The Learning Experience Platform That Transforms Elementary Instruction

Trusted and loved by 25 million educators, students, and families - Seesaw offers a suite of award-winning multimodal learning tools, engaging lessons, and flexible assessments that help teachers deliver joyful, inclusive, instruction. Through digital portfolios and family communication features, Seesaw keeps everyone in the learning loop by providing continuous visibility into the students’ learning experience to support and celebrate their learning.

875K+ Active Texas Students
2,810 Schools | 151 Districts
makes it easy
for Texas
schools and districts to:
• Delivery high quality instruction aligned to TEKS and ELPS
• Provide ready-to-assign, engaging activities to prepare students for STAAR and TELPAS in the areas of reading, writing, listening, and speaking
• Deliver content for Emergent Bilingual students, including lessons in Spanish
• Provide equity and access with personalized learning, multimodal tools, and accessible lessons
• Assess students and gather learning insights through formative assessment artifacts to make data-informed decisions, differentiate, and personalize learning
• Engage families as learning partners with inclusive communication tools, including Spanish translation
When I began using Seesaw, it really helped me to hear and get inside students’ thinking and figure out where the breakdowns were. This allowed me POWERFUL insights that I could then use to diagnose misunderstandings and make decisions on what exactly I needed to do to help a student move forward. It helped me to be the BEST teacher I could be in meeting students’ instructional needs.
- Katherine, Instructional Technology Specialist, Texas
Supplement Your Core Curriculum and Beyond
The Seesaw Library is filled with PreK-6 lessons to support core instruction, acceleration, intervention and differentiated learning. Ready-to-teach lessons built with Seesaw’s engaging multimodal learning tools help educators deliver evidence-based, standardsaligned instruction. Lessons include everything educators need to teach with confidence, including:
• Scope and Sequence
• Lesson Plans
• Assessments
• Practice Activities
• Implementation Guides
• Printable Handouts
• Instructional Resources
• Standard & Curriculum Alignments
Deep Learning Insights & Progress Monitoring
• School and District dashboards to measure performance against standards
• Auto-graded Formative Assessment
• Digital portfolios capture year-over-year progress
• Streamline IEP and 504 documentation
Premium Instructional Tools
• Multimodal tools foster creative expression help students show what they know
• A variety of activity options empower students of all ages and abilities to collaborate, build, and reflect
• Balance online and handson learning

Inclusive Communication Tools
• Connected families get a real-time view of student work
• Share class and buildingwide announcements and updates
• Message families about student growth, progress, and proficiency
• Voice and text options for comments and feedback Evidence Based & Industry Award Winning
Translate text into 100+ languages

Seesaw Instruction & Insights
A New Tier of Seesaw
Actionable Insights at the School & District Level
New dashboards provide deeper visibility into engagement on Seesaw and performance on standards.

Engagement Dashboard

Set District-Wide Standards and Rating Scales for Consistency
Now users will only see the standards and rating options set by the district throughout Seesaw.

Learning Insights Dashboard

Organize the School & District Library to Meet Your Needs
Curate instructional sequences with new bulk tools to bring your scope and sequence into Seesaw. Save teachers time and align with your initiatives by providing high-quality content in a space they already utilize.
Control Contributor Permissions

by Subject, Grade, Theme, Curriculum Alignments
Premium Instruction and Assessment Tools

Plus new integrations support a streamlined implementation!

Focus Mode alows teachers to limit the amount of tools on the canvas Reading Fluency Assessment
Capture accuracy, words correct per minute, omissions and more!

Custom, flippable tiles

A new free response option for formative assessments Read aloud with word-by-word highlights
Supplemental Curriculum Packages
Seesaw Early Literacy* Seesaw ELD*
• PreK-2 Content in English & Spanish
• 500+ Lessons
• Covers phonemic awareness and phonics skills, letter identification and recognition, sight word practice and fluency
• Utilizes the new premium tools & assessments

*Packages available for Seesaw Instruction & Insights subscriptions
• K-5
• 450+ lessons to start
• Three levels of lessons in Math, Science, Social Studies and Language Arts

• Our multimodal tools give students a safe place to listen, speak, read, and write with built-in scaffolds that allow them to access grade-level content knowledge and skills

English Language Development

Developmentally appropriate lessons can be flexibly taught through various ELD model, with language supports and modeling that make the content accessible to emergent bilingual students at all levels of language proficiency.
The package includes
• Lesson plans
• Teacher Guide for implementation
Seesaw Instruction & Insights
Supplemental Curriculum Package
Seesaw ELD provides K-5 emergent bilingual students with scaffolded opportunities to practice reading, writing, listening, and speaking English in the context of over 480 ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies lessons.
With Seesaw’s multimodal tools, emergent bilingual learners have a safe space to learn, practice and build confidence while honoring their strengths and experiences.

3 Levels of Language Acquisition per Lesson

• Resource Guide to align with your specific content area needs and ELD model
Follows the ELPS framework and developed with language & content experts
• Dr. Kia McDaniel
• Dr. Adria Klein
• Dr. Ebony Shockley
• Dr. Tamar Posner
• Dr. Tahira DuPree Chase
The Seesaw Difference
Teachers Students
Communicate with families in 100+ languages
Collaborate with coteachers, support staff, and families
Create student groups for easy differentiation
Access multiple ways to model, practice, reflect on, and use new language skills
Hear themselves, reflect, and develop their English language skills
Validated by industry-leading third-party LearnPlatform as an evidence-based intervention. Our dedication to inclusivity is exemplified through the awarding of the CAST-UDL through Digital Promise.

Seesaw helps prepare emergent bilingual students for the TELPAS observational assessments with lessons and activities that promote listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Listening and speaking are core components of English language acquisition and the TELPAS, but can be difficult to support and practice in the classroom. Seesaw’s multimodal tools for student response and ready-to-teach lessons with audio support provide high-quality instructional resources for teachers to create, modify, or use engaging lessons and assessments in preparation for the listening and speaking portions of the TELPAS.
• Listening + Speaking Support: Audio tools allow students to listen to instructions, questions, and passages and verbally record responses. Smart shapes, like our Frames, support students with speaking and encourage reflection and explanation.
• Save Lesson Planning Time: Lessons and activities can be easily created or edit existing lessons to mirror questions featured on TELPAS.
• Showcase Growth with Student Portfolios: Student work is created and stored in a digital portfolio that follows students from year to year, documenting growth over time.
• Share Lessons and Activities Across Classrooms: Schools and districts can create, curate, and share TELPAS preparation lessons and activities in customized libraries.*

Monitor the progress of their ELD program Make data-driven decisions with school and district level dashboards

Character Building
PK-5 Registro diario de sentimientos
K-2 Las sesiones de Mind Yeti
Early Literacy & English Language Arts
PK-TK-K Fonemas fantásticos*
PK-TK La tierra de la alfabetización
K-1 Fonética fenomenal*
K-2 Bloques de poder: artes del lenguaje
English Language Arts
PK-5 Libros de ficción
3-5 Libros de no ficción
PK-TK La pradera de matemáticas
K Números en el espacio
K-2 Bloques de poder: las matemáticas
K-2 Calendario de matemáticas
The Seesaw Library Spanish Content
Seesaw drives academic gains for Emergent Bilingual students at all levels! Educators can access TEKS and ELPS aligned activities that encourage students to engage in joyful learning experiences in order to practice listening, speaking, reading, and writing! Seesaw is the ideal tool for Dual Language Programs and ESL Programs across Texas. Whether preparing for the TELPAS or STAAR, Seesaw is here to support your students, educators, administrators, and families!

Seesaw Essentials
PK-TK-5 Creando una cultura escolar
PK-TK-5 Herramientas de Seesaw 101
PK-TK-5 Verificaciones de comprensión
PK-TK-5 Plantillas de instrucción
Summer Learning
PK-TK Preparándose para el kínder K-5 Aprendizaje durante el verano
Seesaw Makes It Easy for Texas Schools and Districts To:
• Deliver lessons that are asset based to support emergent bilingual learners
• Implement lessons created with a transadaptive lens to include appropriate cultural, visual, audio and text elements
• Deliver high quality instruction aligned to TEKS and ELPS
• Provide ready-to-assign, engaging activities to prepare students for STAAR and TELPAS in the areas of reading, writing, listening, and speaking
• Deliver content for Emergent Bilingual students, including lessons in Spanish
• Provide equity and access with personalized learning, multimodal tools, and accessible lessons
• Assess students and gather learning insights through formative assessment artifacts to make data-informed decisions, differentiate, and personalize learning
• Engage families as learning partners with inclusive communication tools, including Spanish translation
Get Your Students STAAR Ready with
Regular practice with Seesaw’s multimodal tools gives students the testtaking practice and foundational skills they need to navigate “STAARstyle” questions.
Formative assessment tools provide more opportunities for students to practice question types that may appear on standardized tests using a platform they are already familiar with.
Create your own questions or choose from hundreds of ready-to-assign TEKS-aligned PreK-6 lessons in the Seesaw Library. Formative assessment question types

Types Also Supported by Seesaw

20 Ways to Use Seesaw
in Your School
Find Ready-to-Teach Lessons Aligned to Your Standards & Curriculum
Use filters or search by standard and curriculum alignment to find high-quality, engaging lessons that span all subjects PreK-6 in The Seesaw Library.
Bring Whole Class Instruction to Life
‘Present to Class’ mode makes it easy to model a concept, facilitate daily routines, and make guided practice interactive!
Easily Differentiate for All Students, Including SPED, RTI, IEPs, & 504s
Create flexible student groups for intervention and enrichment, then easily modify and assign activities to groups for easy progress monitoring. Capture evidence of learning over time in one place.
Go Beyond Traditional Assessments
Expand the ways students show what they know beyond traditional paper and pencil using intuitive multimodal tools - options to draw, collage, speak, record a video, and more!
Ideas: Students record themselves for reading inventories, students share out final drafts and projects with audio added for their authentic audience.
Support Multilingual Learners with Built-In Scaffolds
Make content accessible by adding audio directions, supporting visuals, or record videos to model and demo tasks. Plus! 600+ lessons in Spanish, lessons to build common English vocabulary, and a full English Language Development Solution* available to add-on.
Capture and Extend Hands-On Learning
Take a photo or video of any assignment, from math manipulatives to art projects, then have students use the multimodal tools to add explanation and reflection.
Provide Your District Scope and Sequence in Seesaw*
Already have content your teachers use? Make it easy-to-find and easy-to-track progress by entering it into the School & District Library.
Digital Portfolios
Capture evidence of student learning over time with year-over-year connected portfolios. Keep online and hands-on learning in one, digital place!
Communicate with Families
Whether you are sending a school-wide announcement, or messaging a family one-on-one, Seesaw makes it easy to engage families in the learning process in the same place they view student work! Text translates into 100+ languages, allowing schools to engages families with in their home-language.
Collect Work for Conferences
Whether student-led or teacher-driven, students can collect examples of their work in folders and reflect on each piece within Seesaw. Classes can even use the highlights folder to showcase exemplar work.
Target High-Needs Instruction:
Phonics, Early Literacy, Transitional Kindergarten, and More!
The Seesaw Library contains research-based lessons created by curriculum experts. Curated collections are carefully and intentionally designed for the target age groups ensuring delivery and practice meet students at their appropriate level. Optional add-on packages such as Early Literacy* provide all you need to target key areas.
With site-wide standards and new learning insights dashboards*, schools and districts can support standards-based grading in Seeaw and monitor progress against standards.
Entrance and Exit Tickets
Combine the time-savings of auto-grading with the power of Seesaw’s multimodal tools. Use our question generator, or spin up your own then quickly get a pulse on student understanding to target support.
Implement Your Daily Routines
Whether you are using a Seesaw created activity like Calendar Math or Daily Feelings Check In, Seesaw is the perfect place to have students start the day.
Prepare Students for Online Testing
Seesaw’s multimodal tools help students practice common question types found on digital highstakes tests in a safe, low-stakes environment. With tools like highlight, drag-and-drop, and more students build confidence in navigating online questions so the technology does not become a barrier at test time.
Build Classroom Community
Have students complete an introductory video to get to know their classmates before the school year or class begins!
Provide Feedback From Anywhere
All student work, online and offline, can be captured in Seesaw so teachers can assess and provide feedback during prep, at home, or on-the-go. Feedback travels with the student and can be visible to families.
Student Voice and Choice
With Seesaw’s multimodal tools students can choose the format that fits their learning style - with options to draw and record, students quite literally put their voice to their creations.
Engage Families as Partners
Provide families with continuous visibility into their child’s learning experience to support and celebrate their learning in connected journals. With the ability to leave audio and text comments, like student work, and more - they become part of the learning experience.
Flexible Implementations
Seesaw works in a variety of settings - whole group, stations, independent work, etc - so it is the perfect tool for year-round use. Implement it into your core instruction throughout the year, address learning loss, and continue use for summer learning!