What's My Job?
Teacher Implementation Guide

What’s My Job allows students to become powerful readers of by immersing themselves in the story of a real person in an exciting 21st century career. Students make connections to what they are reading and experiencing in the text right on the page by using Seesaw’s multimodal learning tools. Students conduct investigations, build critical background knowledge and make connections between the academic skills they are learning in school and how those skills are used in real world jobs. Click
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Best Practices

Learning Journey: Each e-book is intended to be an immersive learning journey in which students can spend several days diving into different elements of each highlighted job. Align these activities with units of study, or assign as a project- based learning opportunity in order to give students the full interactive experience of each highlighted job.
2nd Grade: Read the book out loud whole class and work with students either whole class, in small groups or independently to complete the activities.

3rd- 5th Grade: Introduce the lesson whole class with the audio clues on page 3 and then assign the activities for independent practice, small groups or partner-work.
First time assigning a lesson? Check out this guide to learn tips and tricks to make implementing Seesaw a breeze! For additional help view our free trainings to learn more about Seesaw.