The Seesaw Leadership Council
Council Overview

The Seesaw Leadership Council is a partnership between Seesaw Learning and leading administrators that contributes to the evolution of Seesaw with an opportunity to impact the tools in the hands of hundreds of thousands of teachers and millions of students nationwide.
Members of the Seesaw Leadership Council are experienced administrators at the leading edge of trends, opportunities, and challenges in PreK-6 education. They are experts, advocates, frequent speakers at educational conferences, and are eager to collaborate and share.
Our mission is to ensure that our award-winning PreK-6 education platform works in real classrooms by continually soliciting input from a community of administrators who wish to shape the direction of high quality programs in PreK and elementary education.
Seesaw Leadership Council Benefits:
Administrators have the opportunity to…
• Grow your administrator network and impact.
• Gain access to Seesaw leadership and inside perspectives on trends in instructional technology and education.
• Interact, collaborate, and gain insights from other administrators across the nation.
• Attend in-person and virtual events, author content, and participate in discussions to grow your presence and influence.
• Be featured in a school success story or webinar for Seesaw.
• Participate in beta testing and pilots of new platform features and curriculum.
Seesaw Leadership Council Requirements:
Administrators participating must…
• Currently be employed as a full-time administrator in a K12 public, private, or charter school and a current Seesaw customer.
• Commit to a one-year term.
• Participate in three virtual meetings, one each quarter.
• Share the benefits and impact with other districts considering Seesaw and serve as a reference site.
• Contribute to a case study, event, blog post, or webinar annually.
For questions please contact Seesaw Leadership Council Administrator: Angela Gadtke, Seesaw Community Founder Email: