What is Seesaw (CAN ENG Condensed)

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The Learning Experience Platform That Transforms Primary Instruction

Trusted and


by 25 Million Educators, Students, and Families

Seesaw is the only learning platform designed to meet the unique needs of the primary classroom. Seesaw combines award-winning multimodal tools, student portfolios, family communication, and in-depth reports that support joyful, inclusive learning experiences.

Seesaw keeps everyone in the learning loop with continuous visibility into the student learning experience to support and celebrate their learning.



What I love most about my experience with Seesaw is connecting families so they have a window into the classroom and can be active partners in their child’s education. I also love the opportunity for student agency and students sharing their learning.



Schools & Districts Use Seesaw For

Instruction: Use the power of Seesaw to elevate the instruction already happening in class. Multimodal tools encourage student voice and choice, allow for flexible teaching models (front-of-class, centers/stations, independent work).

Family Engagement: Engage families in the learning process through inclusive two-way communication with text translation options in 100+ languages. Families gain insight into their student’s work and a window into the classroom.

Digital Portfolios: Capture learning completed within and outside of Seesaw through digital portfolios that showcase daily, quarterly, and yearly student growth.

Assessment & Data-Driven Decisions: Routinely assess student learning to glean meaningful insights into their understanding and make data-informed instructional decisions. Schools can also create custom auto-graded formative assessments with detailed reports.

Accessible & Differentiated Learning: Enable developmentally appropriate, accessible, and differentiated instruction to reach and engage all learners, and meet legal requirements for Multilingual Learners and Special Education students. Schools can support Individual Education accommodations and paperwork.

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