Visual Data Talks
Teacher Implementation Guide

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Data talks are short classroom discussions that develop d Slow-reveal graphs on fun topics engage students in interacting with and creating different types of visual data. With the help of Hops, the bunny mathematician, students learn to navigate our data-filled world by seeing and making sense of the data all around them.
What do you think this means?

What do you wonder?
Best Practices
What do you think will happen next?

What does this data tell you?

No expertise required. Students (and teachers) do not need any previous understanding of the specific types of data displayed in this Collection. Each Lesson embraces uncertainty and discussion.
First, discuss data as a class. Students discuss the data they see as it is slowly revealed. As more data is added, students build upon their previous understanding. Each discussion takes about 10 to 15 minutes.

Then, students create data. After the class discussion, students complete activities to collect, create, and make sense of their own data visuals.
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