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important initiative tha bringing together young people who have seen th ravages of war to learn the art of peace. There can be no more importan initiative than bringing together young people 2 0 0 7 annual report who have seen the ravag of war to learn the art of peace. There can be no more important initiativ than bringing together young people who have seen the ravages of war to learn the art of peace There can be no more important initiative tha bringing together young people who have seen th ravages of war to learn

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A Message from the Chairman

Carlson Wagonlit Travel applauds the important work Seeds of Peace undertakes helping young people from the Middle East and South Asia. We’re proud to sponsor this terrific organization. Programs that help young people with conflict resolution and leadership training do indeed plant seeds of peace, creating a network of young leaders ready to support peace on a global scale. – Jack O’Neill, President North America, Carlson Wagonlit Travel

Dear Friends: At Seeds of Peace, we empower young people from regions of conflict to be leaders and agents of positive change. We call them “Seeds.” Against a backdrop of fear, mistrust, and violence, the story of how Seeds from around the world overcome these challenges and evolve into leaders and peacemakers is a source of great hope for our shared future. Their stories are the ones we would like to share with you, our supporters, without whom none of it would be possible. The year 2007 marked the 15th anniversary of the founding of the International Camp operated by Seeds of Peace. Some 320 Seeds participated in the camp program this year. What began as an improbable dream in 1993 was made a reality by the vision and determination of John Wallach, our late founder. That year the first delegation of 46 Israelis, Palestinians, Jordanians, and Egyptians arrived in the United States to participate in what would become an internationally recognized conflict resolution program that drew teenagers together, face to face with their supposed enemies.

2 0 0 7 annual report

For most Seeds this camp is the first time each has ever met a young person from the other side. Dialogue sessions elicit painful emotions that force each Seed to confront others’ stereotypes, along with his or her own. The sessions break down barriers and build bridges in their place. Netta, an Israeli camper, said, “As I looked to the side for a moment, I caught a glimpse of my two best friends—one Israeli and one


International Summer Camp


will be like—because we knew each other at Seeds of Peace.”

International Programming


The hard work of peace does not end when camp is over, however. Seeds of Peace operates in Amman, Cairo, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv,

2007 Highlights


Palestinian. At that moment I realized that I love them both the same way. No doubts. No limits.” And Jawad, a Palestinian camper, had this to say: “My friend wants to be prime minister of his country, and I want to become the head of my country. Imagine what that

Ramallah, Lahore, Mumbai, and Kabul to augment understanding once the Seeds return home. Our engaging and original follow-up programs support Seeds as they navigate the transition back into their daily lives with altered beliefs, new perspectives, and new friends. Leadership programs such as our Conflict Management and Mediation Training course allow Seeds and other


members of the community to effectively facilitate conversations between opposing sides of conflict.

Financial Statements


Nearly 4,000 Seeds are dispersed around the world today, working to spread hope for peace by living our values of respect,



empathy, understanding, and tolerance. Hundreds of Seeds, including those from the first delegation in 1993, have grown into young leaders in business, the nonprofit community, government, education, media, medicine, and politics. Our mission is to inspire young people to be future leaders with a new vision of the path forward. But the truth is, they inspire us every day. We are so often reminded by our Seeds how much this work matters. They possess an abiding faith in the future—a future filled with mutual respect, understanding, shared prosperity, and lasting peace. Thank you for your support.

Richard Berman Chairman Board of Directors Seeds of Peace LEFT: Seeds walk together playing music at the International Camp in Otisfield, Maine. RIGHT: Seeds return home to be leaders in their communities. (All photography: Seeds of Peace)

From Maine to the West Bank, Seeds of Peace is leveraging the underutilized power of young people to change the way the world deals with conflict. The organization and its “Seeds” have realized the sorts of accomplishments that have eluded diplomats and governments for decades. We are proud to support this important organization not only because it is a critical part of Maine’s culture, but more importantly because it is enabling youth to reshape the peace processes of some of the world’s most serious political conflicts. – Justin Schair, Trustee, Hudson Family Foundation

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International Camp

Seeds of Peace entered its 15th summer season in 2007,



Israeli ambassador to the U.S., Salai Merridor; the Egyptian

welcoming 320 future leaders to the serene shores of

Grouped by conflict region, campers sat side by side in daily

Friendships grew as Seeds spent hours playing sports, learning

ambassador to the U.S., Nabil Fahmy; the Palestinian

Pleasant Lake in Otisfield, Maine. The International Camp

90-minute sessions to get to know their peers on the other

crafts, swimming, and chatting in the bunk after dark. Even

ambassador to the U.S., Afif Safieh; and the Palestinian

hosted participants from the Middle East and South

side. Seeds tackled the toughest, most sensitive issues and

ordinary camp moments put the principles of coexistence into

ambassador to the United Nations, Riyad Mansour, traveled

Asia to this program even as tensions increased on the

braved rage, insults, and tears. Confrontations often centered

practice. As always, each session concluded with three days

to the International Camp. They visited with nearly 150 Seeds,

ground. Camp lays the foundation for Seeds’ education in

on some of the most contentious issues of conflict, such as

of Color Games. Campers were divided into two teams—

toured the facilities, and answered campers’ questions.

peacemaking and reconciliation. Delegations of Afghan,

borders, religion, and the media. Guided by professional

green and blue—and competed in a variety of pastimes, from

American, Egyptian, Indian, Israeli, Jordanian, Pakistani,

facilitators, many of them trained by Seeds of Peace through

soccer to art to cooking. As campers learned to depend on

and Palestinian teenagers arrived for two three-week

the Conflict Management and Mediation Training program,

themselves and one another, team spirit overrode national,

sessions. More than 20 adult graduates of the Seeds of

they learned communication and negotiation techniques

political, or religious identity. Israelis and Palestinians,

Peace camp program returned as counselors and facilitators,

that allowed them to listen to alien views and develop

Indians and Pakistanis, were grouped with one another.

Israeli ambassador Merridor noted that youth is a

bringing continuity and vital energy to the camp.

tolerance and understanding. Campers were instructed

They discovered common joys and overcame challenges

special time in life to commit to change in the world. “It

to avoid personal attacks, respect each other’s beliefs, and

in an atmosphere of fun universal to all young people.

cannot only be at the top,” he told the Seeds. “It should


be with the people, and especially young people.”

For the eighth year, teenagers from the state of Maine


attended the International Camp. As more immigrants settle

On Monday, July 30, stars from the National Basketball

in this area, local communities are coping with their own

Association (NBA) held the sixth annual Play for Peace

youth faced the day, speaking seriously about


ethnicity-based problems. Thirty Maine Seeds addressed

clinic at the International Camp. NBA stars included

their hatreds and fears in intense daily dialogues.

Adult educators who travel to camp with the Seeds each

specific problems they face, deconstructing stereotypes

Boston Celtics Brian Scalabrine and Ryan Gomes and

After looking deeply into what divides them,

summer have an intense dialogue and coexistence program

and misconceptions in their daily life. These teens learned

Portland Trailblazer Josh McRoberts. Former Chicago

they emerged to find common ground in games,

of their own. At camp they participate in educational

the principles of coexistence alongside Middle Eastern

Bulls great B.J. Armstrong and Women’s NBA player

shared meals, laughter, and sheer good fun.

workshops and create partnerships to support, teach, and

and South Asian campers. In October, 13 Maine Seeds

Andrea Stinson of the Detroit Shock joined the group. The

empower Seeds, as well as other students back home.

met with Maine Governor John E. Baldacci to discuss

stars were welcomed by 160 Israeli, Palestinian, Egyptian,

In 2007, Seeds of Peace and USAID partnered to create

important issues facing their state and presented him

Jordanian, and American youths. The players worked with

follow-up programs in the Middle East to create peaceful

with a proposal of their solutions to those problems.

campers on basketball fundamentals and teamwork drills.


Throughout, players reinforced the value of cooperation,

On Friday, July 6, 24 campers traveled to New York City

as enemies turned into teammates on the basketball court.

Many campers left behind daily scenes of bloodshed at home to wake up amid the natural beauty of cold Maine mornings next to their supposed enemies: teenagers who are just like them but from the other side of the conflict. Together these

listen with an open mind. Through hard emotional work, the campers came to respect each other as individuals. This powerful process can happen only in the neutral, supportive environment that the International Camp provides.

learning environments in Israeli and Palestinian schools.

for a private meeting with Zalmay Khalilzad, the United States Ambassador to the United Nations. Khalilzad hosted I N T E R FA I T H S E RV I C E S

them in his private residence for an ice cream roundtable

Like the dialogue sessions, interfaith services

discussion about peace and coexistence. The ambassador

offered Seeds a neutral setting in which to learn

praised the campers’ work and encouraged them to continue

about one another’s religions and traditions.

their dialogue throughout their lives. “The mission has to

In a way that would be almost impossible at home, they were able to explore other faiths

be how to transcend these differences and live in a mutually

Palestinian ambassador Safieh commended the openminded spirit that drew the campers to participate in Seeds of Peace. “It’s only the optimists that make history,” he said.

The event was organized by Arn Tellem, an agent for the players and a member of the NBA’s Board of Directors. Tellem arranges the Play for Peace clinic because he values the work of Seeds of Peace. “At these challenging times in the Middle East,” he said, “it’s important that the players do their part to advance understanding and coexistence.”

respectful environment,” the ambassador said. He urged

Leslie Lewin, camp director for Seeds of Peace, said the

Seeds to form relationships across sectarian and ethnic lines,

basketball clinic is an especially useful exercise because it

came away from the interfaith services with new

to “achieve all of the potential that their societies have.”

teaches teamwork. “Sports, and in particular basketball,

understanding and respect for beliefs that were


firsthand. Muslim, Jewish, Christian, and Hindu services were held on a regular basis. Seeds

once foreign and off-limits.

On Sunday, July 29, Seeds of Peace hosted a Day of Dialogue at camp for ambassadors from around the world. The

is a very important part of the camp experience,” Lewin said. “Cooperation and communication on the basketball court can pave the way to breakthroughs off the court.”

www.seedsofpeace.org page 5

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We are pleased to be a leading supporter of Seeds of Peace’s efforts to educate and empower young people throughout the Middle East and South Asia. Through this important partnership, we are building Seeds of Peace’s capacity to equip young people with the skills necessary to advance to leadership positions in government, institutions of higher-learning, and the corporate and non-profit sectors. – Ken Cohen, Vice President of Public Affairs for ExxonMobil Corporation

International Programming

Middle East

Palestinian conflict. Their sessions included simulations of

Peaceing It Together

In March, Seeds of Peace facilitators met in London for a

The peacebuilding process and leadership training that

various solutions, lively debate, and thoughtful study.

Seeds of Peace organized a weekend conference in March to

weeklong combined study. This unique program allowed

guide 52 Israeli and Palestinian Seeds through the dynam-

them to apply their skills to discussions with each other and

ics of national conflicts outside the Middle East. Held at

with international students attending the American School

the Tantur Institute in Jerusalem, “Peaceing It Together”

of London, who opened their homes to host the visitors.

began in Maine continued throughout 2007 as new Seeds returned to their homes. This year Seeds of Peace built on the strong programs that have proven so successful in reinforcing friendships, leadership skills, and community outreach. At the same time, new initiatives included “In Your Shoes,” a program that matched Israeli and Palestinian Seeds for four months to learn each other’s personal stories, and a weeklong trip to London for graduate students, during which Israeli and Palestinian facilitators practiced conflict

Another highlight was a convention in the Israeli-Palestinian mixed village of Neve Shalom/Wahat al Salam in Israel. One hundred Israeli and Palestinian Seeds attended the keynote address by Dr. Saeb Erekat, Chief Palestinian Negotiator. The young people then divided into working groups to address final status concerns such as economic development, security, water supply, the environment, borders, Jerusalem, and refugees and the right of return.

resolution together for the first time. Dialogue sessions,

Language Courses

language courses, community presentations, and a new

Israeli and Palestinian Seeds took advantage of language and

online forum kept the Seeds of Peace centers humming.

cultural training in Hebrew and Arabic. Nearly 70 Palestinian

D IALOG U E P ROGRAM Overcoming incredible obstacles—suspicion, war, poverty—Seeds of Peace field operations continue the lessons of dialogue and coexistence begun at the International Camp in Maine. Throughout 2007 nearly two dozen Seeds

Seeds received Hebrew lessons in Bethlehem, Hebron, Jenin, Jericho, Jerusalem, and Ramallah. Thirty Israeli Seeds were trained in Arabic in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. These young people met regularly throughout the year in Jerusalem to practice their newly acquired skills and to share stories about their cultures.

examined two case studies: the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa as a method of repairing divisions after a treaty, and the Tibetans’ strategy of dialogue and nonviolence in their struggle with China.

These young adults, aged 22 to 27, completed 30 hours of training under expert guidance. “Our conversations this week are the best we have ever had since joining Seeds of Peace 10 years ago,” one Seed said. “We now


have tools to help us conduct these very difficult con-

There are significant physical challenges to bringing young

versations, and we are mature enough to use them.”

people together not only from opposite sides of a conflict but between conflicts, too. That’s why Seeds of Peace modernized

The graduate students also spent several hours each day

its online forum for Seeds in 2007, giving them an opportuni-

teaching in the American School. Students from kindergarten

ty to meet online and continue their communication training.

through high school learned about cross-cultural conver-

SeedsNet was updated this year to resemble the Facebook for-

sations and considered whether it’s better to fight or talk.

mat and renamed SeedsBook. Weekly moderated discussions

“The Seeds made me understand things better,” said one

among Arabs, Israelis, South Asians, and Americans took

eighth-grade student. “An Israeli and a Palestinian came to

place in a secure, password-protected online environment.

talk to my class about staying cool and having hard conversa-

of Peace dialogue groups convened under the guidance

In Your Shoes

Nearly 700 Seeds have registered so far. SeedsBook members

tions. If they can do it, we can do it here in our school too.”

of professional facilitators. Each group of 12 to 16 Seeds

In February, 22 Israeli and Palestinian Seeds were paired

can send messages to each other privately or sign in to the

Creating Peaceful Learning Environments

was equally attended by Israelis and Palestinians.

to spend four months exploring each other’s community and

chat room for a shared discussion. The site also contains docu-

In partnership with the U.S. Agency for

culture. They worked on assignments about family history

ments, a slide show, and a kit for making presentations about

For example, Seeds of Peace hosted a dialogue group in April

International Development (USAID), Seeds

and traditions, life at school, ambitions, desired legacies,

Seeds of Peace. Reports about activities all over the world

in partnership with the Gilo Institute of Hebrew University.

of Peace targeted Israeli and Palestinian centers of learning

and envisioning peace. The result was a more personal

are just a click away, as are links to 25 global news sources.

Thirty Israeli and Palestinian Seeds met with professors

to promote peace education and dialogue in 2007. Through

understanding of life on the other side of the conflict.

E D U C A T ION , T RAINING , AN D LEA D ERS H I P B U IL D ING Conflict Management “and Mediation Training Courses

these initiatives, Seeds of Peace trained dozens of Israeli and

from both sides to envision a final resolution to the Israeli-

Peace facilitation is a necessary and growing profession. Seeds of Peace offers courses in media-

en communication skills, increase respect for diversity, sharpen critical thinking, promote peaceful methods of dispute resolution, and encourage leadership and civic engagement.

tion and negotiation that serve as a broad introduc-

For example, 30 Palestinian educators participated in a three-

tion and a basis for professional work in the field.

day workshop in May to consider ways to engage Palestinian

This year 38 participants completed 10 daylong sessions of classroom instruction. In addition, students conducted intensive, highly supervised field work, often facilitating dialogue sessions at the International Camp. Upon graduation, participants received official certification as Seeds of Peace Trained Facilitators.

LEFT: Seeds build trust during a ropes course at camp. RIGHT: Intensive daily dialogue sessions form the backbone of the conflict resolution program.

Palestinian educators from public schools in how to strength-

students in critical thinking about the peace process. The program was developed and led by three Palestinian educators who had previously participated in Seeds of Peace programs. Most educators, however, came from United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) schools, with no previous Seeds of Peace experience. They left eager to learn more and to share the new methods with other Palestinian educators.

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In 2007, Palestinian Seeds of Peace educators and youth also

South Asia

more,” said one camper excitedly. Another added, “I never

nent in 1947 and its lingering aftermath, were followed

organized two camps in the West Bank for children aged 10

The Seeds of Peace regional offices in India and Pakistan

used to speak at all. But yesterday I went home and my fam-

by public discussion facilitated by Seeds graduates.

to 12. Each camp brought together approximately 50 Palestin-

pursued very active follow-up programs in 2007 to welcome

ily was there. It was the first time that I sat amongst them

ian children to learn about communication and tolerance.

Seeds back home. The facilitated dialogues, community

and gave my opinion about things. And it felt really good.”

C OMM U NI T Y SER V I C E AN D O U T REA C H Seeds Café: Jerusalem

events, and workshops helped Seeds incorporate new lessons


of coexistence as they worked on overcoming anger, hatred,

ences. It was widely covered by television, newspapers,

Another important follow-up program is the Bring-a-Friend

and prejudice. Afghanistan was scheduled to participate for

and magazines. Seeds began organizing school presen-

Seeds Cafés are among the only regularly scheduled events

workshops held twice a year, which focus on leadership

the first time in 2007 in the Homestay program, which has

tations on peace and the relationship with Pakistan, as

in Jerusalem that allow Israelis and Palestinians to come

training. Professional facilitators come in for two-day

formed the centerpiece of follow-up activities. Each year a

well as a joint film screening with the Asia Society.

together for public education and dialogue. These popu-

sessions with Seeds graduates to discuss community build-

delegation of Indian or Pakistani Seeds has traveled to the

ing, volunteerism, and leadership skills. On the third day

During the summer Seeds in Pakistan participated in the

lar forums reach out broadly to interested members of

other country for a weeklong stay that has without fail resulted

each Seed invites a friend to join the workshop. The Seeds

Punjabi government-sponsored Convention for Youth

both communities, as well as the international public in or

in a profound ripple effect in the host community. This year

themselves facilitate the third day using the tools they have

Empowerment, as well as a program held at the Institute

near Jerusalem. Many attendees are educators, nonprofit

Seeds from India and Afghanistan were planning to travel

gained. Bring-a-Friend workshops not only spread the Seeds

of Peace and Secular Studies in Lahore. The Seeds con-

leaders, and others not actively involved in peacemak-

to Lahore, Pakistan. However, the Homestay visit was post-

of Peace message in the community, they also help in the

tinued their popular film series, inviting the public and

ing who nonetheless want to meet people from “the other

poned this year because of instability on the ground in India.

ongoing effort to prepare Seeds for leadership roles in busi-

the press for facilitated discussions after the screenings.


ness, government, health care, and the nonprofit world.

Graduates also participated in a radio talk show, which

One of the most successful Seeds Cafés was held in May,

In Pakistan, Seeds of Peace brought together 40 Muslim and


attracting more than 500 guests. Sari Nusseibeh, Presi-

40 Christian students for three days of dialogues and games,

Beyond the successful Bring-a-Friend workshops, several other

dent of Al Quds University and the author of a recent

modeled on the summer experience at the International

community outreach programs spread the Seeds of Peace phi-

book of memoirs, and Amos Oz, a noted Israeli author,

Camp. The camp, on the grounds of St. Anthony’s College

losophy to a wide audience. These include speaker series, film

gave presentations about their experiences in Jerusalem.

in Lahore, was organized and facilitated entirely by Seeds

screenings, press conferences, school presentations, Peace Part-


Another successful event, in November, featured Dr. Saeb

graduates, which reinforced the goodwill and outreach to

ner activities, and more. Each of these events is organized by

Educators from the participating schools in Lahore and

Erekat and Israeli cabinet minister Ami Ayalon. More

minority communities in Pakistan. This was an opportunity

the Seeds to help spread the message of tolerance, coexistence,

Mumbai gather for workshops, trainings, and cross-border

than 100 guests attended a presentation on the Annapolis

for the young students to eat together, play together, talk to

and mutual understanding. Community outreach programs also

exchanges. Each teacher touches many students in his or her

peace conference. Participants explored the objectives of

each other, and, most important, listen to each other. As in

serve to reinforce and build on the leadership training for Seeds.

life. Understanding Seeds of Peace and its mission allows for

both sides and the difficulty of constructive compromise.

Maine, for many of these teenagers the Interfaith Harmony

side.” Graduate Seeds and their parents often participate.

Jerusalem for All A community service initiative, “Jerusalem for All,” was

Indian Seeds were featured at the United States consulate in Mumbai for a press conference about their experi-

was broadcast throughout the Punjab, about the success of the Interfaith Harmony Camp. There was also a widely publicized “Tree Planting for Peace” ceremony held at a Trust School for underprivileged youth in Lahore.

this information to be spread to a wide audience. Personally

Camp offered the first opportunity to sit with someone from

In Mumbai in 2007 Seeds of Peace held meetings and film

understanding that widely held stereotypes of those on the other

the other side and ask questions that are usually off limits.

screenings every other week for Seeds and the general

side of the border are incorrect can help teachers generate lively

launched in December to identify neighborhood needs for

community. Films included “In This World,” about AfThis program, “Together We Rise,” opened many eyes and

and crucial discussions in their own classrooms. These educa-

volunteers or labor. Ideas include working in hospitals and

ghans traveling with the help of smugglers to the Middle

minds in a short few days. Structured dialogues were run

tors support the activities of the Seeds within their schools.

libraries, visiting the elderly, organizing cultural events,

East and beyond. “The Day India Burned” and “Remem-

by Seeds trained in the basic rules: avoid personal attacks,

and renovating youth centers. This initiative will bring

bering Partition,” about the partition of the subconti-

respect each other’s beliefs, listen, participate actively, and

together Seeds from East and West Jerusalem. Israeli and

keep an open mind. As the discussions proceeded and turned

Palestinian Seeds will work together, building on the skills

serious, the students’ faces registered amusement and sur-

they learned at camp to improve their own communities.

prise as they saw doors of understanding open. The founda-

The South Asia program began in 2000, in partnership

tions for mutual respect and coexistence were forming.

with the U.S. Department of State, with the first Seeds from

Games of basketball and football and a talent show helped

India and Pakistan attending camp in Maine that summer.

break the tension and strengthen friendships across religious

Shortly afterward, Afghanistan began sending a delegation

and ethnic lines. Many of the attendees exchanged e-mail

to camp too. The young people come from schools in Kabul,

addresses and telephone numbers before they left, taking along

Lahore, and Mumbai. Care is taken to recruit young people

new confidence, new ideas, new thoughts, and new friends.

from diverse economic backgrounds. What matters most is that prospective Seeds demonstrate leadership qualities.

On the final day the campers pledged that they would continue to work on their own misconceptions and baseless beliefs, and spread the word to their families and friends. “I think we achieved everything we wanted to and even LEFT: Seeds play sports to learn teambuilding and build confidence. RIGHT: Graduate Seeds convene in Morocco to launch community service initiatives.

www.seedsofpeace.org page 9


In April, Seeds of Peace received the Reflections of Hope Award, given by the Oklahoma City National Memorial in honor of those who died in the bombing in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995. This award is given annually to a group whose extraordinary work has significantly impacted a community, state, or nation. The judges praised Seeds of Peace’s commitment to reaching across cultural, religious, and racial barriers.


In President Bill Clinton’s 2007 book, “Giving: How Each of Us Can Change the World” he applauded the original idea and the sustained efforts of Seeds of Peace. The former president said, “The most important part of Seeds of Peace remains the sustained human contact among young people of different religious and ethnic groups long at odds with each other. Anyone who supports Seeds of Peace is…giving all the world’s children a better chance for a safer and brighter future.” In August, six Israeli Seeds participated in the United Nations’ International Children’s Parliament on waraffected children in Helsinki, Finland. They met with a group of young Palestinians, and together they adopted an agreement to work for peace in the Middle East. In September, Seeds of Peace hosted the World Leadership Summit in New York City to commemorate our 15th anniversary. Her Majesty Queen Noor of Jordan delivered the keynote speech, and NBC’s Tom Brokaw led a panel of dignitaries in a discussion on the peace process. Former President Clinton,a member of the Seeds of Peace Advisory Board, delivered a video address prior to the panel discussion.


f i nan c i al s

2007 highlights

2007 Highlights

The Board of Directors of

Seeds of Peace, Inc. We have audited the accompanying statements of financial position of Seeds of Peace, Inc., (a not-for-profit organization) as of December 31, 2007 and 2006, and the related statements of activities and cash flows for the years then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Organizations’ management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with U.S. generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform our audits to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatements. An audit in-

In May, Seeds of Peace presented Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah of Jordan with the John Wallach Humanitarian Award in New York City. Queen Rania has challenged stereotypes of the Arab and Muslim worlds and has encouraged dialogue across cultures. “Seeds of Peace is both inspiring and humbling, for it shows us all the simple power of friendship to change the world,” Her Majesty said. “By giving young people the chance to get to know one another in person, instead of through the distorting lens of bitter legacies and conflict, Seeds of Peace is creating a new generation of thoughtful leaders who approach the world with open minds and empathetic eyes.” Ted Koppel also received a Peacemaker Award for his outstanding contributions to journalism. A special video message was delivered by Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton. Jane and Robert Toll, members of the Board of Directors, hosted the event.

cludes examining on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the

In February, the French design house Marithe+Francois Girbaud launched an advertising campaign that featured Seeds of Peace. The multimillion-dollar campaign ran in magazines such as Vogue, Elle, Marie-Claire, Glamour, and Vanity Fair; it was seen by an estimated 9 million readers in France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and the United Kingdom. The advertisements were also featured on billboards in high-traffic locations throughout Europe and Asia.

and the results of its activities and its cash flows for the years then ended, in conformity

financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluation the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Seeds of Peace, Inc. at December 31, 2007 and 2006, with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. Skody Scot & Company CPAS. P.C.

In July, Seeds of Peace formed an official partnership with the Department of Public Information of the United Nations, strengthening the communications capacities of both organizations worldwide.

July 4, 2008

Seeds create bonds and friendships that last a lifetime through activities, service and dialogue.

Seeds participate in competitive sports and other activities during Color Games.

www.seedsofpeace.org page 11

nancci ial alss ffi inan

Seeds of Peace, Inc. St a t e m e n t s o f Act i v i t i e s Years Ended December 31, 2007 and 2006

Seeds of Peace, Inc. St a t e m e n t s o f F i n a n c i a l P o s i t i o n Years Ended December 31, 2007 and 2006



Support and Revenues:





Contributions (non-event)

$ 3,774,290

$ 3,822,035

Government grants



Contributions in-kind



Other receivables

Camp fees & misc. program services




Investment and other income




Release of restricted assets



Prepaid expenses



Property and equipment, net


495, 950





Total before special events




Grants and pledges receivable

Security deposit

Special events:

Auction sales

Less: auction related expenses

Net contributions from auctions


162,570 -


123, 580


Event related support



Less: related direct costs









Net special event income Temporarily restricted:

Cash and cash equivalents


Release of restricted assets

Total assets




114, 296








liabilities and net assets: Liabilities

Accounts payable and accrued expenses

Loans payable


386, 768


420, 392



Due to grantors



Deferred income


Total liabilities



Commitments and Contingencies Permanently restricted:

Investment and other income

Total support and revenues






Program Expenses:

International camp






Education/Public relations



South Asia (SA)



U.S. Program administration











Total program expenses

New Assets




Temporarily restricted

246, 054


Permanently restricted





$ 3,523,037


Total net assets

Total liabilities and net assets

Supporting Services:

Management and general Fundraising

Total expenses

Increase/(Decrease) In Net Assets:


Temporarily restricted

Permanently restricted

Increase/(decrease) in net assets

Net assets, beginning of year Net assets, end of year















Sports and dialogue form critical components of the International Camp program.

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$100,000 and above Anonymous Bear Stearns Mr. and Mrs. Paul and Margaret Bernstein ExxonMobil Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Fredric H. and Helaine Gould Mr. and Mrs. James M. and Nora Orphanides Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia Toll Brothers Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Jane Toll $50,000 - $99,999 Carlson Wagonlit Travel M. M. Kaplan Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Eugene and Sue Mercy Mr. Stuart Miller Mr. Gilbert “Buzz” Silverman $25,000 - $49,999 Mr. and Mrs. David and Pernilla Avital Capital AC The Clinton Family Foundation Mr. Harold Evans Mr. and Mrs. Leonard and Susan Feinstein Forest City Enterprises Charitable Foundation General Motors Corporation, North American Operation Mr. and Mrs. Alan and Kelly Ginsburg Mrs. Lynette King Gittis Mr. Bruce Golden and Ms. Michelle Mercer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Barbara Gottschalk The John C. & Karyl Kay Hughes Foundation Rosalie Katz Family Foundation Mr. Henry Krostich Mrs. Helen M. Kurtz Mr. and Mrs. Murray and Lee Kushner LEEGIN Creative Leather Products, Inc. Lehman Brothers Loews Hotels Mr. Robert B. Menschel Mr. and Mrs. Abraham and Barbie Miller Oklahoma City National Memorial Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Morton and Carole Olshan The Peter Jay Sharp Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. and Susan Samelson Mr. and Mrs. C. Michael and Joan Spero Mr. David Strasser Mr. and Mrs. Arn and Nancy Tellem Mr. Malcolm Thomson Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Tisch Vital Projects Fund Mr. Marvin Weissberg Wolf, Block, Schorr and Solis-Cohen $10,000 - $24,999 Mr. Bassam Aboukhater S. Daniel Abraham Foundation Alpern Family Foundation Angelo, Gordon & Co. Bank of America Mr. Keith Barket Mr. and Mrs. Zvi and Dale Barzilay Mr. Jacques Roizen and Mrs. Camille Bidermann-Roizen Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. and Regina Biederman Bradco Supply Corp Bridgeway Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. and Barbara Callan, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Joe and Rose Caulfield Cogan Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Charles I. and Ellen Cogut Mr. and Mrs. David and Deborah Cohen Mr. Kenneth P. Cohen and Ms. Darcie Bundy Mr. and Mrs. Milton and Shirley Cooper Jon S. Corzine Foundation

Valley National Bank Mr. Enzo Viscusi Mr. and Mrs. David and Lori Vise Mrs. Janet Wallach Walt Disney World Mr. and Mrs. Young and Nan Woo

Mr. and ‘Mrs. Jock and Christine R. Covey Mr. Stephen A. Cozen and Ms. Betty Spolan Crosby Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Virginia De Courcy The Diller-Von Furstenberg Family Foundation Rita and Harold Divine Foundation George A. Weiss Associates Georgetown Company Ginsburg Family Foundation Ms. Sharon Ginsburg The Gladys & Rudolph Miller Medical Research Foundation Dr. Jonathan Grossman Stella and Charles Guttman Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Holly Hancock Ms. Deborah Harmon Katharine S. Harris Fund Mr. Warren Hellman The Hudson Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Louis and Candice Hughes, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gary and Carol Hurand Dr. and Mrs. Allen I. and Valerie Hyman William Sloane Jelin Foundation Mr. Ross Katz Mr. Brad Klatt Mr. Stephen Klein Mr. and Mrs. James G. and Helene Lawrence Mr. Daniel L. Lembo, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Cheryl Lexton The Louis R. and Candice A. Hughes Charitable Foundation The Lunder Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Carl B. and Helen Marbach Mr. and Mrs. Hani and Cheryl Masri Mr. and Mrs. Patrick and Svetlana McDonough Mr. and Mrs. Aaron and Lindsay Miller The Million Dollar Round Table Foundation Moroccan Prestige MTP Investment Group Estate of Arnold Nestle Mrs. Deborah Newmyer Northern Trust Bank Ms. Yoko Ono Lennon Orleans Homebuilders Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. and Sam Orleans Dr. and Mrs. Selwyn Oskowitz The Patricia Kind Family Foundation Pershing Square Capital Management Plymouth Hill Foundation Pulte Land Company The Raymond Debbane Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. and Janet Reilly Mr. Joseph E. Robert Jr. Mr. Marshall Rose and Ms. Candice Bergen Roseland Equity Partners Mr. and Mrs. Eric and Helen Rosenberg Rosenzweig-Coopersmith Foundation Sam L. Cohen Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Stuart M. and Gwen Sarnoff Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Diane Schachter Robert M. Schiffman Foundation Mr. Brad Segal Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Shapiro Mr. and Mrs. Steven and Wendy Shenfeld The Sidney J. Weinberg Jr. Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Glen Siegel Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett Mr. and Mrs. Howard and Anise Singer Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. and Ellen Solms The Stephen B. Klein Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David and Peggy Tanner T-Fund Mr. Ian Weiss and Ms. Marna Broida

Wellington Management Company Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Judith Yarmuth Mr. and Mrs. William and Mary Yarmuth $5,000 - $9,999 Mr. Bradley Abelow and Ms. Carolyn Murray Abington Memorial Hospital Louis & Anne Abrons Foundation Ms. Reem Acra Ms. Barbara Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Joel Altman Anchin, Block & Anchin Stephen and Lisa Apkon Foundation Apollo Real Estate Advisors Aramex Mr. M. Omar Ashraf The Barbra Streisand Foundation Mr. Richard Berman Mr. and Mrs. Claude Bernstein Mr. and Mrs. Ken and Janet Bernstein Better Way Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Blank Mr. Michael Blonder Mr. Michael Bloomberg Mr. and Mrs. John Bohlsen Ms. Nancy Brain Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Brinberg Mr. and Mrs. Marvin and Lois Broder Bruce Karatz Family Foundation Mr. Peter Buttenwieser Citigroup Payment Services Credit Suisse First Boston Mr. William Dagiantis Morris and Rose Danzig Charitable Trust Dr. Charles J. de Sieyes and Ms. Carol R. Ward Ms. Berta Delman Deutsche Bank Di Loreto South Truckee Meadows & Damonte Ranch Di Modolo Milano The Don Yoder Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Ahmed M. and Deena Fattouh Maurice & Carol Feinberg Family Foundation Moses Feldman Family Foundation Mr. Sanford Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Mike Fishkind Five Together Foundation Teddy Forstmann The Frances Hollis Brain Foundation Friedman, Billings, Ramsey Group Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. and Jane Friedman Gallant Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Joel Gantcher Dr. Jane Glass The Glickenhaus Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jay Gould Mr. Jeffrey Gould Mr. and Mrs. Bill and Tracy Grathwohl Mr. Alan C. Greenberg Mr. and Mrs. Ira J. Greenblatt Mr. Burke Hayes Indonesian Imports, Inc. The J.M.A. Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Jacobson The Jonathan M. Tisch Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert Judelson Samuel Kadison Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. David W. Kalish Ms. Wendy Katz Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey H. Kaufman Ms. Eva S. Kedar Mr. Michael King Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Debi Klein

Mr. Gary E. Knell Mr. Jeffrey Koffman Kramer, Levin, Naftalis & Frankel Dr. Barbara Kravitz L.A.Gray September 11 Education Fund Landau Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jude P. Laspa John S. & Florence G. Lawrence Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David and Ruth Levine Mr. Richard Levy and Ms. Lorraine Gallard Mr. John C. Lipman Drs. Thomas and Patricia Loeb Mr. and Mrs. Jesse R. and Patricia Lovejoy Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lundy Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Mack Alexander M. & June L. Maisin Foundation Makoff Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John T. and Mary Maloney Mr. and Mrs. Scott Mannes MarCap Investors Mar-Jac Poultry Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Ronay Menschel Middle East Peace Dialogue Network Dr. M. Yaqub Mirza The Moelis Family Foundation Mr. Richard Moriarty Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morrow Morse Family Foundation Mr. Jacques Nasser Nike Mr. and Mrs. Hutham and Lubna Olayan The Orlofsky Company Mrs. Jane Overman Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Peebler Mr. Larry Phillips Mr. Charles Poliacof Mr. and Mrs. Henry and Jean Pollak Precision Piping Ms. Donna Preddy Mr. and Mrs. Keith L. Reinhard Rita and Jeffrey Adler Foundation River Farm Management Mr. Israel Rosenzweig Mr. Robert Rothman Mr. and Mrs. Jack and Betsy Ryan Ms. Leslie Saiontz The Sallie Mae Fund The Samuel & Grace Gorlitz Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Martin Sass Mr. Michael J. Saylor Mr. William T. Scanlan Martin Schaffer, Inc. The Scheidel Foundation Mr. Robert Schloss and Ms. Emily Sack Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. and Lisbeth Schorr Ms. Beth Schuman Scoggin Capital Management Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. and Joyce Sharfstein Ms. Diane Sherman Mr. and Mrs. Howard Simon Skody Scot & Company Mr. James Spurlino Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Starkey Ms. Lenore Steiner Mr. Warren Stieglitz and Ms. Carla Harman Mr. and Mrs. Len Stone Ms. Barbra Streisand The Stuart S. & Birdie Gould Foundation Mr. Sebastian A. Stubbe Tahari Family Foundation Tishman Construction Mr. Jacob Toll Mr. Donald J. Trump

$2,500 - $4,999 D Mr. and Mrs. Steve M. and Anita Adelson Mr. Ahnert Air Stream Air Conditioning The Albert and Lillian Small Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. David and Judy Albertson Ms. Carolyn Ugiss Altieri Andersen Windows Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. and Theresa Anhut Apple Lane Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James M. Arsham Mr. Edward Assad Mr. Arthur D. Baer Dr. and Mrs. Charles Baraf The Barakett Foundaton Mr. Edward Barlow and Mrs. Frances Barlow Mr. and Mrs. Peter and Judy Baum Mr. and Mrs. Avi and Lisa Berg Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Berman Mr. Bruce Bernstein A Better World Fund Mr. Carl Bisgaier Blank Rome Mr. and Mrs. Jon Bloom Mr. Richard Braemer and Ms. Amy Finkel Broad and Cassel Mr. and Mrs. Bert E. Brodsky Brookwood Financial Partners Mr. Stephan I. Budow Mr. and Mrs. Patrick and Kate Callan Carpe Paddlum Foundation Dr. and Mrs. George W. Carroll Mr. and Mrs. James Casey Mr. and Mrs. Don Chaifetz Mr. and Mrs. Clive Chajet Christ Episcopal Church of Los Altos Ms. Lisa Cirenza CIT Group Mr. and Mrs. Norman and Debbie Cohen Mr. Daniel L. Cruise and Ms. Liz Bowyer Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Roger M. Deitz Deshpande Family Foundation Doris Duke Management Foundation Mr. Thomas J. Earley Edgewood Properties Mr. Robert Ench Mr. and Mrs. John Falk Dr. and Mrs. David and Leslie Fastenberg Dr. and Mrs. Robert and Lisa Feldman Ms. Lori Fields and Mr. Marlin Risinger First Data Corporation Foundation for Middle East Peace Fredrick & Karen Schaufeld Trust Friedman Equities Gallagher & Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Gannaway Mr. David C. Gauger GCP Capital Group Mr. and Mrs. William Gillett Mr. Barry Ginsburg Glen Oaks Philanthropic Fund Goldenberg Rosenthal Stephen H Goldman Foundation The Goodman-Lipman Family Foundation Mr. Jeff Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Barnard J. and Rachel Gottstein Mr. David S. Grayson Mr. Douglas Green Greenbaum, Rowe, Smith & Davis Flaster Greenberg Mr. Martin B. Greenberg and Ms. Michele Elson The Greene-Milstein Family Foundation Gloria and Martin Greenstein Carl Haefling Mr. Frank Handelman, Esq. and Ms. Bonnie Bellow, Esq. Herrick Feinstein

Mr. and Mrs. William Herzig Hopewell Nursery Dr. James C. Hurowitz and Ms. Doreen B. Brettler Mr. Munir Hussein Infinite Possibilities Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Caryn Israel Mr. and Mrs. Joel E. and Lauren Jacob Sid Jacobson Jewish Community Center Jerome A. and Estelle R. Newman Assistance Fund Mr. Curt G. Johnson Mr. Matt Kamens Mr. and Mrs. Marc and Esther Kaplin Mr. Stephen Katz Ms. Diane Katzin Kaufman Stairs, Inc. Mr. Rashid Khatib Mr. John Khoury Kirkland & Ellis Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Vahan Kololian Mr. Martin Kravet Krent Wieland Design Lawrence Scott Events Ms. Danielle Levy Mr. Philip G. Levy The Litwin Foundation Lyric Jewelry Mallah Management The Martin B. Greenberg Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Marilyn Mazur Mr. Daniel McGinn Mr. Ari S. Medoff Mr. and Mrs. Walter Meranze The Michael S Feldberg-Ruth Lazarus Charitable Trust Mr. Adam Miller Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mole Mr. Steven M. Napolitano National Basketball Association Newmark & Company Real Estate Mr. Stephen A. Novick and Mr. Evan Galen Ohio Savings Charitable Foundation Owen Holdings Miss Sheila Paine Palm Bay Imports Mr. and Mrs. Wayne and Dorothy Patterson The Philanthropic Collaborative Phillips-Green Foundation Dr. Richard N. Pierson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Marc and Amy Puntus Ms. Laurice Rahme Mr. William Rand Ms. Jennifer Rapoport Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Marilyn Ratner Mr. and Mrs. Hal and Babs Reiff Governor Ed Rendell and Mrs. Midge Rendell The Rene Bloch Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Francene Rodgers The Rogers Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Israel Rosenzweig The Roskind Foundation Ms. Nancy Roskind Ms. Toni L. Ross Royal Abstract Company Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rush Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick D. and Karen Schaufeld Seinfeld Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jerry and Jessica Seinfeld Mr. Marvin Seligman Mr. Eric P. Sheinberg Susan Stein Shiva Foundation The Simkiss Agency Mr. William Simkiss Lucille Ellis Simon Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Sirulnick Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. and Tina Small Mr. Kenneth S. Spirer and Dr. Joan Leitzer Mr. and Mrs. Richard Steinberg Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sterling Mr. and Mrs. Andrew F. and Thelma Klein Strauss Mr. Howard Swarzman Mr. and Mrs. Sy Syms Mr. and Mrs. David Tanner Mr. and Mrs. David S. Taub Taylor Foundation Teen Tzedakah Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Thaler The One & Only Ocean Club The Sidley Austin Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Trkla Vespa Soho Mr.and Mrs. Frederick L. Webber Mr. and Mrs. James M. Weinrott Wesley Capital Management Western Union Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Ronald and Paula Wurtzburger $1,000 - $2,499 Mr. Robert L. Adams and Ms. Julie DeVito Adams Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. and Jenna Adler Mr. and Mrs. Howard and Nancy Adler Mrs. Susanna L. Adler Mr. Ibrahim AlHusseini Mr. and Mrs. Randal Alligood Mr. and Mrs. Barry and Mimi Alperin Alpine Business Group Mr. and Mrs. Dennis and Giesella Alter Mr. Robert Arnow Audiovox Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Auld Ms. Aliza Avital Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Kathleen Bargallo Mr. Andy Baron Ms. Susan Baron Mr. and Mrs. David and Lisa Barse Bascom Family Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Christina Bascom Basser-Kaufman Dr. Darel M. Benaim Benjamin Peace Foundation Mr. Roger E. Berg Ms. Jane E. Berkman Bernstein Investment Research Ms. Deborah R. Bernstein and Mr. J. Paul Weinstein Mr. Jeffrey G. Bernstein Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Ruth Berry Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bialek Mr. and Mrs. Hyman and Marietta Bielsky Mr. and Mrs. James Block Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bogen Mr. and Mrs. Jack and Gitte Botero Mr. and Mrs. James W. Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Leo and Frances Bretter Brighton Collectibles, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Paul and Eileen Brinberg Robert W. Brown Memorial Trust Mr. David C. Brown Dr. Ralph Brown Brunswick High School John & Jacolyn Bucksbaum Charitable Foundation Buhl Electric Co Inc. Mrs. Kerry Butler BWD Group Mrs. Mardelle Cagen Campus Apartments Ms. Idit Caperton Mr. Donald C. Carey Mr. Gerard Carlucci Mr. and Mrs. Jerrry Casagrande Mr. and Mrs. Phil M. and Meryl Cedar Mr. and Mrs. Richard Chwatt Clay Foundation - East Mr. and Mrs. Bruce and Debra Clay Mr. and Mrs. Edward and Elizabeth Cobb Mr. David H. Cohen Mr. and Mrs. John D. and Ann Cohen Mr. Howard Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Leon and Toby Cooperman Courter, Kobert & Cohen Mr. Jon Crawford-Phillips Ms. Cheryl Creighton Steed Ms. Caroline Cruise Cushman Foundation Mr. Stefan Dallendorfer Ms. Judith Davis and Ms. Kim Davis Mr. and Mrs. S. Lawrence and Mona Davis Mr. Craig DeLaurier and Ms. Bess Oransky Mr. Peter DeSorcy Mr. Frank Di Tommaso

Ms. Nancy G. Dickenson Discretionary Fund of Temple Israel Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Dix Donner Properties Mr. and Mrs. Henry Donner Mr. George E. Doty Mr. Jonathan C. Downs Mrs. Ruth A. Drucker East Coast Petroleum, Incorporated Eastern Consolidated Properties Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott Mr. and Mrs. Blair Effron Ms. Martha D. Ehrenfeld Mr. Steven Emanuel Mr. and Mrs. Harvey and Janine Engel Ms. Luisa M. Engel Ms. Bonnie Englebardt Lautenberg Eos Foundation ePharmalearning Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell and Mary Epner Mr. Craig Falci Ms. Robin Falci Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Jane Falk Firoozeh Fardshisheh The Fay J. Lindner Foundation Mr. Arthur Fefferman Mr. Michael Feldberg and Ms. Ruth Lazarus Mr. Neal Fiore Mr. Alan Fisher Dean Michael Fitts Mrs. Marcia Flanzig Fox Family Charitable Foundation Ms. Dorothy A. Fox Mr. Jon Edwards, Ms. Nancy Fox, and Ms. Anna Edwards Ms. Suzanne Fox Ms. Erin Frankel Mr. Donald P. Freedman Mr. and Mrs. Richard Frieder Ms. Marilyn Friedman Dr. and Mrs. Sidney and Ellen Friedman H. Landis Gabel Charitable Lead Annuity Trust Gace Consulting Engineers The Gad Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Alan Garry Mr. John Gavaris and Ms. Karen Malita Gazer, Kohn, Maher & Company Gelman Educational Foundation Gerald Peters Gallery Gerson Lehrman Group Mr. Kerry Gildea Ms. Sabina Gill Mr. William Gilligan Mr. Nathaniel Ginor Mr. and Mrs. David Gitlitz Mr. and Mrs. Adam Glick Mr. and Mrs. Albert and Judy Glickman Mr. and Mrs. Alan Goldberg Mr. and Mrs. Jon and Lisa Goldberg Mr. Robert Goldberg Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Goldberger Mr. and Mrs. Mort and Judy Goldfein Mr. and Mrs. Jim and Dorothy Goodman Ms. Rebecca Gordon Ms. Lela Goren Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gottlieb Mr. Keith Gould Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. and Edith Graff Mr. Jonathan Gray Mr. Andrew J. Green Mr. Steven Green Mr. Steven Green Mr. and Ms. Steven and Avra Greenberg Greenhut Galleries of Maine Marilyn & Mike Grossman Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Alan Grossman Guilford Publications Mr. Jeffrey Gural Guy’s Floor Service Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Haberman Mr. and Mrs. Fred Halpern P. Brown & M. Hamburg Charitable Trust Mrs. Ray Badner Hammerman and Dr. Ross Hammerman Mr. and Mrs. Lowell R. Harwood www.seedsofpeace.org page 15

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Hawthorn Mr. Vincent Haynes Mr. and Mrs. Jonathon C. Held Mr. Stephen Herman The High Five Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hillas Mr. Steven J. Hilton Mr. and Mrs. Stanley L. Hirsch Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Hirschkorn Mr. William R. Hobbs Hoda, LLC Mr. David Hoffman Dylan Hoffman Christine and Mike Holly Holt’s Cigar Company Mrs. Amy Horbar and Mr. Allan Ruchman The Hulebak-Rodricks Foundation Mr. Erik Hulsegge Mr. and Mrs. Mamoun M. and Susan Hussein Interstate Industrial Corporation Mr. David Irwin J.S. Held, Inc. Ms. Sherry Jacobson and Mr. Eugene Zuriff Simon and Marie Jaglom Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Johanson Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Jane Julius Mr. Daniel P. Kahn Kalmon Dolgin Affiliates Mr. and Mrs. David and Alexandra Kamin Mr. and Mrs. Myron Kandel Mr. and Mrs. Hal H. and Victoria Kantor Mr. Steve Kaplan Ms. Karen Karniol-Tambour Mr. and Mrs. George W. Karr Dr. Peter Katona and Mrs. Dorothy Mermelstein Katona Mr. and Mrs. George A. and Martha Kellner Mr. and Mrs. Marc and Lois Kemp Mr. and Mrs. David E. and Annie L. Kendall Kenduskeag Foundation Ms. Andrea Kerzner Kilmer & Kilmer Kimley-Horn and Associates Ms. Jill Kirshner Dr. and Mrs. Henry Kissinger Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. and Susan Kleiman Dr. and Mrs. Harvey and Phyllis Klein Kochav Katan Philanthropic Fund #230 Mr.and Mrs. Caleb Koeppel Mr. and Mrs. Robert I. Kohn, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Koppel Mr. and Mrs. Chuck and Becky Kovaleski Ms. Alexandra Krauss Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Kully Mr. and Mrs. Peter and Kate Lamdin Ms. Genifer Lancaster Mr. John Lang Ms. Wendy Lang The Lautenberg Foundation Lazard Freres & Co. Ms. Grace C. Ledda-Sumulong Ms. Sylvia Lester Gabella Morris L. Levinson Foundation Mr. Steven Levkoff Mr. Morris Levy Mr. Larry Lewis Ms. Linda Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. and Wendy Lewis Dr. and Mrs. Randall J. and Patricia Lewis David Lidsky Charitable Trust Barbara Lidsky, CSW, BCD Albert A & Bertram N. Linder Foundation Linowes and Blocher Litho Partners Mrs. Amy Loiselle Dr. and Mrs. Paul and Dorothy-Sue Lotke Ms. Lois Lowry M.S.A.D. #22 Mr. and Mrs. David S. Mack Madison Square Garden Madonna Designs Architect The Maher Foundation Mr. Rafat Mahmood Dr. S. Mailman Majestic Abstract Corp.

Ms. Karen Majorowicz Plato Malozemoff Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mann Marathon Oil Corporation Marc Lowenberg, Gregg Lituchy, Brian Kantor DDS Mr. and Mrs. Harris and Cookie Markhoff Mr. and Mrs. Manfred and Lynne Marotta Julie and George Marshall McCarter & English Ms. Marlene S. McMichael MedTech Publishing Company Mr. Jeffrey Mehl Mellon Financial Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Steven and Nancy Mendelow Mr. and Mrs. Clifford and Tammy Mendelson Ms. Joan Mendelson The Meyer & Jean Steinberg Family Foundation Midlantic Jet Charters Ms. Gabrielle Miller Mr. Nasrallah Misk Mr. Christopher Mittleman Dr. Melinda Molin Ms. Barbara Moses Mr. Javed Murad Musicians For Harmony Inc. New York Health & Raquet Club Mr. Louis E. Newman and Ms. Amy Eilberg Mr. and Mrs. Scott and Wendy Newman Ms. Leila Nodarse Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence and Melanie Nussdorf The Oberfeld Charitable Foundation On-Site Staffing Orkin Steel Mr. Benjamin Orlofsky Ms. Jane Oster Ms. Suzanne Owayda Pagones & Cross Mr. Michael Paladino and Mr. Carmine Malatesta Parkway Corporation Ms. Martha Parrish Mr. and Mrs. David and Donna Pelton Pepper Hamilton Dr. and Mrs. Michael M. and Susan Perl Mr. and Mrs. Louis and Barbara Perlmutter The Peter A. and Elizabeth S. Cohn Foundation Mr. Mark Peters Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pileggi Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Pine Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Pliskin Mr. and Mrs. Abe and Irene Pollin Mr. and Mrs. William Potter Mr. and Mrs. Bruce and Mary Prager Charles Pratt & Company Stuart E. & Estelle Price Foundation Pritchard Family Foundation Mr. Dean Pritchard Public Domain Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Brian and Tawny Ratner Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Redman Peggy and Phil Reitz Mr. Richard Riess Ripco Real Estate IV Corp. Mr. Peter Ripka Mrs. Celia C. Risen Mr. Isadore L. Risen Estate of Charlotte W. Ritter Mr. Richard Rivero Mr. and Mrs. Ken and Ellen Roman Dr. Heidi Root Ms. Marlene D. Rosati Mr. and Mrs. Brett N. and Debra Rosen Mr. David L. Rosenberg and Ms. Karen Fechter Joseph & Evelyn Rosenblatt Charitable Fund Mr. Craig Rosenblum Ms. Charlotte Rotenberg Mr. and Mrs. Evan and Lindsay Roth Mr. and Mrs. Eric Rothfeld Mr. Ronald Rubin Mr. Jesse R. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Sachman Mr. Phillip I. Salomon Mr. and Mrs. Michael Salzberg Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sambol Sassoon & Cymrot

Mr. and Mrs. Barnett Satinsky Mr. and Mrs. Ken Schatz Ms. Sari Scheer Sylvia and Robert Scher Charitable Foundation Ms. Betty Schoenbaum Mr. Mark Schubin and Ms. Karen McLaughlin Seabreeze Partners Mr. David Seeler Shereta R. Seeling Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. Samuel N. Seidman Mr. and Mrs. Alan and Sherri Seiler Mr. Richard Seitchik Mr. and Mrs. Hussein A. and Djaylane Shahine Mr. and Mrs. John Shalam Mr. Gary Shapiro Mr. Gil Shiva Mr. and Mrs. Adam Shyevitch Mr. Jonathan Simon Mr. Jon J. Skillman and Ms. Luanne Selk Alan B. Slifka Foundation Drs. David and Lois Slovik Joel E. Smilow Charitable Trust Edward C. Smith Charitable Annuity Trust Mr. Byrom J. Smith Ms. Jean M. Smith Mr. Scott Smith Ms. Eleanor Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Scott and Carol Snyder The Sobel Family Foundation Bruce, Steve, Gerald and Diane Solomon Fund Mrs. Barbara Solomon Mr. Marc Sperling Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Sproull Steel Encounters Drs. William D. and Kathleen Steeves Mr. Arthur Stein Mr. and Mrs. Yaromir Steiner Ms. Martha Sterling-Golden The Steven B. Schonfeld Foundation Mr. Richard Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stoner Mr. and Mrs. David Stump Dr. and Mrs. David and Michelle Tarica Mr. and Mrs. Jack and Janet Teich Temple Sinai Sisterhood Terra Search Partners Mr. and Mrs. Werner Thiessen Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert E. Toll Ms. Anne M. Topple Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trainer Trinity Presbyterian Church Mr. and Mrs. Stephen and Karen Turbyfill Mr. William Unkel Mr. and Mrs. David and Lori Vise Wadsworth Golf Construction Company of Southwest Mr. Stephen Waldner and Ms. Linda Kleet Mr. and Mrs. John S. Wallerstein Mrs. Audrey F. Walzer Mr. Roy S. Walzer Ms. Jean Warren Waterbury Garment Mr. Seth P. Waxman and Ms. Debra F. Goldberg Mr. Matthew Weinberg Wells High School Western Presbyterian Church Naida S. Wharton Foundation Mr. Benton Williams Mr. N. D. Willie The Winfield Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Michael Winn Ms. Roma B. Wittcoff Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William A. and Selina Woods Ms. Yvonne Woolf Ms. Reesa Yarkin Yorktowne Cabinets Mr. and Mrs. Seymour and Joan Zeenkov Mr. Timothy Zietara Mr. and Mrs. Simon and Hope Ziff Mrs. Barbara Zuckerberg

$500- $999 Mr. Howard Abner Mr. Ari Ackerman Adas Israel Congregation Akers Foundation Ms. Marsha Aks Ms. Yael Alkalay American Express Gift Matching Program Ms. Anne Anderson Ms. Margery Anderson Mr. Jesse M. Angelo Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. and Kathleen Argyris Mr. George H. Aronson Artisan Stoneworks Corp. Atlantic Gallery Mr. Will Aufderheide Mr. Alan Aufrien Mr. and Mrs. Martin and Irene Bader Mr. and Mrs. Marc and Nancy Badner Mr. and Mrs. Buster Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Craig and Jodi Balsam Ms. Jodi Balsam Dr. and Mrs. Avi and Lynn Barbasch Mr. Richard Bassuk Dwight E. Beach School Mr. Ron Beit-Halachmy Mr. Stefen Benincasa Ms. Macky Bennett Mr. Stuart Berg and Ms. Natalie Bowden Ms. Sandye Berger and Ms. Renee Berger Mr. Timothy Berry Bethesda Friends Meeting Ms. Joan Binkow Mr. Scott Birnbaum Mr. David Blatt Mr. and Mrs. Lee and Jackie Bloomberg Mr. Daniel Bloomgarden Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Boehne Mr. William Boland Ms. Linda Boonshoft Mr. William Bouton Mr. and Mrs. David and Timiny Braemer Ms. Corrinne Brail Ms. Arlene Brickner Mr. Tim Broccolo Mr. Jamie Brodsky Mr. and Mrs. Jon Brodsky Mr. and Mrs. Adam and Shari Brooks Mr. Eric Brundage Mr. and Mrs. James M. and Judy Brunkenhoefer Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Brush Buchbinder Tunick & Company Dr. Alan Burnstein Camp Androscoggin Dr. Michael Cantor and Mrs. Zoe Cantor Mr. Richard Caplan Ms. Loretta D. Caudill Central Ohio Returned Volunteer Association Drs. Lewis and Pat Chartock Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. and Barbara Gross Chazen Chepenik Financial Services Mr. Jason Chepenik Ms. Ellen V. Chiniara Citigroup Smith Barney Mr. Jeffrey Cohen Mrs. Sandra L. Cole Ms. Valerie Coleman Congregation Kol Ami The Congregational Church of Needham J. Cox Mr. Robert Craig Mr. and Mrs. Gerald B. and Daphna Cramer Mr. Rick Daniels Mr. Doron Davidov Ms. Beth W. DeBor Mr. Joseph DeLuca Delval Soil and Environmental Consultants Mr. Donald M. DeMarsh Mr. and Mrs. Barry A. and Carole Depew Mr. Cory Despain Mrs. Beth Dozoretz Ms. Adrienne Drinkwater Druker & Associes Mr. Robert Ecker

Mr. David Edelsohn Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Eilian Mr. Edward Eitches Mr. John Elcano Mr. Bryan Elzholz Dr. and Mrs. Marc S. and Michelle Engelbert Mr. and Mrs. William Ewing Mr. and Mrs. Eyal and Karen Farage Mr. Stephen Farber FHC Health Systems Mr. Bryan Fingeroot First Presbyterian Church Mr. Everett Fisher Donald and Pauline Frankel Mr. Mitchell H. Freedman Mr. Stephen Freidus Mr. and Mrs. Daniel and Pam Fried Ms. Gabrielle Friedman Ms. Yvette Fromer Mr. Kayvan Gabbay Mr. Christopher G. Gaffney Ms. Yael Gani Ms. Christina Gantcher Mr. Philip Garoon and Family Mr. and Mrs. Myron and Myrna Ginsberg Mr. Ted C. Ginsberg Mr. and Mrs. Mike and Edythe Gladstein Mr. Joshua D. Gleiber Mr. Mauricio Gojman Mr. and Mrs. Barry Gold Mr. David Goldenberg Mr. and Mrs. Josh and Yvonne Goldfein Goldman, Sachs & Co. Dr. Sidney Goldman Ms. Herta Gordon Gould Academy Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell and Julie Gould Mr. Steve Grant Graphic Services Mr. Louis Grassi Ms. Janet Green Mr. Jeffrey Greenblatt Mr. and Mrs. Barry and Nancy Greenfield The Grenell Family Foundation Groothuis and Company Mr. Michael Groothuis Mr. Alfred E. Grossman, CPCU and Dr. Edith Grossman, Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. George and Antonia Grumbach Mr. Jerry M. Hamovit Harper Collins Childrens Book Mr. Dennis Hartin and Ms. Margaret Fox Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Hartman Mr. and Mrs. Evan A. and Regina Haymes Mr. and Mrs. William H. and Dana Herrman Ms. Jennifer Herscovici Ms. Monica Hirsch Mr. Jay Hirschson and Ms. Nicole Schaffer Mr. Timothy Hoban Mr. and Mrs. Stephen and Margo Holland Mr. Daniel Horvath Ms. Sharon A. Hosley Ms. Cynthia Howland Mr Charley Huebner Mr. Benjamin Hurwitz Ms. Amal Hussein Mr. Andrew D. Hyman International Strategy & Investment Group Ms. Laura Jackson Jacobs & Goodman Mr. and Mrs. John and Camille Jakominich Janego Construction Mr. Simon Jebreel Mr. Naveen Jeereddi Jericho State Capital Corp. of Florida Jewish Center of Hamptons Mr. Christopher Johnson Mr. Thomas Johnstone Mr. and Mrs. Walter and Phyllis Jones Mr. Matt Jordan Max Kagan Family Foundation Ms. Eleanor M. Kahn Ms. Carol Kain Ms. Linda Heller Kamm

Mr. Michael C. Kane Jack and Barbara Kay Mr. Michael Keriakos Mr. Rishi Khanna Mr. Alan Kirschenbaum Mr. and Mrs. Phillip E. and Harriet Klein Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Massey Knakal Mr. and Mrs. Seth and Miriam Kobay Mr. Martin Kornheiser Mr. and Mrs. Andrew and Jennifer Kosak Mr. Jerome Kotzen Ms. Liliane Kraus Rev. and Mrs. Armin and Evelyn Kroehler Ms. Rachel Krow-Boniske Dr. John La Puma Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Lamle Laticrete International Ms. Karen Lavine and Mr. Donald G. Kilpatrick The Lazarus Charitable Trust Ms. Amy Lebowitz Mr. Richard Lefkowitz Ms. Marianne Lester Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Levin Mr. and Mrs. Laurence and Stephanie Levy Ms. Beth Lichtenberg Mr. and Mrs. Manfred Lindenbaum Mr. and Mrs. Bertram N. and Mary Ellen Linder Mr. and Mrs. Don and Jin Liu Mr. Sherif Lotfi Mr. Matt Low Mr. Bryan Lowe Mr. Jacob Ludwick Mr. Thomas Lyon Deborah J. & Peter A. Magowan Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Ivan and Margaret Maisel Mr. Max S. Maisel Mr. Arnold Maltz Mr. Jason L. Mandell Mr. and Mrs. John Mangano Ms. Jennifer L. Mangel and Mr. Robert Ratner Mr. Shlomo Manne Markmakers Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Andrew and Jennifer Marrus Mr. and Mrs. David G. and Sandra Marshall Sari Mass Ms. Elizabeth Mc Candless Brown Ms. Kira McCarron Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. and Lori McCarron Mr. Norman McGregor Mr. Dan Meade Ms. Leora Mechanic Ms. Margit Meissner Meister, Seelig & Fein Mr. Tod Mercy Mr. Kenneth M. Meyer and Ms. Kathleen Reich Ms. Rebecca Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan and Cathy Miller Mr. Jeffrey Mitzner Ms. Amy Moorin Mr. Bruce Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Lester and Dinny Morse Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Musumeci David and Inez Myers Foundation Mr. Louis Narotsky Mr. Thomas Nasir The Nathan P. Jacobs Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Dan H. and Alice Nicolson Mr. Amer Nimir North Flats Guiding Mr. William Obeid Mr. and Ms. Kobi and Dalia Offer Mr. and Mrs. Edward and Patricia Oliu Dr. and Mrs. David W. and Judy Osgood Our Voices Together Ms. Iliana Pappas Mrs. Patricia Papper Mr. Siegfried Paquet Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Beth Parahus Park Square Enterprises Peace Fleece Mr. William. D Perry and Mrs. Perry Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Pickering Mr. Mark Pillion Ms. Leah Pisar

Rev. Roy W. Pneuman Mr. and Mrs. Joshua and Roni Podell Tatiana E. Pohotsky Mr. Antoine Poissonnier Potomac Waterproofing The Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts Program Rao Family Foundation Mr. David Rappa Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Joyce Rappeport Robin Ratcliffe and Lawrence Pixley RBS Greenwich Capital Foundation Ms. Claire Reade Mr. David Reckess Hillary Reed Interiors Mr. and Mrs. Ralph and Susan Reinert Ms. Carol Ridker Mr. Kendrick Robbins Rose Community Foundation Mr. Leslie Rose Florence & Robert Rosen Family Foundation Mr. David Rosen Mr. Eric Rosenberg Dr. and Mrs. Michael and Patty Rosenblatt Mr. and Mrs. James S. and Marcia Rosenheim Ms. Laura C. Roskind Aviv Roth Mr. Victor Rousso Mr. and Mrs. Donald Salmon Mr. and Mrs. Brad and Jane Saltzman Ms. Martha Salyers Mr. Zach Samton and Dr. Julia Perlmutter Sand Dollar Foundation Mr. Gary P. Sanginario Mr. and Mrs. Dan and Sara Sapadin Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. and Ellen Saunders Scarbro Foundation Mr. Dean Schaffer Mr. James Schainuck Mr. Neil J. Schechter Mr. David Schieren Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey and Katie Schissel Mr. Perry Schoor Ms. Hope Schroy Mr. Jonathan Schwartz Mr. David Schwerin The Second Abraham S. and Fannie B. Levey Foundation Sheets Wholesale Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Sholley Mr. Brandon Short Mr. James Siegel Silicon Valley Community Foundation Ms. Claudia Sills Mr. David S. Simon Mr. and Mrs. Leonard and Marion Simon Mr. Brad Singer Mr. Scott Singer Ms. Maxine R. Sklar Mr. Daniel D. Skwire Rabbi Jonathan Slater and Ms. Barbara Schecter Mr. John S. Sloat Mr. and Mrs. S. Scott and Deborah Smith Mr. Xavier Smith Mr. Michael I. Snyder Mr. Jay N. Sonecha Mr. C. Michael Soussan Mr. Miles Spencer Mr. and Mrs. Stuart and Kim Spodek St. Mark’s Episcopal Church Starrick Plumbing, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Tom and Dee Stegman Mr. William V. Strauss Mr. and Mrs. Todd and Valerie Street Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Judith Stuchiner Ms. Amy Stursberg Stuyvesant Fuel Service Corp Mr. Robert Sudy Mr. Sidney Sutter Dr. Harold Swartz Talking Movies Tanya’s Collection Taylor Wiseman and Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Walter and Claudia Teller Theory Mr. and Mrs. Glen and Lynn Tobias

Trainer Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Douglas and Rochelle Turshen University Presbyterian Church Mr. Eric M. Uslaner Mr. James Vesterman Mr. and Mrs. David J. Wald Ms. Myra Waldman Wallace Campbell & Co Ms. Mary Walsh Stanley Walzer, M.D. Washington International School Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. and Leslie Weber Ms. Dindy Weinstein Ms. Lisa K. Weiss Mr. Jeffrey A. Weissglass and Ms. Jeanne Affelder Williston West Church Ms. Lorraine Winsten Ms. Jennifer Wintner Ambassador and Mrs. Frank and Christine Wisner Mr. Michael Wolfe Ms. Sophie Wolman Wolman-Fulker Fund Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Claire Yaffe Mr. Douglas C. Yearley Ronald and Geri Yonover Foundation Mr. Jason Yonover Mr. Michael L. Young and Ms. Debra Raskin Mr. Lyonel Zunz Mr. George E. Zweier $250 - $499 Dean and Nancy Abelon Mr. and Mrs. Richard I. Abrams Mr. Robert Ackerman Mr. Alexandra Alberstadt, Esq. Ms. Judith Alberty Mr. Robert Alloway Dr. and Mrs. Joel J. and Barbara Alpert Mr. Howard Altmann Amertex Textile Services Corp. Ms. Danielle Antalffy Ms. Lisa Arbitman Ms. Joanna Arch Mr. and Mrs. David and Suzanne Bair Rev. Richard W. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey and Julie Baltimore Mr. David Bardfield Mr. Henri Barkey and Ms. Ellen Laipson Mr. Michael Baron and Ms. Christine Pope Mr. Michael Baron Mr. Thomas Barter Ms. Sharon Bazbaz Mr. and Mrs. Edgar and Avital Ben-Josef Mr. Jon Benson and Ms. Pamela W. Lynn Mr. and Mrs. Richard Berger Ms. Marla Bermack Ms. Carrie Berman Mr. and Mrs. Wally and Roz Bernheimer Ms. Andrea Bernstein Mrs. Elizabeth Bernstein Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bernstein Ms. Deborah Bers Rini Bhattacharya Ms. Denise Biderman Mr. John Birnbaum Ms. Nicole Blake Jaime Blanc Mr. Edward Bleier Ms. Ilana Blitzer Ms. Ann Bloom Ms. Jennifer Blumin Mr. Matthew Bode Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. and Pamela Boneham Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Bowie Mr. Joel Braun Mr. Timothy Bray Mr. and Mrs. Billy and Robin Breitner Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. and Cheryl Breslin Ms. Krysten Brockington Mrs. Miriam Broner Ms. Fern Budow Mr. and Mrs. Howard and Lisa Busch Thomas Butler Mr. John-Paul Cabalar www.seedsofpeace.org page 17

d onor s

Ms. Cristina Cabrera Ms. Patricia Caesar Mr. Jeffrey Calcagni Ali Cammeyer Casco Village Church Mr. and Mrs. Hugh T. Cassidy Ms. Elena Catafi Ms. Kerri Centrelia Certified Laboratories Ms. Lisa Chajet Ms. Julie Chang The Chapin School Mr. Daniel H. Cohen Mr. Elliot Cohen Mr. and Mrs. David and Janis Cohen Ms. Linda Cohen Merill Cohen Mr. Ned Cohen Mr. Douglas Coleman Mr. Justin Collazo Congregation Kol Ami Michelle Cooper and David Cooper Mr. Philip Coran Bogdan Cosmaciuc CPAmerica Mr. Keating Crown Mr. and Mrs. Charles Culver Mr. and Mrs. Eliot R. and Melanie Cutler Mr. Tom Dancer Ms. Samantha Daniels Mr. and Mrs. Fred and Carrie Dannhauser Mr. Bryan Daves Mr. Edward d’Avi Mr. Johan de Muinck Keizer Mr. Bart deBie Mrs. Nancy Delahunt Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Dicenzo Mr. Ken Doctor Mr. Zecki Dossal Zeile A. Dougher Dynamic Consultants Mr. Hal m. Edelman Ms. Ronit Eliav Ms. Ana Esteves Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Ettinger ExxonMobil Foundation Matching Gift Program Mr. and Mrs. Eric C. and Debra Fagans Ms. Susan Feitler Ms. Catherine Taffy Field Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Barbara Fierman Ms. Stephanie Fins First Congregational Church of Blue Hill First Parish Church Ms. Justine Fischer Mrs. Carole T. Flagg Curran-Foster Family Mr. William Fowler and Ms. Bridget Nedzi Ms. Elena B. Frankel Michael Fraser Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Friedman Mr. Thomas Friedman Mr. Darryl Friedricks Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fuller Mr. Doniel Furst Mr. Phillip Gall Miriam Galston and William Galston Mr. and Mrs. Gary and Eileen Garber Geneva Global Ms. Patricia Gill GlaxoSmithKline Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Carolyn Glickstein Mr. Jeremy S. Goldberg Mrs. and Mr. Jocelyn and Aaron Goldberg-Schaible Ms. Jean Golden Goldman, Sachs Foundation Mr. James W. Goldman Mr. Stuart Goldstein Dr. Nancy R. Goodman, Ph.D. and Mr. Louis Goodman Google Matching Gift Program Rabbi Joel S. Goor Ms. Bonni Gould Dr. and Mrs. David I. and Fern Grayer Ms. Elizabeth Grayer

Mr. James Grayer Mr. and Mrs. William M. and Judith Greenberg Mr. and Mrs. Bob Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Vicki Gross Madeleine and Edward Grossman Ms. Sara Gubins Mr. Reby Gulcan Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. and Mary Gutierrez Mr. and Mrs. Ron and Jan Hallsten Mr. Lonnie Halpern Ms. Carol Hanau Harris N.A.- Community Affairs Office Mr. and Mrs. John and Nancy Harris Mr. Tim Hawkins Ms. Lindsay Hayden Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. and Sheri Heckens Mr. and Mrs. David M. and Regine Heiden Mr. and Mrs. Gene and Esther Herman Ms. Francine Hermelin Mr. Roger E. Herzog Ms. Alison D. Hildreth Mr. Richard Hiller and Ms. Marsha Hurst Mrs. Brooke E. Hoenninger and Horace Greeley High School Seeds of Peace Club Hyman Meyers Family Circle Ms. Jennifer Jablow Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin D. Jogodnik Ereih Justin Ms. Elizabeth Kadin Mrs. Cathy Kahan Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Kalb Mr. Allen J. Kalman Mr. and Mrs. David and Elayna Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. Matthew and Susan Kasindorf Ms. Susan Kaufman Ms. Claire Kenny Mr. Otho Kerr Mr. Ian M. Kirschner Mr. and Mrs. Victor F. and Danielle Klebanoff Mrs. Monika P. Klein Ms. Laurie Klugman Mr. Jared Koch Mr. and Mrs. Todd and Mary Kugler Mr. and Mrs. Roy and Susan Kulick Mr. Joel Kurtzberg L.V.H. Foundation Mr. Brett Lavender Mr. Michael Legum Nomi Leidner Mr. Emanuel Lerner Ms. Mary Leung Ms. Jeremy Levin Ms. Barbara Levine Mr. Ben Levine Mr. and Mrs. Jay and Mimi Levine Ms. Jackie S. Levinson Mrs. M. Levitt Ms. Marjorie Levy Ms. Mira Lieman-Sifry Mr. Bruce Lingerfelt Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. and Virginia Link Mr. and Mrs. Jeff and Linda Lischer Mr. Bryan Loftus Ms. Audrey Louison Mr. Justin Lubell Mr. Miles Lubin Lykins Signtek Ms. Alexandra Machinist Ms. Melissa Mack Mr. and Mrs. Dan Magder Ms. Maggie Malloy Mr. Jim Manners Mr. and Mrs. Nick and Annemarie J. C. Mansour Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Matza Mr. Albert May Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell and Nancy McCrohon Mr. Brian McDonnell The McGraw-Hill Companies Mr. Alan McIlhenny, Jr. and Elizabeth M. Ackerson, M.D. McKinsey & Company Mr. Brian Meier Ms. Shara Mendelson Ms. Alyson Meranze

Merritt Engineering Consultants Ms. Patricia Metz Ms. Christine Meyer Mr. Michael Meyer Microsoft Corporation Matching Gifts Program Mr. and Mrs. C.G. and Elaine Miliotes Mrs. Laura Miller Ms. Sara Milsten Mr. and Mrs. Donald and Ann Marie Mitchell Mr. Warren Mohr The Mortimer Levitt Foundation, Inc. Mandisa Moseley Ms. Dina Mouldovan Multi Graphic Arts Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Mulvey Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Murray Mr. Andrew Murstein Mr. John Musto Dr. and Mrs. Thomas and Elizabeth Nash The Nathanson-Abrams Family Foundation Ms. Sandra Nelson Mr. and Mrs. James and Virginia Newmyer Ms. Emlie Ninan Noblis, Inc. Oak Craft Mr. and Mrs. Donald and Jane Ocker Mr. and Mrs. John E. and Judith Oppenheimer Mr. John Paccione Miss Sarah Pace Mr. and Mrs. Vincent T. and Jane Pace Mr. Jason Paez Mr. Sortiris Pagdadis Mr. and Mrs. David and Andrea Page Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Palka Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Palmer Amit Pandya Mr. and Mrs. Lee and Ann Parks Ms. Mary Parsons Mr. Steven Passerman The Peace Channel Network, Inc. Mr. Julius Pearl Mr. Douglas Peary Ms. Nancy Pelton Pemaquid Group of Artists Mrs. Alice B. Perkins Ms. Adela Peskorz Mr. Mark Pinals Mr. Eric Pino Ms. Nancy Pokojny Mr. and Mrs. Victor A. and Elizabeth Pollak Ms. Christine Pope Mr. and Mrs. Albert Z. and Heidi Praw Mr. Jon Preizler Ms. Samira Qureshi Mr. David Rabkin Mr. Jeffrey Ratner Razoo Mr. Richard Rebetti Mr. Scott Redler Mr. William Redmond Ms. Joan M. Reese Ms. Hilary Reich Ms. Karin Reichin The Richard W. Baker Family Trust Ms. Lisa Richards Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence and Mindy Richenstein Mr. Omar Rifai Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rogers Mr. Martin Rogowsky Mr. and Mrs. Zohar and Tovah Rom Mr. Morton Rosen Ms. Amy Rosenberg Ms. Robin Rosenberg Dr. and Mrs. Allan Rosenfield Mr. Shawn Rosenthal Ms. M. Colleen Rost-Banik Ms. Danielle Rosten Ms. Delilah R. Rothenberg Mr. Jason Rubin Mr. Richard Rubin Dr. and Mrs. Steve and Susan Rucker Dr. and Mrs. George A. and Nancy Ruff Mr. Gregory Rush Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rush

Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Jennifer Rush Mr. Christophe Rust Paul and Bettylee Saltzman Jamie Sand-Goldberger Mr. Justin Schair Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Sheila Schlesinger Mr. Clifford Schochat Mr. and Mrs. Zach Schreiber Mr. Jason Schwartz Mr. Peter Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. E. W. and Martha Scott Second Congregational Church Ms. Mary Seiler Mr. Peter Setlow Mr. Sameer Shamsi Ms. Allie Sharma Drs. Michael Shelanski Mr. Steven Shoflick Shore Assets, Incorporated Shore Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Marc Scott and Tal Shore Mrs. Tal C. Shore Mr. and Mrs. William H. and Paola Shore Mr. H. J. Showell Sigma Sorority University of Oregon Ms. Carole Sirulnick Dr. and Mrs. Robert Sladen Mr. Mike Smith Ms. Ruth Smolash Mr. and Mrs. Abraham and Marian Sofaer Omolara Sofola-Martins Mr. and Mrs. Stephen and Helena Sokoloff Ms. Alexa J.M. Sorant Ms. Karen J. Stam Ms. Amy Starkman Ms. Victoria Starr Mr. John Statler Mr. and Mrs. Scott B. and Talia Sternberg The Sternlicht Family Foundation Inc. Ms. Frances I. Stewart Ms. Vera Sung Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Tarnow Ms. Julie L. Teitel Temple Shalom of Newton Ms. Brooke P. Tenney The Carol and Arnold Wolowitz Foundation The SAK Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Thirtyacre Thornton Heights United Methodist Church Mr. Benjamin Tishler Mr. David Torres Ms. Antonia Townsend Ms. Elizabeth Tremain Mr. Alan Trutt Ms. Debra Tucker Ms. Courtney Tuckman Mr. Jerome Ulric Unitarian Universalist Church Mr. Kenneth Usdin Mr. Paul Voigt Mr. and Mrs. G. Richard Wagoner Waldemar And Nadia Mr. Mark Warshauer Mr. Jeffrey Waters Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. and Bonnie Weill Ms. Lauren Weiner Mr. Josh Weiss Mr. Stevenson Weitz Mr. and Mrs. Gary and Dana Wexler Mr. and Mrs. John Wilcha Mr. Kenneth Wilensky Dr. and Mrs. Andrew and Sharon Williams Joseph Wolfberg Ms. Joan M. Woodward Mr. Jarrod Yahes Mr. Mark D. Young and Ms. Rachel A. Carren Artmis Youssefnia Ali Zamani Ms. Miriam Ruth Ziegellaub Ms. Suzanne Zimmerman Ms. Susan F. Zinder Bert and Claire Zuckerman




John Wallach, late Founder

Claire Dibsi Ayed, Chief Administrator, Ramallah

Sajjad Ahmad, Director of Pakistani Programming

Azza El Sherbini, Director of Egyptian Programs

Zia Aria, Coordinator of Afghan Programming

Aeshna Badruzzaman, Education Fund Coordinator

Mohammed Isleem, Director of Palestinian Programs (Gaza)

Feruzan Mehta, Director of Indian Programming

DeAnn Sarah Brady, Director of Corporate Relations

Dor Kaidar, Israeli Seeds Ambassador

Fayth Centeno, Office and Human Resources Manager

Eric Kapenga, Media and Government Relations, Editor of Olive Branch


Janet Wallach, President Emeritus U.S . S TA F F

Stefanie Colish, Administrative Assistant Dan Ettinger, Development Associate

Paul Mailhot, Director of Global Programming

Rowena Hill, Business Affairs Officer

Eti Michaeli, Staff Accountant

Robert Holcomb, Executive Vice President of Development

Daniel Moses, Director of Delegation Leaders Program

Sara Hussaini, Development Associate, Special Events Catherine Joseph, Senior Accountant Leslie Adelson Lewin, Director of International Camp Elisha Meyer, Development Associate, Foundations and Grants Glenn Pastore, Director of Grounds and Maintenance Marni Pearce, Database Manager Yury Shvarts, Accounting Clerk Tammy Sun, Executive Vice President of Communications Tenika Thompson, Database Associate Mark Tsigler, Staff Accountant Timothy Wilson, Special Advisor Alina Yavorovskaya, Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President of Finance and Administration Ashleigh Zimmerman, Advocacy and Alumni Coordinator


T.H. George H. W. Bush T.H. William Jefferson Clinton Her Majesty Queen Noor H.E. Shimon Peres Dr. Sa’eb Erekat B OAR D O F D IRE C T ORS

Mr. Tim A. Attalla Mr. David Avital Mr. Richard Berman

Ramy Nagy, Egyptian Seeds Ambassador

Ms. Darcie A. Bundy

Eyal Ronder, Managing Director, Tel Aviv

Mr. Joseph Gantz

Sawsan Samara, Director of Palestinian Programs (West Bank) Inessa Shishmanyan, Director of Israeli Delegation Leaders Program Omar Tayeh, Director of Jordanian Programs Leena Yahia, Assistant to the Director of Global Programming, Multi-national Program Coordinator Raya Yusuf, Palestinian Seeds Ambassador

Mrs. Christine R. Covey Mrs. Barbara Gottschalk Dr. Allen I. Hyman Mr. Munir Hussein Mr. Hani Masri Mr. Eugene Mercy Jr. Mrs. Lindsay Miller Mr. James M. Orphanides Mr. Samuel L. Samelson Mr. C. Michael Spero Mr. David Strasser Mr. Sebastian Stubbe Mr. Arn Tellem Mrs. Nancy Reiss Tellem Mrs. Jane Toll Mr. Robert Toll Mrs. Janet Wallach Mr. Michael Wallach

mportant initiative than bringing together young people who have seen the ravages of war to learn the art of peace. There can be no more important nitiative than bringing together young people who have seen the ravages of war to learn the art of peace. There can be no more important initiative than bringing together young people who have seen the ravages of war to learn the art of peace. There can be no more mportant initiative than bringing together young people who have seen the ravages of war to learn For more information, please contact Seeds of Peace at: 370 Lexington Avenue - Suite 401 - New York, NY 10017 Tel 212 573 8040 - Fax 212 573 8047 info@seedsofpeace.org - www.seedsofpeace.org

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