Teacher Implementation Guide Highlights

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Highlights bring the learning journey to life with interactive po journal pages! These portfolios guide students to take pride an work while developing active awareness of their learning. Highlights provide meaningful insight into students as learners, deepen students' reflections, and capture both growth and mastery of skills.

Best Practices

Conferences & Open House: Instruct students to create these Portfolios to showcase their work to their classmates and families. Invite these supporters to leave comments and stickers to celebrate student work. Use the Teacher Feedback section to share individualized praise and meaningful insights.
Formative Assessment: Utilize the Pages after mini-lessons or for weekly exit tickets to check for student understanding. Analyze student data to inform future instruction.
Reflect Over Time: Assign the Portfolio four times throughout the year to help students reflect on their growth. Have students save their Portfolios or Pages in the Highlights folder for easy access and organization.

Year Over Year Growth: Share the Highlights folder with other teachers to provide insight into students as learners.

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