Best Tips for Onboarding Your company is going to see change, meaning new employees. That is going to require one crucial step – training. Your employees can come with years of experience behind them, but that doesn’t mean that they know how things work with your company. Getting people in the right seats and equipped with the right knowledge is important for everyone. Being a part of the team that brings on the new hires is a lot of pressure. Not only are you working to see them succeed, but also you have to be well versed in every aspect of the company. Being a team player and knowledgeable enough to provide adequate training will be a full-time job. There are steps you need to take to make sure that the first day and first week of any new employee is successful. We suggest a few of the best practices to follow when onboarding new employees.
Onboarding Tricks To prepare for the first day of new hire orientation, there are a few basic questions to ask. How many individuals will you be hiring today? How many will be attending the training? If there are overlaps in the departments, can I do breakout groups? What paperwork is required of all new hires? What training is important? Being able to answer a few of the basic questions that arise during the first days is important. Not only for your team internally but for the new hire. In addition, there are several things you need to round up: 1. Desk Set Up: Do you have all the needed equipment? A computer, mouse, keyboard? Are you going to provide them with a pen and notebook for the first day? 2. HR Paperwork: While nobody really loves to do paperwork, it is required. Your employees will need to be notified that they need to bring forms of ID for your HR team. They will need to sign any confidentiality agreements, contracts, and insurance paperwork during the first week. 3. Training Time: If you were doing the trainings, it would be nice to be thoughtful and prepare for the trainings. Help the employee adjust by having the needed details about their job. If it won’t be you doing the trainings, you need to make sure that whomever is training will be prepared or notified. Getting the new bodies in the door, trained, and ready to do their job is what you are all about. Knowing that you are just as smart as the applicant screening software will drive you. Being able to have self-sufficient employees is totally based on the tools provided to
them. Your enable those new hires to do a good job when you prep their first week. Don’t let things fall to the wayside, even if you do new hire orientation weekly. Every employee is important to the company.
Follow a Few Simple Rules Live and work by the simple guides from onboarding experts. They have set out a list of commandments that can enable success and stability for your company. Part of having employees stay is having them feel a sense of purpose at their job. Enable them to feel this way by showing them what they do, why they do it, and what difference that makes in the lives of others. First, do not misrepresent the job during the interviews. Be honest about the job details, objectives, and hours. If people make well-informed decisions – with a clear direction for the company’s goals they can tell you if they are a good fit. Being open about what you want and need from them will be important the whole time they work for you. Second, write them out a plan or schedule. Not just during the first week is it important to have direction on the job. Being able to provide clear outlines of weekly or monthly goals will enable the employee to be successful and meet your needs. Next, do not neglect to introduce them to the office. No matter the size of your company, it is important for everyone to be acquainted with the new face. Being able to meet everyone will also help your employee start creating a network and eventually making friends. And what would work be if you hated everyone you worked with? Lastly, get them introduced to the culture of the company. Being able to sit down in a oneon-one meeting will provide you the chance to provide them tips or tricks, reset expectations, and give advice. If your culture is a buttoned-up, arrive at 8 AM company, you need to tell the newbie that. If you are more of the fluid, daily Ping-Pong games required nature that is also important to know. Tell new hires about things your company does for fun, how they dress, and what is monitored. Getting the right people is doing better than throwing out an online rental application for the short-term employee. Hire smart, hire for keeps, and do what you can to keep employees. Being a team player, training them to do their job, and having a fun culture will keep your employees happy. Photocredit: wikipedia, pixabay, yospiff