Reasons to Become a Dentist Instead For those looking for a good career in the medical profession, dentistry is one of the best options for a number of reasons. When compared to the time it takes to become a doctor, there isn’t a lot of comparison.
Benefits of Becoming a Dentist The time it takes to get a degree in dentistry and begin practicing in the field is much shorter than the time it takes for every other kind of doctor to get their degrees and get through their residencies. To become a practicing dentist, you will only need four years of extra schooling after your undergraduate. The less time you spend in school, the less debt you’ll have coming out of it and the sooner you can begin paying off the debt you already have. Continuing along this educational track, unlike other schools, people do not care where you got your degree. Aspiring lawyers and surgeons stress about getting into the right school. If you don’t, you’ll never make the same impression as another doctor, nor have as successful careers. Prestige matters for them. It’s not the same in dentistry. Dentists just need a degree. The test they take at the end of their stay is standardized around the country, meaning that everyone that graduates comes away with the same education. Aspiring dentists only need to worry about getting in, and not where they need to go, and that is a plus. Dentists make a nice salary every year. Practicing dentists that work full-time for a dental group can earn upwards of $100,000 a year without breaking too much of a sweat. Those that practice on their own can earn much more than that as they have fewer overhead in-between them and their paycheck. Not only do you get to help people, but you also get to live a comfortable life at the same time. You can’t complain at the end of the year when you see you made a six digit salary.
Schedule Flexibility Should you go on to make your own practice, you have the flexibility of creating your own scheduling. Using an online scheduling tool, you can block off certain days that you want to work and other days that you would rather not. Many dentists block off three day weekends on a regular basis, allowing them to spend a lot more time at home rather than in the office. Dental appointments bring in such a nice paycheck that they don’t need to work forty hour weeks.
The flexibility in using online scheduling to create your own availability, combined with the added bonus of raking in a nice salary, draws a lot of people to this profession. With the added interest of so many people, you might think that the market is getting oversaturated with dentists. What room is there for someone like you to find a niche in the economy? Although it is true that a lot of people are getting into the industry, the truth is, the community needs it, especially in cities. Cities are so densely populated that just twenty to thirty dentists can’t possibly service them all. More dentists are needed to fill the spaces in the growing population. Your online scheduling agent will be just as full as the next guys once you’re ready to start your career. There are a ton of reasons to pursue dentistry as a career.