Login as an Administrator
When you are first added as an Administrator in Seesaw, you will receive an email to activate your Admin account. Click the link in the email to create an account or to activate Admin privileges on your existing Teacher or Family account.
After you have activated your Admin account:

Navigate to app.seesaw.me while on a computer
Click ‘I’m a Seesaw for Schools Administrator’
Follow prompts to log in

Do you need Administrator access to Seesaw?
Seesaw Administrators can view and manage data for their School(s) and/or District in Seesaw.
If you need school-level Admin access, existing school or district Admin can add you with these steps. Once you’re added, sign in using these steps.
If you need district-level Admin access, an existing district Admin can add you with these steps.
Create Classes, Add Teachers and Students
Seesaw Administrators can import class information in bulk. Teacher and student accounts are created and updated through bulk class creation. We offer three bulk class creation options: CSV Import, Clever, and ClassLink. Click here to learn more!
Copy & Paste Class Data for a School from your SIS into the Seesaw Roster Template
Save the Template as a .csv File
Navigate to the School’s Dashboard in Seesaw
Follow the Prompts in the ‘Import and Edit Class Rosters’ Tool to Import the .csv
Request Seesaw in Clever*
Edit Your Clever Sharing Rules*
Log into Seesaw as an Administrator
From the District Admin Dashboard, click ‘Manage Roster Sync’
Click ‘Sync All Schools’
Add Seesaw as an App in Roster Server*
Edit Your Sharing Rules in ClassLink*
Log into Seesaw as an Administrator
From the District Admin Dashboard, click ‘Manage Roster Sync’
Click ‘Sync All Schools’
*Step required for initial set-up only
NOTE: Only District purchases that cover more than one school campus are eligible to use Clever/ClassLink.
Want to use Google Classroom or have your teachers create classes?
Make sure your teachers are connected to your Seesaw School Dashboard
Add Teachers with Existing Seesaw Accounts by following these steps
Create accounts for teachers to who don’t have them:
• Navigate to the Teachers tab on your School Dashboard
• Click ‘Add Individual Teacher’
• Follow the prompts to create an account for a teacher
Have teachers create their classes in Seesaw using one of these methods
Connect Your School Community
Your Admin Dashboard is your virtual portal into your school. Use it to control schoolwide settings for use; create a culture of learning by inviting family members to connect; and interact personally with the learning happening in your school.
Manage Settings
From your School Dashboard, click the gear icon in the upper right corner to access your settings menu.
Schoolwide Settings
Set schoowide defaults for important class and account settings or let teachers decide.
Messages Settings
Decide which user types in your school can use private messaging and who they can private message. Note: District Admins can also set Messages Settings for their entire district. These settings do not impact a teacher or administrator’s ability to send class or school announcements.
Invite Family Members
Teachers can invite family members of students in their Seesaw class
Admin can invite family members in bulk for the entire school!
Districts using Clever or ClassLink to create classes can enable Family Syncing by reaching out to their Seesaw Account Manager
Interact with Your School
From the School Admin Dashboard: virtually visit classes, like and comment on student work, and identify which of your teachers are part of a Seesaw Professional Learning Community
From the District Dashboard: visit any school in your district, see a district-wide summary, and manage district settings. Clever/ClassLink districts can also access their Roster Sync Dashboard.