June 2012 Sedona Conscious Magazine

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Sedona Conscious Magazine

June 2012 www.SedonaConsciousMagazine.com


Brad and Holly Luky


Sedona Conscious Magazine June 2012 Table of Contents

Debra Beck John DeSalvo Philippo Franchini Sarah Mclean SEAN MESHORER Susan M. Obijiski, L.M.T., R.M. Rajiv Parti, MD HENRY SELTSER Susun S. Weed Sedona Conscious Magazine does not endorse or guarantee information incudined in either written material or advertisments. All rights are reserved. Š2012 No part of this magazine may be reproduced without written permission by the publisher.


Photo by Brad Luky

Uqualla at Red Rock Crossing contact Uqualla:


ARTICLES 4 TRANSFORMATIONAL ASTROLOGY HENRY SELTSER 8 The Bliss Experiment: 28 Days to Personal Transformation SEAN MESHORER 10 FEELING FRISKY? HERBS FOR FERTILITY Susun S. Weed 12 Soul-Centered: Transform Your Life in 8 Weeks with Meditation Sarah Mclean 16 Power Crystals John DeSalvo 20 Vision and Mission: Setting the Course and Staying On Track in Business Susan M. Obijiski, L.M.T., R.M. 22 The Musical Alchemist:The Singing Revolution Philippo Franchini

Sedona Conscious Magazine owned by: Four Corners Magazine llc. P.O. Box 3910 Sedona AZ 86340 928.282.7755 fcm@esedona.net

24 A Simple Mantra for Healing Your Dark Night of the Soul Rajiv Parti, MD (aka Dr. Raj) 28 7 Ways to Help Your Teen Cope With an Epconomic Crisis Debra Beck




Editors Note

As the page turns at Sedona Conscious Magazine it is with great pleasure that we launch this flip version eMagazine. The advances in technology alway amaze us and it is fun to keep up with the changing times. We planned the evolution to this format about a year ago so we're delighted to have finally made it come to life! It feels great to take the paper load off the planet and use the current technology to continue spreading the message our readers desire. Please enjoy the book reviews, horoscopes, and articles. We hope you are as eager to read our magazine each month as we are to create it. Our previous printed publication Four Corners Magazine back issues will also be available in this same format so be sure to visit our site regularly to see them as they come available. Thank you for being a part of our online community. We have more exciting offerings to come! Brad and Holly Luky



Please take the time to look for our "antique issues" now being uploaded at SedonaConsciousMagazine.com/antique-issues/ www.SedonaConsciousMagazine.com




he Astrology of June features Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and as well Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. This is another extremely intense month, with Uranus square to Pluto, exact for the first time, and with Neptune strong in Pisces, being squared by last month’s New Moon eclipse. Venus, newly retrograde, has its helical rise on June 12th, when it becomes the Morning Star. The Mayans thought of the time of Venus’ transition from the Evening Star as a symbolic journey through the underworld, a time of lawlessness and disintegration in earthly affairs. On the political scene, it has in fact been a time of great ferment and continues to be so, with the Occupy Movement gearing up world-wide. Our political connections with each other, and indeed our relationships in general, are subject to revision and deeper thinking, as President Obama’s recent endorsement of gay marriage also shows. The current monthly cycle began with the powerful Solar Eclipse and New Moon of Sunday, May 20th. Mercury, the ruler, conjuncted Jupiter within 2 degrees while their midpoint was exactly dictionary, to the minute, with Saturn. Coupled with the eclipse energy, and noting that the Sun and Moon at the eclipse degree were closely bi-quintile to Saturn, while Chiron also aspected it, we therefore this month have a very potent hit of Saturn as well as of Gemini. The Gemini energy of open-minded curiosity, enhanced by Jupiter conjunct Mercury, is starkly contrasted by dour and grim-faced Saturn, enforcer of narrowness and of limitations. Meanwhile the paradoxical and outof-focus energies of Neptune remain high-lighted as well for this cycle, providing a dreamy and idealized antithetical conception to Saturn’s hard-nosed reality orientation. With the Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon of June 4th, Venus is nearly at her conjunction point with the 4

Sun, while Mars is in square with Venus, the Sun and Moon, making a Grand Cross in mutable signs when you include the fading opposition between Mars and Chiron. The Transit of Venus the very next day is another dramatic indication of the profound nature of these times. We are being stretched nearly to the limit, but we are not pointlessly on a torture rack but instead must choose how best to move beyond the limitations of our current situation in a way that is consistent with our own higher purpose. We do this not only for ourselves but in order that we may take part in revitalizing our failing society. Jupiter enters Gemini, touching off the eclipse degree, just at the moment of the Last Quarter Moon, on the 11th, so that the days surrounding this event will be a special time of increasing awareness, and the chance for important positive actions. After symbolically passing through the underworld, Venus makes her Helical Rise to become the Morning Star on the morning of June 12th. The Summer Solstice comes along in a New Moon phase, just one day after the late-Gemini New Moon of Tuesday, June 19th, providing fresh energy for our process. This late June period is also the time when the Uranus-Pluto square – which astrologers have been speaking of for several years now – perfects, on the 24th. The energy has been increasing for months and even years and this first moment of exact provides one peak of that building energy, touched off by the First Quarter Moon of Tuesday, June 26th – at which time the Sun in Cancer opposes Pluto and squares Uranus, forming a Grand Cross with the Moon in Libra. Jupiter squares Neptune almost exactly. This Cardinal Grand Cross will bring out the inherent tensions and contradictions of our challenging times, with also the spiritual opportunity, and even perhaps the necessity, to rise above. www.SedonaConsciousMagazine.com

The Transit of Venus the very next day is another dramatic indication of the profound nature of these times.

ARIES (March 20-April 19) You are finding your footing, Aries. Service is your mantra. The world is changing and you along with it and though a breathing space would be helpful, there is little letup. With the Lunar Eclipse that takes place in the first week of June in your sector of higher mind, you are given to understand that everything is shifting, including the energy that you have for important relationships. The best that you can do is to roll with it, accepting that you must continue to yield to cosmic pressures to evolve. Communication is key. Inquiry helps, and discussion, as well as getting your thoughts down on paper as your ideas grow and expand. It is in some ways a difficult road but it is nevertheless the road that you find yourself on. TAURUS (April 20-May 19) This is a joyous coming-out party for you, Taurus, at least partly. The world is changing rapidly and you along with it. It also feels as though your feet were being held to the fire, with no escape possible. You still find yourself in the midst of change, which could be adventuresome or difficult, your choice. It certainly is true that your life can seem like unavoidable suffering until and unless you can wrap your head around it in a different way. You are looking to the future now, sizing up the difficulty of the climb, and taking the information from deep inside yourself as one potential key for necessary adjustments. Your inner warrior is standing firm even if your outer one might quail at times before the magnitude of what you are attempting. GEMINI (May 20-June 20) This is a marvelous and socially active month for you, Gemini, and a time for you to be exploring your depths as well as your glittery surface. It is a multiple and variegated experience that you face as you complete a powerful cycle of unfolding, with surprises and challenges, and a sense of serious purpose going forward that includes remarkable forays into your inner world. You are cautious as well as optimistic, pulling back at the same time that you push ahead. Your expanding and contracting has a rhythm to it, like the beating of your heart. As much as you might try to resist, you could find that life will split you open to love, even though, as the poet says, your mind might be as stubborn as a mule. CANCER (June 21-July 20) You are on a roll, Cancer, although you might not know it yet with every part of your being. Significant partners in your life are contributing, in their own difficult way, and surprises abound, and although you feel like hibernating you see that it is vitally important that you voyage onward. This is indeed a time of unconscious intuition as well as conscious choice, and allowing these two to work together might be just the ticket for you as you chart your progress. This is an important period of loss as well as triumph and scary until you recognize that you can count on the universe to hold you up, in spite of everything. You are revisioning your world and your way through it, and this becomes a freely joyous experience the more you can let go of any definite expectations. www.SedonaConsciousMagazine.com


LEO (July 21-Aug. 21) You are in your element now, Leo. The time has come to shine, where you excel, and also though to mature and prosper slowly like aged wine, part of a natural continuation of what has gone before. As you size things up, the funk and flash are no longer enough; the breadth and the depth of your changes now is huge and eclipses these more superficial strains. You are in love with all your productions, and with the joys of potential as well as actual achievement. Although progress equals confusion at times, you eventually find amazingly clear ideals coming through and are being guided to meet vision with promise. You are committed to what matters not in the eyes of the world but, more important, for your own internal version of what counts as truth. VIRGO (Aug. 21-Sept. 21) This is in many ways the first month of the rest of your life, Virgo. You are reaching for a blend of wild-eyed optimism and practicality and somehow nearly succeeding. As you push forward you are inhabiting a higher mind ideal conception of what life could hold for you, and actualizing that vision. Although there are many turns and twists in the road ahead of you, persevere and you will eventually get there. The spiral of your progress leads you back to the place from which you started, but nevertheless a little further along, and a whole lot better informed. The limitations that you encounter along the way are meant to be surmounted, and as that victory becomes meaningful compromise, could turn out to be the most important part of your journey. LIBRA (Sept. 22-Oct. 22) Life is a little strange and wild for you now, Libra, and full of lessons. The cosmos is pulling you in several directions at once as you reach out to others in a truly cosmic way from a place deep inside yourself. A powerful resolution for getting right to the heart of the matter overtakes your soul. You are seeking what can only be found within, and blessedly losing sight of any false dependency on the superficial meanderings of the opinions of others. Understanding is your goal now, and coming to better terms with the natural order of things. It is important to remember: as well as being saddened by dire experience you are strengthened, and you are sobered up as well as made joyous by the high spots. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) You are reaching out for others now, Scorpio, but finding there a complex interaction that leads you back to yourself. You are moving through loss to acceptance, and through abundance of connection into solitary contemplation. It was a wise person who said that “life and death, though stemming from each other, seem to conflict as stages of change,� and the same applies to your current ups and downs. You win when you can take both sides in without blinking or being swayed too violently from one end of the scale to the other. Over the course of this climactic monthly period, old patterns of dysfunctional behavior might very well come up for acknowledgment and recognition, but if so, the very depth of your experience will lead you powerfully forward into wholeness.



SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 20) You are changing at the core, Sagittarius, and discovering psychological security for yourself in some very different ways than you have in the past, as you redefine yourself and your sense of individual contribution. Right now this most particularly applies to the important relationships in your life. There is an aspect of certain relationships – even the way that you proceed to do the very act of relationship with others – that is on a novel path of renewal in this current monthly cycle. This also ties in with future plans, which are both more optimistic and more definite as a result of limiting your options. You find yourself rearranging and cleaning house in many areas of your life and it helps to recognize that your process is simple and distressing and yet somehow ultimately healing. CAPRICORN (Dec. 21-Jan. 19) This is an intense time for you, Capricorn. You are intent on forging a different life path, and making great progress, as you find surprising resilience within yourself and begin to take intuition more seriously as a simple fact of life. What stops you might be only that you are afraid of losing what you already have. The caterpillar knows loss but it also eventually knows gain; and yet what comes as gain is of a very different kind. The strange thing is that you fear the surprise enhancement even more than the disappearance of your current possessions. New information comes your way this month that will make it easier to accept both the gains and the losses that are inherent factors of living in a changing world. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 17) This is a time of creativity and romantic idealism, Aquarius, and yet somehow a time of great practicality as well when it comes down to making your choices. Your viewpoint on life and love is shifting rapidly. It’s true that you can get carried away these days with the beauty of your conception, but you find that everything goes better with a touch of caution added into the mix. The contrast might be one to drive you crazy if you weren’t in some sense there already. There is a complex lesson here – and it might morph into the very one that you master – that by staying in touch with paradox you actually do yourself a good turn, putting the little mind to rest in favor of the largest possible perspective on your situation. PISCES (Feb. 18-March 19) This is a powerful month for you, Pisces, in the midst of a powerful year and decade. You are no longer satisfied with less than everything and no longer complacent with sitting back, although in part you might need to. There is actually a mix that suits you now between activity and allowing; and that paves the way to a very different future for yourself than what you might have previously envisioned. The indicator is that deep within you a longing has begun to make itself felt – and it becomes more obvious with each passing week – that your life really count for what you truly believe. The road is harder than you can imagine, but you have had a glimpse of the true contentment that comes from acting out life’s purpose, and it will not be put aside. Henry Seltzer, transformational astrologer and creator of the TimePassages astrology software, is based in Santa Cruz, California. An extended look at this month’s star signs is available on his website. Holding degrees from MIT and the University of California-San Diego, Henry is a popular speaker and also offers life enhancing private astrological counseling. Call him at 831-425-3686, or visit his website at

www.astrograph.com www.SedonaConsciousMagazine.com






Author of The Bliss Experiment: 28 Days to Personal Transformation


: Why Bliss? Is bliss better than happiness? How do they differ? Bliss is a far more advanced state of being/ awareness/consciousness than happiness. There’s nothing deeply transformative or permanent about happiness, it’s incomplete. We can be happy, then fall into unhappiness. Happiness requires external situations and relationships to reach fruition. Bliss doesn’t require any kind of outer relationship with the world—not even a positive one. Another crucial difference: happiness can be pursued and to some extent, requires action. Bliss, on the other hand, is a state of being. It is about stripping away all that is not bliss. Seeking bliss helps with stress, anxiety, and depression. It makes people more successful, better able to see and seize opportunities, have more friends, improve social relationships and, importantly, it is the most effective, all-encompassing, and enduring solution for our global challenges. www.SedonaConsciousMagazine.com

Q: You say that happiness is an important steppingstone on the way to bliss; can you elaborate on that? Ultimately, the ability to feel happiness and then bliss are skills. We can choose to put ourselves in the position to feel greater happiness and to tune into bliss. Many of the skills necessary for happiness are building blocks of bliss. They don’t give us bliss themselves but we need them under our belt to have the tools necessary to access bliss. Q: Tell us about the Happiness Scale, and the stages of Numbness, Pleasure, False Happiness, Everyday Happiness, and Bliss. Numbness is the first stage on the happiness scale. Many of us are suffering so terribly—whether physically, mentally, or spiritually—that just to stop the suffering for even a little bit by numbing ourselves seems like incredible progress. To break through our unfeeling barriers, we begin pursuing easy pleasures such as sex, shopping, eating, travel, as well as certain drugs like GHB, cocaine, or Ecstasy. False happiness 9

is that often-fleeting feeling we experience when we have temporarily fulfilled our desires, before the next desires come crashing through. What I call “everyday happiness” is a genuine type of happiness, and finding it involves positive traits including gratitude, optimism, serving others, experiencing a sense of connection, and having a small sense of purpose or meaning. Far beyond everyday happiness is infinite, ever-new, allencompassing bliss — and we all have the capacity to experience it. We progress step by step, and we have our moments of numbness, of simple pleasures, and of higher order things, all mixed together. As we become more aware of these states of consciousness and the skills necessary for each, we naturally begin spending more of our time and awareness at the higher end of the scale. Q: You say that we “all have within us a remarkable, even infinite, capacity for lasting joy.” How can we access it? Think of bliss as something all around us, something that we are swimming in, surrounded by, just like the invisible radio waves and cell phone signals zooming by and through us right this moment. We can learn to tune into bliss, like we tune a radio to a certain station. We’re not creating anything. It’s already there. The first step is the most important: Be aware it exists. Once you look for it, it’s relatively easy to tune into, at least a little bit. To tune into it a lot requires practice, skill and dedication. To verify it, feel it a little, is not difficult at all. Why? Because we are all born with the innate capacity to do so. Exercises for activating our bodies, minds, and spirits to acquire the skills to access bliss are in The Bliss Experiment. They include meditation, focusing our minds, being open, living in the present, and shedding many of the attitudes and orientations that keep us from tuning into bliss. Q: How do we most often get in the way of our own bliss? Aside from not even knowing or acknowledging it exists, the single biggest mistake we make is to look for bliss outside ourselves in other people, objects, or sensory pleasures. Bliss can’t be found through money and the luxuries that money buys, or through sex, fame, beauty, or power. All of those things are distractions that keep us finding the true doorway to

bliss, which is inside ourselves. Q: What would you say to the “Doubting Thomases”? First of all, I began as a doubting Thomas myself. I was a skeptical, perhaps even cynical, atheist who thought this was mostly a bunch of crap. So I’m enormously sympathetic to that viewpoint. A lot of what you see in The Bliss Experiment is the distillation of my own journey, of how I started in one place and ended up somewhere else entirely, somewhere quite unexpected. That said, the most important thing about this book and bliss in general is that I don’t want anyone to take my word for it. There’s a reason this book is called “The Bliss Experiment.” My only desire is to prompt you, especially any doubters, to conduct your experiment and see what you experience for yourself. In order to help persuade the doubter to try, however, I’ve included over 300 scientific studies that validate virtually every major claim I make. There’s a tremendous body of scientific literature out there, spread across dozens of mainstream journals and conducted by hundreds of researchers at prestigious institutions. This book might be the only place where all of the research is gathered, where the reader can see how it all fits together. When you read all of the scientific evidence, it’s quite powerful and convincing. Q: What finding surprised you most as you researched the science of bliss? The biggest surprise was that there are literally thousands of studies that test and prove various aspects of spirituality and spiritual practice, and that the vast majority of them have found positive results. We’ve come to believe that science and spirituality are two separate things, perhaps even hostile to one another or at best, operating in two different realms that can’t really inform us about the other. It turns out that’s not true. For example, several studies demonstrate that bliss practices create noticeable, measurable changes in our bodies and physiology, increasing brain wave activity that contributes to learning, healing and spiritual growth. Further, it is known that meditation and related practices don’t merely change brain waves, they also permanently alter brain density. The brain’s density tends to thin as we age, leading to a variety of

difficulties. A team led by Sarah Lazar at Massachusetts General Hospital discovered that in as little as eight weeks, meditators developed measurable increases in the thickness of the outer layer of the cerebral cortex. The cerebral cortex plays an important role in consciousness, especially in the prefrontal regions associated with attention and sensory processing, known to be important for learning and memory. Other studies also suggest that meditation increases blood flow to the brain. Our brain is the body’s largest consumer of oxygen, and the oxygen fed to the brain via the increased blood flow improves cognition and concentration and retards the onset of dementia and brain degeneration. Q: You say bliss does not require much, not a particular job, spouse, bank account, social status or other external “asset.” If bliss is so simple, how do we miss finding it so often? Mostly because we’ve subconsciously trained ourselves to look in all the wrong places. Our larger society and culture place emphasis on and convince us to value things that are in fact worthless. A nearly infinite variety of external things—from the big categories like wealth, sex, fame, beauty, or power, to myriad everyday sense pleasures like a nice meal, a beautiful pair of shoes, or a minor flirtation with a co-worker—easily distract us and we end up focusing most of our time on things that pull us away from the experience of bliss within. When we look for satisfaction outside ourselves, the possibilities that we must sift through never end. As soon as we grow bored, frustrated, or upset with one externality, a new one pops up to take its place. It’s easy to spend an entire lifetime chasing these things.

via computer, bringing an immediacy to each person’s progress within their personal bliss experiment. How did you design these videos to enhance the readers’ experience of your book? We’re on the cutting edge of redefining what a book is and how we experience it, going beyond words on the page to add images, sounds, and other forms of interaction. It’s fantastic. If you buy the ebook, you’ll be able to click on the videos throughout from within your reader. If you buy the paper edition, you can use your smartphone, tablet, or computer to immediately call them up and view them as you read. It really enhances the experience and helps us to learn better. We can also introduce videos and explanations over time, supplementing pieces based on your feedback as a reader—say if you want something clarified—so the book continues to deliver new information. There’s also a companion website, theblissexperiment. com, that includes a complete, interactive community. Readers can share their stories, ask questions, interact with one another, meet like-minded people, gain access to bonus materials, and much more. Through these advances in technology, we—me as the author, you as the reader—can have a sustained, interactive dialogue. We can work together to learn, grow, and help one another.

Q: What would you like readers to take away from The Bliss Experiment? First and foremost, that a little bit of bliss changes everything. Knowing bliss exists changes everything. You don’t have to live in bliss every minute for your life to improve in enormous ways. Second, you can see real, tangible results very quickly, Q: Would this book have been possible without in less than a month. You’ll know in short order if your own personal journey and challenges? there’s any truth here and you’ll see at least some Sean Meshorer: For me, it wouldn’t have been, but benefits in your life relatively fast. You don’t have to that’s because I’m not particularly smart or sensitive. make a 30-year commitment, or even 30 months. I needed to do really obviously stupid and painful Just give me 30 days and see what happens. things to get a clue. My sufferings prompted me on Third, this is not hard work. It’s not “put your shoulder my own journey of exploration. But there are a lot to the grindstone” or “grin and bear it.” As you read of people who are more intelligent and aware than I this book and go through the practices, your life gets am. They wouldn’t need to learn through suffering as easier, better, and more enjoyable. This easy program much as I did. is fun, and the more you do it, the happier, lighter, and more bliss-filled you’ll be. Q: An exciting element of your book are the videos instantly downloadable to readers’ www.theblissexperiment.com smartphones or viewable on your web site _______________________________________________________________

Wise Woman



or thousands of years knowledge of the herbs and wild plants that could increase fertility were the secrets of the village wise women. But after the holocaust against European Wise Women (the "burning times") and the virtual extermination of Native American medicine women, this knowledge virtually disappeared. In fact, many people erroneously believe that "primitive people" had no means of controlling the likelihood of pregnancy. Nothing could be further from the truth. Many common plants can be used to influence fertility, including red clover, partridge berry, liferoot, wild carrot, and wild yam. Some of these grow wild, others are easy to cultivate, and, with the exception of wild carrot, all are also readily available at health food stores. One of the most cherished of the fertility-increasing plants is red clover (Trifolium pratense). Common in fields and along roadsides, it has bright pink (not really red) blossoms from mid-summer into the chilly days of fall. A favorite flower of the honeybees, the tops (blossoms and appending leaves) are harvested on bright sunny days and eaten as is, or dried for medicinal use. The raw blossoms are delicious in salads and nutritious when cooked with grains such as rice or millet. To make a fertility-enhancing infusion, I take one ounce by weight of the dried blossoms (fresh won't work for this application) and put them in a quart size canning jar. I fill the jar with boiling water, screw on a tight lid, and let it steep at room temperature overnight (or for at least four hours). Dozens of women have


told me that they had successful pregnancies after drinking a cup or more (up to four cups) a day of red clover infusion. It is especially helpful if there is scarring of the fallopian tubes, irregular menses, abnormal cells in the reproductive tract, or "unexplained" infertility. It may take several months for the full effect of this herb to come on and pregnancy may not occur until you have used it for a year or two. You can improve the taste by including some dried peppermint (a spoonful or two) along with the dried clover blossoms when making your infusion. Treat the father of the child-tobe to some red clover infusion too! That little evergreen creeper that carpets some parts of the woods around your house is partridge berry (Mitchella repens), also known as squaw weed, supposedly because of its ability to enhance fertility. (My teacher Twylah Nitsch, grandmother of the Seneca Wolf clan, says that "squaw" is a slang term meaning "schmuck" or, in the proper term, "penis," and therefore should not be used in denoting a plant meant to be used by women.) Keep an eye out this spring and see if you can catch Mitchella blooming. Then you'll see why she's sometimes called "twin flower." Interestingly, when the paired flowers fall off, they leave behind but one berry to ripen. (The shiny red berries you've noticed in the forest winter or spring. Yes, they are safe to eat, but leave some for the partridges.) The symbolism of two flowers forming one berry is certainly a suitable icon for fertility. I make a medicinal vinegar by filling a small jar with the fresh


leaves, adding apple cider vinegar until the jar is full again. A piece of waxed paper held in place with a rubber band and a label (including date) completes the preparation, which must sit at room temperature for six weeks before use. I enjoy up to a tablespoonful of the vinegar on my salads or in my beans. By mid- to late-May, the yellow blossoms of liferoot (Senecio aureus) enliven my swamp (in upstate New York) and the neighboring roads where there is adequate water and rich soil. A powerful medicine resides in all parts of this lovely wildflower. As the root has a dangerous reputation, I restrict myself to using only the flowers and leaves, which I harvest in bloom, and quickly tincture. (For instructions for making your own tinctures, please see any of my books.) Small doses of this tincture (3-8 drops a day), taken at least 14 days out of the month, will regulate hormone production, increase libido, normalize the menses, relieve menstrual pain, and improve fertility. The closely related Senecia jacobea and Senecio vulgaris can also be used. Wild carrot (Daucus carota), better known as Queen Anne's lace, is such a common roadside plant that most people are amazed to learn that it is a proven anti-fertility herb. In addition to being the wild cousin of carrot, it is related to parsley, dill, caraway, anise, celery, cumin, and a (now extinct) plant whose seeds were the birth-control of choice for many a classical Greek or Roman woman. The aromatic seeds of wild carrot are collected in the fall and eaten (a heaping teaspoonful a day) to prevent the implantation of a fertilized egg. In one small study the effectiveness rate after thirteen months of use was 99%. As modern scientific medicine reports that one-third of all fertilized eggs are passed out of the body without implanting in the uterus, this method of birth control seems in complete agreement with nature.

to beware the danger of confusing poison hemlock and wild carrot. Poison hemlock is rather scarce in our area, and, at any rate, does not smell or taste of carrot (as does Queen Anne's lace), so I believe this warning to be a red herring. In addition, wild carrot leaves have small hairs on them, while the leaves of poison hemlock are smooth. Another anti-fertility herb that has been tested by small groups of modern women is wild yam (Dioscorea villosa). Since birth-control pills were originally made from this plant, it is not at all surprising that it has the effect of blocking conception when taken daily in rather large doses: either a cup of tea or two capsules taken three times a day. Does it have detrimental effects? Current studies are too small to show any, but there is a possibility that there could be. Interestingly enough, if wild yam is taken in small doses (a cup of tea or 10-20 drops of the tincture daily from onset of menses until mid-period) it increases fertility! In either case, the effect seems to be triggered by the large amount of hormone-like substances found in this root. When taken daily, these substances may be converted into progesterone, thus decreasing the possibility of conception. When taken for the two weeks preceding ovulation, these substances may be converted into LH and FSH, hormones that are needed to make the egg ready to be fertilized. Other common weeds and garden plants of our area that have been used to increase or decrease fertility include stinging nettle, oatstraw, pennyroyal, Jack-inthe-pulpit, rue, and parsley. The earth is full of wonders, and green magic abounds. As more and more women remember that they are wise women, more of the wonders and the magic will be revealed. May your days be filled with many green blessings.

Of the hundreds of women currently using this antiVisit Susun Weed at: fertility agent, I have heard virtually no reports of www.susunweed.com any side-effects. Note that many books caution you _______________________________________________________________





Featured Books


Transform Your Life in 8 Weeks with Meditation Book Synopsis:


oul-Centered presents a contemporary, mainstream view of meditation in an 8-week program that delivers time-tested techniques and practical exercises to give the reader insight into the how's and why's of meditation so they can easily cultivate an effective daily meditation practice. Inspired by and based on author Sarah McLean’s 20-plus-year spiritual journey, the book begins with insights into the five essentials necessary for successful meditation. Each of the eight weeks that follow explores a variety of meditation practices thoroughly supported by research, insights, stories, and self-awareness exercises. The theme of each week reflects a benefit that meditation cultivates: Awareness, Peace, Freedom, Compassion, Intimacy, Authenticity, Receptivity, and Nourishment. The program is grounded in science and leading-edge research and features insights and inspiring stories from the author’s 20-plus-year journey as she sought the secrets of happiness and meditation and the keys to a fulfilling life. Her search took her to a remote Zen Buddhist Monastery to work as the head cook as well as to India where she lived and meditated in a traditional ashram setting. Sarah’s worked with some of the best modern-day meditation and self-awareness experts of our time and in the book, she shares inspiring stories of her own travels, transformation, and those of her students'. Studies show that the practice of meditation alters the brain-specifically the areas that govern memory, empathy, and stress. By the end of the 8 weeks, readers will be confident in their understanding of meditation and their ability to meditate every day. They also will have become more self-aware, more peaceful, and more compassionate toward themselves and others. The easy-to-follow program inspires the reader to confidently cultivate a successful meditation practice and develop a new perspective: they become more self-aware, more peaceful, and more compassionate. It’s a way of life that can truly be called soul-centered. Early praise for Soul-Centered "Soul-Centered is entertaining, informative, and inspiring for even the most experienced meditator." - Deepak Chopra, author, War of the Worldviews: Science vs. Spirituality "Sarah McLean weaves an inspiring exploration on the essentials of meditation, giving the first-time meditator all the tools they will ever need to explore the potential of their own awareness."- Debbie Ford, NY Times bestselling author of The Dark Side of the Light Chasers



"Sarah moves us from our mundane lives to the depth offered by our souls. She's a genuine teacher and a meditation goddess."- Colette Baron-Reid, Intuitive Counselor and Life strategist, author of #1 bestseller- The Map- Finding the Magic and Meaning in the Story of Your Life “Basically, meditation is pretty simple; but for most of us, it's not easy. Sarah McLean's vast experience and loving approach to meditation and teaching, makes Simple... Easy." – Lindsay Wagner, Actress, author, advocate "Sarah McLean has written a book that makes meditation and its many benefits accessible to everyone, novice and expert alike. The simple program she provides on a weekly basis will help all who want to see real change in their lives to begin a lifetime practice. And what could be more motivating than the recent brain science she presents, bolstering the power of meditation to transform our lives." Marci Shimoff, author of the bestseller Happy for No Reason

Reviews: Anna Jedrziewski , Retailing Insight, (formerly New Age Retailer) says: McLean has practiced and taught meditation for decades. Gradually, she developed her own concepts about how to use meditation in real life, combining techniques from the various traditions she studied. The result was this eight-week program for incorporating mindfulness/meditation practice into a busy schedule. She calls it becoming soul-centered. The effects on a person’s life are often dramatic. McLean sites cuttingedge research in neuroscience which supports the direct connection between meditation and these benefits. Her program requires commitment to the practice, but the actual daily exercises are very reasonable, both in terms of time and mental effort required. Her personal life experiences, and her work with clients, have given McLean a solid sense of what readers will experience as they begin the work. She understands the obstacles and self-doubt that might arise for each individual, and gently offers guidance to help the reader through these challenges. Let customers know that she speaks to readers, not as a distant authority figure, but as a fellow traveler on the path to self awareness

“Soul-Centered is a perfect blend of scientific fact, spiritual philosophy and personal experience beautifully woven into a practical formula for everyday About the Author life! In a responsible, well-researched, and easy-touse manual that you’ll want to keep at your fingertips, Sarah McLean, an inspiring contemporary meditation meditation pioneer Sarah McLean draws upon her teacher, makes meditation accessible to everyone. personal exploration of the world‘s spiritual traditions She has spent much of her life exploring the world’s to give new meaning to the most basic experience spiritual and mystic traditions, and has worked with of our lives—the focus of our awareness in each some of today’s great teachers, including Deepak experience and every relationship. The exercises Chopra, Byron Katie, Debbie Ford, and Gary Zukav. Sarah provides following each chapter provide a She’s lived and studied in a Zen Buddhist monastery, beautiful opportunity to anchor in daily life what she meditated in ashrams and temples throughout India offers in the book. and the Far East, spent time in Afghan refugee camps, “If you’ve always wanted the benefits of meditation, bicycled the Silk Route from Pakistan to China, trekked yet have felt overwhelmed by rigid traditions and the Golden Triangle in Southeast Asia, and taught techniques, then this is the beautiful book you’ve English to Tibetan Buddhist Nuns in Dharamsala. been waiting for. From engineers to homemakers, Sarah is the founding director of the Sedona Meditation from politicians to healers, this book opens the door Training Company (www.SedonaMeditation. to the source of your deepest beliefs and sheds new com), and The McLean Meditation Institute (www. light on every choice you will ever make in life. I McLeanMeditation.com) educational companies recommend Soul-Centered for everyone that is ready offering meditation training, self-discovery retreats, to take their lives and relationships to the next level!”- and teacher training certification programs that have Gregg Braden, New York Times bestselling author of transformed thousands of lives, and have earned her Deep Truth, The Divine Matrix and Fractal Time. the praise of her peers and students. www.greggbraden.com _______________________________________________________________ 14


Featured Books

Power Crystals by John DeSalvo

"Many people believe that illness first appears in the spiritual body and then manifests to the physical."



Book Excerpt Chapter 4

Quartz Crystals in Healing


or decades there have been innumerable books written on the healing properties of quartz crystals and other minerals. They have been very popular, especially with natural healing advocates. Suggestions on how to use or apply crystals for healing have been many and varied. The simplest and most popular method is simply to hold the crystal in your hand while you rest or meditate. Another method is to place the crystal on the afflicted part of the body or to rest it on one of the seven chakras of the human body. There are variations that usually have to do with the physical placement and sometimes the alignment (north, south, east, or west) of the quartz crystal or mineral. Using quartz, some healers have even claimed to be able to heal others at a distance. I first heard about this when I was in graduate school decades ago, and I shrugged it off and dismissed it. I was a scientist and I believed in hard data. All this stuff about an inert rock healing the body seemed ridiculous and just one more of the so-called New Age techniques that had no basis in fact, and when put to the scientific test would be shown to be invalid. The only problem with my conclusion is that there were many people that claimed to have been healed with crystals. Not only were people claiming that physical healing was taking place, but mental or psychological healing as well. It was hard to dismiss this as imagination because of the number of claims. Well, like any good scientist, I decided to investigate this in my own way: I tried holding different types of materials, which included various common rocks, www.SedonaConsciousMagazine.com

minerals, gems and, of course, quartz crystals. I cannot say I was ever physically healed by any of them, but when I meditated with the quartz crystals, I definitely felt a sense of well-being and a greater contentment with myself and others. They also seemed to act as an amplifier for my thoughts and emotions in that I would see some of my faults as they really were, and this gave me the courage to try to amend them. The meditation with the crystals also gave me a clearer perspective of my spiritual being and the spiritual path I was on. I was studying mathematics at that time and the equations we used included many theoretical dimensions, giving me the idea that maybe crystals were unique in that they existed in many dimensions (some we cannot perceive) and we only see them, by their projection, in our three-dimensional space/time world. If they do indeed extend and are connected with other higher dimensions, this may explain their unusual physical and spiritual properties. Resonance To explore this further, let’s first look at resonance. Resonance is defined as the ability or tendency of a system to oscillate or vibrate at a specific frequency. For instance, each string of a guitar vibrates at a different frequency depending on its length. These specific frequencies are known as the resonant frequencies of the system under discussion. It is a transferring of energy between one system and another. 17

To demonstrate this principle, let’s look at the example of soldiers walking across a bridge. If soldiers march and step and their frequency is the same as the bridge, the bridge will start to vibrate and may collapse. This necessitated what became a practiced procedure of modern warfare: commanding soldiers, when crossing man-made bridges, to walk out of step. If you strike a tuning fork so it vibrates, and then you place a similar tuning fork near it, the first one will start to vibrate at the same frequency as the second. This is due to a transfer or energy between them.

body and then manifests to the physical. Let’s look at a theoretical example. We start with a normal healthy person. All of a sudden, there is an abnormality in some region of their spiritual body. Maybe the aura is weak, or dark, or is of a different color in a particular area of the body. Some psychics who can see the aura of a person believe that this might indicate the beginning of a disease process.

Many years ago I wrote a book on the nineteenthcentury clairvoyant and prophet Andrew Jackson Davis. He was a medical doctor who claimed he could How does this relate to healing with crystals? see auras and diagnosis a person from what he saw contained therein, without any physical examination or In all the cases above, we are talking about physical tests. The resonance of a crystal placed in the person’s resonance. But what about the possibility of a spiritual hand or over the afflicted area may have some small resonance, that is, a physical resonance producing resonance that is amplified and communicated to the some type of resonance in the spiritual realm and spiritual body. This helps the aura heal, which in turn affecting our spiritual body? As an example, assume then heals the physical body. that the first tuning fork is in the physical realm but the second is in the spiritual. Somehow, the vibrations www.innertraditions.com from the physical affect those of the spiritual. (“As Above, So Below” is a well-known Rosicrucian belief.) Can spiritual healing affect physical healing? Many people believe that illness first appears in the spiritual _______________________________________________________________



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Vision and Mission:

Setting the Course and Staying On Track in Business


Susan M. Obijiski, L.M.T., R.M.

Vision Statement articulates high-level goals and provides the opportunity to create a ‘word picture’. What do you want your business to be, how will you interact with customers and employees, what is your community focus, and market? Close your eyes! Envision your surroundings, employees, clients, and services; how you will work, and what makes you unique. Choose your words carefully!

“Our vision is to be the world's most dynamic science company, creating sustainable solutions essential to a better, safer and healthier life for people everywhere.”

A Mission Statement must be concise. This clarity tells your customers who you are. WHAT product will you deliver and what needs will you fulfill? HOW will you create, sell and deliver products, and how does this delivery cycle fulfill customer needs? FOR WHOM are your services created? Not everyone is your customer; not everyone needs your services. Consider the age, income, lifestyle, location, education, and interests of target customers. This will help you market to the appropriate customers.

“Our mission is to provide personal vehicle owners and enthusiasts with the vehicle related products and knowledge that fulfill their wants and needs at the right price. Our friendly, knowledgeable and professional staff will help inspire, educate and problem-solve for our customers.”

Use your Vision and Mission for guidance when you consider a new idea, product or opportunity to ensure that your decisions support your goals.

Creating a Vision and Mission Statement will benefit every business – small or large – by clearly defining business purpose and identity. 20


Webseries #5

The Singing Revolution Link to video: http://tinyurl.com/philippoblog5


elcome to our fifth webisode of Between the Notes. In the preceding videos and blogs I have demonstrated and explained some of the underlying principles of Musical Alchemy. I hope you have found ways to use this knowledge in your own life. Now in this blog we’ll look at an amazing example of the power of music on a grand scale. This is the story Singing Revolution, and it really happened!

This repressive regime continued for 47 years. Most coastal areas were off limits to normal citizens, military service was compulsory and travel outside Estonia was nearly impossible. One of our hosts told us how she had learned yoga as a teenager in secret classes held in a room underneath the railroad station. All such activities were strictly forbidden, as was rock n’ roll music and western fashion styles or books. Some Estonians became expert at modifying radios and The Baltic nation of Estonia has a population of about short wave receivers to pick up “outside” news from 1.3 million. It’s a small country just north of Poland neighboring Finland or Sweden. and Latvia and south of Finland, with beautiful rolling farm country, a high standard of living, and a proudly In the mid 1980’s Gorbachev introduced the independent and warm people. This summer while “glasnost” policy, hoping to stimulate the failing on tour I was there for ten days and was told about Russian economy and encourage liberalization of their difficult history of occupation and annexation co-operative businesses. Dissent, grievances and by the Soviet Union, and their eventual liberation. nationalist sentiments began to be aired more publicly. From 1944 when the Soviet army drove out the With this new openness, in1987 a series of mass German army, which had been occupying Estonia demonstrations began with spontaneous singing of during WWII, Estonia became annexed as a Soviet anthems and hymns that were not allowed by the state and became an important military base for Soviet authorities. The movement quickly gained the Soviet Army and Navy. Over 200,000 Estonians momentum, culminating in a massive expression of were then deported, murdered or sent to labor national unity on September 11, 1988. At the “Song camps. Thousands more fled to Finland, Sweden or of Estonia” festival in the capitol city, Tallin, 300,000 elsewhere as it became clear that the Soviets would people, nearly a third of the population, joined hands not support their sovereignty. together and began singing!



Sounds Go to YouTube to see more of this amazing festival: http://tinyurl.com/singingrevolutionestonia

Alchemy indeed!

The Singing Revolution lasted over four years and in At this event there were also political and cultural August 1991 Estonia formally declared independence leaders actively participating for the first time and and peacefully resisted the brief Soviet effort to regain calling for the restoration of Estonian independence. control of media and resume governance. Not one In harmony there was also a cooperative effort with life was lost and no blood was shed in this truly the neighboring Baltic states of Latvia and Lithuania, revolutionary revolution! who were in similar struggles for freedom. On August 23rd 1989, over 3 million people joined hands We are experiencing now in the United States a across the three countries in a sonic, living chain of powerful momentum for justice, compassion, and peaceful singing demonstrations. (This brought global equality. We are painfully aware of the discordant attention to the powerful movement taking place, and system of greed, governmental corruption and soon after Lithuania became the first of the Republics financial inequity, which must be transformed. The Occupy Wall Street and other Occupy city movements of the Soviet Union to declare independence.) around the nation have galvanized millions of people Imagine the vibratory power and resonance of all across a much larger territory than Estonia. Our voices those voices and united intentions electrifying and are growing louder and more persistent! We know transforming the dense frequencies of oppression it’s time for a fundamental change. Let’s start our and despair into hope, joy and solidarity! Musical Singing Revolution! _______________________________________________________________

Philippo Franchini is a world-renowned musician and pioneer in bringing Nada Yoga to the West. He has been called "the Ram Dass of meditative music." Ram Dass made meditation popular in the 70s via his book, Be Here Now, and Philippo is bringing Nada Yoga to the West via his CD, Magic & Grace, which, you could say, is the result of "being here now" for three decades! Philippo is one-third yogi, one-third rock star, and onethird Pied Piper; an "Innertainer" whom audiences www.SedonaConsciousMagazine.com

love to follow as he creates an atmosphere of “Om Sweet Om” wherever he goes. Philippo is based in Los Angeles, California. However, you’ll have to roll up your yoga mat and put on your running shoes to keep up with his travel schedule. He is in high demand and performs regularly throughout America, Canada, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. You will find him dazzling audiences at yoga retreats, Kirtan colleges, and in traditional music venues everywhere. http://philippomusic.ning.com/ 23


A Simple Mantra for Healing Your Dark Night of the Soul By Rajiv Parti, MD (aka Dr. Raj)


ealing from my ‘Dark Night of the Soul’ was not easy but the three main steps I had to go through were:

1. Forgive 2. Love and 3. Heal. This mantra “Forgive, Love, Heal” will help one heal from a dramatic ‘Dark Night of the Soul’ as mine or even what I call a ‘Mini Dark Night’ – which can happen all the time to us in busy modern life: they could be simple things like being shown the finger in an unloving exchange, or being cut off on the road in traffic! In my own ‘Dark Night of the Soul’ I had to deal with prostrate cancer, surgical complications, life threatening sepsis, depression, chronic pain and dependency on pain medications. I had to sell my house, quit my job, all the while feeling how my marriage tethered and my health suffered. I was very angry at myself, at God, the people, at the world – at the universe. My healing happened in three steps.

The First Step is to Forgive I had to forgive my self for any thing I had done, or contributed to the dark night. Forgive the circumstances. ‘Forgive’ God and accept God’s will. I had to surrender to the possibility that the Spirit alone has the infinite wisdom. There were the lessons I had to learn in this life time, so that I could evolve. The forgiveness is defined as: “the process of concluding resentment, indignation or anger as a result of a perceived offense, difference or mistake, or ceasing to demand punishment or restitution.“ 24


To help in forgiveness process I re-discovered the serenity prayer: “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.” It transformed me. I started to live in present in the ‘Now’ and not be stuck in what my circumstance once were in past or what I wanted them to be in future.

The Second Step is to Love The second step was to start to love myself, my life, my circumstances. The beauty is that when I started to love ‘myself’, my health improved in leaps. I started eating healthy, going to the gym regularly, meditating and praying regularly. This self love should not mean a narcissistic way of prioritizing the self at the cost of others, for I truly believe one can only love others when one becomes ‘love’ itself. I started to have gratitude and love re-kindled for the Spirit, the people, the world, the environment; I even changed my car form Hummer to a Camry Hybrid. Love is defined as: “A virtue representing all of human kindness, compassion, and affection; and “the unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another” and one self’ As famous Mother Teresa quote comes to mind: “We all can not do great things but we all can do great things with great love” We all can each become a sun of love – radiating love all around. So my friends start the ‘ripple effect’ from the heart, from inside your heart, from your Source.

The Third Step is to Heal After the first two steps of change within our mind, and within our heart comes the step that addresses change at the level of the soul, our spirit. I have observed in others, and personally experienced that to really heal, there has to be a ‘shift’ that has to happen at a deep level of our consciousness. Effectively, the consciousness has to not just heal but evolve too. Healing is defined as: “to make healthy, whole, restore to health; to rejuvenate ,to free from evil; cleanse; purify” Looking back I am thankful to the Spirit for the circumstances I had to go through. It has brought love, compassion, ‘Seva’ (service with gratitude), sharing, and creativity as my guiding principles – where as before I lived for cancerous materialism, expensive toys, the satisfaction of myself above all others: it really was all about me: my status. www.SedonaConsciousMagazine.com


My ‘Dark Night’ transformed me to find my true Divine purpose and my Dharma to be a Healer at the Soul level. I wouldn’t be writing this but for going through the heat of that Dark Night. It made me whole. I learnt to embrace my Dark Shadow. A Gandhi Quote comes to mind… “Be the change you want to see in the world” Yesterday only I received a short email from a friend who had seen me last a few years back. It said: “Hi Raj – It was so nice to have you with us last weekend! You have changed a lot since I saw you last in India” Another friend said how after five years of knowing that one can see how even how I drive has changed. That is so true. I was always in rush in the fast lane. But now I have what I will call ‘Buddha Driving’! I am driving in the middle lane. Somebody cuts me off? So be it – they must be in rush. So, my friends, my experience is that this approach works. Through the practice of my own prescription for Wellness in the Soul of Wellness, and through the adoption of this mantra – “Forgive, Love and Heal” – I have managed to reduce my doctor’s orders to take 36 pills every morning to manage my health crisis down to only 5 different pills a day. The truth is that I have gotten myself out of intense pain, managed to free myself from depression, free myself of addiction, and reverse being overweight through this mantra. The quality of my relationships with my beloved wife, my beautiful children, my dear friends and working associates – is, I can tell you – genuinely infused with joy, understanding, love and laughter. My advice is to not just say the mantra, but to practice it – to live it: to BE the change it beckons from us. __________________________________________________

Rajiv Parti, MD (aka Dr. Raj) is a world leading specialist in pain management with over 30 years practicing clinical experience. He was the Chief of Anesthesiology at Bakersfield Heart Hospital where he specialized in cardiac anesthesia for 15 years. Dr. Raj founded the Pain Management Institute of California, and under his direction it has served thousands ofpatients for acute and chronic pain relief. He now specializes in promotingspiritual wellness and personal growth with various non-traditional healingmodalities. His new book “The Soul of Wellness “ is being released by Select Books in October 2012.

www.drraj.com 26




7 Ways to Help Your Teen Cope With an

Economic Crisis


By Debra Beck

remember being a teenager in the early 1970’s when we were suffering through a recession. After my father lost his job, my parents became anxious, and the economic downturn permeated our lives. All my parents could talk about was the shortage of gas, the increase in the cost of groceries, and wondering how they were going to keep paying the bills. As a teenager, I did not have the coping skills then that I have now. I remember being afraid. I was afraid that we might lose our house. I was afraid that we might not have enough to eat or be able to buy school clothes. I was also afraid that my mother might break down under all the stress. There was a constant layer of anxiety flowing through our home. Nothing felt safe anymore. Even though I didn’t really know the extent of the problem, my body felt it. I was constantly sick to my stomach. I wasn’t sleeping well, and I just wanted to run away from all of the fear. Today, as an adult, I understand what is happening in our economy, and I have better tools for dealing with the pressure of a financial downturn. I am much more in control of my situation. As a teenager, I had no control and no tools. I turned to my friends for comfort and hung out with them as much as possible. If your family is being affected by the current 28


economic recession, don’t forget to help your children weather the crisis. You might be surprised how deeply troubled your teenager is. Without parental support, teens will turn to their friends. In addition to spending more time with friends, your teenager can also be temped to drink alcohol or take drugs to escape the pressure or chaos he or she feels. So what can you do to help your teen cope with financial stress and to reduce the anxiety that so readily comes along with a depressed economic climate?

Here are some tips to consider:


Be careful how you talk about money issues when your children are around. If you are getting ramped up and emotional about your worsening financial situation, it will make them fearful. Keep your money conversations to scheduled times with your partner when the kids aren’t around.


Initiate family discussions about the economy. Ask your children what they know about money matters, what they’ve learned at school and how they feel about the economic crisis. Encourage questions. This is a great opportunity to teach your teen about economics, money management and coping tools. It’s never too early to learn life skills.


If your family is feeling the impact of our worsening economy, talk to your teen about some of the things you are doing to get through the crisis. Explain that you are watching your spending during these times and how this strategy can help keep your family afloat. Reassure your teenager that you are taking care of business, that everything is okay and that the slump is not permanent.


Don’t underestimate or overestimate your teen. Although being open about your family’s financial situation is always a good idea and helps to lessen any fear and anxiety that comes from not knowing what’s going on, remember to keep your discussions age appropriate.


Not having the usual amount of spending money, doesn’t mean you can’t have fun. Get creative about spending quality time with your teen. Some of the best times I remember having with my children where when we were playing games, even when they were older. There are wonderful card and board games that are sure to get your family laughing. You can go on walks, hikes and bike rides. And you can spend some time reminiscing about family vacations, camping trips or other happy and/or funny memories.


Remind your teen that you are not alone; many people are going through the exact same challenges. Talk about what you as a family can do to help reduce waste, cut costs and help others cope with the economic slump. Perhaps your teen can help an elderly neighbor by shoveling snow or cutting the lawn. Maybe you can plan some pot-luck meals with other families you know who are having trouble keeping up with their bills. Thinking of others always brings in some breathing space.


Be grateful for what you do have and help your teen appreciate all the blessings in your life. You can start a daily gratitude journal together and list 10 things each day that make you happy. This is a surefire way to lift your spirits. Every little bit helps. These are turbulent times for most everyone, but there are ways to weather the storm that bring people together in a whole new wonderful way. www.SedonaConsciousMagazine.com


...That Really Works!!! Most people in Sedona know about energy healing and vortexes. And some of you have already discovered energy pendants selling for many times the price of ours. Did you know that in Asia, energy pendants are mainstream, with millions of people wearing them in 50 different countries. The testimonials speak for themselves. This "Twenty Five Dollar" pendant is gold flashed (a thin layer of gold plate) and looks fat more expensive than 25.00. It's not on our website yet, and this is a temporary promotion with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. You can also get this special price at New Frontiers, but you have to ask for the "Four Corners Special". The pendants are put in a chamber where they are infused with frequencies which are beneficial to the body. When they are removed from the chamber, the molecules of the pendant are still vibrating at the infused frequencies. When the pendant is brought near the body, it gently supports and helps balance the bio-electric field of the body. This is why people are having such amazing results. We suspect that it helps with DNA activations as well. The back of the Gold Pendant has 2 magnets and one mineral stone which augment its benefits. It's recommended that once you start wearing a pendant that you not share it with others. It seems to create a unique bond to your own energy field and if you share it, you may reduce the benefit because you will start picking up the energies of the person you shared it with. But the good news is that it's so reasonably priced, you can afford to give them to everyone you care about. Stock up on a few for birthdays, holidays, etc. To order more at this price, when you get to the shopping cart, just increase the quantity and then "update"

You can learn more about the pendants and our other models on our website www.wellnesspendant.net. If you use the discount code "valentine", you can purchase the 2 alternative models on the website for only $19.99 as part of this special promotion. You can also place your order over the phone at 805-267-9263

3 Spiritual Myths that Sabotage Your Conscious Evolution If you’ve been on a spiritual search at all, you’ve probably heard of the importance of regular practice. It’s age-old wisdom. Aristotle said it simply over 2,300 years ago: “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” You know that beyond spiritual ideas and experiences, there is one thing that’s essential for our personal and collective evolution — an authentic transformative practice. That’s the “open secret” of the spiritual life. The fruits of spirituality, in daily life, and the transcendence of ego, are the results of daily regular consistent practice. We’ve all tasted this and yearn for a fully awakened life. Yet for too many of us, something gets in the way of actually doing the practices that we love, and that we know in our hearts will transform us. In one way or another, we get blocked, sabotaged, or led astray from our intention to practice. That’s why we’re truly honored to be writing you today about a groundbreaking and powerful free online seminar with Terry Patten, Integral teacher, visionary, and bestselling author. In “The 3 Spiritual Myths that Sabotage Your Conscious Evolution,” Terry shows you how you can become aware of the false beliefs and ideas that are obstructing your spiritual development and, more importantly, how to dissolve them so that you can evolve into the full expression of your precious humanity. If you are interested in learning more or participating in this incredible free seminar, “The 3 Spiritual Myths that Sabotage Your Conscious Evolution,” please visit the welcome page and register for free. Through direct teaching, engaging stories, and easy-to-follow practical exercises, you’ll learn how to identify — and overcome — the 3 most damaging myths that are holding back your conscious evolution. Listen or Download the “The 3 Spiritual Myths that Sabotage Your Conscious Evolution.” P.S. If you’re ready to dissolve the false perceptions that obstruct the evolution of your highest potential, join Terry for this important and engaging conversation.


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