Returning to School as a Student If you are returning to school as a student, the odds are that you are feeling a bit of trepidation about the experience. Going back to school at a later age can be intimidating for people to experience. There is a lot that has to be balanced. There is work and school and family, as well as any other issues which might be present in life at that time. Make no mistake- it can be a difficult experience.
Getting over the First Hurdle That being said, getting back on your college campus in Provo later in life and returning as a student can be managed- with success. There are a lot of potential successes and victories ahead, just as long as you don’t get too bogged down at first. One of the big issues that a lot of people have about going back to school involves the ages of the other students. Students who are going to school via the traditional route may be much younger than those who are returning. The good news is that you don’t need to worry about age. Returning students are just as capable as those who are there more traditionally, and have been been proven to get better scores. This is because the average levels of dedication and motivation are going to differ between those who are going just to go, versus those who are retuning for a reason. Returning students tend to be a lot more diligent with their studies, and are more likely to use the methods necessary to remember information and apply it.
The Balancing Act Balancing life and going to college can be tricky. Family and work and school are all important, and all need to be addressed and taken care of. The good news is that many colleges have flexible night and weekend schedules for classes, as well as sometimes having onsite daycare for kids that need to be brought along. Therefore, it is possible to balance these factors through careful planning (and perhaps a bit of luck). College is also a considerable expense to have to deal with. That being said, there are many financial aid programs which exist within the limits of school and with state government as well.
Make Money, Don’t Spend It Always try to apply for financial aid and any scholarships which you might be eligible for. It doesn’t hurt to try and it might be surprising what you end up getting!
Getting back on the Provo college campus is a big commitment. It can be intimidating and it can be tough to work schedules around. However, college is absolutely worth it all in nature. The opportunities which will be available to you will allow for better job placement, better pay, and greater quality of life. Perhaps most importantly of all, college is a place for people to learn and to find themselves more effectively. Therefore, anyone who can attend is encouraged to- regardless of age or situation. The challenges will hone skills and talents already known, as well as revealing more. It is a life defining experience for many who attend and grow from their time. Photo Credit: Infonet, Kaplan International Colleges