. Modular consoles allow easy changes and expansion; design services include computerised drawings, colour renderings and 3-dimensional ‘walk through’ animations.
Wireless CCTV Tel. +44 (0)1706 631166 Fax +44 (0)1706 631122 Email: Web: Wireless CCTV Ltd is an international, market-leading innovator in overt, covert and body-worn mobile surveillance solutions, and has been presented with a Queen’s Award for Enterprise: Innovation 2009. The company’s client base incorporates 350 UK Local Authorities, over 35 UK Police forces, the Highways Agency and leading construction industry companies.
Wavestore Ltd Tel. +44 (0)208-756 5480 Email: Web: 2020 Vision Systems Ltd CCTV Services Ltd Controlware Communications Croma Shawley Data-Storage/Fortuna Power Systems Ltd David Williamson Training & Consultancy Services 02891-275930 Easynet +44(0)20-7032 5200 Ecl-ips Eclipse Research Ltd 020-7704-2889 EDS 020-7569 4649 Emerson Management Services Ltd Envisage Technology Limited Ernitec UK Evolution (Electronic Security Systems) Ltd 01494-539881 Metham Aviation Design (MAD)
Wavestore is a UK company and expert designer and manufacturer of Linux based audio and video recording solutions, which are scalable, upgradeable and easy to use. The Open Platform, hybrid design enables combinations of analogue, IP and megapixel cameras to be recorded and monitored concurrently.
Issue sponsor
CCTV - GENERAL Perpetuity Research and Consultancy International Teleste UK Ltd Tellemachus Ltd Verint Video Solutions Ltd Videotec UK Wavesight
CCTV - MOBILE Stryker Communications Ltd
Wireless CCTV (WCCTV) Fluidmesh Networks High Mast Video MEL Secure Systems Mobile CCTV Ltd
CCTV CAMERAS Bosch Security Systems
Conway Security Products
Dallmeier Electronic UK
Mark Mercer Electronics
Panasonic UK Ltd
Video Domain
+44(0)870-330 0166 Ecl-ips Forward Vision CCTV JVC Professional Europe Ltd Pelco UK
CCTV CONTROL HARDWARE Bosch Security Systems
Conway Security Products
Gresham Wood Technical Furniture & Design Ltd
Intech Furniture
Meyertech Ltd
Thinking Space Systems Ltd
Winsted COE Ltd
CCTV CONTROL HARDWARE Metham Aviation Design (MAD) Telindus Ltd Videotec UK
Meyertech Ltd
Synectic Systems Group Bold Communications Ltd CNL (Computer Network Ltd) Controlware Communications i-Comply Indigo Vision +44(0)131-475 7200 Scyron Ltd Traffic Support Ltd Visimetrics
Chroma Vision Ltd
DSSL Group
Guide Security Services (GSS)
Intrepid Security Solutions Ltd
Tyco Fire & Integrated Solutions (UK) Limited Access Communication Services Ltd +44(0)1474-834834 Atec Security Automated Systems Services +44(0)1489-550120 CCTV Services Ltd Central Security Systems Ltd centralsecuritysystems. Clearview Communications Ltd +44(0)1245-214104 Ecl-ips
February 2010
| CCTVImage
Directory of member companies CCTV SYSTEMS - SUPPLY, INSTALL, MAINTAIN IC2 CCTV & Security Specialists UK Ltd IQ Security Ltd Johnson Controls Ltd +44(0)2392-564434 Link CCTV Systems Onwatch Plc Quadrant Security Group SWORD Services Ltd Technology Solutions Tellemachus Ltd Touchstone Electronics Ltd
COMPLETE SOLUTIONS CCTV Services Ltd CNL (Computer Network Ltd) Honeywell Video Systems UK sue.howes@honeywell. com IQ Security Ltd
CONSULTANTS Chris Lewis Fire & Security
CMG Consultancy +44 78 9403 5832
Cognetix Ltd
Global MSC Security
DataCom Interactive Ltd
Instrom Security Consultants
Remploy Limited
MFD International
Tavcom Training
Redvers Hocken Associates David Williamson Training & Consultancy Services 02891-275930 Mercury Security Training Services +44(0)1562-881015 Optimum Security Services Ltd Perpetuity Research and Consultancy International
COMMUNICATIONS & HELP POINTS Complus Teltronic Ogier Electronics Ltd Transend (UK) Ltd
GE Security UK Ltd +44(0)8707-773048
GE-Interlogix UK Ltd
Guide Security Services (GSS)
Panasonic UK Ltd
Samsung Techwin
Siemens Building Technologies
+44(0)1784-412698 2020 Vision Systems Ltd Active CCTV & Security Ltd Alpha ESS Ltd +44(0)191-2732233 Bold Communications Ltd boldcommunications. Advanced Security Partners Ltd Alpha ESS Ltd +44(0)191-2732233 Association of Security Consultants Atkins Telecoms Be Prepared +44(0)1225-448912 Capita Symonds 07824-362577 CCD Design & Ergonomics Ltd Cogent Security Solutions Ltd +44(0)1527-595516 Comfort Zone Control Risks Group David Williamson Training & Consultancy Services 02891-275930 Davington Centre for Community community-solutions. DFT Associates 0208 304 6650 Dimension Productions Ltd dimension-productions. Easynet +44(0)20-7032 5200 Eclipse Research Ltd 020-7704-2889 IBI Group +44(0)20-7017 1869 Independent Communication Solutions Jadestream Consulting JMT Systems
CONSULTANTS Lambert & Associates Martin Cole Consultancy Services 07974 570 313 Mason Communications +44(0)161-877 7808 Mercury Security Training Services +44(0)1562-881015 Morse Security Consultants +44(0)1283-537131 NSG Security Consultants Optimum Security Services Ltd P.C.D Consulting Limited 07809 613 887 Perpetuity Research and Consultancy International SGW Associates The Lyndhurst Consultancy Threefold Project Management Tricker Consultants Ltd 01189 694 441
CONTRACT STAFF Broadland Guarding Services Ltd
Remploy Limited Charter Security plc Chubb Security +44(0)1933-671000 Legion Group Plc Profile Security Services The Corps Monitoring Centre
CONTROL ROOM FURNITURE Gresham Wood Technical Furniture & Design Ltd
Intech Furniture
Thinking Space Systems Ltd
Winsted CCD Design & Ergonomics Ltd TVS CCTV Ltd
Meyertech Ltd Bold Communications Ltd boldcommunications.
CONTROL ROOM MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS CCD Design & Ergonomics Ltd CNL (Computer Network Ltd) Complus Teltronic Electrosonic UK +44(0)1322-222211 i-Comply
BT Redcare vision
Dallmeier Electronic UK
Dedicated Micros
Panasonic UK Ltd
SANYO Europe Ltd +44(0)1923-477222
Siemens Building Technologies +44(0)1784-412698
Synectic Systems Group
Tyco Fire & Integrated Solutions (UK) Limited
Video Domain
+44(0)870-330 0166 802 Global ADPRO (Vision Systems) COE Ltd IC2 CCTV & Security Specialists UK Ltd Indigo Vision +44(0)131-475 7200 JVC Professional Europe Ltd Pelco UK SigmaFAST SWORD Services Ltd TAC UK Limited Vigilant Technology UK Visimetrics Visioprime +44(0)1256-378215
DISPLAY HARDWARE & SYSTEMS Electrosonic UK +44(0)1322-222211 JVC Professional Europe Ltd
IMAGE ANALYSIS Intrepid Security Solutions Ltd Dectel Security Ltd
LIGHTING & IR ILLUMINATION Raytec Ltd David Webster Limited Derwent Systems +44(0)1670-730187
MANUFACTURERS Conway Security Products
GE Security UK Ltd +44(0)8707-773048
GE-Interlogix UK Ltd
Gresham Wood Technical Furniture & Design Ltd
Intech Furniture
Mark Mercer Electronics
POLES & CAMERA SUPPORTS Altron Communications
+44(0)1269-831431 High Mast Video WEC Camera Mounting Solutions
Stryker Communications Ltd
Wireless CCTV (WCCTV) 802 Global CitySync Ltd +44(0)1707-275169 Clearview Communications Ltd +44(0)1245-214104 i-Comply Mobile CCTV Ltd Mocam Ltd +44(0)1270-842200 Persides Ltd
REGULATORY COMPLIANCE Mercury Security Training Services +44(0)1562-881015
Siemens Building Technologies
Synectic Systems Group
Dallmeier Electronic UK
Thinking Space Systems Ltd
+44(0)1422-832636 +44(0)1784-412698 Derwent Systems +44(0)1670-730187 Dimension Productions Ltd dimension-productions. Honeywell Video Systems UK sue.howes@honeywell. com Metham Aviation Design (MAD) Optex (Europe) Ltd Vicon Industries Visimetrics
MONITORING SERVICES Guide Security Services (GSS) Charter Security plc Sefton Security Services +44(0)1519-344747 The Corps Monitoring Centre
Stryker Communications Ltd
Video Domain
+44(0)870-330 0166
Wireless CCTV (WCCTV) 802 Global BEWnet Communications Ltd +44(0)1293-873235 COE Ltd Croma Shawley Electrosonic UK +44(0)1322-222211 Indigo Vision +44(0)131-475 7200 MLL Telecom Ltd Mocam Ltd +44(0)1270-842200 Teleste UK Ltd Transend (UK) Ltd
Issue sponsor
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