Adventurers guide to college: social media distractions 101 As a college student in the 21st century, it is no easy task trying to keep yourself focused. With new cool gadgets coming out every day, it is just getting easier and easier to spend time on the latest tablet, phone, or game. Everyone is connected with devices such as these and trying to keep yourself focused while studying and keep these distractions out can seem like running up a river. But there is hope! Below are a few of the game changers to help you deal with this impossible task and pick up your grades in doing so.
Step one: Recognize your weakness This can be the hardest part. Most likely, you have never even realized that you struggle with this. Many people don’t realize how when they study for 5 hours, they actually are texting others, checking there Facebook, tweeting there friends, taking pictures with Instagram, or watching clips on YouTube. A good exercise would be to keep track of the actual amount of time you study during the day vs. the time that you spend on social media. You might be surprised when you learn your results.
Step two: baby steps You may not want to completely rid yourself of the outside world of social media so perhaps the first thing you could do is turn off your notifications on your phone. Every chime, noise, or signal can leave you losing your train of thought. Plan times when you can check your phone and stick to them. Keep yourself on a strict schedule.
Step three: The big ‘off’ If just turning off your notifications hasn’t been working for you, then its time for the big ‘off’. This can seem rather daunting to many people. Losing your connection to the outside world can seem devastating. You may want to rationalize how this can affect you but the bottom line is that your studies are more important than looking at what your friend had for lunch on Facebook. Turn off your phone completely, not just vibrate, and plan to turn it back on at the end of your class or when you are done studying.
Step four: rid yourself of temptation Sometimes many temptations for social media are situational based. If you are big into gaming and want to make sure that you stay connected with your online friends, than perhaps it is best to study at a public library, on a public computer. Studying at your apartment can make it easy for you to cave when your friends are around indulging in what you want to be a part of with phones, etc. Rid yourself of these temptations. Try studying at a park on a blanket, or go try out your public library. You will have a much more enjoyable and liberating study this way.
Hold strong No matter what you are studying, whether it is accounting, event planning, or programming, trying to stay focused might become a battle. The best advice is to hold strong to what you decide. You will most likely notice the difference as you keep going with keeping away from the distractions and your grades will surely thank you. Photo Credit: mst_b , Loraw2000