The Benefits of Summer Classes It’s April – the last stretch of that long, long semester. You’ve been at it for nearly 8 months straight, with just a few breaks here and there. You push through finals and wohoooooo! You’re free!! That’s how it’s supposed to go, right? For many students, that IS how it goes. However, some students have hacked the system. They discovered the perks of summer classes. How summer classes could ever be a good idea, most people just don’t understand. However – there truly are some great advantages to taking summer classes. And here are a few of them!
Relaxed Stereotypically, working or studying during the summer is just no fun. Summer is when we are supposed to play, right? No matter how old we get, that notion never really leaves us. And, believe it or not, your professors are people too. That means they want to take it easy just like you do. You’ll be amazed how professors can transform from winter semester to summer. Rules relax, homework isn’t as hard, workloads decrease, and class time just feels more relaxed. You all chill together in your Florida State apparel and actually enjoy learning together. It’s amazing. The summer heat just melts away a lot of typical college stress.
Smaller Classes One of the reasons classes get more relaxed, is because class si zes are smaller. A significantly smaller number of students enroll for summer semester, which creates smaller classes. This allows professors to focus on their students individually and allows for individual relationships to build. Once you and your professors are friends, things are just better. You’ll be more motivated to learn /pay attention, and your professors are more understanding of your personal styles, thought processes, and opinions. They are open to projects instead of tests, presentations instead of papers, and more creative ways of learning.
Faster Summer semesters are typically a whole lot shorter than regular fall/winter semesters. This means that courses are sped up and more intensive. For some, that’s a good thing. Focusing more time and energy on a subject all at once helps with retention, deeper learning, and quicker progress. Professors are also more likely to cut back on the workload because they understand that you can’t accomplish as much bulk/busy work during the time -restrained summer as you normally could during fall/winter.
Pre-reqs Summer is a great time to get pre-requisite classes completed before your upcoming semester. Taking one or two classes in the summer could significantly streamline your schedule and help you graduate much quicker.
Competitive Classes Because fewer students enroll during summer semester, there is a better chance for you to get into highly competitive classes. The most popular teachers and most interesting courses usually fill up within the first hour of open enrolment during fall/winter, but during summer, your chances of getting in skyrocket. Enroll in these classes during the summer and enjoy opportunities that many students aren’t able to access. Despite the few disadvantages of taking classes summer semester, these advantages outweigh them in almost all respects. Try it out ONE semester, and see if you aren’t converted to summer classes!
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