Teacher Implementation Guide Feelings Every Day

Feelings Every Day provides students with an opportunity to deeply learn about the various feelings and emotions they might experience. Each book discusses when a feeling might arise, how it may manifest, and strategies one can try. The books are followed by activities that encourage students to reflect on how they experience a feeling and opportunities to practice different strategies when managing a feeling.

Best Practices

Introduce: These illustrated books are a great opportunity to introduce to the class at any point of the school year and can serve as a wonderful resource to ground discussions in normalizing the wide range of feelings students may feel.
Support: Use the Practice, Connect, and Show What You Know activities to allow the class to explore each feeling in more depth. These activities provide opportunities for students to recognize how they may experience a feeling, identify ways they can support a classmate, and come up with a plan for themselves when they experience a stronger feeling.
Choose: The Choose section features an interactive choice board designed to walk individual students through various strategies to help manage some of their stronger feelings. Assign this portion of the lesson individually any time you feel a student can use help reaching their calm center.

Remember, if you find that a student needs extra support please reach out to school counselors, and utilize any other school resource needed.

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