1) Go to This website will help you find out almost everything you need to know about US colleges. You can do a college search, read a profile about every US college, learn about SAT tests (in fact each day, you can answer the SAT questions of the day), and much more. Either do a college search or pick a college from the list posted online. Check out for a list of schools where Seedshave attended or are currently attending. Goto it and view the college’s profile and answer the following questions. Note: If you do a college search make sure to indicate that you are looking for schools in which international students are eligible for aid. Name of College: _______________ DegreesAvailable: ____________________ %Applicants Accepted: ___________________ Date Application is Due: ______________________ What are some of the most popular majors: ____________________________ Are international students eligible for financial aid? _____________ If so, how many international students received financial aid? ________________ If you did a college search, write down some of the names of the schools you found through your search: ____________________________________________________________________
2) Now go to another worthwhile website: Here you can get lots of information about the TOEFLexam and read about the TOEFLtutorial and sample questions. From this website you can also view college websites from all over the world.