Reading Fluency Assessment
Seesaw Instruction & Insights
Quickly understand student progress on literacy skills, like word identification and reading fluency. AI-powered assessments analyze student reading samples, providing actionable insights to move learning forward.
Simplify Student Reading Samples
Students are prompted to record themselves reading independently, giving teachers more time back to target support.
Ready-to-assign passages are available in the Seesaw Early Literacy curriculum package
Teachers can add their own passages to create custom assessments
Mix and match reading fluency with other formative assessment types in a single activity
Learning Insights to Target Support and Guide Instruction
Reading Fluency tracks key metrics, like percent of words correct, words correct per minute, word additions, word removals, and more.
Class level reporting helps teachers see trends across the entire class
Student reading samples and detailed reporting are available at the single student level
Share student reading samples with families to monitor progress over time together