The secret to finding the best employee It can be an extremely stressful situation to build your company. One thing that is even more stressful is to put its future in the hands of people who you aren’t sure are even capable of doing what you need done. With all of this stress there are ways to make sure that you choose the right employees. Here are some ways to make the right choices.
Understand their skills This is an obvious thing that every employer needs to look at when they are choosing employees. It is the “how” that is not as obvious. You need to be able to ask the right questions and more and more employers are having employees do a sort of tryout that requires them to show what they can really do. This is a good idea to truly understand what the applicant is capable of. Another way is to do a proper background check through one of the many types of applicant screening software.
Character Even more important than the skills that your future employee will have, is their all-around character. Are they honest? Will they be responsible and reliable? How do you measure this? Many employers will check their resume and see what they have done in the past and will ask them specific questions to find out as much as they can about the nature of the applicant.
Look to the future When you look at the applicant what do you see? This is something that you need to ask yourself. Do you see this applicant as a future manager or specialist in the field you are trying to fill? Do you see them taking responsibility and being as invested in the company as you are? What you see is not just your imagination. We all have intuition and if you see something don’t just let it go but be willing to trust it.
Know there is always risk It takes some substantial risk when you finally make an executive decision. You never know how well they will do until you give them a try. Sometimes you can do just that with internships but even then, you never know what they will do when they become actual employees. You have to be willing to give them the reigns and empower them by trusting them. Sometimes this can create huge problems, especially if you didn’t do enough background checking and you didn’t get enough information to make a good decision. But when it is a good choice, you will find that things get done much more effectively than you even expected.
Make sure you make the right choice by doing your homework on the individuals you take on to your team. This means that you need to understand their capabilities as well as their character. These two components of each individual are so crucial that if you forget, you will be sorry. Lastly make sure you look at them and decide what they will be in the future. If you have an idea of what they can become it will be much easier to take the risk of letting them on the team. Photocredit: wikipedia, toolsacademy, pixabay