Four Corners serving the progessive communities of the southwest
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Articles 3 7 8
Sacred Night Allison Rae A Christmas Message Paramahansa Yogananda Building the Temple of the Living Goddess Marah Marlette
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Finding Calm in the Financial Storm Hale Dwoskin Interview with Colette Baron-Reid The Divine Feminine and You John English Interview with Joan Borysenko Corinne L. Cassazza Tai Chi for EnlightenmentInterview with Michael Winn Miguel Montoya Cairo: The Mother of the World Robert G. Bauval Prophecies & Predictions for 2009 Almine
Astrology Henry Seltzer Green Scene- Lean and Green: Money and Earth Saving Tips Dana Mayar
12 15 16 18 30
Gifts of Spirit Marketplace For Teens Debra Beck In Praise of Snow Susun S. Weed Arts & Entertainment Yoga- The Secret is OutA look into Kundalini Yoga Rachel Hollingsworth Fitness Healing Retreats & Spas Profiles Calendar Classified
31 33 36 40 44
Interior pages are recycled paper with soy-based ink
On the Cover The soulful portrait of Yogananada is on our cover this issue Courtesy of Self-Realization Fellowship, Los Angeles, California. Please turn to page 7 for Yogananda’s Christmas Message.
Yogananda © Courtesy of Self-Realization Fellowship, Los Angeles, Ca.
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Orchids ©Sharon Harris
DEC 08 / JAN 09
letter from
Four Corner’s publisher PUBLISHER/EDITOR Holly Luky ART DIRECTOR Pamela Becker
Dear Readers,
© John Running
I wish to express my most heartfelt gratitude for your tremendous support and kind words this fall as I launched my first issue as Publisher of Four Corners Magazine. As with every worthwhile endeavor in life, my evolving journey with the magazine is one of excitement and surprises, and as this magazine is an entity of its own, every day I glean new and valuable lessons from it, and from you, our cherished reader. Per your feedback, the October/November issue was a very popular one and I am happy to say that it reached a larger audience than ever before, many whom appeared eager for the information during a season of tremendous change. This particular issue also brought up some interesting conversations regarding “what does spirituality look like to you?” I ask you to take a moment and reflect upon this seemingly simple yet complex question. Does one need to wear certain colors, dress with a certain style and adorn themselves with specific pendants in order to be perceived as “spiritual?” Does spirituality in your eyes transcend differences such as race, sexuality, age and culture? Allow yourself to answer honestly, and you may be surprised at your answers. Looking forward, please enjoy this very special holiday issue. You may notice we’ve added a new look to our pages- we are now all color-interior! We have also added four pages of content and are looking to expand even further. We have some wonderful people profiled in this issue including Joan Borysenko, Colette Baron-Reid, Michael Winn, Hale Dwoskin and Robert Bauval, among others. As we enter the holiday season, please remember to take time for yourself and honor the many exciting changes the New Year brings. It is an invigorating time of year and I wish you a most beautiful season filled with much joy and happiness! In gratitude and light,
DEC 08 / JAN 09
SALES & MARKETING Holly Luky STAFF/CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Almine Debra Beck Corinne L. Casazza Dana Mayar Miguel Montoya Allison Rae Henry Seltzer Susun S. Weed COPY EDITOR Corinne L. Casazza STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS John Running Vena Devi DISTRIBUTION AZ- Brad Luky Phoenix- Barbara Backyard CO- Andrea Allen NM- Allison Rae FOUR CORNERS MAGAZINE P.O. Box 3910 Sedona, AZ 86340 928.282.7755 Four Corners Magazine and The Sedona Wave Network are creations of Four Corners Media. Any opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the the views of the editor and/or staff of Four Corners Magazine. We neither endorse nor guarantee items/services displayed in paid advertisement or in contributors submissions.
Sacred Night
Allison Rae
Solstice. Stillpoint. Night of creation. Ancient memories echo from the depths of this vast womb. Mother Earth sings the lost songs of humanity. She beckons, calling your name.
istening, silence fills the soul. Heartbeat of the Mother, felt, not heard. This is home. In our lifetime, the Solstice Sun crosses over the Galactic Equator each December, ushering in an era of change and opportunity on Earth. We’re emerging into the next world of the Maya and the Hopi. A Thousand Years of Peace in the Iroquois tradition.The Aquarian Age. Satya Yuga, Age of Truth. In astrology, the movement of the planets and stars in relation to the Earth sheds light on the evolutionary path of the individual and the human species. The lunar and solar cycles are related to seasons and agriculture. Planting, growth and harvest are also cycles of evolution on a personal level, harmonized with the movement of celestial bodies. On a galactic level, cosmic cycles on the order of thousands, millions and billions of years are converging now in our lifetime. The 2,000year Age of Pisces is flowing into the Age of Aquarius. An “Astrological Great Year” of roughly 26,000 years is ending as we approach an astrological new year. The 5,125-year Mayan calendar ends in era-2012 as our Sun crosses the galactic equator at the December Solstice over a period of 36 years. In the Hindu or Vedic tradition, the darkness of Kali Yuga gives way to the light of Satya Yuga, the Age of Truth. These cycles are based on a 26,000-year cycle known as the Precession of the Equinoxes, a phenomenon related to how the Earth wobbles on her axis over long periods of time. The ages, or cycles, fit within each other like Russian nesting eggs. One set of cycles is completing now, and a new set is opening. We live in the place where two sets of nesting eggs conjoin. In linear time on Earth, the transition takes at least 36 years and perhaps hundreds or thousands of years. The 36-year window spans 1980-2016, which is 18 years prior to and 18 years following the Sun’s exact conjunction with the Galactic Equator in 1998. From a cosmic perspective, this is a shift point, a moment of quantum potential for accelerated evolution. The fact that so many cycles are converging now suggests that we’re not just on the threshold of a new world age, but that we’re entering a rare and highly auspicious Golden Age that promises mind-exploding possibilities – spontaneous spiritual awakening, accelerated transformation of the human genome, breakthroughs in alternative science, bursts of technological advances and a proliferation in the creative and healing arts. Together these
Honoring Yuletide changes contribute to an unprecedented era of peace and enlightenment on planet Earth. The human species is poised for a quantum evolutionary leap in the next few decades as these cycles converge. This is vast, uncharted terrain. We’re stepping off a precipice, and the future is unknown. But change is the essence of evolution, and evolution is speeding up. There’s no stopping or slowing the process. We incarnated to experience the journey at this special time. During this transition, the December Solstice creates a portal connecting us with the heart of the cosmos as the Sun aligns with the equator of the Milky Way Galaxy, the dense band of stars you can see overhead on a clear night. In many traditions, this area of the galaxy symbolizes the Great Mother Goddess. From the darkness of her fertile womb, light returns. Christ consciousness emerges on Earth. Within the velvet-deep Solstice night, the soul is reborn, breathing with universal forces of creation. Pause and attune to the forces of creation during this gateway, and relish the blessings of the season! Allison Rae is a Sedona-based author and intuitive astrologer focusing on personal and planetary evolution within a cosmic context. This article is adapted from her new book, Cosmic Time, available in December 2008. Allison also offers individual Astro-Shamanism sessions in person and by phone, and training in spiritual/healing arts. 928.202.0912.
Winter Solstice on December 21 is the shortest day of the year and the longest night. It’s the pagan sabbat called Yule, also known as Yuletide. Christmas is the Christian version. Yule marks the time when the days begin to grow longer and the nights shorter. Yule begins on “Mother Night” and ends twelve days later. This is the origin of the Twelve Days of Christmas. The holiday hustle, bustle, parties and celebrations common in Western culture tend to eclipse the inner nature of this sacred time. Even as we gather to celebrate with community the beginning of a new year and the return of light to Earth, we’re also called to explore the inner realms of consciousness, the mystery of this creation, as we dream a new future into being. We can attune to the natural flow of creation with Solstice practices that support deep inner work that’s so appropriate at this time of year: •Honor the Bear Lodge of winter. Welcome the darkness. Receive incoming cosmic energy through this galactic portal with retreat and meditation, yoga, shamanic journeywork. •Review the solar year, Solstice to Solstice. Honor your accomplishments. •Invite vision and create intentions for the coming year. •Imagine the world we’re co-creating during this transition period, the Turning of the Ages. •Celebrate in community, with family and friends. Ritualize individual and collective intent. Hold the light for planet Earth and all beings through prayer and ceremony. Yule is a solar festival, celebrated traditionally with fire and the Yule log, candles, holly, mistletoe, bayberry, reindeer, pine trees with lights and ornaments, gifts and festive foods. Bayberry, cedar, pine and rosemary are the scents and spices of Yule. Traditional candle colors are gold, green, red and white. DEC 08 / JAN 09
Transformational Astrology DEC
© Olena Abazid/
Henry Seltzer
he Astrology of December and January is dynamic, and features Neptune, Saturn and Uranus. From the time of the New Moon at the end of November, a Sagittarius line-up of Sun, Moon, Mercury and Mars sets the stage, favoring Jupiter, Sag’s ruler, prominent in these Winter skies and closely aspected by the New Moon and Venus. In the first week of the month there will be an optimistic tone to the proceedings generally and for all forms of relationship. Saturn is finishing up the first pass of five in its oppositional aspect with Uranus, an archetypal combination that is full of surprises and that remains active throughout this two-month period. Saturn also begins in December to make a quincunx aspect with numinous Neptune. These two combinations are with us through the summer of 2011. Neptune with Saturn represent a combining of antithetical archetypes, just as Saturn with Uranus does, and can either represent the disappointment of the ideal never quite measuring up to the real, with a cynical and despairing sense of defeat, or else the grounding of our vision
DEC 08 / JAN 09
for the future into concrete manifestation. A powerful example of this latter would be Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous “I have a dream” speech, which has resonated down through the corridors of time. It was made in 1963, when Neptune was square Saturn and transiting in close trine to U.S. Sun. Then, coming in the middle of the holiday season, the Full Moon of Friday December 12th forms a Grand Cross in mutable signs with Uranus and Saturn. The new planet Eris also comes into the picture in trine with the Sun and inconjunct Saturn, so that a Yod configuration is formed between Neptune, Eris and Saturn. This brings up the determination to make a stand for what we truly believe is possible, in spite of potential despair. Indeed, right action that enlists Spirit as our guide-post is called for at this time in the face of contraction and nay-saying. With Saturn opposed to Uranus, the idea is definitely in the air of revolutionary challenge to established authority, together with the resistance to this new impulse that is largely unconscious and perhaps a natural response. We will know what it is that we want to accomplish, and there may be a rending of the normal fabric of our lives in order to achieve it. There will of course also be the tug of war between ideas of change and
established power in resistance to them, with economic implications for the country as a whole. Since Mercury also exactly conjuncts Pluto at this Full Moon time, we will be actively seeking to know the underlying causes of all political events, and of our own actions as well. The New Year begins with a bang, with a Capricorn line-up that places its ruler Saturn on the other side of the sky from the rest of the planets emphasizing limitation. There is also an energetic and potentially violent Mars-Pluto conjunction at the time of the December 27th New Moon with Saturn and Uranus still in aspect, and triggered by the New Moon configuration. Saturn and Neptune also line up quite precisely in quincunx as Saturn stations retrograde, indicating a strong dose of hard-headed reality coming into the picture, although alternatively, the very last week of January begins with a Solar Eclipse that represents hopeful change and a recognition of spiritual potency.
ARIES (MARCH 20-APRIL 19) This is an amazing and powerful time for insight. You are putting it all together in new ways right now, finding the simple path to the complex mental solution, and coming on strong with your dreams for a better world. The only fly in the ointment is having to see your high ideals blended with a dose of hard-headed reality, since every part of your situation must stand up and be counted. In mid-January, the Mercury retrograde period makes you stop and think twice about dreams and schemes for a braver and newer world. You can choose to sink into the despair of reality never quite measuring up to your high ideals, or work even harder. This is the difficulty of this climactic period of time, and the bruised beauty of it as well.
TAURUS (APRIL 20-MAY 19) It’s a wild and crazy and yet quite necessary road that you are on these days. A transformational month of December begins with your spiritual values and ends with your participation in the outer world of events and achievement. You have wandered far off course lately, exploring different methods of societal alignment and of arriving at the ultimate truth of the matter, but you are also passionate and patient about finding the way home. On into the New Year, as you mightily seek understanding from a deeper perspective, you might insist on idealism over practicality to the point of almost pushing it too far, into the pitfall of illusion. Through all this you are learning to tumble gracefully into deeper meaning for your life and your beliefs, falling, or perhaps gliding, into the perfect spot where all along you have needed to land.
GEMINI (MAY 20-JUNE 20) Two heads are definitely better than one for you right now. Partnership with significant others in your life is your mantra for this entire period, in a business sense as well as in terms of a more personal connection. You just can’t see going it alone these days. Partnership is powerful for you and takes you where you need to go, which is nothing less than the metamorphosis of your relationships with others into a more conscious and concerned act of sharing. By midDecember the transformation of your partnering dynamic leads you into some very deep and unexpectedly rewarding waters. On into the New Year, personal transformation and the creation of intimacy with others becomes your watchword. You are taking yourself over the waterfall in a controlled act of falling as your own inner world becomes the subject matter and the ultimate object of your journey.
CANCER (JUNE 21-JULY 20) You are asking not what the universe can do for you right now but what you can do for the universe. During this first month of December, you are seriously considering your future path from the standpoint of service. The ascent is difficult and the road full of unexpected boulders, but the final destination is rewarding, a blend of hard work and spiritual fulfillment that leads you to enlightenment along the way. On into the New Year, partnership is powerful for you, and life-changing. You can see the light in the strangest of places if you keep your eyes peeled for it, both energized and a bit dazzled by the presence of important others in your life. There’s no telling what the outcome might eventually prove to be, but it will involve Spirit and surprising transformation as well as some form of sacrifice.
LEO (JULY 21-AUG. 21) You are redefining yourself in the light of challenging times, strong on service and responding to the call for an idealized worldview, perhaps with the catalyst of significant others in your life to spur you on. It’s an energetic action surge all the way, especially in the ten days after the mid-December Full Moon and leading up to an amazing Winter Solstice. On into the New Year, concepts of service to the larger collective play in your inner ear along with the sugar plum visions. You are headed for an interesting end of month period with the January 25th eclipse in your relationship sector that could lead to a turn-around of some kind. Through it all you will be tested mightily and also rewarded for having the faith to stand tall in the face of dire and revolutionary and ultimately beneficial transformation.
VIRGO (AUGUST 21-SEPT. 21) This is a two-month period of looking more deeply behind the scenes of all that you say and do. You are delving into home and family as a basis for change, seeking an idealized solution for future activity, and yet fully aware of the obstacles inherent in attempting to achieve the essence of your dreams. In a way, the very setbacks that you encounter serve to define yourself a little better and help you to make useful distinctions. You are caught between the natural holding back of a careful person and the urge for going forward in spite of everything. On into the New Year, you are transforming mightily, yet still within the orbit of necessity. Over the Mercury retrograde period beginning midJanuary, and lasting into February, you will come to a better understanding of where your life is taking you right now.
LIBRA (SEPTEMBER 22-OCT. 22) You are reaching out to others around you right now, as a way of reaching yourself. Communication is a major focus this month all right, but the real question is whether what you have to say comes directly from your heart. On into the New Year, slowing down and turning to the inside seems to come quite naturally to you. You are aware of all your starry-eyed idealism even as you shy away from fully embracing it. You win when you make the best of it and seek the guidance that is available for you in your interior spaces. This brings you closer to family and tribe and most importantly to your own inner wisdom, waiting for you to tap into it, all along.
SCORPIO (OCTOBER 23-NOV. 21) You are frivolously engaged in some rather serious business all this first month, combining a serious approach with a series of wild departures from the norm. It all may seem more than a little odd if you try to pin down what is happening with mere logic. Finances are an important focus right now, not so much because of their intrinsic value but for what they have to say to you about where you are transforming. You are in the process of re-cataloging your storehouse of resources and values and there could be money coming in, or perhaps its lack forcing you to acknowledge different paths. On into the New Year, communication is the name of your game, in service to expressing your deepest truth, to others and ultimately, to yourself.
SAGITTARIUS (NOVEMBER 22-DEC. 20) It’s a wild world you are birthing yourself into these days, as you reinvent every aspect of the way that you interact with others in your life and with the surrounding cosmos. What you wish for work-wise in this first month of December is likely to come true if you trust your impulses. This is a little scary but it is also quite exhilarating when you get the hang of things and refrain from looking down. The lights are green for go as long as you treat the gods with respect, so remembering that, step up to the plate and swing away. On into the New Year, finances will be on your mind and a changing landscape for you. Although the energy is still there for knocking it out of the park you will automatically take careful aim right now, blending caution with your starry-eyed idealism.
CAPRICORN (DECEMBER 21-JAN. 19) This is a lucky year for you, whether you know it or not, and your horizon just became a bit brighter. There are some stuck places within you that are yielding right now, and the change has been a long time coming. Granted, it is more than a little scary to let go of ingrained habits. You win right now as long as you take Spirit firmly into account along with your other forms of deliberation. New information in December paves the way. A tremendous breakthrough is possible at the time of the Winter Solstice and on into the New Year. Transformational change proceeds apace, along with a financial blossoming. Once you get with the program there is more of an occasion for rejoicing than for mourning the disappearance of a past that wasn’t really working for you any more.
Transformational Astrology with Henry Seltzer continued on page 6...
DEC 08 / JAN 09
Transformational Astrology continued from page 5...
AQUARIUS (JANUARY 20-FEB. 17) It is an interesting period of time that you are engaged in right now. With potential confusion over motivation and in deciding just how cause and effect works its way out in your life, you are moving forward in spite of being tempted to hold back and rest on previous laurels. New perspectives on your life come daily, and some will not have legs, so that you are beset with uncertainties in the midst of your essential optimism. Inner conviction takes you far, no matter what outer appearances may seem to indicate. On into January, after a time of reflection, you are ready to emerge once more into the fray. If you can maintain your trust in the universe to guide you, you will find that things will work themselves out to your ultimate best advantage.
PISCES (FEBRUARY 18-MARCH 19) Change is in the air for you this month, Pisces. You have been exploring your options lately, and now in many ways you see your path more clearly opening up before you. In moving forward you must also exercise caution, because your priorities may shift as Mercury changes direction on the 15th and once again as it finally regains lost ground on the 28th. Ideas for a better future and for making a clean break with the past might have to yield to conflicting practical concerns, or perhaps vice-versa. It is good to remember, always, that whatever course you decide upon, the universe backs you up one hundred percent once you have come to a decision that aligns with your own deep intuition. Henry Seltzer, transformational astrologer and creator of the TimePassages astrology software, is based in Santa Cruz, California. An extended look at this month’s star signs is available on his website. Holding degrees from MIT and the University of California-San Diego, Henry is a popular speaker and also offers life enhancing private astrological counseling. Call him at 831.425.3686, or visit his website at
DEC 08 / JAN 09
A CHRISTMAS MESSAGE A Cradle for the Christ of Everywhere
uring this coming Christmas season, open a new portal of sublime devotion so that the Christ Omnipresence will be able to come anew within your consciousness. Every day, every hour, every golden second, Christ has been knocking at your dark gates of ignorance. Now, in this august sacred dawn, Christ is especially coming in answer to your inner call, to awaken his Christ Consciousness Omnipresence within you. Weave a cradle of tender perceptions with the threads of your meditation and make it commodious enough to hold the baby Infinity within its welcoming vastness. Christ is born in the viridescent blades; His gentleness is cradled in all fragrances. The opalescent sea-decked globe, the star-spangled savanna of the blue, the crimsoned love of the self-sacrificing martyrs and saints, have vied with each other in offering a dwelling place for the all-pervading baby Christ. This Christ of Everywhere is sleeping in the breast of Eternity; He loves to take new birth at any time, anywhere, especially in the warmth of your true affection. Though the Infinite Christ is present in every speck of space as the splendor of ever new wisdom and creative expression, you can never see Him unless He chooses to be seen in the cradle of your unceasing devotion. The cozy crib of your heart has for a very long time been small, holding self-love alone; now you must make it enormous, so that social, national, international, creatural, and Cosmic Christ—love may be born there and become One Love. Christmas should be celebrated not
Yogananda © Courtesy of Self-Realization Fellowship, Los Angeles, Ca.
By Paramahansa Yogananda
This excerpt is from the new paperback edition of The Second Coming of Christ by Paramahansa Yogananda (Copyright © 2008 SelfRealization Fellowship, Los Angeles. Reprinted with permission.)
only by appropriate festivities and the exchange of material gifts, but also by deep, continuous meditation, making your consciousness a cosmic cathedral for Christ. You should offer therein your most precious gifts of love, goodwill, and service to uplift your inimical brothers, as well as your friendly brothers—physically, mentally, and spiritually. The Infinite Christ is everywhere; worship His nativity in Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, Moslem, Jewish, and other true religious temples. Every expression of Truth flows from the Allpervading Christ perception, so learn to worship that sacred Universal Intelligence in every pure religion, belief, and teaching. Since the Cosmic Christ dreamed into existence the divine being that is man, you should celebrate the birth of Christ in your newly awakened equal love for every nationality and race. All new-blown blossoms and astral twinklings are images of the Infinite Christ; garland each one with your love. Behold in your love the birth of an intoxicating Christ-love for your parents, friends, relatives, neighbors, and all races. In the sanctuary of your soul, invite your restless thoughts to assemble and still themselves in a service of deepest united love for Christ. When the Christmas packages are placed around the family tree, make every thought an altar of Christ, and saturate the gifts with your goodwill. Worship Christ as born in all creation: in the star, in the leaf, in the blossom, in the nightingale, in the nosegay, and in your velvet devotion. Unite your heart with all hearts, so that Christ may be born there and remain forever and forever.
DEC 08 / JAN 09
Building the Temple
of the Living Goddess he autumn air stirs feelings of nostalgia and remembrance for many, myself included, and my daily life seems to take on a different energy all together. My senses seem to deepen into the Earth, searching for my familiar roots to wrap myself in, and taking stock of what I’ve gathered so far for this year. It has occurred to many that the time for awakening is allpervasive and not exclusive of anyone ready for the ride. It has also occurred to many that the Goddess has made her presence widely known and She is completely ready for us all to acknowledge Her and invite Her in. “Into where?” you may ask. Into our homes, hearts, minds and very souls, of course. And if you happen to be a man reading this article, this includes you as well. It’s not the same old feely-shmeely, “I need to become more feminine” type of thing that has run rampant lately. It is time to recognize and honor the Goddess within ourselves, and within others. This may seem like old news to some, but is it really? How often do we tell ourselves to “look for the Divine in ourselves and in others” in order to better understand each other, and to find compassion and acceptance? Does this Divine ever look specifically Feminine or Masculine? And how often do we keep searching outside of ourselves? I’ve noticed for myself that I’ve sort of morphed the idea of “The Divine Within” into one lump-sum; not really noticing there is a lack of a delicate balance between two specific energies. Which kind of makes me wonder, am I truly recognizing the Divine within myself or just glossing it all over with generalization? Hmm... Obviously, I had to investigate this, and in so doing, have rediscovered how deeply the roots run. There are hundreds of Goddesses from many different traditions that are all important and equally desiring our recognition. I’ve recently started working with a healer here in Sedona which has been a lively, albeit intense part of my journey. Through working with her, I have discovered how much of myself I still hide. So far, she has helped me to see the ways that I hide, and why hiding my true Self does not honor me, or the Goddess, though it appears “safer” to do so. Even though these insights get uncomfortable at times, I know she only wants me to recognize who I am and embrace my highest potential. Bringing the ancient feminine into the modern feminine is key to bridging the “gap” in Divinity within myself as well as women in general. Remembering the sacred rituals for the Divine Feminine, and the way to incorporate them back into our lives, is a big part of what’s missing. Going within to actually see the face of the Goddess inherent in all of us and how that connects to all of the Goddesses, real and mythical, is a crucial step in our awakening. Yes, gents, this still includes you, so hang in there. Honoring the Sacred Feminine within you will help in the healing process between your own Sacred Masculine, and your Sacred Feminine. You will become whole. It doesn’t require a lot of research to find that these sacred rituals, rites and celebrations all but disappeared after the time of Mary Magdalene. The fear of the Feminine took hold and was thrust under darkness for millennia. The Shakti energy bestowed upon us was smashed down under the thumbs of the Old Paradigm and extinguished for many. The Divine Priestess became non-existent; just a figment of someone’s imagination, or worse, made into a common whore and witch; something to
Marah Marlette
DEC 08 / JAN 09
Beloved Magdalene by Cher Lyn
Learning how to honor myself in ways I haven’ t been aware of is how I begin to be more authentically in my power. hate and never trust. In fact, many Goddesses became figments of someone’s imagination, just stories and myths. The Divine Feminine was no longer recognized as anything sacred, but as evil. The Power of the Divine Feminine was lost. As women, we became cut off from our own power and began taking on more masculinity--trying to fulfill ourselves by “doing it all” because nobody else would. This could open a huge Pandora’s Box here, or maybe one of those what-came-first type of conundrums, but here we go: when man decided to fear woman, woman began to not trust man. This is the catalyst for our imbalance. Not only outwardly, but within. It’s really quite that simple. Now, what do we all do with that information? Well, suffice it to say, that will have to be continued as I do more work with the healer I mentioned before. Her name is Zeffi Kefala, and yes, there are answers. She has been working with the Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine since 1987.
Parts of those answers take us back to the sacred rituals mentioned earlier. Things like meditation and prayer ceremonies; creating sacred spaces. Remembering our connection to Mother Earth and working again with sacred medicinal oils; healing ourselves with what has always been available and waiting for us to remember. Honoring our Moon Cycles as a time for deep cleansing of any karma taken on. Celebrating sensuality. Honoring our physical bodies as well as our spiritual and emotional bodies; taking time to cleanse ourselves, be with ourselves and love ourselves as if we are all there is. I am now learning to honor the Divine Masculine within myself and acknowledging the security, safety and warmth I feel from that. Gentlemen, this is where you acknowledge the Divine Feminine within yourselves, and feel the compassion, forgiveness, and love from that for yourselves. Isn’t it funny that the lot of us take these stories and rituals of the Goddesses and simply separate ourselves from the truth? Somewhere we learned long ago that we are not like them, could not be like them. And yet here we are: on the great precipice of a world completely changing; our Mother Earth pleading with us to rise together in sisterhood and brotherhood, and claim our power. To reconnect with what, and who, we inherently are. The things I am learning are nothing short of a complete genetic overhaul it seems, and at times I hardly recognize myself. What can I tell you? Is this where I confess I eagerly built a simple altar to the Goddess Lakshmi during Navaratri, and then to Saraswati, both of whom I’ve not known, ever, but now embrace? Shall I tell you I just experienced a “come to Jesus” meeting through Kali which brought me to my knees? I confess to you that I have heard my messages from the Magdalene, and She has implored me to be brave, hopes that I will be brave enough to embrace who I am. I essentially have heard the prayers of the Goddess for ME to recognize and remember my own power! Will you please cue supreme humility and complete awe now? The lineage of the Goddess began with the mythical, like Saraswati and Lakshmi, continued with real-life women, like Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene, and leads us to here and now. Is there a way I can prove all of this to you? Nope. Just like all the other “stuff” that’s been written that is now part of a doctrine, a history, or even a scripture. It’s all an account made by a human. No “real” evidence or proof. What have I learned so far? The most prominent thing I’ve learned recently is that I have never really thought of myself as a Divine being. Truly. And why would I? How could anyone consider themselves a Divine being with all of today’s societal standards on top of centuries of suppression and oppression? Why would I ever think of myself as something divinely amazing? Well, consequently, I’ve discovered that I am amazing. And, don’t gasp too loudly, I am Divine. We all are. I have started to learn how to take care of myself in that fashion as well. Some of it is simple, but it’s all very sacred. Learning how to honor myself in ways I haven’t been aware of is how I begin to be more authentically in my power. Sometimes it’s easy, sometimes it’s ridiculously tricky. The simplicity of it is just that: being open to the feeling of “girlit’s time to get some red lipstick!” to the more complex feelings that require quite a bit more discernment. Discernment in the form of knowing that trying to find what I’m looking for in someone else or outside of myself is false. It’s my choice to recognize when something serves me or does not. Until we learn how to heal the Union between our Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, we won’t be able to fully regain our power. Without healing that separation that occurred so long ago, we won’t find wholeness, no matter how hard we try. So where does this leave us? Mostly, I think, with daring to believe. With the hope that the truth is coming forth and we can all know it if we try to be open to it. Becoming whole again is not a myth. Finding ways to assist ourselves along the way is perfectly reasonable, and most likely required. Learning about the ways to honor yourself is available. All we have to do is ask, be open and be unafraid. Zeffi Kefala will be hosting a new workshop here in Sedona in February 2009. She has been on a spiritual journey of discovering the Goddess within herself for the past eighteen years. Her awareness of the Goddess has deepened, and she is now ready to share this with you. For the past five years, she has been taking groups to India, and has made the decision this year to bring India to Sedona. This workshop will be a seven day retreat, February 6th through 13th, called The Temple of the Living Goddess. DEC 08 / JAN 09
Earth Saving Tips
Dana Mayar
New Television Series to Catch: Whale Wars on Animal Planet Fridays 9:00pm EST "Only one group stands between a 750-ton whale-killing machine and its prey." Not your average reality show, this controversial series documents the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society's efforts at saving the destruction of the whales in Antarctica... more specifically from the Japanese whaling expeditions.
Four Corners Pick: An old favorite, Book: 50 Simple Things You Can Do to Save the Earth (there is a kids version too!) This book launched the green revolution, if you haven't read it by now, it's long overdue!
o, I'm not going to give you yet another suggestion to change your light bulbs. I get that eco-fatigue has some of you wishing you could donate to Bono's causes or buy those $200 organic sheets, but you just can't afford it. And yet, other greenies will ride their bike to work no matter which way the winds of the economy blow. I swing back and forth depending on my mood, cynical one day, optimistic the next. But whatever my inclination, I always love saving green. I love a sale, a deal, and every bargain. Here's how I'm cutting back on spending and helping Mother Nature at the same time. Feel free to add your ideas. S a v i n g W i t h S o l a r For many years, adding solar panels was too expensive for me to install. But new leasing programs like those offered by Solar City help people with utility bills over $150 save money by switching to solar. As a penny pincher, I get very excited watching the dial spin backwards on my utility meter. Take that APS! Throw in the Towel The average American has $497 worth of cleaning products in their house and only uses three of them more than once a year. Paper towels and tissue costs go up every few days. I've given up 80% of
my cleaning products and paper towel use. Dura-hooked microfiber cloths and hot water can replace chemicals and cleaners. I didn't believe it until I tried it, but it cleans better than abrasive cleaners or fume-filled sprays for most cleanups. As for getting rid of the unused products, if I have just a small amount of cleaner left, I wash or flush it down the drain with lots of water. For large quantities, I check to see how to dispose of it. G i v e i t U p Cutting back on spending for me means less cash to donate to my favorite causes. Instead of feeling guilty, I'm cleaning out closets and clutter to recycle unwanted, unused household items through Artwork that no longer fits my decor and jewelry I no longer wear goes to the local silent aution. I gave up shopping alone and joined a warehouse club with friends. BJs, Sam's Club and Costco can take a big bite out of shopping expenses. They also allow member's to bring a guest. I drive and shop with my friends for more fun, less gas, and lower fees. I also pick up tips about coupons and specials and new items by shopping with someone else.
The nearest health food store is 20 minutes away from my house by car. I've cut back on driving by buying in bulk from Shipping is free when you sign up for auto delivery. Cut the Plaque Research makes a connection between poor dental health and heart health. Realizing that keeping your teeth clean now might prevent health care costs in the future, some health insurance companies have started offering inexpensive dental plans. My husband and I spent $600 on routine cleanings on our last visit to the dentist. All of that is covered in our new plan for $10 a month, no co-pays. We have to use the HMO providers, but there were two green dentists on the list which made going HMO easier to swallow. All Washed Up I switched from my expensive, organic soaps to Kirk's basic bar and saved $4.97 a bar. Check what food is in season locally and therefore, usually less expensive. has a map for the entire US to help you find it. For me, eco luxury is about making life easy on me and the planet, it's not about one or the other, it's both.
Š Michaeldb/
Give the Gift of Green This Holiday Season! 1. Habitat For Humanity- Not only can you donate $ but you can recycle by donating housing materials/building supplies at Habitat ReStores. You can also donate your time by volunteering to help build a project. 2. The Food Bank- This holiday season the food bank has reached out asking for specific items that each region needs. No matter what our economic status is, we can all afford to give at least one can of food to others this month. Search online for a food bank in your area. For Arizona residents: 3. Click to Give: Just a click away (no excuses!) 4. Animal Charities of America- Choose among an extensive list of members on this site, so you can target an animal organization that strikes a chord with you. 5. Organic Consumers Association- A Four Corners favorite for receiving green/food news, without the fluff. Subscribe to their e-newsletters to stay on top of the latest developments that impact our world, donate or get involved in one of their projects.
DEC 08 / JAN 09
DEC 08 / JAN 09
Gifts of Spirit
The Law of Giving Om vardhanam namah
excerpt from The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra
A methyst Springs - Oasis of Well Being Offers 3 Wonderful Products:
romaKits Featuring Wisdom of the Earth Essences Exquisite, custom-made kits of essential oils especially selected to enhance various aspects of your life. Scent of a Woman, Love is in the Air, Blessed Event (pregnancy & delivery), Manifest!, Ascension, Chakra Balance or the original "Emergency Kit" make the perfect gift... for yourself or someone special! Call Audre Wenzler Gutierrez for information or to order 928.300.5090
*Amethyst BioMat: Amethyst Crystals, Far Infrared Rays & Negative Ions * Alkal-Life 3000: Hydrating, Alkalizing, Ionizing Water System * Rejuvena: Ionizing Skin Care System Sessions & gift certificates available 928.203.0653
Give the Gift of Home Improvement!
D iné
Medicine Wisdom
Give the gift of wisdom! A unique gift package featuring the teachings of Din é Medicine Woman, Walking Thunder. Gift pack includes a beautiful book, DVD of a healing and an inspirational sandpainting created by Walking Thunder. For this and many other "Fair Trade" gift ideas, please visit Ringing Rocks Foundation, 3190 West Highway 89A, at the corner of Dry Creek Road, in Sedona. 928.282.1298
Home repair and remodeling- 20 years Sedona experience. Licensed, bonded and insured contractor ready to serve all your home repair and building needs, no project too big or small. Free estimates. Bradley Alan Luky llc (roc#235891) 928.300.7275
U ttati Pure Essential Oils for the Beloved Rumi
Ibn’Arabi Baraka
Rose Damascena Celebrate Rumi’ s Wedding Day‘08 at Sedona Creative Life Center Wednesday, December 17, 7pm 928.282.1277 *
DEC 08 / JAN 09
T he Dolphin Book A magical story for young and old alike! Follow your dreams, listen to the voice within you, and let Daniel Dolphin take you on the most magical journey of all- the quest to fulfill your own destiny!
C hristmas Dreams CD Romantic symphonies, piano, strings, acoustic guitar, flutes and harp tumble gracefully from the heavens in this unique holiday cd. 877-gmnisun
MA R K E T P L A C E The universe operates through dynamic exchange… giving and receiving are different aspects of the flow of energy in the universe. And in our willingness to give that which we seek, we keep the abundance of the
o universe circulating in our lives.
T he Anubis Oracle
A Gift of the
A journey into the Shamanic Mysteries of Egypt. Includes a 35-card deck and book! A divination tool to connect with guides from the Egyptian Pantheon
Postcards from America series includes fifteen carefully selected vintage photographs that depict the history of tourism at the Grand Canyon. www.arcadiapublishingcom 888.313.2665
Free Gift of Heart Breath is for internal peace
avenheart Coffee West Sedona and Uptown Sedona Gifts for the Holidays! Gift baskets, NEW Ravenheart Coffee T-shirts, mugs and local art for sale. Relax, have a cup of good coffee and shop with us. 928.282.5777
during the busy holidays: Michael James · Sitting comfortably, either in a chair with your feet flat on the ground and your hands in your lap, palm up; or sitting in your favorite cross-legged position, take a deep breath and relax into yourself, breathing your eyes closed. · With your focus still behind the eyes, follow the natural rhythm of your breath - not trying to control it but allowing your body to breath fully - until you can feel yourself settle into and be present with your body. · Then bring your focus from behind your eyes down into your chest, so that you feel your chest rise and fall, your lungs expand and contract, and becoming aware of your heart beat. Then focus on breathing in and out of your heart space until a deep peace expands within you and enfolds your entire body.
W e’Moon ’09: Gaia Rhythms for Womyn Theme: At the Crossroads
We’ Moon‘09, dedicated to The International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers, is co-creation of global women’ s culture. Each year the We’ Moon astrological datebook, wall calendar and cards collect and integrate powerful women’ s art and writing from all over the world into a gorgeous and useful guide to lunar rhythms, astrological cycles, and multi-cultural, earth-based spirituality. 1.877.693.6666 US 1.541.956.6052 Int’ l
E arth Cinema Circle Offers Eco-Friendly
© Pressmaste.../
Gift Bundle
The ECC gift bundle not only entertains, it inspires less use of paper bags and plastic water bottles; it’s a perfect way to show you care about the planet! The Earth Cinema Circle gift bundle retails for just $49.95 at and includes: ·Earth Cinema Circle’s Premiere Collector’ s Edition ·Canvas“Thoughtful”Tote Bag ·Tinted Stainless Steel Water Bottle DEC 08 / JAN 09
© Alancrosth.../
Finding Calm
Financial Storm
Hale Dwoskin
hat are you doing to stay afloat in such choppy financial waters? Is your mind trying to help by conjuring up fearful images? Are you wanting to figure out what to do? Why is it that some people are holding it together just fine while others are freaking out and talking about leaving the country? The difference, as our recent retreat attendees from Sedona, Arizona will tell you, is The Sedona Method. The Method is the “vaccine for emotional turmoil” that allows you to uncover and live as the calm center of Beingness that is your true essence, no matter what is going on around you. There are many factors in our recent economy that may cause people to worry and become anxious: increases in gasoline and home heating prices, volatility in the stock market, the worldwide turmoil in the banking industry, more companies announcing layoffs, and still others outsourcing jobs overseas. The financial picture can begin to look rather dim. The Sedona Method has been helping people remain calm, centered and secure in all types of crises for over three decades. As you probably already know, anxiety, panic, stress and worry do nothing to support you in making the right decisions. Instead, the more you can make decisions from a place of inner calmness, intuitive knowingness and mental clarity, the more likely your decisions will support your overall financial goals and well-being, as well as the safety and well-being of those around you and the planet as a whole.
DEC 08 / JAN 09
Welcome Whatever You’re Feeling
immediately feel relief. This also helps uncover your intuitive knowingness and the clarity required for you to weather the storm.
he very best thing to do when you find yourself panicking is to allow yourself to welcome whatever you're feeling about the current world situation and about your current financial situation. Also allow yourself to welcome any wanting to change or control how you feel. Welcome, too, any sense that any of this is personal or about who you are. As you do this, you will find the stress and tension of the moment will dissolve into a calm pool of certainty and inner strength.
“I came to The Sedona Method Retreat to find tools for living my life with greater freedom, ease and joy. My realization through releasing all week was that the freedom, ease and joy were already present. I only needed to remove the thoughts, feelings and emotions that were covering them up all this time.” -Paul Hathaway, Middleton, WI
“I released truckloads of fear and wanting survival because of the possible meltdown of the world’s financial system.” -Norm Hall, West Des Moines, IA
elcoming your feelings may seem counterintuitive, but it’s a necessary step in the process of letting go. When you delve deeper into letting go with The Sedona Method, you’ll find that the more you resist a feeling, the stronger its hold on you becomes. When you welcome a feeling, however, the resistance dissolves and your ability to let go of the feeling gets stronger. As you open to the present moment and welcome what you are feeling fully, the feeling dissolves, revealing the fullness, peace and joy that is always here now. After welcoming the feeling, ask yourself if you could simply let it go as best you can in the moment. By allowing yourself to welcome what you feel and then letting go, you will
Let Go of Wanting to Figure it Out t’s also very helpful to welcome any feelings of wanting to understand or figure out what to do. The more you want to figure out what you should or shouldn't be doing, the more confused you’ll be. I’ll tell you a little secret about wanting to figure it out. The only reason we want to understand or figure out our problems is because we’re planning to have them again. When you want to figure it out, you’re looking in the wrong place for the answer. You’re looking away from your clear reason and intuitive knowing into the memory banks of what was, which may have nothing to do with what is currently true. Once you have welcomed the wanting to know, ask yourself, “Could I let go of wanting to figure it out?” If there is any hesitation you can also ask yourself, “Would I rather want to figure it out, or simply know what to do and allow myself to do it?” As you let go of wanting to figure it out, you’ll naturally and easily know exactly what to do.
Welcome Your Fears and Let Them Go
nother key to unlocking your ability to make the right financial decisions is to first welcome your fears and then let them go. By doing this you take a step back, reconnect with your inner knowingness, and then move forward with a sound mind. At the same time, letting go helps you remember that, ultimately, you are much more than your finances, and you can exist and be happy no matter what is going on around you --including uncertainty in the economy or stock market. “I came here to release fears, but I don’t identify with fears anymore. I gained the stillness I’ve always been looking for through meditation, and that grace is here and always available.” -Pauper Agnes, Rowen, France Remember, no matter how your financial situation feels, you are not your bank book or your possessions. The less you identify with any of the problems that you're experiencing, the more likely you are to find the right solution.
Releasing Questions You Can Use
ere are some questions you can ask to help find your center if you are feeling anxious:
•Could I allow myself to welcome in this feeling of ________ as best I can? Check to see if you have any sense of wanting to change or be rid of the feeling. •If so, could I allow myself to welcome that feeling as well? •Would I? •When? Check to see how you feel now. • Do I feel less________? Less anxious? Either way is there more wanting to change it or be rid of it? •If so could I let go of wanting to change it? •Would I if I could? •When? Repeat this process until you feel lighter and at peace. There may be many layers to release, but once you release something, it’s gone for good. Remember to allow yourself to let go of wanting to figure out what to do and to let go of wanting to get the answer from the past. As you follow your heart as opposed to your head, you’ll find that right now you have everything you need within you. Abundance and financial security are always available right here, right now. We have many more releasing processes available on our site. This information is provided at no cost to you. It is our gift to you to help you through this challenging time. Please avail yourself of these life-changing processes on our web site at: Hale Dwoskin is the New York Times best-selling author of The Sedona Method: Your Key to Lasting Happiness, Success, Peace and Emotional Well-being, and co-author of the best-selling Happiness Is Free: And It’s Easier than You Think. Hale is one of the 24 teachers from the movie, The Secret and a founding member of the Transformational Leadership Council. He is the CEO and Director of Training of Sedona Training Associates here in Sedona.
Dear Debra, My daughter is in 4th grade and she has been making comments about being too heavy. She is built like me with bigger bones, but she is not over weight. I never thought about my body at her age, it concerns me that at such a young age she is worried about her body image. Please help me, help her. -Deanna, Boulder Utah Dear Deanna, There are so many things that could be playing into your daughter having concerns about her body at such a young age. Here are a few suggestions for you, so you can help your daughter. Help her develop self-esteem. Praise her for the special things she does, not just how pretty she looks. Be careful about what you say to her about her body, and more importantly watch what you say about your own body, even under your breath. Talk to her about how they Photoshop the models before you see them in the magazines and billboards. Check out the Dove Ad Campaigns on YouTube, they are great. Help her understand that we shine from the inside out, that who we are is what gives us beauty, not what we look like. Good Luck, and keep shinning, -Debra Debra Beck Author of My Feet aren’t Ugly, A Girl’s Guide to Loving Herself from the Inside Out is a devoted mentor on the issues facing teenage girls and women. With 20 plus years experience in self-development, and first-hand awareness of just how difficult the teenage years can be, empathy, and a passion for making a difference, Ms. Beck discovered her life’s work: helping girls and women of all ages learn how to truly love themselves from the inside out. Please e-mail Beautiful Feet at if you have concerns and comments DEC 08 / JAN 09
Š Iofoto/
In Praise of
Susun S Weed
inter is my favorite season. And where I live, winter brings cold and snow. Do you like snow? I do. I like to play in the snow. I admire snow's beauty. I'm thankful that snow protects the animals and the plants. But what impresses me the most about snow is its country name: "poor person's fertilizer." What fun to sled in the snow (screaming), to ski across the snow (silently), to ride a snowboard in the snow (grinning), to ice skate (laughing), to make snow angels (shivering), to bring a snow person to life (cooperating), to have a snowball fight (competing), to make snow caves (digging), and snow forts (lying in wait). I never fail to thrill at the sight of moonstruck rainbows glittering off the surfaces of fine snow on a sub-zero night. I love standing out in the snow when it is softly falling, watching the flakes shining in my long dark hair, and catching them on my tongue. I cherish the mornings when I awake to white skies filled with snow, snow, snow. There's snow on the ground, snow tumbling down, nothing but snow. Even life is canceled for the day. Snow day. It's no day. No responsibility day. Hooray. Snow! Snow is beautiful. Each snowflake unique. Each a miniature mandala. Each one a slice of a six-sided crystal. And every snowflake, like a quartz crystal, is vibrant and vibrating. Snow is magic. Everyone feels it. Experiment this winter with using the crystalline energy of snow. 16
o ™
Taste it. Savor it. Play with it. Admire it. Open your heart to its blessings. Open your spirit to its richness. When snow falls without wind, it outlines each branch and bud of each tree and shrub. Perhaps it is making their auras visible. Snow rounds and softens the shapes of nature. Snow connects everything with sweeping strokes. Snow blots out the details and leaves the big picture. Snow speaks to our pleasure, and our need, to erase the small stuff, to soar wide in imagination, to understand the big pattern. Snow lays quietly, covering the ground, covering the plants. Snow provides an insulating blanket that protects the roots of the plants. Without snow cover, the ground heaves. It freezes at night, and expands up. Then it thaws during the day, and sinks down. This seesaw of freezing and thawing, expanding and sinking, pushes up large rocks from beneath the ground and can uproot plants. A blanket of snow keeps the ground evenly frozen, preventing frost heaves and protecting the plants from upheaval. That blanket of snow provides safe cover for small animals, too. They can burrow beneath it, running and foraging safe from the watchful eyes of predators. Snow keeps little animals warm, too. And they find it easier to tunnel through than the frozen earth. But it is snow's power to bring fertility to the land that amazes me the most. Snow is water. But snow is so much more than water. Each snowflake forms around a mote of dust. That dust is an iota of soil, a minute amount of minerals. And as the snow falls to the ground, it brings with it the nourishment of that tiny bit of mineral dust. This is true of raindrops as well. Each drop of rain coalesces around a mote of dust. I frequently hear people refer to the rain as "cleansing." Fortunately for us all, it is not. Just think what a barren wasteland we would inhabit if, instead of nourishing the soil, rain cleansed it. When rain washes the dirt away, we call it erosion. And, without dirt, there can be no plants. Rain is not cleansing. Rain is nourishing. And so is snow. The minerals in snow are absorbed into the soil. And, when the ground thaws, they are taken up by the plants. DEC 08 / JAN 09
The weeds make exceptionally good use of the mineral wealth of snow. Oats and oatstraw consolidate the snow's magnesium, with 1200 mg in 100 grams of herb. Red raspberry grabs onto the manganese, manifesting 146 mg in 100 grams of herb. Chickweed loves snow's iron, offering 253 mg in 100 grams of herb. Valerian values snow's calcium; Skullcap thrives on snow's copper; hibiscus sops up snow's chromium; catnip goes for snow's selenium; while nettle champions snow's zinc. Minerals provide structure and allow communication in cells, plants and animals. The healthiest souls are mineralrich soils. They provide minerals for healthy plants. And those plants create healthy bodies. Minerals are the key to optimum health, for people, plants, and the planet. That's why I champion the edible weeds such as nettle, oatstraw, dandelion, burdock, lamb's quarters, mallows, and purslane. They provide optimum nourishment, including mineral salts in many forms. They heal by nourishing. When in Switzerland some years back, I visited a cheese factory and watched a movie about Swiss cheeses. "What makes Swiss cheeses so special?" the movie asked. Then, answering its own question, it replied: "The special plants our cows eat." And there they were, right up on the big screen, the stars of the show: red clover and dandelion, yellow dock and chickweed, sorrel and plantain, burdock and mustard, nettle and thistle, mineral-rich weeds, fed by the snow. Weeds are green snow. Minerals that fall as snow, are taken up by the weeds, and become available to us in forms we can use as food and medicine. Go out into the snow if you can this winter. Taste it. Savor it. Play with it. Admire it. Open your heart to its blessings. Open your spirit to its richness. Open yourself to its nourishment. You are a beloved child of the Universe and the snow is stardust. Green blessings. Green Blessings Susun S. Weed, PO Box 64, Woodstock NY 12498 845.246.8081
Excite Your Senses... Lunch
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DEC 08 / JAN 09
VALIDATION Spiritual Cinema Circle Film
“THE SACRED SITES OF THE DALAI LAMAS” New DVD Offers Rare Glimpse at Tibet’ s Power Places Review by Jill Mangino
nspiring Short Film Available Free From Spiritual Cinema Circle
As a way of inspiring the world with love and compassion this holiday season, Spiritual Cinema Circle (SCC) is providing a free on-line viewing of the enchanting short film, VALIDATION (16 minutes). This heart-warming movie tells the story of a parking attendant who gives his customers REAL validation by dispensing both free parking and free compliments. It’s a great reminder of how we can all create a better world, instantly, by sharing a smile and a few kind words. Spiritual Cinema Circle, a Gaiam-owned company (, is a leader in subscription-based spiritual home entertainment.
rare and fascinating film journey to the power places in Central Tibet THE SACRED SITES OF THE DALAI LAMAS: A PILGRIMAGE TO THE ORACLE LAKE (MW Productions/$24.95) explores monasteries, caves and sacred sites where the early Dalai Lamas and the founders of Buddhism meditated, taught and achieved enlightenment. This visually stunning documentary follows the personal spiritual quest of Steve Dancz (composer for National Geographic TV who also narrates and composed the film’s score), led by translator Glenn Mullin (Tibetologist and author of over 30 books on Buddhism), and Khenpo Tashi (a Bhutanese monk) on a pilgrimage to many of Tibet’s most holy sites culminating in a trek over 17,000 feet in altitude to the hard to reach mystical Oracle Lake where every Dalai Lama has had prophetic visions. This rare look at these sites allows viewers an intimate window to some of the most sacred Buddhist rituals, ceremonies and traditions and despite the on-going conflicts in the region the film reflects the warmth, joy and spirit of its people steeped in Buddhist traditions. For more information about this film please visit: 18
DEC 08 / JAN 09
ountainfilm in Telluride, America’s premiere showcase of mountain, adventure, cultural and environmental film and video, will celebrate its 31st annual festival May 22 through 25, 2009 in Telluride, Colorado. Beginning with its Moving Mountains Symposium on food, the festival will include gallery exhibits by leading artists and photographers, presentations and panel discussions by explorers, activists and opinion-makers, book signings and the very best of independent documentary filmmaking from around the world. Early confirmed special guests include: • Award-winning filmmaker Ken Burns, who will premiere his latest documentary The National Parks, America’s Best Idea. • New York Times columnist Nick Kristof who will discuss his travels around the globe to some of the toughest and most inhospitable places in the world. • Acclaimed environmental writer, Bill McKibben whose book The End of Nature was a seminal work on climate change. • Four winners – to be announced – of the Goldman Prize, the world’s top environmental prize awarded to ordinary people who, against all odds, produce extraordinary change. Celebrating indomitable spirit, Mountainfilm has the power to change lives.
Singing You Home A CD by Scott Beck “May these songs take you to a place in the heart that we all share.” • 928.634.3600
ReemaTruth Love Creation CD A unique collaboratio of relaxing and meditative songs. Part of the proceeds of this cd’s sales will go to the Usha Yoga Foundation, which brings yoga to marginalized communities worldwide. • 323.301.4200
Buddha2 Caf é CD Feel the vibe and unwind… East meets West in this Cosmopolitan Electronica Lounge. • 714.630.0202
SACRED FIRE TATTOOS: Conscious Custom Tattooing with Siva
Sacred Fire Tattoos is celebrating its 10 year anniversary with a GREAT sale! In addition, mention this article and recieve an additional 5% off.
n avid, talented and prolific artist since a wee lad, Siva has been working as an award-winning, professional tattoo artist for ten years. His work has been featured internationally in numerous magazines and newspaper articles. Before entering the tattoo profession, Siva worked for eight years as a Graphic Designer in the silk-screening medium, and for five years as a professional Bodywork practitioner within various healing modalities, including diet, massage and subtle energetics. Siva has been fortunate to have been able to study with some amazing tattooists (including Guy Aitchison, Luc Zietek, James Kern, Lyle Tuttle and Brian Everett) who gave generously of their experiential knowledge, both technically and artistically. He has taken the cleanliness aspects of tattooing to a new and unique level and has given presentations around the country (from youth groups to medical professionals) on all aspects of safe tattoo procedure. Sacred Fire Tattoos provides high-quality, award-winning custom tattoo art, performed in an ultra clean, relaxing environment. Siva, the artist, is unique in both the cleanliness with which he maintains his shop, as well as the serene, peaceful, easy atmosphere he helps to provide. -Conde Nast, the leading international travel magazine
• Declared "Cleanest Studio" in Northern Arizona 5 years in a row by the Sedona's Department Of Health. • Winner of the Kudos Reader's Choice Award for best Sedona area tattoo studio. Hours: 1pm - 5 pm on Mon., Wed., and Fri. 1- 6 on Sat., and 1-3 on Sun. Contact Siva at: 928.203.9799
DEC 08 / JAN 09
© John Running
DEC 08 / JAN 09
DEC 08 / JAN 09
Interview with
Colette Baron-Reid
nternationally respected intuitive counselor and bestselling Hay House author sits down with us to talk about her move to the Southwest and her views on the spirit of the changing times.
Four Corners: Coming from Eastern Canada to Sedona, do you notice a difference in overall consciousness? Colette Baron-Reid: It’s impossible not to notice a difference! Toronto is now a mini New York with slightly less people, but a bustling city nonetheless. The busyness served as a huge distraction for me and I felt exhausted all the time. Sedona is slow, quiet and small townish, yet extremely diverse in its interests, with an extraordinary artistic community and unique tolerance for a wide range of spiritual pursuits. For the most part I find this to be an inspired community- and a friendly one too. My husband and I are always surprised when people greet us as they walk by on the street. FC: What drew you to the desert and how has it effected your work? CBR: My work as an intuitive became much more public once Hay House invited me to be a part of their family of authors and speakers. I found myself constantly on the road which made it next to impossible for me to remain in a city environment. Last year alone I spoke in 33 cities, held seminars on 4 cruises and I was desperate for a break. I’ll be honest, I dreamt of moving to the west coast or Hawaii for an ocean retreat. I am a water baby and so I assumed we would move to the sea. Out of the blue I found out I was extremely fortunate to qualify for a special NAFTA visa that enabled my husband and I to remain in the US for 5 years. We could pretty much move anywhere we wanted. I guess you can say that I called to the ocean and it was the desert that answered me. I mean there’s an undeniable mystical presence here that breathes through the trees and echoes through the red rocks that has spoken to me at such a deep level it’s hard to explain. All I know is 22
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that my yearning for a deeper connection to nature has been satisfied here. When I drive in from the airport it’s as if I’m traveling along the bottom of an ancient sea or a moonscape, and something happens to me where I’m able to think more clearly. There’s a price to pay here though as the desert is a harsh taskmaster. In the city, one’s shadow blends in with everyone else’s as there’s so much going on. As a result it can be slightly numbing and easier to be in denial about what’s really going on in one’s inner world, at least for me. In Sedona I’m only distracted or disturbed by my own shadow because it’s stark and acutely defined against the landscape. I’m forced to acknowledge this part of myself here with nothing to stand beside it. Everything is in a sacred relationship, so the privilege of observing and communicating with Nature here is humbling and immensely gratifying. One of the most profound changes that shifted the direction of my writing and caused me to completely rethink and change was the whole premise of my new book titled Your Partnership With Spirit, Discover the Truth of having it All, which will now be released fall of 2009. The original book concept was based on a popular prosperity seminar called Intentional Wealth which I had taught for over 10 years before the advent of the Secret. Sedona clearly let me know I wasn’t there anymore and that I was meant to speak about something deeper and in a very different way about this concept. I’m part of a small spiritual community here that read a passage every morning about the true nature of ambition and that daily exposure to some very simple thoughts literally had me calling the publisher begging for an extension. Messages from Spirit, the Extraordinary Power of Oracles Omens and Signs, my second book, became a bestseller this past June and so my request was granted. My husband has equally been inspired here. He’s finished a novel, created an incredible invention for green power and done all kinds of other creative things- it’s been amazing to watch. As a couple, this place has been very good for our marriage which was great to start with! FC: Can you share some of your views on the impact of 2008 and some insights of what’s to come in 2009? CBR: No question 2008 was a pivotal year for all of us. I think it’s a fascinating and exciting time to be alive and it’s my belief that we all chose to be here now. Let’s use the lens of numerology to look at the influences. The energy of the number 8 generally represents money, infinity and death, and brought up all kinds of crazy yet necessary changes in our global financial structures. Many social and economic structures that don’t serve the greater collective will die and are dying, and we’ll see evidence of the death of these dinosaurs between now and 2012. This is meant to lead us into the more egalitarian, altruistic peaceful Aquarian Age where the emphasis is on the group conscience rather than the individual. We’re in the cusp now and seeing the shadow side of Aquarius, which is elitism. Of course the influence of the number 2 resonates with partnerships/ relationships and initiates us into the millennium where the self-centered “me” must shift into “we”. Colette Baron-Reid Interview continued on page 38... DEC 08 / JAN 09
The Divine Feminine and You
We must own and use the feminine within each of us the part of us that receives. It is the part of us that is irresistibly magnetic. It is the part that is all encompassing. It is the part of us that can surround something, conceive its purpose and give birth to it.
very moment of every day we are surrounded and nurtured by a presence of unconditional love. That presence is the Earth Mother. In reviewing my life I can’t find an experience that has been as sweet, all encompassing, magnetic and powerful as my awakening to the divine feminine. This experience took place when I was initiated into the Q’ero shamanic tradition from Peru. The Q’ero tradition is very feminine in nature and this is one of the reasons I was drawn to it. Eventually I was completely transformed by the power of the feminine and as a result of her influence have committed to realizing my potential and living my purpose in this lifetime. One of the first truths I began to work with is that we all have a masculine and feminine principle. This is amazing to realize! Even if you are a man in this lifetime you have a connection to the power of the feminine within you. I have found that by learning to co-operate with the power of the women in my life and the power of my own feminine principle, I have come into co-operation with my higher self. When I do this I am exploring my unknown counterpart. Life then takes on a balance and rhythm that can best be described as walking in beauty. To realize and use the power of the feminine within us we have to develop a relationship with the feminine. Reaching out to her love and power can do this. I do this by honoring and connecting with the Earth Mother, my wife, daughters and all my female friends. As a person who walks the medicine way I remember that these women are teaching me about the feminine and its power. They also remind me to stay in balance with my masculine and feminine and use my power as a man appropriately. 24
DEC 08 / JAN 09
John English
In addition to the actions I have already described, we can use contemplation to explore the power of the divine feminine. Contemplation is not rational thinking, it is more meditative and I like to fashion it as thinking with the heart. Feminine power is magnetic. It is the force in the universe that draws all things to it with the magnetic force of unconditional love. It is also all encompassing - it surrounds what it draws to it with its magnetism. Once it surrounds something, it conceives its purpose and gives birth to it. I have found that a person can learn a lot about the divine feminine and masculine by contemplating a man and woman making love. Masculine energy is the energy of intention and action. The feminine receives the action or life force from the masculine, conceives it and gives birth to new life. So what does all this mean? How can we use this information and turn it into experience and power on the physical plane? We must own and use the feminine within each of us - the part of us that receives. It is the part of us that is irresistibly magnetic. It is the part that is all encompassing. It is the part of us that can surround something, conceive its purpose and give birth to it. In nature the male has to win the female’s affection before she will conceive and give birth to their young. There is a great teaching here. Feminine power is the steadying force of evolution. For progress to be life affirming instead of destructive it has to pass the test, the test of the divine feminine. Take a moment now to ponder the impact on our world if we paused and contemplated all of our actions based on the feminine perspective. An incredible point to ponder, isn’t it? As a result of contemplating this I strive at all times to check all action with the feminine inside me and outside of me. Taking all this into account has brought an extraordinary amount of beauty and power into my life. If my action is not bearing fruit, I pause. I pause to consider the implications of my action. I then consider that perhaps I am using my masculine principle when I should be using my feminine. Maybe it is a time for me to receive instead of being in action. If I am in receiving mode and nothing is happening, I ponder, switching to my masculine side and embarking on a path of action. Identifying, nurturing and working with these two complimentary opposites within me has brought a rhythm to my life that I previously would never have imagined was possible. Today I consciously work with my feminine and masculine principles. I acknowledge that from the great unknown that is the feminine, my masculine side will be sparked into being creative. I contemplate if my actions will be life affirming. I realize that it will be the feminine within me that will conceive and give birth to my intention. This means that I must work with the fact that there is a time for receiving and a time for action. If one of these forces is out of balance in my life, then I am no longer in the flow of the great dance between the feminine and the masculine. I then pause (become feminine) and receive the adjustments that are necessary from my spirit and then make them. If you are in action and that action is not penetrating and bearing fruit, perhaps you need to switch to becoming feminine. If you have been waiting to receive and nothing seems to be happening, perhaps action is required before the feminine in you can give birth to your purpose. My wish for you and for our world is that we all honor the divine feminine and once again remember we are a part of the cosmic dance between the feminine and the masculine. Both of which are divine. John English, the modern day shaman, teaches and writes on a variety of subjects including energy medicine, shamanism and the Medicine Wheel. He is the awardwinning author of The Shift: An Awakening, Energetic Tools for an Energetic Universe and The Little Book on Relationship. John is the Chairman/Founder of DreamTime, LLC, and an international speaker. He is available for private sessions and can be contacted through the websites or, he and his family reside in Phoenix, AZ.
DEC 08 / JAN 09
Five Skills for Finding Your Soul’ s Compass
in Times of Change An Interview with Joan Borysenko Corinne L. Casazza
oan Borysenko is a pioneer in integrative medicine and a worldrenowned expert in the mind/body connection. Her first New York Times bestseller Minding the Body, Mending the Mind was published in 1987 and has sold over 400,000 copies. She has written or co-authored 14 books, most recently Your Soul’s Compass: What Is Spiritual Guidance? We caught up with Joan and asked her specifically about receiving guidance in times of change. Joan began our conversation by telling me that she was in pain. She had ice packs on her eyes and couldn’t see. I immediately asked her if she wanted to reschedule. She refused, saying her time is limited. F o u r C o r n e r s : I’m sorry you’re in pain. What happened? J o a n B o r y s e n k o : I was multi-tasking: putting on make-up, putting in my contact lenses and deciding what work to do for the day. I got exfoliant on my lenses which got into my eyes. I eroded off my corneas. If I had been paying attention this wouldn’t have happened.
F C : Okay, I have to ask, what is the guidance in that? J B : We cannot afford to slide into mindlessness in this time of change. The Universe is telling me to slow down. You are not following your soul’s compass when you’re multitasking. It takes you out of the present moment and puts you in the future. F C : How do we remember to ask for guidance when we are overwhelmed in the moment? J B : (Laughs). That’s the question isn’t it? People are always more interested in being open to guidance when things aren’t going well. When there’s no ground beneath their feet and everything is shifting. It somehow doesn’t seem so important when everything is going well. It’s a matter of personal choice whether we decide to be present and open to guidance, or instead hide behind what’s safe and known. However, there are certain characteristics that are common to people who do well in challenging times. F C : Can you talk about those?
We can despair or hide in the known, or we can do our work, walk into the wisdom of uncertainty and emerge transformed.
DEC 08 / JAN 09
J B : Stress hardy people have the 3Cs * in common: 1. Challenge – Those who function well see challenge not as a threat to the status quo, but as an opportunity to grow. 2 . Control – We must maintain a reasonable amount of control over what we can; like our health habits, diet and exercise, and let go of what we can’t. I lost half my retirement in the last three weeks. I wanted to cut back at work when I’m 70; I’ll be 63 next week. I can’t control my finances completely. I can’t control the stock market, but I can choose to focus on the things I can control like spending less and saving more. 3. Commitment – toward a larger vision, engaging with that vision and moving toward it instead of withdrawing and disengaging. I asked myself what can I do about the economy in my role as a teacher. I came up with writing a short book on how to manage stress in times of change by the end of this year. For Finding Your Soul’s Compass, Joan interviewed 27 sages about receiving spiritual guidance. Since this is most difficult in times of change, Joan explained the three stages of change. Saying Yes to Change, written with her husband, Gordon Dveirin, describes these stages as separation from the known, the liminal period when we’re on the verge of the new, but it hasn’t materialized yet, and the return – return to a new life. “All of us are always in liminal space, living in the unknown, in some part of our life. We need skills to emerge transformed from the liminal space instead of withdrawing in despair.” Coincidentally or not, the skills to deal with the liminal space are the same skills used for receiving spiritual guidance. Here is some of what the sages of Your Soul’s Compass had to say:
Five Skills to Receive Spiritual Guidance in Changing times 1 . Take the attitude that you simply don’t know – surrender to the unknown. If you think you know, this restricts the scope of possibility. When you notice the synchronicities of the unknown, you’ll be
more willing to follow and ask questions. Sir Thomas Keating, a Catholic priest and monk that Joan interviewed for Your Soul’s Compass, said “Life is a journey into the unknown. If you think you know where you’re going, you’re on the wrong track.” All 27 sages who were interviewed for the book said we must be comfortable with mystery. 2 . Be present – If we’re not present, we can miss what’s right in front of us. We need a centering practice to focus the mind. This can be yoga, chi gong, or even music. It doesn’t necessarily have to be meditation; it’s whatever resonates with you. Walking in nature can be very meditative. 3 . Cope with strong emotions – People are stressed, not sleeping; they’re afraid of the future, their job security and whether they can keep their business afloat. Emotion is a big issue because fear blocks the possibility of hearing guidance. We must welcome fear. Allow ourselves to feel it, stay with it until it transforms. We should listen, tolerate and transform our emotions. 4 . Have a sense of humor – this is a great strategy. Joan has been privileged enough to spend a good deal of time with the Dalai Lama. He’s always laughing. He sees the absurdities of life with great compassion. 5 . Develop Discernment – when you encounter synchronicities do you view them as guidance or coincidence? To tell the difference between ego and guidance, you have to feel into the situation. Is it peaceful, exciting, compassionate? Does your energy feel expanded? Or are you closing up and feeling tense? This requires the daily practice of noticing your energy body. Moment by moment we must know what is going on in our energy. Discernment is the ultimate practice of presence.
Moving Forward One of three things can happen to each of us in this tremendous time of change. We can fall into despair and become easily depressed. It’s very important to get professional help if this happens to you. We can fall into Fundamentalism, seeking refuge in the known. There are all types of fundamentalism – religious, economic, political etc. Hiding in the known doesn’t help during times of change. Finally we can be cracked open to have the shell of our ego break away. This is when we are transformed. Jean Houston called it “jump time” when we move into a higher level of harmony worldwide; get rid of the old and welcome in the new. The choice is ours. We can despair or hide in the known and avert change and evolution, or we can do our work, walk into the wisdom of uncertainty and emerge transformed in our return to a new life. * This information is from a study by Suzanne Kobasa and Salvatore Maddi. They studied AT&T executives in the middle of reorganization to see who could function well and who would fall apart.
Corinne L. Casazza is a freelance writer and author based in Sedona, AZ. Her first novel, Divided We Fall is available locally and online. You can reach Corinne at
DEC 08 / JAN 09
Feel Relief Fast Melt Away Years of Stress • Tension • Pain Leading technology for the elimination of stress, tension and pain caused by muscle spasm
Vibratory Energy Therapy™
A Unique Way to Relax In Sedona Mariko Yamamoto and Reuel Ari, affectionately known as Mari and Ari, owners of well established Digestive Wellness Center, in Sedona (Arizona) have opened Amethyst Springs, Oasis of Well Being, a unique space of profound, deep relaxation and wellness. It was founded on the principle that healing occurs in deep states of relaxation. Amethyst Springs introduces the Amethyst BioMat™, filled to the brim with amethyst crystals, recognized for centuries as Nature’ s healing gem. Each session at Amethyst Springs is offered on the Amethyst BioMat™, which is gently heated and penetrates the body with negative ions and far infrared waves. Also offered is pure hydrating alkalized, ionized water before and after each session. In addition to the Heavenly Amethyst BioMat™ Sessions, Reuel & Mariko are offering extraordinarily unique healing sessions of“Core Synchronism”and“Infinite Possibility”on the Amethyst BioMat™. Go to for full details.
Amethyst Springs, Oasis of Well Being is conveniently located in West Sedona and is open by appointment Monday thru Saturday. Please call 928.203.0653
Scorpion Queen Testimonial by Harmony Burke
ecently, in the span of a week, I had awoken on two separate occasions to scorpions, with a total of five stings. I remained calm and took a benadryl just in case I was allergic, and immediately iced the wounds. I also taped the inner pad of a prickly pear cactus to the wounds which diminished the pain and dissolved the marks completely. Upon waking I felt surprisingly fine and headed off to work. By the afternoon my vision was fuzzy, my words were slurring and my movement perception was affected. To deal with most sting encounters individuals end up in the emergency room to be given several pharmaceutical drugs to”band aid” the poison symptoms. Luckily, I work for our highly skilled local naturopath, Dr. James Hutton. During each occurrence, he treated me with an IV protocol from the 1930’s introduced by a doctor who had extensive training in treating stings. During the 45 minute drip I could literally feel the neurotoxins fizzing and breaking up behind my blurring vision. On each occasion, by the end of each treatment, I was functioning normally again. Apparently, the poison a scorpion admits attacks the nervous system which is why on top of getting sick (depending on the scorpion and the amount of poison it injects) it can also affect the operation of basic motor skills. Working at the medical clinic I have seen many successful patient treatments in the bite and sting realm as well from first hand experience and can pass along the wisdom and facts that dangerous stings and bites can be naturally, safely, and effectively treated by Dr. James Hutton. For more information on poisonous insect stings, bites, and treatment please contact: Dr. James Hutton, NMD Medical Clinic of Oak Creek 2301 W. Hwy 89A Sedona, AZ 86336 928.203.9013
DEC 08 / JAN 09
A wonderful way to relieve: · back pain · sinus and neck pain · migraine and headache pain · hip and sciatic pain · wrist and elbow pain · shoulder tension · flexibility problems · sports and training pain What causes painful muscle spasm? All contracting working muscle burns stored sugar from the liver and produces lactic acid which is a waste product. Normally a muscle gets a rest period, but repetitive action or trauma can prevent the muscle from resting. No rest means that the lactic acid waste is not removed from the muscle. The acid in the muscle interferes with the messages from the muscle to the brain about the internal tension of the muscle itself and that is the start of spasm and internal stress. What does Vibratory Engery™ do? There are feedback nerves on the muscle which tell the brain whether the muscle needs to be tightened or relaxed to maintain proper muscle tension. When accumulated lactic acid (toxic waste) sickens the feedback nerves, the signal to the brain about muscle conditions is weakened. The brain, receiving the weak signal, thinks the muscle is too relaxed and commands it to tighten. This is how spasm develops. The cause of the original problem is lactic acid, that has been squeezed into the muscle fiber, deadening the feedback nerve signal. Vibratory Energy Therapy™ stimulates and heals the feedback nerves. When the strength of the signal from the feedback nerve to the brain is increased, the brain stops telling the muscle to tighten and the muscle releases its spasm. Then, blood vessels open, circulation is increased, lactic acid is carried away to the liver and muscle health is restored.
Call now to experience total pain relief and relaxation of Vibratory Energy Therapy™ Dr. John St. John AET/CHT 928.274.0139
Energy Medicine
Donna Eden
“Energy medicine is the next big frontier in medicine.” -Mehmet Oz, M.D. (on Oprah)
© Jeannehatc.../
t has been incredible to watch how quickly and eagerly people are learning to work with the energetic dimension of their physical body. Everything shifts as you use energy techniques that not only keep you healthy but can improve your wellbeing in every aspect of your life: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Learning to tune into this neglected dimension of your being empowers you immensely. Energy Medicine is based on the understanding that any physical, mental, or behavioral problem has a counterpart in the body’s energies and can be treated at that level. Every conceivable health problem, psychological challenge, or dysfunctional habit can be improved, if not overcome, by intelligently shifting the energies in the body that are maintaining that condition. In the process, you become more consciously, intimately, and joyfully involved in the deepest workings of your physical body, a journey that extends down to your soul. One of my first clients, from over two decades ago, showed me the power of working with a person’s energies. A woman with ovarian cancer came for a session with the hope that I could help relax her body and prepare it for a surgery that was scheduled in five days. She had been told to "get her affairs in order" as her immune system was so weak that her chances of surviving the surgery were limited. Metastases was also suspected. From looking at her energy, I was certain the cancer had not metastasized. While her energy was dim and collapsed close to her body, the only place that looked like cancer to me was in her left ovary. In addition, the texture, vibration and appearance of the energy coming up through her ovary was responsive to my work with her. I could see and feel it shift, and by the end of the session, the pain that had been with her for weeks was gone. I told her that her body was so responsive to what I had done that I wondered about her plan to have surgery. I was concerned that her immune system was indeed too weak, and I was confident that by working with her energy, not only would her immune system be strengthened, the tumor's growth could be reversed. While I made my statements with the strong disclaimers required to avoid immediate arrest for practicing medicine without a license, she responded to the implication that she cancel the surgery with horror. I suggested she at least delay the operation for two weeks. She scheduled a session with me for the next day and said she would discuss the surgery with her husband. That evening I received a call from her husband. He was outraged and threatening. He called me a "quack." He said I was putting his wife's life in jeopardy by giving her false hope, and he told me I would never have another chance to confuse her like this. He made it clear that she would not be coming back. When I began to respond, he hung up. I called back a short while later. She answered. Talking in hushed tones, she was clearly uncomfortable speaking with me. I said, "Okay, don't postpone the surgery, but please keep your appointment tomorrow. You don't have to pay. You have nothing to lose. I believe in what I am saying, in fact, I want you to bring your husband in with you. Find a way!" She did not believe he would come in, but the next day, they both arrived for the appointment. I had her lie down on the massage table. My hope was to find a way to give this traditional and skeptical man, so poignantly fierce in his protection of his wife, an experience of healing energy that his senses could not deny. I could see a dark, dense energy at the site of his wife's left ovary, and it felt like my hand was moving through a muddy swamp. I asked the husband to place his hand a few inches above the area and begin to circle it, using a motion that tends to draw energy out of the body. To his great surprise, not only could he immediately feel that he was moving against something, within two minutes his hand was pulsing with pain. To his utter amazement, his wife reported that her pain diminished as his increased. By the end of the session she was again pain-free, felt better, and looked better. I had also been able to show them both, through the use of "energy testing," that we had
Everything shifts as you use energy techniques that not only keep you healthy but can improve your well-being in every aspect of your life. been able to direct healing energies from her immune system to the area of her cancer. I taught him a set of procedures to use with her every day. They decided to temporarily postpone the surgery and ask for further medical tests prior to rescheduling it. After about ten days of these daily treatments from him and three more sessions with me, she went through the additional testing. The tumor was gone. I have since taught thousands of people how to manage their own energy systems. I do not know of a more important skill to develop. The first practitioner of energy medicine is you. We are required today to live in conscious partnership with our body's energy systems if we are to live fully. And it is easier than you might imagine to learn how to mobilize inner forces that enhance your health, empower your mind, and brighten your spirit. DONNA EDEN is among the world’s most sought, most joyous, and most authoritative spokespersons for Energy Medicine. Her abilities as a healer are legendary. Her best-selling book, Energy Medicine, is the classic in its field. Its sequel, Energy Medicine for Women, was the U.S. Book News 2008 Book of the Year in the women’s health category. Donna Eden will be in Sedona, Az 2/6-2/7 2009 for a hands-on experience. Contact Carole Mackler for details: 928.634.1000 • • DEC 08 / JAN 09
The Secret is Out A Look Into Kundalini Yoga Rachel Hollingsworth
The upcoming Kundalini Teacher Training at 7 Centers Yoga Arts in February is one place in the United States where these more traditional practices are being taught. The training is a month-long intensive, where students agree to abstain from sex, all drugs (including caffeine and aspirin), and basically live in an ashram-inspired environment, with little contact with the outside world. Because of the advanced nature of the practices involved, 7 Centers is only accepting students who meet certain criteria, such as previous completion of a 200-hour yoga teacher training, or recommendation from a Kundalini instructor. 7 Centers Yoga Arts offers daily classes in both Bhajan’ s style of Kundalini and traditional Hatha Yoga. Check their website for a current schedule, or call 928-203-4400 for details. Rachel Hollingsworth completed the Hatha Yoga Teacher Training at 7 Centers Yoga Arts in 2006 and has taught yoga for the past four years in the US and abroad. Rachel's teaching experience includes a variety of settings, such as colleges and private homes in this country & Micronesia, and at 7 Centers Yoga Arts.
hile the ancient Indian practice of yoga continues to gain popularity throughout the world, even avid Hatha Yoga practitioners in the West tend to know very little about Kundalini Yoga. The somewhat mysterious veil surrounding Kundalini Yoga practice is, perhaps, not so surprising, given that it has only been taught publicly since 1968. Both Hatha Yoga and Kundalini Yoga emerged from India as components of spiritual practice, however, the evolution of these two distinct styles of yoga in the West is vastly different. Hatha Yoga has spawned many branches, and has so many students that virtually every style of yoga well-known in the West today has its roots in Hatha. The many styles include Ashtanga, Bikram, Iyengar, Power, Jivamukti, Yin, and Flow Yoga among others. What unites these various styles is an emphasis on asana, or the physical exercises of yoga, which can build physical fitness, strength, flexibility, and help to reduce stress, thus improving overall physical health as well as mental outlook. “Kundalini is a style of yoga that is clearly presented as a spiritual practice,” says Ruth Hartung, Director of 7 Centers Yoga Arts in Sedona, and long-time Kundalini Yoga practitioner and teacher. Rather than focusing on the health of the physical body, Kundalini’s focus is on subtle energy channels and charkas. Nearly all Kundalini classes in the West follow the 3HO (Healthy, Happy, Holy Organization) style, and include chanting mantras about the divine in Gurmukhi (a language spoken in Northern India and Pakistan), moving the body’s subtle energy through breathing techniques, meditation, and physical movements. 3HO was founded by Yogi Bhajan (1929-2004), a Sikh who first visited the United States – Los Angeles – in 1968. Embroiled as the country was in various social movements and drug culture among the youth, Bhajan decided that the West needed a health-based yogic practice that would reveal the joy and light he believed was inherent in each person. He broke Sikh tradition and began teaching Kundalini Yoga, mostly to youth of the 60’s and others who, while exploring psychedelics had become addicted to drugs. Bhajan helped many people break their dependence or addiction because the practices he taught helped people have “natural highs” without any drugs. “Even in one’s first Kundalini Yoga class, one can experience the activation of the third eye – which we associate with psychic abilities and our intuition. The combination of the signature breath of fire with the movements first activate the energy field and in turn, the chakras,” Hartung says. This is also accompanied by an endorphin release and often by unusual visual experiences, such as seeing vibrant colors, recalling past memories vividly, or having spontaneous past-life regression. This is probably why Bhajan was almost immediately embraced by the so-called “flower children.” Once in America, Bhajan formed the American Sikh community, a uniquely Western interpretation of Sikhism, in which Kundalini Yoga is spiritual ritual – similar to a church or temple service. In traditional Indian society, Sikhs made up the warrior class – due to their comparatively large size (Bhajan was 6 foot 3). This background is responsible for the emphasis on strength and stamina in the physical practices of Kundalini Yoga, rather than the flexibility found in Hatha Yoga. Kundalini and Hatha also differ in their more traditional Indian forms. For example, “hatha yoga” is generally translated to mean “union of the sun and moon,” which speaks to the goal of uniting all dualities in the psyche of the student, revealing the oneness yogis speak of as the true nature of the universe. “Kundalini Yoga,” on the other hand, translates as “union with divine energy.” Kundalini is most often described as a coiled snake, which lies sleeping at the base of the subtle body (the base of the spine), ready to strike upwards. This is not meant literally, of course, but describes the potential to “wake up” the dormant parts of the human brain, and live life within “the full realization of our own divine nature,” Hartung says. As this “atomic energy” moves up the spine from its base, each chakra that is awakened stimulates a certain portion of the brain, manifesting qualities that are typically assigned to superheroes or science fiction, such as clairvoyance, levitation, or clairaudience. In yogic philosophy it is believed that every human being carries the potential for these supernormal or divine “powers” in the dormant seed state and that the activation and awakening of the kundalini is what releases this. This may be the origin of the most-common fear and myth associated with Kundalini Yoga – that it will bring about Kundalini awakening, and is therefore dangerous. In fact, Bhajan’s style of yoga is designed only to strengthen and prepare the body for Kundalini awakening, so the practices are considered very safe. He felt that an actual awakening should only be attempted in an ashram environment, where all food intake and other aspects of daily routine are overseen by the teacher. In other words, techniques for Kundalini awakening are not part of any of the 200+ sets Bhajan’s students now teach. There is a big difference between chakra activation, which is a common occurrence in Kundalini Yoga practices, and an actual Kundalini awakening in a chakra. According to Hartung, who has over 17 years of experience as a Kundalini Yoga teacher, the difference between these two experiences is extreme. As part of a regular Kundalini practice, people can experience “deeply spiritual openings and poetic blissful experiences,” she says. A Kundalini awakening, however, makes it “impossible to look at things in the same way ever again, because it so profoundly changes the way you experience reality. It is accompanied by physical changes, sensitivities in the body and nervous system and a movement from ‘intellectual knowledge’ to real wisdom”.
DEC 08 / JAN 09
fitness Tough Times = a Tougher You! Kim Hollenback In these troubled times of economic hardship, sky-high gas prices, new leaders and the possibility of staying in the work force for longer than we originally thought, the importance of maintaining good health is higher than ever before. Diseases such as diabetes, heart disease & cancer are on the rise. Overbooked schedules lend themselves to fast food and skipped workouts, and doing things for ourselves tends to get pushed to the bottom of the to-do list. However, if we don’t take care of ourselves, our life force and our vitality, we won’t be able to take care of anything or anyone. We need stamina and strength for the tough times that we are experiencing. Taking care of our health has become an even bigger priority than ever before. It's time to re-commit to taking care of our bodies this season. Not just the usual New Year’s resolution to get in shape, but a real change in body awareness. Attention must be paid to how we are “fueling the machine” and how we can add physical activity to our routines. I could write pages and pages of “how to get in shape” but you already know what to do. You know what foods are good for you and which ones aren’t. You know what kind of fitness activities you prefer and which people you enjoy doing them with. The challenge now, as it always has been, is getting the motivation to do it. I'm going to make it easy for you– make up your mind and just do it! I know it sounds cliché but it’s true. Decide on the activities and then put them on your calendar or in your day planner and then stick to it. If you had a lunch scheduled with a friend, and something came up, most likely you would keep your appointment with your friend and find a better time to tend to the other matter. Treat your date with yourself as you would any other date or appointment. Plan it, dress for it, reschedule anything else around it, and just do it. Remember, the to-do list is never finished. There will always be more to do, but wouldn't you rather be stronger while you tackle them? Kim Hollenback owns Solid Rock Fitness, a one-on-one fitness studio in Sedona, AZ and she teaches aerobics at the Hilton Spa. Kim has been helping people achieve improved health, vitality & quality of life for 25 years. She can be reached at 928.301.0209 and after the New Year look for her new website at
The Pilates Roll-Up Lisa Beckstead One of the best Pilates exercises is the Roll-Up. It utilizes all of the Pilates priciples: engagement of core muscles, proper form and alignment, articulation or movement of the spine, and most important, effective breathing principles to create the movement. Compared to the sit-up, the RollUp works muscles deeper in the body and together during all phases of the movement. The best thing is that once properly instructed, this exercise can be done in your home, a hotel room, or anytime you can’t get to the gym. To begin, lie on your back with a straight spine, arms extended overhead, legs together with feet flexed. Visualize your spine lengthening from the top of your head through the soles of your feet. Inhale to prepare, while scooping and lifting your abdominals, pulling them back against your spine. Slowly and purposefully exhale as you draw your arms down in line with your shoulders, chin reaches toward your chest, shoulder blades draw together and down to stabilize them on the back. Continue to hollow through the abdominals as you peel your spine off the mat, feeling each vertebra as it lifts off, coming to a sitting position. Draw your arms in front of you as you continue to scoop the abdominals back against your spine. Reach forward, staying lifted through the top of your spine, like you are reaching for a ball. Inhale into the side and back of your ribs fully as you begin to roll down, continuing to scoop the abdominals, then exhale as you place each vertebra down, visualizing space and length, arms drawing back overhead. When the back of your hips connect on the mat, feel your pelvis slide underneath you, stretching the hips and low back, then return to a neutral spine with your tailbone lengthened on the mat. To modify the Roll-Up, you may bend your legs and reach with your arms behind your knees as you roll up and down. You may also have someone hold your feet or place your feet under a stationary object. To challenge the Roll-Up, place your hands behind your head, elbows in line with your ears as you roll up. Remember to keep your abdominal scoop in all phases of the exercise. Lisa Becksted is the owner of Paragon Pilates and a certified Pilates instructor and personal trainer. 480.580.1503 or at
Tired of spending endless hours in the gym, doing the same exercises with little results? Step up to the Pilates challenge and take charge of your physical fitness. In just 10 Pilates sessions you will:
• Improve your posture and recognize body imbalances • Learn to breathe more fully and efficiently • Develop better core strength, eliminate low back pain • Strengthen and lengthen muscles, increase flexibility
Lisa Becksted of Paragon Pilates is a Pilates Method certified instructor as well as a certified Personal Trainer.
480.580.1503 DEC 08 / JAN 09
Tai Chi for Enlightenment Ancient Taoist Secrets Revealed to the Masses in Times of Great Change INTERVIEW WITH TAI CHI MASTER MICHAEL WINN
© Aneurysm/
Miguel Montoya
blessings occurring in their daily lives. According to Qigong/Tai Chi master Michael Winn, President of The Healing Tao USA Qigong Center and author of numerous classics like Taoist Secrets of Love with Mantak Chia, Tai Chi for Enlightenment can even change your karma. Rescued from extinction by a doctor named Zhu Hui, it was a wise 106-year old monk named Li Tong who passed on the secret form having favored Dr. Hui since he became China’s national tai chi sword champion as a young man. Zhu Hui soon discovered its curious powers and later verified its lofty origins which link directly to Chang San Feng – the legendary 13th century “Taoist Immortal” and founder of Tai Chi Chuan. Mr. Winn boldly stated, “I am sure this is Chang San Feng’s supreme creation – the jewel he left behind on earth… Many of
“For 35 years I’ ve hunted down the secrets of enlightenment... I want to share with you the crème de la crème of my discoveries.” o begins the auspicious introduction to a magical form called Tai Chi for Enlightenment, recently unveiled to the world. Kept secret for over 800 years in the Taoist temples of China and taught sparingly to a select group of monks, this spiritually potent tai chi form has been called “the crown jewel of China’s spiritual development.” Its ancient name is wuji qigong, meaning “develops skills for entering the supreme mystery.” It takes a mere twenty minutes to practice and can be learned in just a few days, yet activates one’s enlightenment process in undeniable ways. Practitioners tell of deep soul-centering, spiritual bliss, heart-openings, and uncanny
my students stop or reduce practice of other martial tai chi forms because they quickly get ten times as much energy and spiritual bliss.” Masters and Elders around the world seem to be responding to the same urgent call – to fully disclose their deepest secrets to enlighten the masses in these times of great change. Tibet, China, India, and the Indigenous peoples of the Americas are opening up their storehouses of wisdom in unprecedented fashion. The sacred technique called Kunlun Bliss has escaped from Tibet, Kriya Yoga is more accessible than ever, Indigenous elders and Indian Avatars now travel to your town – and the prized Tai Chi for Enlightenment technique can be learned from the comfort of your home. This is a rare and blessed time to be alive. As Michael Winn is fond of saying, “Your enlightenment is my enlightenment.” Indeed, how could anyone keep a “jewel” like this to themselves?
c Four Corners: Michael, tell us about your experiences in teaching Tai Chi for Enlightenment? Michael Winn: (Laughs) It’s so magical. By now I’ve taught many thousands of people this form. I just taught a Tai Chi for Enlightenment workshop, and everyone got it right away… They’re all having incredible energetic experiences. That’s part of the whole magic and mystery of this form that really puzzled me at first. FC: How many years have you been teaching Tai Chi for Enlightenment?
I met Zhu Hui (Joo Wee) in 1997 and began to teach around 1999. I practiced for over a year and a half just trying to decode the form. After thirty-five
years you get to know what Qigong forms do and what channels are opening. This form totally baffled me because everyday that I practiced it I had a different experience. Fortunately I had a background in internal alchemy, which allowed me to recognize and decode Chang San Feng’s Tai Chi for Enlightenment form. I believe that only a ‘Taoist immortal’ could have designed this form. It’s so ingenious – and it’s easy to learn. This Tai Chi for Enlightenment form combines tai chi, feng shui, chi kung (qigong), the 10 Heavenly Stems and 12 branches of the Chinese Calendar, and inner alchemy – a powerful form of Taoist meditation. Energetically, it is the opposite of martial tai chi forms. They emit chi outwardly for self-defense or focus on manipulating an opponent's chi. Tai Tai Chi for Enlightenment with Master Michael Winn continued on page 39...
DEC 08 / JAN 09
DNA Medicine Wheel in Sedona Opens to the Public
crowd of 50+ gathered November 13th to open a magnificent new sacred site–one that is free and welcoming to all. In addition to the ceremonial tepee at the“steeple house”off of Dry Creek Road, tour guides, locals, and visitors are invited to visit a new DNA Medicine Wheel. It is a donation from local businesses Angels of Enlightenment and Sacred Health. Co-designer Medicine Wolf commented, “You may enter this medicine wheel whenever you wish to elevate to a higher level of spirituality, consciousness, intelligence, and divine unconditional love. It is our gift. Please use it.” Designer, psychic Brian Schider says there is nothing else quite like it in the world. Surrounded by a large outer ring of massive red rocks, there are also two magnetic rings of metallic rock, and a dug out center hole with“channeled”symbols painted on every rock, each which Schider says is equivalent to 144,000 prayers.
10 Gideon Road 928.282.1756 Open from sunrise to sunset. Watch the Opening Ceremony on You Tube! Search“DNA Medicine Wheel Sedona”
DEC 08 / JAN 09
The Mother of the World
Robert G. Bauval
lthough I was born in the city of Alexandria in 1948 and lived there till my departure from Egypt in 1967, when I finally returned to experience living in Egypt again in 2004, I chose the capital city of Cairo. I wanted to see and feel for myself what it was like to live in this metropolis that the Arabs call The Mother of the World.
Belly Dance student in Old Cairo
Cairo is the oldest capital city in the world. It can be said to have existed even before the pyramids were built. In c.3000 BC the first pharaoh of a united Egypt (known as “The Two Lands” i.e. Upper and Lower Egypt), king Narmer (also called Menes) founded Egypt’s first capital at a location 15 kilometers south of today’s modern city of Cairo. He called this city “Ineb Hedj”, the White Wall, but better known to history as Memphis. Today ancient Memphis has nearly completely disappeared under the thick layer of silt brought by the Nile flood every year through the centuries and also, perhaps mostly, from its destruction and vandalizing by Christian mobs after the decree of the Byzantine pope Theodosius I (379-95 AD) who ordered the closure of all ‘pagan’ temples in Egypt. The coup-de-grace finally came after the Arab Invasion in 641 AD under the military general Amr Ibn el Ass. Visitors today will see some vestiges of ancient Memphis near the modern village of Mitt Rahina dating mostly from the New Kingdom. The most impressive remain is a colossal statue of Ramses II which is lying on its back like a sleeping giant. The quality of this sculpture is so perfect that one almost expects this giant to wake up and walk away. In ancient times the city of Memphis was associated with the great necropolis of Saqqara, home of the famous Step Pyramid of king Djoser (c. 2700 BC) and the many other 5th and 6th dynasties pyramids (c. 2300-2100 BC) and the various New Kingdom and Late Period tombs. At Saqqara is also the mysterious Serapeum, a huge labyrinth which houses 64 massive sarcophagi of the sacred Apis Bulls of Memphis. Also to be found at Saqqara are 34
DEC 08 / JAN 09
the many Mastaba (low, bunker-shaped tombs) of the very first kings of ancient Egypt from the 1st and 2nd dynasties (c.3000-2800 BC). Memphis was also closely associated with the sacred city of Innu (city of pillars), better known under its Greek name of Heliopolis, the City of the Sun. Heliopolis is about 8 kilometers northeast of modern Cairo and, since earliest times, was the seat of the priesthood of the sun cult and the stellar religion of the pharaohs. It is these priests that planned the pyramids and also composed the Pyramid Texts. Heliopolis was the very first ‘university’ of the ancient world where sciences such as astronomy, geometry, medicine, architecture, the arts and writing were taught to the selected neophytes. Until the arrival of the Romans in Egypt in 30 B.C., Heliopolis had hosted illustrious students such as Plato, Pythagoras and Eudoxus, who were taught by the Egyptian priests. Legend also has it that the child Jesus was educated at Heliopolis during his years in Egypt. Next to Heliopolis is the town of Matareya where the Holy Family is said to have taken refuge after they escaped from the massacre of the infants in Judea. Today a beautiful church dedicated to the Virgin Mary stands at the location where the Holy Family is believed to have lived. The story of modern Cairo, however, begins in 641 A.D. with the Arab Invasion. The Arab general Amr Ibn el Ass, who conquered the Romans in Egypt, set the boundaries of a new town he called Fustat which today known as ‘Old Cairo.’ Fustat prospered from the heavy taxes levied on Nile transportation and on the trade from the caravans of goods coming from the east. But in the 10th century
when the Fatimids from Tunisia arrived in Egypt and became its rulers, they rejected Fustat and set up a new city nearby. Legend goes that the astrologers who cast the horoscope for the new city noted the rising of the planet Mars, Al Kahir in Arabic (“The Victorious”) and thus the city was called Al Kahira. The name Al Kahira is still used by the modern Egyptians but was corrupted by the early Europeans to “Cairo.” Modern Cairo is now a huge metropolis claiming a population of over 18 million and boasting hundreds of mosques and churches, as well oriental palaces and the world’s greatest museum of antiquities as well as the largest oriental bazaars. After my self-imposed exile from Egypt in 1967, I finally took my first trip back in 1972 to see my family who still lived there. And although my family and, later, my research, took me back to Egypt many times over the years, it was not until 2004 that my wife, Michele, and I decided to move to Cairo on a more permanent basis. In the winter of 2004 I was offered to rent a splendid apartment belonging to my dear friend Mohammad Nazmy, the owner of Quest Travel. Many Italian visitors have already experienced his savvy and generosity through the many tours organized with HERA Magazine. The apartment that Nazmy made available to us was in a new block of flats located directly opposite the famous Mena House Hotel and, more spectacularly, about half a kilometer from the Pyramids of Giza. From our balcony and large windows we had a permanent view of these fantastic monuments, so close that sometimes you felt you could reach out and touch the Great Pyramid. The
main purpose of coming to Cairo was to write my book, The Egypt Code, on location, and at the same time have a permanent access to the ancient pyramid and temple sites of Egypt. But it was also to experience and explore the amazing city of Cairo and its 5000 years of history. Equipped with desktop and laptop computers linked to the Internet, and also with my old Mercedes car (called Bucephalus after the famous horse of Alexander the Great), I made it a point to take rides every day in and around the city after I had finished my writing work. Some of the ancient sites were within easy access from my home, and I would be able to walk to the Giza pyramids in just 10 minutes, or drive to the pyramids of Saqqara, Abusir, Dashour and Abu Ruwash a less than one hour. Many sunsets were spent at the Sun Temples of Abu Rowash with friends, and many sunrises at the truncated pyramid of Djedefre (son of Cheops) at Abu Ruwash or just enjoying breakfast on my balcony. When my friend the photographer, Sandro Mainardi was in Egypt we visited other more distant sites such as Meydum, Dashour, Lisht and Hawara to also explore the pyramids and tombs there. Modern Cairo is a city you can either love and hate… at the same time. Hate it because of its high pollution, its maddening noise, its crazy traffic, its general chaos, but then also love it because of its vibrant humanity, its multi-colored streets, its exotic smells, its amazingly generous and extroverted people, its maddening cheerful crowds and its pulsating life. Living near the Giza pyramids, however, has its obvious advantages but also some disadvantages. Being near the highway towards Alexandria and the Fayoum, the traffic jams in the early morning and evenings can be seen horrendous, and the accompanying cacophony of hooting and police sirens like some weird orchestra gone mad. But when this traffic dwindles (but never completely stops!) during the day and in the late evenings, the view from our balcony becomes magical, almost mystical, revealing a landscape of pyramids to our left and fairytale palaces (the Mena House buildings) to our right, and the cream coloured dunes of the Sahara just beyond. One of the great pleasures of living in this this part of the world is the weather, always warm and sunny, although it does get quite hot in the summer months. The evenings are truly magnificent, with amazing golden and red sunsets over the pyramids, and pastel pink dawns filled with the songs of larks and the faraway screech of falcons that inhabit the surrounding gardens. Needless to say, our apartment (which covered nearly 400 square meters, with 4 bedrooms and 3 living rooms!) became a kind of guesthouse for friends and colleagues that came on trips to Egypt. But we never tired of showing them around the ancient sights as well as taking them to experience the modern city of Cairo. In medieval times Cairo was a walled city with several gates. Bab Zawayla is the oldest of these gates, and provides one of the most spectacular view in the Middle East. Right in the very heart of Old Cairo, to get there one has to walk from the Khan Khalili bazaar through crowded alleys vibrant with the merchants, the street sellers and the beggars to reach the ancient gate that is flanked by two very tall minarets. For a nominal entrance fee of 2 Euros you can climb to the top of the minarets and witness the best view that any Arab city can offer. It is like being on a flying carpet gliding over the many hundreds of minarets and palaces of a fairylike landscape reminiscent of images from Omar Khayam’s A Thousand and One Nights. After such a visit, then a stroll in the huge Khan Khalili bazaar must follow, and finally a stop at the world-famous Fishawi cafeteria to sip mint-tea and smoke a Shisha (waterpipe) amidst the well-to-do Egyptians that frequent this very picturesque oriental place. On one special occasion I took a friend walking through the socalled City of the Dead which is nearby. This is a sprawling area full of medieval tombs (mausoleums actually) which have been converted into living quarters by the poor population of Cairo. It is said that nearly 2 million people live here, mostly Zabalins (Egypt’s version of garbage collectors) who have developed a kind of special culture of their own. In the northern Arab cemetery, which is rarely visited by foreigners, is the tomb of the great Swiss explorer Johann Ludwig Burckhardt who discovered the great temple of Abu Simbel in Nubia in 1813, and also Petra in Jordan. Burkhardt converted to Islam and changed his name to Sheikh Abdullah Ibrahim. It was not easy to find his tomb in the vast Muslim cemetery, and luckily I was escorted by the local Sheikh who took me to the right place after roaming through the many narrow alleys between the rows of tombs. Another favorite haunt of mine, and where I like to take my guests, is at the magnificent Citadel of Saladin overlooking Old Cairo. There is, too, the ancient Coptic area with its old Christian churches, some dating to the 5th century AD. I can attest that when you visit all those places you feel like you traveled back into the past in a time-machine. Even the people who inhabit those places look from a long gone era. On one occasion I took Sandro Mainardi to the Moqqatam hills near the Citadel which is where the pyramid builders quarried some of the blocks for building their monuments. From there you have a splendid view of the Citadel and other minarets of Old Cairo, giving you the sensation that you are on the outskirts not of a modern metropolis but an ancient medieval city full of promise of romance and adventure. I can really understand why so many Europeans in the 18th and 19th century, especially after Napoleon Bonaparte invasion of Egypt in 1798, were lured to this city and its mysteries. I could go on and on about my experiences in Cairo that could fill not just one article but a whole book. I could talk about the amazing Antiquities Museum with its endless treasures and artifacts; I could talk about the chaotic yet colorful and vibrant bazaars and the thousands of street cafés where on one can sip Turkish coffee and oriental tea, smoke the Shisha or play domino and trictrac (Egyptian backgammon) with the locals. I could also speak of the splendid and luxurious palaces you can visit and even sleep in (some are converted into 5-star hotels) or the many restaurants serving tasty Egyptian food and rosewater flavored cakes. I could talk about all that, but I won’t. I will leave you to discover all this by yourself (or escorted by me if you want to join my organized tours.) and leave you tell the stories yourself to your friends and family back home. As we say in Egypt: Itfadal fi Masr. Welcome to Egypt!
Robert Bauval at the eastern gate of Old Cairo
Robert Bauval was born in Egypt in 1948. A construction engineer, his interest in Egyptology is long standing having lived in Egypt and the Middle East for much of his life. He is the co-author of two international best-sellers: The Orion Mystery and Keeper of Genisis. Robert will be leading a tour in Egypt along with Archaeoastronomer, Thomas Brophy called "A Gathering of Souls" March 19-30, 2009. Contact Laura Pennington for complete itinerary at Sanctum • 928.300.1080 DEC 08 / JAN 09
View of the Giza Pyramids from the Mena house hotel
A special visit on Spring Equinox Day at the Sphinx FOUR CORNERS MAGAZINE
Access Energy Transformation In Sedona with Australian born Joanna Giles
2009 Pilgrimages to Southern France
"What's right about me I'm not getting?" FREE TALK ON ACCESS - JANUARY 7 earn what it takes to live in the question. When you make a decision does it feel light or heavy? What if every choice was just a choice, no form, no structure, no judgment and no significance? There are an infinite amount of choices available to you now, in this moment. What would it be like to choose for you and have fun doing it? BARS CLASS - JANUARY 8 Learn the Hands on process known as “Bars” and receive it. Activating these points by lightly touching them and by allowing the energy to flow through these Bars releases the electrical charge that holds all considerations, judgements thoughts, beliefs, decisions, emotions or attitudes you have ever stored or decided were important in any lifetime. There are 32 points or ‘Bars’ on the head including: Healing, Body, Sexuality, Money, Control, Aging, Hope and Dreams, Creativity, Power, Creating Life Forms, etc. After a Bars session the worst that can happen is, you feel like you had a great massage, the best thing that can happen is it can change your whole life. Foundation and Level One of Access: January 9-13 in Sedona, venue T.B.A. $200. Please contact Joanna Giles: or phone AUS: 61.414.517630 or US: 928.274.4119
MAY 16-26 AND SEPTEMBER 15-25 oin us for a magical journey using the transforming power of sound: Mary Magdalene, Templar and Grail sites, Cathar-Troubadour castles, beautiful Mediterranean coast, Druid woods, rivers and ancient springs.
Angels of Enlightenment’ s N.U.A.H.N. Healing Workshops
uahn is an acronym for Neural, Universal, Awareness, Healing, Network. Nuahn is an educational program that consists of twelve learning levels of mastery. Level one mastery is about self enlightenment. Many teachings align people with their natural ability to heal and balance other people. In Nuahn, the goal of the teachings is to heal and balance yourself. Crystal & Brian, Nuahn Instructors The first level of Nuahn teaches conscious control of the neural brain patterns and the electromagnetic field surrounding the physical body. One of the most difficult lessons is: self control of thought. Nuahn also teaches one to connect to powerful healing energies of the Universal Self. What qualifies a person to seek this teaching? How can it benefit the student? And most of all, how can it help humanity? Nuahn teaches how to overcome life’s roadblocks and our own self-defeating thoughts. It teaches how to perceive our inner beauty and accept our divine right as creators on this planet. Nuahn teaches how to see through deception, and discern self-illusion. Level one is more than an introductory class, level one’s teachings guarantee results when followed and applied to one‘s life. For Nuahn to have any result, practice is essential! Nuahn only requires 15 minutes a day of practice. Of course, if a person gives Nuahn 30 minutes or more a day, the results will be faster. N.U.A.H.N. Level 1 is about 6 hours and approximately 1 day long. This teaching will consist of a series of activations, meditation exercises, & energy expansion techniques. The activations will include: dual soul merging with harmonic akashic alignment. This workshop is also designed to give the student personal attention while working in a group dynamic. One of Nuahn’s main teaching philosophy is everyone learns and no one is left out. 36
DEC 08 / JAN 09
SPRING: Song of the Grail and Three Maries AUTUMN: Song of IsisPath of Initiation Led by harpist-chantress Ani Williams with special guestGrail legend Henry Lincoln Space is limited so register early: or 928.204.1124
Renowned Intuitive Colette Baron-Reid offers a 5-day Intensive Workshop To Discover Partnership with Your Spirit
s a new generation of gifted intuitives emerge, Colette Baron-Reid stands out among the rest. Changing the way people understand the “sixth sense,” Colette shares her gift while teaching others how to harness their own. This February 18th - 22nd, Hay House will offer an extraordinary 5-day experiential spiritual intensive in Scottsdale, Arizona with internationally acclaimed intuitive Colette Baron-Reid. Have you received a message just when you needed it most—maybe in a dream or the words of a stranger—and you knew it came from a power beyond this realm? Do you want to learn how you can actually engage in an active dialog with Spirit to experience a heightened sense of magic, miracles and wellbeing? Do you want to experience how your partnership with Spirit has the power to change your life? Your Partnership With Spirit… Discovering the Truth of Having It ALL is a 5-day intensive about a Quantum Shift in perception. Through readings, the use of oracle cards, meditations, and more, Colette will teach you how to unlock your partnership with Spirit, learn to deliver and receive messages from Spirit, meet your Spirit, discover the power and intention of your Spirit, and finally, how to embrace your Spirit. Colette Baron-Reid is an internationally acclaimed intuitive counselor with a client base spanning 29 countries. She has facilitated hundreds of her popular seminars and workshops on developing intuition and the art of creating reality worldwide. She has shared the stage with authors Sylvia Browne, John Holland, Caroline Myss, and many others. For more information or to register: • 800.654.5126
The Quantum Leap: Claiming Our Truth! By Wisdom Teacher Sri Ram Kaa and Angelic Oracle Kira Raa
Over seventy years ago Gandhi stated: “An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it.”
ur world has arrived at its moment of truth. That critical point of reckoning that clearly demonstrates that structures based upon models of antiquity are releasing and new paradigms are coming forward. This brings forward a challenge to those of us who are navigating the planet during this time. Are we ready to fully embrace our truth? Now take a breath, for to anchor in the truth that is now before us is to fully recognize the higher order of all prophecy. As we race toward 2012 the abundance of prophecy that is being circulated and speculated upon is literally dizzying! If one engages this information at the level of information only, the common response is confusion, fear and distortion. What if the higher order of prophecy is to bring us back to awareness that we are the masters of our experience and need not surrender to the interpretations of others! What if prophecy helps us to recognize that we are capable of co-creating ANY OUTCOME that aligns with our soul’s evolution? In a time of truth, this would manifest as the ability to go beyond the existing paradigms that have held prophesies in consciousness. We can now demonstrate that we have indeed grown into our spiritual maturity! There are many energies that are bringing forward deeper levels of truth without the energy of judgment wrapped around it AND there are many energies present that are indeed stimulating both judgment and fear. How we navigate these energies directly contributes to the manifestation we are now co-creating on our planet. Let’s look at the examples that are recently before us. The United States just went through a dynamic and lengthy election process. For close to two years the energy of change, frustration and fear have been bombarding the public in the attempt to influence those who seek power. People were afraid of the existing administration; people were afraid of one or both of the proposed candidates or their running mates and hope was at all times connected to a fear that things might get worse! Regardless of where your vote or non-vote was cast, the energy of fear swelled to an all time high as a means to stimulate action on many levels. When we empower fear-based activism through our focus and our dollars, we subsequently empower the very energy we are trying to release. This process is an extraordinarily effective way to actually keep us from energizing our true freedom; the birthright of us all. Judgment fuels traditional activism, which has at its core the energy of “my way is right”, and therefore “your way is flawed”. Even when the apparent cause is seen as being righteous and fair, there is still a core energy of polarization. The good news is that for many, it is through this process they fully awaken. As we embrace and grow into our spiritual maturity we easily put aside the judgments that fuel anger and polarization and smile that ALL of these energies have lovingly brought us to this momentous time on our planet. This is a great part of the truth claiming process. To recognize that all of our experiences, prophecies, judgements and interactions are and were the gift that brought us to this moment of conscious expansion. This is the process under way in our country and across the globe. Many people are working through activism and others are
popping into a Unity-based Awareness. We have been honored to share many moments in Guatemala during 2007 and 2008 with High Priests of the Maya. Sharing sacred energies and insights, one of the most powerful discernments that we have witnessed consistently is that the Mayans are confident and prepared for an imminent shift into the Age of Light. They smile that so many are interpreting their calendar with fear and judgment, AND they recognize that perhaps that fear energy is what is necessary by those who seek to awaken. In truth, reunification of the Eagle and the Condor re-creates the bridge of light anchored by the heart and sustained by releasing all doubt of ourselves, all doubt of our world, and all doubt of our universe. As we fully enter this age of light we transcend the old paradigms, we literally become this unified energy. We joyously discover that words are no longer necessary for our Beingness ‘speaks’ clearly. Our mere presence frees others to release their doubts and do the same. Only as we embrace all paths and burst forth from the chaos do we open the doorway to unified presence. We have discovered that the mystical revelations from the Mayan High Priests in the highlands of Guatemala offer reassurance, while the Divine Universal Wisdom of the Archangelic realm offers guidance. True harmony results when Wisdom and Love unite in heart-centered action. As we unlock the keys to navigating these times, each becomes free to live their truth! This truth comes forward by freeing our minds, anchoring our hearts, and living authentically without doubt or fear for our future! The truth becomes anchored each time we walk through fear and discover that it has no power at all. The extraordinary events that are unveiling themselves all around us are indeed inviting us to claim an Anchored Presence. Each event can serve to help us re-member why we are on this planet at this very moment in history. Then, we can walk our soul’s journey without any self-doubt. It is the time to stop talking and start BEING… 2012 is already here! The energy of Awakening has enveloped our planet and continues its crescendo to stimulate consciousness. To celebrate this acceleration and Awakening, on March 13, 2009, (yes, it is a Friday the 13th), energies are converging to support a powerful moment in our history. A moment to fully discover how powerful you are and how important your presence is for our collective future. On that weekend hundreds of people are gathering in Los Angeles to celebrate that we are still here, that we are ready to claim our truth, that we are ready to release fear and that we are ready to move forward in true freedom! We encourage you to stop talking about our future, to resist engaging in pessimistic options and to allow yourself the gift of joining us IN PERSON to fully anchor this presence for yourself and our world. The 2012 Quantum Leap Celebration brings together extraordinary synergies to fully anchor this truth, through art, music and awareness. Go to to further reveal the many gifts waiting for you to claim. With each breath may you know that the moment of your true freedom is here! With each moment may you embrace your truth with spaciousness and joy. With each heartbeat may you know that you are a Divine Co-creator and that your presence matters! Wisdom Teacher Sri Ram Kaa and Angelic Oracle Kira Raa, have come to the forefront of the Higher Consciousness movement in recent years through the quality of information and inspiration they provide to their rapidly growing international audience. Bestselling authors, 2012 Visionaries, TV and Radio personalities, Sri and Kira see this moment in history as an opportunity for SelfAscension; the process by which the sense of self transcends the limited egoic mind to reunite with the Soul at the heart of Creation. Together they have founded that TOSA Center for Enlightened Living, The 2012 One Heart Foundation, and the Avesa Quantum Healing Institute. Learn more at and
DEC 08 / JAN 09
Colette Baron-Reid Interview continued from page 23... The idea of manifesting through intention was made mainstream by the Secret but had a lot of evident flaws. For the most part the concept still catered to the individual wants rather than the needs of the collective. That said this has been a great learning curve for everyone. If we think about only the “self” and what it wants, there will inevitably be a fallout and we’re seeing the evidence of that now. The manner of using these spiritual truths to “get what you want” as if the universe was a vending machine is flawed if the desiring only serves the small self and is applied to a consumerist view of happiness. Through intention you can manifest “what you want” but we’re now evolving into a time where our intentions need to be “getting what you want/need for the highest good of all.” That’s where we need to be focused- intention partnered with Spirit on behalf of the Self/ collective. You can still be prosperous and create wealth without creating poverty for others. Global economies are reflecting this evolving consciousness that “what happens to me happens to the many” and that “my” decisions have an impact on others. This is now becoming evident everywhere and exponentially which brings me to the compound number of 2008 which is a 10, magnifying everything. 2009 still holds the primary influence of this number but brings things to a completion through the number 9, which is the signal for endings and the herald of new beginnings. No doubt the new American president is fated to usher in a new era globally not just for the USA. His acceptance of leadership is meant to restore America back to its essence of being the land of opportunity, where the American Dream is not only possible, but real for all people regardless of color. This is the truth behind the “audacity of hope” that can restore America’s reputation as a strong nation and one to be respected by the rest of the world. Like Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, John F Kennedy, president elect Barack Obama will take his place in history as a leader who changed the course of history. Notice all these men were martyred and so one can only hope and pray that this part of history will not be repeated and that change we all need will not be accompanied with this kind of tragedy and loss. The election of Barack Obama to the presidency is a reflection of the tipping point of the collective intention for a new world peace, prosperity and purpose. The energy palpably shifted the minute he was declared president elect. And the eloquent and gracious concession speech of John McCain ushered in a call for true partnership in this unprecedented moment in history, not just in America but the whole world.
The compound number of 2009 is 11, which is considered a Master Number and relates to the 2 pillars of spirit and matter, and is a signal for the emerging consciousness where intuition and divine guidance will play a large role in the manner in which we live our lives, and consciously create new structures of “reality.” The main theme of 2009 is the initiation period of rebuilding of our social and economic structures to reflect these 2 pillars “as above, so below” and saying goodbye to the old outdated ways of being in the world. 2009 invites us all to consciously co-create our world and find the true meaning of unity and prosperity. The double zeroes give the sense that Spirit is watching over us as all eyes are seeing all that transpires. We can and must find the true meaning of prosperity despite the temporary instability of conditions an 11 year will bring. FC: What can people do to align themselves with this new energy as we move through the year’s transitions?
I think it’s a fascinating and exciting time to be alive and it’s my belief that we all chose to be here now.
CBR: December holds the moment of greatest darkness, so a solstice ritual is a powerful way to acknowledge what has transpired this past year, while celebrating what is leaving us, and blessing all that has brought us to this point. A meditation and a gratitude ceremony is powerful and enables you to recognize the deeper meaning in personal adversity and the humility in the “good times.” Create a list that highlights the more difficult experiences you’ve had throughout the year and bless them all one by one. Find a hidden jewel and a lesson you can name so that you can find freedom through acceptance of what has transpired. Then release each one. Do the same for the experiences you judge as “positive” and release those also. Bless your journey as good and affirm the Shadow’s lessons that serve to beckon in the Light. Acknowledge your commitment to being a custodian and steward of the environment. Above all, affirm the powers of gratitude, love and forgiveness. This is a powerful ceremony to do in a group and a great way to affirm one’s deeper sense of community. Usher in the Light with a song or dance or joyful prayer asking only for inspiration to follow the Light and find your authentic path to service. Most of all, celebrate these times! Hope is a real and tangible energy. It’s up to all of us to keep it alive. Be the change you want to see in the world and deliberately intend to have the peace and prosperity you desire. Whenever you falter remember the power of change already made real with these simple words… “Yes We Can.”
Colette Baron-Reid is an internationally acclaimed intuitive counselor with a client base spanning 29 countries, as well as a best-selling Hay House Author. She has facilitated hundreds of her popular seminars and workshops on developing intuition and the art of creating reality worldwide. She has shared the stage with authors Sylvia Browne, John Holland, Caroline Myss, and many others. Her latest works include Messages from Spirit: The Extraordinary Power of Oracles, Omens, and Signs, Journey Through the Chakras CD, Wisdom of Avalon Oracle Cards, and her compelling biography, Remembering the Future. She will release Your Partnership with Spirit in October 2009.
DEC 08 / JAN 09
Chi for Enlightenment gradually dissolves all the physical and karmic layers of tension in both your physical and Energy Body. It ultimately opens up a profound inner space inside your body, where your Original Spirit, the ‘face of your soul before you were born,’ can reveal itself. FC: How does this form help people on a practical day-to-day level? MW: In
the process of living we get scattered and we lose our center. It’s like the story of Humpty Dumpty who fell off the wall and couldn’t be put back together again. Well, this form puts you back together. So people who have been traumatized and injured, the light at the center of themselves opens back up – and that’s really incredible, that a ceremony can do that for somebody.
FC: How does the form work its magic? MW: The
form itself is alchemical – you could basically consider this form to be a mandala. It's an embodied, living Sacred Geometry and we are doing a sacred dance within that mandala. The energetic pathway that’s already been created by previous masters practicing this form, combine to empower that pattern. Since this form also embodies the Chinese calendar, we are doing a sacred dance with Time. By dancing the cycles of heaven and earth you’re basically unfolding your essence more rapidly. This is why Zhu Hui told me that this is the only form he’s found that actually changes your karma. Most Qigong forms sort of change your energy field, but this form actually changes your karma. Zhu Hui told me that this is how he got through the Cultural Revolution – he said everybody else around him was suffering terribly and were starving. He said he did this form and he was just able to move through all the pain and struggle and collective storms that the Chinese went through.
FC: How else might one experience their karma changing by regularly doing this form?
It has to do with the five elements. In the Chinese system the five elements are fire, water, wood, gold, and earth. Everyone has a unique blend of those elements, so when you practice the form, your five elements interact with the five elements of earth, and the five elements of heaven in a totally unique way. That’s how it speeds up your karma and changes your psychic infrastructure. It’s that all these astrological and geomantic earth forces are concentrated and they change your relationship between the five elements within yourself.
FC: Why is the experience different each day you do the form?
You are aligning yourself with the calendar and the calendar is changing every day. If you do the form today on October 20th, and then do the form next year on October 20th, the subtle energies are in totally different alignment, the planets and stars are in different positions, and you have a totally unique experience.
FC: Why were such liberating techniques like this kept secret from the public? MW: The Chinese are very secretive. A lot of it comes from clans and families and they think other people will corrupt or pollute whatever they have, or will not treasure it properly. I feel that this form was just simmering – being held for the right time. Now is the time when it was meant to come out on a large scale. FC: And was Zhu Hui aware of this ‘right time’ as well? MW: You know, I think he was because I met him when he was 81 years old and he taught me the form. I met him again when he was 84 and he died not long after that. By then he felt like he had successfully ‘passed it on.’ I felt as though I wanted to make a video of him and so I included a short interview on the Tai Chi for Enlightenment DVD. I had the book he wrote on this form translated but have not yet published it. I’m currently collecting other people’s experiences and my own perspective on it. But I think that the form is coming out now because it’s time for it to shine – it’ll have its big impact now.
Please check Michael Winn’s website: or to preview upcoming Qigong and Tai Chi Retreat programs. Miguel Montoya has been actively researching health and nutrition for ten years. He offers holistic wellness sessions, meditation, relaxation, tai chi and fitness principles.
© Riverlim/
Tai Chi for Enlightenment continued from page 32...
Prophecies & Predictions for 2009
T h e D i f f i c u l t y w i t h P ro p h e c y Multiple factors conspire for the first time in the history of the Earth to make it virtually impossible for reliable prophecies to be given. It is not that the future cannot be seen at any given moment, but in most cases it simply cannot be accurate for the following reasons: • Our Calendars are Incorrect. Much mileage is given to the issue of 2012, a date we passed in 2005 during the month of October. The planetary ascension that began in earnest in February 2005 moved us up through higher and higher realms. We consequently experienced a tremendous acceleration of time, rendering our calendars obsolete. My own prophecies became either void overnight or fulfilled in ways that could not have been anticipated. (See The Ring of Truth for ways in which the prophecies of the Book of Revelation were fulfilled.) • During Ascension, possibilities become sublimated. Let us suppose that an illintentioned conspiracy is predicted for tomorrow. Today, however, the cosmic and planetary ascension moves us up in frequency and light. The conspiracy now becomes a collaboration to do life-enhancing work. Another shift could produce a huge cooperative effort for good. These vertical shifts in consciousness cannot be calculated nor foreseen even by beings who are being channeled. The strong suit of the beings from the hidden realms is to tell us what is known. It is, in fact, in the physical where the previously unknowable meets the known. Man is the entity most likely to see what is coming. The reading of signs in his dreamtime and environment could, to some extent, predict the immediate future. • Growth is now exponential. Due to massive cosmic events, growth is no longer the linear, slow process that inches its way forward, hurdle by hurdle. If I change by growing in perception in the moment, the effects ricochet back and forth throughout the cosmos. That change will affect a being in the Pleiades, whose change will in turn affect me and I grow again. Like the vertical ascension, this ‘growth through grace’ changes any linear predictions moment by moment.
W h a t c a n b e P re d i c t e d Trends that depend for their fruition on higher consciousness are good candidates for predictions. When predictions concern broader trends rather than dates and specifics, they are called prophecy. Psychics work with predictions. Seers work with trends. Channeling could produce either, but the accuracy in prophesying trends depends on asking the correct questions and the level of the being who is being channeled.
Trends for 2009 • Expect the unexpected. The walls of the self-made and society-produced boxes humans have lived in are breaking apart in a life-enhancing way. • Major religions will loose their grip. People will opt for individual spirituality. • The impact of media. Mass media outlets such as YouTube, iTunes, blogs and other Internet units will herald in a huge paradigm shift, making planned attempts to control populations less effective. • Lightworkers will mature. They will take more responsibility for their environment. If we want child abuse to cease, we must stop neglecting our own inner child. If we want financial stability, we live abundantly – giving ourselves abundant rest, abundant self-nurturing and fun. • Financial markets will shift and rock. But will not tumble. • More Earth awareness and Goddess tradition will rise. It would seem that all trends are positive. Why would that be? What about the disrupted weather patterns and other discomforting events? All that can be predicted are the positive trends! Everything else is being changed through the great blessing of being part of an Earthly Ascension. Almine is endorsed and described as one of the greatest mystics of our time by world leaders and scientists alike. While other way-showers gather more and more students, she helps create more and more masters. Her work represents the cutting edge of mysticism; that place where the physical and the non-physical meet and new realities are born. It is here where change is rapid and insight comes quickly to wash away years of stagnation. View her work online at: DEC 08 / JAN 09
Dec 08 na! in Sedo
December 12/5 Art by Pamela Becker Holiday sale at the Sedona Rouge Spa Open House- 6 pm at 2250 W Highway 89A, West Sedona 928.203.4842 12/12-12/14 The Buddh a’s Relics in SedonaYou are invited to an exhibition of sacred relics of Shakyamuni Buddha and other Buddhist Masters. Throughout the event, blessing ceremonies, with the relics, will be held for visitors. (Pets blessed Saturday and Sunday) Free of Charge. · 928.634.0583 12/13 The Evolving Human- with Pepper Lewis and Peggy Phoenix Dubro. Share your day with two powerful women as internationally recognized channels, teachers and evolving humans, Peggy and Pepper will share their insights and inspirational ideas in an intimate and personal setting. 928.284.3703 ·
January 1/7 Free Talk: All about living in the question? 1/9-1/11 Third Annual Finding the Gift in Shift Conference- Featuring Gregg Braden, Gary Renard, Bert Janssen, Dr. J. Dunn and more! Located at the Radisson Poco Diablo Resort and Spa, Sedona. · 928.282.2450 1/19-1/25 The Four Winds Society Expeditions- Yucatan Expedition. Also join them for a Peru Via Illuminata Expedition, 6/27-7/8 and Lake Titicaca, 7/8-7/13. 888.437.4077/435.647.5988 1/31 TeenSpace: A day-long retreat from 8:30-4:30- This is an opportunity for teens to explore how to live their lives with selfawareness, self-care, wisdom and presence. Debra Beck, Maura Mark and Sarah Mclean will be incorporating yoga, meditation and life-skills into this wonderful day for teens and their parents. Sedona Creative Life Center. Contact: 928.204.0579 · 1/31 Abandoned Minds Improv Show- Old Town Center for the Arts, Cottonwood. 7:00pm · 40
DEC 08 / JAN 09
May I love thee as saints love thee
Jan 09
February 2/5-2/15 Trip to Guatemalawith trip extensions for those who would like to spend more time inAntigua and Lake Atitlan. Travel with Luminous and Mayan Elders for 11 days. Visit Tikal, Copan, Lake Atitlan, Antigua, Quirigua, Guatemala City and Central America's larget native market at Chichicastenango. Contact 路 928.274.2265
O Heavenly Father, fill me daily with the love and thanksgiving that overwhelm the heart of a newly awakened saint. Give me the fervor known to all devotees who have ever loved and found Thee. -Yogananda from Whispers from Eternity
Ongoing The Ascension Teachings with the Munay-Ki Nine Rites of the Initiation workshops- are available on an ongoing basis in Sedona, Scottsdale, and Prescott. Contact Munay-Ki Initiator Susan Shahidi for schedules and additional information: 928.204.1619 or
2/18-2/22 Relationship with SpiritJoin Colette Baron-Reid in Scottsdale to explore your relationship with Spirit in a 5-day Intensive that will change your life forever. Space is limited-reserve today. Visit 2/26-3/1 The Awakening Conference Series- Austin/San Marcos, Texas. The Awakening Conference in Phoenix/Mesa, Arizona will be held 5/15-5/17. Featuring Dan Millman, Marianne Williamson, Rhonda Britten, Don Miguel Ruiz and more!
Hopi child by John Running
March 3/13-3/15 2012 Quantum Leap Conference- We can prepare for what we cannot imagine! World class presenters include: Ed Begly Jr., Len Horowitz, Tulku Karma Rinpoche, Sri and Kira among others! 877.421.6805 路 3/17-3/21 Almine Comes to Sedona- Join Almine in a 5day life transforming class where hearts are expanded and perceptions stretched. Preparing the leadership for a Golden Age about to be birthed on Earth, Almine helps her classes understand they can choose to claim mastery as their constant reality and still remain functional in society. This remarkable mystic provides an unparalleled transfiguring experience! Contact Joann Hamilton 928.239.5104 路 路
Calendar Listings discount rate: $.50/word
DEC 08 / JAN 09
...on the Lighter Side Swami Santananda’s
Gift of You Tony Carito
he stars are always shining, even when we don’t see them in the sky. It is in this same fashion that our inner galaxies operate. Sometimes we see the light within us shining bright, and at other times, the clouds of inner turmoil can obscure our vision. Moments like these call for us to use our inner visionary skills to see the White Whole in the center of the Universe. The path to the great vista on the top of world is not always easy. That is why climbers bring guides with them to show them the way. Allow Swami Santananda to be your humble guide on a journey to the center of your Self. First we need to have the correct equipment for our odyssey. We will all need a compass, but not an ordinary compass. Our compass will allow us to see into the eleventh dimension. This is the dimension of peace and love, where all suffering has ceased. We will also need food for our journey, and our food will be the teachings of all the great spiritual masters: Christ, Buddha, Mohammed, Babaji, Lao Tse, and anyone else who has said, "All we are saying, is give peace a chance." Next we need recreational materials to entertain us when we need to enjoy our Selves. For this, everyone will be issued an Ipod with all your favorite songs. Now we are ready to embark. Our first base camp, marked with a red dot on your map, is the plane of desire, WalMart. There, we will view survival-based reality in all its splendor. We will learn that things are necessary, but we can’t bring all of them with us to the summit of our quest. Our next base camp is called "Green Meadows". Here we will learn that conserving our energy is vital on planet earth, where we make our home. Even in the eleventh dimension the previous ones must be respected. Next on our ascent we will reach "Blue Waters Café". Here we will sip chocolate-bliss smoothies, with a special secret ingredient that will help everyone adjust to the higher attitude that lies before us. Our last stop before we reach the summit of our dreams-come-true is the "Violet Flame Campground." We will sing songs around the campfire and listen to a performance by the Illuminated Masters Choir, which is definitely out of this world. We are now ready to climb aboard the Om-agination express and breathe into your truly joyous self. You are made of stars, so let your Self shine. You are the present, so open your Self up and see what’s inside. Feel the gift of you. Laugh at the gift that’s you, touch the gift that’s you. Cry with the gift that’s you. Hug the gift that’s you. See the gift that’s you. Be the gift that’s you. You are all the presents that ever were and ever will be, all rolled into one. You are a being, here and now. You are a star in the galaxy of the human race. Happy Wholly Daze and remember "All we are saying is Give Peace a Chance!" Swami Santananda, aka Tony Carito, is a resident traveler at the Sedona school of red rock higher learning.
DEC 08 / JAN 09
Lakota Aid- Urgent Plea for Assistance!
idden away, throughout the landscape of America, are the Reservations of the Indigenous People of our land, mostly unknown or forgotten by the mainstream culture of the dominant U.S. society. Few Americans know anything about the people that live on these reservations and fewer still know or comprehend the unconscionable conditions present on many of them. • Infant mortality rate 300% higher than U.S. National average • Diabetes and Tuberculosis rates 800% higher than the U.S. National average • Elderly die each winter from hypothermia (freezing) • At least 60% of the homes are severely substandard, without water, electricity, adequate insulation, heat, and sewage systems • It is reported that at least 60% of the homes on the Pine Ridge Reservation are infested with Black Mold, Stachybotrys. This infestation causes an often-fatal condition with infants, children, elderly and those with damaged immune systems.
For more information on how you can help, for a list of items that are needed, or if you can drive to South Dakota to deliver goods, please contact myself or Racquel Little Thunder. It is my long term vision to replace these dilapidated trailers. It is my immediate prayer to assist them through the long, harsh winter. Weather is extreme on the Reservation and winters bring bitter cold with temperatures that can reach -50 degrees below zero. If your heart feels moved to save a life, to give a child a Christmas present, and to give hope Please give a tax deductible donation. Native American Sacred Hoop 501© 3 non profit P.O. Box 1214 Rimrock, AZ 86335 928.592.0588 To Send physical items to: Raquel Little Thunder 220 Cluster Housing Dr. Wanblee, SD 57577 605.454.1485 Pilamaya (Thank you) Wankan Tanka Kici Un (May God Bless You) Aho, Healing Wolf
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DEC 08 / JAN 09
Classified Cleaning Service "Spiritual" cleaning :) Bathrooms & kitchens only. A.M. Hours only. $20 hour/2 hour minimum. Call for appointment: 928.300.3870 Handy-man/remodeling Home repair and remodeling- 20 years Sedona experience. Licensed, bonded and insured. No project too big or too small. Bradley Alan Luky, LLC (Roc # 235891) 928.300.7275 Heavenly Earcones and NAMTI School of Massage and Bodywork present classes of whole body healing using earcones. COLOR-SOUNDKUNDILINI CHAKRA YOGA October through December - 10 College credits and a certificate. Call for schedules. Also call for private earconing sessions Contact Marianne 928.204.0077 Herbal Healing: Black Salve A Native American formula for virusrelated disorders and internal growths in humans and animals. Black Salve pulls out tumors, detoxifies the blood and the body. Comes in salve form and tablets for external and internal treatment. For Free Brochure, write to: Po Box 1538, Turlock, CA. 95381. Call Toll Free: 1.800.488.6404 Medical Aromatherapy Sparkling, Therapeutic. Relaxation Ayurvedic Oils. They're not essentials they're absolutes. We have exquisite craft distilled essences- all providences provided. Narcotic floral essences. Custom blends available. Contact Jay: 928.266.6777 MMS - Miracle Mineral Solution Jim Humbles breakthrough formulation when properly activated produces the world’s strongest pathogen destroyer and neutralizes heavy metal accumulations. MMS
unburdens the immune system of the debilitating pathogen overload without harming healthy, beneficial cells and flora. MMS starter kits available through Arizona source. For information and orders call 928.821.1629 Networking Now more than ever before you need to network. Meet like-minded people and improve your TAROT reading at the same time. Group or private readings. Call Inguz for details: 928.300.3870 Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET) Using kinesiology, NET identifies and clears the specific traumas, disappointments, and parental conditioning that cause you to subconsciously self-sabotage your goals for health, career and relationships. 928.649.1849 Original Black Salve & Tablets Same herbs inTablets as the Salve. Salve good for growths on the skin. Tablets good for internal growths and most virus problems. Write for order sheet & information W/SASE: Herbal Plus Products, P.O. Box 345, Dayton, Nv 89403 Reflexology By Rita 19 years in practice. My gentle and relaxing method of foot reflexology releases blocked energy and promotes healing. For more information I encourage your questions about the benefits of this ancient healing art. 20% Off the first session! Gift Certificates available. 928.646.5944 Testing Available Heavy Metal testing Urine $118.00 Hair $70.00 Oral Chelation available Spencer Chiropractic 928.649.3662