Seesaw offers a service that allows districts to partner with curriculum experts to turn their scope and sequence into a customizable library of supplemental lessons that align with their core curriculum pacing, standards, and content. Our curriculum team can take your curriculum or custom district scope and sequence and turn it into a resource like the sample alignment crosswalk pictured below. Learn more here!
Sample Unit 1, Module A Example
ReadyGEN ELA Scope & Sequence

Follows Scope & Sequence Structure
Pertinent Curriculum information is carried over into Seesaw
Explore an Aligned Seesaw Lesson
ReadyGEN ELA Scope & Sequence
Unit 1, Module A

Seesaw School & District Library Alignment

Targeted supplemental lesson selections that best fit learning objectives & standards covered in the unit
Standard Assessed
RL.2.6: Acknowledge differences in the points of view of characters, including by speaking in a different voice for each character when reading dialogue aloud.
Instructional Recommendation
Use this lesson during whole or small group instruction to review one of the unit’s essential questions, “How do readers understand a character’s point of view?”
Seesaw Lesson
Power Blocks ELA:
How Do I Identify the First-Person and Third-Person Point of Views? Click to Explore